TITLE: Sugar Heart AUTHOR: Mette FEECBACK: metteknudsen@get2net.dk STANDARD DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders don't belong to the author, but to MGM/UA Television, Ed Spielman and Josh Kane. No copyright infringement intended. Sugar Heart By Mette Rock Creek, Nebraska Territory, Februrary 14th. The weather had been bad all week, snowing and storming, but today it was exceptionally pretty. Although several degrees below freezing, the air was clear and fine. A bright sun pierced the eyes of everybody on the streets, and made the snow drifts shine and sparkle. Every roof in the small town was beautifully covered with twinkling snow, and the branches of the trees hang low under the weight of their powderlike white burdens. Jimmy Hickock's glanze was caught by a small dark red object in the window, as he walked by the tailor shop. He was in town for picking up supplies for the Pony Express and had actually no time for popping in somewhere on the way, but he couldn't take his eye off that thing in the window decoration. On a heap of fluffy snow white cotton lay a little piece of candy in the shape of a heart. It was covered with burgundy frosting and on top was written a few words in white cake icing:"Will You Be My Valentine?" The writing was handsome and the dots over the i's were formed as little hearts. For many years, the Valentine Season hadn't meant anything to him. Hearts and red roses hadn't been a priority in his life, nor had the spirit of the holiday. For him, love was not a matter of romance or bright hours. Love was a few stolen moments of passion and else a forced feeling in his stomach whenever he had met a woman of his fancy. His matters of the heart had always been painful, and most the times they had ended before he knew it. Or so it had been until very recently-- He walked up to the shop window for a closer examination of the candy heart. "She will love it," Jimmy thought. He imagined Lou's surprise and happiness when she got the sugary heart, the love in her eyes would be obvious to everybody. With a pounding heart, he pictured her white teeth biting through the crunchy red frosting, little crumbs would stick to her rosy lips and her chin, and he could hear her with a joyful laughter offer him the other half of the candy heart. Affectionately, she would shower sweet and sticky kisses on his mouth -- kisses he would return return with much passion, untill they both got dizzy and-- Jimmy got abrubtly interrupted in his romantic daydreams, when a large drift of snow slipped down the porch roof above him and landed on the street with a loud thud. Since he was in safety under the roof, he wasn't hit with the avalanche, but Teaspoon Hunter was -- ever so much! He had been walking peacefully down the streets of his town, being a good marshal and keeping an eye on the people in town -- but unfortunately, he was not paying any attention to the huge layer of snow on the roof, which now dropped thickly upon him. Jimmy exploded with laugter, as the marshall coughing and sputtering tried to wipe the snow off his face. His entire body was covered with snow, and he looked excactly like a big and very, very angry snowman. Jimmy almost choked in convolsive laughter, and he had to lean against the railing of the porch to keep his balance. "It ain't funny; Hickock!" Teaspoon scolded harshly, but Jimmy was killing himself with laughter. The sight of the otherwise so majestic and imposing Texan covered in snow from top to toe was absolutely hilarious, and the young express rider couldn't but shreak with laughter. Tears welled in his eyes and his laugter turned into an stifled giggle, when he almost lost his breath. In the end though, Jimmy took pity over the greyhaired marshall fighting the thick blanket of snow. He stepped down and with glove-brushes helped his old friend get rid of his winterly attacker. "Phhffh--" Teaspoon spat the last snow out of his mouth and looked strictly at Jimmy. The young man handed him his hat with an assumed guilty look in his brown eyes ­ though he was not entirely able to repress the twinkle in them, neither the little giggle that escaped his lips. "Don't you have any chores to do, Wild Bill?" The stress upon the last two words was supposed to be Teaspoon's punishment for being the laughingstock, and he looked really mean. But in his heart, he wasn't all that angry ­ though he never would admit it. He hadn't heard the sound of Jimmy Hickock's cathchy dry laughter, nor seen his shining smile in a very long time, and he had missed both. The tall young man in front of him held a special place in his heart. Hot headed and temperamental as Jimmy was, Teaspoon saw many sides of himself as a youngster in the express rider. Maybe because of this, he always felt that he had to be a little harder on Jimmy than on the rest of the riders-- "Yessir. I was just on my way back. I just saw something in that window--" Jimmy swalloved his last giggle, and tossed his head in the direction of the tailor shop, where he had seen the candy heart. He regretted instantly that he had done it, because Teaspoon took an interest in it. "Oh, I see--since when has a dressmaker's shop got anything to offer you? Or maybe it ain't for yourself?" Teaspoon climbed the three steps to the porch and took a look at the window decoration. "Maybe it is -- maybe it ain't" Jimmy said abruptly, he wanted this discussion over with. The subject was a rather personal one-- Teaspoon pointed at the candied heart. "Nice thing, I'm sure that Lou'll like it!" "What makes you think I'm buying it for Lou?" "Well, she'll sure be mad if it isn't, right? See you later!" Teaspoon giggled for himself and descended the porch. *~*~* Jimmy gazed after the old marshall for a while, suddenly in doubt if he should buy the sugar heart or not. His feelings for Lou were--strong. The feeling of admiration and the yearning that rushed through his veins as well as his mind when ever he saw her was stronger than anything he remembered, and he knew that it could only be described by using the big word love. Definitely, he loved her, and had done it for a very long time, maybe even from the time he found out that she was not the boy she dressed like, but in fact was an very attractive woman. But it was not until recently he had acknowledged this feeling. She and the Kid had been together for a long time, and he hadn't done anything to change it. What had changed it all though, was a certain night, when they were Elias Mills to his hanging. The words she had said there felt like the twist of a knife in an open wound. >When you see Elias Mills, it's like staring in a mirror twenty years from now. And it scares you to death.< She had excused her harsh words in the next second and he had seen the true remorse in her eyes. The moment had made them closer than ever before and he had kissed her in a spur of the moment. She had kissed him back, passionately and intensely, and for a short while. Jimmy trembled by the memory. Lou had immeadiately regretted it, though, and she had turned to the Kid the next day for comfort. Her rejection had hurt him more than the deepest gunshot ever could. For days and days, he had tried to avoid her as much as possible, and to leave the kiss as a minor accident. He had tried to excuse it as sudden surrender to his deep loneliness, or to hurt pride over the words, she had said to him. He had even tried not to think of it at all, but neither of ways had any effect. The situation was burnt into his mind, and he would never forget it, nor be able to think of it without a throbbing heart. The salt taste of her mouth were burnt into his lips, and the soft feeling of her body in the white shirt was forever marked on his chest. He had smelled the fine scent of her skin, and had felt the soft touch of her black eyelashes on his cheek. Who had he been fooling, trying to erase such an intense memory from his mind? He never could forget-- And now he had a chance to win her back. Valentine's Day was a perfect opportunity. He knew she had feelings for him, it was only a matter of taking the first step. And he was willing to take that risk now, on this very day ­ the Day of the Hearts. But maybe it was too radical a thing to do, so shortly after Lou and the Kid had broken up--Jimmy didn't give much concideration to this subject, though. All the speculations was making him crazy. If he didn't make his move now, he never would. It was indeed now or never. He took his courage in both hands and pushed the door to the tailor shop open. Nothing venture, nothing win. *~*~* It was a new tailor shop in the town of Rock Creek, and he had never been in there before. He soon found out that he hadn't missed anything, The shop was run by the most bitter old woman in the West, or so it seemed. She sent him an extremely suspicious look as he entered the door. She had the face of a horse, and her long yellow teeth just made the horse-impression stronger. Her grey-streaked hair was set in the back in a knot, held together with two long hainpins. "If you're here to beg, then go away!" was her snarling welcome. Her voice was high and strident. Jimmy felt a strong desire for doing so; if fact he visioned her take one of the hairpins out and penetrate his eyes, if he stayed in the shop much longer. But he hadn't seen a candy heart elsewhere in town so he had to buy it here. After all, who was he to be frightened by an old woman? "How much for that?" he asked and pointed at the sugar heart in the window. This was not the place for smalltalk, he realized. He better get the shopping over with as quickly as possible. "More than you can pay!" she answered him impolitely. "Actually, I do have money, ma'am! And I'll take it no matter what the price." The last thing was a very unwise thing to say, he soon found out. The old woman got a greedy loke in her small eyes. But it was too late to take it back. "Really--?" Interested, she stepped a few steps forward and looked more closely at him with a couple of beady eyes. She hissed the prize at him, and he sighed inside. That was an absurd amount of money for a little piece of compressed sugar with frosting-- it would rip him off for two weeks pay-- "I'll take it" He handed her the money and watched as the shopkeeper with a sour expression wrapped the candy in pink tissue paper. She looked regretful that she hadn't asked an even higher price for the candy heart. *~*~* Jimmy returned to the Pony Express Station with the candy heart deep in his chest pocket. All the other riders were out on rides, except Lou. She had caught a cold and had been ordered by the joined forces of Teaspoon and Rachel to stay in the bunkhouse and don't go out no matter what. They had threatened her with the worst possible punishments if she left the house, but of course she wasn't in there when Jimmy came back from town. In stead, he found her in the corral, rubbing down her beloved Lightning. Jimmy kept standing in the doorway for a moment, looking at her. She hadn't noticed his arrival and was deeply concentrated on the horse. With a small smile resting on her lips that she wasn't even aware of, she fed Lightening a carrot and whispered kind words in his ears. The horse nodded, like he agreed in what she said. Lou giggled softly and placed a kiss on the horse's muzzle. "What's that you telling him?" Jimmy asked and entered the room. Startled, she spun around and looked at him in shock. A dark rose blush spread over her face and neck. "Nothing" "Sure sounds interesting to me!" He walked a little closer and reached for the gift in his pocket. Lou laughed out loud. "Jimmy, anything that is said in a whispering tone sounds interesting to you! What you got there?" She asked coriously and jumped a little to see the pink tissue paper in his chest pocket. "I have something for'a, Lou. You probably won't like it-- " "Why don't you hand it over and let me be the judge of that?" Lou said with a smile. She couldn't wait to see what was wrapped inside the pink paper. "Well, it's just-" Jimmy felt a hard push in his back and fell forward down on the ground. He got a lot of hay in his mouth and somebody fell on his back. It was Jesse, who had been running into the corral, like the devil himself was chasing him. He hadn't seen Jimmy standing there, until it was too late and a collision was inevitable. Jesse was in too much of a hurry to stop and he therefore pushed Jimmy down and landed on the rider's back. "Damn you, Jesse! What the Hell you doin'?" Jimmy roared at the young boy. A crunchy sound from his chest pocket indicated that his precious gift was no longer in the same condition as when he put it there. Jesse caught a glimpse of extreme anger in Jimmy's eyes and there was only one thing in his mind ­ to get up and get away as quickly as possible! But that was easier said than done. Jimmy got a hold of the fleeing boy's shirt and shook him roughly, with a very angry look on his face. Jesse tried in vain to get loose, flinging his arms and legs around, but he was stuck in Jimmy's hard grasp and had to stay where he was. Jimmy was too strong an opponent to beat, even though Jesse squirmed like an eel. "I-I-I-I didn't mean to knock you over, Ji-Ji-Ji-Jimmy! So-so-sorry!" Jesse coughed the words out in step with Jimmy's shaking him. Then the rider finally let go of him. "Just get away and pray that I won't see you any more before supper! Or else--!!" Jimmy let the last words hang in the air as a thread to Jesse, but it was to no use; the boy was out of the corral in the same minute he felt the grasp dissappear from his shirt collar. "What was that all about?" Lou asked curiously. Of course, she had seen Jesse run into Jimmy, but she hadn't expected that loud outburst of anger, Jimmy exploded in. "He ran into me, that clumsy, little--! Sometimes I'd wish he'd speed down just a bit, he'll end up killing somebody! And I sure don't want the first one to be me!" "Oh, I bet you were every bit as him, when you were a kid, Jimmy! Always running off somewhere to play!" Lou teased and brushed a few pieces of hay off his hair. "You said, you had something for me--?" "Well, I don't think it survived Jesse--" Jimmy drew the pink piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to her. This hadn't turned out as well as he had planned. She would probably be dissapointed, that the content of the gift was not a cute candy heart, but in fact a million little crumbles. But for now, Lou jumped in exitement. "Oh, what-is-it-what-is-it-what-is-it?" She ripped most the paper off before she realized that the content was dark red crumbles. She looked at the destroyed red candy with a stunned look in her eyes, then she laughed deeply. "What is this, Jimmy?" "Candy" He said shortly and looked the other way. "It was kind of pretty when I bought it. I mean, it was in the shape of a heart and--" he began shyly. "A heart? Uh, Jimmy--" Lou couldn't help laughing again over this sudden romantic idea. Normally, romance and Jimmy Hickock was an unexpected combination, but she knew him better than that. Few men could be more romantic than this tough guy. "Yeah, and on top it said--, well, never mind" He regretted he had started that sentence -- there was no way he was going to repeat the words from the top of the candy heart! "Did it say "Well, never mind" on top?" Lou sent him a confused look. "What a shame--" "Why's that?" "'Cause I saw this really nice candy heart at the tailor shop day before yesterday. And it said "Will you be my Valentine" on top. And I really hoped for such one--" She said and for fun tried to sound dissapointed, though she was very well aware of that there was only one kind of candy hearts available in town. "Well, it was one of those--a Valentine-heart--" Jimmy said and stared at his boots. "Really? Oh, thank you!" She placed her fingers in the candy crumbles and grapped one of the larger chunks and it dissappeared into her mouth. "What does it taste like?" He asked, the sight of her eating the candy was excactly what he had dreamed of and he trembled. "It's--ehm--nice! And sweet--!" Her lips crushed by the taste and she swallowed giggling. She couldn't wait to see the expression on Jimmy's face when he tasted it. "Here, you have a bite! Open wide!" She picked up a large crumb from the paper and put it inside his mouth. The light brush of her tiny soft fingers against his tongue and lips made him shiver, and he felt his cheeks burning. The slight touch set his entire body on fire and knocked his breath away. If only she knew what an effect she had upon him whenever she was near... Luckily, Lou didn't seem to notice his emotional instability. All of a suddden, the taste of the sugary heart hit his taste buds like a fist punch, and he had to fight the urge for spitting the candy out again. He had never tasted anything as sweet as this! In fact, it was sickly sweet, his mouth dried out and his throat yelled for water. A stinging pain flew through a sore teeth in his upper jaw and he barely manged to swallow the candy. "Yaks, that's so sweet!" He couldn't find any other words to describe that taste. It was sickly sweet and none of the had never tasted anything like it. They looked at each other and burst into laughter at the same time. Jimmy reached out for her and took her in his arms. He placed a small kiss on the temple of her head and looked into her eyes. "Will you--" She smiled at him, the man she loved more than anything on this Earth. "Yes, of course I'll be your Valentine, Jimmy!" She mumbled and raised herself on tiptoe for kissing his mouth. The End