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Bad Soldier
by Cinder

"One sir!" Xander howled, bucking back into the pain, pulling hard on the leather wrist cuffs that held him to the bed. The crop slapped across his back, harder this time. "Two sir!" The fire. The blessed pain. Makes me forget everything. "Three sir!" And he can hit harder than anyone before. "Four sir!" My mind is sinking below my desires. "Five sir!" I can't feel my toes. "Six sir!" They're not important anymore. "Seven sir!" Nothing is important but the pain...and the one who makes the world go away. "Eight sir!" 
"Nine sir!" 
"Ten sir!" 
He drapes himself across me, kissing and licking my welts. "Is it better now?" 
"Much better." 
"I'd be easier if you just let me kill the bitch." 
"Pick a bitch." 
"Well, let's start with Buffy and work our way down the food chain, shall we?" That wicked British voice hisses in my ear. 
"Mmmmm." He's unchaining my hands as I drift off and I know I will wake to find aloe has been rubbed into my back. We pretend it doesn't happen during the day, but in the night, Spike makes all of my nightmares go away. 
