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Tied Up and Twisted
by Saone

The mortal teenager known as Xander Harris had had a
bad day. From rude customers at the pizza parlor to a
rude slayer at Giles' house, the brunette was feeling
wholly overused and under appreciated. 

As he slowly trudged to his basement, Xander began to
rub the tense knots his neck muscles had worked
themselves into. At that point all the boy wanted to
do was try and get some sleep, but the blaring
television and bleached British vampire lounging on
his couch seemed detrimental to that plan.

"Spike!" Xander took a few deep breaths and tried to
control his temper. "What the hell are you doing

"I haven't gotten around to getting a new telly yet,
and your's is bigger then the Watchers." Spike idly
explained, his gaze remaining fixed on the screen.

"You broke into my house to watch television!?" 
Xander shook his head in disbelief. "Get out. Now."


"Yes." The mortal stomped his foot for emphases.

Spike looked faintly amused. "Aw, did someone not get
his nappy time today?" The blonde asked in a
condescending voice.

Xander ran his hands through his hair. Every single
pressure he had had over the past few months seemed to
descend upon him en mass. Tears of frustration and
anger built up behind bright brown eyes and his voice
cracked as he tried to reason with the vampire. 
"Spike, this is my room. I've had a really bad day,
and all I want to do right now is try and forget every
single aspect of my life. Please leave."

Spike frowned and turned off the television. He
walked over to Xander and put a hand on the teen's
shoulder, gently rubbing the hard muscles he found
there. "You've had a really rough time of it, haven't
you pet?" He asked softly, a look of concern settling
on his pale features.

The boy unconsciously leaned into the cool touch and
nodded afraid to trust his voice after such an
unanticipated act of kindness.

Spike leaned closer, his eyes fixed firmly on
Xander's. "It must be really horrible to know no one
gives a fuck about you." The vampire's mouth quirked
slightly. "In fact, the best thing you could do for
all involved, is find yourself a piece of rope, make 
a noose, and end this pathetic, sniveling existence
you laughingly call your life." Spike turned away,
immensely satisfied with the stricken look he had
helped put on the younger man's face.

Xander couldn't stop the tremor of rage and hurt that
swept through his body. It was all just too much for
the mortal. His fingers itched to express the pain
and humiliation that had been building steadily for
several months. With a ragged sigh Xander once again
suppressed those feelings, those urges. He absolutely
refused to knowingly hurt a living, breathing, human.
. . but. . . 

An unpleasant smile emerged on Xander's face as he
picked up a large wrench from the work bench. "I
think they're going to be some changes around here." 
He said as he raised the heavy metal tool above the
back of Spike's bleached blonde head.


Spike moaned at the dull ache radiating from his
skull. The vampire's thought process was sluggish as
his brain slowly repaired itself, but from what did
manage to seep through to his consciousness, he
realized that something had caved in the back of his

As more neural pathways rebuilt themselves the vampire
noticed some new irregularities in his surroundings. 
He was still in Xander's basement, but now he was
laying on the boy's bed. . . spread eagle. . . naked.
. . and unable to move.

It took a few minutes for Spike to understand that his
lack of mobility wasn't due to any injury, but to the
restraints snugly fitted around his wrists and ankles.
As he began to cautiously test his bonds, the vampire
noticed something else that was more then a bit
disconcerting. Instead of it's usual cotton sheets,
Xander's bed was covered by a large, plastic tarp.

While physically his head was almost completely
healed, Spike's mind couldn't quite grasp what had
happened to him, the obvious answer being so
farfetched. Keeping his head as still as possible,
the vampire began to pull at his bonds.

"Won't do any good." Xander's voice came from his
left. "The straps are a nylon/steel weave. They've
been vamp tested. You're not going anywhere."

Spike could hear the truth in the boy's voice and
ceased his struggles. "Mind telling me WHAT THE

Xander's hand pressed hard against Spike's mouth. 
"Shhhhh." The boy admonished. "I'd really rather not
have to gag you, but I will." He pulled back and
began rummaging through something on the floor beside

Spike strained to try and see what the mortal was
doing. "What's the matter, afraid of what Mummy or
Daddy would say about a NAKED MAN TIED TO. . ."

Xander's hand clamped down again. "Well, that would
be a concern, if they weren't in Fresno visiting my
grandparents. The truth of the matter is you could
yell as loud as you want and no one would ever hear
you, but it annoys me, so do it again and I'll cut
your tongue out. 'Kay?"

A mute nod was the vampire's only response. Spike
watched as Xander pawed through a large box sitting
next to the bed. The wheels in his bleached head were
spinning madly, trying to find an opening out of the
insipid little game the human was trying to play. 
Spike almost wanted to laugh at the whelps weak
attempt to frighten him. He had actually been waiting
for the teenager to make some attempt at dominance,
and while the fact that Xander had stripped him was a
bit unexpected, Spike knew that the results from the
verbal torment he would soon inflict on the boy would
be even sweeter considering his seemingly subservient
position. The vampire smothered a grin as he realized
his lack of clothing would make a good starting point
to attack the insecure teenager's sexuality. The
confidence in his ultimate control of the situation
was clear as Spike finally spoke. "What exactly is
going on here?"

Xander glanced at him. "Kinda obvious, isn't it?"

Spike smirked. "I've found that bondage has gotten
passe over the years, but the drop cloth - that's
downright kinky."

"Yeah, well the back of your head was really gross. I
didn't want to get any gray matter on my pillow." 
Xander shrugged. "'Sides, the clean-up's much easier
this way. I just hate doing laundry." He held up a
thick piece of wood for the vampire's inspection. 
Spike's eyes unwittingly focused on the wickedly sharp
point. "What do you think, should we start with the
stake, or move our way up to it?"

"You don't want to stake me, pet" Spike said

"I don't?" Xander scratched his head. "No, you're
right. It would suck having to drag the vacuum down

Spike gave the boy a smug look. "No. I mean, the
Slayer wouldn't be too pleased to know I was killed
without her authorization."

Xander shrugged. "I could always tell her it was self

"Self defense!" Spike looked unbelievingly at the
human. "You bloody git, everybody knows I can't lift
a finger against a living creature."

Xander's eyes widened. "You're right. Gosh, I don't
know what I'll do." The mortal pensively chewed his
lower lip. "Wait, I've got it! I'll just give them
one of the 'I'm stupider then dirt' looks that my
friends are so fond of seeing on my face." The boy's
grin disappeared only to be replaced with a look of
pure remorse. "Gee Giles, when Spike came after me I
forgot all about the chip in his head. I'm so dumb." 
He gave the vampire an exaggerated pout.

Spike snorted. "They'll never buy that."

"They haven't doubted it yet."

The blonde groaned as he caught sight of an all too
familiar glint in the chocolate brown eyes of his
captor. "Bloody hell, you're fucking loopy." A
sinking feeling tore at Spike's gut as he realized
that he wasn't dealing with a posturing teenage male,
but a mental wild card. The vampire desperately
wished that he had known of the Xander's precarious
hold on sanity beforehand. After all, the vampire
could have made due with the Watcher's television.

"I'm not *loopy*." Xander said defensively. "I'm
just stressed. Ever since Angel moved to L.A. I
haven't had anyone to play with."

"Play?" Spike's brain latched on to the seemingly
innocent word. Then, it processed a bit more. "Wait,

Xander ignored the disbelief in the older man's voice.
"Do you like the restraints? He got them for me."

"Angel!? My soul-having, gel-using, poof of a sire -
*that* Angel!?"

"Yep. Deadboy took me to this. . . interesting store
over on Maple Avenue for my birthday last year. He
let me pick out anything I wanted." A soft smile came
to Xander's face as he remembered that special
evening, and the screams that followed later that

"See, everyone has a different way to deal with
stress, Spike. Some people golf, others knit, I,
personally, lean toward the whole torture thing. It's
certainly helped my rage issues, I'm a much more
stable person now. . . Or, at least I was. See,
that's why I've been so out of it lately. With
Deadboy gone, I haven't had anyone to vent on." He
ran a finger along Spike's cheekbone. "Til now."

"Hey! I refuse to be your literal whipping boy."

"First of all, you're not in much of a position to do
anything 'cept beg. . . and maybe scream." Xander's
eyes twinkled with anticipation. "And, secondly, I'm
not going to use a whip. They're just so. . .
mundane, don't you think?"

Spike stared at the teenager, wondering if he was
supposed to answer.

"Whips are for humans." The mortal looked at the
vampire with something close to fondness. "Don't
worry, I know what things like you deserve. I did
have a good teacher, after all."

"Angel." Spike's throat was uncommonly dry as he
comprehended the skills his Sire's student was likely
to possess.

An almost tender smile stole across Xander's face. 
"He came to me, not long after I sent Faith to kill
him. He said he wanted me to hurt him." The boy
ruefully shook his head. "I was thinking it was some
kind of trick. You know, I punch him and he has a
legitimate excuse to kick my ass. So, I told him to
fuck himself and started to walk away, but he grabbed
me. He said I didn't understand, he said he wanted me
to *punish* him."

"See, all those centuries Angel spent in Hell kinda
got him addicted to pain. He craved it, and for some
strange reason he decided that I was the only person
he trusted enough to give it to him. Well, maybe not
that strange. . ." Xander amended. "I mean, could
you imagine little miss whitebread Buffy going after
Angel's backside with a riding crop?"

Spike numbly shook his head.

"Yeah, me neither." Xander grinned at the though,
then licked his lips and leaned closer to the vampire.
"You know, no matter what I did to Angel, no matter
how much I hurt him, I always made sure he got off" 
Spike felt the mortal's hot breath tickle it's way
across his chest. "You know, this could be a
symbiotic relationship." 

"Sod off." 

"Spike." The boy's voice had dropped to a soft,
seductive purr. "I know what vampires like. . . what
they want. . . what you want."

"If you're such a demonsend to the undead libido why
did Angel leave you?" Spike inwardly crowed at the
look of pain that crossed over the boy's face. His
triumph was short lived, however, as he recognized the
look in the boy's eyes. 

Unadulterated rage bubbled beneath the brown orbs. 
Spike didn't fear the rage itself, but the cold,
calculating way the human held it in check make the
blonde's borrowed blood ice over. In that instant, in
those limpid brown pools, he saw Angelus.

Xander's face was blank as he reached into the box,
and began laying various implements out on the bed
beside the vampire's bare leg. The box of toothpicks
made the undead man flinch. 

"You're really gonna hurt me, aren't you?" There was
an almost imperceptible tremble in Spike's voice.

"I'm gonna make you scream." Xander said, carefully
inspecting a rather wicked looking knife. "Now, some
of it will be in pleasure, most of it will be in pain,
but after a while those lines tend to blur, don't ya

Spike didn't answer. He simple closed his eyes and
waited for the ordeal to begin.


Angel had taught the boy well.

The thought kept resurfacing through the red haze in
Spike's mind, that and a conversation the younger
vampire had had with Angelus about a month prior to
the Acathla debacle.

Spike had taunted his Sire's inability to kill what
the younger vampire thought was the weakest link in
the Slayer's circle - the boy Xander. 

Angelus had given his childe the most condescending of
smiles and a pat on the head. "You'll see." He had
said. "You'll see."

If Spike had known how prophetic those words would be,
and the meaning behind them, he would have broken the
little bastard's neck when he had the chance.

But he had never bothered killing the whelp, and had
certainly never even thought of looking for the
potential Angelus had so easily seen. Of course, that
potential was glaringly obvious now.

Xander's hands were skilled and the boy's every touch
brought a new sensation to the vampire's cold flesh. 
Pain and pleasure mingled freely over the body and
much to Spike's chagrin, he found himself loving the
unique form of torture. Every once and a while a soft
whimper would escape from the fanged countenance.

The mortal say back on his haunches and with a
critical eye, he surveyed his work. Spike's pale
flesh was beautifully marred. His eyes landed on the
vampire's cock, hard and throbbing, though completely
untouched by any of the night's activities. Xander
launguidly stretched feeling none of the tension that
had plagued him for so long. Spike had helped him in
his own fashion, and the boy decided it was time for
his reward.

The vampire tensed as the mortal's hand wrapped around
his erection. Xander ignored this and began stroking
the heated flesh. "It's all right." He cooed. "You
can come now."

The vampire obeyed and a guttural howl signaled his
release. Stars exploded behind his yellow eyes, then,
Spike whimpered and slipped into sweet oblivion.


As the vampire slowly eased himself back into
consciousness, for the second time that night, he was
pleasantly surprised to find himself both existing in
a non-dusty capacity, and free. 

He gingerly sat up and watched with detached interest
as Xander put away his various toys. "You didn't kill

The mortal gave him an honest smile. "Why would I
kill you?"

"To keep me quiet?" Spike's tone was almost subdued
as he reached for the neatly folded clothes Xander
offered him.

"Quiet?" Xander frowned. "Oh, you mean about this?"

"Yeah, about this." Spike sneered, as he pulled on
his jeans. "I don't think your little Scooby Gang
would approve of your hobby. Oh, and I'm sure the
Slayer would be interested in hearing about all the
things you've done to her precious Angel."

The teenager shrugged. "Go ahead. Tell them all
about it. . . just make sure you're prepared for when
they laugh their assess off." He sighed. "Come on
Fangboy, who do you think they're going to believe,
the 'I'm still evil and I hate you all' vampire, or
poor, hapless Xander?"

Spike stared at him for a moment, the muscles along
his jaw tightened as he realized the mortal was right.
Mustering enough dignity to get him out of the
basement, Spike silently walked towards the door.

"Friday's are usually bad for me at work." Xander
announced to the vampire's back. "I get off at

Spike froze. He could sense the triumphing smirk on
the younger man's face. "I'll be here." The vampire
mumbled before stealing out into the darkness.


The End