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No hitch in Brolin's Best-laid Plans

E! News Daily host Steve Kmetko introduces the segment: He has a famous father, a famous stepmom, a famous girlfriend and now he is taking center stage with his latest role. JOSH BROLIN co-stars in Best Laid Plans, a movie that has its share twists and turns. 

A scene from the movie is shown. Josh takes a drink and spills it on his shirt. Reese Witherspoon watches and smiles. Josh says, "I know, I know, I have a terrible drinking problem." 

E!: Josh Brolin stars with Reese Witherspoon and Alexander Nebola in this psychological thriller. After a one night stand, Brolin's character finds his life spiraling out of control. Josh shouts at somebody off-camera, "If she presses charges, I will go to jail." 

JOSH BROLIN: It was a very tough character to play because I judged him completely. I mean I put myself in situations that I hated, y'know, where he skirts responsibility constantly.

E!: Josh's career has benefited from the advice of a man who has been in the business for decades -- his father, James Brolin.

JB: Just to stay humble in the business that could throw you into heavy neurotics, y'know. And I think that he has definitely displayed that in the last 35 years and hopefully, it's not getting to my head either, at this point. 

E!: Sounds like good advice from the man who recently married Barbra Streisand. So how are you getting along with your stepmom?

JB: Very well, thank you. Yeah, very well. I think the fact that you know... bringing anybody into the family unit, y'know, I think changes, y'know, it just gives you a different angle.

E!: And Josh's own love life has taken another angle. He is romantically linked with actress Minnie Driver.

JB: My relationship with Minnie is, I think, just like any other relationship. It's really good... It's got its ups and downs."

E!: But for the time being, Brolin's life seems to be on the upswing. Best Laid Plans opens in theaters Sept. 10.

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