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What Now

by Kylia

Xander found himself in an odd situation. Here he was, completely naked, his body entwined with that of another man. But not just any man. A vampire. But not just any vampire, William The Bloody. The question was, what now? Was he supposed to quietly slip away, sneak away into the day, run back to Sunnydale and pretend none of this ever happened? Or was he supposed to lie there, like he was now, and wait for Spike to awaken. And once he did, would he be wishing he'd taken the coward's way out? Would Spike laugh at him? Push him away? Tell him to get dressed and get out? Or would he want to do it again?

*It* being the incredible mind blowing sex he'd had with the vampire in question. Things he'd never done. Never even thought about doing still echoed in his mind, refusing to let him forget. Did he even want to forget? He wasn't sure.

Truthfully he wasn't sure about much of anything anymore. His like had taken on a decidedly confusing turn. As if he wasn't lost enough before Spike had stepped in and taken over a good portion of his thoughts, now it was worse. He didn't know what he was doing anymore. He needed to get out, get away.

Having decided not to decide on anything, just yet, Xander attempted to extricate himself from Spike's embrace. That, however, was proving to be more difficult that it seemed. Each time he had almost released himself from one of Spikes limbs, another one wound its way around his body. Xander sighed, finally deciding to try and slither through. Just as he had made it off of the make shift futon bed, Spike spoke.

"Going somewhere, pet?" 

Xander gulped. "Coffee. I, uh... need some coffee." He pointed to the relative direction of the office without turning around.

"That stuff'll kill you... especially when the cheerleader makes it." Spike was watching the mortal carefully, unsure of what he would do.

Xander couldn't help it. He tried to stifle it, but hearing Spike speaking about Cordelia's coffee just made him laugh. And then the strangeness of the situation seemed to catch up with him, as he continued to laugh.

"Wasn't that funny, luv." Spike sounded amused. 

Xander turned to face him and sat on the edge of the futon. "So... what now?" He asked in all seriousness.

Spike raised an eyebrow before grinning slightly. "Now, you go get some coffee... but I suggest you go that place down the street."

Xander nodded and stood up. He was about to walk away when Spike grabbed his wrist. "You are coming back."

Xander acknowledged his demand and started to move towards the door when Spike's voice stopped him again.


"Hmm?" Xander asked. 

"You might want to get dressed first." He smirked as Xander looked down and discovered he was indeed naked.

Blushing awkwardly, Xander grabbed his clothes and hastily dressed before bolting out of the apartment and into the elevator.

Once he was gone, Spike leaned back against the cushion. What now indeed. 


Xander had barely made it out of the elevator before running into Angel. After apologizing quickly he disappeared out the front door, leaving the dark-haired vampire to question exactly what had happened between the mortal and his childe.

They had sex, that much was clear from the scent alone, but Angel was left wondering if something else might have happened. Xander seemed to be a bit flustered, although having experienced it personally, he did know having sex with Spike could be an experience, in and of itself, especially to someone like Xander.

Not wanting to wait until Xander returned, Angel set his afternoon mail on the desk and made his way down until the apartment. When he reached the living room, Spike was no where to be found, but sounds of water running told Angel the younger vampire was in the shower. He took the time to clean up the apartment a little bit. It wasn't even something he did consciously. In fact he hadn't even realized he had done it, until Spike emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair still dripping from the shower.

"Bloody Hell, Peaches. Do you have to play housekeeper every time you walk into a place? Don't know how that chit can stand to live with you. Must be daft!"

Angel smiled softly at his childe as he tossed him a pair of jeans that were hanging over the side of one chair.

"What's the matter? Can't look at me half dressed? Time was you preferred me that way." Spike smirked.

Angel grinned. "Time was you belonged to me too." 

"Still do, Peaches, still do." Spike sighed needlessly as he pulled on his jeans. "What do you want?"


Spike's eyes narrowed dangerously as he growled. "Not gonna happen." 

Angel stared at him in confusion for a moment until he realized what Spike was talking about. He chuckled. "No. I don't want Xander... I want to talk about Xander." He smirked, "Although now that you mention it, he isn't bad to look at."

"Watch it, Peaches! I'm in no mood for one of your games!" Spike snarled as he stalked towards his sire.

Angel held up his hands in mock defense. "Relax, I just want to know what happened. Xander ran out of here pretty quickly."

Spike eyed his Sire carefully. "You know what happened!" He snapped. 

Angel eyed him carefully, his eyes unreadable. "Now what?" 

Spike groaned. "How the Bloody Hell should I know?" He stocked over to the small kitchen and took out a blood bag and began to heat it in the microwave. After a full second he turned towards Angel, who was standing in the doorway with a slightly amused expression on his face. "Maybe you should be asking Xander."

"Maybe you should." 

As the timer on the microwave went off, Spike turned his back on his Sire. He knew the older man was right. He should be asking Xander. But hadn't Xander asked him the same question? How was he going to answer? He could tell him the truth and say he wasn't going to let him go, no matter what, but that just might scare him away. Or he could lie, and tell him that it was just one night, and it didn't mean anything. Xander would be better off going back to Sunnyhell and forgetting all about him and what happened. The problem with that was Xander just might do it. And he wasn't ready to give the boy up, not yet. Not ever.

"Well?" Angel asked patiently after a lengthy silence. 

"I don't know, Peaches. Is that okay with you. I don't have a bloody clue. I bet that makes you feel all good knowing that I am completely lost here. Does that make you feel like a big manly man instead of the bloody poof you are?"

"No" Angel told him honestly. "But you'd better figure out something... and soon."

Spike looked up. "Why soon?" 

Angel sighed as he sat in one of the chairs in the small kitchen. Buffy called last night"

Spike raised his scarred eyebrow as he sat in the chair opposite Angel. "I didn't know you two were still chatting it up."

"We aren't. She called Delia looking for Willow and Xander. She wasn't expecting me to answer the phone, that much was clear."

Spike smirked. "I would've loved to seen her face when she ran up the cheerleader and got you instead."

Angel glared, but it didn't hold. "It was kind of amusing." He admitted. After a moments silence he continued. "She's coming here."

"What the fuck for?" 

"She was... concerned when I couldn't produce either Xander or Willow." 

"Where'd the witch run off to?" 

"She's with Faith" Xander answered from the doorway as he walked into the kitchen with a tray of coffee. He set two cups in front of angel and handed one to Spike while he took the fourth. "I got some for Cordy." He explained at Angel's confused expression.

Angel nodded and stood up, taking the two cups with him. When he reached the doorway he stopped and turned around. She'll be here by nightfall. I suggest you figure out what to tell her by then."

After Angel had left, Spike turned to Xander. "Well, Ducks, whatever shall we tell her?"
