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This is a list of must see Sam and Jack episodes and some other ones with good moments in. If anyone thinks of another episode to add e-mail me.

Season 1

Children of the Gods

- The bit where they first meet is great, realy well scripted. The fact its the first ep makes it a must see.

The Broca Divide

- Well...The SG1 produces whine about the SJ relationship on some occassions, lets face it though...they brought it on themselves. This is the episode that sparked mass intrest in the coupling...maybe its because Sam kisses him...just possibly.

Brief Candle

- Some obvious jelous moments from Sam

Fire and Water

- Jack hugs Sam to comfort her after her hypnotherapy session.


- A few SJ moments. This is just a brilliant episode in general though, specially if you are a Sam or Janet fan...or just a feminist. Yes, watch the men be pathetic and the women heroes, and see Teryl Rothery in military uniform with a gun (and being seductive!!! :-)....


- Sam and Jack take centre stage in this episode when the Stargate dumps the two of them on an ice word by accident. Some nice character moments between the two of them.

There but for the Grace of God

- The first Au episode. Sam and Jack turn out to be a couple in the alternate reality Daniel is flung into.

Season 2

In the Line of Fire

- Jack's anger at the 'goa'uld' that takes over Carter makes this a SJ offering.

Message in a Bottle

- Sam's obvious worry over Jack's condition makes this episode worth a watch.

The Tok'ra

- Jack jelous sarcasm over Martouf's attention of Sam is pretty funny in this one.


- The scene where Jack's in the medical center's bed and Sam comes to visit him before the mission is nice.

Out of Mind

- There's something very Sam and Jack about this episode and its follow up (Into the fire). There's a few scenes towards the end of this episode that i really like.

Season 3

Into the Fire

- The follow up from Out of Mind. This one also has many Sam and Jack moments including the hug near the end fter Sam has come to rescue him.

Point of View

- The second AU story is far more SJ orientated than the first. An AU Sam turns up at the SGC. Turns out her and Jack were married in there universe. She even kisses our Jack, making our Sam a little pissed of looking.


- The season 3 finale is heavy on the SJ flirting. How close was Jack to getting Sam to go on a fishing holiday with him! Stupid Thor!!!

Season 4

Small Victories

- The second art of Nemesis....and yes, they still flirt in it.


- This sets up the very Sj episode Divide and Conquer. Has some good moments though, which are picked up in the episode i just mentioned.

Divide and Conquer

- "...because i care about her, a lot more than i'm supposed too" Woot!!! Circumstances lead our duo to admit how they feel.

Window of Oppertunity

- Watch Jack kiss Sam during a time loop when he knows she won't remember....and aren't those longing looks just adorable!

Beneath the Surface

- A brilliant SJ episode, the two are very lovey dovey when they cant remember who they are. It is the episode that ends up slowing the relationship's progress though as the writers realised the pair were getting to close too fast.


- Although Sam is married, the SJ moments are really strong when they meet up again. Jack's jelousy is very clear.

The Light

- The scene where they both end up shouting at each other is good fun as it shows some of the underlying tension betweenthe pair.

Entity -

Jack is not at all happy when Sam is taken over, the alien thing knows it too and plays on it.

Season 5

Desperate Measures

- Sam gets kidnapped on earth and Jack gets Maybourne in too which is always fun.

Proving Ground

- The two of them are together a lot in this episode and the banter between them in well scripted and fun. In places it is S and J at there chatty best.

Serpants Venom

- The bit where Jack leans on her to look under the bomb is funny, i think its an RDA add in (as he does tend to do). The bit where he rescues her is good too, as are a couple more moments.

Season 6


- Sam is definatly playing on Jack's feelings for her when she asks him to become a tok'ra host. Its the way she says please and smiles at him. The Sam and Jack 'theme' plays in the background too...

Sight unseen

- Poor Jack asks her to go fishing again and gets turned down, she's got a gizmo to study!

Season 7

Evolution part 2

- The few moments they have together in this ep, they are very flirty...especially at the end.


- This is mainly a Sam episode, but she confronts herself about her feelings for Jack. There's a kiss....but its all in her mind!

Death Knell

- The alpha site is attacked and Sam goes missing...cue Jack coming to the rescue and giving her a cuddle...awwww!

