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Where Destiny Leads..
by Adam
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five  

Part One  

Xander nervously glanced back and fourth from his lap
to where Spike was laying back, cup of heated blood in
hand...//In his 'Mr Sunshine' mud how cute!// Xander
thought with a sigh.

He'd been lusting after the bleached Blond Vampire for
little over three months now. Well, that wasn't true.
He had in fact been lusting after Spike ever since he
first laid eye's on the Fangless God, but it had only
grown intense over the past few months. 

He saw Spike sitting there. Legs out stretched on the
newly bought coffee table that Xander had bought, not
for the dingy, damp basement, but so Spike would have
somewhere to stretch out and relax. 

//Oh-hell// Xander thought. //Look at me. I'm buying
things so he's more relaxed here. So he'll stay here.
So I can make him smile.// Xander's continued thoughts
turned more erotic by the second, only stopping when
he heard Spike grunt in disgust.

"What is it Spike?" Xander said, his voice full of
fake disdain. 

"Bloody blood is cold." Spike groaned, pushing the
offending cup away.

Xander sighed at the kind of relationship they had
gotton into

Spike's comment and his sliding the mug away from him
meant that, he wanted Xander to take the clotting
blood and reheat it.

"This is the last time Spike," Xander began, getting
up and slowly approaching Spike. About to pick up the
mug he let out a yelp of surprise when pulled into the
cool embrace of the HOTTEST, cold Vampire around.

"Spike!" Was all Xander got out before been pulled
into a loving, passionate kiss. 

Soft, moist lips met cool, dry ones in a kiss to end
all. Xander begged for entrance at Spike's mouth,
which was eagerly granted as Spike opened up his mouth
and his tongue pushed past Xander's lush lips into the
heated depths. 

"Mnhgmm" Xander attempted to speak, but the tongue
eagerly tasting all the insides of his mouth were
stopping him.

Spike nibbled at Xander's lips, just enough, not to
break the blood. Xander however had other thoughts and
viciously bit into his own lips and then Spike's,
mixing their blood.

Xander was not the stupid guy everyone thought he was.
When they were all researching he would read the
watchers diaries. He'd discovered many things, and
many of them had been about Vampires. Specifically
Vampire mating practices. What to DO to turn a Vampire

/If I'm right// Xander thought before manoeuvring his
fingers beneath Spike's Sex-Pistol tea-shirt and
scratching his nails deeply down the pale, well
muscled back.

Spike pulled from the kiss and howled in pleasure. 

The scent of Xander. 

The taste of his blood mixed with his soon-to-be,
mate. It was becoming too much, and he pulled back
trying to get some space between them.

"Well-well, nummy." Spike said, taking in an UN-needed

Xander raised an eyebrow waiting to see what Spike
would say

Xander finally had to put his hands between them and
push back with all his strength. 

"Spike!" Xander finally gasped, breathing in as soon
as he escaped the ecstasy that 'was' Spike's lips.

Spike merely growled in response, wanting back on the
sweet lips, which he had so quickly become addicted.

"Spike, please..." Xander tried again, pulling back.

Letting out a frustrated sigh Spike leaned back, his
icy-eyes, staring into Xander's.

"I didn't you...that is, I never thought...what I mean..."
Xander struggled to get out his words, but it was hard
with the object of so many fantasies, that he'd just
tasted //oh the taste// grinning at him.

"What do you want to know, pet?" Spike asked, his
smirk remaining. "How much I crave this," Spike's hand
quickly moved to Xander's bulging and impressive
crotch, squeezing slightly, causing Xander to grown in

"How much I crave your lips," Spike stopped to taste
the swollen lips once more. "How much I crave you,
Xander Harris!" Spike said, for the first time using
Xander's full name.

Xander gulped at the feelings that Spike was electing
within him. He always knew he craved Spike, but this
had gone beyond craving now. Beyond lust. This was
something more. Something deeper...this was love.

Spike saw it. The moment Xander's obsidian pools
stopped shining want for him, and started to look with

//bloody chit's fallen for me// Spike said, surprised
he wasn't more bothered. //He is a cute one. Got a
nice treat, too.// Spike thought, squeezing Xander's
crotch again as if to prove it to himself.

Spike couldn't show love to the boy. Lust, of course.
He was a Vampire after all, but not love, not for a

Xander had begun to slowly move himself over Spike's
crotch, which was confined within tight-fitting jeans.
Xander knew what he was doing to Spike, and enjoyed
surprising Spike. 

"Horny little bugger aren't you?" Spike grinned.

Xander merely picked up his pace, grinding himself
harder over Spike. 

Want and need had taken over now. Spike knew Xander
was repulsed by Vampire's and tried to hold in his
true face, but the animal within him couldn't be held
back. Flipping Xander over and moving onto the floor
Spike pinned Xander beneath him.

"XANDER!" Spike growled out, his eye's switching from
blue to yellow continuously.

He saw how Spike was fighting the urge. The desperate,
unstoppable urge that every Vampire felt when making
love...or fucking as Spike would so sweetly put it. He'd
read all about the urges Vampire's had during sex. 

"Let it go Spike." Xander said, his fingers running
along the elongated ridges around Spike's beautiful

Spike raised his eyebrow for a moment, grinning
lustfully when he saw Xander's welcome acceptance.

With a growl his true face moulded itself, turning
Xander on more than he thought possible. Xander went
straight for Spike's mouth, purposefully splitting his
tongue on one of Spike's sharp fangs, letting Spike
once more enjoy the trickle of blood that escaped. 

He ran his hand down Spike's back, feeling the slight
ridges along Spike's spine that came when a Vampire
was in his true form. He rubbed up and down along them
gently, loving it when Spike bucked against him,
crying out in blissful contentment.

"!" Spike screamed as he
released himself all over Xander's bare chest.

//When did we get undressed?// Xander asked himself,
almost laughing at how intense it had been.

What seemed like, and was only seconds later Spike was
fully recovered and hard once more. 

Xander laughed at Spike's quick recovery, and got up,
running to a draw by his bed.

"Eh, pet...we won't need those..." Spike said,
thinking that Xander was getting some protection. 

His eyebrow arose once more when he saw a small,
pyramid shaped bottle.

"Lets just say...I want to be able to keep up with
you, and, eh...Willow did a little Magic for me."
Xander finished, a deep blush rising.

Spike's grin got bigger, if that was possible. He
watched as Xander drank the entire contents of the
bottle, forgetting Willow's instructions of only a
third of the bottle each time.

Spike never knew what happened. Once moment he was
watching Xander drink some sort of concoction the
witch had cooked up. The next, with fire blazing in
his soon to be lovers eyes, he was being roughly

Now, he was not new to being fucked, but by a mortal,
never. The way Xander was fucking him was rivalling
his best times with Angel, as Xander pounded into him,
no sign of a climax in sight.

" you... Need you...make me
yours....your mine!" Xander screamed out, stopping to
take some much-needed air.

Spike couldn't speak, the pleasure overwhelming him.
He was been pounded into the Hellmouth, and he was
loving every minute of it. 

Over an hour later, even Spike's stamina was beginning
to lose it's speed, and Xander's fucking had been
continuous, Spike coming twice as Xander continued to
pound deep inside, Spike's welcoming coolness.

Spike was starting to think Xander would never come
when Xander's thrusts began to pick up an even faster
pace, and he suddenly stopped, as Xander's entire body
quivered in ecstasy. He moved down and savagely sank
his blunt teeth into Spike's lean neck, tearing at the
skin, and Spike came again. Moving his own mouth to
Xander's neck, his fangs sinking in and the sweet
nectar that was Xander Harris gushed filled his mouth.

(Minutes Later)

Xander was laid on top of Spike, unmoving. Spike would
have been worried, but his Vampire sense's told him
Xander was still breathing, barely. 

//That was the most intense fucking of my life, and
the pet is out cold!// Spike thought, grinning out how
they had mated. How he was Xander's and Xander was

//Oh, pet// Spike thought. 

"We're gonna have fun, Nummy. You and me, we're gonna
have a lot of fun!" He spoke aloud into the silent
room, glad that Xander's parents had been out, and not
heard the animal screams coming from the basement. 

Part Two  

(Two weeks, and a lot of sex later)

It at happened. Xander couldn't believe it had but it
had happened. Everything was moving so fast, but it
all felt so good. 

He was with Spike now, officially. He didn't care what
anyone else thought. His drunk-ass parent's were of no
concern to him. He knew Willow would be okay about it,
Giles maybe not so much. Buffy definitely not, but he
wasn't gonna throw this chance for happiness away.

His boyfriend //God, that sounds so strange// Xander
thought to himself. His boyfriend was a cruel,
sadistic killer, but he loved him, and although Spike
never admitted it he knew the love was returned.

They were going this day. The Scooby gang was having a
meeting about a new Demon, or prophecy or
something...Xander couldn't keep up, but it was tonight.
Come Hell on Earth, they would know.

"Spike, come on!" Xander urged, pulling on Spike's

Spike was really sweet, and quite vulnerable for a
Vampire. He was more nervous than he was willing to
admit at telling everyone, especially Willow, or Red,
as he liked to call her. Her opinion meant a lot to
Spike, and Xander smiled to himself thinking how
Willow was always kind to Spike, no matter what. 

"Spike, Willow won't care what you look like!" Xander
teased, wishing again that Spike could blush.

"Bugger off!" Spike retorted, but quickly grabbed
Xander around the waist and pulled him tight against

"I thought you wanted me to leave?" Xander asked
innocently, bashing his eyelids.

Spike growled, more turned on than anything else.
Xander had learned early on different growls meant
different things, and there were many growls for how
turned on he was. 

This was definite...I wanna fuck you so hard you'll
need to bathe in lube before we start.

"Spike...not now...we..." Xander was stopped as he was
pushed against the sink and lifted up against it.
Spike loved this position. He could go so deep into
Xander, Xander legs locked around him squeezing so

(Only thirty minutes later)

Xander walked beside Spike bow legged to Gile's house,
having to be finally carried by Spike most of the way.

"I'm sorry, pet" Spike said, a guilty look adorning
his face.

"Spike," Xander took in a breath before starting. "If
I didn't want you to take me like that.... So hard, so
fast, so good..." Xander drifted off into the

"I get it pet, but next time not right before we leave
to see that pouf of a watcher!" Spike finished,
grinning, and Xander grinning back at him, both
knowing only too well that if they got in the moment
again they would do it again.

Upon entering Gile's house, all eyes turned to them. 

"Eh...we didn't tell them yet did we?" Xander leaned
back whispering into Spike's ear.

Spike shook his head in response.

"You have to go to LA!" Giles suddenly blurted out.

"WHAT?!" Both Spike and Xander said in union. 

"Buffy, myself and Willow are all needed here to stop
a new Demon from taking the Hellmouth. Buffy will
fight the Demon, as Willow and I Conjure up the 7
elements to stop the creature.

Now, Xander would admit he wasn't the brightest in
School but even he knew there were only four elements.

"The other three you can't even pronounce, but are of
equal force. Only known to those in the magic realm."
Giles answered the unasked question.

"And I have to go to LA, because..."

"At the same time the Demon is coming forth, an almost
replica Demon will appear in LA." Giles stopped to see
if both men were following, seeing they were, he
"You need to be there...both of you," Giles nodded his
head to indicate Spike. "As we've realised you're part
of the prophecy." Instead of going into a long drawn
out explanation that wouldn't go down well,
considering the growls and snarls of annoyance coming
from Spike, he quickly got into his explanation.

"The Prophecy states; the family of three linked as
one, two souled one not. Will arise together and fight
as one..." Giles continued, each sentence growing
increasingly close to home about himself, Spike
and...Angel. "Then at the end, the three shall..."
Then Giles quieted,

"THE THREE SHALL?!" Xander shouted, exasperated. "I
don't know. The texts were damaged after the great
fire of London. The rest was lost." Giles finished,
looking down.

"Well that's bloody great, mate. Let's risk our arses
for something where we'll probably end up dust."

"I-Is there something you want to tell us?" Buffy
asked, for the first time chiming in.

"W-What?" Xander stuttered his mind in information

"I said, is there something you want to tell US?!" She
repeated, even more agitated than before. 

"Me and Xanpet here are SHAGGING!" Spike said,
emphasising his final word, as he grabbed Xander
around the waist once more. 

Giles spat out the tea he was at that point
swallowing, and Buffy's eye's bulged. Willow, however
merely smiled and continued to nibble on a choc-chip
cookie she's made. 

Spike knew that Willow must have known and smiled at


"We're fucking like bunny's, Buffy!" Xander finally
found his voice, and leaned into Spike's cool embrace.

Willow giggled at Xanders words and he smiled back at
her in return. 

"We're also in love!" Spike stated, causing Xander to
swing around and stare at him.

Over the past few weeks the sex had been fantastic and
Xander had admitted to been in love with Spike many
times over, but Spike had never returned it. Spike was
a Vampire though, so he could except that love may not

Right now however he was overjoyed. 

"Spike..." Xander asked everything in that one word.
Spike leaned forward, their arms around each other's
waists and foreheads touching. 

"I love you, pet." Spike said it all, to him, for the
first time. 

Xander had tears escaping his chocolate pools and
leaned even closer to taste Spike's comforting, sweet
taste once more.

To make a long story short, Willow was overjoyed for
them, and gave the boys the rest of her cookie's for
the journey. Buffy was a little icked at first but was
happy Spike would be out of their way and that finally
Spike would stop pining. Giles was still in LaLa land
when they left; meaning Willow would probably talk to

"Spike, when we go to LA..." Xander trailed off, not
knowing what he should say.

"Angels not coming near you!" Spike growled in that
possessive way that turned him on so much. Xander was
blushing and thankful it was dark as he was getting
hard the possessiveness of Spike.

Spike was continuing to walk, still growling slightly
at the thought of his sire near his mate when he smelt
Xander, aroused. 

//He likes it when I growl...when I take control?//
Spike thought, excitedly.

"Oh and pet, I'm gonna fuck you so long and hard
before we set off, so you'll know who you BELONG to
for months!" Spike continued to drawl out, playing the
part now more than anything but unable to deny that,
he too was aroused.

"Spike, not now...Please." Xander begged, but not for
him to wait, but to take him there, in the street. 

"Pet, we're right by the Bronze." Spike tried to
reason, not knowing why he was been the sensible one.

Xander moved his head in close to Spike, whispering.
"I need your cock inside me, so big, so thick...filling
me...taking me!" Xander's voice grew louder, causing a
few to look over at the groaning man.

"Oh, remember you asked for it!"

They fucked right there in the street. Xander had
manoeuvred himself so he could be taken; his legs
around Spike's waist, leaning back into Spike's cock.

Luckily most people were either inside for the long
night of drink, or already gone home. A few people
passed by, but they'd moved to a wall, in a darker

But that darkness did not conceal the heated groans
and growls that were tearing from the shadows keeping
even the Vampire's at bay.

A while later they got in Spike's car...some clothes,
CD's, and an extra pack of blood for Spike, they
headed for LA.

Part Three  

The drive to LA was too short for both Spike and
Xander, allowing little time for any kind of real
conversation. Though the time the trip took wouldn't
have made much difference, as both men were way too
nervous. Spike about what his sire would say. He may
not show any respect for Angel, but he was still his
Childe. Xander was both nervous for Spike, knowing
this was important for him, and himself, facing this

Despite Spike's protests of wanting to 'scare-the
bloody pouf' by coming in the sewer entrance, Xander
had wouldn't go that way, and grabbed Spike's hand
before he could disagree.

Spike took the liberty of knocking for Xander, almost
taking the door of its hinges by thumping loud enough
to 'wake the dead'

"GOD!" Avery irritated, exhausted sounding Cordelia
shouted from behind the door. "...what is your
childhood trauma?!" She spat out.

"Hey Cor!" Xander said cheerfully, as the door opened.

"Xander!" She said in surprise. "SPIKE!" She

"Ello luv" Spike spoke, before grabbing his lovers
hand and pushing past her, Xander in tow.

Cordelia was still in shock stood by the 
door. //! Wait
Cordy//" She continued to think to herself. //Bad
Cordy! Nasty thoughts, don't go there!// She tried to
take her mind of Spike and Xander, closing the door
and heading back to her donut, but her thoughts were
still caught on the two men that had just entered.
//Were they holding hands?// She thought, a sigh
escaping at the thought of two guys together.

Xander gulped as they entered Angel's office, seeing
Angel sat on a leather sofa, his legs spread, and
leaning back. //He's beautiful// Xander thought, as he
took in Angels figure in awe.

Angel was wearing a blood red, silk shirt (no pun
intended) It was unbuttoned, showing off his pale,
well muscled chest. Angel's nipples were erect, giving
Xander the urge to nibble on them, chew and suck until
Angel screamed in ecstasy. 

//Hmm, I wonder how a Vampire's nipples get erect.
There bodies are already cold, aren't they?//

He realised he was staring. Well, more like trying to
take in every ounce of the incredibly sexy man that
was spread out in front of him. Almost like a desert
just asking to be eaten.

Xander continued to take in everything else about
Angel that made him so beautiful. Finally resting upon
Angel's eyes. Although not looking directly at them,
they were a warm brown that could pierce his heart if
he gave Angel the time. (No pun intended)

He was, //Oh fuck// Xander thought, his arousal
growing as he let his gaze drift down to the boxer
clad-vampire's crotch. Angel was wearing tight
fitting, also blood red, boxers that showed off his
bulge perfectly. 

Xander couldn't believe what he was thinking. Wanting
the man to stand and turn so he could check out the
other side, but he was taking in all he could in the
time he had. 

A few thoughts skittered around in Xanders mind. The
main one trying to get over how well hung Angel

//Is it a Vampire thing?// Xander thought. Spike was
well hung as well, although Spike looked longer than
Angel, but not as thick. //Variety// Xander thought
with a smug grin. //I like that!//

Angel had not been idle upon hearing another
heart-beat enter the office. The one he had come to
know and love. It was a not very well-known fact that
Vampire's could learn there mortal lover's heart beat,
and know them from just that. Only happening in the
extremely rare cases where a Vampire had a human lover
for anything other than raping, and feeding from.

Angel had learnt Xander's however, and had no doubt in
his mind that Spike had as well. He'd deliberately
worn this choice in clothes, after remembering once
Xander mentioning he had a weak spot for red. Though
not seeing himself in hundreds of years he knew it had
worked as the heart race picked up. 

He stayed in the same position unmoving as Xander's
eye's raked over his body, taking in all Angel could
offer. The arousal was thick in the air, almost
definitely noticeable to Spike as well.

When Angel looked up, he saw the man he had fallen in
love with, and had denied it until this moment. 

//Xander!// He thought, wishing Xander could hear his
thoughts. How much he wanted him...needed him. 

He noticed the strong-arm protectively wrapped around
Xanders waist, holding him close. Spike was
notoriously protective of what he considered 'his'
//but,// Angel thought. //We'll leave that for Xander
to decide. 

"Cordelia, take a brake!" Angel finally spoke,
breaking the silence in the room. He got up and
quickly shut the door, making sure he brushed against
Xander on the way, which caused a warning snarl from

Angel acted as though he never heard the scowl, too
busy looking Xander up and down for the first time. 

//He's filled out...grown up...more defined, but still
so young, so sweet.// Angel's thoughts continued on
this track, finally having to admit to himself it
looked as though the men were an item. 

//Giles never mentioned that in his phone-call!// He
thought bitterly. 

"So, " Angel began, keeping his eye's locked on
Xander's, reaching down to re-arrange his heavy
crotch, enjoying the fact Xander was looking as Spike
was growling.

//Oh fuck// Xander thought once more, his arousal
becoming apparent.

Xander struggled to hide his arousal, sitting down in
the comfy-looking leather sofa that Angel had just
vacated, Spike quickly taking up the seat beside him,
before Angel could, which caused a frown from his

"So what?" Spike said.

"So, can you give me any more information on this
demon so 'you'" Angel said, indicating only Spike.
"Can go back to Sunnydale." 

Growling was Spike's only response, as Xander chimed
in. "Demon...prophecy, some kinda big fire messed up the
text meaning we know it's us three," Xander indicated
the three of them. "But not what the outcome will be.
You have to use some kind of sword to kill the Demon,
it will show up some time in the morning...around 3 or
4am, according to G-man!" Xander finished, smiling
proudly to himself for remembering everything.

"Okay, well it's 10:30pm now." Angel said,
matter-of-factly. "Why don't we get a few hours rest
and set out around 2:30am?"

"Great." Xander spoke, trying to sound enthusiastic.

"Well, mate. We'll be using your bed."

"Spike!" Xander punched Spike in the ribs.

"That's okay, Xaner." Angel smiled, weekly at the boy.
"I'll take the sofa."

"But it's your bed!" Xander argued.

"I've slept on worse, Xander. Look, it's fine, really.
I insist."

"it's big enough for three..." Xander muttered, but both
Vampire's picked up on it. 

There was hope in Angel's eye's and disgust in

"No way, pet. I'm not sleeping next to peaches!" Spike
growled out. 

"I'll sleep in the middle, it'll be alright, Spike."
Xander said, moving up into a cool, delicious kiss. 

"You know I can't say no to you!" Spike grinned,
before shaking his head like a baby tiger, snarling
with sweetness in his eyes.

With that the three men got ready for bed. Angel
pealing off the shirt, and then laying down, watching
Xander remove his clothing. 

//Dammit// Xander thought, a deep blush rising to his
face. //I knew it was a bad idea// 

The truth was, Xander had decided that day to try
something kinkier, for Spike. So he was wearing a
thong. A tight almost see through thong that hung low
thanks to his large, and heavy cock, which showed much
of his pubic area.

He couldn't sleep in trousers, and he knew Spike
wouldn't mind, but Angel?

Finally, the feeling of, 'who gives a fuck' swept
through Xanders mind before he whipped of his
trousers, watching knowingly as Spike's eye's nearly
bulged out of the sockets.

"Oh, Xan!" Spike half groaned. 

Spike grabbed the elastic encasing Xanders delicate
package and pulled him forward, dipping his head down
to take a peak inside, and then grinning up evilly as
he did.

"I never knew you had such a playful mind!" Spike

Xander's blush had now reached the tips of his ears,
as angel's burning gaze continued. 

"I wanted to do something different, for you!" Xander
said in an erotic voice, attempting to simply tease.

Spike leaned forward, and whispered in Xander's ear,
knowing full well that Angel would be able to hear

"We can't do anything with the pouf watching. But once
we get this done, don't plan on walking anywhere for a
month!" Spike said with a grin, and saw Xander smiling

"I'm not joking, luv." Spike said, his smiling
continued as he felt Xander shiver beside him.

Laying back down Spike had his arms opened out, and
Xander eagerly accepted. Been spooned by Spike was the
most comforting experience he'd had in his life, and
nothing was gonna beat it anytime soon.

Angel had been watching the interaction, and continued
to watch on as Spike fell into a light sleep, Xander
remaining awake facing the Angel, named Angel.

Angel couldn't believe he was doing this, with Spike
right there but the opportunity may never come again.

He reached out slowly, Xander's eye's following the
large, soft looking hand, until it touched his still
semi-erect, cock.

He stroked the encased meat watching as Xander bit his
lip to stop graoning out and waking Spike.

Although he knew Spike was probably still awake and
watching, which made the experience even that more

Angel's hand eventually found it's way inside Xander's
thongs. He took the warm cock in his hand, and simply
held it, feeling as it slowly grew and expanded at his
cool touch. 

"Oh Angel!" Xander whispered, unable to hold it in any

He couldn't believe it. A mere touch and he was
already almost on the brink.

Angel sensed this and instead of slowing down started
to slowly move his hand up and down the firm cock,
which was oozing pre-cum. 

"I-I want..."

"What Xander, what do you want..." Angel asked
anxiously, his hand speeding up more and more.

"I want you to stop!" Xander groaned, pushing himself
further into Spike's embrace.

Angel looked slightly crushed, but more shocked than
anything. He'd offered Xander everything he had, and
had been denied.

Spike was grinning at this point. Proud that for the
first time, one of his lovers could resist Angel's
looks, and charms. 

"I love you, pet." Spike whispered, before kissing
Xander's soft spot, beneath his ear, and falling to
sleep, Xander following closely.

Part Four  

Spike woke up first, kissing Xander as he did every
morning. He'd become accustomed to Xanders body clock,
and enjoyed waking up with his beautiful boyfriend.

Last night was Spike's big test for Xander, what he'd
been worried most about on the trip. Would Xander fall
for the unnaturally good looks, and charms of Angelus?
The answer, that Spike could now happily say was no.

Coming out of his thoughts, Spike slowly shook Xander
awake, noting Angel's already slow rise at the other
side of the bed.

"Pet, it's time." Spike said, nudging Xander gently.

"Whhaaa?" Xander asked, unintelligibly, sleep still in
his eyes.

"Time for the fight, luv. Now get that cute, tight
arse out of bed before I start thinking 'the world can
screw itself, whilst I screw you!' 

Xander scoffed at Spike's little wisecrack and went to
the bathroom to clean up, taking the extra pair of
clothes he had in his rucksack. 

Once Xander was out of the4 room, Spike's gaze shifted
to Angel, and hardening.

"Don't touch my mate again, SIRE!" Spike practically
spat at him.

Angel had the good grace to look down in shame at
having been caught, but for Spike this was too good to
give up.

"The mighty Angelus, turned down by a simple mortal,
to stay with...what was it the last one said..." Spike
continued, thinking back a hundred years ago, to when
the only other person he thought he'd loved, Drusilla,
had turned her back on him for his bastard of a sire.
"...Oh, that was it. A gutter rat!" Spike hissed in

Angel couldn't deny he felt bad for Spike, but he
still had hopes of winning the boy over. Sure that if
Spike had not been there, the boy would be his.

It was at that time that Xander decided to exit the
bathroom, fully clothed.

"Well, it's almost two thirty, you think you two
should be getting ready?" Xander asked, acting totally
oblivious to what Spike, his sweet Spike had just

//I never knew that about him.// Xander thought, a
pain in his heart from what Spike had must have gone
through. //I'll never love another like you, Spike//
Xanders thoughts ended, struggling to keep the tears
in check.

He sat on the bed, and watched his love put on his
socks, trousers, boots, shirt, and the duster. //Where
would my Spike be without it?// He thought with a

"See something you like pet?" Spike asked, a glint in
his eye showing he was on the verge of ripping those
clothes back off. 

"Nope, not one thing!" Xander said, managing to keep a
straight face at Spike's hurt, frown.

"EVERYTHING!" Xander yelled out, jumping into Spike's
arms, kissing him everywhere he could, leaving no area
of skin untouched.

"When we get home pet." Was all Spike said, reminding
Xander of the good, long lovemaking he was promised
when they returned home.

Xander almost whimpered in impatience that 'that' day
was not yet here.

"Shuush, pet. Soon!" Spike spoke quietly, giving
Xander a nip on the nose with his teeth.

After a quiet cough from Angel the three men set out
to fight the Demon, save the world and make it home
for tea. Or breakfast, as Spike had put it.

"It should be in this area." Angel said. No sooner had
he spoke than a mangled scream could be heard from...of
course, the sewers. 

//Where else?// Xander thought, a sigh escaping his

The three men got into the sewer, both Vampire's eye's
immediately accustomed to the dark, but Xander's not.
He grabbed onto Spike's pinky finger and swinging his
arm gently, which Spike found oddly endearing. 

A light ahead was the signal that this is where the
great fight for the planet would happen. 

Xander had no words to describe what he was seeing.
Fortunately, Spike did.

"Bloody ugly git, eh pet?" 

Xander laughed out loud, drawing the creatures'
attention away from the three unfortunate souls it had
been snacking on.


"Bloody hell!" Spike muttered, quickly grabbing Xander
and diving down, managing to escape the beast's firey
poison it had just spat. 

Angel set right to work, stabbing and ducking the
creature many times over, whilst Spike took the
creature from the other side, thinking the underneath
would be the beasts weak spot.

The fight must have been going on minutes before
Xander realised he was one of the three and should
start helping out. 

Xander's mind as he fought the beast head on, was what
he had discovered right before they set off. Angel had
been on the phone as Spike and he kissed passionately.
Presumably with Giles.

Scribbled on it was what looked like more of the text
of the prophecy. 

"From the three, two shall rise and one shall fall."
Angel had written down, in what looked like a hurry.

His thoughts were mixed. //Who's gonna die, how will
it happen. Will it be me? I am the weakest.//

Xander immediately took the approach that it would be
himself that would die, been the obvious weakness of
the three. He wanted to know how it would happen. If
it would be quick. Would Spike cry over his body, as
he lay dead.

His thoughts had grown more and more hopeless as they
walked towards the beast, and now that that moment was
here, he was going to do as much damage as he could.

He fought the beast with the strength and skill a
Vampire would be proud of. Ignoring the pains of his
smooth flesh been ripped open, and scarred. 

It looked as though the fight was nearing an end,
after about forty-five minutes more. Deciding to go
the violent route instead of the magic one, Giles,
Willow and Buffy had planned on.

The creature was barely struggling now, much to Spike
and Angels delight, when Spike saw Xander's
vulnerability, and that the creature was going to make
one last ditch attempt to take advantage. 

Diving with the speed of any jungle cat, he threw
Xander to the side and been swallowed whole by the

"SPIKE!" Xander screamed the agony his heart was
feeling, probably more so than that Spike would feel. 

The destiny was fulfilled?

Xander's thoughts were muddled. //It shouldn't have
been Spike. It should've been me!// Xander cried.

No Spike meant no meaning to Xander now. A year ago,
no Spike would mean no worries, but now.... Now, it
meant his life was empty. 

Turning from the creature, and Angelus, who was
stabbing the creature into hell, he walked away,
uncaring for the world that had so cruelly taken his
love from him.

Xander walked and walked, not sure where he was going.
He had the money that Spike had given him a few months
back. He had been told by Spike, he hadn't just been
plotting and waiting to kill slayers all those years,
and had been smart, like Angel and kept some money
aside. Lots of money actually, in the hundreds of

"Perhaps millions!" Spike had said, not really sure

He simply handed the credit card that the money was
locked in, over to the attendant at Los Angeles
airport, stating 'anywhere' as his destination.

The attendant looked at Xander in sympathy, seeing
more than she would like case's like Xander's every
week. Choosing somewhere in Europe, Italy to be exact,
as his destination. 

The plane took off, Xander not caring, or barely
realising where he was or what he was doing, but
vowing never to return to LA, or the entire country
again until his heart had healed.

Meanwhile, whilst Xander was buying his ticket.

"BLOODY HELL!" A shout came from inside the beast's
stomach after Angel gave it his final blow.

Angel's eyebrows nearly hit the roof when he saw Spike
emerging, covered in goo, from the monsters huge

"Xanpet, time for that fun we had pl....." Spike trailed
off; noticing Xander was nowhere in sight.

"He's left, Spike." Angel said, in fake sadness. 

The truth was he had seen Xander leave, thinking he
would be returning to his apartment, or maybe
Sunnydale, which would give him the chance he needed.

"Left?" Spike asked, unconcerned, still wiping at the

"Yes." Angel replied. "After he died."
Angel said, hoping he sounded as defeated enough to
trick Spike. //Looks like it!// He thought, as Spike's
frown grew.

"He thinks I'm dead?"

"Well you were eaten by a fucking monster Spike,
figure it out!" Angel yelled in frustration, letting
his fake sadness slip.

"He said..."

"What! Try to finish your sentence's you bloody pouf!"
Spike screamed, now nose to nose with the annoying

"He said he felt nothing! There, are you happy?!"
Angel yelled as if upset, but really having fits of
laughter at his childes look of sadness.

"Nothing." Spike said, not asking, not been able to
take in everything. The one person he thought truly
loved him, for him had left him.

"Yes. Said he knew it was time to move on when he
thought you were dead. No tears to shed, nothing."

Spike accepted everything Angel told him, struggling
to believe everything.

//If he's back at the poufs house, or back in
Sunnydale where gonna have words.// Spike thought, his
Demon roaring inside.

But Xander was not at the apartment, to which even
Angel looked slightly worried. 

He was not in Sunnydale when he returned. 

//If he didn't love me, why would he leave?// Spike
thought, seeing all his love's possessions still in
the basement.

The remaining Scooby gangs had slayed the Demon with
success as well, and were all concerned over Xander's

However, as time went on, and after much searching
from Gile's Angels contacts, Spike's contacts, and
even Slayers in training, Xander had been given up on.

The years went by, as Spike continued to live in the
basement that he had shared so many happy memories.
Xander's parents died only a few years later. 'An
accident' Spike had called it. 

Willow was the only one, besides Spike who still
believed her friend was alive and well, somewhere. The
years continued on, and Spike watched as the people
who were as close to friends as he'd ever had in his
life, slowly began to wither away.

He watched as his closest friend, Willow, or beautiful
red as he knew her matured into a bright talented
woman, who never left Buffy's side throughout the
Slayers longer than expected existence. 

Buffy died at age 34, a year after Giles had passed
on. It had been a pretty senseless death. A severe
case of food poisoning if you can believe that.

Willow became a watcher.

//You would be proud of her Xand.// Spike thought to
himself as he looked at the years gone by.

//She's as good as Gile's ever was. She's everything
we both knew she could be!//

Willow lived for too short a time as well. Making it
to sixty, before taken away from Spike in a terrible
accident with a Slayer in training. Her neck was

"I know you're out there Xan" Spike said to no one.
There was no one left. 

It was no 5 years after willow death. Making it 47
years since Xander had gone, and left him for no
reason that Spike had ever thought of.

He left Willow's grave that he had sat at every night
since she had passed. Brought a fresh, Orchid every

//Orchids// Spike thought with a small grin,
remembering one night about ten years back when they'd
been talking.

--Ten Years Back-

"Now you listen to me, William." Willow said, playing
the angry wife. "Don't you dare even think about
roses. How generic can you be? Something more unusual,
like Orchids!" She said, with a big smile.

"For you, luv, anything!" Spike agreed.


He wandered down the still new-looking streets of
Sunnydale, entering the house that Willow had left
him. Walking past the still unopened box that Willow
had also left for him, telling him that it would be

He entered Willow's, now his bedroom. Cuddled down on
the emerald silk sheets in which Willow was so fond
of, and drifted off into a peaceful slumber, his lover
the only thing on his mind.

Part Five  

Spike woke up that morning, his body still, after so
many years attuned to Xander's body clock. Doing his
routine of going downstairs, mixing his weetabix with
blood and sitting down to watch some old cartoons. 

It was a simple routine, but something Spike felt made
Xander more alive within him. 

It was at that time; when Spike was just sitting down
to have his breakfast when there was a knock at the

"WHAT?!" Spike grunted, angrily, glad that the sun was
not at this side of the house in the morning.

What he saw was almost too much for his Vampire senses
to take in. 

//Beautiful// Were his only thoughts.

Stood in front of him were his pet, his love, and his

Faster than the human eyes could see, Spike had pulled
Xander in a bruising hug, hoping upon hopes this was
not a dream.

"Oh, Xan, is it really you?" Spike asked, not caring
how emotional he was feeling. 

Spike showered kisses all over Xanders face, finally
tasting, after far too many years the sweet lips he

The kiss was short, but intense, that gave Spike the
only proof he needed that it was really happening.

"Oh, Spike." Xander said, pausing to take a few
breaths. The years had been good to Xander, but his
physical appearance showed his frailness.

Spike moved back, taking Xanders warm,

//so warm// Spike thought with glee, as he took
Xanders hand.

The entered the living room to where the cartoons were
still playing, that got a laugh from Xander.

"Oh, bloody hell!" Spike moaned, seeing his breakfast
had turned all soft and soggy in the cereal.

"Oh, you think that's funny, eh, pet?" Spike asked, a
wicked glint in his eye's, before pouncing on the, now
old man. 

"S-Spike!" Xander groaned his body no longer to take
the Vampire's rough, but playful attacks.

Spike pouted, realising he may be back, but back after
too much time. 

"What happened, Xander?" Spike asked, taking a place
on the sofa, and patting the seat next to him.

"I saw you die, Spike." He took a breath, still a
little weak from the playful times they had just had.

"I saw you eaten, and I couldn't take it. entire
world died at that moment, Spike. No you meant no

"Reason?" Spike asked, cursing himself for

"To live, Spike. You were...are my everything. It was
like my very soul had been ripped from me, and it was
all too much."


"How did I know you were still around, now?" Xander
finished for him. "I didn't until a few years ago, and
I thought...oh I thought you would've moved on Spike. I
never thought you'd wait this long for me." Xander
continued speaking, tears in his eyes.

"I could never go on, pet. I loved you. I always
have!" Spike spoke, with fierceness in his voice.

"I came back Spike, because....even if you had moved
on...had someone else in your life I needed to say

It took Spike several moments to realise what his
lover was saying, and when he did his eye's flicked

"Goodbye?!" He roared. "Just where the hell do you
think you're going? To peaches? You always did have a
hard-on for him!" Spike's voice remained in a growl,
but there was real pain to his words.

"Never, Spike. He may have a soul, a sexy body and a
beautiful name, but..."

"But what?"

"You're MY Angel, Spike." 

"Oh pet." Spike said, his emotions a rush with love,
hurt, pain, confusion, lust, guilt and a mix of many

"I came to say goodbye because..." Xander coughed. "I'm

"I'll turn you!" Spike said, his fangs heading for
Xander's neck ready to change his love.

"No!!" Xander yelled, quickly moving from the sofa.

Spike looked at him with anger and pain in his
blue/golden eyes. 

"Spike, I've lived my life. I've seen so much," He
moved his arms out trying to emphasise the passion he
felt for his years. "Throughout my life I've seen so
much, Spike. I've lived such a full life, with such a
huge emptiness. That was you."

Spike watched as Xander continued, beginning to
understand there time was up, and he was finally for
the first time since Xander had disappeared, at peace.

"I've missed you too, pet. So much you wouldn't
believe." Spike stroked Xander's aged, wrinkled cheek

He took a moment to take in the Xander he was now, to
the picture that was embedded in his memory and that
he had taken to bed with him each night.

Xander had aged well. His thick, brown hair had
thinned out and had greyed completely. His eye's
looked worn and tired, as did the rest of his face.
His skin was wrinkled, but not overly so. His entire
body looked slimmer, and Spike could smell a disease
within Xander.

"Is it..."

"Cancer. Yes." Xander answered for his mate, having
come to terms with his illness a long time ago.

(Days pass)

Days went by, in which Xander and Spike shared some
memorable and happy moments together. Xander made sure
that Spike would not punish Angel for what he did.
Angel had paid for his sins, and made redemption. The
hard, soulless Vampire could not but be moved to tears
as he saw his beautiful lover decaying more with every
second that passed. He could feel the Cancer taking
the final, crippling steps to ending the life that was
Xander Harris.

(The Last Morning)

As he had done for generations past, Spike woke up
with when humans did, in the morning, when all other
Vampire's and un-dead creatures were sleeping.

A mad rush of coughing and spits of blood came from
Xander's mouth, signalling his final moments.

"Xander, pet...listen to me!" Spike begged, frantically.
"Don't leave me, Xan. You hear me!" 

"I-It's o-o-okay." Xander struggled to speak through
the painful coughs, blood filling his mouth. Raising
his hand he gently stroked Spike's pale, sculpted

"I g-got (cough) to have...(cough) you Spike. To (cough)
see y-you one l-last (cough) time (cough) b-before I-I

The blood was dripping from his mouth and down his
chin, for the first time in Spike's existence the
sweet smelling blood holding no pull for his Demon,
who remained silent.

"Pet, no! Stay with me. We didn't have enough time.
You can't leave me yet, it's too soon." Spike cried,
watching, as the man he loved slipped away from him. 

Xander gave Spike one of his smiles's that even time
couldn't alter. "N-Never thought I'd be (cough)
s-saying something s-so cheesy (cough) Spike, but
I-I'll always (cough) be (cough) with you!" He
finished the coughs taking over any further speech.

"I'll never forget you Xander, you hear me!?" Spike
said, quietly close up to Xander. 

Over the few days they'd had together Spike had
learned one of Xander's biggest fears was that he'd
die, and no one would be left to remember him. Willow,
Buffy Giles were all gone. 

Xander gave another beaming smile to his love, his
strength coming to an end, the coughs ending. 

"The pains all gone Spike." Xander said, his mind
already gone leaving only a skeleton in his mind. "I'm
gonna be okay!"

Spike couldn't hold back the fresh blood tears at the
innocence and relief that now covered Xander's voice. 

"Yes, pet. Everything's gonna be okay now." 

With that, his love's eye's closed the brown pools of
light closing for the last time. Leaning down Spike
pressed his lips to the still warm lips of Xander.

"Goodbye, luv." 

The End