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Gregg & Yvonne: More Than Just Friends?
Well, if it is true, then GREGG RAINWATER & YVONNE SUHOR sure are good at keepin' it a secret! But still the telltale signs are there. They live near to each other -- both in Tucson and back in LA. On hiatus, they always seem to pop up together in the same events (check out the "proof" above).  When asked which cast members he's closest with, Gregg lists Yvonne first -- but then adds JOSH BROLIN and TRAVIS FINE. When asked what kind of woman turns him on, he answers "earthy and natural" -- which describes Yvonne real well. Lastly, neither one is seeing anyone else!. And yet, when confronted with the question directly, both say they're "just good friends". Hmmmm...Source: Superstars 

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