Clouds are gathering ...
Blood's going to flow,
like rain from the storm.
No one can stop it now.
I find lines, like the one above, characters and scenes that were on paper but not on film 
fascinating. Why were they cut out? Sometimes the reasons are obvious ‹ the production 
was pressed for time. Other times, some scenes explain a character's motivation so well 
I wonder what the director/editor was thinking when he cut them from the final version.

Below are copies of scripts I managed to get my hands on. I call this project Script 
to Screen. There are tons of screen caps to go with the episodes and I've written 
commentaries for most of them. 'Hope you like them. Happy reading!
‹ The Stationmistress
Gathering Clouds
(Parts 1 & 2)
The Kid (Pilot) Pride & Prejudice
Dark Brother
Good Night, 
Sweet Charlotte
A House Divided
Star Bright