TITLE: A Wedding For Emma AUTHOR: Cassie FEEDBACK: clatshaw@compuserve.com STANDARD DISCLAIMER: The Young Riders don't belong to the author, but to MGM/UA Television, Ed Spielman and Josh Kane. No copyright infringement intended. A Wedding For Emma By Cassie Chapter One "Rider comin," Emma yelled as she stepped out onto the porch and looked in the direction of pounding hooves. Shading her eyes against the sun, which had just begun to set, she recognized Cody riding hard and fast toward the way station. "It's Cody," she yelled to Ike, who was mounting up to prepare for receiving the mochilla from the incoming rider. A minute later Cody and his horse came galloping into the yard, handing off the mochilla to Ike. "Ride safe," Cody and Emma shouted in unison to Ike's quickly retreating figure. "Emma, I'm starved and I'm exhausted. Do you think you could fix me something to eat while I take care of my horse," Cody asked as he prepared to take his horse into the barn. "Sure Cody, I'll bring something over to the bunkhouse as soon as you're done taking care of that horse," Emma replied. It looked like Cody had a rough ride, Emma thought to herself as she went into the house to prepare him something to eat. Supper was almost done for the rest of the riders as well. I hope they're back from town soon she thought. A short while later Emma knocked on the bunkhouse door. "Cody," Emma called through the door, "I brought you your supper." Hearing no reply Emma slowly opened the door and cautiously looked in. Spying Cody already asleep in his bunk, Emma walked over and set his supper down on the table. Emma gently shook the exhausted rider, "Cody, wake up. You need to eat something before you go to sleep." "Awww Emma," Cody muttered as he opened his eyes. "I had a really hard ride, just let me go to sleep, I'll eat later." Emma was genuinely surprised to hear Cody turn down a meal. He must be really worn out if he's willing to skip supper. She carefully laid a clean napkin over Cody's supper plate. "Okay Cody, go back to sleep. I'll leave your supper here on the table in case you change your mind. I've got to go finish that pie I'm making for after supper tonight." Thinking the mention of pie might perk him up a bit Emma turned and headed out the door. "Pie," Cody thought to himself, now that's something I've missed the last two days. In Cody's opinion, none of the other stations had a cook who could hold a candle to Emma. Dreaming of pie, Cody quickly drifted back to sleep. Neither Cody nor Emma heard the men who snuck up on them and neither of them made a sound as they were hit on the head with the butt of two different guns. Chapter Two "Barnett, what do you think you're doing?" Marshall Sam Cain had just about reached the end of his rope. Sweetwater had been unusually quiet the last few weeks and Sam had run out of errands to send his deputy on. The last three days had found Barnett practically living in Sam's shadow. A situation Sam was finding more intolerable with each passing day. "Sam, I thought I should give my gun a good cleanin," Barnett replied testily. He too was bored by the recent forced inactivity. "Well, I don't know why'd you think that, it's not like you've even used it in the last six months." "Now Sam, what else have I got to do?" Barnett asked, drawing each word out as though Sam was not too bright and needed it spelled out. Fortunately Sam's response was interrupted by a loud thump just outside the door, followed by an even louder "ouch." "Teaspoon," exclaimed Sam, "What brings you here and what's with the crutch?" "Now Sam, if you poured me a nice cool cup of water, I just might be inclined to tell you the whole of it," Teaspoon stated as he gingerly settled into a chair in the Marshall's office. Sam quickly brought Teaspoon a cup of water and settled down for what was bound to be a long and interesting story. After all, Teaspoon knew he had some time before the riders finished their business in town and from what Teaspoon had heard of the conversation going on prior to his entering the Marshall's office he felt Sam and Barnett could use something to distract them from their boredom. "Well, it all started a week ago with those new horses we had to break..." "I think that would look real nice on you. I wish I could see you in it." Lou jumped and quickly turned around to look at Kid whose words whispered into her ear had just taken ten years off her life. "Yeah well," Lou shrugged her shoulders leaving the rest of her sentence unspoken. "Jimmy, we about done here?" Lou yelled across the room, anxious to leave now that Kid had caught her looking at the dresses in Tompkins store. "We still need to stop at the blacksmith's and I'm getting hungry for Emma's dinner." "Yeah Lou, all we gotta do is load this stuff onto the wagon. Why don't you go ahead and pick up the horses at the blacksmith's and bring em here. Kid and me should have everything loaded into the wagon by then," Jimmy responded, amused by the confused look on Kid's face. Lou quickly ran out of the store, glad to be excused of the task of loading the supplies onto the wagon. She was also glad to get out of the conversation Kid had begun. It was getting harder and harder to hide her identity from Teaspoon and being reminded of her situation wasn't exactly what she was looking for these days. A short while later found Jimmy driving the wagon back to the station, a dozing Teaspoon in the seat beside him. Kid, Lou and Sam rode a short distance ahead of the wagon, each lost in their own thoughts. "I sure hope Emma isn't too worried about us, we were awfully late leaving town," Kid remarked to Lou and Sam. "Don't worry Kid, there will be plenty of dinner left for you, unless of course Cody got back from his ride already," Sam responded much to Lou's amusement. I sure hope she lets me stay for dinner Sam thought to himself. After that quarrel we had last night, I'm not too sure. Lou, deciding she needed something to take her mind off dresses and dances decided a horse race was just the thing. "Last one there's gotta talk Cody into his chores tomorrow," Lou yelled out as she spurred Lightning into a fast run. "Oh no you don't," Kid yelled, spurring Katy into action right behind the petite rider. Sam decided to let the two riders have their fun. Maybe what they really want is a few stolen moments away from the others, he thought to himself. He was still having a hard time dealing with the knowledge that Lou was really Louise. He cringed recalling the fight he and Emma had last night. Sam wanted to tell Teaspoon Lou's secret, he didn't think it was fair for the station manager to be kept in the dark. Emma had gotten him to promise he wouldn't say anything, but he had to admit he was concerned about Lou's riding for the express. It was a dangerous job for a girl. But still, a promise was a promise and he meant to keep it. At least for now. Chapter Three "Emma are you okay?" Cody asked as soon as he noticed the housekeeper coming to. Emma didn't respond right away and that worried Cody. He watched in the firelight as Emma started to move her head around and then stopped as the pain hit her. "Emma, Emma can you talk?" "I'm okay Cody" she softly responded to his inquiries. "My head hurts awful. What happened? I don't remember anything." "You've been kidnapped," a voice responded out of the shadows in the corner of the cabin they were in. "This is our cabin. My name is Nathaniel and this is my wife Gaynelle. Most folks just call us Nat and Nellie." A large and rather smelly man suddenly burst into the small cabin. "That's enough talking in here old man. Now shut up and go to sleep." Moving over to Cody and Emma he checked to make sure they were still securely tied up and then added another log to the fire. "You two just sit tight and don't cause no trouble. We're leaving early in the morning so you'd better sleep now." Looking out the door as the man exited Cody was able to see that it was fully dark. "We must've been out for a few hours Emma. I wonder what they're planning to do with us?" "I guess we'll just have to wait until morning Cody. Worryin''' isn't going to change things. Why don't you try to get some sleep," Emma responded as calmly as possible. She was worried about their situation, but she didn't want Cody to know just how worried she was. She also was thinking of Sam and the argument they had the previous night. Oh Sam, I'm so sorry we fought. I wish you were here she thought to herself. There was no further conversation from the corner of the cabin. With the added logs, Emma was now able to see the couple in the corner. They looked to be somewhere in their fifties and were huddled in the corner holding one another. Emma looked away allowing them their privacy. Eventually both she and Cody fell into an uncomfortable sleep. Chapter Four "Emma!" Jimmy yelled into the house as he drove the wagon up to the porch. "Emma, we're back from town and we brought Sam with us for dinner." Despite their best efforts to keep it quiet, Jimmy had accidentally overheard part of Emma and Sam's argument the previous night. He wanted to give Emma the chance to prepare for Sam's arrival. "Sure is quiet around here," Teaspoon remarked to Jimmy as the younger man helped him down from the wagon. "Wonder where everybody is?" Having spied Cody's horse in the barn, Jimmy was quick to reply, "Cody probably ate all the food and then drove Emma to her bed with all his jawin'." Both the men had a chuckle at Jimmy's remark. "What's so funny?" Sam asked as he came upon the two men, who were still chuckling as they began to enter the house. "Cody," they responded in unison. No further explanation was needed. "Well now, something's just not right here!" Teaspoon stated as they entered the house. There was no dinner in the kitchen and no fire in the stove. "Emma!" Sam shouted as he began to run from room to room. "She's not here," he told Teaspoon and Jimmy when he returned to the kitchen. "I'll go check the bunkhouse, maybe she's just in there," Jimmy stated already walking out the door. Deep down the three men knew that the bunkhouse would be empty. ***** "What's going on?" Kid asked as he and Lou walked into the kitchen. Jimmy had already returned and told the older men that the bunkhouse was indeed empty also. "Cody's horse is in the barn. Where's him and Emma?" Lou questioned. Despite the worry he was feeling Jimmy couldn't help but be amused as he noticed Kid and Lou's flushed faces and the hay in Lou's hair. Well now, I wonder what they've been up to Jimmy thought to himself. As if he didn't already know. Lately Kid and Lou had been getting along really well, meaning the bunkhouse had been unusually quiet. The rest of the rider's had increased their teasing of the young couple every chance they got, but the truth was that they were glad for the peace and quiet. "Emma and Cody are missing," Sam responded the worry evident in the tone of his voice. "I'm going after them." "Now hold on Sam, it's full dark out there. Buck should be riddin' in any minute. As soon as it's light out you, Buck, Jimmy and Kid will go after Emma and Cody." Seeing that Sam was not entirely convinced Teaspoon added, "Sam, you can't follow her in the dark and you'll need Buck to help track. I know it ain't easy son, but there ain't no other way. Side's Cody'll take care of Emma." Sam knew Teaspoon was right and that Cody would do whatever he could to protect Emma, but it didn't make things any easier. Eventually the men and lone girl settled in for the night, each lost in their own thoughts and wondering if they could actually fall asleep. Only Sam was still awake to hear Buck ride in a couple of hours before dawn. Chapter Five "I think you'd better wake up now," a gentle hand slowly shook Emma awake. "The men will let you go to the outhouse, but you can only go with me." Seeing the question in Emma's eye's the older woman continued, "They know I won't go anywhere as long as they've got Nat." As Emma and Nellie walked towards the outhouse, under the watchful eye of a guard standing at the back of the house, Emma realized she hadn't seen Cody. "Do you know where Cody's at?" she asked Nellie, panic creeping into her voice. "They came and got him just before I woke you up," Nellie replied, not adding her fearful thoughts for the young man. She didn't want the woman walking with her to worry. "What's your name?" she asked as the two women slowly began to walk back towards the house. "Emma Shannon, and the young man is William Cody. He rides for the Pony Express and I cook for the way station in Sweetwater. Do you know who those men are and why they brought us here?" "Well, this is mine and Nat's cabin. You're about three hours from Sweetwater. I don't know who those men are, they rode in a few days ago and took over our farm. I overheard some of them talking the first night they were here. I think they're planning to rob the Pony Express." Chapter Six The sun wouldn't rise for another hour, but Sam couldn't wait any longer. He began to go around the kitchen, putting together food for the trip he and the boys were about to make. As he gathered supplies he thought about Emma. I'm such a fool. I love her and I let her live out here without me. What kind of idiot am I that I haven't married her yet? Please God, let her be okay Sam silently prayed. As tears began to slide down his face he swore that if he could only find her safe and sound, he was never letting her out of his sight again. Whatever it takes God, I'll do it. Just let me find her and bring her home, safe and sound. Once Sam had finished gathering the supplies he left to wake Teaspoon and the boys. "Now Buck, I know you want to go but I just can't let you!" Teaspoon was growing weary of the discussion. Buck had only slept an hour in the last two days. Someone had taken a shot at him during his return to the station, grazing his leg, and he looked near ready to fall over from exhaustion. The pain from was wound was also evident on his face. "Buck, you found which way they've headed and Kid'll just have to do the rest of the tracking. You're near ready to fall over, if you don't get some sleep you're not going to be any good to any one. Side's, I'm going to send Lou with Sam and the boys so you'll need to take his ride this afternoon. Now I'm not gonna hear any more about it. You get somethin'' to eat and then you get to bed." Buck knew it was useless to argue, Teaspoon's mind was made up. He didn't intend to be happy about it though. Taking a few minutes to talk to Kid about things to look out for, and to wish the boys and Lou luck helped ease his mind. Not enough to stop him from wishing he was going with them. Sam had led his horse up to the porch as Buck and the boys talked by the barn. He didn't know what he and the boys were headed into, but he felt for certain it wasn't anyplace for a girl! Not sure how to approach the subject without breaking his promise to Emma, Sam opened his mouth. "Teaspoon, maybe Lou should stay too. You, Buck and Ike are going to be awfully short handed here. I'll just take Jimmy and Kid, you can send Barnett out to join us." At the thought of Barnett joining them, Sam shivered but he still thought it was a better idea than taking Lou. "Sam, don't you worry about us here. You just take those boys and go get Emma and Cody," Teaspoon was a bit puzzled by Sam's attitude towards Lou. "Now I know Lou is a bit runty, but he can ride and if need be shoot with the best of em." Sam knew he couldn't press the issue without causing Teaspoon to be suspicious. "Well Teaspoon, I'll bring em back. I'll bring em back real soon." Not knowing what else to say Sam headed towards the other riders. As they rode off in the direction Buck had determined the kidnappers had gone they all heard Buck and Teaspoon call after them. "Ride safe." Chapter Seven "I tole ya he doan know what yer talkin bout." Jack had grown tired of watching his second in command punch the young blonde man in an effort to get answers to his questions. It had become obvious that the rider really didn't know anything about the mail he carried. "How's he posed to know what's in the letters? He just carried em, he doan read em. Damn, but I thought this'd be easier." Everything had been going wrong. Ever since John had come to him with his tale of a drunken man in a saloon telling about the letter he was going to send to his brother. John claimed the man had let on that the location of his brother's gold mine was on the envelope of that letter and that no one else knew just how valuable his brother's mine was. The man stated he was writing his brother for money to get to California to join him. At first the idea had seemed a stroke of genius. Grab the pony express rider, steal the mail, get the letter and go to California. Once there they could kill the man, take over his mine and they'd be rich. Unfortunately Jack was not real big on planning and John was not very good at getting details, especially as he had been almost as drunk as the other man. This was the third Pony Express rider they had beaten up and they had yet to get their hands on a single letter. Even Joe who had shot at a lone rider the other night had come back empty handed. Now the men were getting restless. Little Joe and Tom had taken to fighting each other out of sheer boredom and John was already well on his way to being drunk before breakfast. Jack knew he had a decision to make. They obviously weren't going to get the letter, but he hated the thought that all of their hard work had been for nothing. "Little Joe, go see if'n that preacher man's got any paper an somtin to write with." "John, leave off that boy. We's gonna haf to try somtin different." "Whatever ya say," John sputtered to Jack. In truth he was glad to be done with the job assigned to him. John would much rather have a drink than exert himself beating up some young boy. Feeling slightly sorry for the boy John picked him up and half carried, half dragged him into the cabin. ***** "Oh Cody, you poor thing." Emma was worried about the young man lying on the bed in front of her. Although John was a lazy man, he had been told by Jack to punch the boy every time he gave an answer Jack didn't like, and that was just what John had done. Fortunately for Cody, John's drinking and hard living had left him weaker in his old age than he would have liked to admit to. "Emma, I'm okay. It's not as bad as it looks. Heck, Lou could a done a better job of it than that old man. Side's Emma, I'm going to that dance in town Saturday night so you don't think I'd let him hurt my face do ya. Then the girls might want to dance with Jimmy, or even worse, with Lou," Cody began to chuckle at his own joke, but quickly stopped when he felt the pain in his side. "Cody, what is it? What's wrong?" Emma had noticed as Cody had grabbed his side and stopped laughing. "I think you better let me take a look at you," Emma quickly examined the young man, glad that he really wasn't in that bad of shape. "Well, you're gonna have a black eye and some bruises, but I think you'll live," Emma tried to keep her voice light, but was barely able to contain her anger at the men who had done this. "Nellie, Emma those men sent me in here to tell you to pack up some food. We're leaving," Nat trembled as he delivered those last two words. He was worried about his wife and how he was going to get her out of this situation. "Nellie, are you doing okay?" "Nat, I'm just fine. You'd better get back out there before they come in here for you," Nellie replied. She was worried about Nat, he seemed to think the situation they were in was going to turn out badly. They had spent the previous night praying and taking comfort in their faith and in being together. After thirty-five years of marriage, Nellie knew Nat's every thought and she knew he was worried about her. Together we will get through this, she thought to herself. She took some small comfort in the thought that at least their precious Leigh was not there in danger with them. Leigh had died in an influenza epidemic a few years earlier. Nat and Nellie, devastated by the loss of their daughter had decided to go west and start over. When they came to Sweetwater they both knew their journey was over and they had found a place to settle. Nellie had been working with Emma to gather food as she mused over the thoughts in her head. They now had food enough to last all of them for several days. Both women were worried about what the men outside had in mind. Both women were also filled with thoughts of the man they each loved. Chapter Eight Sam, Jimmy, Kid and Lou were surprised to come upon the cabin only a few hours after leaving Sweetwater. Kid had easily tracked the kidnappers, as they had not been instructed by Jack to cover their tracks. The small group cautiously approached the cabin and barn, keeping an eye open for the kidnappers. "Sam, I found this on the table in the cabin," Jimmy spoke as he handed the piece of paper to Sam. "Oh God," Sam groaned as he finished reading the piece of paper. "They've got Emma and Cody and the people who live here. The note says that they want five hundred dollars delivered back to this cabin at noon tomorrow. They wrote that they want the runty rider to bring it, alone. "What the hell do you think they mean by runty rider?" Sam's voice trailed off as he realized what they meant and looked at Lou. "Lou, I'm not gonna let you do this, it's far to dangerous. We'll just have to come up with another plan" "Sam, Emma and Cody are my friends and if this is what I have to do, well then, I'm gonna do it," Lou responded angry at Sam and his attitude towards her. "I can handle myself just fine." "Lou, I know you're a girl. I thought things were a little weird between you and Kid and I kept pestering Emma about it. She slipped a few days ago and called you a girl. She tried to cover up her mistake, but it was too late." Jimmy and Kid smirked as Sam rushed his words out before Lou could get really angry. They both knew how Lou could be when she was really mad and they hoped Sam's word's had calmed her down. "If Lou says she can handle it, then she can handle it," Jimmy inserted into the conversation, before Lou could speak up again. Kid did not like the direction this conversation was taking, especially after looking at Sam and realizing he would let Lou do as the note said if it meant getting Emma back. Kid had to find a way to keep Lou from coming back to this cabin alone, without making her mad at him. He sighed as he looked at her. They were all tired from their lack of sleep and their worry about their friends. Kid felt sorry for Sam. He didn't know what he'd do if it was Lou who had been kidnapped. Well actually he did. Kid would go through hell and high water if Lou was in danger, and he'd never forgive himself if he didn't save her. "Sam, why don't we just track them to where ever it is they've gone. They aren't doing a very good job of covering their tracks, it shouldn't be any problem to follow them." As Kid made this statement he realized it was true, he could easily follow the tracks made by the horses who had ridden off a short while ago. "Sam, it looks like they're headin' toward Eagle Cliffs. There's lots of caves there that people could hide in. We ride past there all the time on our runs. The only people who know the area better are the Indians. Let's track them and get Emma and Cody back. If we ride hard we may be able to catch them before they even reach the place." Realizing Kid was right, Sam quickly made up his mind. "Well, let's go, time's a wasting." Chapter Nine Kid had been proven right. Within a few hours they had come upon the kidnappers with Nat, Nellie, Emma and a very uncooperative Cody in tow. Cody had started with the singing almost as soon as they left the cabin, then he had done everything in his power to make the horse he and Emma were riding on veer off the path the kidnappers had chosen. Emma had made him stop that, concerned that the kidnappers would make her ride with one of them and Cody had wisely done as she asked. When Cody wasn't singing he was loudly complaining about how hungry he was, that Teaspoon had been working him too hard, that Lou and Kid kept make gooey eyes at each other in the bunkhouse and that he didn't want to miss all of the ladies at the dance Saturday night. Emma noticed that the more annoying Cody became, the more their kidnappers distanced themselves from him and increased their consumption of whiskey. It was however, making for a long journey. Sam and the others could hardly believe what they were seeing. Just as they came riding into the group from all directions, two of the kidnappers fell off their horses. Dead drunk! "Cody done talked two of them to death," Jimmy shouted as he drew his gun on the older man who appeared to be the leader of the group. "We shoulda just waited 'till he talked em all to death, would've been easier." Lou and Kid had their guns drawn on the remaining kidnappers, including the two were getting up from the ground. At Jimmy's words the entire group, with the exception of the kidnappers, began to laugh. "Well Jimmy, as slow as you boys were comin after us I thought I just might have to do that. What took you all so long," as Cody had been speaking Sam had removed Emma from his horse and placed her on his own. "God Emma, I was so scared. Are you all right? They didn't hurt you did they?" Sam was so busy asking questions and examining Emma for injuries that he completely ignored the men they had just captured, much to the amusement of the riders. "Ah Sam, do you think we should tie these guys up or should we just let them continue on their way?" Kid asked, the amusement clear in his voice. Sam turned his attention to the kidnappers, but he didn't remove Emma from sitting in front of him on his horse. "You men are under arrest. Boys tie up and let's head back." Chapter Ten The weary group arrived back at the cabin just as the sun was going down. They men made quick work of tying the kidnappers up outside under a tree. As they completed that task and took care of the horses, the women went inside the cabin to prepare something to eat. Cody was able to get out of all of these tasks as he complained about his hurt ribs and his bruises. "Lou, why don't you go sit with Cody for a bit. Nellie and me can get dinner together just fine without you." Lou had just cut her finger again as she tried to help with the meal. Nellie was curious about this young woman who dressed and behaved like a man and couldn't even seem to boil water right. Emma seemed to think it was perfectly natural for Louise, as she had later been introduced inside the cabin, to behave in the manner. Nellie and Nat however were just a bit shocked. "That's okay Emma, I don't need the company. Lou can go help the others if she wants," Cody called from his chair by the fire. Lou shot a grateful look to Cody, thinking he was trying to give her some more time with Kid. Cody was actually thinking of his stomach and was scared that dinner would never get fixed if Lou continued to lend her assistance. As Lou was walking out the door Sam, and Nat were walking in. "Where's Kid?" Lou asked Jimmy who was sitting on the front porch keeping an eye on the tied up men. "He's in the barn with Katey," Jimmy responded. He chuckled as he watched Lou run toward the barn and enter it with a shouted Kid. How on earth can Teaspoon not see what's right below his nose, Jimmy wondered to himself. ***** "Lou, we need to get inside. I'm sure dinner's going to be ready any minute and you don't want Cody to eat it all before we get there." "C'mon Kid, no one's going to miss us. Sam and Emma ain't got eyes for nothing but each other and Nat and Nellie aren't much better," Lou responded as she began to nibble on Kid's other ear. Lou and Kid had climbed into the loft above the stalls. They both felt the need to talk and share their feelings after what had happened. Lou now had to worry about someone else knowing she was a girl and Kid had spent half the trip thankful it wasn't Lou who had been kidnapped and the other half grateful that she was who and what she was. If she hadn't joined the Pony Express he might have never met her and he didn't want to think about that. They were laying back against a bale of straw, just holding one another, when Sam and Emma entered the barn. Both of them scooted further back, not wanting to hear the scolding from Emma if she caught them up there. ***** "Sam, I was so scared. I'm so sorry about our fight," Sam hushed Emma in what he considered the most efficient way. Kissing Emma and drawing her in close so that her body was snug against his. They had been kissing for several minutes, leaning up against the barn wall, and hands had started roaming. "Young man, I don't think that's any way to touch a woman who isn't your wife," Nat voice startled not only Sam and Emma, but also Lou and Kid who had been somewhat surprised at the going ons down below. "Nat, I do believe you're right." With that Sam bent to one knee in front of Emma. "Emma, I haven't got the ring to go with the words, but I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Emma, will you please do me the honor of being my wife." "Oh Sam, yes of course. Yes." With that Sam once again swept Emma into his arms and kissed her. Aware of Nat's presence he quickly ended the kiss. Nat had been married for a long time and he knew when two people were not only in love, but were soul mates. In these two that is what he saw. "Well, Sam, Emma I am a minister. If you're really serious about this I could marry you tonight, right now." "Let's do it." Sam and Emma responded in unison. Laughing the three left the barn to go share the news with the others and to get ready for the ceremony. Kid and Lou could hardly believe what they had just seen. Deciding that they had better get back to the cabin before they were missed they quickly descended the ladder to the floor of the barn. Just before they walked out the door Kid grabbed Lou and kissed her. Both of them were thinking of the future and both poured all of their hopes into that kiss. After a minute they realized they needed to get out of the barn and quickly. ***** Jimmy smiled as Kid and Lou came up to the cabin. All of the men were standing on the porch as Emma was inside putting on a dress borrowed from Nellie. Once again Jimmy chuckled as he realized he was the only one to notice that this time not only Lou, but Kid too had hay in their hair. If this keeps up Teaspoon may have to get out his shotgun Jimmy thought to himself. He felt a pang of jealousy at their happiness, but quickly pushed the thought away. Kid was his best friend and he loved Lou. Jimmy could never be more than her friend. "Lou, why don't you go into the cabin and ask Nellie for one of Leigh's dresses," Nat spoke to the petite girl. Giving Nat a shy smile Lou did as he asked. Emma, Lou and Nellie were pleased with how things had turned out. Emma was only a little smaller than Nellie Lou was able to wear one of Leigh's dresses. "Oh Louise, you look beautiful in that dress. I'd like you to keep it and take it back with you. It's what Leigh would have wanted also." "Thank you Nellie, I'd be honored to have it. Well Emma, I think it's time you got married. Nellie why don't you let the boys in." Emma cried through the entire ceremony, much to the amusement of the boys. Lou stood beside Emma and Kid stood beside Sam, both of them trying not to look at the other and not being very successful at it. As Sam and Emma were pronounced man and wife, Sam whispered a silent thought. "Thank you God, for keeping her safe and for her saying yes." Cody was glad that after the ceremony, dinner was finally served. He wasn't however too happy to hear he'd be sleeping in the barn. "Cody, Emma and Sam just got married. We're going to let them sleep in the cabin and the rest of us are going to be in the barn. Now stop fussing and just accept it," Jimmy growled to Cody. Sometimes that boy was just plain dense! Lou almost felt like laughing when Nellie set up a bed for herself and Lou in the loft while telling the boys they had to sleep on the barn floor. Lou tried to explain that she slept in the same room as the boys every night, but Nellie wasn't going to listen to any of it. Jimmy thought he was the only one still awake when Nellie snuck down the ladder and left the barn with Nat. Well, I wonder what they're up to he chuckled to himself. With that thought he rolled over and went to sleep. Kid too had seen Nellie and Nat sneak out of the barn together. Someday, he thought to himself as he looked up toward the loft and thought of the petite rider up there who occupied his thoughts day and night. After a few minutes Kid finally fell asleep, a contented smile on his face. Epilogue Emma and Nellie had promised to write each other often before leaving the cabin. A few hours later Sam and Emma were busy telling Teaspoon about the details of what had happened, while the boys took the kidnappers into town and put them in jail. Finally they told him about their impromptu wedding. Teaspoon had not been the least bit surprised by the turn of events. He happily agreed to watch over things for a week so Sam and Emma could take a short honeymoon. First however they had to throw a party for the newlyweds. A few weeks later Sam got word of his promotion. Although Emma did not want to leave her "boys", she knew she would follow Sam wherever his job might take them. To not follow him would mean to not follow her heart and she couldn't imagine doing that. Nellie and Emma wrote one another for many years. Emma and Sam found that when times were bad between them, they only had to mention Nellie and Nat and everything suddenly seemed okay. Sometimes Emma wasn't sure if it was the love that had been so evident in the older couple's marriage or the thoughts of their wedding night in Nat and Nellie's cabin that Sam thought of. In the end she really didn't care. She and Sam had followed the advice which Nellie and Nat had given to them private after the wedding. They had told them that when things were not going well between them to think of what would have happened if Sam hadn't found Emma. Privately Nellie whispered to Emma, "And if that don't work just think of how you felt in the barn an hour ago." Blushing, Emma thanked Nellie. Funny thing is, Sam always seemed to know when Emma was thinking of the barn. That may explain the four children Sam and Emma had over the next ten years. They named them Nat, Nellie, Sam Junior (but they called him Kid) and Lou. The End