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by GW Katrina 

Bump and grind. Bodies gyrating to the music, flesh
pressed against flesh. In the midst of it all, a circle
formed, all eyes focused on the dancers in the middle.

Two bodies, pressed so close together it was hard to
tell where one ended and the other began. Hands teased
with light touches. Lips barely grazing each other.
Colored lights glinted off of light and dark hair.

Two men, who in their own desire, never noticed
becoming the center of other fantasies.

"Let's take this upstairs, Pet. Or would you rather
give them a free show?"

"If we were going to do that, we should have sold
tickets earlier. Upstairs, now."

Two beings weaved their way to the stairs, not noticing
the eyes filled with lust following them, or the moans
of disappointment fill the air.

The pair made their way up the stairs, stopping only
once. The dark haired man gave his companion a grin and
found himself pressed against the wall, cool lips over
his and a tounge demanding entry. A demand he quickly
gave into.

As the cool mouth pulled away, both men groaned at the
loss of contact. The fire had banked for just a moment,
but the kiss brought the flames back to life.

Two lovers made it to their room. Before the door had
even closed fully, clothes were being torn away. Scars
were discovered, different tastes burned into their
memories. The pair were doing a different dance now.
One as demanding as nature itself.

Fire crept all around them, flames racing up and
around. An explosion.

"Love you, Xander."

"Love you too, Spike."

Two mates, wrapped around each other, basking in the
steady embers of their love.

The End