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That's What Canada Can Make You Do

Part One   Part Two   Part Three   Part Four   Part Five   Part Six

Part One


Xander stared in disbelief. He was in Canada, for crying out loud! Not-so-naughty vampires weren't supposed to be here... Especially not this one!

"Nice to see you too, pet." Spike stubbed out his cigarette and looked around him. There were a few kids smoking, crouched on the ground behind a bus shelter, and a few druggies doing their usual business down the street, but on the most part, the people wandering Granville street at 1a.m. in downtown Vancouver were normal-looking folks. Harmless. Just out for a little fun.

Xander was still surprised. He was here visiting his uncle Jim, the really cool uncle with the earring that works in a tatoo parlor here on the corner of... what was it? Granville and Davie or something. Downtown, everything seemed to be on Granville, and the traffic was at a minimun, the street being a transit-only road and only one lane wide. He liked that about this area. In this large, busy city, this part made him feel like he was in Sunnydale.

Two guys passed arm in arm, one wearing leather from head to toe, the other wearing leopard print jeans and a zebra pattern vest undone.

Okay it wasn't *exactly* like Sunnydale, but hey, the lack of evil things was a definite bonus!

Which was exactly why he did not expect to see Spike here. "Why on earth are you here?" He basically voiced his thoughts out loud.

"Visitin'. I like it 'ere, don't get no cheek from people like you... can walk about without vampire-wary kids or old women with permanent scowls on their faces leapin' out at me everywhere." He turned and smiled at a couple of girls walking by. One had a pair of oversized jeans on and a skater jacket, the other had on a mini skirt and what must have been 4 inch pumps, her blue hair accented by the baby blue tank top she had on.

At the devious smile from the good-looking blond, they smiled and said at the same time, "Howzit goin'?" and "Hey there...". Spike just winked and turned back to Xander as they continued along their way.

"See my point?"

Xander shook his head. "How did you do that?"

"Well for one, look at you and then look at me. See a difference?" He jeered, opening his duster to reveal his snug black jeans, worn out boots, and black muscle shirt.

Xander looked down at his cargo pants, doc martens, and blue sweater.  "Yah, ok."

"Well I can give you a hand with that, if you want." Spike teased, moving aside so a couple of kids on skateboards could get by easily.

Xander frowned. It was so strange seeing Spike, but this sudden mutual friend thing was boggling his mind. And he thought the vampire hated him? But he wasn't going to complain, it was obvious that *he* didn't know how to fit in here. And Spike did.

"Well... what could you do?" Xander wasn't big on the making-sudden-crazy-decisions thing... especially not when the person he was trusting was a vampire who would drain him dry if he could only bite.

Spike's blue eyes left his and glanced up the street. "Well we've got leather, plastic, hard metal memorabilia clothes, whacked-out shoes, and some place with blinkin' lights. 'Aven't been in there before..."

Xander shuddered but let his inhibitions disappear. Being this far from Sunnydale, no one could ever find out. And Spike wouldn't tell. He had some gut feeling that Spike would keep this a secret. "Whatever."

Spike grinned, and in the best Dr. Frank 'n' Furter accent he could muster, sang "In just seven days, I can make you a ma-a-a-a-an...."

Xander laughed in spite of himself and fell into stride with the vampire, blending into the crowd.


"'Ere, and 'ere, and... 'ere." Spike carelessly tossed three more articles of clothing at the poor boy already carrying a veritable mountain of stuff in his arms.

"Spike? I think it's enough..." The giant pile of clothes said meekly, swaying dangerously to the side, towards a rack of feathered boas.

"Waaatch-it!" A guy standing there said, steadying him. "Try not to destroy the establishment, eh?"

"Sorry" Xander muttered, making a beeline for the change room.

"Spike?" He called out into the throngs of people, the high cieling of the room making it feel more like a gym than a store.

"Right beside you, mate." A voice reported in his right ear.

Xander whirled around. "Oh! Okay. I was wondering... should I try these on?"

Spike smirked sarcastially. "No, I want you to spit on 'em. Of *course* you should try 'em on!"

Xander rolled his eyes and bustled into the nearest stall.


After what felt like an hour to the restless blond vampire, Xander finally emerged. He had on a pair of bright red chunky shoes, a sheen camo shirt under a worn-looking green army vest, and leather pants with a silver belt.

Spike raised his eyebrows as Xander turned in a circle in front of the mirror, a horrified expression on his young face. Spike couldn't help the way his pants seemed to shrink at the sight of the kid, but wasn't disturbed by it. He was a vampire. This was his life.

"Quite nice, actually..." He admitted, not being able to resist tugging on the belt, lowering the pants so they rested on the boy's hips, making it visably more comfortable for him.

Xander sighed in relief. He had never worn such constricting pants... the shirt was alright, and he could probably handle the shoes after a bit of practice, but with the pants on, you could easily see a lot more than he was comfortable with people seeing.

"I don't know..."

"Oh piffle, buy it!" Spike said as if it was an incredulous thought to do otherwise.

"It's really-"

"No one'll know. Not even the Slayer, who seems to enjoy the army boy look..."


Spike smiled tiumphantly and accompanied the boy to the counter as he payed. Spike glanced out the window at the people. It was strange the way a foreign city - even foreign country, had brought them together. He felt like the boy was his responsability, his kid that he had to raise and teach. Even if it was just for the time they were here...

Xander finished and walked with Spike to the door. He finally took a step outside, expecting either everyone to stop moving and stare at him, or his family and friends to suddenly pull up in a car and spot him. But nothing happened.

"Come on." Spike took his arm, pulling him out onto the sidewalk with him. He almost felt a little proud, like a mother showing off her child who had just learned to walk.

Spike knew this street, and he knew that it was a place where walking arm in arm with another guy wasn't considered anything out of the ordinary. For Xander it was, no doubt, but the boy could adjust. At least for the night.

They walked the streets together, looking in shops, talking to strangers, and even picked up a couple of drinks in various bars. Xander was having a really good time, living the type of life he'd never had a chance to live, and probably wouldn't ever again.



Xander hit him on the arm. "Hello! Me, here, not over there with that chick in the tube top. Or is that a very wide belt? Hard to tell..."

Spike turned around, grinning. "Sorry, sorry. Didn't realize you cared."

"Well I could lose you to someone here! Why would anyone be able to resist ya?" Xander joked, trying his hardest to act all sexy.

Spike noted his effort and turned to him, placing his hands on the boy's shoulders. He looked into his eyes with practised ease and spoke. "Sorry, pet. This night's about you."

Caught in the moment, Xander didn't notice when Spike's hand moved to cup his chin, or when he was backed up gently against a billboard-plastered wall. But when the vampire's mouth descended on his, he was jolted into reality.

Spike! Kissing him!! But his attempts to push away were useless, he was completely locked in place by the vampire's body. Spike ran a tongue along his lip and pressed him up against the wall.

When Xander finally let a low moan escape through his mouth, Spike let go of him and took a step back. He held out his arm and gestured at the stunned boy with a nod of his head "Shall we?"

Xander grinned and took his arm. "Of course, Spike... of course."

The odd couple walked off into the night, both with the knowledge that what had happened would never be spoken of, but also with the knowledge that it would not be forgotten.

******** Part Two

"No bloody way! 'E was at the top o' the charts for no more than a month. A one-hit wonder, if you ask me..." Spike was leaning across the  counter, giving the bartender the most evil eye he could muster. Lucky for  him he couldn't fight humans, or else the grungy, beer-bellied man would  have been on the floor in pool of blood by now.

"Look mate, I tells ya, 'e wuz a right ol' integral part o' the 'istory  uf rock 'n' rowel, 'e wuz. 'n' widout 'im I doubt we'd 'ave the mewzic we 'ave tedai..." The bartender had the strongest, weirdest English accent Xander had ever heard. He was amazed that it was right here in this bar, behind the counter, serving them drinks. Which was exactly the reason he didn't want Spike picking a fight. Through all the vampire's years, he must have learned *somehow* that you never hurt that hand that feeds you. Or 
gives you beer.

"The 'mewzic tedai'? You mean that teeny bopper stuff that doesn't sound a bit different from one to the other?" Spike snorted. "I sure could do without it..." He was about to continue when he caught Xander glaring dagers at him. Catching his eye, the younger boy made a pointed glance at the mug of beer in his hand.

Spike wasn't stupid. "Look 'ere. I don't agree with you, but I got somethin' else here to attend to." As he said this, he slid an arm around Xander's broad shoulders and rubbed them slowly, giving the bartender a slow smile.

The bartender shook his head and, muttering "bloomin' kids" under his breath, headed to the end of the counter to tend to some other customers.

Xander turned to smile up at the blond vampire. "Thanks for getting the hint." He took another sip of his beer.

"What hint? I just wanted him to go away." Spike grinned, sitting down beside him. He stopped Xander from saying whatever he was about to say, looking into his eyes. He moved his left hand around and slowly fastened it on to Xander's beer, sliding it away from the younger boy. "Now no more booze, you and I are goin out. On our own."

Xander nodded and stood up, wriggling a bit in the leather pants he still hadn't gotten completely used to. It was strange, he thought, how much romance could be found in that night so far. He'd always figured that girls were suckers for romantic things like flowers or moonlight nights, or dinners. But it was strange how suddenly *he*, Xander Harris, was finding romance in getting dressed up like a male hooker, getting kissed by a male vampire, and going to a bar that was mostly full of male couples.

But he did like it a lot. He just figured that with this relationship being two guys, not a guy and a girl, that the romanctic side of it would be sort of different.

It was strange the way he'd never ever thought of Spike in this way. How he'd never ever thought of a *guy* in this way, yet it just felt so normal and natural. But he decided to question his sexual orientation some other time. A good-looking vampire was waiting for him.


They were walking around, looking in stores, when Spike had a revelation. But wouldn't let Xander know what it was.

"Come on, tell me!"

"It's on the next block, we're almost there!"

"If it's anything related to a male strippers bar, I swear, I'll..." Xander's voice died in his throat when he saw the store. Tattoo and Piercing Parlor. Desperately trying to find a street sign to indicate if he was on Granville and Davie, he didn't notice Spike walk inside. He stood out there a few minutes before finally deciding to follow him.

"... ah, this is 'im." Spike waved a hand at him, obviously talking to the man standing in front of him. Relieved to find it wasn't his uncle Jim, Xander sighed and grinned, standing next to Spike.

"What about me?"

"I was telling him about what you wanted done. You know, since it was your idea to come here..." He winked at the boy suggestively, making it impossible for him to deny anything.

"Uh huh."

"Well, what is it ya want me to do?" The heavily-tattoed man asked, picking at his teeth with a small needle.

Xander shuddered and hoped he didn't use that needle for the tattoes. "Umm..." He looked helplessly at Spike, who finally gave in and answered the man.

"One earring. Silver, a loop. I'm already pierced, so I'll just buy one for meself. And tatto? Well I'd have to say an 'eart for me. Drippin' a little blood. And he'd like-"

Finally allowing himself to agree with the idea, Xander broke in, saying "A stake. A wooden stake. Here." He pointed to his upper left arm.

"Alright, sit down and I'll get what I need."

With a reassuring look from Spike, Xander sighed and slumped back in a chair. There was no way he could deny it now, his friends would find out about this night. Somehow. And when that day came, he'd have no idea what to say. Except maybe "spare me"...


Part Three

"He was *not* checking me out!" Xander argued, blushing profusely.

Spike laughed, flinging an arm around the boy's shoulders and hugging him to his side affectionately. "Come on, luv. 'e wasn't the first to tonight, anyhow."

The two of them, after leaving the tattoo and piercing parlor, had decided to walk across the Granville Street bridge, into the west side. Xander didn't know his way around at all, but Spike claimed he knew where he was going, and Xander didn't want to argue.

Spike was having a surprisingly good time with the boy. He had always felt there was promise in him- it was just his pathetic group of friends that held him back from trying a change in lifestyle. The vampire was more than happy to be the one to give him the nudge he needed towards it. Xander had turned out to be a natural at it all- the clothes, tattoo, and earring didn't look completely out of place on him, and he wore them with an ease most people found impossible to acquire. They also suited his figure, Spike couldn't help but note. He especially enjoyed the muscle he could feel through the shirt and the constriction of the pants. He felt a twang of something, he wasn't sure what, when he realized that Angel and Xander didn't look unsimilar in such outfits. Both dark and tall, well built, and they both seemed to have a secret love for wearing the leather pants.

Spike could tell Xander was liking them, although he was sure the boy would never admit it. After all, then Spike could quote him back in Sunnyhell, and the poor kid would never live it down with his friends. Not that Spike cared about his friends. But... well... he knew they meant something to Xander. And for some strange reason, that meant they meant something to him.

Xander, meanwhile, was still having an emotional battle with himself over his reactions to Spike. He was feeling all sorts of lusty-bad feelings as well as mushy-affectionate feelings, and it was all so new that it had deposited him in some happy sparkly daze where he just felt like he was walking on a cloud. Albeit, walking in 2 inch red platforms, but walking on it nonetheless.

Which was why after Spike had said more than one person had checked him out (him, Xander!), the boy had gone very quiet, not quite sure what to say. They walked on in silence as they thought, Spike forgetting to remove his arm from him shoulders.

"Spike..." Xander said, almost sure he had been rehearsing this earlier but not quite clear when.


"What is... I mean, what do vampires... well... like?" Damn, he had created such a nice little sentence in his head, and his mouth had betrayed him completely!

"Like? Well do you mean like blood and death and horribly gory massacres, or like shows on the telly?" They were nearing the end of the bridge, and Spike tried to remember where it was they had to go from there.

"No... I mean, like... do they like girls or guys?" Stupid Xander, stupid!

"Well. Both, really. I mean, some may have preferences and what not, but on the whole it really doesn't matter to us."


More silence.

"Why?" Spike asked, steering them down the off-ramp towards a small park by the foot of the bridge.

"Well, I dunno. It's just... I know you and Dru had a history. And Angel and Dru did. But then Buffy told me something once... about one more possible pairing in that threesome."

"You mean the poof and I?" Spike asked absently, scanning the area for any other signs of life.

"Yah. That's right."

"Well... what about it?"

Xander cringed, not sure what to say. "Were you two... ever... together?"

"Tons of times, pet. He's my sire."

The words hurt Xander a bit, although he tried to convince himself it was just the tattoo. Although he hadn't got a tattoo over his heart... "Yah, that's what Buffy said. But then she said she didn't get what was up with that relationship. Like what it was all about. If you two were ever... together, how come you hate each other now?" He asked curiously.

Spike spotted the giant cement statue of the number 100 he had been looking for and pulled Xander over to it. He sat down in one of the 0's, and motioned for the boy to sit in the other one. Once he was sitting down, Spike took an unneeded breath and looked up at the backs of the condominiums lining the park pensively. He didn't want Angel to get tied up in this, but he *should* explain it all to Xander. After all, he felt the boy was worth explaining it too. He wasn't sure why, but he felt he was.

"When Angel turned me," he started, digging inside his duster pockets for a smoke, "it wasn't because I was smart. Or because I wanted 'im to. It wasn't even because 'e 'ad been following and watching me for months and liked my style. 'e just ran into me in an alley and... felt something. 'e told me this later, but said that all 'e saw was a good-looking, scared-as-shit little boy who was tired with 'is life. I was, really. I was bored and restless and the only fun life gave me was the thrill of killing." At 
Xander's grimace, Spike softened a bit.

"But I won't get into that. Any'ow, Angel 'n' I roamed the globe together for a century or so, fightin', feedin' and fuckin' whenever we pleased, wherever we pleased, and 'owever we pleased. Then Dru came along and well, you know what 'appened. Angel got a soul, and she 'n' I lived 'appily until the Slayer came along and released Angelus. Now I would 'ave been 'appy to see 'im, but 'e 'ad changed. 'e was crueler, more careful, and a lot more vicious. 'e thought things out, 'e went over things, and when 'e went through with 'is little plans, 'e was like poison. Well, like 'oly water to me, since poison doesn't really do much but give my tongue a weird buzz." He 
looked spaced out for a second before bringing himself back to what he had been talking about.

"And 'e 'urt the Slayer like 'ell, and 'e 'urt me like 'ell. Now as my sire, 'e 'ad the right to do that, to make me beg and plead and do all the bondage shit 'e so adored. But normally sires weren't brutally *cruel* to their childe. 'n' 'e was then. When 'e got 'is soul back, I visited 'im once or twice, tryin' to get it out of 'im why 'e 'ad done it all. But 'e just told me 'e'd recently gotten out of 'ell and didn't want to talk about it. Well I guess I was a little upset. We'd 'ad some real good times, and as much as I 'ated to admit it, part of me needed 'im. But I finally realized that Angelus was gone, and Angel would be 'ere for a loooong time. So much for old times. So I chose to 'ate 'im. Much easier'n' callin' 'im up on the weekend to catch a movie or what not. 'n' I think 'e 'ates me because I don't 'ave a soul. I kill and maim and feed. Well I don't now, but I would if I could." he muttered, eyes narrowing.

"But mainly, I think the reason 'e 'ates me, is because I remind 'im too much of his past. Of everything 'e ever did with me as Angelus, and of 'ow 'e used to feel about me." With that, Spike finished his story and his cigarette, dropping the latter to the ground to grind it out with his boot.

Xander took a deep breath. He had never known Angel and Spike had had such a... history. He almost felt bad for Spike, being left and abused by Angel. Almost. He still hated Deadboy and was happy that the two vamps weren¹t together, or else he wouldn't have Spike to himself. "How do you know he doesn't feel that way anymore?" Xander asked, curious.

"I don't." Spike said quietly, gazing at the grass. "But I don't care anymore." He looked up, and straight into Xander's liquid brown eyes. "I just don't care."

Xander's part worries about Angel floated away into the still night air and his lusty feelings for the vamp next to him took up their place. Standing up, he moved over to stand in front of Spike. He looked at him for a second, as if not sure what he was doing. "Move over" he finally decided, sitting down in the 0 with Spike as he complied.

They were rather squashed together, both looking out at the dark buildings, both very pensive. Finally Spike turned to look at him, their faces not very far apart in the cement structure. "You know what, pet? I... I..." He rolled his eyes. "Oh screw it. Let's just kiss." With that he pulled the boy's lips onto his, strong hands intertwining in his hair.

Xander groaned, feeling every inch of his mouth being caressed and stroked by the vampire's skilled tongue, as he quickly discovered the downside to leather pants. *Way* too restricting when anything happens... down there.

"No, ok." Spike pulled back, and stood up. "I gotta say it. I like you, pet. As far as humans go, you're the most promising one I've ever met. Restored my faith in the human race and what all."

"Well that's cool. I do too." Xander grinned. "Like you, not me."

"Got it." Spike smiled in relief and stepped forward. "Now put your legs in the 0."

Xander frowned but did as he was told.

"Good." Spike grinned his approval and walked over to him. He swung a leg through the structure, so he was standing above the boy's chest. Then, leaning forward to kiss him again, he slowly lowered himself onto Xander, straddling his hips.

Xander moaned long and hard when Spike's denim-clad erection pressed down onto his own, almost sending starts to his eyes in pleasure. The vampire grinned into the kiss and rocked his hips slowly, enjoying it as much as the writhing boy beneath him. Xander's hands moved down to cup the vampire's ass beneath his duster, grinding them together in blind need.

When the boy began to pant, Spike decided it would just be tacky to have him come in his nice new pants. Slipping off him, he fell too his knees on the grass, pulling Xander around so he was facing him. As he reached for the zipper on the leather pants, Xander moved his hand to stop him. "Wait, Spike..."

"Ssh, pet." He soothed, gently moving his hand away. "Don't say a word." With that he opened the pants, suddenly realising why the boy had attempted to stop him.

He wasn't wearing any underwear.

Groaning and grinning at the same time, Spike looked up at Xander, his eyes glossy with happiness and anticipation. Then he leant down and procedded to swallow him whole.

"Oh goooooodddddddd...." Xander gasped out, arching his body up off the cement into the vampire's mouth. Grasping his duster-clad shoulders with a death grip, he threw his head back, eyes closed, as the pleasure took over his body.

Spike was loving this. How the smallest things got this boy excited! And the dazzling warmth... he hadn't had a human for *way* too long. Deep throating him because he really *couldn't* choke, he elecited another loud garbled sound from Xander, who was by now frantically bucking against his face.

Before long, Spike was raking his teeth along the underside as the boy thrust once more with all his strength and came in his mouth. He swallowed every last drop of it, milking him back into softness.

With a small whimper, Xander fell forward off the giant 0 to land face-down on the grass next to Spike, arms and legs flug out carelessly. The vampire watched him, his chest rising and falling as he panted, his breath gradually slowing back to its normal pace.

Xander finally rolled over and tucked himself back into his pants, doing the zipper up and cracking open his eyes. "Did you really just do that?"

"Uh huh." Spike smiled, hoisting himself up to sit where the boy had been before.

"Whoa. Well, uh... thanks." He said, very unsure of how to thank an ancient vampire for giving you undoubtably the best blowjob of your life.

"Don't mention it." Restless, the blond stood up, pacing around the still-sprawled-out boy.

Xander pulled himself up, brushing off his pants. "So... uh... what do we do now?"

Akward silence.

"Want to go home?" Spike asked, completely expecting a 'yes'.

"No." Xander answered quickly, suprising both Spike and himself.

"Want me to fuck your brains out under that tree there?" Spike joked, pointing to a large willow tree by the empty road.

"Maybe." Xander answered, grinning at him. "Wait, willow... that's a willow tree. Oh my god, Willow! Buffy!"

Spike frowned. "That would be the names of your friends..."

"No! I told them I'd take my camera out with me today to show them what it was like here! And I forgot..." He groaned, hooking his thumbs into his belt.

"Who needs a picture?" Spike stated, pointing at him. "When you have a tattoo and an earring that makes you look bleedin' sexy?"

"The funny thing is, I think you're actually being serious." Xander said incredulously, stepping a bit closer.

"Well I am." Spike flashed him a cocky grin to prove his point.

"Well then what do you say we do instead of taking pictures?" Xander smiled back, running a hand along Spike's defined jaw.

"I think that tree still looks pretty inviting..."


Part Four

Xander looked out the window of the plane and let out a sigh. He was leaving Vancouver airport, but it felt like he was leaving something that meant a hell of a lot more to him. Spike.

A faint smile spread across his face as he thought of the peroxide blond vampire that had taken up so much room in his mind lately. After what had happened that night... first the clothes, then the drinks, then the tattoo and earring... he drew a hand up and fiddled idly with the single silver loop. And then what Spike had done to him... from the second he¹d opened Xander's newly acquired pants to the time they'd decided the boy should head home in case his uncle came in to wake him up, Xander had been in this sort of daze, as if like he'd been removed from his body. But he felt everything... and it had felt *good*. At first, with Spike, it had hurt a bit... but it didn't take long for him to see why guy/guy relationships could be so *fun*. And then they'd just sat under that tree, kissing, until they finally saw someone walking up to the bus stop by the foot of the bridge, and Spike had to get into some place dark and dank before sunrise.

It was because of all this that he knew it would be impossibly hard to forget it all. Apparently Spike was taking a bus or something back into Sunnydale, but he never told Xander when it was he'd be returning. Which did not lift the boy's spirits.

"Water or ginger ale?"

Xander shook his head and looked up, his fingers still rubbing his earring lightly. "What?"

"Water or ginger ale?" The stewardess repeated with a bored tone.

"Um... what about alcoholic beverages?" Xander asked, glancing sideways at the empty seat next to him, wishing Spike was there next to him. Alcohol was *really* what he needed right then.

"I can't serve alcohol to anyone underage."

"I'm not underage!" Xander argued, completely lying but wanting something to take his mind off of Spike.

"Then I need to see some ID."

Xander looked down at his shoes grumpily. "Fine. I'll have a ginger ale." He heard the stewardess shuffle off down the aisle, and moved his hand from his silver ear appendage to a pocket on the leg of his pants. He'd changed back into normal clothes when he'd gone back to his uncle's house, and had hid his new attire in his backpack. He had made sure his tattoo was hidden, but didn't really mind that his earring was still on. After all, his uncle *did* own a tattoo and piercing parlor. He actually congratulated the boy for getting one!

He kind of missed wearing the clothes they'd bought... the mesh against his skin, the leather... he closed his eyes and sat back in his seat, trying to ignore the feeling of the coarse serviette thingy they draped over the tops of the chairs and instead imagine the feel of the leather against his skin. Not only the feel, but the smell... which wasn't really his pants, but it was more Spike's duster. That heavy, musky smell mixed in with a bit of cigarette smoke and that innate Spikish smell...

He took in a deep breath, imagining he could smell it right then. But wait... he opened his eyes and frowned. He *could* smell it! How...? He leaned over and sniffed the seat next to him. Nothing. He turned around and sniffed the serviette thingy on his chair. Nothing.

He turned back to face forward, letting out a frustrated sigh. Now he was smelling things! *This has got to be some indication of psychological instability* he thought sadly. *Or just excessive lack of Spike*.

The stewardess arrived shortly and handed him the ginger ale. When he looked up to get it from her, he saw her giving the seat behind him an odd look, but didn't bother turning around. Probably just some kid drawing on the fold-up tray or something. Xander leaned in to take a sip of his drink, but stopped momentarily when the bubbles leapt up to tickle his nose. He couldn't help grinning at the feeling before he brought the plastic cup up to his lips.

When suddenly he felt a hand in his hair.

"Hey!" He said angrily, holding his drink away from himself. He was going to *kill* that kid! He turned around and yelled ³Gyyahh!!² in surprise, jumping in his seat.


"'Ey pet." The vampire grinned broadly, swinging his elbows up onto the back of the chair and resting his chin in his hands.

Xander looked first at Spike and then at the now-crushed plastic cup in his hands and the ginger ale dripping all over his arm and the carpet. But he couldn't help the little smile that sprang up on his face. "Hi!"

Spike hopped off his seat and moved around to sit in the window seat next to Xander, happy that the blind was already pulled down to prevent the sunlight from streaming in.

"So, Spike... you're like, really coming back to Sunnydale... with me. I thought you were taking a bus!" Xander said, handing the stewardess his cup and giving her a guilty smile as she bent over to mop up the sticky spilt liquid.

"Of course not, luv. Want to make an entrance and what not." Spike drummed his fingers against the arm of the chair, his black nail polish contrasting sharply with his pale skin.

"An... entrance?" Xander looked over at him questioningly, still in shock.

"You an' me. You didn't think I'd let you go back 'ome and not show your friends what you'd got 'ere?" Spike laughed, eyes glistening. "You're gonna come in, pants, shirt, shoes, earring and tattoo included, and guess who'll be standin' in the doorway?"

Xander looked at him with complete terror and took a big breath. "Pants? shirt? shoes?"

Spike grinned and nodded.

*Just can't wait until I get home* Xander thought sarcastically. *Just. Can't. Wait.*

Part Five

"Spi-ike!" Xander begged, pushing the vampire away from him. He just kept grinning, however, and wouldn't budge. When the plane had arrived, Spike had insisted he accompany Xander back to his home so he could make sure their 'entrance' would indeed occur. The boy had been horrified of his parents finding out, and now he couldn't even have a second alone to unpack or... or at least relieve the incessant strain he'd had on his plants since he'd run into Spike on the plane.

Xander had serious lusty thoughts for him. He couldn't deny it. And there was this weird idea in his head that the feeling may be mutual, and he wasn't trying to ignore it because the thought of him and Spike alone was just too damn good to question its foundations.

But he was still a little worried about his friends. On some level he was sure they'd always sensed he was sort of a little sexually confused, especially Willow because she knew him so well. They never talked about it, though. Well, not in front of him. The thought of being gay scared him, like most guys. But the thought of being bi didn't. In fact, it sounded better than being straight because it meant he literally had *no* horizons. He could meet *anyone*, and they could be *the* one - guy or girl! He wasn't 
sure that just deciding he'd like to be bi would actually make him bi, but he saw how lucky vampires were in that respect and he envied them.

He'd have to talk to Spike about that some day. But not now.

"Honestly, if my parents come down here and find you they'll kill me!" Xander had by then given up pushing the vampire and was now swinging his bag onto the bed to unpack.

"I'm gonna be here until we leave for the watcher's house." Spike sauntered over to the red plush chair and sat down, legs spread wide, arms splayed out as he surveyed the room in a dominant fashion. Xander looked away and tried to fight down all the desire bubbling up inside him for this undead irresistible British guy. He just couldn't get over how good black looked on him, his skin a milky creamy white that just begged to me touched... or perhaps licked.

Damn, damn, damn, he had to stop thinking. Period.


When Spike had finally managed to convince him, Xander attempted to get changed to go to Giles' house.

Attempted being the operative word here.

Well, the second his pants were off, Spike had pounced on him like a hungry cat and all that he'd gotten out of it (other than the obvious) was a new load of laundry to do.

Decked out in all his Vancouver clothes, Xander walked hurriedly next to Spike as they traveled through the streets of Sunnydale. He was insanely nervous, jumpy, and was practically walking 3 feet away from the vampire in fear that someone might see them that he knew.This was annoying Spike to no end, as he knew their grand entrance would be no entrance if the boy wasn't back in the mood he'd been in that night they ran into each other. He liked the kid, and his feelings for him were 
escalating from simple lust to pure affection, but he knew this wasn't what the boy was like when he let loose. If only he could find a way to ease him up...

"Xander." Spike said. It was more of a statement than a question.

"Uh huh." He replied quickly, looking straight ahead of them.

"You remember that bartender?"

Xander smiled in spite of himself. "Yah, how could I forget?"

"I knew 'im." It was so casual Xander almost didn't register it. But he did soon enough.

"Why didn't you say so when we saw him, then?"

"He told me somethin'." Spike said after a moment of thought, ignoring Xander's question.


"Last time I saw 'im was in London. I was there with Dru." He paused for a moment and Xander chose to be silent. Spike continued soon enough. "'E said 'e'd be movin' to Canada soon as 'is rent expired. Problems with 'is roommate or somethin' like that. Well, when I saw 'im that night, 'e told me somethin'."

His pause was so extensive Xander thought Spike had forgotten completely what he was talking about and that wasn't good since the boy's curiosity was aroused now. "What'd he say?"

Spike looked at him sideways, a serious look on his chiseled features. "That 'e didn't think me and Dru could ever make it. 'E said 'e'd seen 'undreds of couples and 'e could tell when they had promise. We didn't." Xander was about to apologize but by now Spike was close enough to him to put a finger over his lips. "That night as a joke I asked 'im if 'e'd give me the word on the two of us."

He stopped there and gave Xander a sly sideways grin before continuing. "'E saw what I see. Connection. We click. I'm serious about it, pet. Can't say you don't notice it either."

A huge smile popped up on Xander's face and he awkwardly slid a hand around the vampire's waist. "I do."

"Well do you wanna ignore it just because of your friends?" Spike put his arm around his shoulders.


"Well, then, I think I've proved my point." The peroxide blond smiled happily to himself and they walked on in silence from there towards the house that held their fate, whether good or bad they had yet to find out.

Part Six

Grin on face? Check. Spike on arm? Check.




"Hey kids, I'm back!"

"Ahh!" Five more seconds in the doorway brought Willow and Tara to a standing position and Buffy in front of Spike with a stake in her hand.

"Good to see you too." Spike jeered at the blond hovering in front of him, not letting go of Xander.

"You turned him." Buffy said in a low voice, pressing the stake against Spike's chest. "For some reason dusting you doesn't seem like enough right now."

"No! I'm not a vampire!" Xander said, starting to get nervous again. He looked over at Willow and smiled at her, hoping she could see the truth in his eyes as Buffy didn't look in the mood for the puppy dog treatment.

"It's the truth." Spike agreed, finally letting go of the boy and moving to sit on the couch. Tara moved a bit farther from him and a bit closer to Willow.

"He... he seems normal, but he looks like... Not Xander. Willow said, getting a bit closer. She started inspecting his earring as Buffy squatted and surveyed his shoes.

"Come on, guys. Not enjoying the role as Mr. Interesting Shoe Rack here." Xander said, stepping back.

"Where'd you get all this?" Buffy asked and tapped the platform of his shoes with her knuckles, surprised when she realized it was wood.

"Vancouver. Downtown Vancouver. Thanks to Spike here" Xander waved an arm at him and Tara caught it before he could put it back down.

"Is that indigo? Oh, I have that nail polish!" The normally quiet girl marveled over his fingernails as Xander cursed Spike for putting it on before they came. Who'd have known the vampire had a bottle of nail polish in his duster?

"The leather is very... leathery." Buffy noted, standing up. The leather looked *really* good on him, but it made her think he was hot. And he was Xander! Bad thoughts. So therefore bad leather.

Tara moved to the top of one arm and Buffy moved to the other. "It's mesh, but it's not! That's really cool..."

Meanwhile Willow was still fiddling with his earring. She had thought lusty bad Xander thoughts in the past, but this silver hoop was making them resurface and that was not good. Look at Tara. Nice Tara. There we go.

"Is that a tattoo?"

The girls stopped looking and hurried to Buffy's side. The little stake was there all right, deep brown and actually not that bad looking. "You got a tattoo!" Willow gaped, running her fingers over it. She couldn't really feel it through the mesh, but it was more just to see if it wiped off. Nope. It was real.

"No the only one, luv." Spike piped up from the couch. He shrugged his duster off and pulled up the sleeve of his muscle shirt, revealing the blood read heart and the equally crimson tear drop.

"They match!" Willow exclaimed, running over to look at Spike's. She was totally against tattoos, but theirs were pretty nice...

"So, Xander..." Buffy said, sitting down on the nearest chair as Willow and Tara migrated toward the couch. You go away for a week and you turn into Spike's dress-up doll? Can I ask... why?"

Xander leaned back against the door and ran a hand through his hair before hooking his thumb in his pocket. He'd learnt another thing about leather pants. They had pockets, but you really couldn¹t put anything in them. They were too tight. Therefore thumbs hooked in them easily and looked cool. But back to the question asked by her royal Buffness. "It was Spike."

The said peroxide blond nodded in acknowledgment. "Just me 'n' him. It was fun, wasn't it pet?"

"Yep, a whole lot of fun." Xander remembered what had happen under that tree and immediately wished he hadn't as he was standing there in everyone's line of vision. Oh well, let them take it how they will.

"But... I thought you didn't like him?" Buffy asked, confused.

"No." Spike and Xander answered at the same time. They broke out laughing and the vampire hopped off the couch to take his place next to the grinning boy. "I like 'im... a lot." He smiled at the boy and slipped a hand behind him to dance his fingers over Xander¹s ass.

The boy closed his eyes to fight from doing something inappropriate and smiled. "Likewise."

"So you two are..." Buffy stared at him incredulously.

"Yep." Xander confirmed.

"Well, that's just... great." She said with false happiness. There was a silence and they were all waiting for someone to mention something about Willow and Tara starting a trend of homosexual relationships, but no one did and the two girls were thankful.

Willow decided to be happy, as she could empathize. "That's great, Xander!"

"Thanks, Will! It's a little out there I know, but-"


"Sorry, sorry... but come on, who would have guessed?"

Spike looked at him and gave in to the puppy dog eyes. "Alright, fine."

Buffy stood up and moved to the door. "Um, I gotta go. Just give me time, I can deal." Xander nodded and with that she left.

"Well this is odd, isn't it. Buffy isn't mad!" He said, hugging Spike closer to him without realizing it.

"It's nice! I think it's so great that we're all happy." Willow said, smiling. "Tara and I have to go by the magic store to pick up some supplies, but we'll see you guys later!"

They said good-bye to the two girls and took their places on the couch. Spike ran his tongue over his teeth and slid up next to the boy. "Now it's just us."

"It is." Xander grinned.

Within seconds they were kissing, tongues intertwining, hands roaming where hands had been before, but still loved going. After a few moments they came up for air (well mainly Xander, since Spike didn't need to breathe).

"So I guess you're gonna live with me, huh." The boy mused, running a finger along the vampire's cheek.

"You better believe it." He replied softly, his hands twirling through Xander's wavy black hair.

He sighed and got a worried look on his face. "So I guess we need new sheets, and some blood. A better freezer, and a key for you. Oh! And laundry, for that-"

Spike slid his arms around Xander's waist and pressed his lips against the boy's, silencing him and putting a smile on his face. "You an' me, pet. It's all we need."

And it was true.