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FROM THE STATIONMISTRESS: In case you've missed JOSH BROLIN'S appearance last year on the Tonight Show With Jay Leno, here's the transcript of that interview. However, this is but a poor substitute for the real thing for it doesn't really capture the humor and charm of one of our favorite actors. Still, it's better than nothing. Happy reading!
Josh Brolin chats about his ant-eating kid and someone named Babs

JAY LENO: My next guest, a terrific actor whose films include Flirting With Disaster and Mimic. His latest movie is called Nightwatch and it opens [April 17] in a theater, uhhh... near me. What are the odds of that. Please welcome JOSH BROLIN.

Josh comes in wearing a grey suit and what looks like a black shirt. He immediately kneels in front of TIGER WOODS (who is also a guest) and starts doing the "i'm-not-worthy bow." Josh stands up and shakes JENNIFER ANISTON'S hand (Hi. How are you?) and then Tiger's.

JB to TW: Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.

TW: Nice to meet you, too.

JB: Wow, man. Check it out (pointing to Tiger). Tiger Woods. (To Tiger) You came out with that great swagger and I tried to kind of mimic it...but.

JL: Close

JB: Did I do okay?

JL: Close, close. Well, you are not from here, right?

JB: No, I'm from Arizona.

JL: Oh, okay.

(Loud cheers and applause)

JB: (looks to audience and smiles) Where? (Two women from the audience shout "Tucson." Josh kinda smiles mischievously) I can't tell you where. I'm trying to be incognito.

JL: Now you told me, one of your kid's birthday today.

JB: One of my kid's birthday is tomorrow. She's gonna be five tomorrow. And we've kinda created this zoo masquerade party.

JL: Zoo masquerade party.

JB: Yeah, and we're gonna dress up as different animals. And my daughter, in the last week, is like "what animal are you going to be, dad. What animal are you going to be" And I'm like, "I'm going to be on the Leno show, honey. I... don't... know."

JL: Have you found an animal.

JB: Well no. I could be an aardvark or something. My kids used to eat ants. You know that was like -- (laughter from Leno and the audience) Yeah, so I thought, you know. I'm trying to like go back to when they were babies. I'm you know, kind of, regressing. My son doesn't do it anymore. He used to do this thing. I live in this big ranch.

JL: Big ranch. Yeah?

JB: My son used to do this thing where I'd look over and see him kneeling down and he'd be looking at his finger like this (demonstrating it) with this little black thing on his finger. And I go... I'm thinking it's a booger. It's a booger. So you know, that's what kid's do. 

JL: Yeah, yeah. I guess...

JB: He'll evolve out of the booger thing. So, he's looking at his finger, kinda nailing his finger on the ground. He's looking at his finger. And then finally, one day, I see him go like this (puts his fingers to his lips as if he is eating something). And I'm like (sternly) "Dude, you know what? Can I talk to you for a second?"

JL: I think you jumped in a little late, but yeah... go ahead.

JB: What's the deal with the eating of the, you know. Like it's not happening, we have to evolve now, you know. He says, "No man, it's an ant." My son is like really hyper intellectual. I can't tell him anything now. He's going to tell me what the eating of ant is all about. So I ask him, "Is it good?" And he says, "Yeah, it tastes like pepper." He says, "Try it." And I still think it's a booger. I'm still in the booger stage. So, finally I tried one and now, you know, I'm into it. He was telling me the French use it. The French do chocolate covered ants. (audience laughing)

JL: And at what point has the state taken the children away from you? Let me ask you, I'm curious about your kids. Now, obviously your dad is James Brolin. Is your son going to be an actor as well? 

JB: My dad, when I was growing up. I said, "My dad is obviously an actor. You think you follow in your father's footsteps." I said, "You know, I'm not really interested in being an actor. I've seen the fluctuations of it. you know, up and down, up and down. So he said, "Get a law degree. If you get a law degree, you can fall back on a law degree. You can do anything. No matter what you do."

JL: Sure, sure. Right.

JB: Then I found out later that that was what his dad said to him.

JL: Oh I see, yeah.

JB: So, what am I? An actor, right? So, I tell my son, "Acting, man. Full blown." So maybe he'll be a lawyer, I don't know.

JL: A lawyer who eats ants.

JB: A lawyer who eats ants. My son actually wants to be -- He said this when he was five. He wants to be a molecular architect. And I told him "Don't ever say that in this house again." (laughter)

JL: Just shut up and finish your ants. There's a lot of buzz about your dad. Now, your dad and Barbra Streisand are engaged. That must be exciting. Is that exciting?

JB: It is exciting. I grew up in a household that really, I don't have that reference to Barbra Streisand. We didn't grow up listening to Barbra. But now I'm privy to this God-given gift that she has. But my mom was a country western fan. Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, that kind of thing. I mean to me, it's like, if he were to marry Willie Nelson THAT would be a great thing. 

JL: Right, right. And that would be more Hollywood, really. 

JB: Nowadays, nowadays.

JL: Heck, that would be the Hollywood wedding. You can all serve ants at the wedding.

JB: Just tie in the whole thing together, don't you?

JL: Just tie in the whole thing together. Now, tell us about Nightwatch. It's a pretty scary movie.

JB: It is. I'm proud of the movie, I'm proud of what we did in it. And it's basically about a law student who gets a job at the morgue and a lot of murders start to happen, and they start to direct their way towards him. You, the audience, realize it's not about him, it's about somebody around him.

JL: And good cast. Nick Nolte?

JB: Nick Nolte is fantastic.

JL: Nice job, nice job. It opens tonight.

JB: It opens tonight.

JL: Josh, nice job. Have an ant on me. 

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