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The Viking
by Kaz


Spike watched the ex-vengeance demon and her scowling, dark haired
companion storm out of his crypt. As their strident voices were swallowed
by the night air the vampire tried valiantly more than once to bring forth
some sort of image, all without success.

He shook his head and frowned. Nope.. nothing, nada, zip. All he ended up
with was a picture of a stupid hat with horns, and Harris going round and
round in circles as the idiot tried to row a longboat.

Angelus had raved about the Vikings, next to the Mongols they were the only
mortals Spike had ever heard his Sire discuss with anything resembling
affection. The elder vampire had moaned that they weren't around any more
to prove a challenge, then bitched that they would have proven better
childer than the one's he was currently stuck with.

His Sire had ranted so much that Spike had actually taken the time to read
up on them, what he'd found had indeed been interesting. Totally lacking in
mercy and blood thirsty bastards the lot of 'em. 

Anya mentioning the Vikings and 'NummyTreat' in the same sentence was so
far on this side of absurd that Spike thought maybe he'd be visiting the
chit in a padded cell real soon.


Spike glanced down at his burgeoning erection. If ever he needed a better
reason to hook up with that demented jigsaw known as Adam he now had it.
{{I can't *believe* I'm getting a friggin' hard on over the Slayer's

"Well, its official everyone," he announced to the empty crypt. "I 'ave now
totally lost it and my life couldn't get any shittier."

He quickly changed into the clothes his waking nightmare had just brought.
To while away the time while the 'Scooby Gang' thought he was breaking into
the Initiative, Spike made himself comfortable and lit a cigarette. 

That proved to be a major mistake.

<FLASH> Long haired Vikings raiding a village in Ireland. {{Just my luck,
they fucked up and missed the pouffs relatives}}.

<FLASH> Woman and children running chaotically about screaming in terror
while their menfolk were ruthlessly butchered. {{So that's what Harris
would look like with long hair. Not bad.}}

<Flash> A young boy barely old enough to shave is savagely cut in two.
Blood sprays everywhere, covering the axe wielding Viking. {{ Red is
definitely his color. I wonder if that's why he had a thing for the

Spike undid the front of his army fatigues, cupped his balls then gripped
his cock tightly and began to masturbate. Head tipped back, eyes closed,
another image enters his mind.

<Flash> Splattered with gore, Xander.. {{Christ! When did I begin to call
him by his *name*?}} ...turns laughing as a companion has just finished
decapitating a hopelessly outclassed farmer. The companion looks just like
Spike. {{I look bloody good in a leather vest and leggings, pity they're
brown. And at least neither of us are wearing one of those poncey hats!}} 

<Flash> Xander spies a hut where some of the villagers have hidden. He
lifts one dark eyebrow and gives Spike a smirk, right before picking up a
piece of burning wood and setting the place of fire.{{That's my pet, get
every last one. Kill 'em all.}}

Spike begins to pump harder.

<Flash> A pretty young thing, barely older than sixteen rushes out. Long
brown hair tangled over her face she doesn't see Xander reach out but
screams when she is suddenly hauled up against a hard body. {{Yesss, a
long, lean hard body. Why does he wear those fucking aweful clothes? Need
to talk to the whelp about that one.}}

Flash> Soon the girl is bent back over a table being brutally raped by a
gleefully laughing Xander. Viking Spike moves near the girls head so that
he can get a better view. Eyes meet and Xander leans forward, they kiss
hungrily over the near unconscious female while Xander continues to pump
into her. Tongues entwine like psychotic eels. {{Hot. Warm. Wet. Dear Gods
but that boy can kiss}}

A hand pistons with increasing speed and the vampire feels his balls
tighten, his mouth is open and a moan echoes in the silence.

<Flash> Xander screams his release into Spike's mouth. Spike breaks the
kiss just long enough to slit the girls throat. Her body is pushed from the
table and in one swift movement Xander has replaced her. Brown eyes still
glazed with lust the boy looks up at his lover and grins knowingly. {{ You
know what I want don't you pet? You know what I need.}}

Panting hard with the intoxicating smell of arousal surrounding him.
Unaware of the picture of total abandon he presents, the blonde vampire
dives joyously back into the vision he has created.

<Flash> Leather pants around his ankles, reaching down Spike wipes his hand
across the girls throat and uses the blood to cover his cock. He pulls
Xander along the table toward him, plunging in with one movement. Smoke,
blood and the pitiful moans of the dying are music to a Vikings ears.
Sphincter muscles grip and hold, but they do not resist, Spike is now
buried in Xander up to his balls. Good, soooo good. Beneath him on the
table, Xander is thrashing, head moving wildly back and forth as he begs
for more. In. Out. Harder. Faster. Again and again. {That's my Pet. My
lovely, lovely Pet.}}

White hot lighting shoots through him. Spike bucks, hips thrusting forward
as his seed shoot out in a seeming never ending orgasm. The crypt is
uncaring at the scream that now reverberates off its stone walls, they've
heard worse.

Replete and more than a little disgusted, Spike quickly cleans up the mess.
He checks his watch and realises he can take a stroll around SunnyHell,
mug a mortal or two then head back to the Watcher's place with time to

Before walking out the door he stops for a moment, his cold blue eyes
lighting up with unmitigated glee. "You know, if by some miracle you end up
surviving this Harris. You and I might go 'a Viking'."

Not exactly sure whether to be extremely pleased or whether he should be
searching for the nearest sharp pointy stake to put himself out of his
misery after *that* decision, Spike heads out into the night.

Either way, the next couple of days are going to prove very interesting.
