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 In The Tunnel
by Hannah

They were whispering again. It really annoyed me, because if it was something they wouldn't mind me hearing, they would say it in a normal voice. I looked over and saw Spike slip something in his pocket, while Xander did the same. Then he pulled a chocolate bar out of nowhere and started munching.

After hearing about a demon rising somewhere north of California, we'd been driving all day to get there (Spike sleeping in the back) and found it was a miscalculation. Apparently we were 600 years early. We'd spent the day inside the car and once the sun had set Spike had taken over the front seat and we'd headed back home. It was 9 at night, and we had to catch a late ferry so Spike could continue to drive us the rest of the way back to Sunnydale before dawn. The car was comfortable, but Xander chose the music. Not a completely good thing.

I sat back in the seat and closed my eyes, focusing on the music coming out of the speakers. *It's all about the he said, she said, bullshit!* Limp Bizkit. How... not sleep-inducing. I opened my eyes again and shifted in my seat. This was turning out to be a whole lotta non fun. I thought when Spike had offered to come, it would be at least amusing to watch him and Xander quarrel. But they'd been getting along famously, and were ruining it all for me. Not to mention I'd been shoved in the back seat the whole ride, listening to them talk about rock groups and actresses with all sorts of plastic surgery done to them. How depressing.

"Okay why don't we go walk around a bit?" Xander asked suddenly, opening the car door. Spike did the same and I shrugged, following suit. We wandered down to a tunnel nearby the ferry dock. They kept exchanging glances and I was getting quite suspicious of them. I fingered the stake in my pocket, but realized then that the tunnel had doors, and they had somehow locked behind us.

"Well I guess a simply kicking down of the door should be in order." I said absently.

Xander raised his eyebrows and grinned in that hot way of his. No, bad Buffy. Xander is *not* hot. "Could you go over there?" He pointed to one side of the tunnel.

"Why?" I asked slowly, not liking the way Spike was pacing restlessly, as if he was waiting for something to happen.

Xander rolled his eyes. "Spike." he said, nodding at him.

Spike looked at me quickly, his eyes serious and yet, something in there was burning... deep down... My train of thought was interrupted as he walked up behind me and rested his hands lightly on my shoulders. Breathing deeply, I could smell him. The Spike-smell that I'd memorized years ago for fighting purposes, but it wasn't bad or anything. Just... Spike.

I looked at Xander. He'd stopped smiling now and walked slowly toward me. I could hear Spike's breath behind me, slow and steady. Xander stopped directly in front of me and looked as if he was about to say something, but instead his tongue darted out to wet his lips. I could run. But my legs didn't want to move and I didn't really want them to, either. I felt that tingly sensation between my legs, and Xander took one step closer, until he was barely 10 centimeters away from me. He suddenly leaned his head in and captured my lips with his, pulling my head forward a bit as he pulled back. But Spike's hands on my shoulders were strong and prevented me leaning out. 
I stared at Xander in amazement, but he just smiled again.

"I think this'll work." He put his hands on either side of my face and kissed me again, his tongue parting my lips. I could taste this intoxicating mixture of Xander and chocolate, and it drove me wild. I reached out madly, realizing that Spike's hands on my shoulders couldn't prevent my lower arms from moving. I clutched frantically at Xander's back, gripping the soft sweatshirt and pulling his upper body against mine. He pulled away after a few seconds and looked over my shoulder. "Spike, come on!" He looked back down at me and grinned again. "This is cool."

Then he leaned in again, and my hands were on his ass, running up and down it. The absurdity of the situation just didn't seem to hit me, and I just forgot about everything. Our tongues entered each other's mouths and I felt something go through him, like suddenly he was *feeling*. He felt less... bold, and a small whimper rose in his throat as I pulled his hips against mine. I felt him hard against me and I moaned.

I could hear Spike's breathing speed up behind me, and for some reason that turned me on even more, perhaps because he didn't need to breathe. I could practically *smell* how turned on I was, but couldn't care less. Xander and I kept kissing, all his attention focused on me. He'd started out all businesslike and cocky, but had managed to get reduced to a weak little puddle melting in my arms. It couldn't get much better. Chocolate, Xander, and smoochies.

But I was wrong. I could get better.

From behind me I heard Spike swallow and then he exclaimed "Okay, I'm doing something now." in this breathy, exhausted, voice that was so thick with pleasure I felt my knees get weaker and I was afraid I might collapse. Spike's strong arms wrapped around my stomach, Xander's chest pressing against them as they slipped under my shirt and ran his fingers up and down across my warm skin. He lowered his mouth onto my neck and ran his tongue from the base of my ear to where my shirt began.

I shuddered under his touch, and pulled Xander closer to me. Spike's hands moved lower just as Xander moved higher, and his hands came in contact with his arousal. Xander moaned really loudly, startling me. I started to knead his ass, and continued attempting to swallow him whole while Spike started sucking on the base of my neck.

I was completely lost in this world, my eyes closed long ago, and little clips of songs and words flying through my head randomly. Beck, Jamiroquai, Xander naked on a bed, Limp Bizkit, going down on Spike in a bush, Rufus... I stopped there, liking that song. I went over it in my head, feeling the rhythm flow through me. *Tell me something good... tell me that you like it, ye-eah*. I starting moving my hips a bit to it, the slow, undulating beat matching my movements.

Suddenly Spike pressed himself flush up against my back, as he continued on my neck. He was just as hard as Xander, and pressing roughly against my ass. I felt so wet I could soak right through my jeans, with these two bodies pressed against me, writhing and kissing and feeling everything they could reach. "Buffy..." Xander murmured into my lips. "I'm gonna..." more kissing, then breath. "...come if I don't..." Kiss. Breath. " something..."

"So what." Spike said huskily, his hands now on my stomach. There was Xander and Spike again in my head, but they had me flanked on a crimson-colored bed, and oh god Xander was sucking all my life out through my mouth, and some weird notion that our mouths were melted together formed in my head. His hips started to roll against my own, and then Spike's hands moved and fuck, he was slipping under my bra. His warm fingers slid across the bottom of my breasts and felt like silk being lightly pulled across my skin and I was going to lose it, and I wasn't even sure how that was possible in that position but I didn't care. The song Milk and Honey was pouring through my brain and all I felt was utter bliss and I noticed Spike was starting to hump my ass and I could tell from the absent rhythm that he didn't even realize he was doing it. His fingertips found my nipples and I bit Xander's lip in amazement at how good it could feel. I was sure it was all I could handle when suddenly the two guys' movements joined. When Xander pressed in, Spike did too and god it was like every fucking inch of my body was aroused. I could come like this; I could so easily come like this... And I realized that it wouldn't matter if I did because I had a feeling they were both about to.

Their movements stopped being the light thrusts they had been and they started dry humping me like animals. *I wanna fuck you like an animal* Spike's tongue slid up and down my neck, his thumbs rubbing my nipples around and around as the three of us started to just simply blend and there was no way to tell what belonged to who. *I wanna feel you from the inside* 

There was someone in leather pants in my head and I couldn't tell who it was, but they looked so damn sexy but hell, anything looked sexy to me right then. *I wanna fuck you like an animal* I could hear Trent Reznor breathing the words heavily in my head, and I knew the leather belonged to him. I'd long since given up moving, and my arms stayed embedded in Xander's warm back, my mouth still melted into his. *You get me closer to god*. Then Trent was dropping the pants and oh god there was Jay Gordon from Orgy, all his makeup on and his equally leathery pants on. They were kissing and fucking and, oh my god, they were fucking... I wasn't even sure how it happened but then I started to float back to myself and I was shaking, and my legs were weak. I'd stopped kissing Xander and his head was buried hard in my neck,  his fast and hot breath warming my skin. I was burning but it warmed me. 

Spike's tongue slid back in his mouth and he bit me, but with normal human-teeth. The strangeness of him biting my neck didn't register as I felt him shuddering too and then suddenly my whole world exploded into a darkness that wasn't dark, but wasn't clear.

I think Xander came first. His head was still pressed into me, but he held me tighter than ever and it took me a few moments to realize he was steadily murmuring about something as he shook, and all I caught was 'fucking baseball glove' but I didn't give a damn as to what he was talking about because Spike had just bit me and we were both coming at the same time. I could feel him writhe and press against me, and just as he exploded into that world I was travelling quickly to, he put his head to one side and looked me in the eyes and god I thought that just one day I could sit him down and talk because those eyes held such love and years of not doing things outside slayer stuff that he regretted and I think we kissed, but it may have been just our tongues. Either way, I could taste him and that sent me over the edge I already thought I'd succeeded in going over. His taste was dizzying and overwhelming and I could tell he felt the same as he let out this sigh that seemed to carry the weight of the years lost between us. And then I collapsed. I thought for a moment I'd finally passed out, but my body wouldn't allow that and instead turned limp. The bodies attached to me 
fell too, and the lack of resistance made me think that maybe I wasn't the only one unable to stand up.

We lay there on the dirty cement, dazed. Xander was on his knees, his face still cushioned on me, although now closer to my chest. Spike was sprawled out behind me, and I lay back fully on top of him, my head about where his stomach was. I slowly came back into my body and became aware that Spike's chest wasn't moving at all and Xander wasn't sending hot gusts of air against me any more. I sat up slowly, groggily. I felt as if I was waking up from a dream, the whole word a fuzzy blur that I had to allow to exist, I couldn't just let it stay that way.

Spike pulled himself up and shifted a bit in his pants. "Gone and ruined another pair of jeans." He said, avoiding my eyes.


He looked up at me with a scowl on his face but I caught the loneliness in his eyes and his features softened. He brought me against him in a kiss that lasted just long enough to make me officially drunk on this new form of bliss I'd discovered. I turned to see Xander picking himself unceremoniously up off the group. He grinned his lopsided grin and cracked a joke about high school and how he'd had a dream not unsimilar to this.

The three of us walked slowly off toward the car, the door only a minor obstacle in the way. The three of us gave it a kick, though, and it went right down. As we sat in the car talking, I drew back from myself for a moment to observe how sometimes just not caring could be one of the best things in the world. if I had cared, it never would have happened. Who knows what would happen back home, but I felt so incredibly at ease with these two men that I didn't really give a thought to how the rest of our lives turned out, because we'd always have this night.