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Random Acts
by Rachael
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight

Part One  


Xander shoved the stake in hard, and sighed loudly as he was enveloped in 
dust. He looked down at himself and quickly decided it didn't matter. 
Considering he'd been liberally splattered with smelly yellow goo to start 
with, this was almost an improvement.

"Dammit! Another outfit bites the dust! This sucks. I really loved this 
shirt!" he gestured down at the loudly-patterned orchids on his hawaiian 
shirt. "I even dressed up a bit, since we were meeting Wills. Plus, now 
we're gonna be late, and we promised we'd meet her there at 8:30. This is 
just great!"

Xander looked at the chaos surrounding him and wondered just why the powers 
that be couldn't leave him alone for just one night. He really needed a 

After another fun day of work at the Quicky Mart, he'd decided he was sick 
of staying at home watching Spike drink from baggies and yelling at The 
Price is Right on tv. Actually, the problem wasn't that he was sick of 
watching Spike. The problem was he was starting to *enjoy* watching Spike. 
That little thought scared the shit out of him. He'd actually, god 
forbid, laughed at one of Spike's bad jokes the other day. He was finding 
humor in a soulless bloodsucking vampire. Were there any depths lower to 

Lately Xander had been catching himself staring at Spike for long periods of 
time, admiring his cheekbones, and realised he needed to get out more. Now. 
Because there was definitely something wrong with him. Maybe he was sick. 
Yeah, sick. He'd even turned down an orgasm date with Anya.

He'd decided a night on the town would be nice, so he'd called up Willow 
and Buffy and asked if they could spare some time from their busy college 
schedule for their desperate friend. They'd agreed (albeit reluctantly) , 
and Buffy had come to pick him up. She shouldn't have had to, but his car 
had suffered massive injuries of late.

The blame for this could be laid almost entirely on a certain 
bleached-blonde vampire. He'd made the colossal mistake of letting Spike 
drive his car last week, and he'd paid the price for his gullibility in 
spades. Spike had decided that it'd be fun to see just how many demons 
could be run over in an hour. He even had a grading system for style. 
Xander would be hearing "Ten points! That one was ten bloody points! Oh 
wait, there's another one!" in his nightmares for years to come.

Suffice to say, his car wasn't exactly running right now. He doubted it 
ever would again. So Buffy had done him a favor and picked him up. 
Unfortunately, on their way they'd run into a pack of vamps and their pet 
slime demon, and he'd managed to ruin one of his favorite shirts.

Buffy spared him a look. Not just any look, THE look. The 
you're-an-annoying-doofus-but-your-good-for-comic-relief look. Considering 
she was fighting a vamp at the same time, he was impressed. A multi-tasker. 
"I wouldn't mourn it if I were you. If that shirt got any louder, the vamps 
would be able to hear us across town. And you know Willow will understand."

Xander shot her a wounded look. "Buffy, that's so harsh! Y'know, I think I 
deserve combat pay, or at the very least some bennies here. Do you have any 
idea how many shirts I ruin in a month doing this? More than my feeble 
Quicky Mart pay can afford, I'm telling you. And be aware I'm not even 
*mentioning* the smell."

Buffy finished up with her dusting, and clapped her hands together. "Well, 
that's all of them. " She looked at her watch. "Shit! I'm sorry, Xander, 
but that took like forever! By the time we both change and get ready again, 
it'll be past 10:00. I have an english lit paper due tomorrow, and I'm not 
even close to finished with it." She sighed and looked up guiltily. "Look, 
I'll call Willow and tell her what happened. Why don't we just agree to get 
together sometime next week?"

Xander just looked at her. Dammit all to hell. He hated it when she did 
this. Every time they tried to get together to just talk like the old days, 
something always came up. Even Willow was too busy to be his friend lately. 
He ran a hand through his hair and shrugged. " Fine. Y'know, whatever. 
I guess I'll see you next week. Don't bother to drive me back, I can walk." 
He started off, head down.

Buffy watched him walk away. If she didn't know better, she'd almost think 
he looked *hurt*. Oh well. She'd make it up to him. It was only Xander, 
after all. He'd understand.


Xander shoved his hands in his pockets and started the mile-long walk home. 
He stared into the distance, frustrated and just a little pissed-off. He 
was sick of being the unofficial Scooby Gang mascot. The one who was always 
the clown, the fucking doughnut errand boy. The one who decided *not* to go 
on to college. He kicked a stone viciously and watched it rebound off the 
Henderson's mailbox. His life sucked big time right now, and all he'd 
wanted was to talk to his supposed best friends about it. Yeah right. If 
he wasn't blowing sunshine and jokes up their ass, they just didn't seem to 
be interested.

Fuck it, he decided suddenly. He wasn't going to think about it anymore 
tonight. All he wanted to do now was go home, crawl under the covers, and 
not surface until morning. That wasn't so much to ask, he figured. Now, if 
Spike would only cooperate and be a good little vamp for the night, he'd be 

Xander's Basement Apartment

Spike was bored. He was really, *really* bored. His Xander had gone out 
for the night and hadn't even invited him.

"Bloody bastard."

Pace, pace.


Pace, pace.

"Where the hell is he? I'm *bored*. Bored, bored, bored, bored. Want my 
Xan-pet, need my Xan-pet for entertainment purposes, bored, bored, 
bored....I scream you scream we all scream for..."

Pace, pace.

Reminiscently, Spike thought of times past. When he used to get bored 
people would run in fear for their lives. He was William the fucking 
Bloody. Guard your families well. Spike was at his most inventive at times 
like these. He remembered that Christmas years ago when he and Angelus had 
used intestines as garland. They'd done up the whole bloody house in 
internal organs. God, that'd been a great year. Angelus had fucked him 
nine ways from Sunday under that tree, with the smell of blood 

Shit. Hard-on.

Pace, pace.

Oh well. That bloody Slayer had permanently damaged his Peaches. He was 
whacked in the head nowadays. All Mr. Broody and shit. Spike missed the 
grin he used to get just before he'd tear the throat out of his victim and 
dig in. Where was the fun in being a good guy?

And him, well, he wasn't exactly doing so hot himself these days. The 
fucking chip was driving him insane. He hadn't had any blood worth having 
in fucking forever. Lately, the only bright spots in his day were killing 
demons and playing with his Xander. Now, Xander didn't exactly know he was 
Spike's yet, but he would. Oh yes. Spike had plans. So many plans...

Pace, pace. Pace, pace.

Xander was coming along so nicely, too. Look at the Driving for Demons game 
they'd played in Xander's car. If that wasn't a bonding moment, what the 
hell was? Spike stopped pacing for a moment and sat down with a thud. He 
wanted Xander. Bad. Now. He hadn't had sex in so long, he'd almost 
forgotten what sinking into someone who was warm, *alive* felt like. Tight 
and hot and...hell. Bloody hard-on just got worse. Where was the justice?

Tonight. Spike ran his fingers through his hair accidently.

"Just ruined my bloody fucking hair!!"

Spike ran to the bathroom. He had to fix his hair. Xander would be 
*officially* his, as of tonight. Come hell or high water. Now all he had 
to do was wait for his Xan-pet to come home. Tonight.

Pace, pace.

Part Two  

Thank God. He was finally home. That is, if you could ever call a basement 
apartment that you rent from your parents a home, Xander thought. He rubbed 
both temples wearily. "Just how pathetic is this? I live with my parents, 
in the *basement*. My roomie is a vampire who doesn't pay the rent, and he 
just trashed my car. I've started having fantasies about doing bad things to 
said vampire naked. Now, to top it off, I've started talking to myself. 
Great. This is just soooo wonderful. Sleep deprivation. That's it. Must 
be my need for sleep."

Xander rested his head against the door as he dug in his pockets for the 
keys. He came up with a handful of yellow placenta-like goo instead, with 
no keys in sight. He just looked at his dripping hand for a minute, then 
suddenly started banging his head against the door. Thud. Thud thud. 
Thud. Crack.

"Ouch! Why? Why me? That's all I wanna know. I'm feeling just a *little* 
put-upon here. What's the fucking deal?!!! And just why am I talking to 
myself *again*?"

A huge sigh burst out of him in a gust, and he started to straighten up 
wearily. Not quite quickly enough, however, to stop from falling headfirst 
into the apartment when Spike unexpectedly opened the door.

Spike made a quick lunge, and turned a graceless fall into a dance step dip. 
"Pet! I didn't know you cared!" He carried Xander around in a few dance 
moves, sweeping his body closer to his each time, until they were pressed 
chest to chest, groin to groin.

Suddenly, an odd expression crossed Spike's face. He sniffed suspiciously. 
Sniffed again. Looked down. And quickly shoved Xander as far away as 
possible. Xander fell to the floor in a heap, striking his head on the 
floor. Spike looked down at him and let fly.

"Dammit Xander! What the bloody hell is this now, huh? First you don't 
invite me on your little party, then you go slay demons without even 
*asking* if I might have wanted to join in, and then you cover me with 

"You know how frustrated I've been lately. Killing some demons, especially 
snotty-looking ones, might have relieved my tension. But did you even think 
about my needs? Huh? Didn't think so. And why aren't you answering me? I 
have just about had it with you tonight, I don't bloody well mind saying."

Xander looked up from the floor, where he was currently sprawled 
spread-eagle. He blinked sleepily and rubbed the back of his skull. "huh?"

"And you don't bloody fucking well *listen*!!!!!"

Xander got up unsteadily, and staggered over to where Spike was currently 
standing. He reached up and patted Spike's cheek. And kept patting. " 'm 
real sorry, spikey, but i'm feelin' just a lil dizzy right now. 'm gonna 
lay down, 'kay?" Pat, pat.

Spike gave a beleagured sigh, and sent a look upwards as if in supplication. 
Xander just kept right on a-patting. He seemed to have fixated rather 
intently on Spike's cheekbones. Pat, pat. Spike's cheeks were now 
liberally smeared with goo.

"Xan-pet, as much as I'd enjoy this under any other circumstances, you smell 
like a bloody sewer. Shower. Now. *Please*. "

Xander looked up through his lashes, all big puppy-dog eyes and childlike 
trust. Shit. Spike groaned. He didn't *have* to breathe, after all. He 
was a vampire. He had always loved ravaging innocence. Down boy. Heel.

" 'kay, spikey. m' just gonna go take a shower now....j'st gotta get these 
pesky clothes off...." Xander managed to lift his shirt over his head as he 
walked, and started unzipping his fly. " 'm singin' in the rain, yeah, 
singin' with my spikey...." flirtatious look under those fucking long lashes 

Oh bloody hell. That was it. It's not like he ever pretended to be 
honorable anyway, Spike rationalized. There was only so much your average 
vampire could take. "Uh, Xander? Would you like some help in the shower? 
Maybe I could help er...clean you up?" (I've got a nice lollipop for you 
too, little boy.)

"nuh uh... s'okay, spikey. shou'nt be in the shower with me...'s not 
Xander waved his finger drunkenly. "ya jist stay over there, like a good 
lil spikey."

Spike growled and lunged. Only to run face-first into the suddenly closed 
bathroom door. He fell to the ground with a thump, and then proceeded to 
spend the next ten minutes lying on the floor listening to the torturous 
sounds of Xander showering naked just a door away.

Xander finally emerged in a cloudful of steam, wrapped from neck to knees in 
a snowy white bath towel, for all intents and purposes looking like a vestal 
virgin. Walking innocence. He could never resist innocence. Spike hadn't 
figured he could get any harder. Wrong. He was also being ignored. Xander 
just kept right on walking, until he hit the edge of the bed and fell 
face-first on the coverlet.

"Umm, Xan-pet? You awake?"

"no. lemme sleep."

Boner still not going down. Plan two.

"Xaaaander....c'mon. Wake up for Spikey. Please? He has something he needs 
you to fiiiixxx.." Spike caroled in a sing-song voice. He started walking 
towards the Xander-shaped lump on the bed.

"no... go 'way....smell funny. lemme sleep."

Spike looked down. Shit. He forgot. "Okay, Xander. I'm just gonna go 
take a shower. I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."

" 'kay. night-night."

He barrelled into the bathroom, and set a new record for speed showering. 
He ran out to the bed, only to find himself looking into the peacefully 
sleeping countenance of an angelic looking Xander. Oh bloody fucking hell. 
He was *not* feeling an attack of conscience. He wasn't. He was William 
the Bloody, scourge of all things pure and good. He didn't have morals to 
feel guilty about. The fact that Xander was acting all cuddly and trusting 
had nothing to do with it either. He was going to wake up the 
compliant-Xander-with-a-concussion, and fuck his brains out. Yes, indeedy. 
Getting right on that. Gonna do it. Soon. Any time now.

"Well, shit."

Spike decided he just didn't *want* to fuck Xander now. Had nothing to do 
with guilt. He wanted his Xander awake and screaming when the time came. 
Yeah. That was definitely it. He crawled in next to his Xan-pet on the 
bed, shut of the lamp, and resolutely closed his eyes. And if Xander rolled 
into his arms and started snuggling, well, Spike was just to tired to shove 
him away.

Part Three  

Xander woke up with a headache. Not just any old headache, either. A 
pulse-pounding, gonna throw up if I move, I wish I was dead, somebody 
please get a gun and put me out of my fucking misery kind of headache. He 
groaned, sat up, and tentatively touched the back of his head.

"Ohhh...I don't feel very good...."

Spike stirred a little and turned around in his sleep, now facing Xander. 
He drew in a deep, calming breath. Spike had a very fine....cheekbone. 
Yeah, cheekbones. He'd been thinking of his cheekbones, dammit. He had. 
He also had a great Uh uh. Naughty Xander. He mentally slapped 
himself. God, even a *mental* slap hurt. Life sucked so bad.

Xander suddenly realised that his hand had mysteriously ended up on Spike's 
chest somehow. Bad hand. Behave. Spike didn't stir. Well, as long as he 
was already touching him...

Xander let his hand stroke across Spike's chest for a second, ever so 
casually brushing one perfect pink suckable nipple. Suckable? He quickly 
jerked his hand back. Wait just a minute...his brain suddenly came back 
online. What the hell was Spike doing in his bed? And why the fuck were 
they both naked?

"Oh god..." Xander moaned. This just wasn't cool. They hadn't done 
anything, had they? Xander groaned again, and surveyed the room. There 
were clothes everywhere!

He was going to fucking kill him. That's it. He was dead. Prick. How 
dare Spike fuck him when he was to concussed to remember it! Selfish 
bastard. Shit. Bad Xander. Mental slap.


The headache was Spike's fault too. It just was. Xander didn't remember 
getting a big fucking lump on the back of his head, but he bet Spike had 
done it. Oh yeah. He must be destroyed.

Xander carefully sat up on the bed even more, turned, and then braced his 
back against the wall. In this position his feet were conveniently at 
Spike's midsection. He inhaled, then...

He shot his legs out straight, hitting Spike's midsection hard. Spike 
practically flew off the bed, crashing to the floor and then skidded a few 

"What the bloody fucking hell?!!!!"

Spike catapulted up off the floor, game face on.

"Bloody fucker!" He lunged for Xander, but then clutched his head in his 
hands and started keening. The chip, oh shit, the *chip*.

He ever so carefully sat down on the floor, rubbing his temples all the 

"What the hell did ya do that for?!!!"

Xander smirked. "Because you're a selfish bastard and I don't like you." 
Calmly, even *smugly* said.

Fuck the chip. Spike got back up, and started to slowly stalk over to the 

Xander suddenly realised he might be in trouble. Chip or no, Spike looked 
kinda angry. Okay, that wasn't right. Spike looked like he wanted to kill 
him. Slowly. Painfully. Might be a good idea to retreat for now...he who 
runs away lives to fight another day...

He shoved off the bed quickly and ran for the door. Spike lunged, and they 
both went down. A brief but futile struggle on Xander's part later, he was 
flat on the floor with Spike straddling him. He then tried to bitch-slap 
him, and his hands were quickly gathered together and shoved over his head. 
Spike's game face was now inches from his. He could feel Spike's breath 
feathering across his mouth. God, but those fangs were creepy up close.

"Now Spike..." placatingly, "you know you don't want to hurt me. You have 
a chip in your head, remember? C'mon, I wouldn't be worth all that pain and 
agony...." Xander gave him a sickly pale grin. "I'm really scrawny. No 
fight at all."

Spike just stared at him. He also pushed his ass deeper into Xander's 
stomach. He got a grunt in reply.

Xander started getting twitchy. Why the fuck wouldn't he say anything?!!

Spike looked at him some more. Then, drawing in a calming breath, he 
started to speak.

"I want to know why the hell you did that. You have two seconds. If I 
don't like your answer, I'll bloody well kill you. Fucking chip be damned, 
I'll find a way." Spoken slowly, calmly, carefully. Nothing could have 
scared Xander more.

"Umm, well... " Xander suddenly decided a good offense was better than a 
bad defense. "You did something bad to my head, which really hurts by the 
way, and then you fucked me!" He decided if he was going to die, he may as 
well go out in style. "Fucking asshole! I so should have grabbed my stake 
and dusted you!"

Spike did a double-take. What the hell? "I bloody well didn't fuck you!"

"Yeah, right! There's clothes everywhere, we're both naked, and you were in 
bed with me! You are *such* a bad liar."

"I. Didn't. Bloody. Well. Fuck. You."

"Yes. You. Did."

"No. I. Didn't."

"Yes you did! How could you? You are such a prick! How could you do that 
when you knew I wouldn't remember it? I might have liked to participate a 
little, maybe even videotape it. You are so selfish. Fucking bastard." 
Shit. That had kind of slipped.

Spike did another double-take. Let go of Xander's hands. Felt a grin 
slowly start to spread across his face. His suddenly non-game face. Xander 
wanted him! *His* Xander was hot for him!

He sat back on his haunches over Xander, and took a looooong look. Felt the 
grin spread wider. Oh, yeah. Xander was splayed out underneath him, 
unshackled hands still over his head, all flushed face and angry expression. 
He looked edible. Fuckable. And he was naked. Definite bonus there. 
Spike's dick started taking notice of the nummy treat underneath him. He 
started to chuckle.

"It's not funny!" Xander snarled, enraged. He quieted suddenly when he 
noticed the almost sweet expression on Spike's face. He looked...happy.

"Yes, my pet, it is. I didn't fuck you. You hit your head," conveniently 
Spike left out the explanation for *that* little injury, "and decided to 
take a shower. Then you went straight to the bed and fell asleep. I'm sick 
of sleeping in that bloody chair, so I decided to make use of the other 

"really?" small voice.



Xander started blushing. He wished the ground would just up and swallow him 
right now. Death was a welcome alternative to this. Hell, Buffy at her 
most obnoxious was better than this. And his fucking head still hurt. And 
why the hell was Spike grinning at him like that? Now he looked 

Spike grinned some more, fangs fully exposed. He figured if his grin got 
any wider, it would probably eclipse his head. God, he felt great. Even 
*with* the headache he now had. He was getting definitely getting soft in 
his old age. Yep. Have to do something about that. Later. Right now he 
had more pressing matters to take care of. Mr. Happy was now *definitely* 
taking notice. Uh huh. No doubt about that. He took a deep breath, 
planted his hands on Xander's chest to hold him down, and spoke.

"Xander, my pet, I want to show you something...."

Part Four  

Xander lay under Spike, pinned, humiliated. Could this day get *any* worse? 
He'd only just gotten up, and already he'd accused Spike of fucking him. 
Then, he'd went and practically told Spike that he, Xander, had the hots for 
his undead ass. His life was over. Over.

To top it all off, they were both naked, and Spike now said he had something 
to show him. Oh goody. Probably the flat of his hand right before it 
connected with his head. Hopefully then his head would just explode, and 
put him out of his misery. As Xander often did in intense situations, he 
resorted to bravado.

"Just what exactly do you have to show me? If you're planning on laughing 
at me, just get it over with." Xander said sulkily, bottom lip turning down 
in a pout. Spike wanted to bite that pout, maybe gnaw on it a little, watch 
those full lips get rosy and perhaps a little bloody. Xander pushed up hard 
with his hips, trying to buck him off. Spike just rode and enjoyed the 
undulation, settling back onto Xander's stomach with a thump.

Xander's breath whoofed out. He gave a wheeze, inhaled, and tried to 
recover his dignity. What was left, anyway. "I'm a busy guy. If you're 
going to make fun of me, hurry up about it." This was spit out with a 
glare. "Things to do, people to see..."

Spike just grinned down at him, fangs in full evidence. His blond hair was 
mussed, his cheekbones stood out in stark relief, and his skin glowed 
porcelain white. He looked...fuckable. Dammit. Bad Xander *again*. 
Mental slap, and....oh shit. Oh no. Boner needed to go away. Please, go 
away. Xander wasn't used to begging parts of his anatomy for favors, but in 
this case he'd make an exception. Please cock, *please* go down. Please. 
Fuck. He'd been wrong. *This* was the perfect topping to a miserable day. 
He couldn't even hide his erection, as he was sure Spike could feel it 
poking him in the ass. Xander could just tell his blush was spreading. His 
cheeks were on fire.

"Now, why would I do that, pet? Hmm?" Spike leaned back until Xander's 
dick rested between the cheeks of his ass. He shifted, enjoying the 
friction and Xander's expression. His own hard-on was pushed out so Xander 
could get the full effect of it, glistening and rosy. Spike grinned hugely, 
truly happy for the first time in what felt like forever. "As for you being 
a busy boy, well, that part you're right about..."

And with that, Spike leaned down until their lips were just barely touching. 
Petal soft contact. He brushed his lips gently back and forth against the 
smooth warmth of Xander's mouth, savoring it. He let the heat build to a 
crescendo then, with one last lick, finished the kiss. Spike leaned back 
until their faces were just a few inches apart, watching closely as Xander's 
tongue came out to wet his own lips, tasting.

Spike groaned, feeling his cock jump. Xander stopped his tongue's movement, 
staring up, big doe eyes wide with surprise. He looked delicious. Spike 
took in the flushed features, panting breaths issuing from slick lips, and 
mussed dark hair. He could literally see the blood pounding in Xander's 
veins. It made him hungry. Mine, he thought. From now on, only mine. He 
breathed in shakily, smelling Xander's arousal, feeling his breath 
fluttering across his mouth. Spike gathered what little was left of his 
control, what kept him from just devouring, *taking*, and spoke.

"Again, pet?"

Xander nodded slowly, then reached up and grabbed two handfuls of Spike's 
hair, forcing his head down. Their lips mashed together for a few seconds 
before each gentled. Mouths were opened, tongues were caressed. Xander had 
never felt anything like it.

Suddenly, he was lifted to his feet, kiss unbroken. Spike ground their 
bodies together, the contrasts startling, making contact all the more 
erotic. Cold skin against hot, pale against tanned, hard against soft. 
Spike palmed Xander's buttocks and, with no visible strain, lifted. Xander 
wrapped his arms around Spike's neck, and twined his legs around those 
skinny hips. Twin moans echoed in the still air as their bodies came into 
even closer contact.

Xander finallly broke to breathe, and with a gasp burrowed into Spike's 
neck. Spike moaned again, long and keening, and gave a small shudder as he 
felt a moist tongue circle his ear lobe, before Xander grabbed with his 
teeth and pulled.

Spike growled. Xander's tongue was now tracing a path down his jugular, 
stopping to suckle here and there, before reaching that spot where neck 
connects with shoulder. He stopped for a moment, and Spike felt him grin 
against his neck. Then Xander bit down hard, and started to suck.

Spike's knees buckled, almost causing him to drop Xander in the process. He 
took a deep breath to calm himself, then shakely let it out.

"Xander, what the bloody hell are you....oh yeah....oh, right there...bite 
harder....mmm...yeah....more..." Spike whimpered pathetically. "Just a 
little harder, love... right there....please..." His hands clenched on 
Xander's ass rhythmically, in time with the sucking noises coming from his 

"No, no...don't stop...just suck a little more, pet.... 
c''T STOP!"

Xander let go with a popping sound. He nuzzled into Spike's shoulder, and 
started lapping at the blood there. Little cat-licks, designed to drive 
Spike crazy. It was working. He was starting to sway on his feet. His 
fangs tingled. Time to get Xander on the bed, oh yes. One foot in front 
of the other, there we go, just a little further...


All the breath was driven out of Xander as they landed on the bed, Spike on 
top. He rewrapped his legs around Spike, and started grinding. He decided 
then and there that there were definite advantages to lying down. Spike's 
hands had started roaming all over Xander's naked body, caressing his 
nipples, *licking*, oh god, licking lots of places.

Spike unwrapped Xander's legs from his body, and reared up. His Xanpet was 
looking up at him, face flushed, traces of blood on his lips. His eyes were 
half-lidded, and he was *squirming* all over the bed, humping into the air. 
Spike gulped. Control. Control was good.

"Pet, umm, why did you bite me?"

"Didn't you like it?" Xander's voice was seductive, alluring, tempting. He 
had started fisting his cock now, and he was breathing more heavily, 
panting. Xander looked down at his hand's motion, watching in fascination 
as precum started oozing from the tip of his penis in pearly drops. He 
stopped, swirled his fingers around the tip, gathering the precum, and held 
his fingers out in supplication to Spike.

Control. "Yeah, I most definitely did. Mmmhmm." Spike ran shaking fingers 
through his hair. "Why, though, pet? That's what I want to know."

Xander's hand was still held out, offering, waiting. With his other hand 
he started tweaking his nipples. His hips jerked up sharply, and he moaned. 
"God, Spike. I don't know how much longer I can take this...would you 
just shut up and fuck me already?" Xander shuddered once. "You looked so hot....I just wanted to bite you. I wanted to see what you 
tasted like. I didn't think you'd mind..."

Fuck control.

Spike growled as his lust, his beast began to take over. He grabbed 
Xander's hand and slowly, oh so slowly, licked each pearly drop from his 
fingers. "Mine." He grabbed Xander's other hand, twining the two in one 
hand, in effect cuffing Xander's hands over his head. He let go slowly. 
"Keep you hands there, understand?"

Xander nodded, biting his lip. "But I want to touch you..."

"No. Not yet."

With that, Spike began his feast in earnest. No part of Xander was left 
untouched. He licked each nipple slowly, carefully dragging his fangs 
against the tip of each. Xander bucked up, but his hands remained in place.

"That's good pet. Just keep them there." Spike's accented voice was low, 
husky, sex personified. "You'll like what I do if you keep them there."

Spike tongued a trail down Xander's body, sucking here and there. Leaving 
marks. Mine.
Xander's penis was so hard it was lying on his stomach. Red, weeping, 
oozing drops of precum. Spike gazed at it hungrily, covetously for a 
moment, then swooped down to suck.

Arching, Xander gave a shrill scream. "Oh fuck, oh shit, oh yes, mmmhmm, 
right there!"

With a popping noise, Spike let go for a moment. "You like that, pet?"

Xander nodded, biting his lips so hard he drew blood. Spike waited for 
confirmation, then dove back down, taking all of Xander's cock right down 
his throat. Spike's mouth was so cool, like ice on his engorged flesh. It 
felt so good, hurt so much. His arms were straining in their invisible 
bonds. He licked his lips slowly, tasting the blood, watching Spike's eyes 
go hungry.

Spike sniffed, smelling Xander's arousal, his blood, eyes never leaving his 
pet's lips as he trailed back up to the tip of his nummy treat. It was a 
heady mix, the smell of sex and blood. Spike hadn't thought he could get 
any more turned on. He realised he'd been wrong. He slowly released 
Xander's dick from his cool mouth, swirling his tongue around the head as he 
left, and reared back up again to watch the blood drip down the sides of 
Xander's mouth.

Xander watched as his lover's face grew hungrier, as his cock got even 
harder. Spike's face began to change. Slowly morphing, obviously fighting 
it. No help for it. Game face on. Surprisingly enough, Xander didn't feel 
repulsed. Only excited, aroused, compelled.

"Xander, can I...."

Xander nodded once, breath heaving. "Anything you want, everything you 
want, it all feels so good...I need more..." He thrust his hips in the air, 
driving his arousal up to catch Spike's attention once more. 
"Please....finish what you started...."

Spike dove back down, bypassing his cock altogether, fastening his lips on 
Xander's thigh, where it connected to his groin. Gnawing, tasting, ever so 
slowly, he carefully bit down and began to drink.

"Oh yeah, pet, you taste so good..." Spike suckled slowly, savoring each 
sip of Xander's precious blood. Riding Xander's thighs as he humped slowly 
up into Spike's mouth, then back down again. Up and down. Up and down. 
Nothing and no one had ever tasted better. Addiction couldn't come in a 
more alluring package.

Xander was in a fog, a delicious haziness, where sensation ruled. He could 
feel a sweet, sharp burning in his thigh, feel his cock nearly bursting, 
feel everything. All he could do was feel. He didn't want it to end, he 
needed it to end, he didn't know what he needed. He needed Spike. Inside 
him. Feeding on him.

He reached down and molded his hands around Spike's head, pushing him in 
deeper. He was almost beyond words now. He couldn't think of any. All 
that came out when he tried were moans, sharp, keening noises that echoed in 
the still air.

The suckling stopped. Spike raised his head, lips painted bright red. 
Lifeblood red. He slowly licked his lips, and looked up into Xander's face.

"Uh uh, pet. What did I tell you about the hands? Hmm?"

Xander just looked at him uncomprehendingly. Why had Spike stopped? He 
wanted more. He focused, and found the words he needed.

"Ssspike, lover, I need you now. Inside me. I, I have some lube... I 
bought it awhile ago. Don't know why. Was hoping...Please, please 

Part Five  

"S-Spike, lover, I need you now. Inside me. I, I have some lube... I 
bought it awhile ago. Didn't want to think why. Please, please *now*..."

Xander's words sent Spike into a near frenzy of lust. Bloody hell. He 
fought long and hard for control, finally managing to bring his face back 
into something approaching human.

Composing himself, he somehow managed to speak teasingly to the writhing man 
beneath him. "I don't think you're ready to be fucked just yet, my pet. 
After all, you do seem to still be coherent....I must be doing something 

Xander was shaking with need by this time, arching and writhing all over the 
bed, almost sobbing in frustration. "Spike, stop fucking with me! I need 
you now, I need it in me, stop fucking teasing me, *please*...."

Spike's gaze suddenly became hot, searing. All traces of teasing were gone 
from his voice. "What exactly do you want inside you, Xander? I need to 
hear the words. I need there to be no misunderstandings later about whether 
or not you wanted this. Because once I fuck you, you're mine. I'll allow 
no one else to touch you. Ever. I don't share what belongs to me."

Tracing a hand down Xander's chest, he tweaked one of the peaked nipples 
sharply. Xander groaned and arched, but the intensity of Spike's gaze 
wouldn't let him look away. "Figure out now if I'm what you want, because 
there'll be no turning back later..."

Xander looked up at Spike, eyes half-lidded and hungry. He drew in a deep 
breath, and let it out in a shuddering sigh. "I-I've wanted you for so 
long, I-I just didn't want to admit it." He gathered himself in an effort 
to speak coherantly.

"In answer to your question, yes. I want to feel your cock inside of me. I 
want to feel you feeding on me as you fuck me. I want to touch you while 
you take me. I want to hear you begging. I want to feel you writhing under 
me. I just want *you*, Spike. In any and every way possible."

Xander's voice suddenly turned impatient, need making him belligerent. "Is 
that clear enough for you? Do you need it in writing anywhere? Hmm? No? 
Good. Then stop fucking teasing and fuck me, dammit!"

Spike licked his lips slowly, and had to fight to keep from dancing a jig 
around the room. Happiness filled him, and he rubbed his erection against 
Xander's teasingly.

"Your wish is my command, love...."

He grinned seductively, leaning down until his lips were mere inches from 
his lover's. Xander's eyes closed in anticipation, sighing softly as he 
felt the hard heat of Spike's lips on his own, of his mouth being opened, a 
relentless tongue invading him, branding him. Spike broke the kiss, and 
whispered in his ear.

"I brought my own lube, pet. We won't be needing yours just yet..."

With that, Spike started to devour. No part of Xander was left untouched, 
every inch of skin suckled, explored. Xander was moaning now, sharp, 
keening wails that made Spike harder by the minute. He thought he could 
pound nails with his erection at this point.

Xander was in agony. Delicious agony, but agony nonetheless. Spike was 
gnawing on his nipples, ignoring his pleas to go faster, go lower, let him 
cum. He arched as Spike speared a nipple with his fang, drawing a drop of 

"Mmm, pet, you taste so good..." Spike's voice was low, husky. He sucked 
on the nipple, drawing blood slowly from the tip. "Remind me later to get 
you a piercing here, you're so sensitive. Imagine me pulling on a hoop 
here, stretching you out...does that sound good, baby?"

Xander gasped at tbe image, nodding frantically. Oh yeah. That sounded so 
hot...speech was basically beyond him at this point. He reached out and 
grasped Spike's head, threading his fingers through the platinum waves. He 
pushed down impatiently, already missing that cool mouth on his throbbing 

"Impatient, Xanpet? What's the matter? Would you like me to go a bit 
lower, perhaps? Maybe down here?"

Spike palmed Xander's erection, sliding his hand up and down the shaft, 
excruciatingly slow. He fondled the tip, spreading the pearly drops of 
precum around the head of Xander's cock.

"Ohhhh god....Spike, *now*!" Xander released one handful of blonde hair, 
pulling Spike upwards, reaching down with his free hand to grasp Spike's 
erection. He gripped it fiercely, jerking, playing with the fascinating bit 
of skin that was hiding the head from him. He'd never seen a guy with 
foreskin before. He played with the flange of flesh, running his fingers 
around the edges, rubbing, almost childlike in his curiousity and 
abandonment to pleasure.

Spike yowled and bucked, moving his fist on Xander's cock faster and faster 
until they were both jacking the other off harshly, any gentleness forgotten 
in their need for fulfillment. Spike realised he wasn't going to last much 
longer. It was time.

Inching his way even further up Xander's body, the friction of sliding skin 
on skin making him nearly insane with want, he covertly grabbed the lube. 
Holding Xander's bucking hips down, he whispered in ear. "Pet, I'm going to 
fuck you now..." Spike's voice was unsteady, the bloodlust already taking 
over. "I want to drink from you at the same time, please, baby?"

Xander nodded wordlessly, letting go of Spike's cock and spreading his legs 
even wider. Spike flipped of the cap, and spread a generous amount of lube 
on his fingers. Reaching down, he grabbed Xander's legs and lifted them up 
and wide, opening Xander for anything he cared to do to him.

Exposed and aroused, Xander wrapped his legs loosely around Spike's hips, 
waiting for a touch from those magical fingers. He felt a questing digit 
against his shivering flesh, searching and finding the ring of puckered 

"Don't move, pet. I don't want this to hurt anymore than it has to, okay?" 
Amazingly enough, Spike looked gentle, even...loving? Xander nodded 
uncertainly. He was trying to hold still, trying so hard, but he could feel 
tremors quaking throughout his body.

Slowly, so slowly, excruciatingly slowly, Xander felt the tip of Spike's 
finger enter his body. He arched, moaning loudly, unable to keep still no 
matter how hard he tried. Spike whispered soothingly into his ear, 
meaningless phrases nonethless appreciated for their distraction. He felt 
the finger moving in furthur, exploring the walls of his ass, until it was 
almost fully seated inside him.

"You doing okay, pet?" As he spoke, Spike shifted his digit inside Xander, 
looking for and finding his prostate. He pushed gently, feeling Xander 
clench on his finger, hearing him make a little mewl of arousal. Spike 
pressed again, this time harder. He got a buck and a keening wail this time 
for his efforts, Xander starting to move on his finger, starting to fuck 
himself on it.

"M-more...I need more inside me...Spike...that feel's so 

Spike buried his face in Xander's neck, listening to the arousing sound of 
the blood pounding through his pet's veins. He slowly pushed another finger 
inside, listening for any sounds of distress, hearing only pleasure instead. 
He kept pushing that little button of flesh inside, nudging it, making 
Xander crazy with need.

Xander was openly sobbing now, sobs of immense pleasure and frustration, 
impaling his ass hard with every buck of his hips, lifting up, then forcing 
himself back down. He was whimpering, small defenseless noises, as he 
shoved down, wanting more...

Spike withdrew his fingers with a slight sucking sound. Xander wailed, 
lifting his ass up in supplication, searching for something to fill the 
ache. Spike sushed him, running a calming hand down his lover's side. He 
squeezed out some more lube, biting his lip until it bled as he applied it 
to his raging hard-on. He pushed Xander's leg's up higher, exposing him 
even more. Spike lined up his erection with the pulsing little hole, and 
started to push in slowly.

Xander wasn't feeling any pain at all now. All he could feel was the 
pleasure, such excruciating pleasure. He could feel himself stretching, 
trying to accomodate the intruder into his body.

Spike couldn't take it anymore. The wet heat of his Xander was driving him 
slowly insane. He was so hot inside, scorchingly hot and tight, wet and 
needy, pushing his ass down further and further onto Spike's cock.

Slowly be damned. Spike heaved out a breath, and steadily and quickly 
pushed the rest of the way into Xander's body, until his ball were resting 
against the cleft of Xander's ass.

Xander was stuttering gibberish, in a low and faltering voice, trying to 
tell Spike to move, to do something, to let him cum. He pushed Spike's head 
into his neck deeper, and managed to gasp out what he wanted, needed.

"Spike, start drinking....I need to feel your teeth in me...making me 

Spike needed no prompting. He started driving in and out of his Xander, the 
slap of flesh loud and obscene in the still room. His face changed, and his 
fangs came out to play. Spike drove into his pet's neck, slurping at the 
fount of blood that came gushing out. He couldn't get enough. He was on 
sensory overload. The heat, the tightness, the taste, the wetness....

The sucking, and the driving force of Spike's member rearranging his insides 
finally drove Xander over the edge. He came with a wail, ejaculating all 
over Spike's chest. He clenched around Spike in orgasm, milking the 
throbbing cock inside of him forcefully. Spike quickly followed him, 
spewing his load deep inside his love, marking him. Making Xander his for 

Both collapsed in a sweaty tangle on the bed, the smell of semen, of sex 
lingering in the air. With a moan, Xander unclenched his muscles, letting 
Spike's cock slide slowly out of him. In one last move before he collapsed, 
Xander shoved Spike underneath him, and laid his head against Spike's 
shoulder. He nuzzled in, and was promptly out like a light.

Spike looked down at the precious boy lying across his chest, his now, and 
he gathered him closer. He reached out, wiping the last of the blood from 
his lover's neck, and licked it off his fingers. With that, Spike allowed 
the need for sleep to overtake him, knowing that now he had something to 
wake up for.

Part Six  

Waking up, Xander came to two realizations. The first was that he was 
cuddled close to a vampire, and the second was that he had absolutely no 
idea what time it was. Seeing as how he had to be to work at the Quicky 
Mart by noon, that was bad.

Very quietly, he tried to wiggle out from under the arm that was pinning 
him. Spike groaned in his sleep, making unintelligible protesting noises 
deep in his throat. Instead of loosening, the arm tightened, and Xander 
found himself plastered even closer to his lover.

He pushed hard against Spike's arm, trying to get him to let go. Nothing 
happened. Xander tried biting next, but all he got for that was an 
appreciative moan on Spike's part. Freak. Realizing he wasn't getting away 
anytime soon, he settled back down on the bed to think, unconsciously 
cuddling closer to his lover.

Just how the hell had this happened? He now had an evil soulless vampire 
lover. A masochistic vampire lover with possessive tendencies. A vampire 
who very likely still saw him as an occasional snack as well as a fulfiller 
of his libido. A very *male* vampire. God, he never could take the easy 
route, could he? Worst of all, he had absolutely no desire to end the 
relationship. He enjoyed Spike. Enjoyed being around him, talking to him, 
having sex with him. He even, god forbid, enjoyed the bad jokes his lover 
felt duty bound to spout at every opportunity. His conscience, which was 
supposed to stop him from making the truly big mistakes, hadn't even made an 
obligatory whimper of protest. Despite everything, he was truly happy for 
the first time in what felt like forever.

Xander realised he was grinning like a complete moron, and forced his face 
back into a more somber expression. He needed to get into his work mode. 
He again set out to find a way off the bed. He had to see the alarm clock. 
His boss at the Quicky Mart, Mr. Fundinger, wasn't exactly known for his 
tolerance, and even less so when it came to lateness. He couldn't afford to 
lose another job. So, as tempting as it was to stay in bed, maybe fuck 
Spike, he had to get up.

Coming to a decision, Xander decided to take a rather extreme step. 
Gathering a deep breath for courage, he quickly slapped Spike upside the 
head. Hard. Ooops. Maybe a little too hard. Oh well. Drastic times call 
for drastic measures. Xander absently shook his hand to return feeling into 
the palm. He then put on his most innocent look , all big eyes and solemn 
expression, and waited for the fallout.

Spike was having a wonderful dream. It involved Xander, blood, cherries, 
chocolate, and restraints. Oh, and a piercing needle. Suddenly, he felt a 
flash of pain in his head.

"Ouch! Bloody motherfucking hell! Ooohhhh, my head!"

Spike let go of Xander, bringing both hands up to rub at his aching skull. 
He very carefully opened one eye, and saw his lover looking innocently back 
at him.

"Are you sick, Spike? Honey, let me look at your head. Were you thinking 
bad thoughts again? Did the naughty chip go off?" Xander solicitous voice 
was a balm against the ache in his skull, taking some of the pain away. He 
felt Xander's hands push his away, then go exactly where the throbbing was 
located. His pet started rubbing soothing circles against the back of his 
head. It felt so good. Despite himself, Spike smiled. His Xander was so 
attuned to him he knew exactly where Spike hurt!

"I wasn't thinking bad thoughts! Besides, it's only supposed to go off when 
I'm thinking of *doing* bad things. Just general bad thoughts shouldn't be 
enough! I was thinking of fucking you, sure, but I bloody well did that 
last night for real and nothing happened!"

Spike suddenly got a wide-eyed, poleaxed expression on his face. "Oh fuck. 
What if the chip's malfunctioning? What if I hit the self-destruct button 
somehow? Shit. I'm going to die. That's it. This is the end. I'm sorry 
I didn't get to fuck you again, Xander, but I couldn't have possibly 
foreseen this. Promise to spread my legacy after I die, okay?" He started 
panicking. "Umm, don't mention the chip. Just tell everyone that I was 
really scary. The scariest. Remember, I'm William the Bloody. Remind 
everyone of all the really evil things I've done. That's what I want to be 
remembered for, not this chip-in-the-head, good by proxy bullshit." He 
moaned, thinking of all the the important things he hadn't done yet. The 
people he hadn't been able to kill.

Xander stared at Spike, very nearly speechless. He stopped rubbing the 
vampire's head, clasping his hands tightly in front of him. "U-umm, maybe 
you just woke up with a headache?" He gave Spike a shaky, guilty smile. 
"Couldn't you have somehow hit your head in your sleep? I-I mean, don't you 
think you're overreacting just a bit?" The hands were wringing themselves 
together now, twisting and pulling.

"I know you're sorry that I'm dying, pet, but you have to face facts. I'm a 
vampire. I didn't get headaches until this bloody chip was installed in my 
brain. I didn't hit it against anything. I was lying on a fucking pillow! 
The fact that I just got a headache when I wasn't even thinking of killing 
anybody tells me the chip's malfunctioned. My time is obviously limited. 
Will you do something for me, please? A favor? As your lover's last wish?" 
Spike looked at Xander earnestly. "It's horribly important. Something 
I've wanted for just about forever. Promise me?"

Xander gulped and nodded slowly. "O-of c-course, Spike. Anything."

Spike grabbed Xander's hands again, slowly forcing them apart. He put them 
back on his head. "Keep rubbing pet, it was feeling a little better. You 
want me to be comfortable before I die, right? Do you think we have time 
for a farewell fuck?" He paused for a moment. "Yes, I definitely think I 
have time for that. But before we get down to the fun, I need your solemn 

"Uhhh...Spike....I...I have something to tell you...." Xander trailed off, 
visibly trying to gather his courage.

"It's okay, pet. I know what you're going to say. I know you'll miss me 
for the rest of your days. That's a given. We'll get to that when we fuck. 
Y'know, say our goodbyes and all that bloody shit. I don't need that from 
you right now. I need your oath."

Xander closed his mouth with a snap. The arrogant bastard! "Okay, Spike, 
you have my oath. When you die, I'll do whatever it is you want so badly. 
Good enough?"

"Yeah, good pet. I just need you to kill the Slayer for me. Now I know 
she's supposedly a friend, but she's bloody annoying. It's been my biggest 
wish for-fucking-ever."

Spike continued on. "I figure you'll have to do it from far away, otherwise 
she'll kick your ass. A gun is good, just shoot her lots of times. Hit 
non-essential parts first. Take out the kneecaps, maybe a gutshot. Don't 
let her die too quickly. Remember, you promised! I want agony out of her 
before she bites it." Spike let out an evil chuckle.

An idea emerged, making Spike's grin widen. "Maybe you should videotape it. 
I have a few vampire friends left who didn't desert me after I started 
hanging out with the Slayer. They've sent me their support in covert ways. 
Bags of human blood here, descriptions of spectacular kills there, you get 
the idea. I want you to send the video on to these lucky few. I'll give 
you the location of our meeting place, you can leave the copies there. My 
friends'll find them. Yet another part of my fitting legacy. The killer of 
the Slayer! Well, sort of, anyway. I coerced you into it, so it was by my 
hand that she basically died. All those bloody assholes who wouldn't talk 
to me anymore will be so jealous! It's almost worth dying for!"

Xander was really annoyed. Making his way up to fucking *pissed*. Any 
guilt residue for hitting Spike was now officially gone. "I can't believe 
you'd ask me to kill one of my friends! You are such an asshole. You think 
you're dying, but do I get any declarations of affection?" Xander stopped 
rubbing Spike's head, giving it a little shove for emphasis. "No. Do I get 
a tearful goodbye? No. Do I get any, 'gee, Xander, sure will miss you 
Hallmark moments?' No. Asshole. You can just forget about any farewell 
fuck, buddy!"

After Xander's last shove on his head, Spike was again cradling it in his 
hands. He looked up at Xander mournfully. "Why'd you have to go and do 
that, pet? You just made it worse! I'm sure my time left in this world is 
now drastically reduced."

He let out a long, gusting sigh. "I was getting to the tearful goodbye 
part. If you want the truth," Spike's voice dropped to a whisper, "you're 
the only thing left that I have to live for anyway. I can't kill, can't 
wreak havoc, can't do anything! I'm left with the charity of others, the 
charity of my bloody worst enemies..." Spike looked almost close to crying. 
"I'm the vampire pariah. Do you have any idea what it's like being a 
vampire with no bite? It's like being impotent. I'm a bloody joke."

"Since I've had this fucking chip put in my head, I've been more humiliated 
then ever before. Even my days with Angelus weren't like this. At least 
Angelus had his up days, where I was someone special to him. Any dignity I 
once had is gone now, believe me. I have nothing. At least, I didn't, not 
until you." Spike's voice was choked, and when he looked up at Xander, 
there were tears rimming his eyes.

Okay, guilt back full force. Spike looked like a sad child, platinum hair 
mussed, eyes teary, rubbing his head to make the pain go away. Xander's own 
eyes were suspiciously moist. He suddenly sat up against the headboard, 
pulling the covers up to his waist. He grabbed a pillow, setting it on his 
lap. He patted it. "Spike, lay your head here, okay? I'm sorry I yelled."

Big, distrustful eyes looked up from a downturned face. Xander sighed. "I 
promise I won't get mad anymore, okay? Just come here."

Carefully, so as not to jar his head, Spike laid down. Xander softly put a 
chaste kiss on his forehead, then started rubbing soothing circles on his 
temples. "Better?"

Softly. "Yeah."

Xander gazed down into Spike's eyes, speaking quietly. "I have something to 
tell you." He took a deep breath. "You're not dying." Spike looked up at 
him expectantly. "I, umm, sorta hit you on the head to get you to let go of 
me. I had to get to work, I tried waking you, you wouldn't wake up, I tried 
biting, you enjoyed that, finally I thought I'd give you a little pop on 
the head," Xander drew in a gulp of air and kept going, "but I hit too 
hard, really hard, hurt my hand, sorry, I'm really sorry, so you're not 
dying, itwasmyfault." The last was said very quickly, and Xander finally 
took another breath. "I'm really, really sorry." Xander kept looking down 
into Spike's eyes, which had just gotten a lot wider, waiting for a 

He got one. "You hit me on *purpose*? How could you do that?!!?" Spike was 
glaring up at him. "And don't stop rubbing! You made my head hurt, you can 
bloody well fix it!" Spike's voice rose in volume. "I fucking *confessed* 
things to you! Actual *feelings*. Do you think I would've done that if I'd 
known I wasn't dying? Shit. I can't believe you!"

Xander voice was close to begging. "C'mon, Spike! I'm really, *really* 
sorry. I liked what you told me. If it makes you feel any better, I have 
strong feelings for you too, okay? I was just trying to get to work, 
y'know? I didn't mean to hit you that hard!"

From his new sitting-up position on the bed, Xander was able to get a good 
look at the clock. "See, Spike? It's afternoon already. I'm way late. 
I'm probably fired...." He looked at the mutinous eyes below his. There 
was no sign of yielding yet. Shit. "I can only say I'm sorry so many 
times. Look, I'll skip work today. Fuck it. We'll get you feeling better 
in no time. I promise. You're more important, okay?" Spike finally, 
*finally*, looked a bit more forgiving.

"You know what would make me feel a whole lot better?"

Uh oh. "What?"

"I'm hungry."

"And that means exactly what to me?"

"You could be sort of a pre-dinner snack."

"Umm, maybe you should think on that. I mean, you drank from me at least 
twice yesterday!" Xander panicked. "I probably don't have much blood should save some for a rainy day. Right?"

Spike looked distinctly....cranky. "No. I'm the vampire here, okay? I 
know exactly how much I can drink from you safely. I thought you wanted to 
make me feel better...."

"I-I do! But that won't help your headache."

"Yes it will. Blood is a big healing factor for vampires. Besides which, 
you know I'll make you feel good. So good...I did last night, didn't I?"

Resigned, Xander nodded. "Alright, Spike. Just a small drink."

Spike suddenly gave him a big fang-filled grin. "Thanks, pet!" He quickly 
sat up, and grabbed hold of Xander's legs. He pulled down until his lover 
was lying flat on the bed.

Xander looked up at him warily. "Why exactly do I have to be lying down for 

"Ambience, pet. Besides, it makes me happy. You want me to be happy, don't 
you? Especially after you hit me?" Spike asked, laying the guilt on thick.

He didn't wait for an answer, just straddled Xander, leaning down towards 
his neck. Xander suddenly felt the pricking of fangs, and Spike started to 

"Ooooohhhh....that's really.....ummm....nice....yeah....."

Spike felt Xander's cock start to get hard. He grinned against Xander's 
skin, and started to hump into him.

Xander moaned, and started to buck his hips up in time to Spike's rhythm. 
With a slurping sound, Spike stopped drinking. He reared up and looked down 
at his Xanpet.

Dazed, Xander looked back up. "I'm feeling a little woozy. How much did 
you drink?"

"Just enough, pet. Don't worry, I'll carry you to the shower. Shower's are 
fun, don't you think?" Spike ground his erection down onto Xander's. 
"There are lots of really....entertaining things to do in showers. You want 
to take one with me, yes?" Spike leaned back down, and licked up Xander's 
neck, removing all traces of blood.

"Uhh, yeah. That sounds....nice."

"Good. We're both a little sticky from last night." Spike got off the bed, 
and Xander made a move to grab him.

"No, no, no. I said we'll have fun in the shower, not here." Spike lifted 
Xander up and off, putting his hands under his pet's buttocks and shifting 
him to rest on his hips. "Put your legs around me, I'll carry you in."

Xander obeyed. He already looked delicious. Dazed from blood loss, 
submissive, hair mussed and eyes bright.

Spike started walking towards the bathroom, Xander nuzzling in his arms. 
Only to stop when he heard a key at the front door. Slowly, they both 
looked at each other.

"Xander, who has a key?"

Shaking his head to clear it, Xander answered, "A few, umm, people. I-I 
can't think right now. Put me down!"

Spike just held on tighter. He didn't move.

"Spike, let go!"

They both heard the key turn in the lock, and watched the door open 

Part Seven  

The doorknob turned, and...

Xander struggled in the iron grip that held him, but couldn't break free. 
His panic-stricken brown eyes fixed on Spike's pleadingly.

"Dammit, let me go now!" He peeked up at Spike through long lashes to see 
if he'd had any affect. No. Time for another approach. "Please, *please*, 
pretty please, let me go? I'll owe you...."

Spike merely shook his head slowly, and hoisted Xander leg's up higher 
around his waist, clamping his hands on his pet's buttocks and back tightly. 
He wasn't letting go of his love now. This was perfect! Not quite how 
he'd planned it, but perfect nonetheless.

Whoever was on the other side of that door would know soon enough the truth 
about his and Xander's relationship. He wasn't going to hide like some 
pansy. Xander was his, and he bloody well wanted everyone to know it! He 
figured it was always prudent to stake your claim early.

With that in mind, Spike serenely waited, holding a writhing, whining Xander 
in the most provocative way possible.

The door slowly opened inwards.

Buffy stood there, mouth agape, eyes widening. The smell of sex and blood 
lingered in the stale air, there were clothes scattered everywhere, and a 
naked Xander was being held wriggling to an equally naked Spike. What the 
fuck was going on?

Clearing her throat, she tried to speak. "H-Hi Xander. I-I was just in the 
neighborho..." she trailed off. Taking a deep breath, she slowly exhaled. 
Again. Slowly but surely, she gained back a little equilibrium. With it 
came the reaction that shock hadn't first allowed.

"What the fuck is this, Xander? Why are you naked? Why the hell does it 
smell like blood in here?" Buffy advanced on them, eyes blazing. "Why is 
Spike grinning like that? Stop hiding your face and fucking *look* at me, 
Xander! I want some answers, or I start staking and damn the consequences!"

Clearing his throat, Xander tried to answer. "Uh, well...I....j-just a sec, 
Buff....Spike, dammit, let me down! I need some fucking clothes if I'm going 
to talk with her, don't I?" He smacked his lover on the chest in a futile 
attempt to knock some sense into him. "I'm not telling you again, Spike!"

Smiling smugly, Spike turned slightly to allow Buffy a maximum viewing 
advantage. Xander was slowly turning an even brighter shade of red.

"Well....uh....I-I think it's probably what you're thinking it is...."

"What I'm thinking is that Spike somehow managed to drug you. Then he 
fucked you. Am I right?" Buffy looked desperately hopeful for a moment. 
Then her face dropped. "Not that I'm saying I hope he raped you or 
anything, but....did he?"

A low, warning rumble started up from somewhere in the vicinity of Spike's 
chest. Xander whipped his head around, startled, and watched with something 
akin to horror as Spike bared his fangs. Shit. Bad situation just got 
worse. He stammered for a moment, then tried again to speak.

"N-not exactly, Buffy...." Spike turned the glare on him, accusation on his 
face. Dammit. "No. He didn't rape me." Much more definite this time. 
Xander was proud of himself. He gulped in a lungful of air. "I-in fact, I 
uh, well, I wanted him to screw me."

Spike turned a fang-filled grin on Buffy. "He begged. Very prettily. 
Looked entirely fuckable. How could I possibly refuse?" Spike shifted his 
pet's weight to one of his hips, giving Xander's wriggling ass a fond little 
pat in the process. "Now that you know I didn't force him, why don't you 
bloody well fuck off?"

Outraged, Buffy gasped out, "Xander, I can help you. You're confused. 
That's understandable. It's been a rough year. I completely sympathize. 
Why don't you come back with me? You-you can talk with Willow. Umm, yeah. 
Willow. She'll talk you out of this in no time...."

The growling started again.

"No!" Xander started rubbing a calming circle on Spike's chest. "No, no, 
no. That's definitely a bad idea, Buff. I can take care of myself, okay?" 
Xander turned pleading brown eyes in her direction. "Spike and I have 
a....relationship. Yeah. That's it. A relationship. S-so, I don't need 
any help." Spike had stopped growling. Good. An improvement.

Buffy started pacing. She looked fit to kill. Literally. "Xan, you're out 
of your fucking mind. Me and Willow leave you alone for awhile, and this is 
the shit that happens?" She glared at the both of them. Xander was 
stroking Spike's chest, like he didn't even realise he was doing it. The 
final straw. "You're so fucking high-maintenance. Shit. Like I don't have 
enough to do. This always happens when you fall for someone."

Gearing up, she tore in some more. "Not only do I have to save your sorry 
ass *all* the time, but now I have to fix your romantic entaglements as 
well? Do you have any idea how busy I am? You have absolutely no 
consideration or common sense. Just fucking typical...." Buffy finally 
really *looked* at Xander, and her tirade trailed off.

Xander had gone progressively paler throughout her speech. Tears gathered in 
his eyes, which he hastily and rougly wiped away. He tried to speak, 
failed, then tried again. "I n-never knew you felt that way...."

Spike hugged Xander closer to him. The fangs were back in full evidence. 
If it weren't for that fucking chip, she'd be dead already. As it was, he 
was still tempted to try.

He'd been trying to keep up his rep as William the Bloody. He hadn't wanted 
to give away the depth of feeling he already had, at least not to the 
fucking slayer. Advantage, anyone? Of course, then she had to be a bitch. 
Dammit. Brought out all his protective instincts. Double dammit. He 
didn't want to *have* protective instincts. Fuck.

He opened his mouth, ready to tear into her any way he could.

Only to be stopped by Xander, who slapped a hand over his mouth.

"I can talk for myself." Spike nodded, not content, but willing to give in 
for now.

Xander looked Buffy straight in the eye. It was hard, and he knew Spike 
felt him trembling, but he managed it. He wasn't gonna be a fucking pussy 
on top of everything else. Falling apart was for later.

"Fuck you, Buffy."

She almost fell over in shock. "What did you just say?" Buffy looked almost 
comically affronted. "I-I think you need to apologise to me...."

Xander cut her off brutally. "Shut up. You had your say. My turn."

Spike communicated his support by *finally* letting go of Xander. He set 
him carefully on the ground, making sure his pet was balanced before letting 
go. He wrapped his arms around Xander's waist, resting his chin on the bony 
shoulder in front of him. Waiting. He wasn't disappointed.

"First of all, I like to think I carry my own weight around here. It seems 
to me that I've killed just a few bad guys too. I know I'm not the fucking 
*slayer*," the last word sneeringly emphasized, "or a witch, a werewolf, or 
anything cool like that, but...."

Stricken, Buffy tried to interrupt. "Look, Xan, I-I didn't mean it like 
quite like th..."

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up."

Buffy shut up.

"As I was saying, I may not be anything special, but my incompetent ass did 
manage to save yours every once and awhile." Tears ran down his face, but 
Xander ignored them.

"Secondly, I don't really think you're in any position to make demands or 
requests on me..."

Futile interruption again. "I'm your friend, of course I have the 

Xander continued like he hadn't even heard her. "since I haven't really 
seen much of you or Willow lately. When I do see either of you, all you do 
is talk to each other. I might as well not even be there. Xander the 
clown, your own fucking court jester, the one who always fucks up, right? 
God forbid I actually have problems, or need your help in any way. That 
would be infringing on you oh-so-precious time, wouldn't it?"

The hurt was pouring out of him now, in waves. The rage almost, almost, 
made him not feel it. "If you'll just think back a day or two ago, last 
time I needed you I was told you were too busy."

"That's not fair, Xander! I had a ton of homework, and we got sidetracked 
by those vamps and stuff...."

"Whatever. About a month before that, you came back to Sunnydale not to see 
me, but fight more goddamn monsters. Scooby Gang back in full force, right? 
Except I was the fucking doughnut errand boy again." Spike squeezed his 
waist tighter, in silent support. Good. He needed it.

Xander leaned back into Spike's encircling arms, feeling just a little 
calmer. "I think you should leave now, Buffy. Tell the rest of the gang 
whatever the hell you want. You will anyway."

"Xan, look, I'm sorry. Maybe we should start over." Buffy held out her 
hand, hoping that Xander would come to his senses.

"No." Xander's voice was even. Dead to her. "I'm through talking to you. 
For once, *I* don't have the time." He gave her a grim smile. "And just 
for clarification purposes, just so you can be *sure* to have the right 
story to tell, I'll clue you in. I'm fucking Spike. I'm enjoying it. 
Disapprove as much as you want, I don't really give a shit."

Buffy's hand fell back down to her side, unwanted.

Flushed and tear-stained, Xander stopped talking. Leaned more into his 
lover, cuddling closer. He needed the connection. Felt suddenly grateful 
for the warmth, the comfort he could sense behind him.

"We'll talk later, Xan. When you're more coherent, okay?" Buffy realised 
things had gotten a little out of hand. Time to regroup. "I'll have Willow 
call. I know she'll be worried. She loves you."

Low blow. Xander winced. "Just get the fuck out."

Shuffling her feet a little, but still convinced she was right, Buffy 
marched out the door. She slammed it behind her.

For once Spike had nothing to say. He turned Xander around, and very nearly 
started crying himself. Xander looked...broken. His feisty love, brought 
down to this by that...bitch.

Xander looked into Spike's understanding eyes, and the dam burst. Sobbing, 
he buried his face in the curve of Spike's neck, trying to control himself. 
And failing miserably.

"Shhhh....It's okay.....everything's okay....I'll take care of you." And if 
that wasn't the fucking scariest thing he'd ever said, he didn't know what 
was. William the Bloody. More like Spike the Whipped. Bloody hell. He'd 
worry about it later.

Xander just clung, not talking. Spike picked him back up, twining those 
long legs around his waist again. "We're going to take that shower now, 
love, okay?"

Hitching breaths against his neck, then he felt the slow nod.

"You'll feel better once we do. I promise. Then we'll go lay down for 
awhile, get you some rest. Everything'll be better once you sleep on it." 
Reduced to platitudes. Spike hadn't felt this helpless since, well....the 

Rubbing Xander's back soothingly, Spike slowly made his way into the 

Part Eight

Spike stretched, waking up slowly, gradually reaching awareness. He reached 
his hand out, looking for his own personal heater. Finding him curled up on 
the opposite edge of the bed, Spike pulled Xander closer, spooning up behind 
him. Ooh. There were definite advantages to taking a human lover. The 
blessed *warmth* being one of the most obvious.

Snuggling up, Spike coaxed a leg in between his pet's, rubbing his face like 
a cat's into the silky-smooth apex of shoulder and neck in front of him. 
Xander shivered, a quick reflexive movement. Butting his head forward, he 
tried to avoid the cold against his back.

"G'er off...s'cold...." He swatted half-heartedly at the vampire behind him. 
"J'st a few more minutes...c'mon...."

So much for the compliant human male stereotype. Spike sighed. "Don't be 
like that, pet. I just need to leach off some bloody body heat. Go back to 

Snorting into the pillow, Xander muttered, "Leaching being the operative 
word here...."

Nevertheless, Spike was please to note that in direct contrast to his harsh 
words, Xander stopped grumbling. Did, in point of fact, turn in his lover's 
embrace, pressing full up against the vampire.

"I guess it's up to me to warm you then, isn't it?" So saying, Xander 
cuddled even closer, wrapping both legs and one arm around Spike, using the 
other to cover them both with the quilt. Landing a quick peck on the 
platinum head, Xander closed his eyes again, dropping off to sleep once 

Nestling in the embrace of his lover, Spike felt an involuntary smile spread 
across his face. Definite advantages, indeed.


11:05 a.m.

Spike awoke to the feeling of warmth deserting him. He made a half-assed 
grab, missed, and sprawled face-down on the bed. Sputtering, he came up for 

Just in time to see Xander make his way towards the bathroom, looking 
incredibly edible. And incredibly naked. Bonus. "Just where do you think 
you're going? Get back in here, I was comfortable!"

Shooting him a look, Xander talked over his shoulder, still walking. "If 
that was supposed to make me rush right back into bed to please 
Spike-the-Great-and-Powerful, you're about to be severely disappointed." He 
paused. "Besides, I have to pee like you wouldn't *believe*. I know as a 
vampire you get to miss these fun little everyday bodily functions, but 
*some* of us are still technically alive..."

Putting on his best wounded face, Spike somehow managed to stick his nose 
in the air like a diner in a snooty country club. "Come, come, pet. 
There's no need to be rude. Besides, there *are* still a few body functions 
that I enjoy quite immensely...." Xander was treated to a very lascivious 

Warningly said, "Spike....."

"Some of said ejaculations, er, ejections that I wouldn't mind watching...."

"Behave, Spike...."

"...or perhaps even participating in....."

"Shut up, Spike!"

The vampire's grin got, if possible, even wider. "Why Xander, are you 
blushing? You are! How cute." The teasing escalated. "You couldn't 
be...embarrassed, could you? After you screamed so loudly just a little 
while ago for me to fuck you? That's adorable...."

"Shut the hell up, Spike!" Xander had turned around during the course of his 
lover's needling. He was red from chest to cheeks. "I'm not going to 
listen to you anymore." He turned back towards the bathroom, muttering. 
"You're just trying to annoy me. I'm not listening, I'm not listening...."

Slowly, Spike lifted himself off the bed, making his way to his very 
delectable looking pet. "Have I told you how hungry I get when I see all 
that blood rushing to the surface of your body, luv?"

Xander just walked faster. Almost there, almost there....

"It's been awhile since my last snack...."

One more step....

"....and you know how much blood turns me on...."

The door shut with a slam not more than two inches from Spike's nose, almost 
knocking him over in the process. Surprisingly enough, the vampire's manner 
didn't change. He seemed almost obscenely cheerful, though obviously turned 

Xander heard through the locked doorway, "All good things come to those who 
wait, my pet. I'll be right here, don't you worry!"


Twenty minutes later

Having showered and emptied his bladder, Xander opened the door a crack, 
peering out into the bedroom. The coast looked clear. He wasn't quite 
ready to face Spike. For one thing, he'd completely lost control of his 
emotions last night after Buffy. Xander knew he hadn't cried in front of 
anyone like that in just about forever. He'd also just done a full-body 
blush. Always a nice humiliating way to start the day.

Not to mention the fact that he just didn't have time. He had to work at 
noon, and he'd already skipped yesterday because of his Spikey. He'd be 
lucky if there was still a job waiting for him at the Quicky Mart when he 
got there.

Turning his head from side-to-side, he cautiously stepped out of the 

Only to be tackled by a certain platinum-haired vampire.

The breath whooshed out of Xander, his towel went flying, and he ended up 
naked on the floor under an equally naked Spike. Again.

Xander sighed. "I don't have time for this right now, I have to get to 
work." Not fighting, just lying placidly underneath his lover, stating a 
simple fact.

Something which could almost be termed an animalistic growl resonated from 
Spike's chest. Twenty minutes of waiting had only fueled his lust an hunger 
to an almost impossible degree. "No, you don't." He very possessively 
clamped his hands on Xander's shoulders, holding him down.

"I don't?"

Decisive shake of the head. "Nope."

"May I ask why?"

Gracious nod this time. "You're quitting as of today."

Xander couldn't help it. He started laughing. "Whooo. That's a good one!" 
Spike glared at him. " Oh stop looking at me like that, you're making my 
sides hurt! Did you just say I'm quitting?" He snorted. "I don't know 
what kind of drug you've been smoking, my Spikey, but I have to pay the 
rent, remember?" Another snicker escaped out. "As much as I'd love to stay 
here boinking with you, that's just not possible." He was winding down to 
the occasional sputter. "And you call me cute! Quit....what a moronic 

At that, Xander was off and running again. He hadn't realised how tense 
he'd been since his fight with Buffy. Laughing felt remarkably good. Even 
better when he realised how pissed off Spike looked. Served him right for 
the embarrassing things he said earlier, Xander decided.

"Okay, all bloody right already!" Trying for dignity, Spike decided to 
clarify his earlier statement to the flushed boy beneath him. "Perhaps I 
didn't explain myself well enough."

Another snort. "Ya think?"

"Shut up Xander."

"I'm all ears."

"Are you done? Do you think you can control yourself now?"

A small tremor of uncontrollable mirth shook Xander's body. "Yep. Uh huh."

Spike opened his mouth to give the benefit of his wisdom to Xander. Before 
so much as a word escaped, the telephone rang.

"Fucking hell!" There went wisdom.

Xander shot him a cheeky grin. "This conversation is fascinating, really, 
but it'll have to wait 'til I answer that."

With a very beleagured sigh, Spike let his pet up. He propped himself on 
one arm, head in hand, appreciatively watching the view as Xander made his 
way towards the phone. What an ass. An ass, he assured himself, that he'd 
be partaking of as soon as the bloody phone call was over with.

Xander picked up on the third ring.

"Xander's Apartment of Insanity, how may I direct your call?"

There was an uncomfortable moment of silence. Xander seemed to droop, much 
of the vitality and humor fading from his face as though it'd never been.

"Oh. Hello, Willow."
