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Magnificent Seven Fanfiction

The "lean"

The Aerie By: Winter
Star Trek AU
Vin and JD go on shore leave. Vin gets shot by a ray gun and JD gets clawed.

After The Rain-By Deirdre
Vin, JD
Vin and JD are attacked, and part of Vin's past is brought to life.
COMMENTS: This one of my favorite stories. This is a very dramatic story, so get comfortable, 'cause it is long, but we love that, don't we?

Amber By: Linda
Old West
Vin, Ezra
Ezra is helped during his drunken state, but by who?

Anger Issues and Scapegoats By: Anita
Old West
Vin, Chris
Vin and Chris get in a fight about a prisoner.

Another Day, Another Mishap By: Brate
Vin, Ezra
Get these two together and anything can happen.

Baggage By: Linda
Old West
Vin, Chris, Josiah
Vin gets a telegram about his Grandpa, and finds out a little about his past.

Because the Sky Ain't Purple By: Brigitta B.
Old West
Vin, Chris

Being ThereBy Mady Bay
Old West
Vin, Chris
Chris is showing Vin the meaning of a true friend.

Blackfell By: Ruby
Old West
Vin, Chris
Chris must watch as his friend slowly dies. Can the others reach them in time?

Black Widow-By Deirdre
Vin, Ezra
Ezra finds a woman to love, but is she what she seems, or is Vin's gut feeling right?

Blood Trail By: Joan Curtin
Old West
Vin, Seven
A little Vin torture. Chris finds him, and then the team goes searching for the 'miscreants', and reap revenge.

Brothers in Arms By:Winter
Old West
Vin, Chris, Seven
When Chris is injured Vin is left to lead the others and to deal with dangerous men gunning for him.

Brown By: Linda
Old West
Vin, Ezra
Vin and Ezra meet a bear while bathing.

A Brush With Greatness By: Mady Bay
Vin, Nathan
Every once in a while, you get close enough to touch greatness. Only to realize, that maybe, just maybe, they think you're have the makings of greatness too.

Church By: Linda
Old West
Vin, Nettie
Why Vin doesn't go to church.

Dragons By: Linda
Old West
Vin, Buck
Vin gets tossed around, then Buck gets him drunk.

Faire Play By: Winter
The ATF team goes undercover at a Renaissance Faire.

For Faith By: Painted Eyes
Old West
Vin, Seven
I love this one 'cause it shows Vin as an assassin, during the war. It also incorporates Vin's association with the Commanche's. It has great angst, I almost cried like three times.

Fresh Air By-Mady Bay
The Seven go on a vacation in the great outdoors, and something goes wrong...again.

Gold By: Linda
Old West
Vin, JD
Vin hunts a wolf, and shows an affinity for it.

Gold, Too By: Linda
Old West
Vin, Josiah
Obviously, this is a sequel to Gold. It describes how Vin finds the part of himself he thought he lost.

The Good Book By: Linda
Old West
Vin, Seven
Everyone has a birthday, don't they?

Green By: Linda
Old West
Vin, Mary, Chris
The town dance, and Vin the matchmaker.

Hitches By: Linda
Old West
When the man who owns the wagon wants it back, the past is brought to light.

Just One Morning By: WendyW
Old West
Vin, JD
JD and Vin go fishing and get caught off guard. Their captor has plans that could have tragic consequences for the seven.

Legends By: Linda Backer
Old West
Vin, Chris
When an Indian boy is brought to town, Vin's feelings about the Indians are revealed.

Lesson By: Linda
Old West
The truth behind how Vin actually learned how to shoot so well.

Misfits By: Winter & Nancy W.
WWII Universe
Vin, JD
JD, gets the chance of a lifetime and joins the Magnificent Seven in the war against Japan. All of them are pilots. While on a attack, Vin is injured, and only a hot-shot kid can get him back in one piece.

Of Spirts And Visions By-Mady Bay
Old West
Vin is calles by the Indians through a vision...

Out of the Shadows-By Deirdre
A story explaining how Vin came to be working with the Seven. COMMENTS:This story Vin as a hard, and meaner person to start out with, and shows how much being with the Seven made him a better person.

Principles of Magic By: Linda
Old West
If everyone knows about something, it's no longer magic, it's just a trick.

Reciprocity By: Heidi
Nathan, the secret rebel.

Storms Of the Past By-Mady Bay
Old West
Vin, Chris
A note sent to Vin sends him away, and the others strive to discover pieces of Vin's well hidden past

Then There Were Five By: Winter
Do not worry, it's not a death fic. This is a theory about how Vin joined the team. The first four team members are Chris, Buck, Josiah, and Nathan. Neither JD or Ezra have joined yet. This is an EXCELLENT story.

WallflowerBy: Mady Bay
Old West
Vin is not at the town dance, why?

With Eagle's Wings-By Deirdre
Old West
Vin, Chris
COMMENTS: It's a long one, and I have to read it again to
get a summary, so, patience!