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Gemini - Crop & Zoom 
by FireHorse 

Xander paused, taking stock. Spike's cock was right in front of him, 
hard and pale, dripping slightly at the tip. The shaft was smooth, just 
one big vein running from the base only to be lost in the usually-loose 
skin that was bunched like a collar around the crown. The balls beneath 
were drawn up tight in their fragile sacs, nestled deeply into a curly, 
silky brown bush. Xander spared a thought to note that Spike wasn't a 
real blonde, not that that was a surprise, and then spared another 
thought to wonder how a being with no circulation worth mentioning could 
get and maintain an erection, let alone one of such obvious firmness. 

He jumped as Spike licked him and then took him in, sucking hard, the 
shock of Spike's cool mouth startlingly chilly against his hot flesh. He 
thrust into the suction and then pulled away from the chill, shuddering. 
His nervous system didn't know whether to come or go. 

"God, Spike, your mouth is cold." And doing delicious things to the soft 
skin of Xander's belly. 

"Make me a cup of hot tea then, shall I?" Spike murmured between nibbles. 

Interrupt this, just to warm up that mouth? Especially when the cool was 
such an amazing sensation? To borrow a phrase, not bloody likely. "Hell 
no. Do that again." 

Spike did, pulling Xander's bottom leg forward and resting his head on 
Xander's thigh as he went to work with a will. Xander, knowing a good 
idea when it happened to him did the same, and propped himself on 
Spike's thigh. 

From there he had a great view of Spike's great ass. Hmm, now there was 
an idea. He'd had it done to him, and had liked it, an understatement if 
ever there was, but had never done it to anyone else. Well, no time like 
the present. 

He nuzzled Spike's balls in passing and leaned in to lap at the pale 
pink pucker hidden between the muscular curves of Spike's ass. The flex 
of muscle against his tongue told Xander that Spike like it as much as 
he did, but the cock prodding insistently at his collarbone gave him 
other ideas. 

He returned to Spike's cock, wondering as he did if the contrast between 
his hot mouth and Spike's cool flesh was as startling to the vampire as 
it had been to him. Not that Spike was complaining... 

He lost himself in the rhythm, a counterpoint to Spike's, one sliding in 
as the other slid out. All too soon his toes were curling, and he 
reluctantly pulled out of Spike's wet grasp altogether. 

"No, not- not now. I want it to last." He was panting, gasping for breath. 

"Easy, pet, we'll make it last. You do to me what I do to you, right?" 
Spike's voice was soothing, but Spike's cock was still dripping steadily. 

He laughed breathlessly. "Thought I was." 

"No, I mean *exactly* what I do." 


Spike stroked Xander's thighs and slowly the tension, the urgent need to 
explode in pleasure, eased. Spike licked his cock and belatedly Xander 
returned the action. He stifled a giggle when Spike licked the ticklish 
crease between his balls and thigh and did the same to Spike. When Spike 
took Xander's length into his mouth, Xander decided to up the stakes a 
bit, and he took Spike deeper. Taking one of Spike's hands in his, he 
sucked on his fingers, thrusting his tongue in the gap between them. 
Spike played along, sucking on Xander's fingers with obscene slurps. 

Trailing his fingers up the back of Spike's thigh, he rubbed his wet 
fingers around Spike's hole, swirling his tongue around the head of 
Spike's cock. Enjoying the resulting shudder, he put one foot flat on 
the floor to maintain their balance, then dropped his jaw and 
deep-throated Spike, pushing two fingers in deeply at the same time. 

They mirrored each other, sucking and thrusting, the rhythm building 
until Spike crooked his fingers against Xander's prostate, and Xander 
came, screaming around Spike's cock. 

Xander released Spike and panted, his fingers still stroking into the 
blond. When he'd recovered, he slapped Spike on the nearest cheek. 

"Give a guy a warning the next time you're going to blow his brains out." 

"Good, eh?" 

"Must be the hundred years of experience you've got." 

"Must be." 

"Hey - fair warning; it's *your* turn to get your brains blown out." 

With that, he thrust his fingers deeply into Spike and went down on him 
again, staggering his actions so that Spike didn't know what was coming next. 

Spike's groan deepened, got growly, and didn't seem to have an end. It 
reminded Xander that Spike *wasn't* exactly human, and that there might 
be other things to do. Was it something he really wanted? Yes. Did he 
dare ask for it? 

With a wet slurp, he let go of Spike's cock. 

"Bite me, Spike." Yes, he dared.