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Considering the Options
by Adam
Part One  Part Two 

Part One

Cautiously moving along the lamp-lit streets of
Sunnydale, Xander held a stake firmly in his grasp,
beneath the heavy material of his trousers. 

His eyes continued searching for any signs
of danger, knowing all-too well what the darkened
streets held. 

Buffy was off somewhere with Riley. Ostensibly
on patrol, although Xander knew from previous
experience she was most likely off somewhere
'sucking face' with the dumb, yet cute farmboy.

Xanders breathing was the only sound penetrating
the eerie silence in which the town was encompassed.
He just couldn't understand. He'd walked through
these streets a hundred times, but something about
tonight caused Xander's heart to pound in his chest,
beating bruisingly against his ribs. He could almost
hear the beat's echoing along the 'all but dead'

Xander than sniggered quietly to himself at the
irony of his thoughts, 'all-but-dead'.

It was a low but familiar growl that caused Xander
to shudder, and grip even tighter at the stake which
was hidden under the heavy cloth of his
He was prepared to fight physically, but his mind... 

A strong, heavy hand gripped his shoulders, giving
the ever-more increasing familiar feelings. The hand
was large and firm, yet somehow gentle.

A nervous bead of sweat fell down Xanders brow as
the hand slowly began to caress his shaking shoulders
and back.

"Well-well" The person which the hand belonged
finally spoke. 

//Oh God! That voice...// Xander thought. Panic
set in, mixed with the tiniest scents of arousal.

Upon not receiving an answer, the voice continued. 
"What's the matter, 'White Knight'" A growl came out
as the words were spoken. "Not happy to see me?" 

Xanders shaking, which had calmed down slightly
started back up again as he was suddenly ripped away
from Angelus's not, so uncomfortable grasp.

He was pulled fully against a lean, comforting body
who held him tightly. 

"Ello, luv" A strongly English voice murmoured into
his ear. 

"S-Spike..." Xander struggled to control himself, but
was failing, miserably.

Here he was, Xander Harris. All around failure, and
weakling. No magic, no Brains no Slayer skills to
aid him with two master Vampires at either side
of him. 

"That's right pet," Spike purred. "And what's a
prize as lovely as you doing out at this time of
Come on pet..." Spike's lips stroked across Xander's
ear, sending different kind of shivers throughout
Xander's body. "You can tell me." Spike finished. 

Spike was fully pressed behind Xander, making sure
Xander noticed straight away the bulge pressed into
his inner left thigh. Spike's arms were tight around
his waist, and Spike's hands were fighting for
entrance under his tucked in brightly coloured

"I...ehh...needed....oh, don't stop!" He wanted to slap
his hands over his mouth at his words. But Spike had
begun using his hands and lips together. Slowly moving
down to his neck, switching between nips and sucks
along his neck, whilst his hands were now fully inside
his shirt. Cool like the night, and scraping over
his peaked nipples. 

"Wasn't planning on luv." Spike in turn answered.
Both men forgetting the presence of the older Vampire
still present, who had kept himself silent.

"Bugger off poof!" Spike said, finally remembering his
sire was still present. Grinning at the annoyed moans
from the loss of contact at his neck. 

"Spiiike!" Angelus warned. "This wasn't the plan."


Part Two

Upon reaching the corner of Xanders street, Buffy
was not only surprised to see Xander stood there, but
to see him in 'what' looked like as Spike's embrace
and...Angel? Looking on closely.

"Well-well" She began, still struggling greatly to
sound strong in front of her 'once' lover. "You
boys are making this too easy for me."

Although both Vampire's had senses the Slayer
approaching minutes before, neither wanted to
leave Xander. Spike certainly had no intention of
letting Xander leave his sights and never even
acknowledged her. Choosing to keep his face tucked
into Xanders warm, sweet-smelling neck. Giving the
occasional licks and scrape's with his teeth.

Angel was more cautious, not acknowledging Buffy,
but making sure he tracked her movements carefully.

"H-E-L-L-O?" Buffy yelled, waving the stake in her
hand around in the air.

Xander could hear Buffy, wanted to pull away from
the blissful embrace but Spike was doing something.
Something with his talented tongue, his icy lips...

The only thing he could do was look ahead. But
that would mean staring into the 'soulful' eyes of

"Xander? You in there?" Buffy continued to shout,
irritated, but not ready to do anything until she
knew what was happening. 

"Go away slayer!" Spike growled angrily,
momentarily stopping what he was doing.

A moan of frustration came from Xander at the loss
of contact. 

//Why has he stopped?// Xander thought anxiously.
//Did I do something?//

"No luv, nothing." Spike said, taking away Xanders
worrying thoughts. "But slutty's here." Spike
said, nudging Xander in the direction of Buffy. "Tell
her what you want, pet." Spike spoke softly, his lips
once more brushing against Xanders highly sensitive

"I-I knew she was here." He admitted.

Spike never showed it, but he was shocked. He
thought, yes he was giving Xander some pleasure, but
it was fear causing Xander not to struggle or pull

This certainly was a pleasant surprise.

"I-I want Spike, Buffy!" Xander admitted.

"Be real, Xander!" Buffy's retort was sharp, and
as Willow would say, 'harsh' "Even if he wasn't a
demon who wants to suck you dry, all he wants from you
is some easy sex."

Xander felt a pang of fear from Buffy's words. 

//Was she right? Is that all Spike wanted?//

Xander let his eye's search Spike's for the
answer, speaking more from sharing looks than any
could do. He was carressing Spike's cheek as he did
elicting a purr from Spike.

//Bloody hell!// Spike thought to himself. //I've
gotta get him alone and!//

Spike's face vamped out as he reached a highly
level or arousal, but it didn't cause Xander to stop
his caresses.

Xander was shocked at himself for not being
repulsed, scared or disgusted by Spike's vamped out

He was quite the opposite. Attracted, curious and
incredibly turned on by it. Running his fingers
gently over an impressive ridge above a burning gold

Louder purrs were what resulted in the exploration
and a "Oh,'s your funeral" From a very
confused and angry Buffy.

No fighting, no arguments...nothing. She was too sad
to face Angelus. He wasn't Angel anymore and she had
Riley now. She had moved on, and as long as Angelus
didn't hurt anyone she would leave him alone. 

//if Xander doesn't want to leave it's his own
fault what happens to him// Were Buffy's leaving
thoughts. But still, she felt a guilt of leaving
there with two master Vamps.

In an almost unbelievable silence, Angel moved
forward. Wanting to make his own moves now. Spike
had his eyes closed, face tilted back and mouth open
groaning out the exquisite pleasure he was

Xander now had his back to Angel. From Angel's
viewpoint, he looked as though he was enjoying the
exploration of his childe.

Moving directly up behind him, Angel growled
softly and allowed his Vamp face to appear. Xander
heard the deep growl from behind and reached around
pulling the larger man beside Spike. 

Both vamps snarled at one another in the situation
but neither attempted to move. Xander then began with
his other hand, exploring Angels vamped out face.

Discovering where he could get the most reaction
and where the most sensitive spots on both well-built
men's faces, were.

Spike seemed to keen over in pleasure when Xander
scratched slowly and delicately above his eyes. It
gave Xander a rush of power realising what he was
doing to this Demon.

He couldn't believe what he was actually doing. Only a
few minutes back he was allowing Spike, with no
resistance, to such and, nip at his neck. Moment's
before that he was terrified. But something inside him
had snapped and he wanted them 'both' 

Whilst playing with Angel's beautiful vampire
features, he learned that the bridge of his nose
caused the most pleasing reactions, and so
concentrated his efforts there.

Surprised how they stood there, with no attempts to 
take charge was thrilling. William the Bloody and the
great Angelus, the gruesome twosome who reeked havoc
in Europe only 100 years ago were stood before a
High-school boy allowing him to do as he wished.

Touching however, could only last so long and Spike
was already becoming impatient. Wanting...needing
But he restrained himself, not wanting to push Xander.

Swiftly moving forward, deciding to be bold, Xander
pressed his lips against Spikes. Hot, needing built up
lust released itself against Spike's cool, welcoming

Hot met cold as tongues dualed for dominance. Xanders
tongue began to explore. Running it gently up and down
one of Spike's fangs, which resulted in Spike bucking
madly against Xander's firm body.

This encouraged Xander and he repeated this on Spike's
opposite fang before breaking away, panting.
Both men were flushed, Spike from borrowed blood. 

Angelus had been watching this from the few
centimetres distance and could smell the arousal from
both men, and wanted in too. 

After only a few seconds to catch his breath he was
pulled against Angelus' equally cool lips. Angelus was
not as 'fair playing' as Spike and quickly took
charge. Although he allowed Xander to have the same
exploration, wanting to know what had caused such an
arousing reaction in his childe.

Xander once again repeated what he had done to Spike,
and he grinned into the kiss when he got the exact
same result.

(More minutes pass)

The heavy make-out session ended a few minutes later
leaving all the men there, flushed and Xander panting

"Your place, luv?" Spike asked, his voice husky.

But before Xander could reply he vanished. His body
shimmering away.
