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Title Rating Summary Spoiler Status
Reunion R A decade in the future, Spike thinks back on his lost lover Xander while on the way to a reunion with him... none finished
The Beginning of Forever R None Post "Initiative" - yes... chip Spike Finished
Death by Meth R none none finished
Inner Realms of Madness NC-17 Spike finds out that the only person who can help him remove the chip in his skull is a lost soul, one destroyed by Drusilla and Angelus; Xander Harris the violently insane psychic Dark Fic, rape, violence, character death, and other nasties unfinished
Kitten NC-17 The Stars tell Dru how to fix Spike semi-Dark Fic unfinished
Lex the Ruthless, Childe of Spike R Xander stumbles into the middle of Willow & Tara's spell and set predestined events in motion none finished
Spiked Spike R Buffy's dorm throws a Halloween Costume Party.  Spike crashes the gate. Someone else spikes his punch none finished
Stone Cold Killers NC-17 Remember how Riley's telephone line is tapped by the government and the remnants of the Initiative? Yeah, well... Buffy and Riley forgot about that little fact and others pay the price... Non-consensual sex (RAPE), violence, angst, torture, mysticism, gruesome OFC deaths, kidnapping finished
With a Twist of Reality on the Side PG-13 Jealous Demons. Time travel. Inter dimensional travel. Mix-ups and boo-boos. Xander makes a wish...  none finished
Harmony's Childe PG-13 Harmony wants respect. So...she plans mischief and mayhem to get it.  none finished
Mr. Happy NC-17 A newly chipped Spike contemplates one Slayerette in particular, then decides to find out what the "big deal is" for himself...  none finished
Walk on the Wild Side PG-13 none none finished
1500th Unbirthday PG-13 An ancient vampire contemplates the 1500th anniversary of his turning and the ways in which he, and society, have changed over time.  none finished
Dead Much R Unlife isn't all it's cracked up to be. none finished
Dear Diary R From Xander's Diary none unfinished
Fractured Images NC-17 Buffy and co. won the battle against the Initiative... but it is the Initiative that will win the war...  none finished
Fudgesicle PG-13 Xander eats a fudgesicle...Spike watches.  none finished NC-17 Xander joins a slash list: none finished
Just Another Morning NC-17 A person's morning tends to shape their entire day. This is a typical one for Xander. none finished
Male Bonding R After Anya breaks off their engagement, Spike takes Xander away to cheer him up. Things go a bit differently then they planned. none finished
Not An Island PG The gang's thoughts on Xander's new relationship.  none finished
One Drunken Night NC-17 Xander gets drunk with Spike...  none finished
Pet NC-17 Spike comes to Sunnydale after hearing rumors that his Sire is alive. He brings his Pet with him... none unfinished
Ride The Lightening NC-17 ood deeds. Freak storms. Bad things happen.  none finished
Harris Twins NC-17 Willow is unable to break Toth's spell and the Xander's are forced to 
stay separated. 
Majorly for The Replacement!  unfinished
Twilights End  NC-17 Glory's opening up of the Mystic Gates between realities has some unexpected reactions that alter the lives of the Scoobies. Herc/Xenaverse crossover.  that's S5 of both Xena & Buffy. Post 
The Gift and post the Twilight of the Gods. 
Undone R In attempting to clean up one magical mess, Dawn creates another. none finished
Grrr... Xander the Bloody? PG Xander gets introspective after a bad day and then loses his mind... none finished

::My Unlife With Xander Series::








Xander has something he's gotta do, so he asks Spike to throw in a load of wash...





Xander and Spike spend quality time with everyone's favorite witches...





Spike is out of smokes and he's having a nicotine fit.



Supermarket PG-13 Xander's Uncle Rory gets him a new job and he asks Spike to help with some basic chores none finished
G'nite Luv  NC-17 A typical night in the lives (and unlife) of Xander & Spike...  None finished

::A Son of Cain and A Daughter of Lilith::
Title Rating Summary Spoilers Status

Anya's Turn


Anya reclaims her power center... then has some fun.



Protecting Xander


Xander has been turned into a female. Spike is his protector. They both try to deal with the situation. Neither do it real well...



Emerge from the Chrysalis


The gang from LA try to help Spike pull Xander out of her self-imposed silence and disassociation.



A Second Chance NC-17 Alexa Willspet begins to build her life in L.A. with the help of her owner (and love interest) Spike and her best friend (and mentor) Cordelia none finished
Cruse Fulfilled NC-17 Alexa Willspet learns the true scope of Anya's curse and rights some wrongs none finished

::Forever Darkness Series::






Rewards of Glory


In the aftermath of the battle, Glory takes her revenge

Major ones for "Spiral" and "Over the Rainbow"

series unfinished

A Dark Road


Spike and Xander travel to L.A to go see "The Sire" while said Sire is, in actuality, on the demon world of Pylea. Chaos ensues.

Major ones for "Spiral" and "Over the Rainbow" as well as minor ones for "Through the Looking Glass"

 Series Unfinished

::Whisper on a Scream Series::
Title Rating Summary Spoilers Status
Whisper on a Scream R Close to two hundred years in the future Xander is left alone...  none finished
First Whispers  PG13 Xander awakes for the first time as a "newly souled" vampire. 
none finished
Dark Whispers  PG-13 Xander tries to adjust to his unlife as a souled vampire. His Sire tries to adjust to having a childe. 
none finished

::Nine Month Series::
Title Rating Summary Spoilers Status
Payback are a Bitch NC-17 Anya catches Spike and Xander being naughty... 
none finished
A Few Confessions, Some Confusion & A Conniption Fit.  R Panic sets in, so Xander drags his undead love-muffin to the Magic Box to consult Giles...
none finished
Paranoid Blonde Psychotic  R Spike brings his unconscious Nummy home, and then precedes to overreact to events...  none finished
Little Blue Plus Sign  R Spike is still overprotective. Willow comes for a visit but she has ulterior motives...  none finished
Willow Said R Spike gives Xander an opening for "curing" the vampire of his panicky overprotectiveness and the pregnant man decides to run with it while he can...  none finished
Hormonal Overload #1 R Xander's thoughts and emotions get the best of him, but according to Tara, it's not insanity - it's hormones. none finished
Spell of Seeking R Willow and Tara perform a spell to determine the species of Spike and Xander's unborn child. none finished
Grossing-Out the Undead  R Xander tries to follow Giles "diet" advice, however, his attempts to make it "taste better" give Spike serious wiggins.  none finished
Excuse Me R Xander's "pregger" hormones shift from "moody mode" to "morning sickness mode" and this causes Spike's paranoia to return full fledge. The Scoobies endure.  none finished
Hormonal Overload #2 R Xander finally lets Spike know how he feels about his overprotectiveness. Tempers fly. none finished