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What You Get
by Rune

Bloody fuck!

((Gasp of pain))

Ahhhhhhhh bastard! Not that fuckin' whip again. Christ, does he NEVER get
tired of that bleedin' whip?

((Hisses in pain))

I'm not squealin', you're not gonna break me, not again.

I'm my own man now. MY OWN MAN!

I brought you back, you bastard!


Not squealin' for you, you fuck.



Awwwww shit, who am I KIDDING? Of course I'm gonna bloody squeal, I ALWAYS
end up squealing like a girl.

Slayer squealed like a girl. 'Specially when I scalped 'er.

I'd always wanted to run my fingers through her hair, see if it felt as soft
and silky as it looked. And it did. If you could ignore the odd sticky
blood-clot caught in there.

Now SHE had stamina. That girl had spunk, I'm tellin' you. She lasted for
five days, which is two days longer than anyone else ever, ever.

I'm impressed.

It was the hair that done for her, though.

When I ripped her scalp off she seemed to lose heart. All the fight went
right out of 'er.

Shame. I was enjoying meself an' all. Hey, but that was Betty for you; she
never could stand seeing me enjoy meself.

I've met some anal people in my time, but Slayer? Tight as a duck's ass,
pet. Literally. I'll swear I had a bruise on m'dick afterwards with trying
to get into her, 'cause she was so fucking TIGHT. Pussy was tight, too. A
right good shag she was; I can see now why Angelus was so took with 'er.

Huh, now THAT was the gig of a lifetime, bringing the old bastard back. Was
easier than I thought, but messy. Very, very messy.

I took care of business in Sunnyhell before I headed off to visit dear

The witches were a LOT of fun; Red got all full of fight and such when my
Xan started to chow down on little Tara. Managed to throw a few spells in
our direction before I broke her scrawny little neck. She turned the
Watcher into a newt. Funniest soddin' thing I've seen in YEARS. Last I
seen of 'im, he was making for the sewers. Some demon most probably eat him
before now.

Now Joycie was a big surprise! Seems she had the hots for Farm Boy; BEGGED
him to turn 'er and take 'er along for the ride. I saved that little
floorshow for Slayer before she kicked. Her highness was NOT overly
impressed, I can tell ya!


Oh, for FUCKS SAKE! He's gonna keep this going all bloody night, I just
know it!

He's wasting his time, he's not gonna make me submit to him. I've got my
own Childer now. I'm a Master now dammit! He's my Sire and I wanted him
back, yeah, but I'm not the lame fuck I used to be, it's not gonna be the
way it used to be, I'm Spike! I'm William the fuckin' Bloody you prick!

Fuckin' give me SOME respect!

Where's he going now?

Why the fuck is my pet here? Oh right. Schools in, Angelus is all fired up
and Xander is in the learning chair.

He's gone all silent fury on me.

Can't see behind me...



Oh fuck, I knew I'd pissed 'im off, but...

'No... Angelus, please. Not this, not this oh bloody fuck, Sire... NOT

((Whimpers in fear))


((Chains rattle frantically))

((High pitched scream))



Oh Will, Will, Will....

WHAT am I gonna do with you boy, ummmmm?

You know..

Maybe I'm being to harsh on him. He did bring me back after all and Christ,
it feels so good to be free!

Soul Boy never knew what fucking hit him. Thought he was SO smart, SO
strong; but as usual all it took was that skinny little bitch to get him all
hot under the collar. Oh baby, he really lost it big time when old Spikey
produced that blonde scalp; it had her stink all over it! He just sorta
crumpled up; gave it up like a cheap whore, let me ease on out as nice as
you like!


Thats one of the funniest damn things I've been witness to since... Oh fuck,
I dunno. In a long time. I had a ringside seat too; it kinda had more
impact being inside him and FEELING his pain.

What. A. Rush.

Of course, his pain is my pain... in a matter of speaking. I really wanted
to do the Slayer myself, pay back some old debts, you understand. And I
REALLY wanted to watch Spike fuck her. In fact, I wanted it to be a gift
from me to him some day; I know he's always had a hankering for her.

Oh well.

Now, I know he thinks I'm punishing him because of the Slayer. Maybe just a

But that's not it.

'Course, old Spikey wasn't to know I'd always wanted Xander. Soul Boy
managed to hide it well. Wouldn't have done for Angel to go butt-fucking
the Slayer's little friends, now would it?

But I gotta admit, when I knew Spike had Sired him it REALLY pissed me off
big time.

That's probably why I rode Wesley so hard. Damn near split him in two.
Bloody Watcher; no fucking stamina, but what an ass! Ummm ummm ummm. Tasty


God, the boy looks so good. I know he's Spikes but I've kinda taken him
under my wing. Got him some decent clothes for a start. Black leather
pants, one of those nice tight Calvin Klein tee-shirts; damn, he's a hot
little cookie!

I've brought him in to watch me play with Spikey. Xander's gotta learn,
just like Will had to learn, and who better to teach him? I'll give him
back to daddy after daddy's punishment's done.

And after I've fucked him some more, of course.


Back to business.

Gonna break you Spikey, you cocky little bastard. Gonna make you scream
like a girl. And I've brought a few friends along to help me.

'Xander, my dear. Bring over the box. CAREFULLY boy! You don't wanna hurt
our guests.'

You see...

I've known Spike a LONG time.

I know what makes him tick.

I know what he likes, I know what gets him hard and I know what scares the
living shit out of him. To his credit, this is the ONLY thing I know of
that frightens him, although I haven't a goddamn clue why. Some bad
childhood experience maybe; we all have our little foibles, even me.

I could torture and butt-fuck my darling boy from now to Doomsday and he'd
hang there and take it all; he'll soak it all up like a big, horny, needy,
stubborn sponge. But THIS...


This will break him.

This will make him mine, unlife and demon, once more.

((Sings softly))

# The innsy-winnsy spider ran up the water spout
Down came the rain, and washed the spider out....#

Time for Xander to play.

'Xander. Open the box and introduce our Spike to our guests.'

Damn, the boy's smiling and...


Ohhhhh, he's really getting off on this. There's more than just a glimmer
of evil in our beautiful Xander. Good doggy.

Come to think of it, I'm gettin' a little wood here myself.

((Screams in the background))

What? You don't wanna play nice with our guests? Shame on you, Spike.

After all, they're just sweet, innocent, mostly harmless although very large
spiders. I'm PRETTY sure they don't bite. Mind you, they haven't been fed
for a while.


You want me to take them off?


Beg me, boy.

Oh fuck, there is nothing and I mean nothing that gets me off like Will can
when he begs. He's so pretty; all blonde and pouty and all.

Kinda what the Slayer was like.

Except she wasn't as good a fuck.

Mmmmm Xander.

You. Smell. So. Good.

You've never looked as hot...

Except of course for that glorious moment when you wore Gunn's skin after
you'd carefully peeled it from him; when you slid yourself against me, slick
with blood, high on the fear and death; when I fucked you inside his skin
and you writhed and squirmed; first black flesh, then white like some
gruesome, undecided chameleon.

Fuck, you gotta admit.

When all's said and done.

When I've annihilated the white-hats and fucked the boy.

When the fun's over and the blonde vampire submits...

It's good to be me!

Mind you...

It's gonna be ALL kinds of fun catching those spiders.