TITLE: Forbidden Love AUTHOR: Ann Duncan FEEDBACK: Duncan@pnc.com.au STANDARD DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders don't belong to the author, but to MGM/UA Television, Ed Spielman and Josh Kane. I'm just borrowing them. No copyright infringement intended. Forbidden Love By Ann Duncan "Lou, I want Kid to accompany you on this run." "Teaspoon, how many times do I have to tell you, I can look after myself!" "I know you can Lou, it ain't you I'm worried about. It's a very important document you're gonna be carryin' and I think it'll be safer with two guns," said the old man. "Teaspoon, I won't go with Kid," said Lou firmly. "Don't you think all this silliness and fighting between the two of you should stop. The run is a perfect opportunity to put it all behind you," ventured Teaspoon. Ike, Buck and Noah were standing by and upon hearing this tried to hide their grins. None of them would dare say something like that to Lou. She was fuming. "Teaspoon, it ain't your concern and there's no way you can make me go with him because I just won't," she protested. "All right Lou, you win," said Teaspoon, "you can go with Noah". "Only if he stops smirking," she said, glaring in his direction. The glare hit him like poison arrows. "Whatever you say boss... Oh I mean Lou," replied Noah with a grin. Lou stormed off to the bunkhouse and Ike , Buck and Noah finally let go and laughed out loud. Teaspoon looked at them and chuckled a little and looked at them with one eyebrow raised. "Sometimes I gotta wonder who's boss around here too." When Lou arrived back in the bunkhouse, Kid was there. He glared at Lou, he was still angry with her. A week earlier he had seen her hugging Jimmy. She swore it was just a gesture of their friendship but Kid wasn't convinced. Jimmy and he came to blows and Kid emerged the victor although it didn't make him feel much better. Jimmy was doing double duty and generally laying low for a while until Kid cooled off. Lou had tried to convince Kid that it was innocent but he wouldn't believe her. Lou then informed him that if he didn't trust her, then it was over. The Kid agreed and he was still a little too angry to start regretting it. "You needn't worry Kid," said Lou bitterly, "you don't have to come on the run to Hammondville with me. I'm going with Noah." "That suits me just fine," he answered quickly. He softened a little and added, "Have a safe ride." "She looked at him with surprise, "I will Kid." Just then Noah entered the room. "That's the nicest thing I've heard the two of you say to each other all week," he said. "Just get your things Noah and let's go." "OK, boss," he replied with a wink. "Will you quit that!" she said, giving him a gentle punch in the arm. "I'll meet you outside," she left the room half-smiling. Noah looked at Kid and said, "Be careful of the wrath of Lou." "You're tellin' me," said Kid. "See yah Noah, look after yourself.. and Lou." "Will do Kid". Noah went outside and Lou had the horses ready. They were just about to depart when Teaspoon approached. "I don't need to remind you that this delivery is very important, you're to give them to no one but Sheriff Duke of Hammondville," he said earnestly. "He's an old friend of mine and you can trust him. It's a list of suspected corrupt judges who have been letting off southern sympathizers in exchange for money," he told them. "Oh Boy!" said Noah. "Something tells me that this is going to be one long ride." "Take care." said Teaspoon. Lou and Noah said they would and rode off. Although it was still fairly early in the morning, it was already hot and the trail was dusty. The horses were slower than usual because of the heat. Lou and Noah rode in silence. Neither felt much like talking because every time they tried, their mouths would fill with flying dirt. They eventually stopped at a stream to water their horses. They both bent down for a drink and to wash their faces. The cool water and shade put them in a better mood. "I don't see any signs of anyone following us," said Noah. "Let's just hope it stays that way." "As a precaution. I think we should spend the night in Granville," said Lou, referring to a nice little town that was in between Rock Creek and Hammondville. "Good idea," agreed Noah. He hadn't been there before but he was feeling quite nervous about their run. It would be easier to spot any unusual activity in a small town. "It'll be nice and quiet but I think we should leave for Hammondville before first light." "OK," she agreed. Both Lou and Noah had a knack for avoiding trouble and attention when it was necessary. Lou was enjoying his company and she told him so. "The others can be so exasperating, they never want my input or let me make decisions," she complained. "You're referring to Kid, aren't you?" "No, I'm talking about all of them except you and Buck and maybe Ike." "Well that's only half of us that are exasperating, that's not so bad. All of them exasperate me," said Noah in jest. "Why are you three different?" Lou asked. "I guess it's because we know what it's like to not count, to be ignored." he said. She looked at him, surprised by such a thoughtful and accurate answer. "I think you're right," she said. "Sorry about snapping at you before Noah." "That's OK, I'm sorry I laughed at you." He chuckled and they mounted and rode on towards Granville. They arrived just before sunset. "Where should we stay?" asked Noah. "There's only two hotels," answered Lou, "Let's try the cheapest." They tied the horses outside and entered the hotel. "Good evening sir, two rooms please," said Lou. "Sure he said," looking up from his newspaper. He saw Noah and fumbled with the register in front of him. "Actually boys, I made a mistake, we're all full up." Noah looked at him, then at Lou. He was used to this sort of thing happening and it never ceased to annoy him. He decided to keep his cool because he could see by the man's face that he wouldn't relent. "Evening sir," he said tipping his hat. Lou followed him out. She was angry about what had taken place but she trusted Noah's instincts. They walked out together. "Funny how there's never any vacancies when a man like me walks into a small town," he said dryly. "I guess that kind of thing happens all the time doesn't it?" she said, already knowing the answer. They entered the second hotel. "Sorry, no Negroes allowed in this establishment," said the Clerk. "But this is a free state!" spat Lou angrily. "It may be a free state laddy but this is my hotel. It's got a reputation to uphold and I don't want the likes of him sleeping in my beds," he said with a nod in Noah's direction. "But I bet you don't mind the likes of me making your beds or serving you dinner now do you?" said Noah, eyeing him with equal disgust. "That's right!" said the man. "And if I had my way, I wouldn't be paying them neither." Upon hearing this, Lou practically jumped up on the desk but Noah restrained her. "I wouldn't spit in here," she informed him. The man stood up and put a hand on the gun that was lying on the counter. "Please leave and don't come back," he told them sternly. Noah had to practically drag Lou out. She was really fired up. "Don't you just want to shake some sense into him?" she asked. "At least he's honest about it, that fella at the first place annoyed me more. Besides Lou, there ain't no point gettin' angry. You can't change the way a man thinks by yellin' at him. Anyway, we've got documents to deliver and we don't need any trouble." "That ain't the Noah I know talkin'," she challenged, "The Noah I know fights every single time." "Yeah, yeah, but it ain't just me who would get into trouble. What's more important Lou? Confrontin' him or delivering these documents?" Lou didn't answer. She admired Noah and she knew he was right. He wasn't like the other boys. He thought things through instead of acting on his impulses. She sighed. "What do we do now?" she asked. "We'll set up camp just out of town, I doubt anyone will object to that." They rode out a little way and set up camp. Lou got busy collecting wood and Noah got the food ready. Lou smiled as she gathered the wood because she knew that Noah saw her as an equal. They sat down and shared a can of beans and bread. "There sure are a lot of stars out here tonight, it sure is nicer than some stuffy hotel room," commented Lou. "Yeah, it is, isn't it? Although I don't know about the food," he answered. "The stars make me feel really small," Lou said pensively. They sat together in silence for a while and finished their meal. Lou was looking at the stars but Noah was looking at her. "Lou," he said, breaking the silence, "Do you think it's over between you and Kid?" he daringly asked. She looked at him. "I just can't believe that after all this time he still doesn't trust me," she said in a hurt tone. "Aw, he's just jealous Lou." "Well he doesn't have anything to be jealous about," she said. "Doesn't he?" "No he doesn't Noah," she said emphatically. "There was a time when I entertained the thought of having Jimmy as more than a friend but that's all they were, thoughts." "I think there was a time when he had those same thoughts," ventured Noah. "Yeah, maybe he did but I realized that it would be better if he was just my friend." "So Kid is the only man for you?" "I'm not so sure of that anymore either. Everything's so confusin'. Why can't it be simple with no complications like it is here with you?" "I guess it's because practically every man you meet falls in love with you," suggested Noah. Lou giggled and snuggled up close to him. "Well you never fell in love with me did you Noah?" she said half joking but half serious. She looked at him and the expression in his eyes filled her with a sudden tension. "A man like me isn't allowed to fall in love with a woman like you," he told her. "You can't choose who you fall for Noah." "No, but you can control it Lou. Especially if there are complications." Lou was feeling nervous at their closeness. "Noah, what are you saying?" "Lou, you must know that ever since...." "Shhhh," she said. "I hear something." She sat up and realized that there was something or someone in the bushes nearby. "Don't move a muscle," said a man's voice. Lou and Noah obeyed. They were just out of reach of their guns and they could tell that there was more than one person. Sure enough, two men came out of the bushes. One was small and dirty with a beard. The other was rather large but clean-shaven. They both had guns. "I don't know if I've ever seen anything like it," said the smaller man, "A black boy and a white boy carryin' on like man and wife!" "I-It's g-gonna make it easier to k-k-kill 'em that's for sure," stuttered the large man. "We know you're the pony express riders. Where are the papers?" the other demanded, grabbing Lou and putting a gun to her head. Noah felt the other man jab a rifle into his back. He looked into Lou's eyes and he knew that they had to make a move pretty early or they were dead. "In my back pocket," lied Noah. "S-s-stand up boy, r-real-slow like," ordered the larger man. Noah stood slowly and wondered exactly what he was going to do to get the both of them out of this alive. "Mr., I'm a girl, Please don't hurt me!" shrilled Lou in her best damsel-in-distress voice. Noah used the distraction to turn and grab the rifle butt from the man behind him. It didn't go as cleanly as he'd hoped and the man dived on him. A struggle ensued. Lou's captor, in all the commotion, removed the gun from her head and aimed it at Noah. Lou didn't hesitate to push him as hard as she could. He didn't fall over but he dropped the gun and grabbed her roughly around the shoulders. She kneed him in the groin. He doubled over in pain and she dove for the gun, grabbed it, and rolled over and aimed it at him all in one swift move. She glanced at Noah who, although fighting valiantly, was struggling with the much larger man. He was on top of Noah and had a knife. It was clear that he couldn't hold on for much longer. The bearded man, realizing Lou was distracted, plunged towards her and she had no choice but to shoot him. It was a fatal wound. She heard another a guttural scream and spun around to see that Noah had stabbed the other man. They tried to come to his assistance but it was no use. Lou cried as she heard him in the last throes of life. Noah came to her and hugged her tightly. "We had no choice Lou." "I know," she said. Neither of them felt good about the killings but they knew that it sometimes came with the job. "What should we do?" asked Noah. "I don't think it's a good idea to ride back to Granville, the documents are obviously hot property and they probably wouldn't take our word about what happened here anyway." Lou thought about it for a minute. "You're right," she agreed, "I think we should just head for Hammondville but we'd better go quickly. If anyone discovers the bodies they'll send a lynch mob out after us." "Then we'd better leave now and get some distance from here before morning. We'll explain everything to sheriff Duke when we get to Hammondville." Noah leaned over the fire to put it out. "Noah!" said Lou., "you're bleeding." Noah looked down. "He must have cut me with that knife." "Let me have a look," said Lou with genuine panic in her voice. She unbuttoned his shirt but the wound was superficial and a quick rinse with water fixed it up. "I would just die if anything happened to you Noah." "I really admire the way you handled yourself Lou. We could have easily died tonight. You're very... you're a very special girl... woman I mean." Noah stopped talking, realizing that he was making a fool of himself. Lou looked up at him. She was relieved he wasn't hurt. She blushed at his words and at the sight of him with his shirt off. It wasn't like it was the first time she'd seen his bare chest but.... well. She couldn't explain it, even to herself. She could sense that her relationship with Noah was changing. She was just glad that the darkness hid her red cheeks. She was feeling very awkward when Noah broke the silence. "We'd better be going Lou," he said, putting his shirt back on. "I have an idea Noah." To his surprise she started to undress. His eyes practically leapt out of his head and he felt a stirring in him. Could Lou possibly feel the same way he did? "Turn around Noah, quit looking at me!" Her words made him realize how unlikely it was. He turned his back to her. "The way I see it, they'll be looking for two male express riders not for a man and a woman. I brought a dress with me." "You brought a dress?" "Yeah, I always try and bring one on long trips to big towns. I need to dress up sometimes and be Louise instead of Lou. You can turn back around now." Noah turned and looked at her. She looked like a different person in a dress. She was breathtaking. "You look wonderful," he told her. She fascinated him. "Let's go Noah," she answered, not acknowledging his compliment. She had heard it and it made her smile. She loved seeing people's reactions when they saw her in a dress. It felt nice to be considered attractive because sometimes she didn't feel that way. They rode quickly together in silence, hoping their horses could take it as they hadn't had much of a rest. They were both thinking. Thinking about the men they had killed and about what had occurred directly before that. Lou was confused. Was Noah about to confess that he loved her? She had never had any indication from him before that that was how he felt. Had she misinterpreted him? She couldn't deny that Noah was special. Yes he was handsome, all the boys were. Noah was different. He truly felt she was an equal. She also found him to be a little more articulate and educated than the other boys. She tried to convince herself that she had never thought about him in a romantic way, at least not more than a passing thought, but the fact was that when she looked into his eyes earlier, she felt something. Was it love? She loved him as a friend. It confused her because she knew that she had felt something more for him just now. She supposed it was desire. Not wicked but a deep an honest kind of longing. How could she feel that way? What about the Kid? It was ridiculous for her even to think these kind of thoughts. She tried to push them out of her mind but it didn't help that Noah was riding right beside her. Noah was trying to get Lou out of his mind too. He felt guilty for taking such a stupid risk. No one, not even Buck or Jimmy, knew that he was in love with her. He was a master of disguise. He had only known her for a few months. He wasn't in love with her immediately. It came on gradually and he couldn't pin-point the exact moment when he knew that he loved her. She was unlike any other woman. So strong, so brave, so unique. He never found it easy to make himself vulnerable to someone and he knew that Lou was out of the question. He had promised himself to never mention it to anyone and tonight he had almost blown it. He suspected that she could never love him the way he loved her. The sun slowly rose and they started to feel a little safer. That feeling soon left when they saw dust gathering on the horizon. Four riders were approaching. "Stay calm Lou," said Noah but he was talking more to himself. "Put your hands in the air where we can see 'em," they ordered. Lou and Noah obeyed. Upon seeing Lou, they softened a little. "Good mornin' Ma'am," said the man who appeared to be in charge. "I'm Sheriff Duke". Lou knew that this man was far too young to be the sheriff. He only looked about thirty but the real sheriff was an old friend of Teaspoon's and he must have been at least fifty thought Lou. "Mornin' gentlemen," drawled Lou with a southern accent. "Do you know this here Negro?" he said, glancing at Noah. "Why yes, I own him," she answered. Noah remained silent but he was amazed. Lou always had another trick up her sleeve. "What are you doin' out so early," he said suspiciously. "Well, we were coming from Benton and our buggy broke. There's no fixin' it I'm afraid so we had to camp out," she said with a sweet smile. "We were hopin' to reach Hammondville by noon," said Noah, wisely keeping his eyes fixed on the ground. The men stared at them considering their story. "Have you been through Granville?" one of them asked. "No we're not familiar with these parts at all. We're not from this state. I was just visitin' relatives in Benton," said Lou. She was not sure if they were buying her story. The men seemed satisfied with her explanation and put their arms down. "Well there are a couple of men wanted for murder in these parts," he lied. He was part of a posse who planned to kill the riders and take the list. They had split up looking for them but did not yet know that two of their comrades had been killed by the man and the woman standing right in front of them. "Have you seen anyone about?" "Not a soul since yesterday," she answered. Two could play at this game. "Well then thank you for your assistance ma'am. Be careful out. You're only about an hour's ride from Hammondville." "Y'all have a nice day gentlemen. I do hope you catch those murderers." "We'll do our best ma'am," he said. The men rode off and Noah stared at her is disbelief. "Why you sly little thing! That's the second time you've saved our lives on this run," he had a genuine admiration for her quick mind. "Was I convincin'?" "You almost convinced me boss," and they both burst into laughter. They were relieved that the silence between them had been broken. Lou changed back into her men's clothes just outside of town. When they arrived in Hammondville, they delivered the documents and told the Sheriff what has occurred (they left out the part about Lou being a woman). He promised that he'd sort it all out and arrange for the bodies to be collected and to round up the posse. "Well I must thank you both. You had half the county out looking for you but you still made it here. You've done your country proud sons." "We were just deliverin' the mail," said Noah. "Well you can go and stay at the 'Paragon Hotel' on me, you tell 'em Sheriff Duke sent ya and they'll look after you." Lou and Noah took him up on the offer. He showed them where it was and there was no chance of them being refused entry. Sheriff Duke bid them good-bye and they sat down to eat. They were dirty and hungry. They wolfed down their food (much to the disgust of the other hotel guests) and went upstairs to their rooms. "Good night ,Noah," said Lou, she touched his hand. "It's been good riding with you." "Thanks for saving my life Lou, if you weren't so clever, I doubt we'd be standing here right now." He leaned in toward her and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. She withdrew hurriedly to her room and shut the door behind her. It took her a minute to realize that she was still breathing and she had a sudden desire for him to hold her. She hadn't expected this. She didn't even understand it. Noah had kissed her good-night on many occasions but it had never felt like this. Noah was ruing himself once again. He was weary but his head was filled with what had just happened and with what had happened the previous night. He was finding it harder and harder to keep his feelings in check and he couldn't help but notice that Lou was acting strangely and he wondered what might have happened if those men hadn't shown up the night before. He thought that he'd never have a chance with Lou but now he was beginning to wonder. Lou and Noah did not eat breakfast together and on their return trip was a quiet one. Lou decided that it was silly to not talk and suggested that they camp out again. "I'm never going to stay in Granville again!" Noah grinned at the petite woman. She was so full of light and fire. "Well wherever we go, make sure it's near some water. The horses are pretty thirsty and I could use a swim after ridin' in all that heat." "It was hot wasn't it? she commented, happy that they were talking again. "I know of a river about four miles from here." "Sounds good to me," he replied. When they arrived, they were hot and thirsty and decided to go for a swim in the inviting water. Their eyes met for a second as they realized they had a problem. "You go first Lou, or we could just go in our clothes," suggested Noah. Lou had been thinking about him all night and her curiosity was peaking. "Don't worry about it, Noah," she grinned. "It ain't like I've never seen you naked before. I've seen all you boys naked. I'm sometimes not sleeping as soundly as you think I am." "Why you little Devil!" he exclaimed. Lou quickly stripped off and jumped in the river. Noah hesitated. He was still unsure whether it was perfectly innocent. "Oh what the hell!" he thought, and followed suit. He jumped quickly into the river. Once their modesty was covered by the water, they relaxed again. "Ahh, that feels good," said Noah. and gave a splash in Lou's direction. She returned the favor and giggled. "We sure deserve a little relaxation after the run we've just had," agreed Lou. "Trouble just seems to follow me around," sighed Noah, "but it never feels good to kill a man." "I know," agreed Lou. "I always thought that it was easier to be a man in a man's world but sometimes I'm not so sure." "I see what you mean," said Noah, "but you forgot to say 'a white man's world'." There was an awkward moment of silence as they both pondered this. Their eyes met and Noah could have sworn that he saw something different about the way she looked at him. His insides were doing flips and he heart was beating so loudly that he felt sure that she could hear it. "Who's going to get out first?" he asked her. "Let's do it at the same time. I won't look if you won't." "It's a deal." They quickly got out and dressed but neither of them kept their end of the bargain. They were both stealing glances when they thought the other wasn't looking. Later over dinner, they continued their conversation. "I've been thinking about what I said before, Noah, about how maybe it's easier to be a woman but I was wrong. It's not easy to be told that you can't do what you want or that your opinion isn't worth anything or that you can't earn a living at anything other than a servant, teacher or whore. Why should we have to depend on a husband?" She was getting all worked up. "Who made up those rules anyway?" "The men who benefit from keeping women down would have you believe that you're inferior. Slavery is the same kind of thing in another form. That's the only way they know how to live. It makes them feel important to be in charge," he told her. "I know how it feels not to be listened to, not to count." "How do you deal with it, Noah?" asked Lou. "I just never let myself forget that they are the ones in the wrong. I'm not envious of men who have black hearts and I don't envy their ignorance either. I also know that a man who hates can never truly be happy." Tears formed in Lou's eyes when she thought about all Noah must have been through. All the burdens that he faced every single day. Suddenly a profound feeling of empathy, admiration and compassion filled her heart. It was so overwhelming that she could barely resist the urge to hold him close. "Tell me more about Sally and your family?" she asked him. "Oh Lou, I can't let myself get caught up in that sadness again. They wouldn't want me to. All I know is that I'm here, now, with you, and that this is the only moment that I have." She knew it was true. No day was guaranteed and you never new what would happen in the next hour, or the next minute..... She moved a little closer too him because she had been keeping her distance. "Noah, what were you going to say to me the other night by the fire?" she asked. It had been eating at her. "Never mind Lou," he said, careful not to make eye contact. "You have a lot of secrets, don't you Noah?" "About as many as you do I should imagine," he replied. Their eyes locked once again and this time, neither pulled away. Lou saw the love in his eyes and his stare was looking straight into her soul. "Well now you have one more," she told him as she leaned closer and kissed him gently on the lips. The electricity was overwhelming. They wrapped their arms around each other as the kiss became more and more urgent and intense. Noah, realizing the danger, pushed her away. "No Lou, No. I can't do this to you. This can never be. I can't risk your life for this." "What do you mean?" she asked. She never expected him to push her away. "Imagine what would happen if anyone saw me kissing you, they'd string me up and probably you too," he explained. He'd never wanted anything so badly in his life as right now but he had to think of her. "They would be in the wrong Noah. Their rules are not our rules, if you let them stop you doing things then they win." "Yes, they're in the wrong Lou but the result would be the same. I love you too much to risk that. I've loved you for so long but it's not worth it," he sounded defeated. "Why Noah?, if you love me it's worth it." "Because I know you don't love me Lou, I know you never could." There was silence for a moment. "I know this is all new Noah but I think I do love you. Why is that so hard to believe?" "Because of the Kid." The words hung there in the silence before Noah continued, "Lou not long ago, you went through this with Jimmy. Kid was so angry. Maybe you wanted him to be. Maybe you're just doing this to get back at him or something...." As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he regretted them. She looked like she had been slapped. "How can you think that Noah? It's not like that at all, I feel a connection between us. It's got nothin' to do with Kid or Jimmy. Don't deny that you feel it. I know you do." "I want to believe you Lou but what would he say if he saw you kissing a black man?" "I don't care what he would say," and at that moment she didn't. "It's not a black man I want. I don't see you as 'some black man'. I know you, you're Noah Dixon and I think I love you." He looked into her eyes and saw that she was telling the truth. They embraced then Noah pulled back from her and cupped her tiny face in his large hands. He looked into her brown eyes and she into his. He saw the honesty in her eyes and he knew that she saw him for who he truly was. No other woman had ever looked right through him as she did at that moment. He knew there would be no more struggling with his feelings tonight. He kissed her and this time there was no holding back. She responded with equal vigor and they made love by the fire before nestling in each other's arms. The bliss they felt upon waking the next morning was brief and they both felt a little alarmed at the enormity of the situation. What had they done? They barely said two words as they got dressed. Neither wanted to eat. They set out for Rock Creek. The reality seemed to set in as the sun rose. The night had been magical but daylight made them think about what had transpired in a harsh and rational way. Noah thought about what would happen if anyone were to find out. He also thought about Kid. He couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Kid was his friend and he had betrayed him. Besides, Lou had only said that she thought she loved him last night. It didn't seem to matter at the time but it did now. He looked over at Lou. She had been purposely riding a fair way in front of him practically the whole way. He knew that he loved her and that his love wasn't selfish. He wasn't selfish enough to risk her life just to be with her. He was going to have to control himself or leave the Pony Express. Lou was having the same kind of thoughts. She felt like Eve and the forbidden fruit. Last night all she had wanted was Noah but now she realized that she couldn't ignore the fact that he was black. She realized that no one would ever allow them to be together and she wasn't even sure if she loved him wholly and exclusively. Kid would probably never be completely out of hers system. "Noah deserves a woman who loves him completely," she thought. The trouble was, she felt as if maybe she could be that woman. She definitely had strong feelings for him and the night before had been wonderful, amazing actually. Before she knew it they were approaching the station. Noah rode up alongside her and broke the silence. He had made his decision and wanted to get it over with before he changed his mind. "I've been thinking Lou, and I've decided we can never be. I'm not saying it was a mistake, it was the most wonderful night of my life, but maybe I just want you because I know that I can't have you,". It tore his heart out to say this to her but he knew it was necessary. She wouldn't look at him. She hated hearing those words but most of all she hated the truth in them. Kid was approaching to greet them and take their horses. It was clear that he wanted to make it up to Lou. "Did you have a good trip?" Silence greeted him. "Let me take the horses," he said enthusiastically. He knew it would take Lou a while to come around. "Thanks," they said in unison. Kid led the horses away to the stables. Lou and Noah were left standing alone. They suddenly felt like strangers. "Well don't you have anything to say?" Noah asked. "What can I say Noah?" she said, "It's obvious that you've already made up your mind." She knew it was a cop out but she just needed more time to sort herself out. "OK then Lou, let's just pretend this never happened and carry on as before," he said. She nodded and hurried of to the bunkhouse so he couldn't see the tears in her eyes. He watched her go and tears welled in his eyes too. He hadn't cried in years. He knew that it would be impossible to pretend that nothing had happened but he would try. The fact that Lou didn't even argue with him convinced him that she didn't love him. Lou always fought passionately for what she wanted and he supposed that that was the reason why he was crying. He resolved that he would move on. Was it possible to forget Louise McCloud? He was pondering this as he watched her figure walk to the bunkhouse. She was entering the door when she suddenly turned around and looked at him. He saw that she had tears in her eyes. Her gaze was filled with an intense look of love and passion that his heart stopped for a moment. Her look made him aware that their feelings weren't resolved yet. This filled his heart with both joy and trepidation. He continued to stare at the door even after she had entered the bunkhouse. He jumped out of his skin when Kid grabbed his shoulder. "Is Lou still mad at me?" he asked. "I don't know Kid," replied Noah. "Well, I'm gonna make it up to her. I love her you know," he declared. "I know you do Kid," said Noah. He understood what it was like to love Lou. "Your eyes look kinda red Noah, lotta dust on the trail?" "Yeah Kid" "Anythin' excitin' happen on the run?" he asked. Noah looked at him. "Yeah, you could say that." "Why don't you tell me about it at dinner," said Kid. He didn't have the same problem as Cody. He could tell when a man didn't want to talk. "Yeah, maybe I will," he answered. Kid walked away and Noah shook his head. He half shuddered and half laughed at the thought of telling Kid about the last few days. He didn't want to anyway. They were secret and special memories. They were the most wonderful days of his life and he didn't want to let them go, but they were behind him now and it was time to face the new challenges that lay ahead. The End