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by Rune
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Part One  

Desperation is like a herd of wild horses. It starts off slowly, cantering
along... gathers momentum, galloping now, faster and faster until at last,
breath ripping from the body, sweat flowing slick and acrid, it culminates
in a wild, frenzied hurricane, sweeping along everything in it's path,
swallowing all.

Xander Harris was at the galloping stage.

The boy sat in a miserable huddle in the depressing basement he called home,
this galloping desperation gnawing him like a persistent rat. He was in
love. This, in itself, was not a bad thing; he is young, attractive,
witty... and horny as hell. He has a girlfriend who enjoys his fit, hard
body on a regular basis, and women... well, at least the women who never
knew him at High School, are keen to make his acquaintance and try out that
fit, hard body for themselves.

No, the bad thing was not the being in love, it was the *who* he was in love

It had all came as a bit of a shock, really. The object of Xander's
affections had once been his bitter enemy. They say that familiarity
breeds contempt, well not in this case. Familiarity had led firstly to a
grudging admiration of his heart's desire's skills as a fighter, and then a
growing enjoyment and anticipation of the many verbal slanging matches they

The fact that he most always lost these duels did nothing to dampen his
enthusiasm, and Xander found himself sitting at night in his lonely
basement, dreaming up new and insulting barbs to fling at his opponent.

Xander loved to watch his nemesis' face when he launched these attacks.
His opponent was cunning and had a face which rarely gave anything away, but
on occasion the deadpan expression gave way to a sardonic grin which hung
lopsided on sensuous lips, or even better, a flash of white teeth and the
crinkling of ice- blue almond eyes when the barb pulled a laugh from it's

It was whenever Xander started to dream about those lips, those blue eyes
and the lean, gorgeous body that made up the rest of the package, that he
realised something was amiss.

Confusion reigned, and denial applauded on the sidelines. In a frenzy of
sexual fervour that he really didn't feel, Xander set about pillaging the
body of a bemused but nonetheless willing Anya night after night. Very
quickly, two things became apparent.

Firstly, constant sex made his cock feel as if it had been put through a

Secondly, although he tried really hard to stay focused, whenever that
delicious orgasmic wave hit him, the image branded in his mind was that of
his opponent, his one-time enemy, the Peroxide King himself, the Big


Xander had the hots for Spike.

Bad enough that Xander had once again fallen for a demon, but this time a
man... a bloke... a guy... a vampire... a *male* vampire... a
meat-and-two-veg vampire... a vampire with a cock... a large, delicious,


Xander shook his head and then cradled it in his hands, trying in vain to
dispel the image of himself on his knees worshipping at the Shrine of Spike;
his tongue gliding along Spike's cool, hard cock, his lips engulfing the
engorged tip, senses reeling as he tasted the salty pre-cum teardrop at
it's peak.

Xander's eyes closed and his breathing became ragged and quick. His sweati
ng hand unconsciously crept into his lap to the hard column of flesh growing
rapidly below his jeans. Longingly, he pressed the palm of his hand
against the hardness rhythmically, moaning softly, seeing Spike's face. He
imagined he could hear the vampire, long fingers tangled in Xander's dark
hair, his blonde head thrown back in abandon, moaning his name, pleading,

'Ahhhhhh yeah... suck it hard.... please, Pet.... please Xan...'

'...der... Xander. What, are ya bloody deaf?' The familiar voice sounded
deceptively close.

Xander's eyes sprang open in alarm. His eyebrows waggled as he tried to
figure out if this really was Spike standing in front of him, in his
basement, where he was sitting with a hard-on the size of Texas, a hard-on
that he was busily kneading with an eager hand.

Spike's eyebrow raised and the familiar, beloved sardonic grin spread across
his angular features. Amused, he took in the boy's appearance; tousled,
breathless, horny as hell by the looks of things... Jesus, the boy was
insatiable... Spike could smell demon-girl off Xander on every occasion that
they met recently, and yet here the boy was, ready to beat-the-meat all on
his own. The blonde vampire idly wondered if the whelp was as hot as he
looked, all dark silky hair, puppy-dog brown eyes, hard body, and that full,
sexy mouth ...

Sniffing, Spike shook himself from his ponderings and fished in his pocket
in search of a nicotine fix. No point wasting his time on the boy, he was
obviously *very* much into girlies... judging by the frequency with which he
screwed Anya. However, here was an opportunity for some prize winning
sarcasm, a subject which the vampire had turned into an art form.

'Well... seems I'm disturbing ya, peaches. Tell ya what, I'll leave you
alone now, let ya finish. Unless ya want me to stay and watch?
Watching's fun... even better than the horny stuff on telly, know what I
mean?' Spike followed up his statement with a broad wink.

Xander, horrified, leapt to his feet attempting to pull down his t-shirt and
cover the source of his embarrassment. Blind panic was written all over
his flushed face and he stuttered and stammered, but the treacherous words
just wouldn't come out. Oh gods, this was... disaster! Spike, the object
of all his hottest, wildest fantasies had just caught him virtually with his
pants down and his dick in his hand. And oh God... had he moaned Spike's
name... had he? Oh God... don't let him have heard, don't let him...'

The shocked boy watched as the object of his affections headed back towards
the door, a wispy trail of cigarette smoke following in his wake. Even now
Xander couldn't help but salivate as he watched Spike prowl across the
floor... damn, the vampire had the sexiest walk he had ever seen... he
seemed to undulate, and his body fairly screamed 'C'mon, fuck me... ya know
ya wanna.' And boy, did he ever...

Spike looked over his shoulder at the whelp. His thin eyebrows drew
together slightly as he studied the boy's expression. Mmmm... could he be
wrong? Xander was looking at him as if he could eat him on the spot. Now
*this* could be an interesting development! Could it be that the whelp
fancied a bit of the legendary shag that was Spike?

The blonde vampire stopped and slowly turned. The boy looked positively
delicious, standing hugging himself like a frightened rabbit but oozing
arousal and desire from every pore. Spike parted his lips and allowed the
tip of his tongue to slide slowly along his bottom lip as his blue eyes
devoured every inch of the dark haired boy's body, bottom to top.
Startling blue eyes met warm, deep pools of chocolate and with a glow of
satisfaction the vampire saw the spark of desire in those eyes grow.

Time stood still for Xander as he watched Spike's eyes hungrily and slowly
drink in his body, and the boy's heart hitched; a razor sharp stab of
desire slashing through him as Spike's tongue lazily moistened those
sensuous lips Xander craved. The boy gulped and suddenly the moment

'Oh, before I forget... Slayer sent me. She wants to know if you could
pick up some books for Giles from Red's place.' Spike smirked 'Ya know,
I don't think she likes going in there much anymore - frightened she'll
catch the two girlies going at it hammer and tongs.'

Xander laughed weakly. 'OK... yeah... no problem, I'll get right on it.'
he croaked.

Spike's smirk grew wider and he looked directly at Xander's crotch before
adding 'Right. I'll tell Slayer you have the... uh... *problem in hand*
then, shall I?'

A muted whimper escaped the boy's lips and he closed his eyes in
embarrassment. When he opened them again, Spike had gone.

Part Two  

It was just after ten when Xander decided to call it a night. He had been
with Anya and they had spent the evening rowing loudly and angrily. Things
were not rosy in the garden of Xander and now emotionally exhausted, all the
dark haired boy wanted to do was seek solace in his own bed and hope to
dream of the blonde vampire who was driving him mad with need.

Since his last encounter with Spike, Xander's confusion and frustration had
progressed from bad to worse. Worse being that now, contrary to the past
few weeks of frenzied coupling , he found himself unable to make love to
Anya at all. Not only unable, but unwilling.

Suffice to say, this turn of events had not gone unnoticed by Anya. She
was angry, hurt and bewildered by his reticence and suspected that maybe
Xander had a new lover in his sights. Of course she was right. However,
Anya thought it was another woman... Xander shuddered to think how she
would react on learning the truth. *Ex*-demon or no, Anya had a hell of a
temper and a wicked right hook.

The dark haired boy plodded towards home, his mind in a flurry of 'if
only's, what if's' and numerous pleas to all the gods that Spike might
return his affections. Xander found the last *extremely* unlikely. He
had, however, received a shred of hope in the form of, strangely enough, one
of the Watcher's aged and yellowed books.

The previous afternoon had been spent in Giles' home, helping with some
research for a paper the Watcher was writing in the hope of impressing the
Watcher's Council. Efforts were being made to aid the return of Giles to
the Council; the paper to be a reminder of his superb literary and
investigative skills. And so Xander had found himself poring through old
manuscripts and books on Vampyre Lore. The boy was surprised to find that
it made pretty interesting reading. Noted between the musty pages were
facts on the various vampire clans and observations on the culture and
hierarchy of the vampire as a whole.

Xander was amazed to read of just how close the bond between Sire and childe
could be. It seemed normal for the Sire to bed his childe, even if they
were the same sex, and he concluded from his readings that vampire society
hadn't the same hang-ups and taboos about same sex couples as humans did.
He stopped reading when he suddenly had a clear and graphic image of Spike
in the throes of passion, his slim body straddled by the larger form of his
dark haired Sire Angel, replete with game face and chewing on the blonde's
neck. Xander had shuddered and set the book aside.

Nearly home now and Xander suddenly became aware of strange noises coming
from an alley up ahead. The boy could hear snarls and a muffled voice
calling out - sounded like someone was in trouble. He stopped, his body
rigid with tension, and fear carving it's familiar yellow streak down his
back. Reaching into his pocket he stroked the familiar smooth lines of his
favourite stake. It was called 'Spike'... although no one else but Xander
was privy to *that* fact.

The stake had been given to him by Angel on Graduation Day just before the
Scoobys had faced Mayor Wilkins; it was made of oak and had been carried by
the vampire ever since he had started his collaboration with the Slayer - it
was a kind of 'going away' present. It's age and regularity of usage had
made the wood pale and smooth, and it reminded Xander in a strange sort of
way, of Spike's pale, marble like skin, and how he thought it would feel
beneath his fingers. He had, however, chosen the name 'Spike' specifically
because the stake was sharp and also because it was a cruel, barbaric
instrument... that was exactly how Xander had seen the blonde vampire at
that time - now it reminded the boy of Spike's more appealable qualities.

Xander suddenly found himself in the dark entrance to the alley, brave feet
had overruled a quivering heart and guided him automatically to that spot.
He supposed that after all these years of fighting and helping with the
slaying it had finally become instinct to seek out the evil and remove
it.... didn't make him any less terrified.

Frenzied snarls and growls and the sounds of a conflict in progress drifted
towards his keen ears. Moving slowly and as softly as he could, Xander
began to shuffle further into the alley. Cold beads of sweat tickled their
way along his spine raising goosebumps on the way, and he nervously gripped
'Spike' and flicked a stray lock of black hair from his damp face with his
free hand.

Closer now, painfully slowly, the dark haired boy crept up the alley. Up
ahead in the darkness he could vaguely make out five shapes struggling in
the darkness; four of the shapes appeared to be attacking a fifth but not
making a very good job of it. Faceless bodies struggled in the fray, the
thud of fists on flesh, the rumpus of bodies hitting stray trashcans and
bouncing off walls echoing up and down the dark, narrow arena, and the air
thick with growls and snarls and yelps of pain.

Xander, moving ever closer now through the rancid, stale vacuum in the
alley, could see that there were suddenly only four shapes - that was a
pretty good indicator that the assailants were vampire; no other demon
that he knew of simply disappeared when fatally wounded... was handy though,
no bodies to dispose of afterwards.

The boy hesitated... at least four... no, now three possible vampires... he
wasn't sure if he should try to help alone, the odds were not good for him.
It was then that Xander heard a voice that froze him to the spot.

'C'mon you wankers, is that the best you've got?' Thud of hard fist on
flesh 'I'm gonna rip off yer heads and piss down yer necks!'

It was Spike.

Xander gasped and for a second the blonde vampire's head snapped in his
direction, game face on and golden eyes glowing. One of the assailants
took that opportunity to wack Spike on the head with a trashcan lid,
knocking the blonde of his feet and onto the ground in a crumpled heap.
Laughing harshly the vampire began to kick Spike where he lay on the ground,
his grunts and snarls of effort drifting towards Xander on the charged air.

The dark haired boy grimaced, his heart pounding with fear for the blonde
vampire who was being mercilessly beaten to death before his eyes. Then,
even more horrifying for Xander, the other vamp now turned his attention to
the source of Spike's distraction. The vamps yellow eyes glowed balefully
and he moved cautiously towards the frightened boy. An evil chuckle seemed
to tickle Xander's ears.

'Mmmm... what have we got here then... Have you come to play too little
boy?' The vamp rasped, closer now; it could smell the fear coming from
Xander in waves.

'You... you stay away from me you... undead fiend!' Xander gulped 'I've
got a stake and I'm not afraid to use it!'

Glancing quickly over the vamps shoulder, Xander saw to his relief that
Spike had, somehow, gotten to his feet and was now making short work of
the other vampire... would he do it in time to help Xander...*would* he help

The terrified boy gripped the stake tightly and decided to go for it... if
he let the vamp get any closer he would have no chance of staking him...
best to try and rush him; he didn't figure the vamp would credit him with
the balls to take him on.

He was right.

Yelling at the top of his voice, Xander rushed the approaching vampire, his
arms stretched out in front of him hoping to either knock him down, or get
lucky and stake him. As it happened, he got a bit of both.

Spike picked himself up off the ground, furious. Laying into the vampire
who had been kicking the shit out of him, the blonde vampire's mind was
quickly reviewing the situation. He had been sauntering up the alley on
the way to his crypt, blood bags for his tea in a white plastic bag, when he
was set upon by the vampires. Spike hadn't been surprised. For one,
every demon in town counted him as fair game now and for two, the vamps were
so incompetent that he could smell and hear them long before they attacked.

The ensuing fight was proving quite fun; the hapless minions no match for
the experienced master vampire. Who the bloody hell did they think they
were dealing with? Old Spike might be chipped and unable to harm humans
but when it came to demons, it was business as usual. Things were going
fine, he was getting a happy and then all of a sudden the whelp shows up!
That little distraction was enough to give the opposing vampire the upper
hand... a temporary arrangement of course. He had delivered a pretty good
kicking to the blonde vampire, but it would take a hell of a lot more than
that to put William the Bloody down and, more importantly, keep him down.
The unlucky vampire had only succeeded in making Spike angry.

With a vicious twist, Spike snapped the vamps neck like a dry twig.
Ooohhhh that felt good... there was something about snapping necks that
Spike loved, whether it was that little cracking sound, the feel of the
vertebrae as they surrendered or the sheer poetry of the act, he never could
tell - but he loved it all the same. Dusting himself off, the blonde
vampire turned his attention to the boy.

Xander was praying. He wasn't altogether sure *who* he was praying to, but
he sure as hell hoped they were listening.

The boy's attack was not unsuccessful - he managed to stake the vampire but
just not in the stipulated heart zone. His attack had taken the vamp by
surprise; the momentum of the boy charging forward coupled with the
outstretched arms had knocked the vamp of it's feet. Somewhere between the
boy and the vampire hitting the ground, the stake had indeed struck home.
However, it was with unbelieving eyes that Xander saw his favourite stake
protruding from the vampire's groin.

High pitched squeals of pain and fury emitted from the agony stretched mouth
of the vampire, and pulling the stake free and throwing it to one side, it
scrambled to it's knees and swiped wildly at the boy with razor sharp
fingernails. The nails tore a bloody swath across Xander's chest ripping
through his t-shirt with all the ease of a hot knife through butter.

A flash of red-hot pain bathed Xander's upper body and he could feel the hot
blood creating a small stream that led from his chest to his navel.
Scrambling backwards on his haunches Xander tried to put a little distance
between himself and the approaching ugly death.

The wounded vampire watched him warily and slowly dragged itself from it's
knees with one hand cupping it's speared groin to stand over the trembling
human. It's fangs were bared and a long, sticky string of saliva hung
tremulously from it's bottom lip. It glared hatefully at Xander and then
it's lips spread in an evil smirk.

'I'm gonna castrate you boy... I'm gonna bite of your dick with my teeth and
then sit back and watch you bleed to death, you little pissant!' The
growling vampire moved closer still.

'I wouldn't do that if I were you...' a sibilant voice hissed behind the
enraged vamp.

Xander whimpered in relief as Spike grabbed his assailant and shook him like
a rat. The exhausted boy slumped on his knees as the vampires struggled
for the advantage. The wounded vampire lashed out and caught Spike a
glancing blow high up on his cheek; the blood flow was instant and heavy and
the blonde flinched, relinquishing his hold. Taking what was surely his
last chance, the vampire turned and fled down the alleyway, leaving the
blonde vampire and the boy alone and injured but alive... well, as alive as
a boy and a vampire could be.

Spike raced to the boy's side and cradling him gently, ran his hands over
the trembling body searching for injuries. Except for the nasty slash on
his chest, Xander appeared to be unhurt. The blonde vampire inwardly
sighed, and hoisted the boy to his feet. Holding him at arm's length he
studied the frightened brown eyes. What the bloody hell was it about this
whelp? He stirred something inside Spike, but just what that something
was, the vampire wasn't sure. What he *was* sure of however, was that he
was pretty bloody angry with him.

'Just what the *fuck* did you think you were doing Xander, eh?' Spike
paced away from the boy and hunted on the ground for his discarded blood
bags. 'What, you're mental... is that it? Christ boy, you could have
gotten yerself killed.'

'Oh... well thank you *very* much Mr Oh-thanks-Xander,
you-saved-my-worthless-hide!' the boy retorted.

Spike's eyebrows rose in surprise - spunky little bastard! Nearly got
hisself killed and now he had the brass cojones to shout back at *him*.
Retrieving his lost bag from the ground, Spike spun round to face a furious
Xander. Hang about... saved his worthless...?

'What? *You*... saved *me*? Now just a goddamned minute... Who was it
wondering around like a complete arse and nearly getting me dusted into the
process? Eh? Fuck me Xan, I could have *sworn* it was you! Oh...
maybe not... maybe you have an even *stupider* twin knocking around the
place somewhere. Tell ya what... let's look about... see if we can't find
'im, eh?' Spike ranted.

Xander's eyes opened in surprise and his heart did a funky little beat.
'Xan', Spike had called him 'Xan'. That was like, I dunno... a pet name.
Not as formal as Xander, yet not as insulting as Droopy Boy. Despite
himself, Xander smiled.

Spike frowned. What the bloody hell was wrong with the boy, standing there
smiling like a loon. He tutted in agitation and moved forward to face

'Look Spike... I was only trying to help. I thought those guys were
hurting you...' Xander said gently.

'Hurting me? Huh, yeah... in their dreams!' The blonde vampire swept
past Xander angrily 'Well Batman, the next time you feel like *helping*
someone, save it for the damsel's in distress or lost puppies or some such,
ya hear me? I don't need your soddin' help, get it?'

Spike glared at the boy on the way past. He nearly missed the flash of
pain and hurt that swept over those brown eyes. Nearly - not quite. He
strode on angrily for a moment and then stopped. Bloody hell... that boy
was gonna be the death of him... in a manner of speaking. The vampire
shifted from foot to foot, unsure of what to do. Should he leave the boy
and head to the crypt? No. What then, go back and get him... and then

With a snarl, Spike headed back towards the alley where he had left Xander
standing, all puppy-dog hurt eyes and dejected. Desperately thinking of
what he would say, the vampire was disappointed to find that the whelp was

Part Three  

Xander surprised himself by running all the way home. Whether it was the
fear of running into any more vampires or the fear of further humiliation by
Spike, he didn't know. Slamming the door behind him and throwing himself
on the bed, the dark haired boy pulled a pillow over his head. His brown
eyes filled with hot tears and a lump settled itself at the back of his

Curling himself into a ball Xander hugged himself and the pillow tightly,
the tears pricking his eyes. He winced in pain and a blossoming wave of
fiery pain slowly spread from the cruel gash on his chest. The boy could
feel a fresh spurt of warm blood spew from the wound, but he didn't care...
what did it matter anyway?

Surely there could be no more nastiness... hadn't he been hurt enough for
one day? The sound of the basement door opening and the prospect of being
found blubbing like a child signalled *Not*. Pushing his burning face
further into the pillow's depths he sighed.

'Whoever you are, just *go away*... I'm not in the mood.' he mumbled.

The unexpected guest nervously cleared his throat.

'Uh... Ummm... Xander?'

Xander's eyes snapped open beneath the pillow and a wave of exhilaration
swept over him.... quickly followed by a splash of trepidation. Had Spike
come here to yell at him again... to hurt him even? The slightly reddened
and worried eyes of the dark haired boy appeared over the rim of the pillow.
He eyed the vampire suspiciously before speaking again, angry at himself for
the tremble in his voice.

'Oh... Spike. What a pleasant surprise. You remember something you
didn't get the chance to yell at me earlier? Or are you here to break my
legs for daring to help the meanest, baddest vampire in Sunnydale, ummm?

The vampire grinned. Yup, this boy had spunk. Casually he draped himself
over Xander's saggy couch and grimaced as his recently beaten body protested
in pain. Patting his pockets in search of a cigarette Spike studied the dark
haired boy from under raised eyebrows. He sniggered.

'Yeah... what was it now... Oh yeah...'I've got a stake and I'm not afraid
to use it'... fuck me Xan, where the bloody hell did you drag that out

Xander gulped. There is was again... Xan. Oh gods. Alright... let's
not get all googly about one little word. The boy blushed and grinned shyly.
Spike reached into one of his pockets and retrieved Xander's stake. Eyeing
it with disgust, he threw it at the boy.

'Spike! You found Spike! I thought it was a goner... oh...' Xander's
words stuck in his throat as he saw the expression on the blonde's face
change from mild amusement to one of complete shock. Blushing even harder
now the boy mumbled 'Ok... thanks... I'll just put this over here...
hmmmm.' Xander cleared his throat and averted his gaze from the surprised

Spike didn't know whether to laugh or cry - the whelp had named his
*stake* after him - stake... ya know, that *thing* that's used to kill
vampires... of which he was one. Christ, if things got anymore ironic then
they'd pretty much be... ironic, I suppose. Still, the whelp was all
embarrassed now and damn if he didn't look incredibly cute with his blushing
and his bright eyes and his full, soft mouth curved in a shy smile. A jolt
of electricity seemed to centre itself at the vampire's groin and he shifted
uncomfortably in the seat.

Spike sniffed nonchalantly and the sweet, heady scent of fresh blood wafted
into his nostrils. He frowned, his blue eyes searching for it's source.
His sense of smell quickly pointed to Xander and Spike remembered that the
boy had been hurt in the affray.

Rising from his seat, the blonde put out his cigarette and prowled towards
the bed where Xander was still sitting hugging his pillow. The vamp noted
with amusement the boy's eyes widen as he approached, his face unsure of
whether or not Spike was going to hit him or hump him... given a choice
Spike was pretty sure that the answer would be 'hump'.

Xander sat frozen on the edge of the bed which shifted slightly as the
vampire sat down beside him. He had never really been in such close
proximity to Spike before and he marvelled at the vampire's smooth,
alabaster skin which was marred only by the nasty wound inflicted by their
assailants, and his piercing ice-blue eyes. Xander's hand itched to stroke
that cool cheek and the boy hastily moistened his trembling lips as his
heart began to pound and his breath quickened.

Spike's hand slowly reached out towards Xander and the boy whimpered. The
vampire's thin eyebrows rose and he laughed, not unkindly.

'Settle down, peaches, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I just wanna have a look
at that wound... could need a stitch or two... and ya gotta get it

The blonde's eyes narrowed in concentration as he gently lifted the
trembling boy's ripped t-shirt. Frowning, he gripped the shirt tightly in
both hands and tore it in two, pulling the pieces gently away from Xander's

Xander squealed, as much in surprise as in indignation. 'Hey... favourite
shirt there bud!'

Spike tutted and glanced up at him from beneath knotted eyebrows. 'Bloody
hell Xan, I think the shirt was pretty much sliced and diced anyhow!
Besides... it wasn't *that* nice...' He continued with his inspection of
the nasty and still bleeding gash before adding quietly 'Anyhow... the red
one looks a lot better on ya.'

Xander's mouth fell open and once again his heart did that funky little
beat, but before he could even think about speaking, the vampire sat back
with an unneeded sigh and wiped his hands on a piece of the tattered shirt.

'Well, it's deep and it needs cleaned, but I think you'll live.' Spike
arose from the bed and helped Xander to his feet. 'You really should wash
that out with some disinfectant or something... demons can carry all sorts
of nasty germs and such...'

The blonde vampire's voice trailed away as he stood face to face with Xander
and found himself up close and personal with those melting brown eyes and
sensuous lips. Spike could feel the boy's warm breath caress his cool
cheek and smell that special, heady scent that only Xander seemed to have.
Oh bloody hell... how he just wanted to lose himself in those eyes, those

Suddenly, as if in slow motion, Spike saw the boy's hand reach up and gently
touch his wounded cheek. The vampire drew in a ragged un-needed breath and
he wanted to grab the hand and slide one of Xander's long, warm fingers into
his mouth... wanted to taste him, to arouse him - ohhhhhh bloody hell, he
just wanted to fuck him long and hard. Before he could move a muscle
Xander spoke.

'Wow... that's incredible!' The dark haired boy's eyes widened in

Spike's eyes narrowed in confusion. 'What? What's incredible?'

'Your face... you had a big gash on your face, I saw it... but it's nearly
healed! How the hell did you do that? There won't even be a scar!'
Xander's fingers gently probed the vampire's rapidly healing wound in

'Owwww... Xan... bloody hell pet, it still hurts like a bitch!' The
vampire grumbled, gently gripping Xander's hand. 'Anyhow it's no mystery -
it's a vampire thing, we heal really quickly. Now if I licked it it would
heal even quicker... powerful stuff vampire spit.'

Xander laughed 'Hey, don't knock it bud! I could do with some of that
right about now...'

Spike smirked 'What, you want me to lick it for ya, is that it pet?' he

Xander's treacherous mouth let him down again - before he had a chance to
think he heard himself answering in a husky, lust laden voice.

'Ohhhh yeah... I'd like that...' A moist, pink tongue slid sensuously
across his full lips and the boy felt frozen in time, tension gripping his b
ody tightly. Treacherous mouth was joined by treacherous body as Xander
felt himself begin to go hard, and his breath caught in his throat as he saw
Spike's eyes darken with desire.

The vampire's blue eyes transfixed Xander's as he raised the still captured
hand belonging to the boy to his lips and slowly slid the middle digit into
his cool mouth. Xander gasped at the sudden wetness and suction and he
could all too easily imagine that suction action on other parts of his body.
Spike swirled his tongue around the tip of the boy's finger before sliding
it nearly all the way out and running it slowly across his lips.

Xander whimpered and began to breath heavily, his brown eyes heavy with
lust. Lips parted and his breath came in little jagged gasps. His cock
twitched beneath his trousers and he felt like he was gonna explode at any
second as he watched, mesmerised by the sight of his finger teasing the
vampire's mouth.

Spike stepped closer to Xander until they were practically touching, his
eyes never leaving the boy's face. Then the blonde leaned in close until
their noses were touching slightly and Xander could feel cool breath on his
fiery cheek as the vampire whispered hoarsely, his lips tickling the boy'

'Fuck, Xan... I wanna lick you all over... bottom to top' The vampire
backed up his words by slowly sliding his tongue along the trembling boy's
jawline all the way up to his earlobe which he drew into his mouth and
sucked gently.

The blonde's tongue soon found it's way into Xander's ear and probed wetly
eliciting a moan from the boy. Withdrawing his tongue, Spike rubbed his
cheek against Xander's enjoying the scrape of stubble that was growing there
against his uninjured cheek; the vampire closed his eyes and inhaled deeply,
the musky desire-filled odour from the boy filling his senses... damn, but
this boy was hot. Spike felt his growing erection brush against Xander's
already hard member and he ground against the boy gently, growling softly.

Xander gasped and his hips bucked automatically towards Spike, his hands
grabbing the slim vampire's hips and pulling him closer. Spike chuckled
softly and drew his head back slightly, wanting to look at the whelp's face;
to look in his eyes and see raw desire for the vampire reflected there.
The boy was flushed and his lips were full, ready to be plundered. So
close that his lips brushed Xander's with every word, Spike asked the
question that had fired the boy's every desire for weeks...

'Xan... do you want me pet?'

With a choked sob Xander managed to croak softly 'Fuck yes... please Spike,
please... please...'

The boy's pleas were silenced by cool lips pressing onto his. Xander
closed his eyes and a lone tear coursed it's way down his cheek... gods, he
had wanted this for *so long*... needed, yearned, wept for it. Inwardly
sighing, the boy gave himself up to sensation and relaxed into the vampire's
embrace as Spike's arm encircled him, and he felt the vampire's other hand
wander to the back of his neck where cool fingers curled and uncurled in his

Spike's mouth descended on the boy's, moving against the velvety softness
insistently. The vampire felt the boy relax in his arms and he parted his
lips allowing his tongue to probe a path through Xander's lips. The boy's
lips parted eagerly and Spike moaned deep in his throat at the sensation of
his cool tongue suddenly finding itself in the hot wetness of Xander's
mouth, and being probed and teased by Xander's equally hot tongue.

The kiss deepened and their tongues fought lazily, probing, darting,
sneaking out to tease lips. Xander whimpered and his breath came in ragged
gasps as Spike teased him with butterfly soft kisses and gently nipped his
bottom lip with his teeth. The boy's head swam and he weaved unsteadily in
the vampire's arms.

'C'mon pet... let's get you to bed' Spike whispered, leading the boy firmly
towards the bed and setting him gently down.

Xander watched as the vampire shrugged off his duster and unlaced his boots,
kicking them into the corner. Slowly, Spike slid off his black t-shirt and
let it fall to the floor before his hands wandered lazily down his own body
to the zip of his jeans. His blue eyes never leaving Xander's face Spike
slowly opened the button and pulled down the zipper, his hand slipping over
his navel and below his jeans to the large obvious erection beneath. The
vampire's eyes closed briefly and his lips parted in a moan; Xander nearly
swallowed his tongue as he watched Spike's hand move up and down slowly
beneath his jeans caressing his hard cock.

Opening his eyes Spike's gaze found the boy's and he whispered 'Do you wanna
touch me, Xan?'

Xander's own erection pleaded to be set free, pleaded for those cool fingers
to encircle it, pump it, make it cum. The boy reached out silently and
pulled the vampire towards him. His mouth was now flush with the vampire's
busy hand which Xander reached out and gently pulled free from the
restricting jeans. As if in a dream, Xander watched himself pull the jeans
down over the impossibly slim hips and wasn't really surprised to note that
Spike went commando - no boxers, no nothing... it was painfully erotic.

Xander gazed in wonder at the long, hard shaft jutting from the vampire's
body - he had never been this close to a naked man before although he had
envisionaged this scene with Spike a hundred times before in his head.
Slowly, he ran a nervous finger along Spike's shaft from root to tip,
gathering a small drop of pre-cum on the edge of his finger, confidence
growing as the vampire moaned and trembled. Staring directly into Spike's
heavy-lidded eyes Xander brought the finger to his lips and touched it with
his tongue.

Spike whimpered.

Bolder now, the boy gently gripped the vampire's cock at the base and
slowly, cautiously lowered his mouth towards it. He stroked his cheek
along it's firm length, marvelling at the silky softness of the skin and the
smoothness of the bulbous head. Xander's tongue snaked out and swirled
around the tip, probing into the little dip in the centre and tasting the
slightly salty clear fluid that oozed from it.

Spike hissed 'Ahhhhh... that's nice pet...'

Smiling, Xander placed his lips at the tip of Spike's twitching cock and
slowly slid the hard, cool length into his mouth. Sucking gently, his hand
moved at the base pumping slowly, oh so slowly and the boy's tongue caressed
the sensitive underside and head of the vampire's cock. Spike's hands
gripped the boy's head and he had to fight to stop himself from plunging
into Xander's mouth and thrusting into that hot, sticky wetness until he
came. The vampire watched, panting now, as the boy's head bobbed up and down
on his cock; his balls tightened and knowing that he wouldn't last much
longer, he gently pushed Xander's head away.

Xander looked up, confused... what was wrong, wasn't he doing it right?
Knowing how insecure the whelp was and guessing what was on his mind Spike
laughed nervously,

'Christ, Xander... steady on pet or I'm gonna pop right here and now.' The
blonde sat down on the bed beside the boy and took him in his arms,
showering him with frantic kisses. 'Bloody hell... you're so fucking

The pair collapsed onto the bed and Spike rolled on top of the boy, pinning
his arms above his head with one powerful hand. Xander's brown eyes stared
up at him nervously and with a chuckle the vampire lowered his head and
allowed his mouth to plunder the boy's body.

Tongue sweeping down the boy's neck and chest, Spike found Xander's nipples.
He licked and nibbled the buds into hardness, alternating between the two
while Xander moaned and fidgeted beneath him, grinding his pelvis against
the vampire desperately trying to find some friction.

Just below his breastbone the long, jagged gash sat out in harsh relief
against the smooth skin and the vampire gently began licking it clean.
Xander hissed in pain and Spike slid one hand down to the crotch of the
boy's jeans finding the hard length beneath. The blonde pulled down the
zipper and slipped his cool hand beneath the boy's boxer shorts to cup his
hot erection, pumping it slowly as he continued licking the wound. It
would still cause the boy considerable pain, but at least now Spike was
doing something else to keep his mind of it!

Xander lay beneath the vampire in a cloud of pain and ecstasy - he could
barely tell the difference between which sensation was pain and which
pleasure; the two merged to create a feeling that he had never even dreamed
of, and the boy guessed that being drained by the vampire whilst making love
would feel pretty similar... the idea was strangely compelling.

Just whenever Xander was becoming accustomed to the pain it was gone... only
to be replaced by even more pleasure. The boy tilted his head to watch the
blonde vampire's mouth travel further down his body and he obediently lifted
his hips to allow Spike to slide his jeans and boxers completely off. New
sensations flooded his body; the feeling of the vampire's cool, smooth skin
against his warm nakedness made him want to scream for more, and he longed
for the vampire to be closer, inside him, filling him with his coolness.

Once again as if reading Xander's mind, Spike wet a finger thoroughly with
saliva and gently probed between the boy's legs. Xander gasped and his
back arched as Spike slowly and carefully inched the finger past the ring of
muscle and inside him. The boy could feel his muscles reflexively grip the
vampire's finger and a burning, slightly painful sensation flooded his body.

Spike was achingly gentle - he knew that this was the boy's first encounter
of this sort and he didn't want to hurt or frighten him... best to take it
slowly, although all he wanted to do was replace his finger with his cock
and fuck the boy into the mattress. The slowness of their lovemaking was
maddening and exciting beyond anything the vampire had ever experienced and
he knew just how easy it would be to become addicted to this brown-eyed boy
and his tight, young body.

The vampire slid further down Xander's body and put his talented mouth to
work on the boy's rigid cock; he knew the boy wouldn't last long and he
wanted it to be memorable. After a few minutes of agonising teasing with
his tongue, the vampire's mouth engulfed the boy, sucking hard. Xander
moaned with every bob of the blonde's head and his hips bucked upwards
towards the vampire. Spike knew instinctively that the boy's orgasm was
near and he crooked his finger inside the boy, nudging his prostrate as he
simultaneously deep-throated him.

Xander's mind and body exploded in a haze of pure pleasure; the boy shouted
out Spike's name again and again as the orgasm ripped through him.

'Ahhhhh... Spike... Spike... don't stop... don't stop...' The boy arched
his back one final time as he exploded in the vampire's mouth and then his
exhausted body flopped back onto the bed, lungs hitching in great gasps of
air and his heart beating wildly. Xander lay, shocked by the enormity of
the orgasm he had just experienced; nothing he had ever had with any girl
*ever* was even close to this... this was... this was...

'Incredible... incredible... oh gods... incredible' Xander murmured again
and again like a mantra.

The blonde vampire studied the boy, amused. It was gratifying to see
Xander let himself go like that and the vampire was more than sure that it
was the singular most intense sexual experience of the young man's life to
date. Spike intended to make sure that the boy had many, many more with
him... he wasn't letting Xander go, not after this. Sliding up the bed
Spike lay down beside the boy and held him close, his own forgotten erection
digging into the boy's side.

'Was that nice then peaches?' the vampire asked innocently, smiling warmly.

Xander gathered the vampire in his arms and sighed contentedly, snuggling
against him and covering Spike's neck in kisses.

'Incredible, just incredible...' the boy murmured.

Spike chuckled, 'Yeah... you said that already once or twice.'

'But it was...' Xander protested and then suddenly realised that there was
still something cool and hard nestled between their bodies. Moving his
hands slowly down Spike's body, Xander stroked the blonde's erection and
smiled as the vampire moaned and arched his body towards him.

Xander pushed Spike back onto the bed and tongued his way down the vampire's
body slowly, taking time to lavish attention on the vampire's hard, erect
nipples; it was obviously a hot-zone on the blonde's body Xander pondered as
he bit and nibbled, judging by the moans of encouragement issuing from the

Xander's tongue made it's way to the rigid erection and the vampire growled
and shouted his name as the boy practically deep-throated Spike, struggling
hard to take the cool cock as far into his throat as he could in his
determination to make Spike scream with pleasure.

The vampire, in game face now, writhed and growled beneath Xander, strong
hands gripping the dark silky hair of the boy, hips thrusting upwards as he
urged the boy to take him deeper, to suck him harder.

It was then as the vampire's orgasm was clearly imminent, that Xander
wondered what to do next; did he spit the cum out or swallow it... oh
gods... what if it tasted *really bad* and he *had* to spit it out, would
Spike be offended? The vampire saved him the trouble of having to think
about it much longer by coming in his mouth with a roar, his bucking hips
nearly dislodging Xander.

Spike's cold seed spurted into Xander's mouth and hit the back of his
throat; the boy swallowed instinctively, the sticky fluid disappearing,
surprised and delighted that it wasn't as bad as he thought it was gonna be
and that he hadn't embarrassed himself by throwing up.

Spike's steely grip on Xander's hair let up and the vampire lay trembling
beneath him. Xander moved up the bed to lie alongside Spike and watched
with interest as the vampire's face slowly morphed back to it's human form.
Even in demon face Spike was sexual, magnetic, his golden eyes fierce and
dangerous and his mouth holding the promise of agonising death or dark
re-birth. Xander found himself wanting that mouth to be on him, on his
neck... he longed to feel the needle sharp fangs enter him, to feel Spike's
lips suckling...

The vampire studied the boy quietly; just what was going on in that head of
his now? His eyes widened as Xander's fingers gently touched his fangs
just before they disappeared back into his gums and he saw the look of
longing in the boy's eyes. Spike swallowed hard. He had to admit, Xander
gave a pretty mean blow job, but even if he was the best shag in the world,
nothing could replace the blood-play, the feeding... nothing.

'If it wasn't for this bloody chip...' the vampire whispered hoarsely,
emotion flooding him.

'Shhhhh, I know, I know... We'll find a way around it Spike, I promise.'
Xander whispered back, kissing his vampire lover tenderly on the lips.

Spike stared at Xander, his blue eyes still ringed with gold. 'You... you
*want* me to feed from you? Have you any idea what that would mean for you

Xander thought for a moment. 'No... not really. I know it would hurt,
but so does getting shagged up the ass and I want that more than anything!'
the boy laughed. 'Even so... I *want* you to have my blood, I want you to
have me... I'm yours Spike. I wanna *belong* to you.'

The dark-haired boy ended by embracing the blonde, snuggling against him
like a big pussycat. Spike swallowed hard again - this was too much to
have hoped for... it was like a dream. The vampire half expected to be
rudely awakened by an irate Watcher wanting to re-claim his bathtub.
Hugging the boy close to him the vampire smiled.

'Don't worry Xan, you do pet, you do.' Spike whispered 'You're mine now...
mine for good.'

Part Four  

Xander Harris was a happy man. For the first goddam time in his so far
miserable life, he was happy.

After the boy's black eye and split lip had healed, courtesy of a dumped and
angry ex-demon named Anya, he had made a conscious effort to get himself
employed. Why you ask yourself? Because now he had someone to support,
another mouth to feed... in a manner of speaking.

Things were pretty bleak on the job front and Xander found that the only job
available for a man of his limited skills was in a notorious biker bar about
half a mile outside the town limits. It was called, not surprisingly, The
Bucket Of Blood... although it could quite as easily be accurately re-named
to The Bucket Of Puke.

Every weekend a raucous and mostly crap rock band would assemble their
instruments on the rickety stage and churn out the most unbelievable noise
for three hours straight, while fat, leather clad and bearded bikers and
their 'old ladies' drank kegs of beer by the dozen, danced drunkenly and
fought enthusiastically... oh, and did I mentioned fucked? Jesus wept,
they screwed like bunnies in every available darkened corner, and if no
darkened corners were available they would just as soon put on a live show
for the other patrons.

Occasionally, things got *really* nasty - Xander remembered with a
shuddering dread one particular night in June. A couple of young girls
from town, no doubt excited by visiting an establishment of such a dubious
reputation and the promise of actually being able to get some liquor,
arrived in the bar. It took precisely 60 seconds for the girls to realise
that they had made a life-changing decision in deciding to visit this
particular hell-hole. Both girls had been brutally raped by at least half
the men present plus a few of the 'ladies' by the time that Xander had
managed to get the local law enforcement officers to stop by.

Spike had been furious when he realised just what sort of a dump his lover
was employed in, demanding that Xander hand in his notice and never return
to the bar. Xander, for once asserting himself, refused point blank.

For one thing, there were no other jobs to be had - Xander lived in the
basement of his parents house, but not for free. When his father had
discovered that Spike was a frequent sleep-over he had firstly beat the shit
out of Xander for not asking permission and then raised the rent - if the
'blonde freak' who had befriended his son wanted to sleep under *his* roof,
then he had to pay. It had taken a week before the pain of the beating
subsided and Xander knew only too well how much worse it could have been if
his father had even *suspected* that he and the 'blonde freak' were lovers.

Every pay-day Xander laid out the money for the rent, bought some food,
picked up blood and fags for Spike and then squirreled away what little
there was left and hid it in his 'special place' in the basement. No one
except he knew the money was there. The dark haired boy suffered working
like a dog in The Bucket Of Blood and the disapproval and endless
complaining of his lover because of this little stash of money. It was
their 'going away' money, his and Spike's. Just as soon as he had enough
money saved, Xander was taking Spike and getting the hell out of this
fucking town; away from the Hellmouth, away from The Bucket Of Blood, away
from the ever increasing threat to both Spike and himself from the town's
resident demon community and, most importantly, away from his bastard

Xander allowed himself a chuckle at the thought of him 'taking' Spike
anywhere. Spike was, and always would be, the dominant one, the driving
force in their relationship; but Xander sometimes allowed himself the luxury
of wallowing in the fact that Spike *needed* him. Unlife for the vampire
had been radically altered by the behaviour modification chip inserted in
his brain by the Initiative; altered to the extent that the vampire could no
longer hunt, no longer feed from humans, no longer defend himself against
them... hell, it even interfered in their love-making. Knowing that the
first few times they *really* made love would hurt Xander, Spike had shied
away from the actual shagging; neither of them were totally sure if Xander's
discomfort while shagging would actually activate the chip, but it was a
chance the blonde was unwilling to take. 'Fried vampire brains...' he
informed Xander, were 'notoriously hard to get out of the carpet.'

So life trickled along for Xander Harris. It was a pretty shit life as
lives go, but the one thing that kept him going, kept him happy was Spike...
Spike and the fact that in another couple of weeks he would *finally* have
enough cash for them both to leave.


William the Bloody was a happy vampire. For the first time in a long, long
time the vampire was actually happy. Things had sucked big time - the
Initiative, Dru leaving him, his now- hostile relationship with Angel; all
of it had made him so bloody miserable he had contemplated a short stroll in
the sunshine. Then it had happened; he had fallen in love. Now Spike's
unlife revolved around the dark-haired boy he adored and obsessed over.

Rolling over in bed Spike stared at his lover in the darkness. The vampire
had perfect night vision and he could make out every detail of Xander's
face. The whelp had been working all weekend in that bloody pub and he was
exhausted; crawling into bed in the early hours of Monday morning the boy
had slept like the dead, moving only when the bad dreams he had suffered
with increasing frequency lately disturbed his slumber.

The blonde's internal clock told him that it was just after sunset and time
to feed, but first...

Sidling slowly to Xander's side the vampire writhed sensuously against his
young lover relishing the smooth silky warmth of his skin. Within seconds,
Spike was hard... Bloody hell, it never ceased to amaze him; one touch,
one look from the whelp and he, Master vampire and killer of two Slayers,
turned into a horny, trembling mess! There was only ever, in all of his
unlife, one other person who could make him feel like this - Angelus his
sire, in those heady days before the Slayer, before the curse when Angelus,
the Scourge of Europe and his blood-childe William the Bloody ruled the
world... well, it *felt* as though they had.

Xander lay on his side facing away from the blonde. Spike's tongue snaked
out and he started to lick the boy's naked neck and back with long wet
strokes, his cool hands stroking the boy lightly, fingers seeking out and
gently tweaking sleeping nipples. The vampire smirked as the boy stirred
and moaned softly and he continued rolling Xander's nipples between his
thumb and finger, feeling the soft buds turn into hard little peaks.

Sliding further down the bed the vampire's mouth licked and nibbled it's way
along Xander's spine finding the hot-spot at the bottom of his back, a
little spot at the base of his spine that made the boy quiver when it was
licked. Spike's hands followed the downward route at a leisurely pace,
twirling patterns in Xander's navel and tugging playfully at the silky
covering of hair just below.

Xander continued to stir; he stretched lazily like a cat, lifting his arms
above his head and leaning his body back against his lover. Spike laughed
softly when the boy's erection brushed his hand and he moved position so
that he could lavish the same sensuous licks on the boy's torso that his
back had enjoyed. Hooking one of Xander's knees over his shoulder, the
vampire moved in between the boy's legs, his tongue licking patterns on
Xander's inner thighs and moving teasingly close to his balls. Glancing
quickly upwards Spike could see that the boy's eyes were still closed.
Smiling indulgently the vampire rested his weight on his elbows and studied
the boy.

'I know you're awake, Xan...' Spike chuckled 'I can tell by your

Smiling slyly, Xander's eyes slowly opened and the vampire was overjoyed (as
he always was) to see the boy's brown eyes filled with love and warmth.
Xander reached for him and in a second Spike was in his arms, cool lips
searching for his, tongue probing and darting. The kiss was long and deep
leaving Xander flushed and gasping for breath; he tenderly traced the sharp
contours of his vampire lover's face with his fingertips, and when he spoke
his brown eyes never left the icy blue of Spike's gaze.

'Spike... I have something to tell you.' the boy started.

The vampire's eyes narrowed and he tensed in the boy's arms. 'Oh no Xan...
don't pet... please don't say it' he murmured mournfully.

Xander's eyebrows shot up half an inch 'What? Say what? Oh no, it's
not *that* kind of a what... it's the good kind, ya know... the 'O Negative'
kind, the 'Sunshine On A Rainy Day' kind... the...'

Spike's eyes were wide and his look was one of fear 'Oh bloody hell no,
Xan... don't say it! Don't tell me you're gay!' The vampire finished his
statement in a camp falsetto, wiggling his eyebrows for effect.

Xander stared at him open-mouthed, while the vampire dissolved into fits of
laughter on the boy's chest.

'Oh har-de-har Mr Funny Man...' Xander scolded 'That's right... make fun
of me, make fun of poor stupid, gullible... gay Xander' The boy's voice
tailed away into giggles and the lovers held on to one another and laughed
until Xander nearly choked.

Still in each others arms Xander stroked the blonde vampire's head as it lay
on his chest. 'Seriously though... we gotta talk.'

Spike's head tilted towards the boy's face. 'Hey, it's not like my Xan-pet
to be serious... What's up?'

Xander took a deep breath. 'Well... you know how I've been busting my ass
over at The Bucket Of Blood these past few months? Well, newsflash! I've
been holding out on ya... been putting some dollars away and I've managed
to save enough so that we can catch the next banana boat out of this dump in
another two, maybe three weeks. I didn't want to tell ya before, wanted it
to be a surprise and all...'

'No, Xan.' The vampire said softly. 'And if I'm gonna be perfectly
honest with ya... I knew about your plan all along.'

Xander fidgeted beneath the vampire, worry washing over him like cold water.
'What? You knew? How could you know? And no... what does *no* mean, no
*what*... hey, are gonna leave me? Is that what this is all about? C'mon
you undead... gay... creature of the night, spill!'

Inwardly sighing, Spike sat up and fixed Xander with his 'annoyed' face.
'Firstly, no... I'm *not* gonna leave you, where the hell did you get that
idea? Secondly, I happened to find your little stash one night when I was
looking for somewhere to hide some cash of my own; I put two and two
together and guessed. Thirdly... who told you I was gay?' the blonde

'OK... but that doesn't explain the *no* part...' Xander spluttered.

'Ahhh... the *no* part. Well, you said that in two or three weeks you
would have enough to get us out of here to which I said *no*.' Spike fell

Exasperated, Xander whined 'Spike!'

Smiling evilly, the vampire continued '*No*, we won't be leaving here in two
or three weeks... it's gonna be more like, ohhhhh let's see now... about
four days.'

Xander spluttered anew 'Four... What? How? What?'

'Bloody hell Xan, if you say *what* one more time I may have to stake
meself!' Spike looked at his lover's flustered face and decided that he
had teased him enough for one day... well, in that sense anyway.

Pulling Xander close the vampire spoke softly to him, stroking the boy's
dark silky hair and interspersing speech with light kisses. 'Look pet, I
know how much you hate it here, living in this dump with those bastard
parents of your's upstairs and let's face it... it's getting dangerous in
Sunnydale for you now, being with me and all.'

Spike kissed the boy before continuing 'I got some money working for
Willie... cleaning the bar when he closes up, delivering some messages for
him and that... I wanted to help pet, I *know* how hard it is living here,
keeping us a secret. So the money's yours. With what you've gathered up
I reckon we can haul tail out of here just about any old time ya like.'

Xander stared at the vampire with something close to awe. The boy's lips
trembled and his brown eyes filled with tears. 'You did that for *me*?'

Spike smiled gently 'No, pet... I did it for *us*... now come 'ere...'

The vampire's cool lips sought Xander's and he melted into the embrace.
Christ, he just couldn't get enough of the boy and he yearned for the day
that he could shag him properly... he knew Xander did too, but it was much
to dangerous... the vampire had an idea that his brain really *could* be
fried by the damned chip - well, he wasn't about to find out, there had to
be another way. But until then the vampire intended to enjoy his lover as
best he could.

Breaking their kiss, Spike moved gracefully from Xander's arms down to the
position he had started off in - between the boy's legs. He lathed the
boy's rapidly hardening cock with his tongue, teasing the weeping tip and
dipping his head to lick the heavy orbs below. Xander sighed and curled
his fingers in the vampire's blond hair, hair which was surprisingly soft
and surprisingly curly when it wasn't held in place with half a tub of gel.

The boy loved it when he and Spike showered together; then the vampire's
hair hung in his face in cute, wet curls making him look impossibly young
and boyish... almost human. However, Xander found himself increasingly
attracted to Spike the demon; the vampire was mostly always in game face at
the climax of their loving and Xander wasn't afraid to admit that there was
something damned exciting about staring into that feral face, something
primal within him longed for the demon to sink his sharp fangs into him and
for he to bite the demon in return. Lately, Spike found himself covered in
bites after they had made love - not that he minded of course, but it
brought home the painfully obvious fact that he was, at least as a demon,
effectively impotent.

The lovers spent a blissful half hour in a tangled embrace of limbs and
tongues before Xander reluctantly extricated himself from the vampire's
embrace and got showered and dressed. The boy was beside himself with
glee; he had people to see, things to do, plans to make... In another few
days they would be history, out of here, vapour trails, fading memories...
His head full of ... well, stuff, Xander headed out into the Sunnydale
night leaving Spike to his own devices.


One thing that Xander and Spike definitely had in common was something
called 'Sod's Law'. You could be sure that whenever happiness raised it's
ugly head, then misfortune would suddenly say 'Hey! You're happy? Can't
have this... no, no, no...'

Xander happily strutted towards the Slayer's place of residence in search of
the now mostly-defunct Scooby Gang. Where once they had all been *so*
close, now they walked their own paths, went their separate ways, lived
their own lives. Xander rarely saw any of them anymore; this had in the
early days come as something of a shock. The boy had found himself on the
outside looking in on what had once been, to all intents and purposes, his
family and his only friends. There was an excruciating lonely few months
in between his enforced separation from the rest of the Scoobys and the
commencement of his love affair with Spike.

This was probably why the prospect of saying farewell to his friends didn't
loom as forebodingly as it might have once, in fact Xander was going to
*enjoy* telling them of his imminent departure - let it be him leaving
*them* behind for a change. He had also decided that he was going to tell
them about himself and Spike. This had been something the vampire had been
reluctant for him to do; Spike didn't want the boy to alienate himself from
his friends and *also* he didn't much relish Slayer coming after him, stake
in hand... not only that, but Spike was well aware that if Buffy knew of
their little secret then it was only a matter of time before his Sire found
out, and the vampire wasn't quite ready for that - this was something Angel
needed to hear from himself, but their present relationship being as it was
Spike found that *highly* unlikely.

Xander was a few meters from Buffy's place when he spotted her, long blonde
hair shrouding her face and her voice tinkling happily as she stepped into
Riley Finn's car. The boy started to run, hoping to catch the couple
before they left.

'Buffy... Hey, Buffy... Wait... Goddamit!' Xander pulled up short as the
car sped off leaving a small cloud of fumes in it's place; man, Finn want's
to give that baby an oil change!

OK... time for plan B, Willow and Tara's place. Xander turned to leave and
nearly ran head first into a shape standing silently behind him.

'God... I'm sorry... just call me Mr Clumsy...' The boy's voice trailed
away when he realised who, or what, it was.

'Well, well, well... If it isn't Spike's little fuck-toy! Ohhhhh I can't
begin to tell you how happy I am to see *you* again.'

With an icy wave of fear that nearly made him retch, Xander realised that it
was a vampire... not just *any* vampire, but the vampire he had speared on
that fateful night that he and Spike had first... Backing away slowly the
boy's head darted from side to side frantically searching for some escape,
for someone to help him - but Xander had lived in Sunnydale long enough to
know that at night no- one could hear you scream... and if they did, they
weren't much inclined to help.

The vampire's evil chuckles scuttled up and down Xander's spine like spiders
and the demon approached him leisurely. 'Well... I pretty much think we
can dispose of any pleasantries seeing how we already know each other and
all, what do you think fuck-toy?'

Xander stood his ground and answered with a bravado he most definitely
*didn't * feel. 'I think you should pretty much just shut the hell up and
get on with it. You're gonna bite me, right? You know it and I know it
so let's just do it!'

The vampire's face contorted in rage and he growled, yellow fangs glinting
hatefully in the dim street light. 'Oh you are such a smart mouthed little
bitch, aren't you? Spike's mouthy little bitch! Well bitch... here's
some news for ya... I'm not gonna bite ya, ok? I wouldn't put you anywhere
*near* my mouth, not knowing who's dirty little toy you are!'

For a moment Xander nearly believed that he was going to live... maybe the
vampire was frightened enough of Spike not to tamper with his property.
And speaking of Spike...

From out of the corner of his eye Xander could see him at the bottom of the
street, blonde hair shinning like a beacon in the darkness... he just hoped
Spike could see him and his present predicament.

The approaching vampire followed his gaze and laughed. 'Dream on bitch,
he'll never make it in time. Now... where were we?'

Xander laughed nervously 'Well, right about the point where you said you
weren't gonna bite me *if* I remember rightly...'

Cocking his head to one side the vampire thought for a moment. 'Yeah
bitch... I think you're right. OK... well I'm not gonna bite you...
doesn't mean I'm not gonna kill you though!'

The last thing that Xander saw before he crumpled to the cold ground was the
vampire's hand swiping towards him. There was a flash of fiery agony
across his throat... and then, mercifully, blackness.....

Part Five

Hope Valley, New Mexico.

Nightfall approached in the once sleepy community of Hope Valley. There
was a time that come nightfall the residents of this little town retreated
behind closed doors with their families to enjoy quiet evenings of
television, video games and normal happy family life.

Not anymore.

There were precious few happy families left in Hope Valley; in the past few
months there had been an exodus, parents and their children leaving behind
the little town which had been cursed with the blackest scourge - vampires.

Six months previous, a battered black de Soto had roared into town, it's
occupants searching for a new home and a new start. Finding, of all
things, an old abandoned and de-consecrated church on the outskirts of town,
the occupants of the car set about nailing up the windows and making
themselves at home. Of course it wasn't long before this tiny community of
two became a *whole* lot bigger, and before long this new nest of vampires
became notorious and the demon population in general began to swell.
Rumour had it that this little town was close to a hellmouth, but of course
that could just have been speculation.

The undisputed master of the nest was a vampire who had over the centuries
become the stuff of legend; a famed torturer and merciless killer, he ruled
this 'roost' with a rod of iron... well, not so much a rod... more like a
handful of railroad spikes.

Now standing in his private quarters in the inner sanctum of the old church,
William the Bloody stared impassively at the battered and bleeding vampire
before him. The miserable specimen trembled on the ground before the
Master vampire, trembled as much as he could tremble being nailed to the
floor. Even the most bloodthirsty of his minions were impressed and
terrified by their Master's brutality... Spike had always been known for his
ferocity, but this far outstripped anything that the minions had either seen
or heard of before.

It had lasted for a week.

Vampire limbs do grow back and heal given time and Spike had enjoyed slowly
slicing off and sawing through the bone of every one of this poor
unfortunates arms and legs one at a time. In between times the Master
vampire would amuse himself by gouging out the vampire's eyes or ripping out
his tongue... but his favourite part was when he watched his lover ripping
off the screaming vampire's genitals with his teeth. But now the time had
come to say goodbye... no amount of torture could change history, no amount
of pain give back to Spike what this vampire had stolen from him... for this
was the vampire who had slit Xander's throat and robbed the Master vampire
of the most precious thing he had ever possessed.

Spike turned from the quivering mass on the floor and sat down heavily on a
large chair. With an un-needed sigh he fished a packet of cigarettes from
the pocket of his faithful duster and sparked his little gas lighter,
igniting one of the cigarettes. Rolling it between his finger and thumb he
stared off into space, memories flooding his head and emotion choking him.

It was exactly a year to the day.

This day twelve months ago the bastard demon nailed to his floor had taken
his Xan...


Spike had been searching for the boy. Guessing correctly that Xander was
on his way to the Slayer Spike had followed, picking up the boy's scent as
he neared his destination and becoming more and more worried as he picked up
the scent of a hunting vampire right alongside his pet's smell. The blonde
had watched helplessly as the vampire had slit Xander's throat and then made
off into the night. Roaring in anguish, Spike raced to the boy's side, but
it was too late; too late to get him to hospital, to late to save him, to
late to save Xander, his love... his pet...

Blinded by fear and grief, Spike scooped up the bleeding boy and ran until
he reached the basement room they shared and there he lay down on the bed
beside his darling. What could he do? The vampire's nostrils flared at the
sight and smell of fresh blood and Spike looked in anguish at the jagged
tear on the boy's throat. Xander was pale now, his life's blood pouring
from the wound and his tenuous hold on life and humanity swiftly slipping
away. Spike's demon screamed in frustration... if only he could bite, then
he could turn the boy... never have to lose him.

The Master vampire thought quickly - he knew Xander was nearly drained. If
he could stand the pain, feed from the boy for just a few precious
moments... Jumping from the bed, Spike ran to the corner of the room and
lifted one of the boy's t-shirts before racing back to Xander's side.
Flinging his duster to the floor the vampire hurriedly slashed the inside of
his arm from elbow to wrist with his wickedly sharp nails - the blood welled
from the deep wound and began to drip onto the blonde's jeans. Nearly
sobbing with fear and rage and haste Spike pulled Xander onto his lap and
wound the t-shirt tightly around his arm and the boys head, effectively
wedging his bleeding forearm over the boy's slightly gaping mouth.

Xander twitched and began to cough weakly, the vampire's blood trickling
down his throat - that was the sign Spike needed. With no hesitation, the
blonde vampire leaned over the boy and sank his fangs deep into the bloody
wound as soon as they slid from his gums.

The pain was like nothing Spike could possibly have imagined.

White-hot agony radiated from the vampire's brain and surged throughout
every nerve in his body. Screaming into the wound he bit down
spasmodically and the remaining trickles of the boy's blood flowed anew down
his throat. Every muscle in Spike's body spasmed only serving to grip the
boy to him even tighter and the lovers jerked and twitched on the bed in a
hideous parody of their lovemaking. The vampire's eyes bulged and it felt
as if his brain was combusting inside his skull - with one final convulsion
the vampire flopped back onto the bed, pulling the body of the boy with him,
and with blood and foam flecking his demon's face the vampire's eyes rolled
back into their sockets and he moved no more.

Just as the sun had set on the next evening there was a movement on the bed.
No one was there to watch as Xander, lover of William the Bloody, was
re-born. Growling, the boy extricated himself from his Sire's grip and
examined the still, lifeless form on the bed beside him. The boy's feral
features widened in a grin as he saw the blue eyes of his beloved snap open,
but it was with despair that he realised that Spike had been so badly brain-
damaged that open his eyes was virtually all he was capable of doing.

Xander cradled the blonde's body to him and kissed him tenderly. 'I love
you Spike... I'm gonna make you well again, gonna make you strong...'
Without permission, but knowing that it was what his Sire would have wanted,
the boy sank his fangs into his master's arm and drank, and when he was done
he laid his lover gently on the bed and left the basement... time to hunt,
time to feed. Xander chuckled darkly. Time to go into Sunnydale and
bring back a little something for Spike.

It was two months before Spike could sit up alone, four months until he
could speak, six until he could walk - but Xander was there with him,
feeding him, helping him to walk again. The boy was sly, intelligent;
realising that it was only a matter of time before Slayer hunted down the
new killer in town he took his feeding outside town limits, outside to the
one place he *knew* Slayer wouldn't much care about... The Bucket Of Blood.

For nearly six months the boy managed to evade the Slayer. Buffy and her
Slayerettes were frantically looking for him, unable to believe that their
Xander would leave without so much as a 'goodbye' - the boy's parents just
couldn't have cared less and it was only a month after their son's
disappearance when they rented his basement room out to someone else.

Moving himself and the helpless Spike out of the basement and into the old
Station House, Xander regularly visited The Bucket Of Blood getting the
fresh blood his Sire needed to regain his strength. With his dark good
looks it wasn't hard to persuade someone, be they male or female, to
accompany him back to his place for some 'good times and hot lovin'. He
was careful to chose only those whom he thought wouldn't be particularly
missed - some of these bikers were nomadic by nature moving from town to
town; the boy harvested them and the scores of whores and sluts that
frequented the bar in search of cheap thrills and hard loving. He was also
careful not to turn anyone; let's face it he had enough to contend with
trying to look after and feed Spike without having some godammed useless
minions running under his feet and drawing attention to him.

No, Xander believed that their best chance of survival was to remain
hidden... at least until Spike was strong enough to leave Sunnydale... then
they could leave together, start again just like they had always planned.
So the boy faithfully nursed and fed his Sire back to strength. Every
morning just before the sun rose Xander would clamber into bed beside his
lover and gather the blonde in his arms.

Xander's body screamed for Spike; the boy seemed to be in a permanent state
of arousal and he yearned for the day when his Sire would throw him onto
their bed and fuck him long and hard, fuck him while his fangs ripped into
his neck, fuck him while he drained him.

Xander's hand strayed down his lean body and stroked the growing erection
between his legs. His hand moved with languid strokes as he teased the
erection to fullness. Moving onto his side the boy gathered Spike to him
and arranged him on his back with one of his legs hooked over Xander's, then
slowly and sensuously he stroked the blonde's torso teasing and tweaking his
nipples to hardness before moving downward to his waiting, hard shaft.
With his free hand Xander stroked his own body, closing his eyes and seeing
Spike in his mind; Spike as he used to be; icy blue eyes sparkling with lust
and his busy tongue between Xander's legs licking... his cool, wet mouth
sucking... sucking... harder and harder...

Xander moaned as the fantasy played out in his mind, pumping his erection
frantically; his other hand pumping Spike's rigid cock with equal
enthusiasm. The boy's head swam with images of naked Spike, moaning Spike,
begging Spike; he imagined he could hear Spike moaning, moaning his name
over and over... 'Xan... oh Xan... don't stop, pet... don't stop...
Until one morning, oh fuck, one *joyous* morning he *did* hear Spike moan.

Not missing a stroke the boy turned his head and gazed into the lust-filled
eyes of his lover, saw his lips move as he moaned his name... the boy
climaxed with a groan and sobbed as Spike's eyes closed and he yelled out
Xander's name as he came. The dark haired vampire slid down his lover's
body and lovingly licked the cum from his belly, relishing every drop, his
tongue probing in Spike's navel to retrieve the precious nectar. When he
was done the boy rejoined his lover and sobbed anew as the blonde vampire
smiled at him and spoke for the first time in four months... 'I love you,

It was only two months later, when Spike could walk again, that the lovers
left Sunnydale in search of pastures new. Spike was in agreement with
Xander; they needed to lay low until Spike was fully strong again...
'*Then*...' the blonde vampire hissed coldly 'It was gonna be payback

On the final night of their stay in Sunnydale, by way of a celebration,
Xander brought home a young man for dinner. Long haired and quite
obviously effeminate, the man was thrilled to find that there was not one
but two gorgeous young men who fancied his company. However, when
dinnertime came their 'guest' was horrified to learn that he was on the
menu; making a break for the door the terrified man pushed Xander roughly to
one side knocking him down, and then attempted to run past Spike.

It was then that the miracle was discovered.

Up until now Xander had been feeding Spike; bringing home the victims,
making the incision and then allowing his Sire to drink first from the
wound. The vampires were both frightened of activating the cursed chip and
damaging Spike's brain for good. Although against his nature *especially*
with his Childe, Spike had went along with it, not willing to dust himself
or even worse leave himself an unmoving, unspeaking husk for good. But now
rage got the better of him. Spike snarled and grabbed the hapless human by
the throat... how dare he touch his Childe! Morphing quickly into game
face the blonde wrenched the screaming man's head to one side and sank his
fangs into his neck, severing his carotid artery.

The blonde vampire moaned in ecstasy as the hot blood spurted down his
throat... Ahhhhhh, it had been *so* long... He greedily sucked the blood
from the human's neck, his fangs sinking deeper in his blood-frenzy, his
cock a cool, hard rod in his trousers and all the time the heartbeat
pounding slower and slower and the blood singing through rapidly emptying
veins as the vampire moaned and fed. Satiated at last, Spike let the man's
drained body drop to the floor and stood on trembling legs, freshets of
blood coursing down his chin and onto his chest. The blonde vampire's head
was spinning, spinning from the feeding, spinning from the blood-lust,
spinning from shock.

Xander still lay on the floor where he had landed when their ex-guest had
pushed him over. He watched in wonder and growing lust as his Sire
viciously fed from the human. The boy thought that he had never seen a
more beautiful sight - his Master standing before him, his demon's face to
the fore, bloodied and aroused from the feeding. Xander got on his hands
and knees and crawled to Spike's feet; the blonde watched in approval as the
dark-haired boy bent and kissed his feet over and over, his voice heavy with
emotion as he murmured 'Sire... I love you... I'm yours, only yours...'

Spike pulled the boy to his feet and they stood toe to toe, smiling at one
another; Xander reached out and touched his Master's ridged forehead with
reverence, both of them shocked, delirious at this new turn of events.
Spike pulled the boy to him roughly and plundered his mouth, his tongue rich
with the newly stolen blood. Xander sucked his Sire's tongue eagerly and
whimpered as he felt the blonde's bulging erection jabbing his.

Grabbing Xander by the hair Spike pushed the boy back to his knees and
unhurriedly unzipped his jeans freeing the hard length within. Eagerly the
boy took him in his mouth, his tongue frantically sweeping from root to
weeping tip, his lips sucking hard. Spike's hips bucked and holding the
boy's head firmly he fucked his mouth roughly feeling the tip of his penis
hit the back of the boy's throat. Xander moaned, relaxing his throat
muscles and trying to accommodate his Sire's large and rigid member.

Suddenly, Spike withdrew and pulled the boy to his feet. The Master
vampire dragged the boy to their bed and threw him on it.

'Undress, Xan' the blonde rasped, ripping off his own clothes.

Xander stripped and awaited his Sire's instructions, anticipation mounting.
He glared at Spike with brown eyes heavy with lust, then slowly licked his

With a snarl Spike forced the boy onto his hands and knees. Bending over
him and gripping his slim hips the blonde bent his head and sank his fangs
into Xander's shoulder. The boy moaned, but the moan turned to a whimper
of disappointment when the fangs where retracted. Spike chuckled as with
one hand he smeared the boy's blood over his rigid cock.

'Blood, my Childe, is the *best* lubricant there is' the blonde growled as
he slipped a finger inside the boy, stretching him, preparing him. Xander
moaned in pleasure and pushed back against the teasing fingers, wanting
more. Spike slid his finger out slowly, gripped the base of his shaft
and slowly pushed his way into the boy.

Xander snarled and whimpered in pain, his Sire's length filling him until he
felt he would come apart at the seams. The bottom half of his body was
filled with an burning ache and his muscles bore down and protested at this
intrusion. Spike started to move in and out at an achingly slow pace,
gradually working his way deeper and deeper into the boy's body. It took
immense self-control to stop from slamming his cock into Xander, slamming
and fucking and fucking until the whelp screamed... but that was for another
night when the boy was more accustomed to this.

Spike was moving faster now, deeper, nudging the boy's prostrate... Xander
moaning and writhing beneath him, begging for more, begging for release.
Reaching round the blonde vampire gripped his Childe's rigid length and
pumped it in time with his thrusts, waves of pleasure rippling through his
body, his cock sheathed in cool, tight muscles that squeezed and kneaded.
Bending over again Spike sank his fangs into Xander's shoulder once more,
feeding roughly, rotating his hips and sending the boy over the edge
screaming his name, cold seed spraying from his body. Spike wrenched his
mouth from the boy and roared as he exploded inside him; then the lovers
collapsed on the bed, gasping un-needed air, sharing frantic kisses and
making promises of eternal love.

Moving onto his back, Spike reached over and gently pulled his Childe into
his arms. Lovingly, he traced the contours of Xander's face with his
fingers before tilting his neck and inviting the boy to feed. The blonde
groaned as Xander's needle-sharp fangs punctured his skin, but the feel of
his lover's lips on his neck feeding from him was pure bliss.

Then they slept.


Finishing his cigarette, William the Bloody got to his feet and once more
stared down at the agonised vampire on the floor.

It was ironic, but in a way he had a lot to thank this bastard for... after
all, if *he* hadn't nearly killed Xander then Spike wouldn't have had to
turn him. If Spike hadn't turned him, well then he would never have
burned out that damned chip in his head... at least that's what *seemed* to
have happened to it - there was no other explanation for what had happened.

But now we come to the crux of the matter, eh?

OK... Spike still had Xander... but not *his* Xander. The new demonised
model was so far removed from the original as to be unrecognisable. The
Xander Spike had loved was shy, insecure to the point of absurdity; he loved
and made the *stupidest* jokes, had viewed the world in a sort of child-like
awe and was the gentlest most loving being that Spike had ever met.

Being with Xander's vampire counterpart was akin to being with the boy's
evil twin... which in effect he was. Spike had been different when with
the original Xander; something in the boy had brought out the last stubborn
vestiges of humanity in him, and Spike had to admit that he had very much
enjoyed what they had between them.

But now that was gone... gone forever. William the Bloody was back and now
*everyone* was gonna pay.

Sniffing nonchalantly, Spike reached into his pocket and drew out his
namesake stake. It was the only remaining thing that he had from *his*
Xan; it seemed fitting somehow that it should end this bastard vampire's
unlife. Reaching over, Spike plunged the stake into the vampire and it
exploded in a puff of dust.

'That one's for you my sweet Xan...' the blonde murmured.

The door to the room opened and Spike turned to face his lover. His breath
caught in his throat... bloody hell... what dark beauty, what perfect evil
the boy was. The blonde took the boy in his arms and kissed him hard on
the lips. Taking Xander by the hand Spike led him to the door.

'C'mon pet... you and I are taking a little trip.'

Xander smiled 'Anywhere in mind, Sire?'

Spike laughed 'Yeah... *I* thought we could take a drive up to Sunnydale...
and kill those bastard parents of yours.'

The door clunked shut.