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Turning The Tables 
by Mihreia

Xander gripped his double's hair, as the vampire went down on him. 
The sensations were incredible. He couldn't really remember Faith's 
mouth being this good. But then he had been pretty much stunned 
during the whole episode with the dark-haired slayer. 

{And so not wanting to think about her right now!}

A cool mouth, being heated by friction, occasionally blowing softly 
on his overheated cock. Or maybe the heat was an illusion. Whatever 
it was, it made the sensations that much more intense.

The first time that a naughty finger crept past his balls and further 
Xander hardly registered it as anything but a step up in intensity. 
But when he felt the finger slide inside him a bit on the second 
pass, his eyes shot open.

{Oh no, you don't! No way am I falling for sneaky vampire tactics!}

He pulled his twin up, groaning as that luscious mouth left his 
throbbing cock, but determined to do things his way. As soon as the 
other man was on his feet, Xander dove for his mouth, deliberately 
not thinking about the creepiness of kissing himself. And up close it 
didn't matter all that much anyway.

As he stroked his tongue across the vampire's teeth he manoeuvred 
them to the closest wall, pinning his double against the wall. Tongue 
met tongue in a fierce battle. Somewhere in there he felt fangs 
scraping his tongue and lips, and suddenly his tongue was practically 
sucked down the other guy's throat.

{Yikes! Note to self: When kissing a vampire in game face? Don't use 
tongue, 'cause you could lose it.}

Xander released his the vampire's wrists, since he needed both his 
hands to get rid of the other's clothes. He stroked past the bulge 
there and his double moaned. Xander started mangling the other's 

{Open, already! Always knew there was a downside to skin-tight 

Finally he got the buttons, and out of patience he made quick work of 
the rest of his lover's clothes. Not to mention the tattered remains 
of his own garments. Not without some healthy annoyance about the 
poor state of his T-shirt. Oh, well.

And then they were both naked. Xander's eyes took on a will of their 
own as they raked over his twin's body. Lean, a bit gangly, but any 
movement was a lot more smooth and sensual than Xander could hope to 
achieve. Dark hair contrasted with pale skin. Still, it wasn't nearly 
as pale as Spike's. 

{Duh! This has actually seen sun three years ago, remember?}

He absently wondered how pale Angel would look as opposed to Spike, 
then cringed. No way was he thinking about Deadboy naked! Let's just... 
bury that thought. 

The young vampire was still in game face, yellow eyes glowing at 
Xander. It was disconcerting and creepy, but at least it kept the 
whole incest idea from popping up in Xander's head every ten seconds. 
It also was disturbingly exciting.

{Yay, I'm going to fuck a vampire. I'm manly Xander here. Except for 
the whole gay thing, but I think I crossed that line sometime 

He stepped in closer and raked his hands down the other man's ribs 
over his thighs and round the back to his buttocks. Where he halted 
in sudden discovery. He didn't have any lubricant! Xander darted his 
eyes around the crypt. 

{Hello? It's a crypt! Lubricant is not just going to jump into your 
hand here!}

A white tube appeared in front of his face, and following the arm 
upwards revealed a broadly grinning Spike. 

"Looking for this, pet?" 

Xander reached for it with a relieved sigh. "Thank you!" He didn't 
think he had ever sounded quite that grateful before. His twin smiled 
Xander's little half-smile, while still in game face. Which was 
mildly freaksome.

"Wanna join in, Spikey?" The younger vampire taunted.

Spike waved a hand nonchalantly. "Nah! You have fun, I'll just sit 
here and watch a bit." He moved backwards to one of the stone coffin-
like thingies, and sat down, blue eyes glittering with lust and 

Xander didn't believe his claim of non-participation for a second. 
But as long as Mr. Big Bad didn't make a move on him, Xander could 
care less right now. He had a different vampire to deal with.

Xander swiftly prepared his double. It felt a bit weird moving his 
fingers in another guy's ass, but the quivering muscles suggested 
good times to come. After a bit of wiggling his lover jerked. 

"More!" The young vampire cried out, and Xander repeated the move. 
Again a jerk and a long low moan. It made him wonder about how it 
would feel to him. 

Xander removed his fingers, and lubed up his cock, before awkwardly 
lining it up with his twin's ass. The vampire apparently noticed the 
problem, because he put his legs around Xander's waist all of a 
sudden, impaling himself in one smooth move. 

Tight! And cool. And also heavy, what with the sudden weight on 
Xander's legs. But that was just an afterthought, and really not 
important right now. 

Xander started to move, feeling how the friction slowly heated the 
narrow passage. His twin moaned on every in-stroke, and whimpered on 
every out-stroke. As Xander was carrying the vampire's weight, the 
latter couldn't do much to encourage to speed things up for fear of 
toppling them both over. The resulting frustrated growling only 
turned Xander on even more.

He angled for the prostrate, and quickened the pace. Pretty soon he 
felt his balls tingle and he came with a cry. Panting he slipped his 
softening cock out of the passage, and his double lowered his legs 
with a needy sigh, rubbing his unsatisfied erection against his 
double's body as he did so. Xander happily provided a hand to the 
straining cock, now that he was sure he wouldn't drop the other man 
any more.

Soon after his twin tensed, and Xander could practically see the 
other's orgasm approaching.

Along with sharp fangs heading for his neck.