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Xander vs. the Crumpets
by LinBot

Cinnamon and sugary
And softly spoken lies
You never know just how you look
Through other people's eyes
Pepper - Butthole Surfers

Xander prised the bag of frozen crumpets from the back of his
tiny freezer. They'd been in there way too long, but he
definitely needed a late night snack, since Willow's
revelation about her *girlfriend* would keep him awake for a
few hours yet.

Turning out the bag onto his small kitchen counter revealed
that instead of a few distinct crumpets, he had one big lump
of three crumpets that had bonded together. Picking up a knife
and the crumpet lump he wandered back out to the main room,
where the neutered Spike was watching telly from where he was
tied to a chair.

Sitting in the only other chair, his tv chair, Xander chipped
at the crumpety mass. The tv's sound was off, but Xander was
happy just to sit and think in the quiet, even Spike was
subdued tonight. He was trying to remember anything that could
have been a clue, but Tara & Willow had always acted
'friendly' when he was around. There was a bit of hand
holding, maybe some looks between them, but nothing like a
kiss. It was strange - Willow had been much more demonstrative
with Oz. Maybe it was a gay thing? Willow was afraid of what
people might think, so she coded her new relationship into
subtle hints that he had missed?

Or maybe, he thought loyally, maybe she just didn't want to
buy into the debate at all. It doesn't really matter what
everyone else thinks, just as long as *you* know what's going
on. Although he was a little hurt that she hadn't said
anything up front to him, he could understand. He was pretty
freaked out by some of the bigoted comments he'd heard.

Jeez, these crumpets were really into the togetherness thing.
Xander leaned forward and put the crumpets on the table so he
could get more leverage with his knife. He'd only just started
to lean into it when the whole thing slipped, the knife
cutting into the tip of his left index finger.

//Oh, crap!//

Holding his left hand in right he looked up, trying to
distract himself from the wound and the blood. //Damn,

"Hey! Stop looking at me like that!"

"Sorry, pet. It's just that you haven't given me *my* dinner

"Ahh, who cares. Ooow..." Xander's voice trailed away as he
peered at the cut. "Ouchy, looks kinda deep. Now I'm going to
have another great scar - from my famous crumpet fight..."

"It won't scar. Not if you let me, ah, look at it." Spike
arranged his face into its most open, you-can-trust-me-I've-
got-a-chip-in-my-head look.

"Actually, no, I don't think I'll be doing that." Xander stood
and turned. He knew that putting under running water would
hurt like a bitch, but the cut might get infected.

"Xander, please. It's been so long since I had any warm blood,
and it won't scar so much and I'm all tied up and I can't hurt

Xander paused, looked at him for a moment. "And you'll stop
bitching about watching the wrestling."

"Yeah, okay." Spike had barely to begun to beg, but Xander had
already agreed.

Xander was a bit spooked by Spike's intent look, but as he
moved over to Spike's chair he inwardly berated himself for
his fear. //He's just a big, cut-fixing-thing and he'll pay if
it hurts...//

"What do you mean, 'it won't scar so much'?" Xander stood just
out of reach. Blood was dripping down his arm, and he turned
it from side to side, trying to stop the blood from falling
onto the floor.

Spike continued to watch Xander's hand as he answered. "Yeah,
tiny scar. Barely noticeable. Give it here."

Xander offered his hand, slowly moving it towards Spike's

When the bloody finger was still a few inches in front of him,
Spike lost patience and whipped his head forward to grab the
outstretched digit.

Xander would have flinched back, but the first sensation was
coolness and wetness, not teeth. His fingertip was only just
inside Spike's lips, not all the way in his mouth. Spike's
lips were mobile and gently manipulated the tip in a series of
not-quite-kisses. Xander looked down to check that the vampire
still wore his human face. The hot, burny pain of the cut had
been replaced by a throbbing warmth.

Spike felt a rush, a soft thump of want, as Xander's blood
seeped into his mouth. It wasn't anyone's neck, and the blood
wasn't pouring into him, but it was sure worth doing. His
tongue moved under Xander's finger, and the vampire gently
drew the finger further into his mouth, sweeping up the blood
that had run down Xander's hand.

Spike's mouth was soft and wet and Xander still hadn't felt
any teeth at all. The rest of his hand was pressed against
Spike's chin, and the skin was smooth and cool like marble.
Xander was amazed at how good it felt. He could feel sexy
thrills running from his finger grounding themselves in his
groin, thudding one after the other, in time with his pulse.

Sucking more firmly now, Spike was concentrating on the finger
so hard that it was a shock when he realised that the moment
it should have taken had already stretched out into long
minutes of quiet contact. Spike had felt Xander's heartbeat
steadily accelerating, and he smiled inwardly. Having already
received more than he'd hoped, the vampire knew that the real
trick would be seducing the boy, getting him to give even
more. And the first step would be to stay non-threatening, and
to make sure that his 'victim' kept right on having a good

Xander was still looking down at the top of Spike's head and
the angular planes of his face in the flickering light of the
tv. He suddenly had a clear idea of what this would look like.
Spike in a submissive, bound position, sucking on his
outstretched finger, well, more like his hand now, and really
digging it. //It might look bad, but it certainly feels good.
Well, okay, it feels fucking fantastic. And it's not really a
blow job. It's just...// Xander's thought was cut off by
Spike's blue eyes.

Spike tipped his head back slightly and opened his eyes. He
was surprised to see that Xander was looking right at him. The
boy looked relaxed for a moment, even contented, his brown
eyes heavy lidded and his mouth partly open. But then his face
closed down and the boy moved away, and Spike knew that this
was the fun part of the hunt, when the prey first realised it
was being hunted.

// Hell, this brings back memories. Maybe this will be more
*fun* than I thought. //

