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by FireHorse 

"I'm bored." 

"No you're not." 

Exasperated glare. "Yes, I am." 

Smirk. "No, you're not." 

The couch squeaked in protest as Xander flopped back into the flabby 
cushions beside Spike. 

"Ok, smartass, if I'm not bored, then what am I?" 

Bigger smirk. "Frustrated and horny." 

"Frustr- How d'you figure?" 

"Easy, pet. I'm a vamp, remember? I can smell it on you." 

"You can smell moods." Disbelieving. 

"Not exactly moods, pet, but arousal isn't a mood, is it then? It's 
chemicals; pheromones and hormones and such. Those I can smell." 

"And the frustrated part?" 

"Your demon girlie hasn't been around much lately, so you haven't been 
getting your end away. I *have* been around, and you haven't been 
tossing off, although you want to." At Xander's questioning look, he 
tapped his nose. "If you'd tossed off, I'd've smelt it. And I've got 
eyes, you know. You've been half-hard all day." 

Several moments passed in silence. Xander's brow was faintly creased in 
concentration. The concentration was replaced by a flicker of surprise, 
which was in turn replaced by a speculative, weighing look. 


"You're awful interested in my sex life, Spike. Why is that?" 

Spike stayed quiet, but the speculative look moved to his face from Xander's. 

"You know, we both have the same problem." Xander's expression was 
intent now. 

"We do?" 

"We do. And there's a common cure for our common problem, too." 

"There is?" Spike's speculative look had faded into brief surprise, 
followed by anticipation. 

"There is." 

"And that would be...?" 


Xander moved aggressively into Spike's personal space, pinning him back 
against the couch cushions. He wound one hand through Spike's short hair 
and slid the other under Spike's shirt, letting it rest on Spike's 


"Hmm?" Xander found it hard to answer when his mouth was full of the 
soft spot behind Spike's ear. 

"I've never known you to go for the blokes." Spike found it hard to 
concentrate, what with Xander doing such delicious things to the soft 
spot behind his ear. His neck had always been a hot spot, even before 
he'd been turned. 

Xander pulled back enough for Spike to see the brief flash of irritation 
cross his face. 

"You've never known me at *all*." 

"Looks like I'm about to know you better, pet." 

"Biblically better." Xander went back to licking the tiny hairs at the 
edge of Spike's hairline. 

Spike fumbled briefly for a moment, then found the hem of Xander's 
t-shirt. He tugged until Xander got the idea and sat up, allowing Spike 
to pull the t-shirt off over Xander's head. Xander returned the favor, 
and both shirts unceremoniously hit the floor. 

Xander leaned back, stretching out on the couch and pulling Spike down 
on top of him. Spike went willingly, rolling as Xander again pinned him 
against the back of the couch. 

Their mouths met and held, the shock of warm and cool sizzling through 
them both. Warm mouth on cool, cool skin on warm, a study in contrasts 
that made them both groan. 

Hands wandered, stroking smooth satin skin, kneading sleek muscle. 
Mouths wandered, nipping and sucking. Legs tangled, providing leverage 
for increasingly urgent thrusting. 

Xander pushed himself away from Spike and tried to sit up. Spike 
tightened his grip, unwilling to let go. 

Xander answered Spike's unasked question. "Not enough room. Bed." 

"Too far. Floor?" 

"Works for me." 

Spike wrapped his arms around Xander and rolled them both off the edge 
of the couch. He hit the floor with Xander on top of him but didn't let go. 


"You ok?" 

Xander rolled off of Spike, pulling them both to their sides. 

"No, still got me trousers on, don't I." 

"Is that all? Here, let me..." 

In a surprisingly fluid move, Xander turned until he and Spike were face 
to crotch. A quick jerk popped Spike's buttonfly open, and Spike groaned 
at the combined sensations of relief and the feel of warm breath gusting 
across his thighs. 

Deciding that they were good where they were, Spike untied Xander's 
sweats and and slid them down, lifting the waistband over Xander's 
impressive erection. 

"Not half-hard now, eh, pet?" 

Xander reached back between Spike's legs and groped for a back pocket. 
Finding one, he grabbed the other one with his free hand and pulled 
Spike's jeans down until they were below his knees. Spike kicked them 
the rest of the way off as Xander did the same with his sweats. 

There was a brief moment of stillness as each saw what they'd uncovered. 
Pale and solid, loose skin stretched back; rosy and hard, scar nearly 
invisible. Both wet and intoxicatingly musky. The curls surrounding the 
base of both cocks were nearly the same color. Spike moved first, and 
Xander jumped and thrust, then tried to pull back. 

"God, Spike, your mouth is cold." 

"Make me a cup of hot tea then, shall I?" 

"Hell no. Do that again." 

Spike did, pulling Xander's bottom leg forward and resting his head on 
Xander's thigh as he went to work with a will. 

Xander, taking advantage of their height difference, also propped 
himself on Spike's thigh, but nuzzled Spike's balls, then moved back to 
tongue the tight, pale pink pucker before returning his attention to 
Spike's cock. 

Gradually they fell into a rhythm, one easing back as the other pushed 
forward, one sliding in as the other slid out. 
Then Xander slid all the way out of Spike's throat. 

"No, not- not now. I want it to last." Panting. 

"Easy, pet, we'll make it last. You do to me what I do to you, right?" 

Breathless laughter. "Thought I was." 

"No, I mean *exactly* what I do." 


Spike stroked the thighs in front of him, calming instead of rousing. 
When the tension in the quivering muscle under his cheek had dropped a 
few notches, he leaned forward and licked Xander's cock from tip to 
base. After only a brief delay, Xander did the same. Spike licked the 
crease between balls and thigh, and Xander doing the same to him. Next, 
he took Xander's cock in his hand and slowly covered the head, sucking 
gently. Xander did the same, and slowly took Spike deeper. With a 
pleased murmur, Spike repeated the gesture, and slid his hand down 
Xander's shaft, cupping his balls. 

Again they fell into a rhythm, twined around each other, Xander's hair 
dark against Spike's pale ivory skin, Spike's hair bright against 
Xander's honey gold. 

Spike groaned when Xander pulled Spike's hand up to his mouth, his 
tongue thrusting between Spike's fingers in a way that made Spike's 
balls tighten. He did the same for Xander, slurping obscenely, until 
Xander pulled Spike's fingers free with a pop and put said fingers on 
his hip. 

It was Xander's turn to groan as Spike slid one finger deep into 
Xander's ass, then another. Xander thrust himself back onto Spike's 
fingers and forward into Spike's throat a few times before he remembered 
what he was doing. 

He pulled his own fingers from Spike's mouth and slid them slowly up the 
back of Spike's thigh, leaving a cool, wet trail. He circled Spike's 
hole with his fingers, swirling his tongue around the head of Spike's 
cock in the same motion. Spike's deep shudder nearly tipped them over. 

When they had regained their balance, Xander dropped his jaw and 
swallowed Spike down whole, sliding two fingers into Spike's ass at the 
same time. 

Setting up a new rhythm, they moved faster and deeper, each mirroring 
the other's actions, each racing closer to the edge of oblivion. 

Xander got there first when Spike crooked his fingers and rubbed 
ruthlessly against Xander's prostate in time with his swallowing around 
Xander's cock. Xander's strangled scream vibrated along Spike's shaft as 
he spurted down Spike's throat. 

Xander released Spike's cock and panted, his fingers still stroking into 
Spike. When he'd recovered, he slapped Spike on the nearest cheek. 

"Give a guy a warning the next time you're going to blow his brains out." 

"Good, eh?" 

"Must be the hundred years of experience you've got." 

"Must be." 

"Hey. Fair warning; it's *your* turn to get your brains blown out." 

With that, he thrust his fingers deeply into Spike and went down on him 
again, staggering his actions so that Spike didn't know what was coming next. 

For long, endless minutes the only sounds in the room were the wet sound 
of Xander's mouth on Spike, and Spike's groan that was nearly a growl 
and definitely continuous. 

With a wet slurp, Xander let go of Spike's cock. 

"Bite me, Spike." 


"*Bite* me. You know, use your fangs, Fang Boy. It won't hurt you if I 
like it, too." 

Spike needed no further encouragement and felt his gameface slide into 
place. As Xander went back to his self-appointed task of blowing Spike's 
mind, he groaned as the icy heat of fangs sank through the delicate skin 
of his inner thigh. The burn went straight to his cock, which hardened 
again in near record time. The suction on his thigh was nearly as good 
as suction on his cock. 

Xander's sucking timed with Spike's, thrusting in tandem, they surged to 
completion. The feel of Xander's fingers thrusting deeply, his throat 
rippling around Spike's cock, and the sweet, hot taste of blood and come 

in Spike's mouth was enough. Spike came hard, barely retaining enough 
presence of mind to not gag Xander as he tried to get deeper. Xander 
came again, his heartfelt groan accompanying the splatter of come on 
Spike's chest. 

Exhausted, sated, they lay there on the floor, still twined around each 
other, the contrast of light and dark still visible in the fading light. 
Xander was trying to catch his breath, while Spike was trying to collect 
his wits. 

"Still bored?" 

Spike felt the lazy shift of muscle as Xander grinned against his thigh. 

"Nope. Not anymore. Not frustrated and horny, either." 


"Yep, that it was."