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In Care Of The Blues
by FireHorse

I hope that you've been missing me
that way that I've been missing you
I shouldn't have let you go because I love you so
write me in care of the blues

When I got back to the mansion, he was in my bed, naked and waiting for me. Wordlessly, I stripped and joined him.

The first time, I fucked him. His legs were tight around my waist, his cock and then his come hot on my belly.

He sucked me the second time, slow and desperate, taking me deep into his throat. I pulled back before I came; I wanted him to taste it. Taste me. Then I rolled him over and licked his ass until he came, whimpering. He always did like that.

We slept.

In the morning, he was already up when I woke, standing at the window staring at nothing. Still silent, we dressed.

I waited until he was ready to leave before I fucked him again. I pushed his jeans down his thighs and bent him roughly over the arm of the chair.

I fucked him hard. Spreading him open with my thumbs, I counted on last night's lube and looseness to let me in.

I pulled all the way out but stayed pressed against him, feeling him tighten in my abscence.

"What time is the wedding?"

I went in fast and brutal, uncaring of pain. I wanted him to feel me, feel where I had been, later today.

"Ah! T...ten. Ten o'clock"

I came hard, wrenchingly. Since I didn't need to catch my breath, I pulled out, spun him around, dropped to my knees and swallowed his cock. I sucked strongly until he came with a strangled scream.

Tenderly, I tucked him back in and zipped him up. I kissed him, my mouth still full of his flavor.

He stood at the door for a long time, just looking, not saying anything. I went to him, rubbed my fingers down the back seam of his jeans, where I could already feel a warm, damp spot.

"Remember me today. When you're on the altar, and you feel my come oozing out of you, remember me. Us."

"Spike, I..."

"Save it. You made your choice, six months ago. May you have the joy of it." I could hear the bitterness in my voice, and the pain. I didn't try to stop it; I wanted him to hear it, to know how bad I was hurting. I wanted him to hurt that bad too.

His gaze dropped to the floor.

Then he was gone.

At 10:00, I was in a coffin, being loaded onto a bus. A cliche, but effective for getting out of town unnoticed. The driver looked human, but he was an Aoaeiw demon, making a bit on the side transporting 'special' passengers.

I'll make a brief stop in LA and let Peaches know I won't be around for a while, and then I'll move on to Mexico. It's warm there, and there'll be tequila. Lots of tequila.

I left his Patsy Cline tape in the seat of the chair that I'd fucked him over just a few hours before. *That* chair, the one that he'd tied me down to while he slept, the one that he'd first fucked me in, -it seemed like ages ago- and damn me for a sentimental fool for keeping it.

I'd left enough clues for him to find me if he tried.

If he cared to try.

I'll have to tell Al he's got an exhaust leak. That's what must be making my eyes water. Vampires don't cry.

Give that postman your letter
and he'll know what to do
he'll bring your letter to me
and a plane will bring me to you
