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Soft Touches
by Guanin. 

The door clicked silently shut behind Xander. He looked at Spike’s 
flushed face, which held a mixture of bewilderment and arousal on 
its features. He reached out a hand to cup his cheek and pulled him 
closer until their lips met. The kiss, gentle at first, gradually 
developed into a passionate frenzy. Xander tenderly stroked the 
insides of the blonde’s mouth, claiming him with his tongue. The 
hand that held his cheek wandered to the back of Spike’s head while 
the other descended to his lower back were it danced lightly over 
his spine. Groaning with pleasure, Spike responded eagerly, pulling 
the other man against him. His left hand swept over Xander’s chest, 
exploring the strong muscles through the fabric of his shirt. Xander 
finally pushed away to draw deep gulps of air into his lungs. Before 
he could fully regain his senses, Spike had taken his shirt off and 
was tugging at his. The brunette willingly obliged by raising his 
arms so he could remove it. Spike’s gaze rested briefly on his 
chest, feasting on the soft contours of his body, before he closed 
in for another kiss, this one softer, not as demanding as the first. 

Taking a hold of his hand, he led Xander to the bed. He stopped in 
front of it, sat down, took off his shoes and deliberately propelled 
himself backwards until he rested on the middle of the bed. With 
slightly fumbling hands, he unclasped and unzipped his pants then 
lied back, hands fluttering at his sides. Xander carefully surveyed 
Spike’s face. Cheeks tinged with pink, breath coming in small, 
agitated spurts, and lips curved into one of his adorable smiles, he 
met Xander’s gaze with eyes that expressed a myriad of emotion. 
Desire, nervousness, love, trust, and a little bit of anxiety was 
reflected on his azure orbs. But above all was the trust. He trusted 
Xander with his entire being, he trusted him to care for him when he 
was injured, to comfort him when he was sad or frightened, to love 
him without requests, and to not hurt him. And now he trusted him to 
give him the carnal pleasure he wanted and needed. 
Xander observed the blonde’s supine form. Supple limbs trembled 
slightly, pale skin shimmered with sweat caused by arousal and 
anticipation. His erection peaked out from beneath pants that rode 
low on his hips. Xander hardened further when he realized that for 
the first time Spike was offering himself to him completely. This 
would be the night in which they finally went beyond playful kisses 
and furtive touches and fully consummated their relationship. 
Removing his shoes, Xander got on the bed and climbed up Spike’s 
body, straddling his waist. Placing his hands at the sides of 
Spike’s head, he leaned down for a fervent kiss. Spike continued his 
earlier ministrations on Xander’s torso, softly caressing the smooth 
flesh. His fingers pinched the pert nipples, teasing the buds to 
hardness. Xander moaned into his mouth and broke off the kiss to 
taste the vampire’s skin. He delicately traced his jawline with the 
tip of his tongue and suckled his neck, giving it a small, provoking 
bite. At this act Spike bucked his hips, grinding their groins 
together. His fingers pulled at the rim of Xander’s pants in a 
silent plea. The brunette quickly got off the bed and practically 
tore his pants off. He wanted to pounce on Spike and fuck him until 
he screamed. ‘No, he told himself, you can’t do that, you have to go 
slow, be gentle, treat him like he deserves, this is his first time, 
he expects you to guide him. He trusts you to do so.’
He moved over Spike again on his hands and knees. He looked up at 
his face. Spike seemed to be fascinated by the hard penis that 
jutted between Xander’s thighs. Xander smiled at the expression of 
wonder on his face. ‘He looks so innocent.’ He touched the only 
piece of clothing that remained between them, Spike’s pants. The 
blonde’s gaze flew to his face and after another blush and small 
smile he assented to the unspoken question with a nod of his head. 
He raised his hips so Xander could remove them with better ease. 
Xander’s eyes devoured every inch of newly exposed skin. Dropping 
the pants to the floor, he massaged Spike’s calves, lightly stroked 
the back of his knees, and rubbed his thighs in a relaxing motion. 
He kissed his way down Spike’s torso, reverently laying 
feather-light kisses on every curve, every swell of his gorgeous 
flesh. He dipped his tongue in and out of his navel in an highly 
suggestive motion that made the blonde whimper. Spike’s sounds of 
enjoyment turned into a surprised gasp when the brunette reached his 
cock. Xander sucked on the head, his lips squeezing before he moved 
to take more of him into his mouth. His tongue lapped at his taut 
skin, caressing the sensitive underside while his hand kneaded his 
balls. He ceased his attentions to his cock for a moment to take 
them into his mouth, first one, then the other, fully laving them 
with his saliva. He continued to pump Spike’s cock, moving his lips 
from tip to base to tip and back to base again. The blonde writhed 
beneath him, grabbing onto Xander’s hair and emitting low moans as 
his orgasm seemed imminent. “Xan, oh god, Xander” He came with the 
cry of Xander’s name on his lips. The brunette calmly swallowed 
every precious drop and kept him in his mouth until his shudders 
hushed. He looked up at Spike’s face. The wide smile of satisfaction 
he received melted his heart. ‘So beautiful.’ 
Xander’s cock seemed to twitch angrily at the lack of attention. He 
knew that he had to heed it or he might go mad. Scrambling off the 
bed again, he searched in his bag for the lubricant that he brought 
just in case Spike warmed up to the idea. He returned to the bed and 
made sure that Spike saw what he held in his hand. When he did, the 
blonde first looked hesitant, but he took a deep breath and met 
Xander’s eyes with his own. His smoldering gaze told Xander that he 
wanted this as much as he did. Xander gently parted Spike’s thighs 
and sat on his heels between them. He coated his fingers in lube and 
reached past Spike’s legs between his firm buttocks to find his 
hidden rosette. He introduced one finger and Spike moaned, he 
introduced a second, rubbing against his prostate, and Spike 
growled. He pushed forward impaling himself on the fingers 
desperately. The lube was a special kind that gave a warm sensation 
when friction was applied to enhance pleasure. By this point, Spike 
was aching with need. 
“Xander, please, I need more, I need you inside me,” he moaned, head 
thrown back, eyes half-mast, fingers clutching the sheets. 
After coating his cock with lube while he oiled and stretched Spike, 
preparing him for the act, Xander grabbed Spike’s thighs and lifted 
them. Spike cooperated by quickly wrapping his legs around Xander’s 
back.. The brunette positioned himself at the puckered entrance, 
then slowly he pushed into Spike, gasping at the effect of the lube 
on him and the feel of the tight, virgin ass that sheathed him. 
Spike gasped in turn at the intrusion, his face contorted with pain 
and pleasure. Buried up to the hilt, Xander stayed immobile, 
carefully observing Spike’s face. Spike wiggled beneath him, his 
muscles clenching and unclenching around Xander’s penis adjusting to 
his size. 
“You okay?” Xander asked softly.
Breath coming in short spurts, Spike met his eyes and nodded. 
“I’ll go slow, ‘kay.”
Spike assented again with a shake of his head. Xander pulled out 
until only the head remained within the blonde then sank back into 
the velvety passage in the same leisurely pace. It took solely a few 
more gentle thrusts before the small grimace on Spike’s face 
dissolved into a look of rapture and the hisses of pain transformed 
into moans of pleasure. Xander steadily increased his pace till he 
achieved a pleasing rhythm that had them both moaning and groaning 
and panting. Spike grabbed onto Xander’s head and pulled him down 
for a voracious kiss. That simple gesture, mixed with the 
overwhelming sensations coursing through his body, almost caused 
Xander his climax. He felt as if his entire being was aflame, and he 
was almost afraid that the delicious friction created by their 
united bodies would be the catalyst for a great conflagration that 
would consume them. It took a tremendous amount of willpower to hold 
off his orgasm. He wanted Spike and himself to feel the utmost peak 
of elation together. He felt Spike’s hard erection straining against 
his belly, begging to be touched. He reached between their bodies 
and took hold of it, pumping the long shaft in time with his fast 
thrusts. Spike’s nails dug into Xander’s shoulders, carving deep red 
furrows. His back arched against the mattress and his mouth 
separated from Xander’s when he curved his neck and dug his head 
into the pillow. His heels ground into Xander’s back as his legs 
tightened around the younger man’s waist. 
“Xaaaaaann... I’m coming...I’m coming...” Panting heavily, he came 
with a loud cry of ecstasy that sounded infinitely better to 
Xander’s ears than the finest music. A couple of more lunges and he 
came as well, expelling his warm juices into Spike’s tender hole. 
Spike’s legs fell away and Xander collapsed beside him. Both their 
chests heaved, sucking in air. Xander turned his head to look at the 
blonde and his heart swelled with love when he saw 
the look of total contentment on his face. He lightly touched his 
collarbone and Spike turned to look at him with bright, fulfilled 
eyes and a lazy smile. Xander kissed him oh so gently, delicately 
suckling on his lower lip. His hand rested on Spike’s neck and his 
fingers caressed the soft hair at the nape. 
“I love you,” he whispered, his breath falling on the warm mouth 
before him. Holding Xander’s hand on his neck, Spike replied in a 
similar hushed whisper, “And I love you.” He spoke a little louder. 
“That was amazing, pet. You couldn’t have given me a better 
anniversary present. Thank you.” 
“No need. I want to give you everything that’s mine to give. I want 
to make you happy, Spike. You’ve certainly made me happy.”
A joyful smile curved Spike’s lips. 
“Happy anniversary, Xander.”
“Happy anniversary, Spike.”
They drifted peacefully to sleep, snuggled in each others’ arms.