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Heart & Mind
by Little Pinky

Sometimes, love hits us in unexpected ways. Sometimes, you find love where you least expect it. Sometimes, you fool yourself into believing that the person you love the most will love you back for the rest of your lives, only it doesn't turn out that way. Sometimes, you believe that what you share is just a fling, but then suddenly realizes that it's grown into full-fledged love, and you have to cry with happiness.

And sometimes, you fall in love with somebody you shouldn't really love.

I'm about to tell you a little story. I think you know the characters already, but the plot might have a little twist, this time.

I suppose I should start with 'Once upon a time?'

Well - once upon a time, there was a little boy. That boy lost his puppy when he was a kid. The small dog ran out into the street and got hit by a car. And that day, the little boy swore deeply that if his friends ever were in danger from that day on, he would protect them, no matter what. Somehow.

And Xander Harris kept his promise.

He protected those he cared for, and he paid an incredible prize for it.

It was an ordinary day for me and my friends. Nothing much to do, because the sun was still up, but I couldn't sleep so I went up to the office. Cordelia and Wesley were already there, friendly banter flying back and forth as they discussed one of the many things they always argue about. I greeted them, poured myself some coffee, then retreated to my office.

Here at Angel Investigations, we don't have a whole lot of clients. Therefor, I looked up when the phone rang and Cordelia gave a happy squeal. I saw her pick up the receiver and then heard her say "Angel Investigations, how may I direct your call?" in her best professional voice.

Then her face fell, before it brightened again. "Willow!"

At that, I stood up and left my office to walk out to Wesley and Cordelia. "Yes, yes, we're great! It's good to hear from you, Willow! So - tell me *everything* Sunnydale, huh?"

Then her face fell again, and a feeling started to sneak up on me. Something was very wrong.

"What?" my friend asked, her entire body stiffening as her face went pale in disbelief. "No, there's... there's got to be some mistake, Wills... Yeah, but if they're saying that, they're wrong!"

Another long pause, and a lone tear slipped out of her eye.

"Yeah, we'll be there. Tonight."

Then she hung up.

"We have to go," she said quietly, and I feared the question at the tip of my tongue. I didn't want to know, I didn't want to! But still, it came tumbling out, the word lone and too loud in the dead silent room.


Cordelia's eyes were raised to meet mine, and another tear escaped and ran down her cheek.


And that's how it all started.

Xander had tried to protect Willow from a Korvhall demon. Korvhall demons aren't large in size, but they have four long tentacles, and they are incredibly strong. The demon had grabbed Xander and thrown him almost thirty-five feet up in the air. He landed on the pavement, head first.

The doctors had said it was a wonder his neck or back wasn't broken.

Small blessings...

The fall gave Xander a serious head injury. He had to learn almost everything all over again - he had to learn how to walk, to talk, to tie his shoelaces and to dress. He just didn't remember how to do it.

The months ticked by.

Cordelia, Wesley and I stayed in Sunnydale, helping with Xander. Luckily, he was a fast learner, and after about nine months, you almost couldn't tell the difference from before and after his accident. Almost.

God, he was so bright... I remember the amazement among us all as he spoke his first word all over again, the joy when he took his first steps - the laughter and smiles that appeared every time he relearned something or recaptured another bit of his past.

I have no idea how a human being as bright as Xander Harris managed to not ace every single exam he went through in school.
His parents? Now, that's a laugh. He had Giles listed as person to contact in case of an emergency, and when Willow had called their house, they could barely speak their son's name, too drunk to remember and way too drunk to care.

So we cared for him. And we stayed with him. The gang. The Scoobies, as he once called us.

We were with him through his physical therapy sessions, the endless hours spent relearning how to speak and the long months it took him to learn how to write again. Of course, the really big step was when he learned to speak again. And you know what his first word was?


My arrogant bastard of a Childe, Spike. I think you've seen him around, right? Bleached blonde, stupid as a bagel, British, wearing an aura of confidence that could scare the hell out of anybody - and completely harmless.

It was a day full of surprises.

Nobody had really seen Spike around for months, and nobody cared, Xander being everybody's first priority. Then, one night, he just sauntered into the hospital as if he owned the place. Everybody looked up as he entered the room, and then Xander said it. He said "Spike." It was a bit hesitant and slightly odd sounding, but he said it.

That evening, we realized two things; Xander really was able to speak - and he remembered Spike.

Nobody had told him about Spike, and yet he remembered.

And as he relearned how to speak, he could tell us about it. He confessed to knowing who we all were - instinctively - but he didn't remember any of the events in the past. Yet he remembered every single thing about Spike up until the night of the accident. But he didn't remember anything else. He didn't remember going to high school before Spike entered his life, he didn't remember the Mayor, he didn't remember Faith or Wesley, he didn't remember kindergarten and he didn't remember his road trip. He didn't remember his parent's either.

God, that was a horrible day.

We'd all been dreading the question since we discovered that Spike and the events surrounding him was the only thing he remembered. It wasn't until over a year had passed that he asked. We were all surprised he'd lasted that long.

We were in his apartment, his days at the hospital and the physical clinic long past. Everybody was scurrying about, doing our best to spoil him rotten, when he suddenly looked off into space and asked "Who were my parents?"

You might as well have pressed the pause button on a tape. Everybody froze simultaneously, heads turning towards him.

Words continued to come out of his mouth, stumbling and a little unclear as the art of speaking wasn't yet perfected.

"I mean, you have not mentioned them earlier... And I just wonder... Are they dead?"

Silence reigned for a long while, before Buffy nodded and said, "Yes, Xander. They're dead."

Everybody seemed content with leaving it at that. Because they were dead to Xander in our eyes. He didn't need to know about their drinking and hazard life. If they hadn't cared enough to call him in over a year, even when he was injured, he didn't need them. I couldn't agree more, at the time, as I was familiar with the bastard-parents issue...

That was one of the two things we never told Xander about. The other one being his accident. To this day, he doesn't know all the details about his... fall. Nobody likes to talk about it much. I can understand that. It's in the past, and you can't change the past, unfortunately.

He wouldn't have known about his parents either, if not...


Spike sauntered in, like he always did, and started yelling at everybody. About how he could hear our lies all the way across town, and about how we weren't really Xander's friends if we didn't at least tell him the truth, no matter how horrible it was.

Xander just looked at us with an incredibly hurt expression in those brown eyes, before he turned to Spike. My Childe immediately shut up, then took Xander's arm and led him out the door.

"Where are you taking him?" Buffy asked, immediately suspicious. I don't blame her.

"Out for a walk so we can have a chat," Spike replied in his usual snappy manner, with an added, "bint," just as the door closed behind them.

Nobody found the fact that Spike defended Xander too odd. They'd been hanging out a lot, although nobody seemed to understand why. I did, though.

Spike was the only sure thing in Xander's world. The only thing he had a memory of and knew with certainty was true and real. My Childe is also either lying through his teeth or honest to the bone - no white lies - and I knew that if Xander asked him, something he probably did, Spike would tell him about his past. The events he couldn't remember.

Buffy didn't like it, though.

So she sent me out after them to keep an eye on them.

I found them quickly, a bit down the road. They were sitting on the sidewalk. It was pretty late - past midnight - so the street was deserted. I was about to approach them and make them aware of my presence when my vampire ears picked up pieces of their conversation.

And something stopped me.

I stayed in the shadows. I lurked. And I listened.

"Your parents are alcoholic," Spike said. He was blunt as usual. But the harshness that usually could be found in his voice wasn't there. Instead, he sounded sympathetic.

"The witch tried to call them when you first were injured, but they didn't want anything to do with it. Thought it would be too many hospital bills and too much of a hassle to have a kid with a brain damage."

Xander looked as if he might cry for a moment.

"Why?" he asked, sounding for all the world like a lost, little boy. "Am I?"


"A hassle."

I felt my eyes fill at the broken words, and I longed to reach out to Xander. He was my friend and seeing him hurt, also hurt me deeply.

"No," Spike immediately replied, surprising me slightly. "Absolutely not! Why would you be a hassle?"

Xander's answer really broke my heart.

"Because I'm stupid," he whispered, and I probably wouldn't even have heard it if I didn't have vampiric hearing.

Spike's pale hands immediately clamped down on Xander's shoulder, and for a split second I almost rushed forward to stop him from killing my friend. Harmless or not, I didn't trust my Childe *that* much.

But then he spoke.

And his words spoke of pain.

"Listen to me," he said, staring at Xander. "You are *not* stupid. You are *not* stupid, Xander, you got that? You are *not* stupid! Anybody tell you otherwise, and they'll literally end up with their bloody heads stuffed up their arse!"

Xander just looked down and nodded.

"You are *not* stupid," Spike repeated, and he continued his mantra until Xander finally looked up again.

"That's more like it," he said, a slight grin forming across his mouth. "You know how I know this?" he then asked, a finger coming up to repeatedly stroke across Xander's cheek.

I think Xander actually blushed.

"Because you love me," he whispered, and my mouth dropped open.

"That's right," Spike said back. He was still grinning, but I know my Childe. He wasn't happy. I could hear the unshed tears through his voice, and I could see the invisible tremble through his actions.

Then they kissed.

Xander kissed Spike.

Spike kissed Xander.

Spike and Xander kissed.

And I knew that I had never really known painful love at all.

I didn't reveal myself. Instead I just walked back to the apartment and told the others that I couldn't find them. Then I stayed there until Xander and Spike got back.

I never did tell Buffy or the rest of the gang about what I witnessed that night. Spike keeps Xander sane, and I think that's for the best for everybody. Besides, I know that Buffy would stake Spike no matter what, if she found out.

Xander's getting along fine, now. It's been over three years since his accident, and although his memory is still frazzled and practically ruined, he has begun to remember bits and pieces about his life before Spike and before the accident. He still lives in his apartment, but he now lives alone, without a Scooby Gang constantly hanging around. At least that's what he says he does.

I went to Sunnydale for a surprise visit not too long ago, and I noticed that his single bed had been replaced by a double. I also spotted a pair of black jeans looking suspiciously like Spike's, sticking out of a drawer.

I'm not saying I approve completely. I still don't trust Spike, and sometimes I just have to go up to Sunnydale and kick his ass. Mostly because he annoys the hell out of me, and a little because I *can.* But all in all, I think they're good for each other.

I know that Spike loves with heart and mind when he does. I've been blessed with that love once. And I'm happy that Xander now has it. Of course, at the time I had it, things were very different - which is why I can still call it a blessing - but Xander's lucky, anyway.

I wish I could finish this story with a gentle smile and a "And they lived happily every after," but I can't. I don't know how it will end yet. But I pray that they will get their "happily ever after." I think they deserve it - even Spike, despite his arrogance.

Love isn't always what you expect it to be. I know Xander and Spike hasn't had it easy. I don't know if they know that I saw them that night, and I don't know if they care. Right now, I just hope they'll continue to stay together, because like I said, I think they're good for each other.

And I think Spike has managed to get Xander to realize that his brain damage didn't make him stupid. What do you know, eh?
It's not quite a "happily ever after."

But it'll do for now.
