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Question & Answer With Gregg Rainwater

TEEN MACHINE: Tell me about your character on The Young Riders.

GREGG RAINWATER: Buck is half Indian. He's sort of wise and very observant and a bit mystical and spiritual, which I like about him a lot. He's real even-keeled, so it's a good balance, when you've got more volatile characters like Hickock and Cody. It's good to have the balance... because of Buck's calm nature, he has a soothing effect on the other riders. 

TM: Tell us about your special relationship with Travis Fine's character, Ike McSwain. 

GREGG: Yeah, we sort of got into the Pony Express together. Ike doesn't speak, and Buck has taught him to communicate through Indian hand symbols, which has opened up a lot of avenues for Ike, as far as expressing himself to the other riders and hopefully some day getting over the reasons why he doesn't speak. 

TM: Is your character going to be sort of a diplomatic liaison between the cowboys and the Indians? 

GREGG:There have been scenes and episodes where I was sort of the mediator between Teaspoon and some Apache horse traders. So yeah, he's sort of the link between the two worlds. 

TM: Did you do anything special to prepare for the role? 

GREGG:I've just been doing a lot of research and a lot of reading about Indians, and talking to whoever I can. I've talked to some medicine people... the man who played the man of dreams in one of the episodes is an actual Tumash medicine man. It's just -- God, it's amazing! 

TM: Is it a big challenge for you as an actor to give depth to a role like this? 

GREGG:Well, I think it's a challenge to give depth to any role, but I like the way [the screenwriters] are handling Buck... They know that if something isn't right, the BIA is going to come down on them. Actually there is a Native American who works for the standards and practices at ABC. He called the producers after seeing the show the other night and said, "I was very pleased with the way you have represented Buck and Indians." So it's been real good. 

TM: Are there any issues you feel are important for young people today to be aware of? 

GREGG: I'm very concerned about the environment. Like, on the set, where we eat, I brought my own plate, fork and knife from home, because the caterer's been using Styrofoam, which is not biodegradable. A couple of people looked at me sideways. But, you know, I figure I'm doing a good thing, doing my share... I've got a credit card that helps Defenders of the Wildlife. But as far as myself, I'm just trying to stop the plastics in my house. I quit eating red meat about a year ago and I go through periods of being a total vegetarian or eating chicken and fish. In a very simple way, I'm changing myself and my habits. 

By Teen Machine magazine 

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