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Zombie Lambs and Chocolate Bunnies
by: Saone

Anyone even remotely familiar with the reputation of
William the Bloody would have been truly horrified at
his current setting. The vampire now known as Spike
was happily pushing a cart down the center aisle of a
Walmart, a spring in his step and a song on his undead

"Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny
trail, do do do do do do do do doooooo. . ."

Angel and Xander cringed from their position a few
paces behind their bleached companion.

"You're his Sire, make him stop." Xander turned the
full power of his puppy eyes at the older vampire.

Angel snorted. "Oh yeah, I'm sure he'll listen to me.
Just be thankful he stopped whistling."

"Will you two gits keep it down? I'm trying to shop
here." Spike scowled at them. "And Xander, show a
little gratitude, this is for you, after all."

The boy sighed and attempted to look properly
contrite. "I appreciate it, really, but you don't
have to go to so much trouble, especially on my

Spike's scowl deepened. "Don't even think about
starting in with that 'I'm not worthy of attention,
love, or basic respect' spiel again. You deserve a
nice holiday and the Poof and I are going to make sure
you get it."

Xander smiled in spite of himself. He had been more
then a bit apprehensive since Spike had gotten it into
his head to give Xander the kind of modern Easter
celebration he had missed out on as a kid. The
sentiment was sweet, but both he and Angel were very
familiar with the hyper vampire's tendency to go

Angel smiled at his two lovers as he watched Xander
unconsciously bask in Spike's attentiveness. The
younger vampire was reluctant to vocalize his feelings
about both the relationship and his two partners. 
Angel had spent many hours reassuring Xander that
Spike did indeed care for him. It had finally sunk
through the various layers of insecurities and the
teen now understood that Spike's actions spoke louder
then any words could have.

And, with the moment of sappiness behind them, Spike's
current actions were screaming 'I am going to annoy my
Sire'. The blonde strode over to a shelf brimming
with stuffed animals and plucked something from
amongst the pastel bunnies.

"Ohhh Poof, I want this!"

Angel grimaced at the unfortunate looking toy. "What
is it?"

"I think it's a lamb. . . maybe. . . kinda. . ." 
Xander scrunched his face in confusion.

"It's utterly morbid, is what it is!" Spike said
happily showing off his find. "Check out it's eyes. 
The bloody thing looks like it's dead!" The vampire
was telling the truth. Regardless of the poor stuffed
animal's position, it's large, round, plastic eyes
continuously rolled back into it's plush head.

"It reminds me of a zombie movie I saw once." Xander
grabbed the toy and thrust it toward's Angel's head. 
"Braaainssss. Brrraaaaaaaainssss."

Spike snorted. "You'll stay hungry looking there."

Angel frowned and swatted at the Easter themed
abomination. "Spike, shut up. Besides, it doesn't
even look like a real zombie." 

The teenager pouted and handed the lamb back to Spike,
who reverently placed it into his shopping cart.

Xander began to bounce slightly as he got into the
spirit of the endeavor. "What should we get first?" 
He looked around and brown eyes widened as the boy
realized just how much chocolate surrounded him. "Um,
just how happy of an Easter do you guys want me to

"Try to avoid insulin shock." Angel recommended.

"Un kay." The teen had already stopped listening, and
was absorbed by the Siren call of confectionery

Spike sidled up to his Sire and gave the older man a
worried look. "I don't think I've ever seen that
particular glaze in his eyes before." 

"It's okay." Angel gave the blonde a reassuring pat
on the shoulder. "I've seen it before."


"At the Chocolate Lovers Festival Sunnydale mall had
last year."

Spike snickered. "Blood hell. I love the boy, but
I'm glad I missed out on that."

Angel nodded. "You should be. It took me and Buffy
combined to forcefully drag him away from the truffle

"I wasn't that bad." Xander said, coming to stand
before the two older men.

Angel smiled and gently tousled the boy's dark hair. 
"Of course not. You were the very picture of

"Bite me Deadboy." 

"Anytime." Angel's mouth twisted into a sexy grin and
watched as it was reciprocated on Xander's face.

"*Ahem*." Spike struggled to keep his amusement in
check. "Do you think you two could perhaps refrain
from humping each other until we get back home?"

Xander's grin faded. "You're right. It would just be
fundelmentally wrong to have sex in a Walmart." 

Spike once again commandeered the cart. "Then hurry
up and get your candy so we can go home and bugger
each other senseless." The younger vampire let out a
happy little sigh. "Sex and chocolate, I think I like
this holiday."


The End