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The Progeny
by Rune
Part One Part Two

Part One



(CLICK) ' Right. There's nobody bloody here so sod off. Or spill your
guts after the beep, whatever.'

# (BEEP)

'Spike? Pick up. Pick up the phone Spike. I know you're there so don't
bother hiding behind the sofa, just pick up the god-dam phone!'

'Who is it?'

'Wha??? What do you mean 'who is it', it's me. Xander.'

'I knew that. What's up pet?'

'What's up? Oh. Let's see now, I'm at work. I'm having a TERRIBLE day.
Some asshole decides to re-wire the deep fat fryer WITHOUT the aid of sight
I'm pretty sure. He puts the little red wire where the little blue wire
should be. Xander Harris, he of the gorgeously tight buns and magic tongue,
switches on what is now officially the Deep Fat Fryer of Death, and nearly
turns himself into a frazzled treat. Our hero concludes his afternoon of
wonder and joy down at the ER, where the kind doctors try to find out
whether or not his brains are sushi. OH! And when he tries to call home,
he finds out some bleached freaky English vamp, also he of the gorgeously
tight buns and equally magic tongue, has ERASED the perfectly good message
that I recorded only yesterday and replaced it with one of half hearted
sarcasm and abuse.'

'Bloody hell!'

'Did I mention I need a ride home?'



London 1890

It was a typical grey and foggy evening in London. The mist hung like a
funeral shroud over the spires and rooftops and a clammy dank dampness
pervaded. Maximilian Rocha trudged wearily through the pea souper, the pet
name that Londoners gave this damnable fog. He was a young man barely
twenty-five but already the harshness of life in the slums of this
unforgiving city was taking its toll. Max had lived in this city all of his
life. He was the illegitimate son of a French whore, who had died at the
hands of a faceless fiend who had raped her and butchered her when he was
12, leaving him to fend for himself in the disease ridden hell that was the
London of the 1800's.

Max coughed harshly and had to stop and lean on the corner of a small wall
for support. It was consumption, the scourge of the lower classes. He
sighed when on wiping his mouth he noticed a large smear of blood. This was
not the first time and it would not be the last - Max would be fortunate to
see his thirtieth birthday. This was not a pleasing prospect for any young
man and as he leaned against the wall coughing up the lining of his lungs he
glanced upward at the small church the little wall he leaned on surrounded.
His eyebrows knotted in an angry scowl. What sort of a God condemned good
honest folk to a miserable existence like this? You were born, dragged up
in the slums, worked like a dog in the struggle to feed yourself and ended
it all dying a young man, coughing up his life blood to spit in the gutters
that interlaced each dirt and disease-ridden street.

His coughing abated Max straightened up.

"Thank God for that!" He muttered. A light footfall behind him made him

"You know, God doesn't listen to the likes of you nor me," a sibilant voice

Maximilian stared at the figure before him, a slim gentleman draped in a
long black cloak, the moonlight revealing nothing of his face save a
sardonic grin. He didn't look like one of the working class and Maximilian
scowled again, bitter words dripping from his tongue.

"Yeah, you would know all about that being poor an' all" Max spat, "Why
don't ya piss off back ta where ya come from an' don't be pickin' on those
not as well orf!"

The slim man surprised Maximilian by clapping his hands.

"Spoken like a true scumbag!" The stranger laughed, and walked slowly
towards him. "Yes indeed friend...but tell me, you wanna stay a scumbag all
your miserable little life? Or...d'you wanna make somethin' of yourself
like me."

A small voice in the back of young Max's brain whispered to him as the man
grew closer, "Run, run now Maxi and don't look back!" The hairs on the back
of his neck stood stiffly as he felt the first glimmer of terror, and Max
took a startled step backwards.

"Hey, don't take off mate, I only wanna talk to you." The slim man held out
his hand in supplication. "M' names William, but you can call me Will."

Max stood frozen like a rabbit caught in the headlights of an oncoming

The slim stranger took in Max's long dark hair and brown puppy- dog eyes -
he was a handsome lad, clear skin and a sensuous mouth. His mother had
always boasted to her whore friends that he was really an angel, sent by God
to repay her for the life of cruelty and hardship he had set before her.

"You remind me a lot of someone I once knew, boy. Well no matter, what's
your name then friend?" The man said gently.

"Maximilian... Max" the ragged young man stuttered nervously.

"Well Maximilian... Max, I think you an' I are gonna be very good for each
other" the stranger murmured, "In fact, I'm gonna change your life for the a matter of speaking. Would you like that Max?"

The slim gentleman stepped closer until Max could see his glittering eyes.
By the time he noticed his sharp white fangs it was too late.


'You sure you're all right pet?'

Xander sighed. 'Yeah. Bit of a headache and I feel all ooogy but I'll be
fine in the morning.' He snuggled closer to the cool, firm body lying
beside him and planted a quick kiss on his lover's chest. 'Mmmmm smell
good. You've been using my shower gel again, haven't you?'

The vampire chuckled. 'Ohhhh nothing escapes the incredible Harris hooter
does it luv?' Spike turned on his side, a lecherous grin plastered all over
his face. 'Now. Why don't you show me again why that shower gel's called
'Wild Stallion', ummm?'

'Baby, I'd really like that but my head feels like I've recently been
electrocuted. Which, incidentally, I have. I'd kinda like to sleep if that
's OK?' Xander smiled sheepishly.

The blonde kissed him gently on the nose. 'S'all right luv, I can wait.
You're sure you're OK? You do look a bit...'

'Mmmmm.... M'ok.... Juswannasleeeeeepnowluvyou....' The boys eyes were
closed and Spike knew he was already well on his way to Dreamland.

'Sweet dreams, Wild Stallion.' The vampire whispered and closed his eyes.

He had the strangest dream. Must have been all that talk to Xan about
bloody stallions. He dreamt he was on a horse racing along the beach with
familiar ease, wind lashing back his hair and that stingy, salty taste in
his mouth. Shit, haven't done that in YEARS, since before Angelus lost the
plot and buggered off. They used to ride together along the beach,
galloping for miles in the cool black of night stopping only to make love in
the sand. Bloody got in every crevice, it did.

Now Spike was galloping again. He could feel the motion of the beast lift
and drop him, could hear it's laboured breath and snorts, hear it's muted
cries and whimpers of pain as it thrashed... thrashed and whimpered...

The vampires body rose and fell with the motion as the breathing and
whimpering grew louder, as the hot sweaty body beside him thrashed and
thrashed, arms flailing and legs kicking as Spike gradually woke up and
realised it wasn't a horse... He wasn't on a horse it was Xander. Xander
thrashing and panting frantically for breath beside him.

Jerking wide awake, Spike turned and tried to take the boy in his arms. It
looked like he was having some sort of seizure, he was foaming at the mouth
and his limbs flailed and spasmed

Gripping Xander firmly by the chin Spike tried to use his body weight to
hold the boy onto the bed, crooning to him, trying to calm him although
truth be told he was scared shitless himself.

'Shhhhh... Shhhhhh. It's OK Xan. It's OK, I'm here luv. I'm here baby.

Gradually, the spasms slowed and stopped and Xander lay exhausted in the
blonde's arms, soaked with sweat and trembling but alive.

Spike sighed, a shuddering explosion of air that came all the way from the
bottom of his lungs. What the fuck was THAT all about? He cradled the boy,
stroking the sweaty tendrils of hair away from his face and the relief...
Holy shit, the relief when the boy opened his eyes and looked at him...


'It's OK Xanny, don't try to talk. Just rest for a bit.'

'Bu.. Buf... Buffy. Gotta warn Buffy...'

The vampires eyes narrowed. 'Buffy?

Xanders eyes fluttered and he gasped with effort. 'Gotta warn her. Riley,
Riley's been... He's been with them... He's let them feed of him...'

'Xanny pet, you've been dreaming. You had a bad dream and I woke you. Why
don't you just...'

Struggling, the dark haired boy sat up. 'NO!' He shouted. 'NO! It wasn't
a dream Spike. It was real. I saw him. Finn. He was... Oh God, he let
her FEED from him. We gotta warn Buffy.' Xander launched himself from the
bed, stood shakily for a moment and then sank to the floor in an exhausted


'He told you Riley was what?' Rupert Giles eyebrows nearly hit the ceiling.

'I know how it sounds. I told him he was dreaming and such, but then he got
into a real state. That's when I phoned you.'

Rupert sighed. 'You... You did the right thing by calling me Spike. Well,
he's seems to be sleeping soundly now. I'll go and see his doctor in the
morning. Perhaps this is all symptomatic of his unfortunate accident
yesterday. I'll drop by on my way home, see how he is.'

'I dunno Rup. There was something about him. Something... Shit, I dunno.
Anyway, my instincts tell me there's something else going on 'ere. Just don
't know what, is all.'

The Watcher put on his jacket and walked slowly to the door. 'Look. If you
've any more problems call me.' The older man looked fondly at the
bedraggled figure on the bed. 'Xanders like... Well, he's... I've become
quite attached to him; he's a good boy. Take care of him Spike.'

The blonde nodded, and closed the door.

A pounding on the door rudely awakened the pair the next evening. Xander
had slept late on into the morning and had spent the day lounging around and
catching up on some quality TV time. Spike had nearly driven him to
distraction fussing over him, his normally loud, sarcastic nature strangely
muted. In hushed tones he had explained to Xander what had happened during
the night. The boy didn't remember any of it. Finally in exasperation he
ordered Spike to bed, tired of being fussed over and wanting some time to
mull things over in his own mind.

Now someone trying to knock his door down shattered his peace. Grumbling to
himself, Xander answered the door and was nearly knocked to the floor by a
clearly distraught Slayer. Buffy swept into his apartment, blonde hair
bedraggled and her eyes red and swollen. She had her 'resolved' face on.

Xander gulped.

'How did you know?'

Xander gulped again. 'Nice to see you too Buffster. Yes I've quite
recovered from my horrible ordeal thank you very much, and it's gratifying
that you thought enough of me to...'

'Just cut the crap Xander. HOW DID YOU KNOW?' The blonde girl's eyes
filled with tears and Xander noticed with a sick, sinking feeling in his
stomach that her lower lip was trembling. It had been a long time since he
had seen his friend so upset. Obviously this was no time for brevity.

Sitting down, Xander held his head in his hands. He had a baaaaad feeling
about this. Looking up at Buffy he motioned for her to sit.

'I... I can't. I can't sit, I'm too... too....' Her control slipped and
she sobbed. 'Oh Xander. How did you know? How long have you known. I
mean I can totally understand you not wanting to tell me and all 'cause...
'cause you KNOW I'm gonna flip but please. Tell me now. How long?' Her
eyes pleaded with him.

'Oh gods Buff. I didn't know. I mean, how do YOU know? Is it true? I had
this dream and... Is it really true? It can't be, it was a dream. A... a
nightmare is all, it wasn't real. You don't wanna listen to me, I'm NUTS,
you know that.'

The Slayer sighed and finally sank into a chair. She absentmindedly wiped
her nose on her sleeve, eyes downcast and heavy with grief. 'Giles came by,
told me what had happened to you. I laughed at the idea of it. OH! Not
the 'you being nearly killed' part, the Riley part. I... I mean it's so...
ABSURD. I met him after breakfast and he was... I dunno, different. Quiet.
He looked like he'd been up all night. I told him about you and what you'd
said and I thought he would laugh. I did Xander, I thought he would laugh.'

Xander got up and approached the now weeping girl and sat on the arm of the
seat putting his arm around her. He could feel her shoulders shaking with
the force of her sobs and he was shocked and deeply saddened to see her
reduced to this.

'He... he didn't say anything Xander, he just LOOKED at me, all pale and
quiet. I asked him, I said 'Hey! What is it? What's wrong?' and he just
sat there, looking. Then I just knew, it was right there in his eyes, I
just knew. I reached over and pulled down his collar but there was nothing
there and I thought HEY! Maybe I'm wrong, maybe this is all just a stupid
mistake and any minute now he'll laugh and then we'll both laugh and...'

Xander glanced up to see Spike standing quietly in the doorway. The
vampires face was impassive.

'Then I saw it. Just above his elbow in the crook of his arm, I... it was
faded, I nearly missed it. A bite. A vamp bite. He looked at it, I looked
at it then he looked at me and I just... freaked. I lost it. I got up and
wrenched up his tee-shirt and there was another one on his stomach and then
one more... lower... nearly under his waistband, near his... his crotch.'
Buffy paused, breathe hitching.

Xanders eyes closed and a lone tear trickled down his cheek. He squeezed
his friend harder and tried to gulp his own tears away as she sobbed in his

'He said he needed it Xander, he said he needed it. Why couldn't he just

The dark haired boy sat stunned as his friend clung to him. His eyes found
Spikes and pleaded wordlessly. With a terse nod, the vampire turned and
left, gently closing the door behind him. The blonde found it vaguely
disquieting that he felt no sense of triumph on seeing the Slayer broken.
Only a sad emptiness and a silent fury directed at that prick Finn.

Part Two

Spike stood under the torrent of warm water, eyes closed, enjoying the heat 
from the shower permeate his body. He had just woken and wanted to freshen 
up before Xander returned from work. The boy had a new job working, of all 
places, in Willies. He helped out behind the bar, cleaned up after chuckin' 
out time and generally annoyed the hell out of the clientele. But 
considering they were accustomed to being annoyed by Willie himself, they 
didn't much mind. 
At first, Spike wasn't happy with the new arrangement. Willies was a demon 
bar and he didn't like the idea of his pet working in an environment where 
he could quite easily be eaten if he ruffled the wrong fur. However after 
many, many assurances from Willie and many, many threats from him as to what 
would happen should his pet be harmed, the vampire was content to see how 
things worked out. 
One good thing was that Willie was accustomed to dealing with things not of 
the norm. Ever since Xander had nearly died he had changed. He had become 
a Seer. Yeah, Xander Harris a Seer. A big 'ha fuckin' ha!' to the Powers 
That Be for their wonderful sense of humour. Of all people they could have 
chosen to be a Seer, Xander was surely the last choice. 
But chose him they had according to Cordelia. Angels own personal Seer had 
telephoned excitedly from L.A with the news. Apparently she had a vision in 
which she saw Xander bestowed with the powers of a Seer, just like herself. 
However, she had cryptically added that Xanders power was much stronger than 
hers was and slightly different. In what way she couldn't tell. All she 
knew was that a dark power was about to rise near the Hellmouth and that 
Xander had been enlisted to assist the white hats. 
Satan's balls, there was always SOME bloody something rising somewhere near 
or on the soddin' Hellmouth, thought the blonde vampire. And speaking of 
rising... His sensuous lips pursed in a grin as he heard the door click 
softly, heralding the approach of his pet. The grin grew wider still as he 
heard the faint rustle of Xander disrobing and the soft slap of bare feet as 
they approached the shower cubicle. Didn't the boy know by now there was NO 
sneaking up on William the Bloody? (Snigger) Obviously not, 'cause here he 
came on his tiptoes. Spike quickly shifted into game face, smiling evilly. 
Xander slunk stealthily, or so he thought, towards the shower cubicle. 
Through the dimpled glass door, he could see the familiar, lithe shape of 
his lover standing under the steaming torrent of water. Slowly, he 
stretched out his hand to slide open the door when suddenly the door opened 
on it's own and a pale, dripping hand shot out and grabbed him by the arm, 
pulling him unceremoniously into the cubicle and under the pleasantly hot 
water spray. 
The dark haired boy came face to face with Spike in full game-face, and 
despite himself he gave a little yip of surprise. No matter how many times 
he had seen his lovers true face, it's sheer animalistic lines and feral 
eyes never failed to strike him with awe. Never failed to thrill the hell 
out of him either. Xander draped himself around the vampires body, 
relishing the water lashing down on them like hot rain and frowned. 'You're 
a very naughty vampire Spike. Someone ought to punish you.' 
Spike slithered his body wetly against Xander and purred. 'Ummmmmm... C'mon 
then... punish me.. You know how much I crave it.' His lips found the boy' 
s and he kissed him lightly, tiny butterfly kisses that gradually got firmer 
and longer until their lips were glued together and their tongues lazily 
brushed and teased and probed. The vampire's wet, soapy hands travelled 
leisurely around the boy's body, visiting all his erogenous zones in a tour 
of pleasured gasps and moans. When a soapy finger slipped inside Xander he 
cried out, squirming against it to make it go deeper. Lips parted and 
panting with desire, the dark haired boy pulled away. 'Thought I was 
supposed to be punishing you, huh?' He firmly gripped the blonde vampire by 
the hand and led him from the shower to the bedroom and pushed him onto the 
bed, not caring that they were both sopping wet. 
Spike grinned 'What are you up to?' 
'Shhhhhhhh. No talking. Wait here.' Xander ran quickly into the other 
room and Spike could hear the sound of paper being hastily ripped from 
something. The boy returned, bag in hand. 
Intrigued, Spike watched as Xander removed a number of articles from the 
bag. The vampires grin spread wider as he perused the tasty articles Xander 
laid out on the bed. 
Handcuffs, two pairs. Massage oil. Two black satin scarves. A pair of 
black latex gloves, and something else very small and silver that Spike 
couldn't quite see. 
With an evil grin that Spike would have been proud of, Xander quickly cuffed 
his lover to the bed by his wrists. 'Wanna leave your legs free...' he 
breathed in Spikes ear huskily 'Gonna want to pull them up, so as I can 
slide into you nice and deep.' 
The vampire growled softly deep in his throat and his eyes fluttered shut, 
his cock twitching in anticipation. 
'Awwww... look at you, all naked and bound and helpless.... Mmmmmm... 
Nummy!' Xander licked his lips. 
The boy gently gagged and blindfolded Spike with the soft scarves and then 
slipped on the latex gloves. Drizzling some oil on the blonde's body, the 
boy then rubbed his latex-coated hands in small circles on Spikes torso. 
The gloves were perfectly smooth and oh so slippery, and coated with the oil 
they must have felt like cool, liquid silk flowing over the vampires body. 
Spike arched his back and groaned loudly behind the blindfold, obviously 
enjoying Xanders gentle, teasing touch and offering more of his body to be 
caressed. Sliding his fingers upwards over the blondes muscled torso he 
reached Spikes hard nipples and stroked small circles around them pausing 
every now and then to twist and tweak them, only to slide away again when 
the vampire moaned. 
Hands slid downwards now to circle a perfect navel, before trailing the 
length of Spikes now trembling thighs, stroking downwards along the outside 
and returning upwards on the smooth inside. Sliding his thumbs along the 
sensitive crease where thighs and groin met, Xander bent over and using the 
very tip of his tongue he licked the blondes rigid member from root to tip. 
On reaching the bulbous tip he flicked his tongue inside the small, weeping 
slit in small licks before gently grazing the smooth head with his teeth. 
Spike bucked and moaned loudly behind the gag, head thrashing from side to 
side. Xander crooned 'You like that baby? You want some more?' Licking 
along Spikes cock once more, Xander slowly slid a finger inside the vampire, 
only as far as the first knuckle. The blonde undulated his hips, moaning as 
the boy denied the finger any further access, his teeth and tongue 
continuing to tease. 
Slowly Xander slid the finger in a little further, enjoying the frantic 
muffled whimpers coming from his lover as he crooked the finger inside him. 
Withdrawing it quickly, the boy slid up the bed and removed Spikes gag. 
'Now... are you gonna be a goooood vampire for Xander?' He chuckled 
throatily, darting his tongue into Spikes mouth. 
Spike moaned, trying to capture the warm tongue but Xander flicked it in his 
mouth and then around the blondes lips, before finally kissing the vampire 
deeply, tongue probing and sending waves of hot, lusty pleasure screaming 
around Spikes body. 
The vampire was panting hard now, his hips desperately thrusting against 
'You want more baby? Tell Xander what you want.' 
'Huhhhhh... please.... Please... don't stop....' 
'Don't stop what? What do you want Spike?' The boy's tongue flicked over 
the vampires erect nipples and his teeth nipped them gently. He drew a 
nipple into his mouth and sucked gently, his fingers drawing small circles 
around the other. 
'Ohhhh fuck... Xanny... please... suck me... please....' 
Xander slowly made his way downwards again, drawing Spikes knees up and 
allowing for better access. His finger gently probed and rimmed the 
vampires tight ass as his mouth descended on Spikes pulsing cock and 
engulfed it in warm wetness. He groaned long and loud around the blondes 
erection and Spike nearly bucked them both of the bed as the sound resonated 
the full length of his cock and into his balls, the handcuffs jangling as 
he struggled to move his arms, wanting to lose his hands in Xanders soft, 
dark hair and drive the boy deeper onto his cock. 
Xanders mouth moved in firm, slow stokes over Spikes rigid length and lower 
down a second finger joined the first inside the blonde, sliding in deeply 
then nearly out again and pausing now and again to stroke the place deep 
within him that made Spike whimper and bear down on his hand . 
Spike was gasping, words nearly unintelligible. 'Huhhhhhhhh fuck... 
Xander... harder... please baby, harder...' 
Xanders mouth slid away from the vampires penis. 'You want me Blondie? You 
want me inside you now?' he growled. 
'Ahhhhh Xander... PLEASE... fuck me, luv... please ... wanna come...' 
'Mmmmmmm you wanna come? Yeah? You wanna come, lover?' Xander positioned 
himself above the blonde, pressing his own aching member against Spikes 
rosebud opening and slowly pushing it inside a little at a time, biting his 
lip to try and stop himself from coming before he even got all the way in. 
Godsssssssoooo tight.... Uhhhhh... so fucking tight.... 'Ohhhhhh gonna 
make you come Spikey... gonna make you scream for me.' 
Slowly the boy slid inside until he was buried deeply in Spike, gripping the 
vampires hips to steady himself. Then he began to move with slow leisurely 
strokes, coming nearly all the way out of Spike and then thrusting deeply 
back inside. He circled Spikes cock with his fist and pumped slowly, 
rotating his hips and moaning loudly with pleasure. 'Ahhhhh goddamn, you're 
so tight Spike... feels so goooood.... Oh yeahhhhhh.... Oh yeahhhh....' 
Xander fucked him slowly, the tight coolness squeezing and kneading his cock 
to Paradise and back. Then he bent over, picking up the small silver object 
Spike had seen. It was a surgical scalpel. Xander wanted to give his 
vampire lover a little treat. The blindfold would ensure that it would be a 
proper surprise. Carefully, he slid the razor sharp blade into the meaty 
part of his forearm just below the elbow crease, holding himself steady with 
his elbow against Spikes knee. It didn't really hurt, just burned a little 
but the thought of what he was doing, what it would do to Spike nearly sent 
him over the edge. 
The blood welled quickly from the incision and Xander could feel Spike 
stiffen beneath him, nostrils flaring. The boy dripped the blood on the 
vampires lips as his face shifted and shimmered and the demon emerged. 
Spike growled and thrashed beneath him as the scent of the fresh blood 
wafted into his flared nostrils and Xander guided his mouth to the wound. 
The boy could feel the cool lips pressed tightly against his arm and the 
strong suction of the vampires mouth as his blood flowed onto Spikes tongue. 
His heart pounded like a jungle drum and he could hear the blood singing as 
it raced around his veins, raced into the vampires eager mouth and a warm 
haze seemed to spread from the wound along his arm and suffuse the rest of 
his body. There was something so sensuous at having this beautiful 
creature feed from him, whether it was the surreal eroticism the feeding 
enduced, or the feeling of power it gave him Xander wasn't sure. But he was 
surfing on a wave of pure lust and a near religious ecstasy, and he felt his 
cock swell until he thought it would burst. 
Xander pounded into Spike now, the only instinct to reach that plateau of 
release and rapture. The two bodies writhed and slapped together, the air 
heavy with the sounds of growls and moans and the liquid, sensual sounds of 
Spikes body went rigid beneath him and the vampire pulled his face from the 
boy's arm and howled, his cold seed splattering both their torsos and 
chests. He pushed his own forearm into his mouth and bit down hard. 
The blood spurted thickly and before Xander had a chance to think about it, 
he had put his mouth to Spikes arm and was sucking, the vampires rich, tangy 
blood flowing over his tongue. The boy shuddered in dark delight as the 
viscous fluid ran thickly down his throat, and he had this sudden vision of 
himself on his knees, naked and erect, drinking deeply from Satan's chalice 
in a ritual of black Communion. 
Xander came hard then, shouting his lover's name and pounding into him 
mercilessly before collapsing on top of him in an exhausted heap of 
trembling flesh and muscles. 'Ohhhhh baby... you're so fucking good.' 
mumbled Xander into the blondes chest. Barely able to function, he 
struggled to sit up, removing the sticky gloves and undid the cuffs, 
releasing Spikes arms. 
Spike wearily pulled off the blindfold and gazed on his lover fondly before 
gathering him into his arms and snuggling against him. He kissed the pelt 
of sweet smelling dark hair and squeezed Xander tightly. Spike could tell 
the boy was nearly asleep already by the pace of his breathing and the sound 
of his heartbeat. Bloody hell, but the boy knew how to shag! Spike 
grinned. Well, he should be good; he had a bloody good teacher. That thing 
with the blood, though... Xander was just chock full of surprises. The 
vampire fervently hoped he surprised him like that again, his blood was 
'Mmmmzzzzt sleep... night.... luvyou' the boy murmured. 
'Night pet.' The blonde closed his eyes. 'Oh... Xan?' 
'Thanks luv.' Spike could feel Xanders mouth pull up in a smile against his 
'Mmmmm... Welcome... sleepnow...' 
The sated lovers slept soundly; unaware they were under the glow of a pair 
of yellow eyes watching through the window from a chink in the drapes. 
The eyes blinked once more and then were gone. 
The bedroom was dark, and the soft whisper of a waking Xander's breath hung 
in the air in the wake of the gasps and growls from an hour before. The 
blonde vampire hauled himself out of bed headed towards the kitchen. 
"I'll just go and heat some blood up, pet." Spike said, and smiled at his 
mate who was lying contentedly curled up under the heavy eiderdown. 
Xander smiled back and blew him a kiss. 'Don't be long, lover' he growled, 
and slid the heavy cover slowly below his waist and waggled his eyebrows 
Spike chuckled to himself and padded silently into the dark kitchen. Having 
a mate again was a luxury he could put up with forever, especially a mate 
like Xander. He pondered, yet again, on how he had changed his unlife, 
giving him a reason *not* to walk into the sun. Being with Xander hadn't 
solved the problem of this damn chip in his brain, but it made putting up 
with it an awful lot easier. 
Spike had despaired of ever having another mate - no other vampire would 
entertain him, disabled as he was, and he was well aware that he was not the 
easiest demon in the world to live with because of it. Speaking of demons, 
his positively despised Xander - it could sense the soul within hm, and it 
raged in its fury when he was near demanding that Spike Turn the boy. Spike 
found it highly ironic that his demon reacted to Xander much in the same way 
as *he* had once towards his Sire Angel's ex-lover, the Slayer. 
The blonde vampire's brow wrinkled in disquiet as the question he had 
tortured himself with many times popped unwanted into his thoughts. If the 
chip was ever disabled could he control the demon within or would he be 
swept along with it's bloodlust and rage and kill the man who had come to 
mean the world to him. 
Spike pushed the thought to the back of his mind and concentrated on heating 
up the blood bag. He winced from the light that streamed from the microwave 
when he opened the door. Suddenly every nerve in his body screamed and he 
turned swiftly, his face changing to vamp. He reached out and grabbed 
someone by the throat and slammed him or her up against the kitchen wall. 
"What are ya doin' in my soddin' home" the enraged vampire hissed and 
squeezed tighter on the intruder's neck. 
A pair of strong hands gripped his wrists and, surprised by their strength, 
Spike was thrown off. 
"Now that's no way to treat your favourite Childe Daddy!" An amused voice 
"What's going on?" Yelled Xander and threw the light switch making them all 
Spike stood naked in the centre of the floor, his lean muscled body taut, 
his strong hands itching to break necks. Suddenly, his face broke into an 
astonished grin. 'Max? Holy shit! Maxi! It really IS you!' 
"So, let's slaughter the fatted calf Dad..." said the young dark haired 
vampire standing before him, "The Prodigal Son is home!" 
The 'intruder' looked Spike up and down before adding "Nice to see ya 
haven't let yerself go Will. Not lost your good taste in men either I see!" 
The dark haired young man turned his attention to Xander. He took in the 
boy's dark good looks and muscular figure and licked his lips. 
"Can we share this one?" He leered.