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Gemini - Rotate 180
by FireHorse 

"Bite me, Spike." Xander's voice was husky, the demanding growl nearly
matching Spike's.

Slick and bitter, the hot flavor of Xander lingered on Spike's tongue,
nearly as sweet as blood and just as distracting - he couldn't
*possibly* have heard that right. "Eh?"

"*Bite* me. You know, use your fangs, Fang Boy. It won't hurt you if I
like it, too."

The words shot through his system like lightning, his body understanding the
possibilities before his lust-fogged brain could process them.

Spike took a deep breath; the musk of renewing arousal filled his
senses, but there was no fear, no hesitancy, and the pulse thrumming
under his ear was strong and fast. His body already knew, and when he
licked his lips he found his fangs already descended.

Fine then, he could do this. He *could* - as long as he didn't intend to
cause pain, as long as he didn't cause pain inadvertently.

Carefully, so very carefully, he slid his fangs through the tender skin high
up, near the juncture of leg and hip. The tiny pops his fangs made as they
broke through the skin were accompanied by Xander's lush groan and the
distinct stirring of his still-sticky cock.

Spike froze, waiting for the bolt of agony that he was sure was going to
explode behind his eyes. It never came. Instead he got a mouthful of
blood, hot and coppery. Giving in, he lost himself in the rapture of
blood and sex. A dispassionate observer in the corner of his mind kept
him from biting too near the femoral artery.

Xander's renewing passion nudged his cheek, but Spike had no intention of
letting go. The corner of his mind that Spike had always attributed to his
demon took note of the fact that he was feeding, pain free, from a human.
Apparently willingness made a difference. Vague stories of humans who
allowed vampires to feed from them, for a price, flitted through his
mind before that voice too was distracted.

It was distracted by Xander, who was gasping and writhing on Spike's
impaling fingers, and it took Spike a bit to figure out that Xander was
also thrusting his thigh against Spike's mouth.

Momentarily stunned, Spike quickly matched his sucking and thrusting to
Xander's desperate movement. His own need was crackling in his spine,
gathering to pool in his belly, his balls. The rippling around his cock
intensified as Xander deepthroated him, and he pushed himself almost
brutally onto Xander's fingers.

The taste of sweet hot blood, combined with the previous slick bitterness
overwhelmed him, and he sucked harder. He lost himself to the rocking and
rushing, remembering barely in time that his mortal lover would gag if he
thrust as his demon was demanding. Xander's deep groan echoed his own, more
muffled groan as he spent himself, and the the heat of Xander's second
climax puddled on his chest.

Spike was in awe. Even knowing his true nature, this mortal had willingly,
trustingly given the one thing that Spike would never have asked for. Or
maybe he was looking at it wrong, and what Xander had given was trust,
written in blood. He didn't quite know how to react.

He felt Xander's breathing slow to a more regular pattern. Spike decided
to go for casual, and sort the rest out later.

"Still bored?"

Spike felt the lazy shift of muscle as Xander grinned against his thigh.

"Nope. Not anymore. Not frustrated and horny, either."


"Yep, that it was."