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And The Earth Moved
by Little Pinky

Sometimes, unlife just takes unexpected turns.

God knows I've been thrown for a loop more than once in my existence, both
as a human and as a vampire. Of course, being turned and joining the Undead
Bloodsuckers United (tm) was probably one of the biggest fucking loops I've
ever been on, but there have been a couple of other surprises along the road
as well. My Sire disappearing, then reappearing with a soul, for instance.

God, I hate that poof...

There's that whole deal with Drusilla. And my chip. I'm not sure who I hate
more - my Sire or the fucking bastards who chipped me. And of course,
there's Xander. Alexander LaVelle Harris. One of the strangest persons I've
ever known in my entire life. And I've lived for a long time!

Socially speaking, he's a loser. He can't hold onto any of his girlfriends,
not even that sex-crazed ex-demon of his. He's considered a dork by most of
Sunnydale's population. He can't keep any of his jobs, he's got a stupid
name, he's practically ignored by the Slayer and her chums, and his clothes?
Don't even get me started.

Yet... There is something about him. He's a warm, loving person, he's got a
great body and a great mind. But don't let anybody know I said that. It
wouldn't do my reputation as a big bad any good.

Despite his reputation, Xander has really got a good head on his shoulders.
Really. And why he didn't manage to hold on to any of his girlfriends, I
have no idea. Even if he did cheat on that Cordelia-chit, she was an idiot
not to forgive him and take him back. I know I would in a heartbeat. I'm
glad he and Buffy never happened, because he's too bloody good for her. And
Willow? She's a sweet girl, but with him? Honestly, she was just confused
little child.

When Xander wants something, he gets it. Really. Like me. Up until about
four months ago, I couldn't stand him. Okay, three months, three weeks and
five days, but who's counting, anyway...

Well, back on topic... I'd left a couple of bags of blood in his
refrigerator and decided to go get them. He was home when I arrived and we
got into this little cute verbal fight. I'm sure he could have decked me if
he wanted to - me with the chip and everything - but he didn't. So once we'd
stopped screaming at each other, we settled down and watched 'The Jackal.'

I know it sounds corny, but really... It was playing, and I was there, so
why not? God knows Xander tried to get rid of me, but I decided to stick
around just to annoy him. Then we got to talking about Bruce Willis. And the
conversation just sort of developed from there.

Of course, when I said I thought Bruce Willis was a handsome motherfucker
and that I'd shag him blind in a heartbeat, the whelp did a double take from
his spot next to me on the couch, then stared dumbly at the screen, though I
doubt he really caught much of the movie after that.

When the movie was done, I got up and decided to make like a tree, when
suddenly he stands up, grabs my head and kisses me. I mean, really kisses

And all my thoughts about hating him and draining him dry went right out the

After that I got to know the real Xander Harris. I learned his middle name,
I learned about his kind heart, his great head. I learned about why he
always kicks his covers off during the night (he gets clammy if he doesn't),
about why he usually goes commando (he feels free), about why Anya split (he
didn't want to have a threesome), and why he bites his pinky nail (old
habit, and he only does it when he gets nervous). And all of that, and all
the other things I learned about him, caused me to fall in love with him.

Of course, the fact that he really *is* a Viking in the sack doesn't hurt,

Now, here's the interesting part. I'd given up that whole 'ultimate love'
theory a long time ago. You know, the thing you see in cliché-filled
Hollywood movies, read about in Harlequin romance novels - or God forbid,
that bloody fanfic stuff on the internet. The thing where, once you've found
the right one, the earth moves, time stops and your breath is taken away.

Never really worked with Drusilla, and it *certainly* didn't happen when I
was human.

At first, things were normal with Xander. We'd meet in secret, and nobody
knew about us. A quick kiss in the shadows behind the Watcher's apartment,
an innocent pat on the when nobody was looking, a risky grope while on
patrol, before we'd meet up in his basement and have incredible sex. And it
really was incredible.

See, vampires have this interesting thing about them, where we don't let
humans fuck us. We top, but we never bottom. And the females usually stay
exclusively with other vampires. But somehow with Xander it was

different.I let him shag me the third time we were together. And believe me,
he really is fucking good at it! Seems that Anya taught him a trick or two
about 'going in the back door...' His cock is very nice, too. Just the right
size, a little over six inches and not too thick. Just the right size for me
to deep-throat without problems. And it fits so goddamn *perfectly* in my
ass! Who'd have thought, eh?

When he's pounding into me, I'm alive. Really. I can practically hear my
heart beat and feel the blood rushing through my veins, even if it's all an
illusion. His cock is even just the right size to hit my prostate. So I
guess you can imagine it all adds up to some pretty hot sex.

But anyway, the big bang didn't happen before, during, or after sex. In
fact, we weren't even nowhere *near* a bed. We were probably as far away
from a bed as we could get. We were grocery shopping.

I remember every bloody detail about it. We were at one of those 'open
24-hours' places, and I was standing by the vegetables, picking out carrots
because we were going to make dip later in the evening. The whelp even had
me eating human food.

Xander was standing by the fruit, picking out apples, and I was just
glancing over at him when he suddenly got this contemplative look on his
face, complete with the cutest frown, as he stared hard at a red apple in
his hand.

"Spike?" he asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah, pet?"

"What does a teeth imprint of your fangs look like?"

I was puzzled and a little amused by his question. "Like a teeth imprint of
a set of fangs," I replied sarcastically. "What do you think, luv?"

By then, of course, he was used to my sarcasm and wasn't intimidated a bit.
"I was just wondering. Can you bite into this apple and show me?"

"I'm not going to show you *here,*" I told him. "Maybe when we get home."

"Please?" He begged me and did that puppy dog eye thing. Have you ever seen
Xander do that puppy dog eye thing? It plays a major part in him usually
getting his will... "For me?"

Groaning a bit, I walked the two steps over to him and took the apple from
his hand. Quickly checking that there was nobody around to see me, I vamped
out, and then bit gently into the apple.

The sweet juice exploded into my mouth and despite it being human food, it
was very tempting to complete the bite and eat the piece, but instead I just
opened my mouth again and changed back to my human face.

Xander looked at the bite in astonishment for a couple of seconds, before a
giddy grin spread across his face.

"Whoa," he said, suddenly sounding like a geeky fifteen-year old instead of
the twenty-year old he really was. "Way cool!"

I looked at the bite, then shrugged. To be honest, it looked kinda cool, but
hey - a vampire's gotta keep his cool, you know? "There ya go, luv."

I walked back to the vegetables and the bag of carrots I'd left there, when
I heard Xander's voice again.


I turned.

"Thanks," Xander said, and then he smiled. This smile was nothing like the
grin he'd given over the apple. This was a smile; tender and loving and
filled with all those emotions we vampires aren't really supposed to have,
unless we're soul-filled, guilt-ridden jerks.

It was at that moment things happened. When I saw that smile, and saw those
emotions in his chocolate eyes. Because I knew that those emotions were for
me, and nobody else. Xander didn't think I was beneath him. Xander cared for
me and *loved* me, despite the fact that I didn't have a soul. Xander loved
me even though I'd tried to kill him several times in the past.

And the earth moved.

So you see, now I believe in that whole 'ultimate love' theory. I believe in
it, because I've experienced it. It has certainly thrown me for a loop - but
this is one loop I hope I'll never get off. I know that if Xander has
anything to say about that, he won't *let* me get off it. Do I mind?

