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Stephen Baldwin is 'One Tough Cop'

Screen captures taken from Stephen's guest appearance on the Donny and Marie Show

Stephen Baldwin: Good evening everyone and welcome. I'm Stephen Baldwin. 

Question: What was the first movie you were in?

Stephen Baldwin: The first movie I was in was called "The Beast" about the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. It was about a tank crew.

Question: Did you enjoy working with everyone on this cast?

Stephen Baldwin: Yes, I had a wonderful time because all of my cast members were extremely talented.

EAMC Zarko: I'm sure the love scene with Gina wasn't tough ;-p

Stephen Baldwin: Yes.

Question: Stephen glad you came, do you have any plans to make a movie with your brothers?

Stephen Baldwin: Alec has written a western we are now negotiating to put it into production.

Question: It is common knowledge that the Baldwin brothers are the sexiest men in Hollywood, but I've heard that there have been some typical boyish pranks played while growing up... any great ones you'd like to share tonight?

Stephen Baldwin: My brother Dan scooped up my new kitten named "Freddy" in his lacrosse stick and decided to put on a demonstration of his skill

Question: Are you a computer nut like the rest of us?

Stephen Baldwin: Yes I am. Love the new G3! I'm on AOL, too.

Question: Stephen, how do you get into a movie role, especially one as a cop?

Stephen Baldwin: Just try to focus my imagination so I can convince myself and then become the person.

Question: What was your favorite movie you played in.

Stephen Baldwin: I couldn't pick just one. My two reasons for picking films are will I have fun or will I be artistically challenged? And I have been one or the other in each of my films so I couldn't pick just one.

Question: How did you get involved in acting?

Stephen Baldwin: Professionally I started to pursue it after Alec because I figured if that turkey could do it, I might as well give it a try!

EAMC Zarko: LOL! Turkey!

Question: Did Stephen have fun on the Donnie and Marie Show? And what did he think of Donnie Osmond?

Stephen Baldwin: Yeah, I had a lot of fun on "Donny and Marie." Donny was very sweet.

Question: What about your new movie would make me really want to go see it.

Stephen Baldwin: That would depend on the kinds of movies you like. If you like old-school hard core, get down rock'n roll New York City.

EAMC Zarko: Ooh!

Stephen Baldwin: cop movies like "Serpico" or "The French Connection" then you should check out "One Tough Cop."

Question: How did you like doing the Stern show?

Stephen Baldwin: I absolutely have a ball with it. It's always very challenging cause you never know what the hell Howard's gonna say or ask next.

Question: I have the video 8 seconds. Did you enjoy making that?

Stephen Baldwin: I had a great time, yes. Luke Perry is a good buddy of mine. And playing that part was very challenging.

Question: Do you have a different view on Cops now?

Stephen Baldwin: Yeah. I have even more respect now than I had before, which was a lot. Now that I have a deeper understanding for what they go through emotionally, I have even more.

Question: What was your most challenging role you have played in a movie?

Stephen Baldwin: "One Tough Cop."

Question: I keep hearing about this "30 lbs." It's interesting that even with the 30 lbs., you are quite handsome. Weight is a pretty big deal to women and how they feel about themselves. Knowing that this was a choice for you, does it feel different? 

Stephen Baldwin: Yes, when I would walk up a flight of stairs I'd be out of breath.

Question: Is it hard to be one of many acting brothers?

Stephen Baldwin: No, it's not hard for me at all. We've all kind of carved our own careers.

Question: What do you to relax on the set?

Stephen Baldwin: Hide in my trailer.

EAMC Zarko: LOL!

Stephen Baldwin: And listen to Mozart.

Question: What do you get from Kraft service?

Stephen Baldwin: I like Chips Ahoy.

Question: Do you have a website?

Stephen Baldwin: Yes I do. Do a search for Stephen Baldwin fan club. You'll find it.

Question: Steven, what was it like to grow up in the Baldwin household? Did all you boys know you'd be in the movies when you grew up?

Stephen Baldwin: No. We all thought we'd be lifeguards on Jones Beach.

EAMC Zarko: That's a very nice picture.

Question: Oh my god you are so hot have you ever not gotten along with a castmate?

Stephen Baldwin: Sure, sure. Egos can sometimes come into play.

Question: What suggestions do you have for those who are trying to get into acting?

Stephen Baldwin: Get into a class first. Be sure that it's something that interests you. Be sure that you're doing it because you enjoy it because that's the most important reason.

Question: I have not heard much about this movie. Why is that, When will it open?

Stephen Baldwin: It opens tomorrow. Can't explain why you haven't heard about it. It's really been publicized very well.

Question: Have you ever gone up against a brother for a part?

Stephen Baldwin: No, never.

Question: Stephen, how long was the filming for this movie? And how many hours a day? 

Stephen Baldwin: We filmed "One Tough Cop" in 28 days. Usually shooting 12-14 hours a day.

Question: Are there any roles that any of your brothers played that you wish you had played?

Stephen Baldwin: No, not really!

Question: What kinds of music do you like if you could be a crayola crayon what color would you be?

Stephen Baldwin: Any kind of music that's hard core. Like Rage against the Machine. And it wouldn't matter what color crayon, so long as it was melted.

Question: Do you ever get hurt on the set

Stephen Baldwin: Yes, many times. I was doing a movie by the name of "Fled" an explosive device went off in my face and I needed stitches.

Question: Did your parents like the fact that their sons are actors?

Stephen Baldwin: Yes, I think they get a kick out of it.

Question: Do you still have time to see all your brothers as much as you should?

Stephen Baldwin: We don't see each other in person as much as we'd like to but we do stay in touch every other day or so.

Question: How does it feel to be an uncle?

Stephen Baldwin: I love it! But I must admit, it feels even better being a daddy!

EAMC Host: Thank you for joining us.

Stephen Baldwin: Thanks so much. I hope everyone enjoys "One Tough Cop." God bless.

Source: Entertainment Asylum & America Online, October 15, 1998

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