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Home On The Range With Travis Fine

[At the time of this interview, Travis Fine was recovering from knee surgery after an accident on the set. A horse got spooked and in the confusion, Travis fell from a porch six feet and landed on his right leg. Ouch!]

TEEN MACHINE: How is your knee doing?

TRAVIS FINE: I just started to walk two days ago. I've been on crutches about a month, When it happened, they took me out to a hospital in the middle of Arizona. They looked at me and said, 'put ice on it!' I was dying limping everywhere. Finally, when I got to a doctor in LA, I had to have complete reconstructive surgery. If I get shot in the first episode of the season, people will know why! 

TEEN MACHINE: So, Travis, do you sing in the shower?

TRAVIS FINE: I don't sing in the shower -- I talk in the shower. Do you know who Charles Fleisher is? He did the voice of Roger Rabbit. If you ever get a chance to see him do comedy, he's brilliant! He improvs the whole thing. I do little improvs in the shower. Gregg Rainwater, his The Young Riders co-star] sings in the shower.

TEEN MACHINE: Gregg wouldn't tell us what he sings in the shower.

TRAVIS FINE: Gregg sings songs that no one has ever heard of... he would be in the back of the van [that transports the actors around location] singing something and everyone would be looking at each other like 'What the heck is he singing?' He'd say 'Deep Mountain Misty by Pablo Sanchez!' I don't know where he comes up with this stuff.

TEEN MACHINE: What do you really like about the show and playing Ike?

TRAVIS FINE: I love being in Tucson out in the middle of nowhere and working with people I like. I get to play a characters that's probably the most interesting I've ever played.

TEEN MACHINE: How did it feel to have your hair back between seasons?

TRAVIS FINE: Great! I even had to get a haircut because it was getting too long. I went to an ABC party and walked past all of the photographers -- they had to ask... what show is he in?

TEEN MACHINE: What magazine would you most like to see yourself in the cover of?

TRAVIS FINE: Rolling Stone! 

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