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On the fast track with Josh Brolin

The actor talks race car driving -- and whether girlfriend Diane Lane is better behind the wheel.

By William Keck

NBC's defiant Mister Sterling, Josh Brolin, 35, will rev up to race in the 27th annual Toyota Pro/Celebrity Race, held April 12 in Long Beach, Calif., to benefit children's hospitals. Having won the overall event in 2000 (dad James won the celebrity race back in '78), Brolin plans on once again demonstrating his need for speed, which has occasionally landed him in trouble off the track.

Have you always lived in the fast lane? 
I totaled my first car four hours after I got my license.

Ever had a warrant issued for unpaid tickets? 
Yeah. Sometimes I just forget to pay them. Then I have to go to court and handle it. There was one point in my life where I got so many tickets ... this is not good to talk about.

Worried about what the network will think? 
When I was up for the role of Mr. Sterling, the first thing NBC did was come to me and say, "You cannot race -- period. We will not hire you." If they bring the series back, then they'll have a hold on me.

Why not just race cars professionally? 
If I wanted to make myself 100 percent happy, I would. But I'm spoiled; that's why I act. I get good money out of it, and my kids (Trevor, 14, and Eden, 9) get to go to good schools.

Ever razz your dad about his old AAMCO commercials? 
I used to leave messages on his machine every day: "Double A, honk-honk, M-C-O."

Your love of the road seems to have influenced your choice in women. Your ex-fiancee was Minnie Driver, and now you're dating Diane Lane. 
That's hilarious. I never made that connection. I haven't talked about Minnie in two years. One thing I loved is that she had this friend who used to call her Tiny Motorist.

Cute. Who's better behind the wheel ó you or Diane? 
I'm a much better driver. But she's not bad.

So what do you think of the motto "Live fast, die young"? 
I don't understand why it can't be "Live fast, live long"

March 19, 2003

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