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by Kylia

Xander stood stock-still and stared. Spike was attempting to stand still. However an attempt was all it was. Xander could see him swaying slightly.

"You're drunk." Xander observed.

Spike stared for a moment before laughing and pulling out a half-full bottle of Irish whiskey. He titled the bottle towards the mortal. "Have a taste."

Xander grabbed the bottle and then handed the bottle back to Angel who was watching with barely restrained amusement.

"Hey!" Spike snarled. "I was drinking that!"

Xander raised an eyebrow. "And now you're not."

Spike turned to stare at the mortal boy, a violent barb on the tip of his tongue. However instead of speaking, he shrugged. 

Xander eyed him warily for a minute before turning around to face Angel. "Where is he sleeping?"

Angel was watching the situation unfold so intently he almost missed the question. After a second his brain registered that Xander had spoken to him. "Hmm?" He asked, beginning to feel like he had stepped into some bizarre alternate universe.

"Deadboy... Angel? Are you alright?" Xander asked in concern the older vampire had this look on his face Xander was sure he had never seen before. It closely resembled bewilderment.

Angel blinked. "Downstairs." He pointed towards the elevator. 

Xander nodded and started walking towards the elevator. When he had nearly reached it, he discovered he was alone. Turning back around he noticed Spike was standing in the exact same place he had left him at, with the sullen expression on his face. If he didn't know better, Xander would have sworn the vampire was pouting. And also if he hadn't known better, he would have sworn his jeans had gotten tighter at the look he saw in Spikes eyes. If he hadn't known better.

"Coming?" He asked pointedly and then flushed slightly at his choice of words. "Before I grow old and die would be preferable." He added hastily.

Spike continued to stare for a moment, as though he was thinking about it, before walking towards the elevator, a drunken grin on his face.

Xander rolled his eyes and waited for Spike to enter the elevator before he followed him in.

Once in the studio apartment Spike was staying in, Xander led the inebriated vampire to the futon he was using for a couch. He lay him out on the makeshift furniture and went in search of something for Spike to eat. By the time he had returned to the living room, Spike was nearly asleep.

"Here, drink this." Xander held the mug of warm blood in front of Spike's nose and watched quietly as the vampire's face shifted and he drained the liquid. 

Xander watched as Spike lay back down on the futon, his eyes closed. Whatever his reason for getting drunk, the vampire wasn't ready to discuss it. Xander sighed and returned to the kitchen to wash out the mug.

After rinsing the cup and setting it in the drainer adorning the counter, Xander turned around, and nearly shrieked. Angel was leaning up against the doorway, an amused expression on his face.

"Sorry." He apologized, but clearly he wasn't.

Xander raised an eyebrow but otherwise didn't say anything.

After several more minutes, Xander broke the silence. "So... how are... things?"

"Good. You? Things are good?" Angel asked, trying to think of away to ask what he wanted without offending the youth.

Xander shrugged and then just sort of stared at the vampire. He was trying to remember why it was he had hated him so much. At this point he couldn't come up with a logical excuse. He was thinking to intently about that that he failed to hear Angel's next question. When he realized Angel was speaking to him, he blinked.

"Hmm? What?" He asked dumbly.

Angel smiled slightly. "I asked you why you cared." When he noticed Xander staring blankly at him, he asked another question. "Why does his being drunk bother you?"

Xander was about to deny that he did care, but then thought better of it. "I'm just returning a favor. He helped me... once..." He trailed off not wanting to elaborate.

Angel stared at him intently wondering who he was trying to convince, the vampire, or himself.

A groan from the couch brought their attention to the blonde vampire.

Xander walked briskly into the living room, losing interest in his conversation with the dark-haired vampire.

Angel slipped away and returned to his office, figuring that whatever was going on between the youth and his childe didn't really concern him.


Faith shifted her weight from one foot to the other, as she steadily avoided looking in Willow's eyes.

"So..." Willow started, "I'm here."

Faith nodded. "Yeah, uh, thanks... for coming."

Willow looked into faith's eyes, trying to see if she could discern what it was that had brought the rogue slayer to call her. Her eyes seemed to be filled with several emotions she had never associated with Faith.

Willow opened her mouth to speak, but Faith held up a hand to stop her.

"Let me... say this." She sighed and turned away, knowing she couldn't say what she needed to if she was looking at the witch. "I'm sorry... I really am. I know that can't make up for... everything..."

"No, Faith it's..." Willow interrupted but was cut off.

"Let me finish, please?" Faith asked. When Willow nodded, the Slayer continued. "I was awful... to everyone, but especially to you. I tried to kill you, threaten to gut you like a fish, was rude to your... girlfriend... I slept with *Xander*." Faith spun around the room as she recounted her crimes against the redhead. She didn't notice Willow flinch when Tara was mentioned, and was afraid to look up and see the hate in those green eyes.

Willow reached out a hand to Faith and smiled slightly. "Xander's okay." She tried to joke.

Faith raised her eyes to finally look at Willow and couldn't help but smile back, even as she raised one of her eyebrows. "Xander's okay for Blondie, but..."

Willow's grin grew wider as she realized just whom Faith was referring to. "You noticed that to?" She asked with a slight chuckle.

Faith nodded, a smile gracing her features when she again remembered why she had called Willow there. "I'm sorry... I know that isn't acceptable... but I don't know what else to say." Her voice had gotten quieter and filled with emotion.

Willow didn't know what to say. She hadn't really blamed Faith for the things that had happened, not in a long time, and she had never expected such a heart-felt apology. And now, seeing the Slayer so obviously in pain, she wanted to take her into her arms and tell her everything would be all right. So, that's just what she did.

Willow pulled the Slayer into her chest, and hugged her tightly, rubbing her back soothingly. "It's alright. I forgive you." She whispered. Willow felt the Slayer shake and she thought she may have been crying, but she couldn't be sure.

Several minutes later there was a light tap on the door. Willow looked over Faith's shoulder and saw Angel peeking his head in. He smiled when he saw Faith being comforted.

"I'm going out. Do you have someplace to stay?" He asked quietly.

Willow shook her head. "No, I guess I'll get a hotel room."

Angel shook his head. "Nonsense. We have room at the apartment." 

Willow looked at him questioningly. "Are you sure? Won't it be crowded?" She asked as Faith pulled away and turned around in an effort to hide her reddened face.

Angel smirked slightly. "Xander probably won't be staying with us." At Willow's confusion, Angel elaborated. "Spike has been staying in the studio below." Willow nodded her understand and smiled back at the unspoken insinuation.

"Faith? Can you make sure she gets there alright?" Angel's gaze settled on the slayer.

Faith turned around, and smiled a little bit. It was the first time in awhile the smile reached her eyes. "Sure thing, Boss."

Angel nodded and turned and left the building.
