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Never The Hair
by Hannah

For him, it was always about the hair. See, someone could kiss him, and run 
their hands up and down his back, or even do a little groping down south, 
but it never affected him like the hair. Maybe his scalp was sensitive from 
the frequent burning it experienced... and maybe he just got off on pain. 
Either way, he could never hold back when someone fiddled with his hair. Ran 
their fingers in smooth swirls on his scalp, and sent shivers down his 

So, naturally, Spike hated that he loved his hair.

He being Xander.

"It looks hard... how much gel do you *use*?" He'd said months ago. Spike 
had raised his eyebrows.

"As much as it takes to keep my roots from showin'." He'd joked. Everyone 
believed him, though, and he'd had to spend the afternoon trying to get them 
to forget about it - in the process receiving an earful of Buffy and 
Willow's hair dying suggestions. Great, sharing beauty tips with the 
slayer's friends. *Just* what he'd wanted to do that day.

He wasn't supposed to, but Xander had reached out and wormed his fingers to 
Spike's scalp and fiddled around a bit like he was some kind of wax figurine 
on display at a museum.

Please do not touch.

But he had anyway. Which was stupid on his part. Because Spike had fallen 
for him - right then. It wasn't hard, no no. It was pretty much some lusty 
thoughts. Which the vampire had no problem putting a damper on most of the 
time. After all, the damp lump known as Alexander Harris wasn't that 
appealing clinging to the ex-demon's arm. Relying on the soddin' slayer.

But whenever Xander decided to touch Spike's hair, it was all he could do 
to resist himself. It could have been anyone. Yet *Xander* had to be the one 
to develop a love for his hair.

Spike hated that.

Hated biting his lip 'til it bled in order to resist grasping Xander and 
pinning him to the bed.

Hated being tense around him.

"Spike." Xander said, surprised.

So that was why Spike was there. To finish it all off. Put an end to it.

The vampire smiled, and shifted on the bed. "Pet."

Xander closed his door behind him, and deposited his jacket on the 
armchair. "What are you doing here?" He wasn't afraid or anything - Spike 
didn't seem to have that affect on *anyone* anymore - but he wasn't 
expecting to see him in his living quarters.

The unnatural blond looked up at him. "I," he started, "am 'ere to show you 
somethin'. Somethin' no one else 'as 'ever seen. Except Angelus and Dru, of 

"Wild kinky vampire sex?" Xander said nervously. "Heh, sorry, I've seen my 
fair share of that."

"No, but... you have?" Spike grinned.

"I lied." Xander said, shrugging. "I tend to do that in situations where I 
feel threatened."

"Right." Spike nodded. "Okay, well... can I show you?"

Xander was still wary but his curiosity was too strong - what on earth 
could Spike want to show *him*, of all people? "Go ahead. Just remember, I 
have stakes."

"I'm *real* scared." Spike mocked, but got up anyway. And he walked to 
the... bathroom?

Flashback to second grade. *Xander, I have something to show you* He 
hesitantly followed the girl into the bathroom. Promptly got his first 
lesson in the female anatomy.

So he wasn't too sure about following Spike. But he didn't hear any belts 
being undone, or jackets shed. Stepped closer. The tap turned on, and Xander 
hesitated. Was Spike taking a shower?

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"No." Came back from the little room. "Gimme a bloody second, will you?"

"Fine." Xander sat down on his red armchair and entertained himself 
throwing clothes from the floor around his feet in the general direction of 
the washing machine.

About five minutes later, the tap stopped. "Close your eyes." Spike called.

Xander wasn't sure whether to trust the vampire or not. Decided he was too 
curious to bother deliberating over it. And so he obeyed the command. Heard 
footsteps nearing him.

Horror movie. Two summers ago. Willow's house. Steps coming down the hall. 
A knife raised above someone's head, brought down with a sickening slice 

Xander opened his eyes. And got even more of a surprise.

Spike looked amazing. Good-looking amazing. Really good-looking. And Xander 
knew why.

Cascading into his face and falling around his head in wavy pieces was 
Spike's hair - golden white and wet and amazingly limp. He raised his blue 
eyes to Xander's brown ones, grinning.

"Now *this*," he said, smiling, "is my hair without gel innit." It fell to 
the tops of his ears.

Xander stood up, transfixed by the vampire standing before him. A hand 
strayed to the wavy locks, another to Spike's jaw.

Please do not touch.

But this time, he was supposed to.
