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Remembered With Love
by Adam

It happened the same way that Dawn was brought here.

Place intricately into every ones minds as if she'd
been here, survived the terrible onslaught of Angelus,
The Master, Faith, The Initiative, and Adam and so
many more.

It all started when Angel arrived.

He had come to Sunnydale with Cordelia, Doyle and
Wesley, bringing the news of a deadly demon that was
about to rise. A demon so powerful it could undo what
had been done.

I think this was the one time our long time on the
Hell Mouth had gone against us. We'd become lazy, and
terribly arrogant. Thinking we could face and defeat
whatever evil came.

Because of this our energies went more into welcoming,
and getting reacquainted with our friends.

Willow had welcomed Angel with open arms, as did I,
which shocked him I think.

After living, and loving Spike for over six months you
learn to understand Vampires. Especially said Vampires

I remember that day as if it was only minutes ago.

The feel of the large body within my arms. I loved
teasing him; he was such an easy target. I whispered
into his ear a quiet 'thank you' earning me a raised

Stepping back into my loves arms his questions were

The childe he had sired so long ago was now my reason
for being.

We spent over an hour getting to know each other
again, wasting the time that we could have used to

Buffy and Giles were both a little wary but soon
joined into the conversation. Doyle and Cordelia were
dating. Wesley was seeing a wealthy woman LA and Angel
was, of course, single.

Buffy was pretty quiet about her new boy friend, not
wanting to jinx anything. Angel was happy to hear
about Willow and Tara. He'd never seen her so happy,
so full of life and energy. Giles was as ever the
watcher. Describing how he had a woman in England and
had no time for anything else.

It was still little over an hour until sunset when the
conversation moved towards Spike and i. More than
enough time to get the close up shot of Angels
disapproving stares.

I could tell he wasn't at all happy, even more so
after seeing what Spike called his 'Nummy Time' Which
was a set time every three days in which Spike
attached those wonderful fangs of his to my neck, and
suckled on me for a few glorious minutes.

I think I enjoyed it more than he did, which shocked
Angel a little.

The guys had learned to accept it a long time back;
not wanting to anger the now de-chipped Spike or hurt
their friend.

They, like Angel saw how much we loved each other. How
much we were meant for each other and, albeit
reluctantly, accepted our relationship.

The battle finally came, the world went on, but I
unfortunately did not.

Short, sweet and to the point I jumped in front of
Angel, right as the creatures Amber eyes stared down
at me. A second of scorching heat and I was here.
Looking down at the people who had been my family for
four, hard years.

I wasn't just taken away, though. I was erased. Taken
from my family and mate not only in death but also in
life. Like Dawn had come, I had gone.

I look down on them from time to time and see how
they're all doing. Watch as Buffy kicks another Demons
scaly butt. Willow messes up another spell. Laugh as
Giles is forced to deal with both girls' constant
girlish chatter.

The pain I felt when realising Spike would never have
known me was so great I thought I'd never recover. In
time, however I came to see how much better this would
be for him. Shortly after my acceptance I discovered
that Spike, my sweet, loving Spike was the ONLY one
who did remember.

Pain. That is what I felt then. True, raw
gut-wrenching pain.

My lover was hurting, and all alone.

I watch him each day, as he goes to the cemetery, to a
dark corner, where a small rough headstone stood.

It was constructed by Spike, with the simple word
'forever' scribbled into the dirty rock.

He sits by it each day and talks to 'me'. He stays
their hours at a time, placing a new rose down by the
headstone each day, to replace the one he'd brought

I go down each day and sit with him. Listening to his
soft voice as he talks about how badly he misses me.
Telling me the anger, sadness and pain he feels at
losing me.

I hear the terrible desperation in his voice, needing
to know why only he remembers me.

I sometimes fear he may resent that. Or end up
thinking he has dreamed my entire-existence up.

Though when I see him each day, a new flower, I know
that he won't. That he'll do this until he's no more.

My sweet Spike.

The man I love.

The End.