TITLE: Locked Memores AUTHOR: Red Sky FEEDBACK: Bg120@lafn.org STANDARD DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders don't belong to the author, but to MGM/UA Television, Ed Spielman and Josh Kane. No copyright infringement intended. Locked Memories BY RED SKY It couldn't be, but it was. She was supposed to be dead but there she was walking down the street. It couldn't be anyone else. He knew in his heart that it was her. Where did she come from? Where had she been all this time? After that stormy night, he was sure that he had lost her forever. Maybe there was some reason she hadn't come back to him. What could it have been? Why was she dressed so strangely? Why wasn't she coming to him? ***** Lou was glad to be finally on her way. She was running late because an inept bank clerk had mixed up the bank drafts for Rock Creek and the bank manager had to sort them out. Oh God, she wouldn't get back to Rock Creek until way after dark. Just as she was riding away, she heard someone call for an Angelique. Since it didn't have anything to do with her and she was running late, she rode off without looking back. ***** Why didn't she stop? Why was she leaving him again? He wouldn't let her go this time. He was going to get some answers. This time she was not going to get away. ***** "Angelique, stop. Come back." Lou heard someone shouting but she ignored him. Then a man rode up even with her and grabbed her reins. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Lou yelled, startled at the man's actions. "Angelique, why didn't you stop?" the man asked. "What are you talking about? My name is Lou. Let go of my reins." "Angelique, stop playing games. Tell me why you left." Lou can tell she is getting nowhere with the man so she pulls her gun on him. "Listen mister, I don't know who you are or what you want. Just let go of my horse." Shocked, the man lets go of the reins. "Sorry, I thought you were someone I knew." "OK, just back off and let me go." "Yes, of course." Placated, Lou drops her guard but the man slams onto her. Both fall off their horses with Lou dropping her gun. They both hit the ground hard but Lou recovers first, gets up and tries to run for her horse. However, the man is equally quick. He reaches up and grabs her arm before she gets too far. Lou turns and punches the man in the face as he gets up. Though he reacts to the pain, the man quickly grabs Lou's hand, hauls her to him and backhands her. The force of the blow knocks Lou out of his grasp and into a deep ravine. She screams as she rolls down the ravine. "Angelique" the man screams. Lou doesn't react. She lies at the bottom of the ravine, seemingly lifeless. "Angelique" the man screams over and over as he scrambles down the ravine. When he reaches Lou he finds her head resting on a rock covered with blood. ***** Teaspoon stood outside the bunkhouse looking for any sign of Lou. She should have been back yesterday afternoon, last night at the latest, but there's no sign of her until now. This isn't like her, she is usually one of his most reliable riders. The stationmaster glanced through the window at the boys sitting on the dinner table. He was starting to get worried and it didn't take long for them to pick up his agitation. Everyone is getting edgy even Cody. The blonde rider had to be worried since he only ate one helping at dinner. At least the Kid is out on a run or all hell would have broken loose by now. And Kid would have been right to worry this time. He was about to go inside for lunch when he saw someone ride in leading a horse. "Hey, Teaspoon. This horse one of yours?" the man asked. "Yea Clem, where'd ya find him?" Rachel and the riders came out on the porch and immediately recognized the horse. It was Lou's horse Lightning. "Bout two miles north of my place." "See anything else, Clem?" "No, just the horse and the mochilla. I figured it was one of yours." "Thanks for bringing him back." "Sure, Teaspoon, anytime. See ya." "See ya," Teaspoon murmured absentmindedly as he examined the horse. No scratches, no bruises, not even a pulled muscle. Teaspoon turned towards the others, "Mount up, boys. Lou is in trouble." ***** Everything hurts. Every move, no matter how small, she made caused her pain. It felt like someone was pounding inside her head with a little but, extremely, sharp hammer. Even breathing caused her paid. With tentative fingers, Lou felt the bandage around her head. From what seemed like a far away place, she heard someone talking, asking her to open her eyes. When she did the first thing she saw was a strange man. "So you've decided to return to the living. How do you feel?" the stranger asked. She tried to answer but her throat was dry and all that comes out was something that sounded like a croak. "Wait. Let me get you some water." The stranger reached for the glass and the pitcher of water on the night stand next to the bed. After handing her the glass of water, the man watched as Lou drank in large gulps, almost choking herself in the process. He finally took the empty glass from her and waited until she was finished coughing before he asked, "Do you know where you are?" For the first time, Lou looked around the room. It was a pretty room. The walls were painted light peach and there were lace curtains on the windows. There was a vanity with a mirror directly across from her and an armoire next to that. She was lying in a bed with sheets and a comforter a dark shade of peach, but nothing looked familiar. She didn't recognize anything so she shook her head. "Do you know your name?" he asked. Lou automatically opened her mouth to answer then immediately closed it. She couldn't tell him her name. She doesn't remember it. Frantic, Lou searched her mind but came up with nothing. Seeing the fear in Lou's eyes, the man asked again, "Do you remember anything?" Again Lou tried to remember something, anything but nothing came out. "No," she replied, as tears rolled down her cheeks. "Don't cry. It's OK. You had a little accident. You got banged up pretty good. You hit your head. You'll probably start to remember things in a day or two. You just rest now," the man said as he stood up. He went to the door and opened it, motioning to someone who was obviously waiting outside the room. The man started whispering to the person outside, then he opened the door a little wider and allowed another strange man to enter. This one looked about fifty and dressed very elegantly. The men whispered some more and then the elegant man came towards the bed. "Do you know me?" he asked. Lou looked at him and felt a shiver down her spine. She searched the man's face for any clue to his identity but again her mind betrayed her. She shook her head lightly, still staring at the man. "My name is Raymond DuBois," he told her with a smile that seemed to transform his whole face. "And you are my fiancee, Angelique." ***** Teaspoon and the boys searched the whole territory looking for her. When they weren't out on rides, they spent all their time looking for Lou. Each day, they went a little farther, making sure they have combed the place before moving to the next place. But their search turned up nothing and Kid was in despair of ever seeing the woman he loved again. Fate finally smiled at them on the end of the second week. Teaspoon was sitting in his office reading the responses to inquiries he made to other town marshalls when a man walked in the door. "Marshall Hunter?" the man asked. "Can I help you?" Teaspoon asked. "No, but I think I can help you. I heard you have been looking for one of your riders. Small with dark hair, big brown eyes." "What can you tell me?" Teaspoon asked cautiously. "Marshal, I'm not sure the young lady I've been treating is the same one you're looking for. I wouldn't have thought about her since I heard you were looking for a rider. But the descriptions matched." At Teaspoon's questioning look, the man continued, "And this rider has been gone for two weeks. The same amount of time since I treated the lady." "Treated?" Teaspoon asked worriedly. The possibility that it was Lou was rising by the minute. "Yes. She had an accident. Got pretty banged up." "But she is all right now, right?" "Physically, yes." "What do you mean physically?" "Well, she hit her head when she had the accident. When she woke up, we discovered she had amnesia. It means she can't remember anything," the doctor added, seeing Teaspoon's blank stare. Anyway, the poor girl doesn't have a memory. Who she is? Where she comes from? Nothing." "So what are you doing for her?" "There isn't anything I can do. Anyway, I just thought this might help you." "When did she get hurt again?" "Two weeks ago." "And where is she now?" ***** "This doctor said this girl, who may or may not be Lou, can't tell them who she is." "Damnit, Teaspoon, who else could it be? A girl, looking like Lou, appears about the same time Lou disappears, in the area where Lou disappeared. It has to be Lou," Hickok exclaims. "Teaspoon, we've got to go get her," the Kids jumped up ready to ride, alone if necessary. "We can't Kid. She doesn't know who we are," Teaspoon explained, as he held Kid by the shoulder, effectively preventing the young man from leaving. "What do you mean she doesn't know who we are? We're her family" Buck said. "The doctor says when she had her accident, she hit her head real hard. He says she has something called amnesia. It means she can't remember anything, including us." "Well, we'll go get her and tell her everything," Ike signed. "We can't. She won't come with us. She doesn't know us. the only people she knows right now are the ones who found her," Teaspoon replied. "So we go to them and tell them we're her family," Cody piped in. "We can't. Seems like the people who are with her have told her that she belongs with them," Teaspoon said carefully, not looking at Kid. "What do you mean, Teaspoon?" the Kid asked, his voice filled with dread. "They told her she was supposed to marry the man." "Then it's not Lou," Jimmy said, disappointment evident in his voice. "The doctor thinks they lied to her." "Why would he think that?" Kid asked, afraid to hope. "The doctor says that the people said the girl was some pampered miss from down South, but the girl he treated had a tan and calluses on her hands. She also has strong muscles not soft ones like she would if she were sitting around knitting all day. He thinks they might not be telling the truth." "Then we can do something. We can just take her and leave," Hickok countered. "They won't let us." "Who cares?" Kid said angrily, "They can't stop us." Understanding the young man's desperation, Teaspoon tried to reason with Kid. "Yes, they can, son. One, Lou only knows them and what they've told her about her past. Two, we can't tell them that Louise belongs with us because as far as anyone around here knows there is only a Lou not a Louise. No one here can back us up. Last, if we tell the truth they could mess up Lou's life here. So we have to be real careful." "Damnit Teaspoon, we can't just leave her there," Kid shouted. All look at the Kid and can feel his pain. Hell, they are hurting themselves. Lou is part of all of them and they didn't want to lose her any more than the Kid. "We aren't, Kid. We just have to be careful about how we go about it. If we spook these people, they might just make it harder for us to get to Lou." The Kid took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Rachel got up and hugged the Kid tight. Then she turned towards Teaspoon. "Teaspoon, what do we do?" she asked. "It's not what we do, it's what YOU do? We need you to go to Lou. " Chapter 2 Rachel stood in the parlor of the DuBois house. The doctor told Teaspoon that the DuBois needed a housekeeper/cook so Teaspoon decided to see if Rachel could get the job. They have to make sure that this girl they all think is Lou really is Lou. If they are right, then at least Rachel will be around to watch Lou until they could figure out how to get her back with them. Rachel looked around the parlor waiting for the lady of the house. As Rachel admired the tasteful decorations, Mrs. DuBois entered the room. She is small and dainty but her eyes showed she has a will of iron. She appeared to be about 70, which made Rachel wonder just how old her son is. While Rachel was sizing up Mrs. DuBois, the elderly woman took her time to observe the younger woman in front of her. She seemed to like what she saw for she invited Rachel to sit down with her. "Mrs. Dunne I see you have experience cooking and keeping house and your letters of recommendation are impressive. You seem to be very well qualified for the job. Do the salary and living arrangements suit you?" Mrs. DuBois says with a haughty tone in her voice. "Yes ma'am" replied Rachel. "Good. Then I would like to welcome you to our home. I will show you to your room but first I want to tell you about your duties. You will be taking care of my son, his fiancee and myself. You will meet my son later. His fiancee is a sweet girl and you should have no problem with her. I will get her so you can meet her." Mrs. DuBois gets up and leaves the room. Rachel released the breath she didn't know she was holding and thanked God this part of Teaspoon's plan seemed to be working. When she heard Mrs. DuBois re-enter the room, Rachel stood up to meet the son's fiancee. It was easy to recognize Lou despite her tastefully expensive dress. But what surprised Rachel was the utter lack of recognition in Lou's eyes. The doctor said the lady he treated lost her memory but Rachel hoped the doctor was wrong. Mrs. DuBois says, "Mrs. Dunne, I'd like to introduce you to my son's fiancee Angelique. " ***** Rachel puttered around the kitchen early in the morning, getting accustomed to the kitchen so that she will be ready when the family wants to eat. Cooking for three people should be easier than cooking for the boys, Rachel thought. Cody alone eats enough for three people. Rachel was mixing the batter for some biscuits when she heard a noise by the doorway. "Hello, Miss Angelique, how are you this morning?" "I'm fine, Mrs. Dunne, and you?" Lou asks shyly. "I'm fine and you can call me Rachel" "OK, Rachel, and you can call me Angelique" "Angelique. That's a pretty name." "Thanks, but it sounds too fancy for me." "Well do you have a nickname?" "What's a nickname?" "A name, other than your real name, that your friends call you by." "Well I don't have any friends that I can remember. Mother... Mrs. DuBois always calls me Angelique." "What if I call you Angel." "Angel...," Lou says the name out loud, trying its sound. "OK. But don't call me that in front of Mother. She likes things very formal." "OK, will she be upset if we're friends?" "You want to be my friend?" "Sure, why not." "I don't know." "Don't you want to be my friend?" "Of course, I just don't know what a friend does" "I'm sure you'll figure it out as we go along." ***** That morning Rachel got to meet Raymond DuBois when she served the family breakfast. Raymond was a tall man in his fifties, which makes him old enough to be Lou's father. Lean and elegant, he looks like one of those plantation owners down South. He has dark hair with a little gray at the temples. An attractive man, he probably has women falling at his feet. But it is his eyes which attract attention. Pale blue, they had a hard, cold edge to them. With a casual flick of his eyes, he deemed Rachel unimportant although his behavior towards her was perfect. As the days passed, Rachel watched and learned things. Raymond didn't treat Lou like an adored fiancee. In fact, there was nothing lover-like in his manner. He and his mother often talked around Lou, never desiring or expecting her input. They would tell her what to do or how to act but they never asked what she wanted to do. Rachel knew that Lou would have bristled at such treatment but "Angelique" was unsure of herself, lost in a strange world with equally unknown people as family. Every so often though, a look of irritation or anger would cross her face but Lou would hide it, so quick that Rachel, on more than one occasion, thought she imagine it because she wanted it. It wasn't long before Rachel realized that Raymond's cultured air was but a facade. He was as savage as a man without morals. He treated his hired hands like slaves although he took pride in saying he never kept anyone in bondage. Raymond didn't treat Lou badly. In fact, he treated her very well. He talked to her but never listened to what she had to say. He molded her into what he wanted her to be. The fact that she had amnesia made it all the easier. He told her what her past was, her likes and dislikes, what she could and could not do. He told her she was fragile and didn't go out much. He said she was afraid of horses and guns. He told her that she was a sweet and obedient girl and never gave him any trouble. The fact that all he told her was untrue didn't matter because there was no one around who could or would contradict him. At least that was what he thought. Lou, of course, believed him and tried to conform to what he told her about herself. If she liked the horses and hated staying inside all day, she never thought Raymond was wrong. It was just that females were inconsistent, at least that was what Raymond said. If Rachel had known half of what Raymond was planning, she would have snatched Lou up and ran back to Rock Creek, whether Lou wanted to go or not. Although Raymond treated Lou as a child, he didn't think of her as a child. Sometimes, when he thought no one was paying attention, he would watch Lou. At those times, he would look her up and down like she was a piece of meat and he was a starving man. He didn't just want her. He craved her. But he wasn't ready to pounce just yet. Even though he had been controlling her all this time, he could tell she still had some fight in her. He wasn't unaware of the brief flashes of temper in Lou's countenance. He knew the girl who had fought him tooth and nail on the road was still there under the surface. The truth is the uncertainty of the situation excited him. If he pushed her too hard or scared her, he had a feeling the fighter would come out and with the fighter, the memories of who she was and what he had done to her. If he was patient maybe if the memories ever came back, her life would be so entangled with his that she couldn't leave even if she wanted to. So he was careful as he wrapped her in his web of deceit and lies, half-truths and fantasies. So that if she ever realized the truth, it would be too late for her to do anything about it. ***** The Kid thought he was losing his mind. Rachel had been gone for a week and although she had sent word back that she had found Lou, she hadn't told them much else. It should have been a relief to find out Lou was OK, and it was, but the Kid couldn't stop worrying. There were so many questions that didn't have answers. "She's gonna be all right," Jimmy said as he sat down next to the Kid on the porch, watching the sun go down. "You always say that, Jimmy." "Yeah, and I'm usually right." "But this ain't like those other times. You can't fool me. You're just as worried as I am." Jimmy didn't have an answer to that so kept his mouth shut. He usually had more faith in Lou's ability to take care of herself than the Kid did, but this time is different. Lou doesn't even know she's Lou, let alone how to get herself out of this mess she is in. This time he's just as worried as the Kid is. "Rachel will send us word if she needs us. All we can do is wait," Jimmy says. "Yeah, and I'm so good at waiting, ain't I?" Kid replied gloomily. "Well, you can't chop wood. Rachel already made Cody chop enough for the next two months." "Oh great, now I know I'm in trouble." ***** It was late and Lou is asleep but her mind had just began to wake. Conscious, her mind won't release images from her past. But asleep, she began to see flashes of strange people, strange places and equally strange conversations... >>Rachel follows Lou into the barn as the female rider saddles her horse. "You've got a problem with me and no one's leavin' here 'til we air it out," Rachel says. "It ain't you, exactly...," Lou mumbles. "No...? Then what is it? Rachel asks. "I don't know... I guess it's the way the boys have been makin' fools over themselves -- watchin' you... lookin' down your... droolin' over...," Lou tries to explain. "Breasts... So that's the problem," Rachel says. "Problems. You've got 'em and I don't," Lou blurts out.<< >>Lou and Rachel are sitting in a parlor. "So... Why couldn't you sleep?" Rachel asks. "I was hearin' voices," Lou replies. "I can just imagine what they were saying. Give 'em time. 'For you know it their glands will stop actin' up and I'll just be one of the boys." "In your case, I don't think I've got the years to wait," Rachel laughs. "What's wrong?" "Nothin'. I just wanted to say, I... I'd be honored to be your friend. If you want to, I mean" Lou replies. "I'd like that, Lou." "Louise." "I'd like that a lot... Louise."<< ***** "What's a matter? You seem awful quiet this morning," Rachel asks. "I was just thinking about a dream I had." "What kind of dream?" "It was strange. You were in it and I was too, in a way." "What do you mean?" "Well, I was in it but I wasn't Angel. I was someone called Lou." The pan rattles as Rachel nearly drops it on the stove. She forced herself to remain calm. Lou is starting to remember, she realized. "What was the dream about, if you don't mind me asking?" "We're talking but not here, someplace else, and at first were arguing about your..." "About my what?" Rachel prompts. "Ah...Your being different from me," Lou replies uncomfortably. Rachel smiled as she remembered the conversation in the barn when she had first come to work for the Teaspoon and the boys in Sweetwater. "Anything else happen?" Rachel asked. "Then in another part, I ask you if I can be your friend, but you don't call me Angel or Angelique. You call me Lou or Louise. I don't understand." "Well, you'll figure it out. But maybe you shouldn't mention the dreams to the DuBoises." "You're right. Raymond and Mother DuBois would just think I was being silly to worry about a dream. It just seemed so real, though, like it really happened..." Chapter 3 During dinner that night, Raymond and his mother talked about the goings-on around town while Lou sat waiting for a chance to ask about her past. When there was a lull in the conversation, Lou spoke up, "Where is my family?" "Why do you ask?" Raymond asked cautiously, flicking a wary glance at his mother. "I just want to know about them?" "Well, your parents died just before you came to live with us. They were very nice people," Mrs. DuBois supplied. "Was I engaged to Raymond, then?" "Yes, they were very pleased with your choice of husband." "Well, where am I from?" "Louisiana." Raymond answered abruptly. "Where are all these questions coming from, Angelique?" "I just wondered, that's all." "We've already told you about your past." Raymond said impatiently. "Not that much really." "Well it wasn't a very complicated life, if you must know. Now finish your dinner." Raymond snapped. Tired of being dismissed like a nobody, Lou snapped back. "Raymond, I'm not a child. Don't treat me like one." Raymond and his mother stare at her in shock. This is the first time "Angelique" talked back. Not a good sign. "No you're not. Forgive me for treating you like one," Raymond said, trying to placate Lou. The dinner continued in silence. ***** "You're losing control of her, Raymond," Mrs. DuBois told her son when they're alone. "Everything is just fine. Don't worry." "This is just how it started last time. Don't let that happen again." "I won't. She is just a little curious, which is totally natural. I just over-reacted." "What if she is starting to remember?" "If she was starting to remember, would she be asking us questions? No. Don't fall apart on me mother." "It's not me you have to worry about, it's her." "We just have to give her something else to think about." "Like what?" "Well, she says she wants to be treated like an adult. I think it's time I started doing just that." Raymond says with a smile. ***** Rachel overheard the entire dinner conversation, and what she heard frightened and elated her at the same time. She was happy Lou was starting to show bits of her old self, but Rachel was worried her defiance would prompt the DuBoises to take action against her. Rachel knew the more Lou tried to take back control of her life, the more the mother and son will try to keep control. She had a feeling Raymond, in particular, will be ruthless in keeping what he considers his and he definitely considers Lou his. Rachel hadn't missed the looks he gave Lou when he thinks no one is watching. He wants Lou and he's not going to take no for an answer. ***** Lou has just finished taking her bath and is drying off when there is a knock at the bathroom door. "Angelique, I need to talk to you," Raymond calls from outside. "Can it wait a few minutes?" Lou calls back. "I need to talk to you now," Lou puts on her robe and opens the door a crack. "Yes, Raymond?" Raymond pushes the door, walks in and closes the door behind him. "What do you want?" Lou said, backing away from Raymond. "I wanted to apologize to you." "For what?" "For treating you like a child. I know that you are a grown woman and I should be treating you like one" he said moving close to Lou, playing with the ends of the belt of her robe. "Thanks for apologizing. I gotta go now," Lou said taking the ends of the belt from him and heading for the door. "Wait," he said moving in front of the door. "I think you and I need to take our relationship to a more adult level." "Raymond, we're engaged. That sounds pretty adult to me." "No, this is," Raymond said as he grabbed her arms and kissed her passionately. At first, Lou was too shocked to react. Then she felt him tugging on the edges of her robe. She breaks free of his embrace, wrapping her robe tightly around. With one last fearful look at Raymond, she ran out of the door. ***** Rachel had just put some clean clothes in Mrs. DuBois room, when she saw Lou run out of the bathroom and into her room. A few seconds later, Raymond strolled out of the bathroom with smile on his face. He made his move, Rachel thought. We don't have much time. Thank God Teaspoon is coming tomorrow... ***** Raymond thought his attempt at seduction was going to distract Lou and he was right. When Lou fell asleep that night, the encounter with Raymond had knocked the dreams about Rachel right out of her head. What replaced them were dreams about a person she had never seen in her life... >>"Kid..." "Yes, Lou?" the Kid replied. "Thanks for keepin' my secret" "I didn't promise..." "No, but you could've said somethin' and you didn't." "You got a right to make your own way. I won't tell, I give you my word." Lou looked around to make sure they're alone. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. The young man she called Kid turned his head and kissed her on the lips. They kissed for a while and then Lou backed away flustered. "Gonna take some gettin' used to, ...now that you're a girl," the Kid said. "I always been a girl, Kid" Lou said smiling.<< >>The Kid's jaw dropped as Lou came out of a make-shift dressing room wearing a nightgown... "Surprise," Lou said as she walked toward him. When she reached him, he picked her up and gently laid her on the bed, kissing her...<< ***** Before the sun rose, Rachel snuck out of the house and headed towards the woods behind it. Teaspoon was waiting there for her. "Rachel, how's Lou?" "Fine, but I don't know how long that will last. Did you bring the Kid?" "Yea, left him in town like you said in your note. What's wrong?" "Lou is starting to get her memory back." "That's good." "But the DuBoises think they are losing control of her and they don't like that." "What do you mean?" "They will do everything they can to keep her here. Look Teaspoon, Raymond desperately wants Lou. I can see that by the way he watches her. I think he'll do whatever he has to do to get her in his bed." "Lou won't let that happen." "Lou wouldn't but Angelique might. All Angelique knows is what Raymond and his mother have told her and what she remembers since the accident. They told her that she loved and wanted to marry Raymond. She knows Raymond has taken care and protected her since she woke up with amnesia. Her whole world is Raymond and his mother." "What are you saying? That Lou loves this Raymond," Teaspoon asks dreading the answer he might get. "She doesn't love Raymond but she is grateful to him and totally dependent on him. She also wants to make him happy. I've watched her put up with things here that she would never have put up with before. She tries real hard to be the Angelique they've described to her. Now Teaspoon we both know women who have gone to bed with a man for a lot less reason," Rachel said. "You may be right Rachel but getting Lou into bed wouldn't be enough to keep her here if her memory came back... Of course if Lou found herself with child...," Teaspoon wonders out loud. "Exactly. You've heard of girls getting pregnant to get a man. Well it works both ways. A man can get a woman pregnant to keep her with him. Mothers on their own don't have an easy time of it. Even if Lou lived the life of a normal girl, if Raymond got her pregnant it would be impossible for her to leave him and go back to her old life." "OK, Rachel. So what do we do?" "Considering Lou's strong feelings for the Kid, I figure he might be able to unlock her memories. At the very least I'm hoping any attraction between them might pull her away from Raymond. But you got to tell the Kid he has to stay calm and be very careful." ***** Lou stayed in her room the next morning. Between the encounter with Raymond and the strange dreams, she was totally confused. How could she be in love with Raymond and dream of another man? Lou blushed as she remembered the dream she had. How could she feel such passion for a total stranger? She sat by the window, looking out when a rider came into view. He looked vaguely familiar but she couldn't really tell because he never looked up. When the rider disappeared from her view, Lou decided to go down. ***** Rachel introduced Kid to Raymond. "Mr. DuBois, this is my brother. Folks call him Kid. He is real good around horses and I thought you could hire him for that job you mentioned." "Hello Kid, are you as good with horses as your sister says?" Raymond asks. "'Been taking care of them since I was real young, sir. Know just about everythin' there is to know about them." "Well, we'll try you out and see how it goes. There is an extra room at the back of the stables. I'll show you." Kid followed Raymond outside leaving Rachel alone. Rachel, in turn, headed towards the kitchen. As she turned around she noticed the figure standing by the stairs. Lou was as pale as a ghost. "Angel?" Rachel calls out. Nothing. "Angel," Rachel tries again. Lou started, surprised to see Rachel so near. "Yes, Rachel?" "Anything wrong?" who was that with Raymond?" "My brother, Kid. He is going to work here, too." "His name is Kid?" "Yes. Is anything wrong," Rachel asked, hoping Lou's reaction meant she recognized the Kid. "Nothing. It's just a funny name. So, he's staying here?" "Yes." When Lou looked more troubled, Rachel asked her once more, "Angel, is something the matter?" "No, of course not. You need any help, Rachel?" "Yea, you can start on those string beans." "Sure," Lou said as she wandered over to the table. I hope this works, Rachel thought. ***** Lou stood in the dark barn, feeding carrots to one of the horses. This is just one more thing in my life that doesn't make any sense, she thought. Raymond said I'm afraid of horses but here I am feeding carrots to one and feeling no fear whatsoever. Frustrated and confused, Lou began to feel tears sting her eyes. "You all right, Miss?" Lou turned to see Rachel's brother approaching. Looking around, Lou saw she and the young man were alone inside the barn. Oddly enough, she didn't feel nervous being alone with a stranger. "I'm fine," Lou replied. "Folks call me Kid. Rachel is my sister." "I'm... uhmm, Angelique." After the introduction, the two figures stood together in comfortable silence. "You're down here kind of late. Is there something I can do for you?" the Kid asked. "No. Just came down here to talk to my friend here," Lou said, petting the horse. "Do you come down here a lot?" Kid asked, trying to draw Lou out without making her suspicious. Lou started to shake her head but then she looked into his eyes and knew she could trust him. She didn't know why she knew, she just did. "At night," she replied, "When I can sneak out of the house. Raymond says I'm afraid of horses and he doesn't want my fear upsetting them. He says they can sense that kind of thing. Anyway, he says it's best for me and the horses if I just stay away from them." "You don't seem to be afraid of this horse. He seems to like you or he wouldn't let you pet him." "That's one more thing that doesn't make sense in my life" Lou said softly. "What did you say?" "Ah... nothing." But the Kid heard her and it hurt him to see Lou so lost and confused. All he wanted to do was to hold her tight and tell her everything would be all right, but he couldn't. He was a stranger to her now... wasn't he. Lou was standing in the dark, talking to him -- a man who was virtually a stranger -- and she showed no signs of fear. Maybe some part of her mind still knew him. "I bet Mr. DuBois also told you you can't ride. He might have told you, you are afraid so you wouldn't try and fall off and break your neck," the Kid suggested. "You think I can't ride?" Lou asked. "I don't know. I haven't seen you ride." Lou began to get furious. She didn't know why the thought that Kid regarded her as incompetent made her so mad. "In other words, you think Raymond is playing games with me" Lou said angrily. "I didn't say that," Kid said. "No, I did," Lou replied. For a long while, Lou merely stood there silent and lost in thought. Then she got the stubborn look on her face that the Kid was all too familiar with. "You think I could try to ride one of the horses, just around the corral?" Lou asked. "Sure, you can ride my horse, Katy," Kid said, hoping the sight of Katy might trigger Lou's memory. As the Kid led Katy out of her stall, he looked at Lou and saw the strange expression on her face. He almost smiled. Lou, on the other hand, felt like she was hit. >>"What's with Jimmy" Lou asked. "I don't know....but he sure ain't himself. He just got back from Benton, didn't he? Somethin' must have happened..." the Kid replied. "I don't have any runs scheduled for a couple of days. Think I'll take a ride over there and find out," Lou suggested. "Katy's rested. Take her. If you get started now you can make it before dark," he offered. "You'd let me take Katy," a shocked Lou asked, as they head toward Katy. "Sure," Kid responded absentmindedly.<< Lou tried to shake the image in her head. "I'm sorry Kid. I can't do this right now. I've got to get back before someone misses me. Maybe I can ride her another time," Lou said nervously as she backed out the door. "Sure," Kid replied but Lou has already left. "Well Katy, I think we've done pretty good for our first day," Kid said, smiling as he rubbed Katy's nose. Chapter 4 How could a person's life get so complicated so fast? As if dealing with Raymond wasn't enough, now the images in her dreams are starting to haunt her while she is awake. The images aren't only about Rachel or the Kid, but about she didn't even know -- or did she? People named Teaspoon, Jimmy, Cody, Buck, Noah, Ike, Jesse, Emma, and Sam. In the dreams, they seem as if they are her friends but Raymond hasn't mentioned anything about her knowing any of these people. The doctor said her memory would come back but the only thing that's happening is these images pop into her head more frequently. No memories of her life, the way Raymond and his mother have described it, have come back. Of course there is the ever present problem of Raymond. He keeps trying to get close to her, hold her, kiss her, or embrace her. The problem is the closer he tries to get to her, the farther away she wants to get from him. Whenever he is around, she feels uncomfortable. As hard as she tries, she can't seem to make herself feel what she is suppose to feel for Raymond. The only time she feels comfortable is when she is with Rachel or the Kid. During the day, she tries to spend most of the time with Rachel in the kitchen or in her room. The plan has worked so far but she doesn't want to get Rachel in trouble so she has learned to be careful. On the other hand, nobody knows that she spends any time with the Kid. She only goes out to the barn when it is late at night and everyone is asleep. The barn is like her sanctuary. When she is there, she doesn't have to be careful or pretend. She can say just what she thinks. The Kid also seems to know her better than she knows herself. He doesn't tell her what she likes or dislikes. He just knows. He can read her expressions and knows how she is feeling before she says a word. He knew she could ride a horse before she did. He just helped her mount up and stood back and watched. After being told she couldn't ride and was afraid of horses, she was nervous and excited at the same time. After the first few minutes, it was as if she had been riding all her life. Just another thing that didn't make sense in her complicated life. ***** Lou was in her room one night waiting for the house to quiet down so she could sneak out to the barn to go riding with the Kid when she heard a knock. At first, she pretended not to hear it, hoping that whoever it is will think that she is asleep and go away. The knocking stopped for a minute and Lou relaxed. Then it started again, louder this time and Raymond called softly, "Angelique." Knowing he won't go away till she answers, Lou replied, "Yes, Raymond?" "Angelique, I need to see you." "Raymond, I am already in bed. Can't this wait till morning?" "Angel, I need to see you now. It is important. Come to my room." "But, Raymond..." "Angel, please..." Raymond said softly. Lou wanted to say no but she knew he won't go until she said yes. I'll go to his room, hear what he has to say and then leave, she thought to herself. Simple. "OK, I'll be there in a few minutes." As she listened to him walk away, she changed into a plain nightgown and a robe and headed for his room. When she reached Raymond's room, she found the door ajar. Slowly, she pushed the door open and softly called out to Raymond. Lou was surprised at what she saw. The room was bathed in the light hundreds of candles gave. The light shimmered on everything in the room, creating a dreamlike atmosphere. Raymond stood by the fireplace, waiting for her. As Lou stood there staring at the room, Raymond walked over, took her hand and kissed it. Gently, he guided her into the room. "Thank you for coming, Angel," Raymond said huskily as he stood in front of her. "Raymond why did you ask me to come here?" Lou asked with just a hint of fear. "I wanted to apologized again. I know I upset you when we were in the bathroom earlier and I wanted you to know that I didn't mean to frighten you. It's just that I forget that you don't remember how it was between us before the accident." "I understand, Raymond." "It's just that before the accident we were very... affectionate. When I'm near you I have trouble remembering that you don't remember. " "I'm sorry I don't remember," Lou whispered, feeling guilty for something she doesn't even understand. "I know, Angel. I'm not blaming you. I know you are trying. I know you aren't trying to put a distance between us. It's just that you are so beautiful and I love you so much that I lose control sometimes but I would never hurt you. You know that, don't you?" Raymond said looking deeply in to her eyes. "Yes," Lou whispered. "And I've always taken care of you haven't I?" "Yes, Raymond..." "And you know if there is anything you need or want, all you have to do is tell me and I will move heaven and earth to get it for you." "I know..." All the while he was talking, Raymond was caressing Lou's cheeks with the back of his fingers. "You are so beautiful," he said as he kissed her. Lou wanted to pull away but she forced herself to stay still and even return the kiss. Raymond is so good to me, she said to herself. It's not his fault that I don't remember what I feel for him. Maybe there is something wrong with me. Guilt compounded with confusion prevented Lou from reacting when Raymond took her robe off. Even when he picked her up and laid her on the bed, she didn't say a word. Scared and nervous, Lou still felt she had to this for the man she loved. To block out what was happening, Lou decided to let her mind drift. The image which popped into her head was that of a scene almost similar to this, except it was Kid who was kissing her. But hard as she tried to keep the fantasy, her mind knew it was Raymond pulling on her nightgown and she panicked. She was about to push Raymond off her when someone pounded on the door. Cursing, Raymond stomped towards the door. He opened it to see who it was without letting the person into his room. "Mother, now isn't a good time. What do you want?" he said angrily. "Well, excuse me but the boys caught some rustlers trying to get some of our cattle and since you are suppose to be running this ranch, they want to know what you want to do with them. If you can manage to spare the time?" his mother snapped back. Raymond sighed and replied, "OK, Mother, I'll meet you downstairs." Lou used the time to get out of bed and put her robe back on. Raymond turned around to find her standing by the fireplace, hugging herself. "I'm sorry, Angel, I have to go." "I know and I know you have to get ready so I'll just leave," she said in a rush, as she ran to the door, leaving a very frustrated Raymond behind. ***** When she was safe in her room, she bolted the door and collapsed on the bed. Curling herself into a ball, she cried her heart out. She was scared and confused, sick and dirty. As she lay there, she realized she didn't want to be alone. She needed someone to hold her and tell her it will be all right. She wanted to feel safe. So she decided to go to the barn. ***** Lou slowly walked into the barn. When she left her room, all she could think about was getting to the Kid. Now that she was here, she didn't know what to do. What would she say to him? Raymond tried to make love to me and I panicked. That made her sound like a baby. Maybe I should just go back to my room, she thought. Lou turned to leave the barn just as the Kid came out of his room. "I was wondering if you were coming tonight," the Kid said, smiling as he walked up to her. He froze when he noticed her eyes. "I just came to tell you that since Raymond's out tonight and I don't know when he will be back, I think I'll stay in my room tonight," Lou said, avoiding Kid's searching look. "What did he do to you? Kid asked angrily, knowing there was only one person who could rattle Lou like that. "Who?" Lou said, still trying to hide what happened. "Raymond, what did he do to you?" the Kid asked again. "He didn't do anything. I'm fine. I have to get back to my room," Lou replied, turning to leave but the Kid moved in front of her. "You're lying. You've been crying, I can tell." Seeing Lou's lip tremble, Kid asked softly, "Can't you tell me what's wrong?" "Raymond didn't do anything, it's me," Lou whispered sounding completely defeated. "Can't you tell me what's wrong?" Kid repeated, relieved that Raymond didn't hurt Lou but concerned that she looked so crushed. "No," she whispered, looking down. Once again, she tried to walk around him but he moved in front of her again. For a long time, they just stood there, close together, Lou looking down at the ground. Then Kid put his arms around her and drew her to him. After a beat, Lou wrapped her arms tightly around him. She finally felt safe and she was in no hurry for this moment to end. They stayed like this for a long time, Kid rocking them both gently, Lou not wanting to let go of the Kid. But Lou knew she had to end it and go back inside, so she finally let go. "I'm OK now," she told Kid as he released her. "All right. I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked huskily. Lou nodded and gave him a weak smile. The Kid watched her return to the house, thinking 'when will this end?' Chapter 5 After Lou returned to the house, she sat in her room trying to reconcile what Raymond said to her and what her head and heart were telling her. But nothing made sense. She couldn't understand why Kid and Rachel -- virtual strangers -- seemed to know more about her than her longtime fiancee. She also didn't understand the passionate dreams she had been having about Kid. Why him? Why not Raymond? Something is definitely wrong. As the days went by, Raymond became more aggressive. Following her around, watching her every move. He also kept her off-balance with his little surprises -- pushing her into dark corners, appearing beside her when she thinks she is alone. He always told her that before the accident, she enjoyed these games of his. But Lou remained unconvinced. For how could she get use to things that rendered her nervous and edgy. Now, Lou always looks over her shoulder because she never knew when Raymond decides to pounce. The only thing she was sure of was that it is only a matter of time before Raymond finds a way to get her in his bed, whether she wants to be in it or not. ***** After dinner, Lou curled up in a chair by the fire, trying to read a book but her mind kept wandering. She was thinking of the Kid and the dream she had about him. How could a person have a dream about someone whom they haven't even met? The dream -- of two people in a huge bed in a small cottage -- seemed so real. To make it stranger, Kid even had the same name in the dream. Such was the state of her thoughts when she heard the door shut. Lou looked up to see Raymond leaning against the doors, staring at her with a predatory look in his eyes. "Hello, Angelique, what are you reading?" Raymond asked as he walked towards her. "Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. It's a good book. I'd hate to put it down," Lou answered, hoping Raymond will take the hint. Of course, he didn't. "I'm sure it is, but do you think you could get back to it later? We haven't had any time alone all day and I thought maybe we could talk," he says, sitting on the couch across from her. "What would you like to talk about?" Lou asks warily. "Well, you don't have to sit so far away. Why don't you come over here by me?" Raymond patted the cushion next to him. "I'm fine right here." "Well, I think you'd be more comfortable over here," Raymond says with a hard edge to his voice. Lou's first reaction was to say no. But she thinks twice. After all, it was her fiancee asking her. Controlling her temper, Lou got up and sat next to Raymond. "Isn't this better?" Raymond moved closer and put his arm around her shoulders. No, Lou thought, I'd rather be upstairs by myself, but aloud she says, "Yes. What did you want to talk about?" "I wanted to talk about you.... and... me," Raymond said as he kissed her neck. Lou tried to move away but his hand on her shoulder secured her in place. As she tried to deal with one of his wandering hands, the other one reached up and started to unbutton the top of her dress. "Raymond, stop. Your mother could come in," Lou cried. "She's asleep and I've locked the door. No one will disturb us," he replied as he pushed her down on the couch and lay on top of her. ***** Lou got mad. How dare he treat her this way. She started to fight him as he finished unbuttoning her dress. Though her nails were short, she managed to scratch his face and inflict pain. Raymond pulled back and raised his hand to hit her. But he stopped and got hold of himself. He got off the couch and stood up rigidly while Lou jumped up and ran to the other end of the room. She would have run for the door but he was in her way and she didn't want to get near him. "Angelique, what is wrong?" he asked innocently. "You attack me and you have the nerve to ask 'What's wrong'," she yelled back. "Attack you. I would never attack you. How could you think I would hurt you? We've done this before and you never minded then." he said, sounding both confused and a little hurt. "Before? When did we do this before?" Lou asked angrily as she buttoned her dress. "Before the accident," he replied. Lou just stared at him, not knowing what to believe, not knowing what to do. All she knew was that she had to get away from him. "I've got to go" she said, walking around him and opening the door. "Goodnight, Angel," Raymond called out. "Goodnight, Raymond," Lou said softly before leaving the room. ***** The days fell into a pattern. Lou spent the day with Rachel or hiding from Raymond in her room. The nights, she spent with the Kid; talking, riding or just sitting quietly. She felt completely at ease with him, felt safe but she knew things couldn't go on like this forever. If she could just remember her past maybe everything would make sense. She knew something had to give soon, and one night it did. ***** Kid and Lou were sitting on the ground outside the barn, staring up at the storm clouds gathering high above them. "You figure it out yet?" Kid asked. "Figure what out?" Lou replied. "Your past." "I don't remember my past." "Yes you do, at least you're starting to." "Raymond told me my past and I don't remember any of it." "That's because what Raymond told you isn't your past." "How do you know? You just met me." "You know that's not true," Kid said as he got up and headed inside the barn, leaving Lou alone with her thoughts. But Lou wasn't ready to be alone yet so she followed Kid inside. She caught up with him just outside his room. "What is it you're trying to say?" she asked. "I'm not trying to say anything. You have two versions of your past, Raymond's and the one that keeps playing in you're head. You just have to figure out which one you believe." "What do think?" "It's not important what I think, it's what you think." "Just tell me what you think?" she repeated, gritting her teeth. "I think I'm going to bed and you can figure this out for yourself," the Kid replied as he entered his room and shut the door. I don't believe this, Lou thought. He just leaves me out here by myself. After all the times I've told him I can handle my own life he decides to listen to me now? Lou stood for long moments glaring at the door, before pushing it open. When she entered the room, Lou found Kid sitting on his bed, waiting for her as if he knew she would follow him. This made Lou even angrier, feeling she was set up. "What do you mean I can figure this out for myself? Usually, I couldn't pay you to stay out of my business. Its always 'Lou, that's too dangerous' or 'Lou, you could get hurt.' We break up because you can't leave well enough alone. Even after we get back together, you still worry and nag me. But now, when I'm practically begging you to butt in, you say 'figure it out yourself'" she yelled as she paced in front of Kid. "Lou," the Kid tried to interrupt. "I mean what is that? Now you decide you have nothing to say. You always have an opinion," Lou continued. "Lou," Kid tried again. "What?" Lou snapped as she stopped pacing to look at him. "I don't want to interrupt you but between my nagging you, breaking up with you and getting back together with you, when did you have time to get engaged to Raymond?" the Kid asked with a half-smile. "Ah..." "I guess I can call you Lou again." Shocked at her outburst, Lou just stood there staring at Kid until he reached for her hand and gently pulled her down onto his lap. "Are you OK, Lou?" "Just fine." "You don't sound it." "Well, I just found out that the man I thought was my fiancee is a stranger and that everything he told be about myself and my past was one big lie. I don't know that might take a little getting used to," she said with just a hint of sarcasm. They sit quietly for a few minutes. "What would have happened if you and Rachel hadn't come to get me?" Lou asked fearfully. "You would have remembered." "Before or after I married Raymond?" The Kid didn't have an answer for that. He didn't even want to think of Lou being married to Raymond. "When I think of all the time I wasted feeling guilty for not feeling anything for Raymond, I could scream," she said as she jumped up and started pacing again. "Thinking that I was an awful person or that something was wrong with me. There was a good reason I didn't feel anything for him. I didn't know him. I actually felt bad for dreaming about being with you instead of him. I can't believe I trusted him." The Kid got up to stand in front of her, forcing her to stop and look at him. "You dreamt about being with me?" he asked, looking deeply into her eyes. "Did I say that?" she asked nervously. "Yeah," he answered with a grin. "Oh. I meant that... I mean... I didn't... It must be getting late, I gotta go," Lou stammered, trying in vain to get herself out of the hole she's dug herself into. She tried to walk around Kid but he blocked her path. "Lou, you locked the door and climbed out the window. Nobody's gonna miss you till mornin'. Anyway, listen, the winds picked up. Climbin' back up that trellis now could be dangerous." "Not as dangerous as being in here," she muttered looking around, anywhere but at him. "What?" "Nothing." As they stood there, the wind howled outside, rattling the thin walls. All of a sudden, there is a flash of light and a boom of thunder. "Lou." "Yeah?" s "I dreamt of being with you, too." Kid gently pulled her back into his arms and kissed her, gently at first and then passionately. After a while he stopped, his breathing labored but in control. "Stay," he asked. "What about Raymond? Kid, he's not all there. If I'm not in my room in the morning, he'll have a fit." "We'll get you back in there before sunup. Don't worry. Just stay." Lou looked into the eyes of the man she loved, "All right." ***** Early the next morning, before the sun has risen, the Kid woke up. He felt real good this morning. Waking up with Lou in his arms is the best way to start his day. Even the thought of Lou going back into that house wasn't enough to ruin his good mood. Tonight they will be on their way back to Rock Creek and they never have to worry about Raymond again. But first they have to get Lou into the house before anyone knew she was gone. "Lou," he called, shaking her bare shoulder. "Mmm." "Lou, we got to get up." "No, like it here," she mumbled, snuggling closer to him. "Lou, the sun'll be up soon." "Just let me sleep a little longer." "You can go back to sleep when we get you into your room." "It won't be the same," she grumbled. "Yeah, your bed is bigger and softer," Kid said as he got out of bed and started to get dress. "That's not what I'm talking about," she said watching him. "I know," he said, smiling. He picked up her clothes and sat next to her on the bed. "Lou, be careful today," he said, turning serious. "I will. Everything'll be fine. Really" "Good. Now get dress." He dropped the clothes on her and moved away. "Some people are so bossy in the morning." ***** Lou made it back inside with no problem. No one knew she hadn't spent the night in her room. After breakfast, Lou sat at the kitchen tables, talking softly to Rachel. Raymond was outside supervising the digging of a new well while his mother was upstairs. "So, we'll be leaving tonight?" Rachel asked. "Yeah, as soon as everyone is asleep." "Good. I have a bad feeling about this place. The sooner I'm away from it the better," Rachel replied. "Me, too. Raymond is acting stranger each day. I don't want to be anywhere near him." "Good, stay away from him. He wants you Lou and I have a feeling he'll do anything to have you. Don't give him a chance to get to you." "Don't worry. I won't go near him" ***** Late that afternoon, Lou helped Rachel bring in the wash. Raymond was leaning against the house pretending to watch the men work, when he was actually watching Lou. Suddenly one of the men digging the well yelled "Ow." The other man outside called down to the first man. "Lou, you OK down there." When Lou hears her name called, she started to react but stopped when she remembered her name was supposed to be Angelique. Most people wouldn't have even noticed her reaction, it was so slight. Raymond was watching her, though... and noticed. At first he thought she was reacting to the noise the men were making. Then he remembered their confrontation before she fell down the ravine. >>"Angelique, stop. Come back." Raymond said as he grabbed her reins. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Lou yelled. "Angelique, why didn't you stop?" Raymond asked. "What are you talking about? My name is Lou. Let go of my reins."<< She remembered. At the very least, she is starting to remember, Raymond thought. He was running out of time. It doesn't matter. He was not going to let her go. Angelique tried to leave once before and he stopped her then. If she tried again, he'll stop her this time too. ***** Lou couldn't wait to get out of the place. Throughout dinner, all she could think about was that in a few hours she would be leaving this place and going home. Everything was ready. Rachel had even found Lou's old clothes and shoes stuffed behind some dirty clothes in the back of Raymond's wardrobe. She wouldn't have to take anything from this place with her. She was careful enough to hide her excitement. After dinner, when she was trying to make her escape to the safety of her room, Raymond called her. "Angel, can I speak with you a moment in the parlor?" "Raymond, I'm really tired. Can we talk tomorrow?" "No Angel. We really must talk now." Seeing no way out of this meeting, Lou let Raymond escort her into the parlor. Once they were both inside, he closed the doors behind them. Lou went to stand by the fireplace, staring into the flames. The silence was making her nervous but she covered it well. When she couldn't stand it anymore, she softly asked, "Is there anything wrong, Raymond?" "Of course not, Angel, why do you ask?" he answered calmly. "Well, you asked to speak to me." "Oh, that. Well, we just haven't spoken in a while and I was wondering if everything was all right with you." "Everything is fine." "You seem to be trying to avoid me lately" "No, I'm not avoiding you. I've been busy helping Rachel and you've been busy with business. We just keep missing each other is all," she said, turning to look at him. "Is that what it is?" he asked, looking deep into her eyes. "Yes." "So you wouldn't have a problem spending some time with me now?" he murmured as he put his arms around her waist and pulled her close. Lou shook her head no, but Raymond mistook it for agreement. "Good," he said and then kissed her hard. She tried to pull away but he grabbed her by the arms and slammed her against the wall. "Stop trying to pull away," he ordered angrily. "I'm not," she said shakily. "Yes you are. But I'm not going to let you go. I won't let you leave me again" he yelled, slamming her against the wall again and again. "Raymond, stop, you're hurting me." Lou struggled against him but he was stronger. "I'm never going to let you leave, never!" he yelled, letting one of her arms go and grabbing a gun from a drawer in a nearby table. Lou saw this and tried to pacify him. "Raymond, I don't want to leave," she said softly as she stopped struggling. Raymond started to relax but he didn't let go of her. He stared at her a while, then he asked, "What if your memory comes back?" "But it hasn't." "Are you sure?" he asked suspiciously. "Of course. Why would it matter? I wouldn't leave you." she answered, trying to stay calm. "Maybe you would want to go back home." "What are you talking about? You said my parents were dead and that I didn't have any other people. This is my home. Why would I leave?" "You're right. You wouldn't leave. You're mine. You will always be mine no matter what," Raymond whispered, touching her face with the gun. Then kissed her again, roughly and pulled on her clothes. Not content, he tried pushing her down on the floor. Lou tried to resist but Raymond got mad again. "Stop pulling away," Raymond said angrily, bringing the gun up. Lou tried to stall for time. "I'm not pulling away. It's just this will be the first time we've been... together since the accident. I don't want to do this in here on the floor where anyone could walk in," she said breathlessly, hoping he will buy it. Raymond looked into her eyes. "You're right, Angel." Raymond got up and helped Lou up. He then opened the door, and held it for her. She started to walk past him but turned and took his face in her hands and kissed him softly. When she felt him relax, she slammed her knee into his groin and punched him in the face. He went down, groaning but he didn't drop the gun. Lou ran out the door and started towards the barn but realizing there wasn't any cover between the house and the barn, she headed for the woods behind the house. Raymond staggered out of the house. As he turned the corner of the house, he saw Lou enter the woods and took a shot at her. He missed but hit a tree near her. She didn't stop, didn't even look back. Raymond screamed "Angelique, stop." Kid and Rachel were talking in the barn. They ran out when they heard the gunshot. When they got outside, they saw Raymond running into the woods screaming "Angelique". The Kid pulled out his gun, and quickly followed Raymond. It was afternoon but storm clouds were gathering making the woods a dark and sinister place. The wind had picked up and was howling through trees. As Lou stumbled, she heard Raymond screaming. She ran as fast as she could away from him, but he followed closely behind. Soon she was out of breathe and could hardly take another step. Her lungs were burning and she couldn't catch her breath. She saw a bush nearby and decided to hide under it, hoping Raymond won't see her. When Raymond came through the trees, Lou was nowhere to be found. He stopped to listen, but there were no sounds. He looked around but didn't see anything. "Angel, come out I won't hurt you. I will be different this time," he called over the sound of the wind. He walked around the area, looking for her. "Angel, don't leave me," he pleaded. Lou held her breath. She couldn't see Raymond. She waited but nothing, not a word or a sound came out, except the wind blowing the leaves and howling through the trees. Then she saw the Kid. She wanted to go to him but she didn't know where Raymond was. The Kid cautiously came through the trees. He heard Raymond calling Angelique but all is quiet now. All of a sudden he heard Lou scream "Kid , look out". As he ducked behind a tree, he heard gunshot and a bullet whizzed by his head. While Raymond was trying to shoot the Kid, Lou crawled out from under the bush towards a tree near the Kid. Raymond screamed, "Angelique come back" but before he could aim at her, she was safely behind the tree. The Kid signaled Lou to stay down while he tried to get to a better position. Raymond, on the other hand, had become hysterical. When he heard Lou warn the Kid -- a virtual stranger -- he lost what little control he had left. He began screaming about how Angelique was his and always will be. How he will never let her go. He told them how they will suffer at his hands, all the while shooting at anything that moved. "Raymond, let us go," Lou pleaded. "No, you belong to me. Angelique, I didn't let you go before and I won't now." "I'm not Angelique. My name is Louise. Angelique isn't here." "Angelique, don't go. It will be different this time. I won't hurt you this time." "I'm not Angelique." "If you hadn't tried to run away, it wouldn't have happened. I didn't mean to hit you so hard. You just made me so mad and I couldn't stop. I didn't mean to kill you. It was an accident. I didn't mean to do it." Lou looked at the Kid, finally realizing what happened to the real Angelique. "I know you didn't mean to do it Raymond. Just let us go. It will be all rights," she shouted. "No, God gave you back to me. I won't let you leave me." While Lou was talking to Raymond, the Kid had moved so he had a clear shot at Raymond's back. He was about to yell at Raymond to put the gun down, when he heard the hammer of a gun click behind him. He dived out of the way as the gun fired. The bullet flew past him and lodged instead Raymond's back. Raymond fell... dead. At the same time Lou shouted 'Kid', another woman screamed 'Raymond'. Mrs. DuBois dropped her gun and ran towards Raymond's body. Lou made her way over to the Kid as he stood watching Mrs. DuBois kneel over her son, screaming and crying. As Lou and the Kid make their way out of the woods, the sky filled with dark storm clouds. They could still hear Mrs. DuBois screaming 'Raymond'. As Rachel ran toward them, lightening flashed. A few seconds later they hear a loud, 'BANG'. ***** Lou stood in the barn, listening to the thunder outside. It had been a month since she, Rachel and the Kid came back to Rock Creek. She remembered everything, including how she had fallen down the ravine while fighting Raymond. Everyone was glad to have her back. Cody even tried to convince her she owed him five dollars but must have forgotten. She didn't fall for it and even remembered that he owed her ten. Life went back to normal. She went back to riding and the Kid still worried about her. The Kid tried not to nag her too much but she didn't mind him worrying about her as much as she once did. It was kind of nice having someone worry if you're coming back or not. Lou had settled back into her life in Rock Creek pretty well considering all she had been through, but tonight was different. Tonight's storm was just like the storm on the day Raymond died. It was making her nervous and edgy. She couldn't get to sleep and she couldn't stay still. She decided to come out to the barn so she wouldn't wake anyone. While Lou was standing there, the Kid came into the barn carrying a blanket. "What are you doing out here?" she asked as he closed the door. "I saw you leave and decided to see if you were all right." "I couldn't sleep but I'm fine," she said but jumped at the clap of thunder. "Yeah, I can tell. Come on," he said as he took her hand and led her to a pile of hay. He motioned for her to lay down. When she did, he spread the blanket over her, got under it and took her in his arms. "Kid, yah ever notice how much thunder sounds like a gunshot," Lou asked. "Like when Mrs. DuBois killed herself?" "Yeah." "She tried to kill me and instead she killed her son. She couldn't deal with that." "I know. I just keep hearing the gunshot in my head." "I know." Lou and Kid sat there in silence listening to the storm for a few minutes. "Lou, I gotta ask you something" "What, Kid?" "You know when you were Angelique and you couldn't understand why you could ride a horse so well considering Angelique was suppose to be scared of horses and couldn't ride." "Yeah?" "Well, Rachel said that while you were Angelique you could cook but Lou burns water." "I could cook?" "Yeah. Rachel said you were really good at it. Isn't that strange?" Silence. "Lou?" "Does anyone else know?" "No. Rachel said she would keep your secret and I can be bought." "What do you want?" "A cake. A big chocolate cake." "You want me to bake you a cake." "Yep." "That's it?" "Yep, that's it... For now." The End