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F*cked Full

by Cinder
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five  Part Six 

Part One

"I didn't mean to." 
"What were you thinking?" Xander bellowed at his best friend. "That's a pregnancy spell! See, preg-nan-cy!" He traced out the title in the smelly, old book. "You know, knocked-up, bun in the oven, fucked full!" 
"I know," she teased from where she sat on the floor, gesturing for him to sit in the bean bag opposite her. "I was just practicing the spell. Tara and I have been trying to..." she trailed off and blushed. 
"We want to have a baby." She smiled softly. 
"That's all very well and good, Will, but watch where you point those spells. I could have been - I could be - " 
"Oh, no. No, no. First of all you'd have to have sex with a man before the next new moon." 
"Oh, good." Xander sighed with relief. "So, Tara wants to have your baby?" 
"Special! I said Special!" he protested, trying to dodge flying dishes. Luckily they were plastic and simply bounced off the wall behind him or his own skin. Now she was reaching for his dad's tools. This had to stop. 
"You said Spike! You screamed his name!" Anya screeched, flinging a wrench at him. 
He barely dodged. "Anya, stop this right now!" 
"You cheater!" She flung another wrench, and this one hit his knee. He went down with a scream, barely noticing as several screw drivers hit his back. It was the hammer to the head that knocked him out. When he swam back to conciousness it was to the dual horror of a splitting headache and a blood smeared, blonde vampire. 
"Mate? You okay?" 
"Pretty pathetic, huh, licking wounds, but that's what I'm reduced to," he growled, slithering back to his feet. "Up, peaches." 
"You licked my wound?" Xander protested, suddenly light headed not just from the blow to the head, but also the unexplainable errection tenting his boxers, that he really did not want to think about. 
"Yeah, well, don't take it personally or nothin'. I am a big, bad, evil vampire 'n all." 
"Uh, yeah." He tried to sit up, but his head was spinning way too much. Nope not a good idea. Nu-uh, not gonna do that. His skull thunked back to the floor with a loud smack and a groan. 
"Hey, no use doin' more damage." 
"Is she gone?" Gingerly, he raised his head again. Underwater. His apartment was definitely underwater. Grungy. Maybe a sewer. 
"Who? There's no one here but us, Pet." Hiss-sucktion as the fridge openned. "Now, where's my blood?" 
"I've been sorta knocked out and haven't gotten around to it." He sighed, gave up on standing, and simply rolled onto his side in a little ball. This felt good. "Go away. Come back later. I'll have some then." 
"I paid for it now. Come on. You need to get up and walk anyway. No sleeping with a headwound and all that shit. We'll walk down to the bloodbank. That where you getting it?" 
Very quietly. "No. Go away, Spike." 
Blue eyes bored into the boy. "Where are you getting it?" 
"None of your business," he slurred back. Sleep. Yeah, sleep felt good. Spike dragged him up by his arms and Xander prompty threw up all over his boots. "Shit." 
"You're telling me." 
"I told you to go away." 
"Aw, Sweet, I can't do that. Hold still." Hefting the boy up, Spike carried him over to the bed. "Now, sit up and don't go to sleep. There's a good pet." He sighed. "What am I gonna do with you? Why'd you let her beat the shit out of you?" 
"Let is a bad word. I mean, I certainly wasn't trying. She just got so mad. She wouldn't see reason and all I said was...never mind what I said. Go away, Spike. I'll have plenty of blood for you tomorrow night. You can go without for just one night, right? Fuck, my head hurts." 
Gentle fingers wafted over his brow, smoothing back ebony curls. "I can't believe you, mortal. I just can't believe you. You've been feeding me your own blood, haven't you? I can smell it. Do you even know what that means?" 
"I can't find a job so I'm whoring myself to a vampire?" 
"It means I own you. So long with the Slayer and you still don't know." 
"Own me?" Xander's eyes were open now, open wide. 
"No wonder." Spike shook his head sadly. "I'd wondered what the fuck had come over me. Whore is about the term for it, mortal." Suddenly he bared his fangs, full gameface. "Do you even have a clue?" he growled. 
"I'm getting one." 
"Fuck. Now I have to go kill that ex-demon brat." 
"Kill her? Why?" 
He let his visage smooth again. "Because she's messed with what's mine, luv. Hmmm, this is all just a bit embarrassing. I haven't owned a minion in so long I don't even know what I did with the last one. Seems like I misplaced him somewhere in Prague. He was a pretty one." 
"Now, wait a second! I am not your minion! I am not your anything!" 
"You're wrong, mate." Spike snapped his fingers in front of Xander's nose and the boy's face went blank. "See? Well, I guess you can't. Your head doesn't hurt anymore. In fact, you feel really good." He snapped again and the boy stretched. "See?" 
"Anything ache?" 
"Uh, no. How'd you do that?" 
"It's one of them old fogey vampire powers." He slipped behind Xander and began to kneed tight shoulders. "The pain is still there, you just can't feel it, so don't go runnin' around like you aren't hurt." 
"I...thanks Spike." 
"Now, you and I need to talk about you finding a cure for this bloody chip." 
"Why would I want to do that?" 
"Because I'm telling you to, love," he all but purred in the young man's ear. "See, that's what being a minion is. You have to do what I say. So, tomorrow you are going to go see Giles and you are going to find out how to get rid of this blasted thing. Understand?" 
"I don't think I should." But he felt like he should. Oh, it was so hard to say no to that voice. Beautiful, silky, soft voice. 
Spike sighed. "Don't make me hypnotize you again. That starts to hurt after a while, love." 
"No, no. I'll do it. You know I will." 
"That's my pet. Now, up." 
"We're going to the hospital. They have to check you out before I let you sleep." 
"Is this where I say yes, master?" 
"Whatever flips your switch, brat." 
They went to the hospital where Spike managed to kill two birds with one stone by caring for his minion and swiping a bag of blood from the fridge while no one was looking. Then he took Xander home and put the boy to bed. 
"You all right, brat?" 
Whatever drugs they'd given him, they felt damn good, Xander decided as he snuggled into the admittedly threadbare covers. "Yes, master." 
"And don't you forget it." Spike settled back in the chair, alert, at vigil. 
When Xander woke Spike was still in the chair reading some trashy romance novel obviously swiped from his mom's bathroom. The Cowboy's Passion. What the fuck. "Spike?" 
"Last night was all a dream, right?" 
"'Fraid not, pet. You'd better get over to Giles', hmmm?" 
"Oh, yeah, yeah. What if I run into Anya?" 
Throwing down the book in exasperation, Spike growled, "Do you mind? Beautiful, but shy Saphire Marshall is just about to lose her precious virginity to her half-breed love, Colt RunningBird. I've been waiting two-hundred and fifty pages for this." 
"Why don't you just skip ahead to the good parts like a normal person?" 
Pause. Very long pause. With dropped jaw. "Fuck!" 
"You know what? I think it's time for me to hit Giles' place." Xander tried to jump out of bed, but his head had other ideas. Instead he rolled carefully to his feet with a groan and pulled some clothes off the floor to dress himself. 
"You gonna be all right, peaches?" 
"Fine. I'll see you later...master," he snickered and then raced for the door, or as much as he could anyway. He didn't want to see what Spike's reaction to that one would be. Through the doorway. Outside. Freedom. Fuck! What in the HellMouth was he thinking? Curing Spike? But he couldn't seem to stop himself. And he couldn't stop smiling either. Must have been some knock on the head, he thought to himself. 
Giles hadn't come down yet. Probably not up. Xander started coffee and headed for the bookshelves. Hmmm, Demons: Hovels and Habitats, Vampires of the Old World, something in Gaelic - 
"Oh, hey. I started coffee." 
"How did you get in?" 
"Umm, you know, you should really get a deadbolt." 
Grumbling, Giles headed for the kitchen in search of coffee. "Can I help you?" he called over his shoulder. 
"I'm ah...well...what do you know about minions?" Awesome, The Vampire Brain and Its Functions; A Beginners Guide! In English no less! Inside Xander found a hallowed out book with Giles' pot supply. Arghhh! 
"Umm, yeah." He smiled sheepishly. "I mean, well, we never seemed to have covered that and it just sort of occurred to me is all. All of the sudden. For no aparent or suspicious reason. None whatsoever." 
Giles frowned. "Really..." 
"Minions are the servants of vampires." He took a big gulp of coffee. "Old vampires mostly. It takes quite a bit of power to make a minion. A vampires feeds off a human's blood without killing said human. If he or she does it repeatedly it will leave a sort of psycic mark and the vampire gains control over the human. Why?" 
"Just curious." 
"Was that what you were looking for?" 
"Well, yeah...and a cure for Spike's chip." Those well manicured, British eyebrows shot nearly up to his elegantly receeding hairline. "I just sort of thought it would be neat to know, you know, like I could hold it over his head and stuff." 
Giles sighed. "Even if there was a way to find out, I really don't see why you have to know." 
"You don't know something?" 
"No, Xander, I really don't know and I can't say I've put a lot of effort into finding out." 
A very frustrated Xander left Giles' place twenty minutes later. Geeze, if Giles couldn't tell him how to get rid of the chip, who would? Well...Xander didn't want to think of it, but he did. Follow the information to its source after all. Have to go back for a costume change, he thought, but then decided against it. Spike might not like this course of action. Better not let him know. Xander set off for where he knew the Initiative resided. 
Okay, how to get in. Well, there was the front door or the back way through the grate. And once he got in how would he find out what he needed to know? Xander sat for a moment to think this one through. Okay, could go in through the exhaust vent, but he didn't really know where he was going and didn't very much relish getting lost, or he could do the James Bond thing, knock out one of the guards, steal his uniform and go in undercover. Never worked as well as it sounded. Okay, third option, go beg Willow to hack into their computers. Goooood luck. Like she would want to help Spike any more than Giles. How to do to do this... He tapped his wrist impatiently. He turned and stared hard at the guards, memorizing them. Rome wasn't built in a day after all. 
Four hours later, classified ads tucked under his arm, Xander returned to World War III. At least it appeared to be. 
"Leave my man alone!" Anya was shrieking, flinging more dishes. 
"He's not your man," Spike sneered back, dodging deftly. 
"Hey!" Xander yelled, but they ignored him. "Hey!" This time he punctuated his statement by banging hard on the wall. Still nothing. Anya was screaming like a banshee and Spike was deftly dodging flying plates and quite admirably screaming back. Sighing, Xander walked over to the workbench, pulled out the Glock he'd swiped from his dad in hopes of a new demon-hunting tool, and shot one into the wooden baseboard behind him. "Hey!" he called again, this time into silence. "Glad I got your attention." 
"Xander!" Anya screached, "why is Spike here?" 
"Spike is moving in with me. Look, Anya, you knocked me out with a hammer. That pretty much ends our relationship." 
"I didn't mean to," she pouted. 
"But you did. Anyway, it's moot. Spike and I have been fucking for years now off and on and we've finally decided that we ought to get together and have a real go at it." 
Her jaw dropped. "You've been stringing me along?" 
"Oh, yeah, I fucked around on you all the time. Spike and I used to screw while you were lying there in the bed sleeping even. He thought it was exciting," Xander sneered, wondering as he lied what the vampire would make of what he was saying. 
Speechless, Anya tried to come up with something to say, but nothing came to mind. Finally she turned on her heel and ran from the room, sobbing. Xander felt a little bad, but she did hit him with a hammer after all. 
"We did?" Spike asked as soon as she was out of earshot. 
"Hey, it sounded good. I hope it hurt her as much as a hammer to the skull." He went for a cranapple, but Spike was between him and the fridge and the vampire seemed intent on delaying him. 
"She'll tell the Slayer and the Watcher what you said." 
"She's a hysterical x-demon. They don't have to know anything until we choose for them to know. Neither of them is paying enough attention to either of us to care anyway." 
"It hurts me to say that you're right." Deliberately, he plastered himself against the teenager, tracing a delicate line across Xander's collar bone with his long, white finger. "What say you come here and let me show you what else minions do." 
"Spike..." Licking his lips nervousely, Xander tried to back away, but Spike wouldn't let him. "I'm not...I don't swing that way." 
"Bullocks. I've seen the way you look at me, waggle that tight ass at me." He squeezed said ass to prove his point, surprising a yelp out of his victim. "You're moist and delicious, you told me so yourself. Now, come here, my little nummy treat." Helpless to do otherwise, Xander let Spike drag him to the bed. 
"I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't your minion," the young man complained, flopping back on the mattress. 
"You think that's so? I'll have you know that I'm quite attractive in a pale sort of way." 
"Yeah, but I'm not gay." 
"Everyone's a little bi, hmmm, pet?" He smiled, stroking soft, sable curls. "I'll make this so good for you, brat. You'll be begging me for more." Then he dipped in for a kiss. The fuck he wasn't interested. Xander clung to his tongue like a drowning man to rope, sucking hard. 
"You taste like AB neg," Xander whispered mock-seductively. Spike very deliberately found the most ticklish spot on the teen's ribs and exploited it. "Stop! Stop! Mercy!" 
"No rest for the wicked, eh, love?" 
"Am I wicked?" Xander asked softly. His eyes were big now, thick with lust, almost black with the desire to serve his master. Oh, yes, this thing between him and Spike had been coming for a long time and it felt wonderful. 
"Wickedness in training." They kissed hungrily again and Xander curled his tongue around one of Spike's fangs. The vampire howled in appreciation. 
"I take it you like that." 
Spike was gasping breaths he didn't even need and flinging off his clothes. "You have five minutes to get out of those clothes before I rip them off. Then I'm going to bugger you so good you forget your own name." 
"You say such sweet nothings." 
"Careful, pet. I still know your ticklish spots." He dusted those long fingers along Xander's ribs and they both laughed. "Now, out of those clothes!" 
"But I'm not gay!" Xander tried to protest again. 
Spike took the more direct root of simply straddling the boy's lap and ripping his shirt off. "This isn't about gay or straight, love. It's about pleasure. Two people can bring each other more pleasure than one bloke alone, right? Right. And you and I, we're clever. We can bring each other lots of pleasure." 
"But - " 
He traced the obvious bulge in Xander's jeans. "Lots of pleasure. You're not gay, love. You're alive. And I'm relatively the same." Spike dove in for another kiss. "I'll stop if you insist...but you won't insist, will you?" A moan was his only reply. "Say yes, brat." 
"Oh, yes, master." 
Oh, so slowly, Spike unzipped his lover and dipped those wonderful fingers inside, stroking much too lightly. "Tell me what you want." 
"I want you to suck me until I come down your throat." He sat up and traced his own, blunter fingers over the vampire's throat, wondering what Spike would make of that request. The vampire's vicious grin was his answer. 
"Then strip," Spike whispered. Xander all but shoved off his jeans and boxers. "Now, brat, up on the bed." Xander laid back with a little, pre-emptive whimper and Spike climbed between his legs, grinning wryly. 
"Are you really gonna - " 
"Oh, yes." Cutting off further conversation, the blonde bent to his task, lapping at the head of Xander's cock like it was some sort of absurd ice cream cone. Wrapping his long tongue around it, Spike pulled the young man deep into his throat. Xander tried to hold out, really he did, but once Spike started swallowing around him, he was lost in a gibbering mass of moans and explenetives. He barely noticed the first finger enter him, or even the second, but the third was a bit hard to miss. He screamed. 
"There, there, pet." Thrusting slowly, "relax." 
"Fuck you," but he couldn't help the moan that escaped when Spike quite deliberately rubbed his prostate. 
"No, fuck you. You'll thank me for this later. I'm not small, brat." 
In and out. So slow. So good. Xander couldn't believe himslef when he canted his hips up and, begged. "Please." That was begging. "Please, oh please, master." 
"Oh yes, pet." Spike sat up and replaced those fingers with the blunt head of his cock. 
"Why aren't you...the implant, why isn't..." 
"Because I'm giving pleasure, XanPet." And he thrust in. The boy screamed, struggled, but Spike held him down until the squirming took on a decidedly different flavor. "Right there, hmmm, pet?" He deliberately rubbed his cock up against that magical spot, just as his minion had been. Whimpers greeted that. Spike thrust in earnest. Had to get farther into that warm heat. So good. Xander felt like a furnace. 
"Oh, gods, Spike! Gods!" 
"Say..." He panted even though he didn't need to. "Say please!" 
"Please!" Xander thrust back against him. Leaning forward, palms on either side of his little pet's head, Spike thrust in hard. "Ooooh... Oh, gods..." Xander squirmed. Spike thrust again and again and again... Time out of mind until there was nothing but the beauty two pale bodies interlocked, become one. Xander thrust back hard. Once, twice, three times and then came in white spurts over his own stomach. Spike roared and followed. 
They snuggled for a long time after that, quiet. Xander needed quiet to think. He'd slept with Spike. Shit! What in the HellMouth was he thinking? But it had been wonderful. Painful, he shifted his sore ass a bit, but wonderful all the same. 
"Spike?" he finally asked softly. 
"Yeah, brat?" 
"Was it...was I...did I please you?" He lifted his head slightly to meet two very amused blue eyes. 
"Very much, XanPet. You pleased me very much." Soft kiss to Xander's forehead, betraying his usual arrogant demeanor, Spike pulled the young man close. "Get some sleep." Xander nodded, already drowsy, and drifted back off. 
Sometime that night, Xander woke with a full bladder. Tripping his way through the basement, he made it all the way to the bathroom and back without stubbing his toes, no mean fete. On his way back he chanced to look out the window. The moon. Oh, shit, the moon. 
He could feel Spike behind him in an instant. "What?" 
"You all right?" 
No, I'm not freakin' all right. "Pretty moon." 
"Yeah, it is." 
"Think it's already been full or gonna be full soon?" 
"Waxing. We'll have a full moon tomorrow night, pet. What's wrong? You're shivering." Tepid arms pulled him close. 
"Cold. Just cold." Xander jerked away and dived back under the covers. Shit! Shit! Shit! Well, maybe the spell hadn't been right. Maybe it was nothing. Maybe...maybe in nine months he was going to be the proud mother of a bouncing baby whatever. Shit. Spike pulled the blankets up around him and rubbed his back until he calmed a bit. Surprising himself, he drifted back off to sleep. 
The next day, first thing was first, get a job at that bar. The place near the Intiative headquarters was a nice little microbrewery, just the sort of establishment to appeal to stuck up frat boys playing in soldier gear. The owner looked at him strangely when he asked if the beer was ever tampered with, but assured him it wasn't. 
Got the job he needed, check. Now over to Willow's. Both she and Tara were in attendance for his stamerred announcement. 
"Hey, Wil, you remember that thing you told me not to do before the full moon? Umm, I sorta and Spike sorta and we sorta... And I think I'm gonna have his baby. So, what do we do?" he finished. 
Willow blinked in shock. "You're serious?" 
"Uh, yeah..." 
From the look on her face, she wanted to ask dozens and dozens of questions. Xander tried to frown that idea away. "Well..." The redhead finally looked to her girlfriend for help. 
"We were gonna get you a test kit today," Tara reminded her quietly. "Why don't we just get two?" 
"Do you think it will work on a magic male pregnancy?" 
The blonde witch shrugged. "Why shouldn't it?" She smiled at the red faced young man. "I'll buy it for you." 
So, Xander found himself the not so proud owner of an EPT home pregnancy test, with easy blue line indicator. "Better be easy," he mumbled. 

Part Two

He asked Willow and Tara not to say anything to anyone. 
"You've got to tell Spike," Willow argued. "He deserves to know. We have to plan. This is a dangerous pregnancy, Xander." She bit her lip, but forced herself to continue. "We eventually abandonned this spell in favor of another because, at the end, there is no way for the pregnant person to avoid dying during the birth." Xander gasped, but before he could reply Willow went on. "Spike might be able to do something, but he has to know first." 
"Can't we abort this somehow?" 
Tara shook her head. "Guia won't permitt that. It's a very dangerous spell." 
"Then I can't tell him, not yet. I have to fix the implant first just in case we can't find a solution to this. If Spike can't fight, he won't be able to protect our child." Xander found himself hugging his abdomen, making soundless promises to the life within. 
"Xander," Willow tried warningly, but the brunette shook her off. 
"I have to do this first. If Spike finds out he'll never let me carry through with my plan." Those brown puppy dog eyes did their magic and both girls agreed reluctantly. "Good." Grinning, he left before he could either give more thought to his situation or let Willow and Tara talk him out of it. 
Determined to find a way into the intitiative, Xander started working at his job as a bartender at the microbrewery near headquarters. Most of the guys came in at some point or another and they mostly ignored him. It worked out. 
Fooling the Initiative was easy after Xander met Forrest. Such a beautiful man. Now that he had finally admitted to himself that there probably was a bit of bi-ness, he could think about such things. If he didn't have Spike, he would think to himself, but that was a useless thought because Forrest was straight. So straight. Straight as a blasted Florida highway. A total wet dream of a straight man. In fact, Xander didn't realize how straight until the day Faith walked into his bar. 
See, Forrest had come in the first night Xander was there complaining about a certain blonde Slayer. There only being one blonde Slayer that Xander knew of, he chatted the Initiative Operative up with enthusiasm. Together they formed the I Hate Buffy Club and every night they had more and more members. 
So when Faith stalked in and sidled up to the bar it was quite a surprise. Xander didn't even realize it was her (the shorn hair threw him for a loop), until she dragged him half-way across the bar by his neck. "Hey, look, it's Buffy's pet idiot." 
Cough. Cough. Hack. "Let go, Faith." 
"Why? I'm having fun." 
A huge, black hand clamped down on her wrist. "Let him go." 
"Make me." 
"Don't tempt me," Forrest growled. 
Xander finally ripped his way out of Faith's grip. "Hey, look, it's the anti-Buffy." 
"Anti-Buffy, huh?" Forrest asked, perusing her up and down, his chocolate brown eyes drinking her in, no, not like a starving man, like a vacationer in the Carribean working on his sixth mai tai sometime around four in the afternoon. "Welcome to the I Hate Buffy Club." 
"Really? Yer shittin' me." Faith laughed. "Then, what's frog face doing here?" 
One of those totally straight, non-homoerotic (dammit!) arms went around Xander. "We founded it together. Me and Xander here are total buds. He's great and he's the bartender. Never bite the hand that feeds you." 
"Buffy's never done me any favors, exactly," Xander chimed in. "You know, except all the times she almost got me killed." He frowned. "What are you doing back in Sunnydale?" It shocked him sometimes how easily the lies came. Even more, it shocked him how true they seemed. 
"Case is old. They let me plead out on manslaughter, and there being no more room in the prisons, I got lots of parole. After all, anyone who worked for the mayor's council can't be all bad, the judge said. Can you believe it?" 
"In SunnyHell, I believe anything." 
"So, what's a girl gotta do to get a drink in this place?" Xander drew her a beer. Forrest paid for it. Faith barely touched it. She was too busy plastering herself to Forrest all over the dance floor. Beautiful couple, Xander had to admitt, all sweaty and writhing. 
"I would pay to see that," he muttered. 
"Really?" A cultured voice whispered in his ear. 
"Spike! What are you doing here?" 
"Break time. Come on, brat. Let's get out of here before one of these yahoos notices me." A lukewarm palm grasped his arm and dragged him out into the night air. Before he could properly protest those lips wrapped around his own, kissing him until he was gasping for breath. 
"Woohoo!" Xander heard behind him. "You go!" He turned around to find Faith and Forrest laughing and cheering him on. When he turned back Spike was gone. 
"Hey, guys, you scared him off!" 
"Geeze, Xan, Willow may not be driving stick anymore, but you sure are," Faith laughed, totally unapologetic. Curling her arm around Xander, she guided him back inside. "Totally cool." 
"You're okay with it?" 
She tried to look thoughtful for a moment. "You going to steel that big gorgeous hunk from me?" 
"Forrest? He's straighter than a nail in heaven's gate." 
"Well then," she grinned, "I always needed someone to go shopping with." 
"This doesn't make you good, Faith. You're still evil," Xander protested. 
"Of course I am," she grinned, "but so are you now. If I'm not mistaken, that was vampire you were kissing. You're a member of the I Hate Buffy Summers Club, wait, founding member and you're palling around with me. And you know," she affected the most serious look she could manage, "that's wrong." 
"You could at least apologize for having tried to strangle me," he whined. 
"Why? Felt like you enjoyed it." She turned on him, purring. "I know I did." 
"You're a bad, bad woman, Faith." Hopping behind the bar, he drew her a beer. "Charge it to Forrest?" 
"Hell yeah. He can afford it." She grinned. "Men are there to buy us things. Didn't you know that?" 
"They're good for sex too." 
"On occasion." She grinned. "On quite a few occasions." 
The next day Faith came by about noon and dragged Xander out of bed. 
"XanPet, what have I told you about hanging out with Slayers," Spike grumped, but cheered up immesurably when he got a nice, long, wet kiss and found out Faith was evil. "Evil. That's good. Be a good influence on you, brat. Maybe she can teach you how to kill. Then we can do in your mum before she forces more of that orange kool-aid on me. Disgusting shit! Just bleedin' disgustin'!" 
"Uh, sure. Faith, could you, like, turn around?" 
"Why? I've seen it all before." 
"What? When?" Spike asked. 
Faith flopped down in the chair, obviously intent on enjoying the show. Xander blushed from ear to ear and tried to call his jeans to his hand simply by the power of his mind. "Xander and I fucked sometime last year. It was all that, but no follow up play. Xan's not my type and if you're any idication I ain't his either." 
Spike looked to Xander for confirmation. "Uh, yeah, like that," Xander stammered. "Faith, would you _please_ turn around?" 
"Aww, come on!" 
Snorting, she turned her head. Xander snatched up his boxers and jeans, sniffed them experimentally, and then yanked them on. 
"Where are you taking him?" Spike asked. 
"Shopping. Thrift I guess. Don't look like either of us got too much money," Faith complained. 
Spike grinned and pulled a credit card out of the bedside table drawer. "Have fun." 
"Whose is this? Arnold Jackson." 
"Angel's. I keep it around for emergency purposes." 
Faith's smiles made Xander wince and pale at the best of times. This one all but had his knees knocking. "Cool." Her tone was deceptively light. "Come on, grasshopper. We're gonna have fun. Bad fun." 
"I'm shakin'." Head hung, he followed her out. 
"What's wrong, Xan?" Faith complained. "I'm not that awful, am I?" 
"On the last two occasions I've seen you you've tried to strangle me. It kinda makes a guy wary." 
"That was before I knew you founded the I Hate Buffy Club. Yer totally the shit now." 
"I'm flattered." 
"You should be." Grinning, she took his arm. "Now, let's go find you something that'll make your boyfriend's eyes pop out of his skull." 
"Boy, that's a pleasant image. Could you be a little more graphic? I don't think I got squicked out enough the first time." 
She grinned, brandishing the credit card clutched in her fist. "Jammin' Leather, I think." 
"I don't much care for dead cow." 
"Spoken like a man who knows nothing about it. Come on, Xan." 
An hour later, Xander found his arms piled full of a pair of leather pants, combat boots, white silk shirt and a leather jacket and then he was summarily shoved into a dressing room. "Don't come out until you've put it all on," Faith warned. 
She was having way too much fun with this, Xander decided. However, once he got the items on he noticed they weren't bad. In fact, they looked good on him. Damn good. Wow. Xander Harris, the Harley Davidson edition. Not bad. Not bad at all. Brimming with confidence, he strutted out for Faith's perusal. Good sign number one, she didn't laugh. In fact, Faith looked totally bowled over. 
"Wow, Xan." She slowly prowled her way around him. "You totally have to get this." 
"I don't know. I kinda I'm dressing up in someone else's clothes." 
"Then you really have to. A week and you'll own them. Know what I mean?" 
"Yeah, I guess." Slowly they circled the store together. "Did you see anything for you?" She reached for yet another pair of leather pants, but Xander shook his head. "You got tons of those. You need something different, something wild." 
"Like what?" 
"Let me pay for these and let's go next door to the Goth store. Maybe they'll have something." 
"Goth?" Faith's face clearly showed her not-liking of that idea. 
"You need something seriously clingy to show off those curves you got goin'. If I'm not mistaken, crushed velvet is gonna be your best friend. Hey, who's the gay guy here? Granted, I look like a bad Salvation Army ad, but really, is your own taste that much to go by?" He grinned and Faith couldn't help but grin back. 
Next door was a bust, but down the street they found a little boutique that carried lots of little, clingy dresses. Xander noted absently that it was the same one Cordelia had worked in the year before. There they found the perfect dress. It was ivory crushed velvet and fit Faith like a second skin. Silky laces crawled up the sides, under the arms and down all the way to the wrists. 
"Arms above your head and shimmy," Xander commanded. Ever so slowly, Faith's arms snaked above her head and she swivelled. Everyone stopped to look at her. "Oh, babe, this is it." 
"Ya think?" 
"In this dress, you could turn a gay man straight." Laughing, they smooched theatrically and turned back to the dressing rooms. Faith disappeared inside and Xander collapsed on the bench outside the door. Exhaustion lined his brow. Needed something to eat and needed it now. And some blood too. The baby's vampire half needed blood. 
"Xander!" He looked up into the startled eyes of Buffy and Willow. 
"Hey, guys. What's up?" 
"Was that Faith I saw?" the blonde slayer demanded. 
"Uh, no, BUFFY, why would you think that?" 
"I saw her, that's why." Legs at shoulder width, hands on hips, Buffy took her Wonder Woman stance that never failed to strike fear into the hearts of vampires, demons and baddies everywhere. 
"You must be mistaken, BUFFY." 
"Why are you shouting my name?" 
"No reason." Slowly, his back aching, Xander stood. "You guys wanna go get something to eat? I'm starving." 
"Hey, that would be a great idea," Willow tried to cut in, but Buffy would have none of it. 
"I saw Faith. Anyway, what are you doing hanging out in a woman's clothing store, Xander?" 
He smiled hopefully. "Picking up chicks?" They both frowned at him. "I know, sad. This is what I'm reduced to." Sighing dramatically, he swept his arm to indicate the store. "Townies have small breeding ground." 
Buffy backed him up into the wall. "I don't know why you're lying to me, but I will find out." 
"I'm not lying!" 
Buffy slammed her fist into his stomach. Xander screamed. Willow screamed. Faith came barrelling out of the dressing room, one hand up to deflect Buffy's second blow. 
"I knew it!" Buffy shouted. 
"Oh, yeah, B. Beat up on the helpless and I'll show up everytime." Faith grinned. "What say we not destroy the shop. After all, it's wrong." 
"Why are you defending him? What, Xander, decided you like being strangled?" 
"Look, B, Xan here can do as he pleases and be friends with whoever he wants. I'm rehabilitated. Didn't you read in the paper?" 
"Why do I doubt that?" 
"Look, a mistake was made. That's all and you know it. Now let me get on with my life. I'm not evil anymore B. I'm unaffiliated." 
Xander staggered to his feet, weazing and clutching his middle. "She's dating Forrest." 
With a snort, Buffy turned and fled. Willow imediately rushed to Xander's side. "You okay? Nothing hurt?" 
"How would I know?" 
"Uh, blood or something?" 
"From where? My nose?" Xander frowned, letting her fuss over him. "It just hurts, Wil. It hurts so bad. What if Buffy killed him? Huh?" 
"I don't know." 
"What's wrong?" Faith asked. 
"Wanna hear something funny, babe? I'm knocked up." Groaning, Xander collapsed back on the bench again. "Ouch, Wil, stop poking me." 
"I just want to make sure you're okay." 
"If it continues to hurt I'll come by tonight so you and Tara can check it. Go catch up with Buffy before she decides to come back here and rip me a new one." 
"Come by anyway. Promise." 
"I promise. I'll appear for dinner as usual. Later." He tried to smile as Willow nervously backed away. Looking at Faith, he tried the same trick, but she was in permanent frown mode. 
"You're not kidding are you." 
"Umm, be serious. A guy pregnant? Come on." 
"Only in fucking Sunnydale. I'm gonna buy this dress and then Angel is gonna buy us both lunch." Dutifully, Xander followed after her all the way up to the register and then to the local Chinese place. "So, how'd ya end up fucked full?" 
"That's some kinda silly story and I wish it was even funny." Xander stuffed mushu beef in his mouth, trying to figure out exactly how he was going to tell this one. Shrugging, he figured straight out couldn't be any worse than anything else, so he told her. 
"It's not that bad." 
"No wonder." She grinned. "You've totally been setting off my slayer sense. I thought I'd just had one too many knocks to the head, right? But it's the kid. He's half fang-boy." 
"You think that's what set Buffy off?" 
"Bet that's what made her violent. You'd better stay away from her. What does Spike think?" 
"He doesn't know," Xander admitted, suddenly finding a piece of beef very interesting. 
"Excuse me? Yer gonna tell him, right?" 
"Eventually. I can't yet." Making a sudden decision to put all his eggs in one handbasket and Hell be damned, Xander blurted out, "I can't because of the chip." 
He told her. "And so, if I should die during this, and Willow assures me that I will, and Spike can't do something to save me, I have to make sure he's okay. Someone has to protect our little guy, right?" 
"Wait, why are you going to die?" 
"That's the way the spell works. When the baby is born I die. Wham, bam, thank you, Dad." 
Faith frowned, picking at her Garlic Chicken. "That's not fair." 
"Tell me about it." 
"So, what can I do to help?" 
"Sure. After all, we're sorta becoming friends and all that. Friends help each other. That's something you guys taught me." She grinned. "So, what can I do?" 
"Uh, nothing yet. I'll let you know, huh?" He checked his watch theatrically. "Hey, look, it's almost time for work. Wanna go change and then meet at the bar? First beer is on the house." Shooting him an amused grin, Faith nodded and took leave from him at the door. Xander thought he might jog home, but after the first step he realized the folly of that idea. Not good. Still hurt. At least the meal had helped. Junior there certainly inherrited his appetite from Daddy. That's how he thought of it. Xander was Daddy and Spike was Father. It helped him get around all those nasty Mommy questions. Spike was still dozing when he got to the basement. Grinning, Xander changed into his new outfit before waking his lover. Yup, better get this chip stuff over with soon. He'd be showing in another week or two. Was pregnancy always this fast? 
Gently, he sat on the side of the bed and traced Spike's sharp cheek bones and over his eyes and down all the way to his chin. Saphire eyes smoldered up at him. "Good morning." 
"Morning, peaches. Like the outfit." 
"Thought you would. I gotta go to work now, but I'll see you later." He leaned down for a perfunctory kiss, but found himself dragged into the bed instead. "Hey!" 
"You think you can come in here looking like that and just leave?" A very naked vampire slithered around, pinning him to the bed. "I don't think so, pet. Now, give us a propper kiss." Tongues tangled, sucking softly. Spike thrust himself against the new leather, revelling in the delicious smell. He could feel Xander's hard errection even through the thick barrier. "Take it out." 
"Work, Spike, gotta go." 
"Take it out!" 
"Yes, master," Xander chuckled a little, still getting a kick out of that line. He freed his burning errection to rub against Spike's cooler one. "Ooooooh." 
"Good, pet?" Spike thrust harder, cutting off Xander's answer with his tongue in another passionate kiss. His hands grabbed hold of that soft, round ass, glorying in the smooth texture of the leather. Xander's nails were slicing into his back delightfully. Lifting one pale hand, he squeezed Xander's neck experimentally. The young man bucked and came. Then he went very still. Spike pulled back. 
"You all right, luv?" 
"Oh, uh, yeah, why wouldn't I be?" But his voice hitched and one look told Spike Xander was about to cry. Gathering the boy into his arms, he squeezed tight. Minions could be such a soddin' pain at times. 
"What's wrong?" 
"Xanpet, don't give me that. Now tell me what's wrong before I make you tell me." 
"I'm just a freak that's all." 
"What? That?" Spike smiled, trying not to laugh. "Getting off on being strangled? That is totally vanilla in this world. Come on, pet. Let me clean you up and get you to work." Manhandling Xander into the bathroom, Spike kept up a running dialogue to keep the boy at ease. "Why, some of the things I've seen people do, and not demons either, bloody humans. Why, it'd make you blush. Then again, most things would make you blush, pet. Only the stupid people have boring, vanilla sex. We're above that, love." Dampening a cloth, Spike cleaned off the front of those beautiful, new leather pants. "We can have way more fun than that. Remind me tonight and I'll chain you down and fuck your brains out." 
"Uh, that's okay." 
"I insist," Spike husked in his ear. 
"I gotta, uh, get to work." Xander raced out the door before Spike could notice his errection. Not that he needed to notice. He could smell it. And something else too...something weird, not quite Xander but...strange. He'd have to investigate that later. 
By the time Xander got to the bar he was twenty minutes late. Luckily no one was there to notice. Thank Guia for lazy managers, he thought. Now if she would just condone living through pregnancies. Faith showed up about an hour after he opened the place, eager for him to see her in her new dress. It was early yet, but the regular after work drinkers were certainly enjoying the view. They didn't get too close though. A few of them had found out the folly of that particular move the preceeding night and not even that dress seemed to be able ot make them forget it. Probably had something to do with the casts dotted around the room. 
"That thing ought to be illegal," Xander told her, bringing Faith her first beer, on the house as promised. 
"You're the one who made me buy it." 
"Wait till Forrest sees it. He'll have to pick up his tongue off the floor." 
"I'm not kissing him if he licks that mess. Don't you ever sweep." 
"Stuff it or I'll leave you at the mercy of the business men." 
Faith wisely sipped her beer. Forrest came in about an hour later with several of his Initiative friends. The minute he saw Faith he grinned, and then he got a good look. His jaw dropped. Their collective jaws dropped. "Told ya you looked gorgeous," Xander whispered in her ear. "Hey, Forrest, get over here and buy this girl a beer!" 
"I'd be honored," he announced, smiling widely. 
"He's a snake in the grass?" Faith asked Xander. 
"There are good snakes and bad snakes," Xander replied, accepting Forrest's money, plus generous tip. Prudently, he poured beers all around...and kept pouring them all night long. Faith danced with Forrest. She danced with Graham. She danced with Forrest and Graham. And Xander kept pouring out the beer. Around two he closed the bar as usual, but he didn't kick Forrest and Faith out. Graham and some other Initiative cronies were passed out at a nearby table, but Xander doubted they had the clearance he wanted. Forrest was the one who had joked about the mysterious room called 314. That was undoubtedly the pass he needed. 
Forrest and Faith were writhing together, almost one skin. Finally, the tall, beautiful man reached his limit. With a growl he steared Faith over to the bar and helped her up. Then he joined her. Shit! Not four feet away, Xander was busy wiping down the bar. Talk about a front row seat. Forrest was slurring something in Faith's ear and trying to shove down his pants at the same time. Damn that man had a great ass.

Part Three

Ass...pants...wallet...aha! One Initiative code clearance card. He read the side, "To be used in combination with retna and voice identification." Stolen and informative. Couldn't beat evil for the simple pleasures of life. 
Moans dragged his head back up. Fuck! He was fucking her on the bar! Okay, Xander thought to himself, definitely bi-sexual and this is the pinacle of said, sorry existance. Forrests long, chocolate body rested imtimately between Faith's spread thighs, her pale limbs wanton, elegance. In a show of brute strength, Forrest held himself up above her, all of his weight on his palms, and thrust hard, in and out, long, hard strokes. Moans and squeals encouraged him, not the least of which belonged to Faith, but Xander was well aware she wasn't the only one making noise. Dick in palm, he couldn't help himself. Who could? The beautiful pair mutually collapsed after an impossibly long power-fuck and long after Xander had already come in his hand. 
Panting, Xander finished cleaning the bar and straightened back out Forrest's wallet before waking them. "C'mon sleeping beauties. Time to wake up and take the kids home." 
"Wha'?" Forrest growled, obviously not a morning person. 
"I gotta lock up. Time to go." 
"Wha' time 's'it?" 
"Around three. All good little soldier boys should be in bed." 
Mumbling to himself, Forrest dragged himself off the bar and went to rouse his cronies. Xander decided to wake the Slayer himself. Standing back a goodly distance and well out of range of the legs, he snapped his fingers several times. "Wakey! Wakey!" She lashed out and Xander was glad of the distance. "Faith, closing time." 
"Don't wake me like that." 
"What you'd prefer I came close enough for you to break my ribs?" 
"What time is it?" 
"About 3." 
"Come closer," she purred. 
"Not a chance." 
"See that she gets home, Xander?" Forrest called from the door. He was dragging his cronies behind him. 
"Uh, yeah. And all that other macho stuff." As soon as Forrest left, Xander crept forward to help Faith up. "Or better yet, you being the Slayer person and the not pregnant one of us, see that I get home." 
"He's kind of a macho pig, huh." 
"Yeah, but a sexy as Hell macho pig." 
"I guess that makes up for it." 
"Come on." Xander used a hand at the small of her back to guide her out the door. "I gotta get home before Spike throws a fit. He's always doing the whole protective act." 
"He should." 
"Yeah, well, I don't like it any more than you do. I'm off tomorrow, but I guess you'll be around the night after next, right?" 
"What are you going to do about that chip, Xander?" 
"Not a clue." Which was not exactly true. In fact it was a bald faced lie, but he couldn't exactly tell Forrest's girl what he was up to, no matter how friendly she seemed. This was Faith after all. Her loyalties turned on a dime. 
Xander crept into the basement room to find Spike waiting up for him. 
"Here, peaches." 
"Geeze, Spike, it was fucked out there tonight. I'm totally bushed. I mean, Faith and I went shopping and then at the bar - " 
"Come here. You forgot something before you left." The vampire pointed to the floor in front of him, indicating where the boy should stand, and then uncerimoniously pulled out his cock. "Kneel." 
"I'm dog tired, Spike." 
"You're a bitch, that's what. Kneel!" 
Frightened, Xander did just that. 
"Now, we're going to go over what it means to be a minion, hmmm, pet. I'm going to talk and you're going to suck." Cradling Xander's head, Spike guided the boy until his cock was taken into that sweet, hot mouth and a lazy blowjob began. "Not too fast, luv. That's right. Now, ooo, yeah, let us go over the order of power around here. I'm the master and you're the slave. Minion means, ahhh, means slave. You did this to yerself, pet. Now, I've been too, ahhh, magnanimous by half. That's right, little more tongue. Your first concern is your master's needs, then your master's pleasure, then yourself, pet. Oooo, you're getting so good with that tongue. Harder! Suck harder!" Discussion apparently over, Spike eagerly thrust up into his minion's mouth until he came. Choking and coughing out white, viscus fluid, Xander backed off as soon as he could, trying not to loose his lunch. 
"Trouble, luv?" Spike laughed. 
"Don't call me that! Don't you ever call me that!" 
"What's wrong brat?" Spike casually tucked himself back into his pants. 
"I am not your love," Xander spat. "You just proved that. I'm just your fuckin' slave." Heaving himself up off the floor he took several deep breaths to make the dizzyness go away before stumbling over to the bed. "I'm going to sleep." 
"Is that what's bothering you?" Spike's grin was amused, but it didn't reach his eyes. 
"I was mistaken about this." He gestured to the two of them, hoping that vagueness would prevent him having to fully explain his outburst. "I won't do it again." 
"You thought I loved you?" Spike's laughter sliced through him razor fine. "Mortals. Do I look like Buffy to you? Or demon-chick or red?" 
Confused, Xander could only mumble, "No." 
"I am over a hundred years old. I think in all that time I've learned a thing or two about love and number one is never fall in love with someone who can't love you back. Now, go to sleep." 
"But I do," Xander blurted. 
"Don't say that again." 
Helpless, the boy nodded. Face blank, he crawled under the covers and clutched his middle, well out of sight of his master. Have to think of the baby. Have to think of the baby. "It's gonna be okay, little guy," Xander whispered. "I'm gonna talk to your aunts tomorrow and then I'm gonna make your father all better. Everything is gonna be okay. Everything is gonna be okay." 
Across the room, Spike listened and frowned. 
Long before Spike even roused, Xander quietly pulled on some comfortable clothes and trotted on over to Tara and Wil's abode. They were up and making coffee when he got there. Tara politely got him some juice and Wil shooed him into a chair. 
"You look awful," she announced, poking him in the stomach some more. "We were so worried when you didn't come by last night. Does it still hurt?" 
"If you poke me it does." 
Nibbling at a piece of toast, Xander tried to conciously settle his stomach. Morning sickness sucked. "I got it," he finally announced. "I got it last night. I can get into the Initiative HQ, but I need to pass as Forrest. Could you guys do a spell to let me do that?" 
"Sure, that's a simple glamour. Why don't you let me go?" Willow asked. 
"Because this is my responsibility. I have to see that Spike is well. I have to protect junior. It's all me. My mistake," he stabbed ruthlessly at his eggs, "my fucking pregnancy, my situation. Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Silent tears rolled down his cheeks. Both girls rose to comfort him, but he waved them back down. "I'm just being emotional. Don't mind me. Happens during pregnancy, right?" 
"Doesn't mean you can't have a hug," Willow told him. 
"I can't...I just can't right now, Wil. Will you do the spell for me?" Both girls nodded. "I want to go in this morning while it's quiet. I bet Forrest is in bed with quite a hangover and I want this done before he notices that his pass card is missing." 
Both girls nodded quietly and went to pull out their books. Because he was in the middle of psyching himself up, Xander barely noticed when they began. Wil finally lifted her head and smiled. "Go look in the mirror." Xander did and found Forrest's face staring back at him. 
"Wow." He turned slowly, admiring himself from all angles. "Damn, I'm a good lookin' man!" Pulling his glock out of his ankle holster, he aimed it at the mirror. "F-B-I!" 
"Xander!" Willow admonished. 
"Sorry. Always wanted to do that." 
"Where did you get that gun?" 
"Like it?" Smiling, he holstered it again. "I borrowed it from my dad. It reminds me of when I was soldier boy. I was strong then and I liked that. Anyway, working in a bar and stuff, makes me feel better walking home if I have it." 
Willow frowned, but let it pass. "So, uh, how exactly are you going to do this?" 
"I'm going to walk right in the front door like I own the place." Which is exactly what he did. After taking his leave of the girls, he strolled across town, enjoying the various looks from both women and men. Oh, yeah, good lookin' man. He could get used to this. 
At the Initiative front door he passed all the scans and no one even questioned his presence until Riley caught up with him somewhere in the corridors. Damn! 
Xander crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow in fair imitation of his visage's arrogant stance. 
"Hey, this morning you said that you were going to spend the day in bed." 
"I remembered that I had something to do." Don't stutter. Don't you dare stutter, Xander, or it's all over. Think of the baby. Think of the baby. Think of the baby. 
"Well, you're not green anymore. I'm impressed." 
"Good constitution. Must be the food." 
"Don't even joke about that." 
Deciding that the conversation was probably over, he started on his way again. Riley followed, damn him. Hoping that he didn't already know the answer to this question, he decided to try philosophy. "I've been thinking about monsters." 
"Yeah. What with Adam and that whole fiasco I started to wonder about everything else. You think they know how to pull the inhibiter chips back out of the vampires?" 
"Why would they want to?" 
"Not a clue, but..." he shrugged. "Never know in this crazy town." 
"Ain't that the truth. Hey, maybe it's in all those files they just released to us so we could find Adam." 
"Could be." He smiled. "I'd hate to be killed by need to know, ya know?" Lowering his voice, he whispered conspiratorily. "They've already neglected to tell us way too much." 
"I hear." Riley steered him into a grey walled room. "Here's some stuff, but it's vague. I don't think they ever planned to take the chips out." 
Xander looked over Riley's shoulder at the diagram, the height illusion making him a little dizzy. Exactly how it worked he wasn't sure, but it did. "Back of the neck. Interesting. The way it's attatched to the vertibrae I bet it would kill most things coming out...or permanently cripple them." He grimaced, picturing Spike in another wheel chair. 
"Can you imagine if that Spike guy saw this?" Riley laughed. "He'd get all snipey and snarky. He's so mean. I wonder why Buffy puts up with him." 
Riley's derision of his lover, the father of his child, no matter how pissed off he was at Spike at the moment, made it all the easier for him to pull out his Glock, take aim, and knock him across the back of the head. Riley crumpled nicely. Gathering the files he needed together, Xander turned away and tried to appear nonchalant as he stalked the halls. 500 yards. 300. 200. 
"Lieutenant!" A guard called, raising his rifle, a contigent behind him. "Take him alive!" 
Damn! Must have found him already! Xander raced around the corner, cutting through the most crowded area he could find. Later he would want to avoid people, but for now, those same people would hinder his persuers. Cut into a deserted hallway. Damn, no way out. He could hear them close behind. Think, think! Okay, into the dark room. Shut and lock the door. Hope there are no monsters inside. 
For once, Xander's luck seemed ot be looking up. The room was well and truly desserted. As quietly as he could, he climbed up into the ceiling. Hunching over, he crawled as fast as he could without making much noise along the girders, the files clutched in his mouth. There it was, what he was looking for, the ventilation grate, one big enough for him to get into. Well, Xander anyway. Forrest wouldn't fit very well. Mumbling to himself, Xander released the spell so he could fit past the grate. Below him he could hear the door break open and room filling. It wouldn't be long before they found him if he didn't move fast. 
As quickly as he could, Xander disappeared inside the ventilation system. The files were getting a little soggy, but otherwise okay. Below him he heard Riley directing people. 
"We've got two lifeforms up there! Proceed with caution! He's rondevued with someone!" 
Awesome! Finally, the little guy was working for him! Now if he could just figure out how to make blood taste better. And forget Wheetabix! No, thank you! 
Ahead there was light. 
Xander surfaced in the middle of UC-Sunnydale campus. 
Damn! Hands lifted, he slowly turned around into the knowing gazes of Forrest and Faith. Shit! "Hey, guys," he offered sheepishly. 
"Xander." Forrest held out his hand. Sighing, Xander plopped the Identification card into it. "Now, let's get out of here before they track us." 
"You didn't think we were gonna abandon you, did you, Xan," Faith admonished. "Remember, I'm not evil anymore." 
"I know. I mean, well..." 
"Let's get back to Willow's," Forrest suggested. "We'll figure out what to do with this stuff there." 
"Why are you doing this?" 
"Faith told me what happened. If this wasn't Sunnydale, I wouldn't believe it. Nobody deserves to be raising a kid alone. Now, you two get going. I'll lead them off." So saying, he jogged away. 
"Be careful," Xander whispered after him, afraid to speak louder. Faith tugged his hand, leading him in the other direction. 
Wil and Tara were waiting anxiously when they got there. Both blanched at seeing Faith, but Xander assured them that everything was all right. Together they opened the files and got to work. Forrest appeared around noon and Tara fed everyone. She and Wil were going to make wonderful mothers. Speaking of... Xander pulled Wil aside. 
"If soemthing should happen and Spike or I can't take care of the little guy, would you - " 
"Of course. I'm offended that you had to ask." 
Smiling, Xander rested his hand on his stomach. "I'll be showing soon. I think I should go away. What do you think?" 
"Might be a good idea. Could be a bit freaky even for Sunnydale. I'm gonna take next semester off and so is Tara. We haven't told Buffy yet, but we're going out to the country to have the baby. You should come with us." 
"I would like that." 
"Hey guys," Faith called, "we've got something." 
They came back to the table to find Tara with a book open over the chip schematics. "I think I can use a spell to translocate the chip out. Done right, it shouldn't hurt him at all. Bring him here and we'll try it." 
Frowning, Xander heaved a put upon sigh. "Oh, yeah, me and the ball and chain will be by tonight after dinner then. You guys are gonna hide out here?" 
"If the girls don't mind," Forrest nodded. "Better stay out of sight for a while. While you're gone Tara and Willow are going to perform a forget spell, but it's still best not to push it." 
Smiling, Xander waved his goodbyes and set off. Spike would undoubtedly be pleased. Xander wondered if he would take off imediately or wait long enough for Xander to blurt out the news about the baby. Bloody poof had it coming. Slave or not, Xander Harris was no rug that could be walked all over. Well, okay, maybe, but that didn't mean he had to like it. 
Spike was pacing when he entered the basement, full gameface on. "About bloody time! Where the Hell were you?" 
"I had some stuff to do." 
"Could have bloody woken me! I didn't know if you were bleedin' dead or what! It's nearly 3! Have you ever heard of a phone? Modern device, rings, lets people know where you are!" 
"You're not my mother!" 
"No, I'm your master! Get bleedin' used to it!" 
Smiling, Xander crossed his arms. "You know for somebody who misplaced his last minion, you're awfully possessive." 
"Shut the fuck up!" 
"Want to know where I was?" 
"Whatever." Spike collapsed in his chair and picked back up his paperback. 
"I found out how to get the chip out." 
"What?" Spike was back on his feet in seconds. 
"We're supposed to go over to Willow's tonight and she's going to take it out." 
"The witch? Why would she do that?" 
Xander frowned. "Ummm, because she's my friend and I want her to." 
"More likely you're leading me into a trap." 
"You know I can't do that. I want you to be better. I'm your minion, remember. It's what I'm supposed to want." Sighing, Xander sank down on the bed. "Sleepy." 
Spike crawled up on top of him. "You're serious, aren't you? You guys really are gonna get rid of this bleedin' chip." 
"Yes. Go away now. Xander sleep." 
"Oh, beauty," the vampire murmurred, nuzzling along Xander's neck, "the first person I'm going to bite is you." 
"What? Why? I've been good!" 
"Shhh, sleep now. I won't kill you, pet. I promise you that. Well, maybe a little, but I'll bring you back." Spike nipped along his neck. 
"You can't!" Xander exclaimed. Spike sighed. "No, I mean it! It might hurt the baby!" 
"Excuse me? You're babbling, peaches. Are you insane? Warn me now because I'm not doing that one again." 
"I'm not insane, I'm..." Taking a deep breath, Xander sat up on his elbows in order to give himself a little more leverage. This was his moment. "I'm pregnant." There was complete and utter silence. "Really. See, I walked in on Willow while she was practicing this spell and I says, could I get pregnant and she says, no, not unless I get fucked before the full moon and I says - " 
"I get the picture," Spike growled. "So, pet," his smile was not at all nice, "whose is it? Riley? That Forrest git? The watcher?" 
"Yours, you idiot!" 
"That's impossible," Spike scoffed, sitting up in an effort to get away from his lover. "I'm not even alive." 
Xander followed, wrapping his arms around Spike. "He'll be half human and half vampire. Buffy already senses it. I ran into her at the store yesterday and she tried to beat me up." 
"Yup. Wham! Right in the stomach. Hurt like a bitch. She would have done me in if Faith hadn't been there to help me." 
"I changed my mind," the vampire snarled. "First person I'll bite will be Buffy and I'll keep on biting until she falls down dead." 
"Mmm, sounds nice," Xander murmurred, his head on Spike's shoulder, drifting off. 
"Oh, shit! You must be exhausted, luv. Lay down." 
"Mmm, what?" 
"Lay down. What did you last eat?" 
Xander almost chuckled over Spike's sudden soliciotous attitude, but he didn't have the strength. "Ate at Willows. Haven't fed yet though." 
"Must be your kid. Loves blood." 
"Yeah, my little boy." Spike's face absolutely lit up. "I'll get you somethin' ta drink. You just rest." Xander mmmed in his sleep. "That's a good luv." Spike went to the fridge and came back with a packet. Getting Xander to wake up a bit, he fed him almost a third and then pulled the young man close while he slept, cradling the boy's head in his lap, softly stroking the sable curls. 
Xander woke late in the evening with a very self-satisfied stretch. "Spike?" he asked the man still holding him. 
"I'm here, pet." He smiled. "The witch called. We're to go over there when you wake." He leaned in for a kiss and then another. "I can hear the heartbeat, you know, if I concentrate." 
"He's all right? Safe? Everything is okay?" 
"Just fine." 
"Spike, I...I know you don't want to hear it and you probably just think it's the minion thing talking, but I love you and I want this child with you more than anything." Xander suddenly found himself crushed against Spike's chest in a brutal hug. 
"Oh, pet, I want nothing more, but you ever betray me and I'll rip your heart out and eat it, understand?" he growled in his love's ear. 
"I'll never betray you. You know that." Xander pulled back. "I want you to promise me, this kid will always have a home with you." 
"Always. And so will you." 
Xander decided to be quiet about the rest of the spell until later. This moment was just too good to spoil. Instead he snuggled in for another reassuring hug. 

Part Four

Xander decided to be quiet about the rest of the spell until later. This moment was just too good to spoil. Instead he snuggled in for another reassuring hug. He got lips instead, the kind of long, slow kiss that made his insides melt. "Spike?" 
"Do that again." 
Spike did, again and again until his human was fairly keening between gasps for breath. "Like that?" he asked. Xander shoved shaking fingers through his hair. Confused eyes evaluated the vampire, searching for whatever might be motivating this rare tenderness. "Well?" Spike finally growled. 
"What do you want from me?" 
"Yer undying devotion should do fer a start." 
"Whatever. You gonna fuck me or what?" 
Spike frowned. "What's wrong, pet?" 
Xander frowned back, the fact that he thought Spike should know very well what was wrong, written all over his face. "I've just got...a lot on my mind. If yer not gonna ra-use me, can we get to Willow's already?" 
Spike stared hard, but said nothing, just jerked his head in the direction of the door and started walking. They trooped in silence over to the witches' house. The redhead answered on the first knock. 
"There you are. We were so like worried. Come on! The forget spell should be taking effect on the initiative, but we shouldn't give them any reasons to hunt Spike." Blathering on, she led them into the living room where Tara, Forrest, and Faith were waiting. "What we're going to do is a light trance and then Tara is going to reach into your neck and pull the chip out. You know, psychic healing, like that X-Files episode only we're not going to pull your heart out...oh, and you're not in love with Scully. So - " 
"Get on with it," Spike growled. Willow shut up and set him down on the ottoman they had moved to the center of the room just for this purpose. 
"Is there any danger in the procedure?" Xander asked. 
"Everything should be fine," Tara assured him. "And it's the only way, otherwise we wouldn't take any risk at all. We know how you feel." 
"Thanks," Xander whispered, sinking into the couch next to Faith. His unexpected friend put an arm around him. Another circled his belly protectively. Reaching over his sometime girlfriend, Forrest tossled his hair. 
"It'll all be okay, Xan. I went over everything before I let them try this. I know what's at stake here." 
"Wait a minute," Spike exploded. "Xander, outside!" 
"Now!" Spike stood. A very frustrated minion strode past him out the door. "What the bloody hell is going on in there?" the vampire asked as soon as they reached the yard. 
"I thought it was fairly obvious." 
"Everyone's treating it like some kind of death warrant for you. Tell me!" Spike got all fangy in his face. "I can make you tell me." 
"It's all about the baby. I've told you that before and I hate repeating myself." Xander took a deep breath. "Look, I just want you to be well so you can take care of the kid. They know that." 
"And just where do you plan to be? South of France?" 
He stared at the ground a long time before answering. There were fifty-two blades of grass...and they needed water...and Spike should know. "I might not live through the pregnancy." 
"Might not?" 
"Probably not," Xander amended. Spike raised a deprecating brow. "Okay, not a chance in Hell. That's the way the spell works. Guy who is having baby dies during birth, gives up his soul to the child. There you go. Happy now?" 
"Then I bring you across in your dying breath," Spike growled, sweeping the precious young man into his arms. 
"Maybe. Hope so. But you can't very well do that with a chip in your head, can you? I didn't risk my life these past few days for you to dilly dally!" Xander spit in his face. 
"You risked your life? With our child your belly?" 
"Yeah." Toe to toe, Xander faced down full-vamp face. "I did what I did because I thought it was right. Live with it." He paused and cocked his head to the side, suddenly nervous with his own bravery. "Or not." 
"I like you, pet, you know that?" 
"Hope so. We might be together a while." He shot Spike a cheeky grin, feeling good for the first time in a while. The vampire gathered him close again and kissed him senseless. 
"Now, let's go get this damn chip out so I can kill again." 
"Woohoo, go Spike," Xander teased. He only got a baleful grin in return before he tugged his vampire inside to meet the witches' fate. 
Spike woke the next morning in his mate's arms and he felt...good. He hadn't felt good in so long. One heart beat. Two, the other faint, but oh, so there. They were beating in tandem. How cute. 
"What's the silly grin for?" Xander asked. 
"Ask me again someday." Then he stretched, popping every bone in the hunter body. "I wanna kill." 
"Spike," Xander warned. The vampire glared at him. "Look, if you start killing with impunity there are people who will come looking for you. At least wait for nightfall, will ya?" 
"I don't need lip from you, minion," he groused. 
"Are you a schizo or something?" 
"One minute you're hot, the next you're cold. Just tell me what not to do and I won't do it. Promise. Swear. I don't exactly relish another demonstration of your power." 
"I just don't like owing anybody anything." 
"You don't owe me anything. The only person you owe is junior. That okay?" Xander sighed. "I know this is a little late to be asking, but you wouldn't ever...hurt...the little guy, would - " 
Xander smiled, tracing a sharp cheekbone with one finger tenderly. "Thanks. I just...I know that most fathers aren't like that. I just needed to hear you say it." 
"If what I've heard through the walls is any indication your perception is a little skewed, pet." 
Xander rolled away, fixing his eyes on the opposite wall. "Yeah, well, whatever." 
"I wasn't listening in. It was just too loud to miss," Spike assured him, frowning at whatever part of him needed to reassure the boy. After all, he reasoned, a depressed Xander couldn't be good for the baby. 
Xander suddenly boiled over in hissing anger. "If you think that anything he's ever done to me was worse than when you fucked my face you're seriously mistaken. I can handle it. I can take it. And nobody knows, nobody but you. Isn't that amazing? At least fifteen years of being hit and beaten and ra-ra-" Xander tore himself away and ran. 
"Fuck!" Spike followed. Xander only made it as far as the front room and some very startled gazes before Spike hauled him back. "No more running! Xander, I like you. I'm...In retrospect my actions were severe. I'm not...I'll never treat you like that again and I certainly won't do that to our son." Panting breaths he didn't need, he calmed himself back down. "Truce? Then we'll go rip your father's throat out tonight and drink his blood. How 'bout it, peaches?" 
"I...I...I can't believe you. I..." he stuttered, not in anger, but in helpless despair. 
"Listen to me and listen well, pet," Spike whispered, tangling his fingers in the back of Xander's hair, "I never say something I don't mean. I will never touch you in anger again. Believe it. You're the..." waving his hand around, looking for a word, "parent of my child. I don't just intend to protect you and that child, I intend to make anyone who has ever hurt you die a violent, bloody death. Are we clear." 
"That's not very master-like of you." 
"Bugger all that. You're still under my influence because of the blood, but minions are robots bent and twisted to the master vampire's will. You're hardly that, pet." 
"Is there a political term for it?" Xander asked, slyly. 
The brunette took a deep breath. "Okay. I can go with that." Smiling, he stepped forward into the vampire's embrace. "Come back to bed, Spike. I think your consort needs some attention." Spike didn't have to be told twice. In the blink of an eye he had Xander back on the bed, clothing ripped from the teenager's skin. 
The vampire paused. 
A chalk-white hand cupped the gentle curve of Xander's stomach. "Sod it all, it just keeps on getting more real." Unwilling to disturb the vampire's reverie, Xander just sat until the cold air raised bumps on his skins. "That's it," Spike growled, "under the covers with you." 
"Only if you join me." Xander's chin lifted defiantly. 
"Look at you, ten minutes as a bloody consort and it's already going to yer head." But the vampire was already shrugging out of his clothes. Naked, he invited his shivering lover under the blankets. "Better?" 
Not one to pass up such a perfect opportunity, the vampire gathered his mortal lover up into his arms and snuggled. 
Spike woke Xander just before sunset, his lips full and demanding. Neither spoke or even moaned as the rasp of skin on skin filled the air. It was too sticky and hot to do anything other than listen to their own bodies. And when Spike settled between the boy's spread thighs, Xander canted his hips up to be taken in a demand older than language itself. Spike filled him. His tongue invaded the teenager's mouth, feasting on his lover's tongue and lips as he thrust into that beautiful, hot body. Dragging himself up on his arms, he looked down into chocolate brown eyes, still thrusting hard. 
"I'm going to come in you love, mark you as mine, so no one else will approach my mate, so all those other animals will know who you belong to. You're mine, love. Mine!" Thrusting hard, he pounded Xander's prostate until in shivers and screams, his lover came all over his own chest. Then and only then did he release himself into that clutching bliss and then collapsed. 
Xander flipped him over and straddled him. Spike arched a brow at that, but wasn't to wonder long. Scooping cum off his own chest, he painted a big X across his lover's breast. "Mine just the same." 
"Of course love. Say it to me again. I'm ready to hear it now." 
"I love you, Spike. I love you so much it frightens me." 
He pulled the boy down against him. "Don't be scared. I'll never let go. Rest now. Then we'll go kill your dad." 
Xander laughed. "I never thought I would agree with you killing anyone. I can't believe I'm even contemplating this." 
"Hey, the little guy needs blood. Human blood is best, most nutritious. Why not kill two birds with one stone, eh pet?" 
"I can't argue with the logic." Snuggling, he settled in for another short nap. Spike waited until he was asleep and then snuck out. Pulling on clothes he went out to greet Willow, Tara and Faith for the day. Forrest was obviously off with his demon hunting buddies. The vampire snorted at the thought. 
"Hey, you're up," Willow called cheerfully. "Everything worked? No more baddie pain thingies?" 
"Haven't really tried it yet, peaches." 
"Hit me," Faith offered. Spike tried. It was blocked of course, but point proved. He was definitely the big bad again. 
"Oh, yes!" He smirked that I'm going to go out and kill something for fun smirk. "So, would be slayer, you up for a little fun?" 
"Such as?" 
"Xander needs blood fer the baby. Human blood is best. His father's wailed on him fer years. I say we go kill the bastard and drag 'is inert body back here to feed my son." 
Faith grinned, drawing her knife. "Sounds good to me." 
"Uh, guys," Willow called, "couldn't Xander and everybody just have pig's blood? I can get that at the butcher's shop. No biggie." 
"It's not what's best for the baby," Spike tsked. "Don't you want what's best for the baby, Red?" Willow frowned, but couldn't argue. "Now," Spike rubbed his hands together with glee, "you take the back and I'll knock on the front door. Shall we?" Heads together, they left. 
Frowning, Xander roused. He was alone. Yanking on some jeans, he wandered out to the living room. "Hey, Wil. Tara. Where's Spike?" 
"Uh..." Willow blushed. 
"He took Faith and went to kill your dad," Tara told him matter-of-factly. 
"Tara!" Wil admonished. 
"What? It's true. And Xander deserves to know." 
"Damn! I thought he was gonna wait for me," he complained, dropping heavily onto the couch. "Got any food around here? I have this incredible craving for a crawfish burrito," he mused, "with chocolate chips...and sweet pickles." 
"Oh, yeah," Willow agreed, rubbing her own belly. She too was just beginning to show. 
Tara turned green. "I'm gonna, umm, go do...something else," the blonde announced, scrambling for the front door. 
"Coward!" Xander yelled after her. "Cheese sandwich?" Willow laughed and raced to help him make it. To make the perfect cheese sandwich, one must begin with Kraft singles and Wonder Bread. Willow only used one slice of cheese, mustard on one bread slice, mayonnaise on the other. Xander used two, ketchup in between them. Crunchy Kosher dill spear on the side. Vlassic is best, but Mt. Olive will do in a pinch. Munching happily, they just grinned at one another. 
"Did you ever imagine your life would turn out this way?" Xander finally asked his friend. "I mean, like, when we were little kids and I wanted to be a fireman." 
"Not exactly, no. Back then I thought witches had warts." She grinned. "What about you?" 
"I had always thought, if they can make tofu-hotdogs, why not male pregnancy, but I never really pictured myself baking one, if you know what I mean." He grinned. "It's kind of cool though. A little bit of me, a little bit of Spike. He's gonna be a hell raiser, perhaps literally, but..." his voice dropped suddenly, his eyes soft, "He'll be a survivor. You can count on that." 
"My little girl," Willow bit her lip. "She's going to be powerful. I want to be such a good mother. I...I spoke to Oz. He's coming back for the birth. I want him to know my child, you know, in a wolfy sort of way." 
"That sounds good." Xander fished the last pickle out of the jar. "We should do that too. I'm much could go wrong. I worry." 
Willow hugged him tight. "Don't. Tara and I are gonna be here if anything happens. We'll make sure he's all right, no matter what." 
Xander hugged back. "Goes double for us, Wil. I know that Oz being there might make things confusing for you, but I think I'll feel safer." 
"I understand." She grinned. "It's midnight. Sailor Moon is on Toonami. Wanna watch with me?" 
"Pre-pubescent girls who save the universe? Who can resist?" 
Spike and Faith tumbled in an hour later in the midst of Gundham Wing, Episode 42, Milleardo's Decision, all blood spattered and million dollar grins. "Hey pet," the vampire enthused, leaning down to share a hemoglobeous kiss. 
"I thought you were gonna wait for me," Xander whined. 
"I didn't want you near that monster. Not ever again. Now, come here and have a snack. I'm almost bursting." So saying, he dragged his lover back to the bedroom. "Hungry?" he asked, pulling off his black t-shirt. 
"Blood, XanPet. The baby has got to feed." 
The mortal smiled slyly, looking up at his lover through his lashes. "Sure you won't fuck me?" 
"Well, when you ask so nicely." Then he tumbled the boy to the bed. 
They didn't stay in Sunnydale long after that, only a couple of more days. Xander was starting to show and they wanted to leave before too many of the wrong questions got asked. Tara's grandmother had lived in a rural home some hundred miles from them and her house still stood empty, a part of Tara's family property. It was the perfect getaway. 
The old field house, complete with peeling white-wash, stood on the edge of an abandoned alfalfa spread. The frequent summer brush fires had already taken out most of the carriage house, but the rest was still standing. They pulled up outside the long sittin' porch, dust billowing up around their car in the pre-dawn morning. 
"Best get inside and put up the curtains first thing," Tara observed. Inside the car, Spike agreed with an appreciative growl, unfolding himself from the back seat. He and Xander had availed themselves of the pleasures there in, much to Willow and Tara's voyeuristic delight. Faith had promised to follow with Forrest and one of his friends later in the day. They were going to be "B" proof, she said. Inexplicably she had grown quite protective of the child, leading Xander to joke about godmothers and sacred blood oaths. The smiles Faith shot him in reply spoke quite clearly of the half-serious way she took his banter. 
Inside the house dust and cobwebs reigned, but from under the white sheets beautiful old furniture appeared. In fact, several pieces like the mahogany table were enough to make Spike smile. "I used to have a table like this," he told his lover. 
"Oh, so very long ago. Dru and I had one in the second mansion we shared. Nice and sturdy, but the curls in the legs provide plenty of places to chain people to. Ah, the memories." He leered, staring off into the distance. "There was this blonde once, so luscious. Dru told me he reminded her of me just before she killed him." 
He shrugged. "She had her moments. Lucidity was not her strong point, however." Pulling the young man into his arms, Spike shoved him back onto the table. "You look good on it." 
"Am I lunch?" 
"I am." Spike slipped the steel scalpel they used out of his sleeve and opened a vein for his companion. "The little guy should feed before bed." 
"But you haven't fed yet," Xander protested. 
"I will in a bit." He dragged the tepid blood under his love's nose. "I can hear him in there getting all restless, so drink before I shove it down your throat." 
"Love you too, honey." Xander licked along the pale forearm, cleaning the area before he settled down to some serious sucking. He kept on until Spike swayed. "That's enough. Time for you to eat. Your munchies are in the red cooler." 
"Tara's idea. She's quite practical. Have you noticed how this baby has really brought out the dominant in her. She's a lot more sure of herself." 
"It's red too though." Spike rummaged through the cooler. "Didn't we bring wheetabix?" 
"Uh, no. Not wanna make people sick when they watch us eat, right?" 
"Hey, you're the one with cravings." 
"You ain't seen nothin' yet, fang face." 
"You think I'm not onto you?" 
"Onto me how?" Xander crossed his arms defiantly, resting them lightly on the slight bulge. Kinda ruined his macho image, he acceded, but only if he thought about it too much. Not gonna think about it. 
"I have better hearing than a human, remember? The last time you and red started going on and on about those frog leg sundaes and Tara and I scrambled out. Then you two went for cheese sandwiches. I heard you." 
"And cheese sandwiches with ketchup don't gross you out?" 
"There you go." 
Outside, a car pulled up onto the gravel. Xander went to greet Faith at the door. She was trailed by Forrest and his friend Graham. "Hey good lookin', what's up?" 
"Not good, baby love. Get Wil and her friend in here. We've all got to talk." 
Alarmed, Xander ran to find everyone. Spike would come, of course, as soon as he heard Xander's heart rate elevate. Wil and Tara were napping in the back room. He was loath to wake them, but as much as the girls needed their rest, Faith sounded deadly serious. 
"Hey, sleepy heads, Faith needs us out in the front room." 
"Shhh," Tara admonished, hovering over her girlfriend protectively. "She needs to sleep." 
"Look, I wouldn't wake her, but it sounds serious. You know I know what I know when I know. Ummm, that didn't come out right." He paused to try again, but Tara stopped him. 
"Give me a few seconds and we'll be there." 
"Kay." As he left, Spike pounced on him. 
"You all right?" 
"Fine. Faith just got here and she looks a bit rattled. I'm dragging everyone into the living room to talk. Come on. If nothing else, I can use your cold, dead bones for lumbar support. My back is killing me." 
"You're so evil, pet." 
"I aim to please." 
In the living room they found Forrest pacing a ditch in the rug. Not a happy sight. Xander let Spike sit first in the big, over-stuffed chair, and then curled up between the vampire's legs, resting against his chest. Whatever news this was, it couldn't be good and he wanted to be between the vampire and any friends of a Slayers that Spike might want to kill. As soon as Willow and Tara settled on the couch, Forrest stuck his foot in his mouth. 
"I take full responsibility for this," he began. Spike growled. Xander snuggled closer, as much of a hindrance to getting up as possible. 
"It's not your fault," Faith interrupted him. "It's Buffy and Giles both." She stood and shoved Forrest into a chair. "Stop pacing. You're making me dizzy. Forrest tried to get his other best friend to come out here to protect you two, but he's dating B and that means he's got a moral stake up his ass." She swayed predatorily. "B doesn't like it, but I don't think she'll show." 
"Why not?" Spike asked. 
"Why should she? I mean, Willow has been in contact, right?" 
"Right," the witch agreed. 
"She'll come out to see you two anyway, all kinda friendly like. I don't think there's anything to worry about." 
"Then why are you worried?" Xander had to ask. 
"Because it's my job to worry," Faith snapped. "It's your job to have a baby and not stay permanently dead. We all got things to do. Got some food around here? I'm starving." 

Part Five

And things they did. That night Spike shooed Xander back inside while he, Forrest and Graham took a walk so they could familiarize themselves with the lay of the land. Inside Willow and Tara were teaching Faith how to make chocolate chip cookies. 
"I can't believe you've never done this before," Willow enthused. "Chocolate chip cookie dough is the only thing that got me through high school." She handed the bowl full of ingredients to Faith to stir. "Plus, making them with a Slayer is really cool because with your extra strength, hey, no prob stirring the sticky ingredients." 
"Glad to know I'm good for something," she grunted. "Man, these are hard." 
"Now you see why us weaklings buy the dough pre-made," Xander commented, dipping a finger in for a taste. Faith swatted it away. 
"Hands off until after baking." 
"We're not going to eat the dough?" Tara asked innocently. 
"I was promised baking lessons," Faith huffed. 
"That's the fun," Willow insisted. "We start baking and then we eat the dough at the same time. Then, there's less to bake, but still warm, chewy, soft cookies." She grinned. "Anyway, I'm starved." 
"Same here," Xander called. 
"Wow, big surprise." 
"Willow, your girlfriend is making fun of me." 
"Xander, how could you think that?" Willow asked. "Tara is an innocent." 
"Yeah, and I'm not having a vampire's baby." Xander swiped some more dough. 
"Excuse me?" Four sets of eyes snapped up to see Oz in the doorway. "Oh, uh, hi." 
"Oz," Willow called softly. She gave her girlfriend a meaningful look before standing. "Let's go out on the porch and talk." 
"Are you pregnant, Wil?" 
"Yes. That's one of the things we need to talk about." Slowly, careful not to startle him, she wound her way around the kitchen table and took his hand. "Want something to drink?" He shook his head. "Let's go talk then." 
"Is that a good idea?" Faith asked quietly after they'd left. No one answered her. No one said anything, in fact until the men returned. Willow and Oz were still out talking, and it was obviously making Tara fidgety. 
It gave Xander a moment to sit back and contemplate his situation. The pregnancy was going faster now. Willow had explained that it was the way the spell worked. Less than two months and he'd be popping out a snot-nosed brat of his own. Own and Spike's. How weird was that? And how much could he trust Spike? Was Spike strong enough to keep him from giving into his dark side and abusing the child? Was he strong enough to stop the cycle? He'd seen the way his grandfather treated his father. He knew it hadn't begun with dear ol' dad. Were he and Spike destined to raise a monster? 
"How'd dog boy get in here?" Spike growled from behind him, making him jump. 
"You guys didn't notice him? Oh, that makes me feel *so* safe." 
"The spell only alerts us to those with evil intent," Tara spoke up. "I mean, that powder Willow and I gave you to spread around. Oz is here t-to help." But there was a tremble in her voice that made them all wonder if she isn't questioning her statement. The smell of baking cookies became cloying. 
Spike pushed Xander forward in his chair so he could sit behind his mate. Long, white-fingered hands massaged the brunette's tense shoulders. "Tired?" 
"I'm fine." 
"That's it," Spike announced, pushing them both to their feet. "Time for bed." 
"What I said, time for bed. Shoo with you. Into the bedroom. Time to lie down and give your back a rest." 
"Excuse me," Xander all but shouted, "I am an adult. If I want to sit up and make cookies with my friends, I can do that." 
"Fine then." Spike crossed his arms. "But the baby comes with me." 
"Fine! Whatever! Just...hey, wait a second, how can the baby come with you if he's inside me?" Xander asked. Spike grinned maliciously in response. "I'm not going to win this, am I?" 
"Well, we could take this down to brute strength, luv. Come on. Your back will feel better if you lie down a bit." With startling tenderness, Spike lead his lover into the bedroom. "Can't believe dog-boy showed up," he complained while settling Xander on the bed and taking off his shoes. "It's like a circus around here. Think you'd be joining one when you got up this morning, pet?" 
Xander rubbed his tummy quietly for a moment. "I'm already a freak." 
"My beautiful freak." Spike kissed his neck. "So, have you thought any about the big question?" 
Xander rolled compliantly from position to position, letting Spike strip him of his Dockers and outer shirt. It was too hot under the covers for them, covers that quickly rose to his chin. "Aren't you going to join me?" 
"Just let me get my clothes off, luv." Spike smiled, unlacing his boots. "You didn't answer my question." 
"I'm still trying to think of what the big question might be." 
"A name, XanPet. Child needs a name." 
"Oh. Yeah. I've been so worried about everything else that I guess I haven't thought of it." 
The vampire grinned maliciously. "Albert." 
"Not a bloody chance in Hell." 
"I had a very nice older brother named Albert." Spike stared thoughtfully into space. "Till Angelus and I lunched with him, course. Or perhaps the term is on him, huh, mate?" 
"When Willow and I were kids we used to play house, and we always had a boy and a girl. They were named Bo and Daisy." He smiled at the vampire's horrified look. "What can I say? It was the eighties. I have no excuse." 
"Name our kid after a soddin' flower..." 
"Oh, no, Bo was the boy. Daisy was the girl. Missed a lot of TV in that decade, didn't you?" 
Spike shrugged. "Had better things to do when I could bite people. Bo isn't much better, you know. How about Reggie?" 
"Do you seriously want our kid to grow up to be a poof?" Xander shook his head. "Name like that, might as well call him Angel." 
"Careful, pet," Spike growled, crawling under the covers. 
"My kid will *not* be named after male genitals. Larry." 
"The only Larry I ever knew was gay. Before he came out he used to make a game of stuffing me in lockers." Xander winced at the memory, snuggling closer to his lover. "We could name him after Giles?" 
"Do it and I *will* disown you. Stalin. One of my favorite mass murderers in history." 
"Ewww, no." Xander lay quiet for a long time, thinking about all of his options until he finally blurted out, with wonder in his voice, "Jesse." 
"Sounds okay." 
"Jesse and me and Willow were best friends as kids. When we were in high school he got turned, and I had to stake him. It was...hard. I think...I think this would be a good way to remember him." 
Spike smiled fondly. "Whatever makes you happy, XanPet." 
Waggling his eyebrows, Xander teased, "whatever?" Turning over, he straddled Spike's lanky frame. 
"Ooo, yeah, especially that." Spike rubbed himself against the boy. "You up for a bit of 'ride the pony'?" Xander couldn't help himself as he collapsed in gales of laughter. "What?" Spike protested. 
"Little bigger than a pony, isn't it?" Xander finally gasped out. 
"Hardee har har. On your back, pretty. Just for that I'm going to nail you to the mattress." Like an embarrassed feline, Spike struck out claws first, shoving Xander over onto his back. 
"You know, I think that was a compliment you're all pissed off over." 
"You don't laugh at me, Precious." 
"What's that supposed to mean?" 
"Ahhh? Ahhh. Exclamatory phrase. Used in situations when someone has nothing else to say. Now, we talked about nailing? As in fucking, not the real kind?" 
"I suppose we'll get to the other kind later," Spike chuckled, sitting up on the boy's thighs, "eh, pet?" 
"You got some Messiah complex I don't know about?" Xander very deliberately rubbed himself against his vampire lover again. "Ya know, insanity seems to run in your family." 
"That's it, whelp. Prepare to be nailed!" 
"Oh, I am." 
Much later, after a vigorous work-out, Xander lay awake, listening to Spike snore in his ear. He should have been able to sleep, after all, he was exhausted; but comatose serenity eluded him. Through the window, the large moon shone brightly. Ought to close that, he thought to himself, but didn't. Instead he took in the room around him, almost bright as day. Plaster covered the floor in one corner. It had been loose when they'd taken this room and only two days of the headboard banging against the wall vigorously had been enough to bring it down. They'd have to patch that. The rest looked sturdy enough. Sighing, he turned over. 
Spike's cheeks chiseled sharp corners in the night air. Long lashes settled on marble lids. Lost was the sarcastic grin of the day and the hauntingly old eyes. It made his beautiful lover almost young, feminine, innocent. Xander briefly wondered if this is what the human Spike had been like, pretty, almost child-like. No wonder Angelus had been drawn to the boy. Xander knew himself. Not only did his hair stick up all over the place by morning, but he hadn't been young or innocent since he'd been five, maybe younger. Watching your dad beat the shit out of your mother with a fifth of Old Crowe will do that to a kid. Dad was dead now. Wasn't that nice. Spike had killed him. That was even nicer. Smiling, Xander drifted off to sleep. 
He woke to the shade manufactured dark. Cold lips caressed the back of his neck. "Spike," he sighed. 
"Wake up, luv. Little Jesse needs to be fed, and dog-boy wants to talk to you." 
"Just give me a second to get dressed." Stretching languidly with a contented yawn, Xander finally rose and headed for his closet. The problem with being male and pregnant, he decided, was maternity clothes. Yes, that had to be his biggest complaint, at least today. No proper clothes. What was he supposed to do, wear a dress? Sighing again, he dragged out a pair of sweat pants that were rapidly becoming too small and a maternity t-shirt. "Next they'll have me in jumpers," he groused. 
"You're always welcome to prance around naked, luv," Spike reminded him cheerfully. 
"Yeah, just what I want to do. Damn, my back is already killing me. You gonna get me somthin' to eat or what?" 
Spike arched an irate brow. "I thought pregnant people were supposed to be serene or some shit." 
"You try to be serene while carrying lead weights in your stomach," he gruffed back, shoving his legs into the sweats. "Gods, it hurts this morning." 
"You all right? Everything fine with Jesse?" 
"Everything is great. Now get me that food. I'm starving," Xander ordered. "You want me to starve to death?" 
"Stop being such a shrew." 
Xander threw his shoe at him just as Spike slipped out of the room, snickering. A polite knock heralded Oz's entrance seconds later. 
"Hey." They stood awkwardly for a moment. "So, Spike said you wanted to meet Jesse. Right? So..." Xander rocked back on his heels, and suddenly toppled over, the odd weight distribution throwing him for a loop. Oz caught him before he hit the ground. "Wow." 
"Speed is good," Oz pronounced. "Sit." 
Xander did. "Umm. Wow, that was cool, cause, like, Spike would so have never have forgiven you if I'd fallen." 
"I know." The werewolf almost smiled, resting one hand on Xander's belly. "Hi, Jesse. You okay?" 
"Yeah, he's all right. Uh! Angry, but all right. Hey you, that was a hard one!" 
"Did he just kick?" 
"Well, yeah," Xander blushed. "Getting big, isn't he? Willow said I'm going to come to term much faster than a woman. That's the way the spell works. I'm due in less than a month. She and Tara are working on the exact day." 
"Yeah. I kinda freaked on her when she told me; but I guess that's par for the course on this adventure, not even worth a mention." 
Spike burst through the door. "Hey, dog boy!" Oz growled back. "No time for the niceties. Forrest saw somebody coming up the drive." Oz raced past him and down the hall, flinging his clothes off as he went. Ponderously, Xander pushed himself up to follow. "Where do you think you're going?" 
"You said someone is here." 
"Exactly. If you weren't so big I'd hide you under the bed. As it is, under the covers and don't move until I come for you." 
"No, I want to see." 
"Not bloody likely!" Spike shoved his lover back onto the bed. "You stay there, hear me?" 
Xander took the only recourse open to him. He curled up into a ball, or as much of a ball as he could get into, and cried. 
"Oh, don't bleedin' do that, luv." Spike hopped back and forth from foot to foot. "Stop it already, bleedin' crap. Oooo... Nope." He stood up as straight as he could. "I'm not gonna let you endanger junior just because you fancy a look." Then he stomped out. The loud footfalls echoed all the way down the hall. 
As soon as he could no longer hear them, Xander crept out of bed. While Spike was right and he should in under no circumstances be endangering Jesse, hiding under the bedcovers wasn't going to do him any good either. Pain stopped him briefly. It felt like his entire midsection was about to explode. Panting, he sat down for a second, but nothing was going to stop him for long. Jesse had to be protected...and Spike too for that matter. Clutching a stake in one hand and a knife in the other, he slunk down the hall. 
In the living room full-throated growls greeted their visitor, Wesley Wyndam Pryce III. 
"Stop this!" Wesley was shouting. "I'm trying to tell you, they're coming. Don't you see? They're coming, and they mean to murder Xander's baby!" 
"And why should we trust you?" Faith asked, her voice as hard as granite. 
"Because I know what I'm talking about." He turned his equally hard gaze on his x-slayer, staring her down over the wrong end of the cross-bow. Apparently the rumors about him actually growing a pair while working for Angel were true. "A dhampir could wreak great havoc on the world. That's true." Spike smirked despite himself. "But! But, a dhampir has the equal chance of being the greatest of heroes." 
Leaning against the wall in as much of a cool, lazy maneuver as anyone can with a stomach the size of a basketball, Xander made sure he was out of Wesley's line of sight before he spoke up, just in case. "So, this is the 'wait and see' game?" 
"This is the 'they're wrong and I'm right' game," Wesley spat out. "There is no reason why this child can't be raised to fight evil. It's in the raising, not anything else." His breathing ragged, he finished with a whisper, "just like any child." 
Stepping forth warily, Faith searched him, divesting him of his fighting axe and satchel of ancient-type tomes. "Have a seat, Wessie-boy. Tell us everything." She shoved him onto the couch with flourish. 
Spike turned on his love, full game face. "Why are you not in the bedroom? I told you to stay there!" 
Xander shrugged, audaciously stepping forward into the master vampire's personal space. "I had to see if it was time to run." His fingers smoothed the ridges of Spike's vampire visage back into the smooth planes of his human one. "I'm not a thing to be kept someplace," he admonished, but it was soft. 
"It's just...just..." 
"Shhh, I know. Now stay in front of me. Just because I need to talk to Wesley doesn't mean I want to give him a clear shot, right?" He grinned. "You never know in our world, right?" 
"Right, pet." They turned back to the interrigation Faith had already started. 
"So, spill." 
"Buffy and Mr. Giles found out what's going on from some simply 'splendid' rugby bloke. And who told him anyway?" 
"Never mind," Forest snapped. "Just keep going." 
"Anyway, they told Angel. It was him that convinced them the child had to be destroyed. Now they're on their way here to do just that." 
Graham shot to his feet. "When will they get here?" 
"I'm less than three hours ahead of them." 
"Will, you and Xander hide in the basement," Faith ordered. 
"I can set up a protection spell," Tara offered. 
"Good. Forrest, Graham, Spike, let's set up a little welcoming party." 
"I want to help," Wesley insisted. 
"You'd do best helping Tara, watcher." 
"I could use a hand with the protection spell," Tara admitted. "Willow can't do much while she's pregnant." 
Xander stood. "I'll get snacks. Come on, Will. We'll be sorry if we're stuck down there without anything to eat for even an hour, let alone three." 
"Mmm, I'm thinking chocolate covered chicken liver. How 'bout you?" 
"Get out of here," Faith ordered, looking a bit pale. Spike just grinned. 
In the kitchen Willow and Xander made themselves a dozen cheese sandwiches each, just in case. Xander moved through his work mechanically, concentrating on it to the exclusion of thought. Gods his stomach hurt. Don't think about that. Don't think about anything. Slap cheese on bread. Squirt ketchup. Slap on more cheese. Don't think. Don't think. Don't think. 
"Are you all right?" Willow finally asked. 
"I've got a bad feeling about this." 
Willow laid a hand on Xander's stomach, so big and round. Her own had just barely begun to curve. "It'll all be okay. It has to be." 
"I just... Buffy's never lost before, Will." Tossing several packages of Oreos in a bag, he frowned and then added all the juice boxes in the fridge. 
"Maybe we can change her mind." 
"How? Once Angel gets involved common sense is kind of out the window for the Buffster." 
"We'll just have to. Maybe we can cast a confusion spell." 
"Pet?" Spike called from the doorway. 
"Spike." And then he was engulfed in leather-clad arms. "You be careful. I didn't get you all better to go getting killed or anything." 
"By that poof? Never. You take care of little Jesse." Then he picked Xander up and sat him on the table so they could share a long, leisurely kiss. 
"We're ready to go down now," Tara called. She and Wesley were standing nervously by the basement door. 
"Fuck up and I'll eat your liver while you watch, Watcher," Spike growled. Wesley nodded nervously in response. 
"Don't get killed." 
"You either, whelp. That's an order." 
"Consorts don't follow orders." 
"You bloody-well better follow this one." 
"Yes, master." Another kiss, the hot, desperate dueling of tongues. 
"Come on, Spike," Faith finally called. "Not that you two don't look gorgeous doing that, but we've got things to do and misguided nancy-boys to stake." 
"I hear and obey," Spike teased. Another long kiss for Xander. "You take care of Jesse." 
"Only the best in frog leg sundaes for our little guy," he teased. 
Spike smiled and gave him another peck before dipping low to kiss Xander's belly. "Take care, luv. Don't let him poison you." 
"Spike!" Faith tapped an impatient foot. 
"Coming!" This time he actually followed. 
Sighing, Xander hopped off the table. "I still have a bad feeling about this." Willow hustled him downstairs with a frown. 
Outside, gray clouds rolled in like a wall. The coming storm was going to be brutal. The onset of evening turned the muggy air into a false midnight. 
Down in the basement the musky smell was driving Xander crazy, and the eye of newt didn't help matters either. Chant, chant, chant! It was all giving him a headache. "Wil, I feel sick." 
"Shhh, it's gonna all be okay." She smiled softly. "Lay down and put your head in my lap. It'll make you feel better." Shuffling around, they got situated. "See, isn't that better?" she asked, stroking his hair. 
"My stomach hurts. My stomach hurts, Wil." 
"Need something to eat?" 
"Hurts bad." 
"How long?" 
"How long has it hurt," she clarified. 
"Since I got up, I think. Oh, Wil, is the baby all right?" 
"Tara, I think he's in labor." 
Outside, a car topped the horizon. Our heroes spread out to intercept. Oz prowled at Faith's side. The Angel-mobile pulled up in front of them. Buffy, Angel, Riley and Giles all piled out. 
"We don't want any trouble," Angel called out. 
"Then leave," Faith countered. 
"You don't understand the threat," he tried. He got growls in response, and not all of them from Oz. "We don't want to fight you, but we will." 
"You go through us or not at all!" Faith yelled back. 
"Oh, good," Buffy taunted, "I was hoping you'd say that." And then she attacked. The two girls became a flurry of fists. 
Spike rounded on Angel. "You have five seconds to run like a little poof." 
"Not likely," Angel spat back, attacking. The battle engaged. When Riley tried to help his girlfriend Forrest and Graham held him down. Giles pulled out a stake, but Oz cornered him against the car. 
In the basement Tara raced to Willow's side. "Abdominal pain?" 
"Yeah, and lots of it." 

Part Six

"Okay, I'll get the circle ready. Wesley, you have to go get Spike. Whatever he's doing, interrupt. If Xander is going to liveor, er, soemthing like it, Spike has to come and come now. We can hold off for maybe twenty minutes, but no more." 
"I'll return with him or die trying," Wesley vowed and then raced off. 
"Dire," Willow whispered sarcastically. 
"Shhh, Xan, everything is gonna be okay. We've got you. Everything is gonna be okay," she whispered, rocking him and petting his hair. 
Tara started the circle. 
Wesley raced outside. Total chaos reined. Oz was asleep on the ground, a dart stuck in his side. Under his head was blood. Wes wasn't sure if he was dead or sleeping. Faith was dead, a knife stuck in her gut. Buffy was helping Riley to dispatch Forest and Graham. It wouldn't be long before she succeeded. Ahead of him was the main entanglement still in action. Spike and Angel were moving so fast they were blurs of motion. 
"Spike! Spike! You have to come! Xander's - " A crossbow bolt in his neck cut him off. Giles stepped out from behind the car, his bow empty. 
Spike staked him sire. Dust roared in a furious storm of hot air and then fell to the ground. A fitting end for Angel, he thought. Looking around, the sitation didn't look good. Retreat being his only option, he attempted to beat a hasty one, but the Slayer got between him and the house. 
"Not so fast, Spike." 
In the basement the girls moved Xander into the spell circle. He screamed in agony over and over again. 
"Tara, we've got to help him." 
"We have to begin the spell now." 
"What about Spike?" 
"We have to hope he gets here before we're done." 
Willow swallowed hard against her dread. 
Outside Buffy and Spike faced off. 
"You think you're so clever, Slayer, so cute. When I'm done with you your own mother won't even recognize you." 
"More threats, Spike? Would have thought that'd be a little pase by now." 
"Fuck pase!" He attacked, attempting to get past her, but she threw him back again. "Aren't you even the least bit concerned for your friend?" 
"You turned him. Angel told me so. The kindest thing to do now is to stake him." 
"You little bitch!" He attacked again. 
Downstairs the girls made the four incisions needed to deliver the baby. Xander's stomach splayed open like a flower. Willow lifted little Jesse out reverantly. 
"Where's Spike," she asked. 
"I don't know, but Xander doesn't have long." 
Furiously Spike tried to pound his way through the Slayer, but she just wouldn't give. Finally, an opening. He kicked her head hard enough to daze her. Running toward the house he was met half-way by two women and a baby. 
"He's gone, Spike," Willow told him. "Get in the car. Weve got to go." 
"No!" he howled. The ground shook resonance with his fury. 
"Get in the car!" Willow ordered. 
"Where is that little bitch? I'll kill her," Spike snarled. 
Willow handed the baby through the car window to her girlfriend and then slapped Spike hard. "Get in the car. Take care of your son. Xander didn't do all he did to free you again so that you could get killed before you raise him." 
Spike nodded. Reaching for the baby he turned toward the back seat. So beautiful. So very beautiful like his father. Tumbling into the back seat, they roared away. 
In the basement Buffy and Giles found Xander's dead body, a bloody mess. "He wasn't a vampire," Buffy sobbed. "Angel lied to me. He wasn't a vampire." 
"Yes, Buffy, but the child was. That's what we have to be concerned about. We have to go after them," Giles urged. 
"First I have to bury my friend." 
"But - " 
"He was your friend too, Giles. You should be helping me." She started digging with her own hands. 
On the road, Tara found them a motel to crash at just before dawn and they slept the day away under the watchful eye of Motel 6. A little after dusk the next evening they packed up to resume their journey. 
"I want to get as far as Canada," Willow was telling him. "Oz told me that if anything bad should happen I should meet him there outside this little town where he lives." 
Spike nodded, his face stoney in his grief. He wouldn't let the infant out of his sight and insisted on holding him most of the time. 
Outside the night was balmy, the kiss of evening promising primroses and fireflies. Spike held his newborn up to kiss the pale moonlight. "Hear me, Slayer, I promise you this. I will hunt you down, I will tear out your heart and eat it, and then I will bury your body face down at the crossroads that your spirit might never find peace even unto the fucking end of time!" 

I ask Daddy about it sometimes. He keeps her scalp in a little gold box as proof that he killed her. And he tells me never to trust the foul humans. I point out that Aunty Wil and Aunty Tara are human, but he says they're special like Father was. 
Father was like the sun, he says, bright and shining and so pure that he burnt. He burnt Daddy all out and that's why Daddy looks like he's dead soemtimes. Daddy is all dead without Father, deep inside where even the dead are alive. Daddy is dead there. That part is with Father somewhere, wherever Father is, even though Daddy's body is still walking. 
I'm getting bigger now. I made my first kill the other day. Daddy smiled really big and it almost reached his eyes. He said Father would have been real proud of me. He said I should kill all those nasty humans because they liked to hurt Father. He said I should always do what my aunties said. 
He stayed up to watch the sunrise this morning. 
I hope he found Father. 
I hope he's happy. 
