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An Answer Scorpio's Halloween Challenge
by FireHorse

Spike wasn't all that fond of Halloween. It wasn't anything like Samhain
had been when he'd been growing up. And tonight, there were so many
people on the streets he couldn't even mug someone for blood money. Most
of those people were anklebiters and rugrats, hardly enough for a snack,
let alone a meal. And on top of *that*, his Xanpet had to work tonight,
some overtime or something for his new job, so now he had nobody at home
to harass. It just wasn't fair!

"Hey Mister! What are you supposed to be?" Spike looked up from his
internal grumblings and saw...Xander, standing there with a mob of the
aforementioned anklebiters and rugrats.

"Yeah, mister, what are you supposed to be?" Xander's voice was full of
laughter. He glared at the nearest moppet, holding hands with Xander,
and shifted into gameface.

"Ooh! Cool! How'd you do that?" came a chorus of irritatingly
high-pitched voices.

"Are you supposed to be a vampire?" This from the small --umm the
astronaut, from the movie he snuck in to see. Buster? Buzz? Something
like that-- standing boldly in the front of the group. "'Cause everybody
knows vampire's don't have yellow eyes, they have *red* ones." The child
packed an amazing amount of pompousness mixed with pity into that single
sentence. Pompous, 'cause he knew that, and pity, 'cause the grownup
obviously didn't.

"Yeah, mister, aintcha never seed a real vampire before?" This came from
a cowboy, obviously the partner of the astronaut.

Xander was making an effort to keep a straight face, but it wasn't very
successful. Spike glowered.

"This your overtime? Nanny to a pack of little blighters?" 

"Yup. It's fun. I haven't been trick-or-treating since, well, in a long time."

"And what are you supposed to be, pet?"

"Who me? Oh. I'm cleverly disguised as a responsible adult." 

They stood at the bottom of a sidewalk as the mob trooped up to the
porch and shouted for candy. As they trooped back down, several of the
munchkins fished in their bags and stuffed the result into Xander's pockets.

"What's this then?" Spike held up a pirated packet of shoestring licorice.

"Well, they say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach..."

"Is not. Between the 4th and 5th rib's easiest."

"And I do *not* want to know how you know that. Anyway, I don't want
into your heart, I want into your pants. I've been *trying* to get your
attention for a while now --maybe you should change your name to William
the Oblivious-- and tonight, I'm prepared. Restraints, so I can tie you
to the chair and ravish you," Xander took back the licorice and put it
in his pocket, where Spike could see several more packages of the stuff.
"Handcuffs," Xander held out a necklace-sized string of candy beads on
elastic, "it should fit you ok. And a matching cock ring." Xander held
out another string of candy beads on elastic string, this one

As Xander was blowing Spike's mind, they'd continued down the sidewalk
to the next house. This one had some sort of maze on the porch that the
kids had to work they're way through to get to the door.

"A gag," he held up an enormous cinnamon jaw-breaker, "although I may
not use it, since I have other plans for that mouth of yours. Then again
- you ever had cinnamon on your bare skin? No? We'll share, I'm a
generous kinda guy. And..." Xander rummaged some more and came up with a
handful of suckers in various sizes, shapes and colors. "Toys!" He
handed Spike the one that looked vaguely like a unicorn's horn, long and
twisty. And ridged. "And the best part is, they're all edible!"

Spike grabbed Xander and dragged him into the shadow of the hedge that
lined the sidewalk. The bleedin' anklebiters were still on the porch, so
he knew he had a few minutes. Backing Xander into the hedge, Spike
kissed him, long and hard, and was more that a little surprised when
Xander responded enthusiastically. 

Xander pulled away first, panting. He handed Spike the smaller string of
candy beads, stretching the elastic until it fit over Spike's wrist.

"Half an hour, Spike. These kids live next block over, then I'll be home."

Spike nodded and said nothing. When Xander turned away to count heads,
Spike headed for home. Maybe Halloween wasn't so bad after all.

* * * * *