TITLE: Valentine Surprises AUTHOR: Angela FEEDBACK: ladyrealm@aol.com STANDARD DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders don't belong to the author, but to MGM/UA Television, Ed Spielman and Josh Kane. No copyright infringement intended. Valentine Surprises by Angela The fresh layer of snow sparkled on the ground that February morning, covering up the aged snow. The sun was radiant and the wind nonexistent. "Perfect weather to celebrate the day of Love in," Rachel thought as she glanced out the window. It should prove to be a very eventful day if Kid's plan went well. The knock on the door grabbed Rachel's attention, and she eagerly invited Lou in. Her friend seemed a little sad, but was fighting it. Rachel instantly knew what Lou was thinking. Kid had forgotten it was the day of love, and in turn forgotten her. "If she only knew how wrong she was," Rachel thought with a smile. "Got any plans for today?" Lou asked as she removed her hat. Her cheeks were pink from the cold, and her glasses were fogged. "Well, I was thinking about cleaning the cupboards out," Rachel said. Actually, she had a more important job to accomplish. "Why?" she asked innocently. "Nothing," Lou replied, removing her spectacles. "I was just thinking that maybe we could make this a girls' day." Rachel smiled sympathetically at her friend. She had no idea the treats she was in for. "What did you have in mind?" "Maybe some shopping in town," Lou answered. She prayed Rachel would agree. Otherwise she'd have to drag her there. "I don't think so, Louise," Rachel declined. "I really need to get some work done around here." To prove her point, Rachel began dusting the shelves. "Just for a little while," Lou begged. "It'll be fun!" A knock on the door interrupted the ladies' conversation. After permission was given, Jimmy entered the little house with a package. He smiled warmly at Lou. "Looks like you got an admirer," he informed her. Eagerly, she relieve him of the package. "Open it," Rachel encouraged as she peered over Lou's shoulder. Lou quickly did so, and was overjoyed to find a beautiful forest green dress made out of velvet. Black lace trimmed the neckline and the sleeves. White pearl buttons marked the top. Included with the dress was a new pair of lady's shoes. "This is so beautiful!" Lou exclaimed, holding up the dress. Surprisingly, the admirer left no note with his gifts. "Well go try them on!" Rachel insisted. "Get going!" Once Louise was safely upstairs, Rachel turned to Jimmy. The smile in his eyes told her things were almost in place. ***** Lou twirled in front of the oval mirror, loving her new dress. Kid had remembered. She knew it was his doing. She had shown him the dress in Seneca over a month ago. It felt so nice to be finally wearing it instead of jawing over it. The attire fit perfectly, as did the black leather shoes. To complete the lady look, Louise dolled up her hair with some of Rachel's hair pins. "This is some Valentine's present," Lou thought as she twirled around. Then she remembered Rachel. They needed to get to town. ***** At the sound of Lou's footsteps, Jimmy and Rachel ceased their whispered words. Lou descended gracefully in her new attire. As a lady, she was breath taking. "You look real nice Lou," Jimmy called after softly whistling his appreciation. "You really do," Rachel agreed. With a smile, Rachel pulled another package out from under the table. "This came for you too." "What?" Lou cried, very puzzled. How many gifts did she need? Not that she was complaining. "From my admirer again?" "Fraid so," Rachel informed her. Watching her friend's excitement grow made the game more fun to play. The next package revealed a black hooded cloak, also made out of velvet. Lou stared at the clothing in disbelief. It was almost like a dream. "He's gone too far," Lou cried. Then she noticed the gloves still resting in the box. "I'm getting spoiled." However, the notion didn't stop her from trying the warm cloak and gloves on. She posed for her friends at their request. Soon the house was called upon once again. Jimmy promptly opened the door to greet their visitor. Buck stood before them, nicely dressed in a dark brown suite. He tipped his fancy hat in respect to the ladies. "Mr. Kid, requests the honor of Miss McCloud's company," Buck informed them. Gently, he embraced Lou's hand. He gestured with royal notions while insisting, "Come my lady, your sleigh awaits." Lou threw a curious look at her friends before allowing Buck to escort her to the sleigh. Her prince waited in the black sleigh. Attached to the rig was a beautiful paint horse. Katy! Naturally Kid had to have his two favorite girls with him on Valentine's Day. Louise smiled warmly at her love, stopping beside the wonderful rig that would glide them along the snow. Buck, as a gentleman and official driver, helped Louise into the sleigh. Then he assumed the driver's position. "You look beautiful," Kid said at the lovely image Lou presented. "You always do, but today you look.... Wow!" "Thank you," Lou answered, feeling her cheeks grow warm. "I never saw this coming," she admitted. Kid smiled in response, his blue eyes shining. "You weren't suppose to," Kid told her as Buck ordered Katy forward. The designated driver didn't need to wait for orders. Kid had discussed the route with him earlier. Two weeks in advance to be exact. "Where are we going?" Lou asked out of curiosity. "It's a secret," the man next to her answered. He drew the warm cotton blanket across their laps. "I have a secret of my own," Lou acknowledge. "Maybe it's about time I shared it." As the sleigh raced along the countryside, Lou shared her little secret with her companions. It was one of significant importance. ***** Back at the station, the riders were busy preparing for the next event in Kid's plan. An important part of romance was dining, so the crew got to work on setting up the romantic dinner scene. Rachel had collected all the necessary items with Teaspoon's help. Candles, fine china, and sparkling silverware would create the romantic mood. Rachel, with Jimmy as her assistant, would prepare the fine meal. Steak, potatoes, and a rich gravy. At Jimmy's suggestion, Rachel picked up a bottle of wine for the couple. Naturally, the suggestion had to gain Teaspoon's approval first. To top things off, she made a chocolate mousse pudding for dessert. The menu was perfectly drawn up. Now it was up to the boys to finish the setting. Everything was cleared out of the house's biggest room except for a round oak table. On the table, Cody placed a white lace cloth over its smooth surface. Then candles were placed firmly in the center. Finally the silverware and cloth napkins. Things were almost ready to go. While Cody set the table, Ike worked on the room's atmosphere. Noah, who was on a run, gave Ike some suggestions before leaving. Pictures were hung along the room to make it cheerful. Long, elegant drapes were hung across the only window. They were opened just enough to allow some light in the room. Once the candles were lit, the drapes would be closed. The young man who recruited his friends help had no idea the extra length they were going to for him. The riders were determined to make this Valentine's Day unforgettable for the young couple. Besides, they were having fun assisting Kid. ***** When the sleigh pulled up two hours later, the riders quickly took their places. After Kid helped Lou out of the sleigh, Buck immediately went to take care of Katy. As the couple approached the steps, Teaspoon gave the party their warning. "Places!" He called softly. Once the couple reached the door, Teaspoon changed into character. ***** "Good evening," the law of Sweetwater bid the young couple as he opened the door. The former Texas Ranger was dressed nicely in double breasted suit. His face was clean and shaved. "Welcome to 'Express Love'. The finest, most romantic restaurant this country has to offer." Teaspoon winked at the beautiful woman before him. "Please, allow me to show you to your seats." Graciously, he guided them to the elegant table prepared for them. "This is wonderful!" Lou cried at the sight. Her express family had done a magnificent job transforming the room. She could tell her date was equally surprised by the room's make over. After they were seated, Teaspoon stated, "Your waiter will be right with you." Then he left the young couple alone. Music grew from the background. A beautiful song called 'Clair De Lune' drifted from Ike's harmonica. "Bonjour," Cody greeted as he approached their table. "Welcome to 'Express Love'." The blonde rider's hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and he wore a clean white shirt with black pants. Two menus rested in his hand. "Would you like to see a menu?" "Why yes," Lou answered. Cody gently handed the items over. "Thank you," Kid said as he pretended to look it over. "Personally, I recommend the steak and potatoes," Cody said as he lit the candles. "But then, the potatoes with steak is also quite good." An amused grin spread across his face. "That sounds lovely," Lou declared. She handed the dinner list back to Cody. Kid followed her example. Then gently, he reached across the table and embraced her gloved hands. Her eyes sparkled with joy. For a brief moment, they were together in their own world. Then the sound of Ike's harmonica broke the moment. Jimmy, Cody, and Ike stood before them. Both Jimmy and Ike had dressed up for the occasion also. "In dedication to this lovely couple, we'd like to sing a song," Cody announced as if other dining citizens were in the room. "Ready Ike?" he asked. With a nod, Ike raised his instrument to his lips. "Flies in the buttermilk, shoo fly shoo," the two gentlemen wailed, slightly off key. "Flies in the buttermilk, shoo fly shoo-" Pretty soon, the singers fell behind the instrument's established pace, but they finished the song regardless. "Skip to my Lou my Darling!" Unable to restrain themselves any longer, the three gentlemen surrendered to laughter. Then they stumbled out of the room leaving the couple to themselves. Fifteen minutes later, their waiter returned. He carried on a shimmering platter their meals, along with a bottle of wine. "Your food, Madam," Cody said politely as he placed her decorative plate before her. "And yours, Sir." Then he poured their crystal glasses with the chilled drink, and dismissed himself. ***** Rachel secretly watched the couple. Although she enjoyed helping Kid surprise Louise, she felt a bit envious. What girl wouldn't? With a sigh, Rachel returned to the kitchen. There was work that needed to be done. Once Rachel arrived in the little room, she was surprised to find a package resting on the counter. Curiously, she approached it and discovered the gift was meant for her. A note in delicate writing was attached to it. I remember you in the fondest ways, back from our childhood days. Please don't decline and say you'll be mine. My very special Valentine. Rachel's mind raced. Quickly, she opened the neatly wrapped box. Inside were chocolates along with a delicate locket. "It's lovely!" Rachel declared as she held the locket up. Who could've sent this? "Better hurry," Buck encouraged from the door way. "He's waiting." The secret knowledge he held made him eager to guide Rachel to her mysterious Valentine. "You know who sent this?" Rachel asked. Buck nodded. "Who?!" "It's a surprise!" Buck threw back. "Now go get ready!" He motioned for her to hurry, and Rachel quickly obeyed. Her heart soaring as she headed up stairs. The note and the gift were unexplainable. She opened her closet, and picked out her favorite dress. It was lilac in color with tiny floral prints. She rarely ever wore it. Nervously she fixed up her hair and put on a touch of perfume. Then she carefully hooked the locket around her neck and proceeded downstairs. It was time to meet her admirer. "Your sleigh awaits you, my lady," Buck informed her as he escorted her to the sleigh. He was enjoying the chauffeur role. After Rachel was comfortably seated in the sleigh, Buck took the driver's seat. The fresh horse assigned to the rig sprang forward at his command. Rachel sat nervously tugging at her purse. Butterflies danced in her tummy. Finally she couldn't take it anymore. "Buck, what's this all about?" She begged. "I'm not allowed to say," Buck answered as he guided the horse to town. "Let's just say that there was a real good reason Lou wanted to go shopping this morning." "She knew about this?" Rachel questioned as she glanced down at the locket. "Yep," Buck answered. "No one else did." Lou had kept the man's arrival to herself. She wanted to make sure Rachel was surprised. As the sleigh reached the outskirts of town, Buck heard Rachel take a deep breath. She was more nervous than he originally thought. Once the sleigh slide to a stop outside the restaurant, Buck dismounted to help Rachel out. "Thank you," Rachel whispered. Together they recited a reasonable meeting time in case things didn't work out. It was a precaution they both insisted on. With anticipation, Rachel headed to meet her mystery valentine. Before entering the cozy structure, she straightened her hair and dress by using the window as a mirror. "Here goes nothing," Rachel declared. From the lobby, Rachel looked over the dining citizens. Many couples were having a quite meal to celebrate Valentine's Day. Candles glowed, glasses clicked together, and happy voices carried the promise of love. Rachel brushed a strand of hair away from her face, and looked for signs of her mystery date's presence. ***** Meanwhile, Buck debated about whether or not to put the horse up in the livery stable for a while. From the way Lou talked, Rachel was going to enjoy her dinner. It was sure turning into a special day for the ladies. "That's a nice horse you got there," a young woman with curly blonde hair and warm brown eyes called. She approached to examine the horse as well as Buck. Her fingers gently brushed the horse's face. "He is," Buck agreed as he eyed the petite woman before him. She had on a dark blue dress with white ribbons accenting the neckline. "Are you meeting someone special?" She asked shyly. Her eyes shimmered as she studied him. "No," he answered. "I was just given a friend a ride." The news pleased her greatly. Nervously, Buck inquired, "Would you care to go for a ride?" "Yes!" she cried excitedly. Then remembering her manners, she added, "If it's not too much trouble Mr.?" "Cross," he answered quickly. "Buck Cross." "Natalie Thatcher," she informed him as she extended her hand. They shook hands gently, taking a moment to draw secret notes of each other. Then Buck helped the young lady into the sleigh. "I haven't been on a sleigh ride since I was little," the twenty year old admitted. As the horse pulled away, Natalie laughed softly. She was sure to have a good time! ***** Rachel tugged at her dress with tense energy. So far, her admirer had failed to make himself known. "He's not coming," Rachel reasoned. Sadly, she headed for the exit, her head lowered to avoid the sight of happy faces. "Rachel?" a man called out. Rachel turned and faced him. He wore a dark gray suit with a tie. His auburn hair and captivating green eyes seemed familiar. "You look as beautiful as ever!" With noticeable finesse, he placed a beautiful daisy in her hand. "I'm sorry, I don't remember you," Rachel exclaimed after struggling to place his face. "Don't be," he reassured her. "It been a long time." He encouraged her to embrace his arm. "Let's reintroduce ourselves over dinner?" "I'd like that," Rachel complied as a waiter guided them to an isolated table. Once their orders were taken, Rachel began inquiring about the man. "I know we've met before, it just that I can't place your face." "Well, we lived in the same community for nearly three years," he informed her. He noted the puzzlement in her eyes. "But I never mustered the courage to properly introduce myself until..." his voice trailed off and he bashfully looked away. "That dance." So many questions circulated in Rachel's mind, she didn't know where to start. Before she could spit out her first inquiry, the waiter arrived with a tray of appetizers. He placed a bottle of champagne before them. "No thank you," Rachel cried quickly. Too quickly, causing her cheeks to warm and turn a darker shade of pink. "I'm sorry, I don't drink." Her date eyed her in admiration. She still held her strong will. "Take this away," he ordered. "And bring us back a pitcher of... milk?" He looked to Rachel to reaffirm his choice and she did with a nod of her pretty head. "I have so many questions," Rachel explained. She placed the cloth napkin delicately across her lap. "I guess for starters-" "No questions," he said abruptly. Before continuing, he waited for the milk to be delivered and poured. After they got their drinks he elaborated, "I want to tell this like a fairy tale story. Like it would be in a book." Rachel leaned forward, very intrigued. She took a sip of her drink, then admitted, "I'm very eager to hear this story." While he searched for the perfect beginning, Rachel indulged herself in the delicious meal that the waiter had just set before her. Her admirer cut his meat into thin strips during his search. "Ready?" he questioned. He took a few bites of the veal that rested on the rose patterned china. Then he began his tale. "A long time ago, in a small town deep in Mississippi, there lived a young boy." He gestured to himself. "He was a fairly handsome fella, but one with little clothing sense." "Doesn't appear that way to me," Rachel informed him. Then realizing how easily her message could have been misread, she hastily added, "The clothing part, that is." Her explanation made him chuckle softly, and Rachel noted how his eyes danced when they were happy. "For fourteen years he spent his days doing typical boy things. Catching frogs, fishing..." He paused to enjoy his food some more, and to let the beginning set in. Then he continued. "One hot summer day, he was resting outside on the school steps when he saw the most remarkable sight." "Remarkable huh?" Rachel shyly repeated. This man sure knew how to flattered a girl. "Yes," he answered. "Little Eddie finally got the guts to stand up to 'Big Bully' Higgins and..." "A fight?" Rachel repeated. "That was the remarkable sight?" "Well it was very remarkable," he assured her. "For two reasons." "Let me guess. A right and left hook," she teased. Her companion laughed. "Actually they wrestled around more than they boxed," he corrected. He pushed his plate to the side and poured himself some more milk. "That was an important fight. See, as the young boy flew from the steps to join the flock of children gathered around the battle, he caught his first glimpse of true beauty." "Is this where I come in?" Rachel questioned. Before answering, he reached across the table and embraced her hand. "Indeed. At that very instant, the boy forgot about everything, except the brief vision of a girl with strawberry blonde hair." "I'm really liking this story," she confided. She squeezed his hand tighter, truly enjoying his company. She had a feeling tonight was going to be real special. The sleigh returned to the town's outer limits less than an hour later. During their ride, Buck introduced Sweetwater's newest citizen to the area. Natalie and her family moved had from Willow Creek less than three weeks ago, but she was finding it difficult to make friends. "I haven't had this much fun in a long time," Natalie confided. She pulled the cotton blanket tightly across her lap. Her cheeks were rosy due to the cold, and her finger tips a bit chilled. "I'm glad," Buck answered cheerfully. Natalie was now the third woman he had taken on a sleigh ride. He enjoyed her company the most! "I wish we could drive around forever!" she exclaimed. Then with a sigh, Natalie said, "But I should be getting back. My parents are probably starting to worry." "I understand," Buck assured her as they raced toward the town. "Here," he said, handing the reins to the young lady beside him. Eagerly she took them, and guided the horse to her little home at the edge of Sweetwater. "Whoa!" She ordered the young horse. After the animal complied, Natalie pointed to the plain house with a small wooden fence circling it. "This is home," she told him with a smile. "It was really nice meeting you, Natalie," Buck called as he jumped out. Then he turned and helped the young lady from the sleigh. "You know, I wouldn't mind coming to see those express horses you were talking about," she informed Buck nervously. She fumbled with her skirt before suggestion the next afternoon. "That sounds great!" he told her. "How about three o'clock?" "Sounds better than great!" Natalie exclaimed. "You can meet my parent then, but I already know they'll like you." "That's a relief," he admitted. She stood before him, nervously. Then, she quickly kissed him on the cheek. "See you tomorrow!" she called as she walked to the house. After she was safely inside, Buck decided to go check on Rachel. He wondered if she was enjoying her Valentine's surprise. He sure enjoyed his! ***** Back at the cozy restaurant, Rachel's admirer continued with his tale. "Everyday the boy waited to catch more glimpses of his first love, wearing her pigtails-" "Oh! You remember the pigtails?" Rachel cried. Those were something she'd rather forget! "I thought they were adorable," he informed her. "Pigtails or not, he loved the way she looked. The way she smiled." "Let's get to the part where you approach me," Rachel demanded finally. Although she loved the compliments he was showering her in, Rachel was dying to discover his identity. It had to do with a dance. "Okay," he agreed. "The boy- well that is I- finally worked up the nerve to introduce myself." He pause to reflect on the memory. It was one he could never forget. "It was at the town's Valentine's Dance. You looked lovely in your pink dress with white silk ribbons in your curly hair." "I remember!" Rachel cried. It was the only Valentine's Dance she had ever attended. Practically the whole town showed up to celebrate the event. Boys and girls danced their hearts out. She also remembered the little accident that occurred. How could she forget? It was so embarrassing! "I was going to introduce myself, but then things didn't exactly go as planned," he admitted. He bowed his head, almost afraid to finish his story. "Oh!" Rachel exclaimed after putting the pieces together. She finally recognized her mystery man. "You're the boy who tripped and grabbed my skirt as he fell!" The memory played back in her head as she gazed into his guilt stricken eyes. "I couldn't face you afterwards," he informed her. "Not after it ripped clean off ya." He shook his head to rid the memory. It still haunted him. "I never apologized, but I meant too." Rachel smiled warmly at her companion. "Forget about it," she insisted. "Worse things have happened to me." "Lou said you'd understand," he confided in her. "I was a little hesitant..." "Lou knows?" Rachel questioned. Her voice held a pinch of anger, but she quickly pushed it away. She liked this gentleman and wanted to know more about him. "I wouldn't mind an introduction now," she encouraged. "Benjamin Rooney," he said. Then he gently raised her hand and kissed it. "It took me a long time to find you, Rachel." He heard little pieces of information here and there that finally lead him to Sweetwater. Eventually he was guided to the express station where Lou greeted him. After conversing with the express rider for some time, they formulated a plan to surprise Rachel. "I'm glad you did," Rachel admitted. "This has turned out to be a wonderful evening." "It's not over," he reassured her. Ben turned and gestured for a group of musicians to approach. They gathered near the table with their instruments. "May I have this dance?" "You may," she answered. Together the two began gracefully dancing to the melody, 'Waltz of the Flower'. Curious on lookers admired them from a distance. Buck was one of them. As he watched them twirl around, he found himself reflecting on what a special day it had really turned out to be. ***** Back at the station, Lou called her express family into the dining room. They had done so much to make this day special for her. Now it was time to show her appreciation. She rose from her seat, a bit tipsy from the wine. "I have a Valentine's present for you all," Lou informed them. "Really?" Teaspoon inquired. "Yep. I baked cookies!" Lou said with a smile. She noted the uneasy glances the riders exchanged. "You baked?" Cody questioned with a voice full of dread. He remembered how skilled Lou was in the kitchen. Not at all! "Well, actually Rachel did," Lou admitted to her companions' relief. "But I helped!" Quickly she headed to the kitchen and retrieved the hidden treats. "Happy Valentine's Day!" "They look great," Cody noted as he swept several frosted cookies up. After eating one, he declared, "And they taste even better!" "The cookies aren't the only surprise I have though," Lou informed the men. To reward the gentlemen, Lou placed a delicate kiss on each one's cheek. "Thanks gents, for making this such a wonderful day!" "You're welcome," the riders called in unison. Then they worked on finishing their Valentine cookies and the remaining wine. Due to the special occasion, Teaspoon didn't object to the drinking. As Lou took Kid's arm to top the evening off with a stroll under the moonlight, she found herself noting how grand love was. It brought people together. Throughout history, love has proven to be the most beautiful thing of all. Definitely the most treasured by friends, family, and lovers. Happy Valentine's Day! The End