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Curse Fulfilled
by Scorpio
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

Part One  

It was raining outside. The sky was dull black with rolling grey 
clouds. Alexia watched silently as the water falling from above 
pounded a staccato beat upon the glass windows. She could remember 
some faceless Aunt from her childhood telling her that raindrops were 
really tears, made by the Angels as they cried for all of the lost 
and lonely people adrift in the world. Morbidly, she wondered if any 
of the raindrops were being shed for her and her family of demons and 
demon hunters. 

It somehow seemed fitting that the sky would open up to try and drown 
the world in heavenly sorrow. It just wouldn't be right to deal with 
her churning thoughts and emotions if it were a warm breezy evening 
with lots of glittering shinning stars twinkling up above. Sudden 
blinding lightening sizzled with mindless fury across the sky, 
turning everything a stark colorless white-blue. It faded away with a 
booming roll of thunder to leave after-glow impressions of the naked 
city seared to her eyes, even as her reflection in the window slowly 

Silently, she studied her pale and watery image in the old and warped 
glass. Dark hair that blended into the cityscape surrounded a pale 
pale face with overly large dark eyes. Eyes that had seen far too 
much pain and held far too many secrets behind them. They were the 
eyes of someone who knew guilt and torment and suffered from just a 
touch of madness. Haunted.

Holding herself still as stone, Alexa could feel the voiceless call 
of that soothing void of nothingness and a part of her longed to 
loose herself to it's empty touch. It was so tempting to just fade 
away and drift off into her own mind. She could empty herself of all 
feelings and thoughts so easily and just... forget. Wipe her mind 
clean of guilty thoughts about Buffy and Willow and Giles. Ease her 
conscience by letting her awareness transform into scented smoke and 
be carried away by the slightest breeze.

Yet... to go back there, to slip away to that non-place that had 
cradled her torn mind after her transformation was to give up so many 
things that she had gained since her... awakening. It would mean 
loosing things she now treasured with every fiber of her being. She 
was... happy with her life now, and she was *so* angry with Riley for 
coming here and shattering that fragile glow of contentment.

She was a student again. Granted, Karate and cooking classes might 
not seem too important to those studying pre-med or pre-law, but for 
*her*, it was a delight to find *two* things she both enjoyed and was 
actually *good* at. She also had a job. She was Wesley's research 
assistant and she helped Cordy out with general office stuff. She had 
friends. Real friends who honest-to-God cared about her. Wesley and 
Gunn and Tim. And she had a new *best* friend, one who *didn't* try 
to make her feel as if she needed to be spoken down to or coddled 
like a little kid. Cordelia never pulled punches with *anyone*, not 
even her and she loved her for it. Her relationship with Angel was 
still tentative, but it was also a comforting one. They had each 
managed to forgive the other for past wrongs and they shared a bond 
of caring for the same people. Hell... she was practically his 
daughter-in-law. Which brought her to the most important reason for 
not fading off into her own mind.


The bleached blonde vampire had gone from one of her greatest enemies 
to an unwilling ally, to a sort-of-friend, to a fierce protector, and 
now finally, he was her lover. And deep down inside, where she was 
often too frightened to look, she thought she might be falling in 
love with him. She *didn't* want to loose Spike, but...

Ever since Riley had shown up at the office and demanded that Angel 
contact him about finding Spike and... herself, she had sunk further 
and further into a spiraling depression that was spiced liberally 
with fear. She didn't know what to do because she didn't know what 
had sparked this visit.

In her mind's eye, she cast backwards in time, recalling memories of 
those friends she had left behind, hurt and suffering. She could 
recall many victories over enemies, but she had to go back *years* to 
find ones that were actually *good* memories filled with happiness. 
There were very few good memories associated around the time right 
before Anya got her powers back. And of those few good ones from that 
time period, most of them included Anya or even Spike... but not 
Willow or Buffy.

And she felt guilty for that as well. It was almost as if her 
memories of her friends should be shinning examples of goodness and 
light in her mind's eye, but they weren't. She could look back from 
the distance of time, space and the maturing effects of unspeakable 
pain and anguish to see things from a new perspective. The 
perspective of an outsider looking in, one with a clearer and more 
precise view. And what she saw disturbed her greatly.

Giles didn't seem to be the vast font of wisdom and knowledge that 
he'd been to her back then. He wasn't the gentle caring father figure 
Xander had so desperately needed him to be. He was human and fallible 
and his blind loyalty to his Slayer hid many truths from him. Alexa 
could see that now. While she and Willow had been fascinating people 
to watch and guide as they simultaneously complicated and entertained 
him, they were, when stripped to the bare bones of it, nothing more 
than tools to be used to further the goals for his Slayer as set 
forth by the Council.

Willow was also seen differently now than she was back then. Alexa 
could reach into her memory and pull forth a *huge* selection of 
different and ever mutable images of Willow. Everything from a young 
child in pig-tails to a sleek and sexy woman on the prowl. Yet, even 
though she had easily cataloged and noticed the changes in her 
physical appearance as they grew older, she'd had far more trouble 
accepting the changes in her personality. And she knew that was a 
problem they *both* had shared. Willow continued to see Xander as the 
neglected and abused friend who always needed a soft touch and 
comforting protection from his own life. And she had seen Willow as 
the innocent young girl with lots of smarts who was shy and quiet and 
afraid to step forward into the spotlight.

But that wasn't who either of them had been at *that* point in time. 
She, as Xander, had been facing trials and suffering beyond anything 
Willow had ever known about for *years* and she had survived. She had 
faced the darkness in demons, humans and even herself countless times 
without anyone to hold her hand and she resented anyone thinking that 
she was too dumb or stupid to understand anything important. And she 
had done the same to Willow. She had this idea in her head of 
sweetness and light, of innocence and sensuality. And if Willow did 
or said anything that didn't fit into that mold, then she, as Xander, 
would feel disappointed or she would just willfully ignore it. Alexa 
was as much to blame.

And Buffy? The Slayer had ceased to be the golden warrior of light 
and goodness that Xander had needed her to be. She could see the 
arrogance and self-absorbed pettiness for what it was now. For years, 
Xander had brushed off a thousand insults and slights from her 
because she was the Chosen One. She could remember thinking that it 
wasn't fair to Buffy that she had all of that responsibility thrust 
upon her and that if she seemed whiny and petulant, that was okay. 
She had the right to bitch and moan. 

But now?... That seemed so far away. All she saw was a spoilt girl 
who had *always* been the center of attention, even *before* she'd 
been called to duty by the Council. What was worse, was that she 
coupled her insultingly superior attitude with a blind eye towards 
the true reality of the day-to-day things that everyone else was left 
to muddle through. If it didn't effect her personally, it didn't 
matter to her one iota. How many times had she been told, "Go home 
Xander, I don't need to be distracted because you are in danger." So 
many times Alexa had wanted to say that sending her home was just 
*asking* her to place herself in danger and that the only difference 
if she got killed by her father was that she wouldn't rise from her 
own grave. Yet, she never had.

And now Riley was in town and he wanted her and Spike. Why? Hell, it 
had almost been six months since their departure from Sunnydale. What 
did he want with them *now*?

Alexa was pulled from her depressing thoughts by the sounds of her 
lover, his Sire and their hunting companion Gunn walking into the 
building. They were in good spirits, Spike's deep lilting voice 
echoing off the rafters as he teased the big black man mercilessly. 
Gunn's sharp and cutting retort back at the blonde vampire earned him 
an amused and raunchy laugh. Alexa stared into the darkened glass as 
she watched Gunn's reflection. It was odd to see him interact with 
people that weren't there. It was... surreal. But then, so was her 
entire life.

Silently, she turned her head and looked over towards the three men, 
one human and two vampires, and a soft sad ghost of a smile flitted 
across her full lips. They were all soaked to the bone from the 
pouring torrents of rain, but none of them seemed to mind that fact. 
They had the air about them of victory and Alexa didn't even have to 
ask if they had killed the demon they had been hunting tonight. She 
could see the proof of it in Angel's satisfied relief, Gunn's hyped 
up energy and Spike's sparkling and dangerous eyes.

She watched them as they joked and bonded with each other in the 
moment, when suddenly her beloved protector came to a halt. His 
stillness was sudden and absolute, the preternatural silence of those 
who were undead. Slowly, his head swiveled on his neck until he had 
turned to spy her sitting in the corner in the dark. Alexa watched as 
a puzzled frown rippled across his face quickly only to be replaced 
with deep concern underlined with a cold anger at whatever had hurt 

Moving swiftly, Spike stalked over to her and gathered her up in his 
arms. A hitched gasp that was almost a sob tore lose from her throat 
and she clutched at him tightly. Vaguely, she was aware of Angel and 
Gunn coming up to them, but all that mattered to her in that instant 
was Spike. With a soft shudder, she buried her face in his muscled 
chest and savored the feel of his strong arms wrapping around her. It 
was as if she could hide from all of the hurt and pain in her heart 
buy clinging to him and huddling within the safety of his embrace.

"Pet?... What is it? I can't fix it if you don't tell me what's 

A cry of relief that he was here and that he would stand by her side 
no matter what rolled through her and a single tear slid down her 
cheek. She could only hope that the rest of her family would stand 
with her and Spike on this... issue.

"Um... while you were out... ah, Riley came by. He... uh, he asked 
for Angel. He didn't recognize me as *me*... but he said he wanted 
Angel to help him find *us*. But I don't now why. I only know that he 
was *so* angry."

Alexa felt Spike shift slightly to exchange a look with Angel, but 
she didn't lift her face from his shoulder, so she wasn't sure what 
passed between Sire and Childe. She only knew that she was upset and 
she didn't ever want to leave the comforting arms of her lover. 
Suddenly, Spike lifted one hand and ran it in soothing circular rubs 
against her back and she melted into him.

"Shhh... Pet, shhh... Spike's here now. I'll take care of you. 
Always. You know that."


Alexa walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out the large 
container of blood. She carried it back over to the counter and set 
it down between Spike and Cordelia. Ever since she had started her 
cooking classes she'd found herself working out her own fear and 
nervous energy in the kitchen. And right now, she was very nervous. 

In about an hour or so Riley Finn was scheduled to keep an 
appointment with Angel. From what little Angel could gather from the 
tense and terse conversation over the telephone, something had 
happened to Riley. Something to do with the Initiative and he was 
*pissed* and Buffy was "coddling" him because of it. He wanted to 
prove that he could *still* fight at her side by doing something that 
*she* wasn't willing to do. Confronting Spike and Xander. It was his 
goal to drag them back to Sunnydale to be "punished" for their 

Angel had, of course, denied any knowledge of his Childe's location, 
but Riley wanted to talk in person anyway. Alexa figured that Riley 
knew Angel was lying since the souled vampire wasn't a very good 
liar. His sense of guilt always got in the way. She could only assume 
that the ex-commando thought he could intimidate the dark vampire if 
they met face to face. What's more, he was coming *here* because he 
had refused to let Angel into his motel room and he didn't know the 
city well enough to meet elsewhere. 

She and Spike had been *ordered* to hide themselves away. Alexa 
didn't mind that thought, but Spike wasn't very keen on it. It was at 
that point that Cordy suggested that they take 'the bleached menace' 
into the kitchen and use him as a guinea-pig on recipes to 'spice-up' 
Angel's pig and cow blood. Everyone knew Spike's often vocalized 
opinion on the way the stuff tasted and even Angel had broken down 
and admitted that it was a 'fill your stomach while torturing your 
taste-buds' kind of meal. Cordelia had even gone so far as to mention 
that she had once tried to spice up a glass of blood for Angel by 
adding cinnamon. Spike had shuddered in horror and offered his Sire 
up a truly sympathetic glance, so... here they were.

Taking out a few glasses, she poured a small amount of blood into 
each one. Then, she looked around at all of the things she had 
collected for her cooking assignments and began grabbing things to 
spice up the blood with. Salt. Sugar. Vanilla. Chocolate milk powder. 
Cooking sherry. And a knife.

"What's the knife for pet?"

Alexa blinked and started. She had been so lost in her own thoughts 
that she had forgotten that she wasn't alone in her private little 
world. At one time, the thought that she would be so comfortable in 
the presence of an unsouled demon that she had tuned him out would 
have been met with a scathing glare and a harsh snort, now it was 
fact. Spike was almost an extension to her own body at times and she 
never felt unsafe in letting all her guards drop near him. In fact, 
she felt safer to do so *in* his presence, she knew he would watch 
her back for her.

"Oh. That. I thought that maybe a drop or two of human blood might 
help to mask the taste."

Spike nodded and frowned slightly.

"It might. It's much more robust than animal blood, but... I don't 
like the idea of you bleeding yourself for Angel. I don't care if 
that pouf *is* my Sire, you don't bleed for no one but *me*, got 

Alexa looked over at him and saw his blue eyes blaze fiercely with 
possessiveness and the expression on his handsome face was one of 
total seriousness. She quickly nodded her head in agreement.

"Right. Um... no problem there. I wasn't really planning on letting 
anyone else taste me anyhow. I was just gonna do it because *you* 
volunteered to taste our concoctions. Someone else can do it if it 
really *does* work."

Cordelia waved her hands in the air and shook her head no.

"Well, it's *not* going to be *me*. Hey, I like the boss-man as much 
as the next person, but my job description *clearly* states that 
Angel does *not* drink my blood. *Ever*. He gets staked if he even 

Alexa frowned. She was sure that *that* would be the one thing to 
help the most, but if no one was willing to donate... Then a really 
wicked thought struck her and she let a smile full of mischief slide 
across her lips, even as she turned to wink at Cordelia.

"Well... *I* can't do it or Spike will lose his mind over the whole 
thing, and to be honest, I gotta agree with you. If Angel tried to 
drink from me, I'd stake him too. But *who* do we know who *wouldn't* 
mind it? Who do we know who *wants* to make Angel's life a bit... 

Cordy stared at her blankly for a moment and then grinned wickedly. 
They both spoke at the same time.


Spike snorted in amusement and chuckled.

"That ponce! Figures. I swear the man puts out enough 'fuck-me now' 
pheromones to give a dead elephant a stiffy whenever he gets near my 
wanker of a Sire. I'm a bit surprised that Angel hasn't thrown him 
down and shagged him stupid by now."

Alexa and Cordy giggled at the images that Spike brought to mind, but 
as usual, it was Cordelia who brought everyone back to hard cold 

"I think it's the soul. I mean... *no one* wants Angelus back. 
*Especially* Angel."

That thought sobered everyone up quick. Spike sighed and shook his 
head sadly.

"He wasn't always like that you know. Back *before* the soul ever 
showed up he was a right fun-loving demon. But now? Angelus is 
insane. 'Course, I don't know how well wrapped *I'd* be if I were 
trapped inside the same skull as Angel sharing all his guilt and 
nancy-boy soulishness."

Alexa felt Spike's confusion and sadness wash over her own heart. She 
knew from their long middle of the night talks that Spike had been 
torn up over the way his Sire had acted the last time Angelus had 
gotten free. He had been abused, ridiculed and then tossed aside as 
so much trash because of his injuries. Alexa knew how it felt to be 
considered unworthy by her own father, but she at least, hadn't 
fallen from grace as 'the favorite one' before that. 

Falling back on old patterns, she tried to lift everyone's flagging 
spirits. Popping one of the glasses into the microwave she set the 
timer to warm it up and turned back to face her sullen friend and 
gloomy lover.

"Okay guys... enough poor Angel, let's find ways to tease his taste-
buds instead. I say we let him try the best concoction we come up 
with as well as the worst."

Spike glanced up at her, a wicked gleam coming back into his lovely 
blue eyes.

"Pet? You'd knowingly and willingly offer up the great and 
magnificent pouf the *worst* tasting cup o sludge to drink?"

A twinkle in her own dark eyes, Alexa grinned and nodded. Spike 
stared at her for a long moment and then threw back his head and 
laughed with delight.

"That's my girl! Wicked to the last."

Part Two  

Alexa stared down at her blood coated hands with stunned fascination 
that bordered on hysterical horror. She wasn't sure *how* she had 
done what she had. Hell, she wasn't even sure *what* had happened to 
*make* her do what she did. Everything that led up to it seemed hazy 
and unsure. Trembling violently in shock, she felt Spike's cool arms 
wrap around her and drag her back from the perfectly healthy, yet 
still unconscious form of Riley Finn.

"Shhh... Pet. I've got you. It's okay, it's okay. Shhh..."

And suddenly, she was safe, she was in his arms and she was safe 
enough to let go and drift. Slowly, the world became hazy and 
indistinct as she hid from everyone and everything within the 
confines of her own mind. However, it was different from before. When 
she had first been transformed, she had become lost inside of her own 
head, seeking sanctuary in the velvet mists of nothingness. Now, she 
was treated to a full version surround sound and technicolor replay 
of everything that had just happened.

She had been in the kitchen with Spike and Cordelia. She and her 
friend had been giggling over the expression the blonde vampire had 
made over the combination of warm blood and hazelnut extract. Then, 
Spike had held up one hand for silence, tilted his head and 
hissed 'Slutty's fuck-toy is here and he'd mouthing off to Angel.' 
Alexa had stood in frightened immobility as she'd watched Spike's 
face shift from disgusted curiosity to indignant anger to out and out 

With blinding speed from preternatural reflexes, the bleached blonde 
vampire had howled in unfettered fury and ran from the cluttered 
kitchen. There had only been a brief moment to pause while she and 
Cordy had exchanged identical expressions of terror filled surprise 
and then they had dashed out after him.

Alexa had skidded to a halt in front of a scene of absolute horror. 
Spike had literally *impaled* Riley on his clawed fist, reaching into 
the mortal's body cavity to *squeeze* his living flesh. At her own 
high pitched scream of denial, Spike had flinched slightly, causing 
Riley's body to slide off of his hand with a sickeningly wet plop. 
Gore coated her lover's fist and blood gushed from the gaping hole in 
the ex-commando's torso. Then, he crumbled like a broken doll onto 
the once pristine tiled floor.

Alexa threw herself to her knees beside him and tried to press her 
hands against his wound, desperate to keep his life from pouring out 
from between her fingers. Shock and horror and fear filled her to the 
brink, and yet, it was *not* Riley she feared for... but *Spike*.

"Oh! What have you *done*! He belongs to *Buffy*! The Slayer is gonna 
*kill* you for this Spike! I *can't* loose you now! I just... he 
*has* to live. He *HAS* to!"

And then a sizzling rain of electric tingles washed over her skin and 
something deep inside her mind *flared* bright white and she felt the 
whole universe *bend* out of shape as all of her fear and anger and 
desperation slammed through her body and into her blood stained 
hands. She *glowed* a deep burnt yellow with red shimmers and 
sparkles and she felt the rush of energy in her hands *shift* and 
*mutate* into something green and cool with washes of silky blue and 
then it poured from her hands and into Riley Finn's quickly dying 
body. Not truly understanding, but helplessly unable to stop, she 
pressed against his chest and *willed* him to heal and thrive and to 

A ring of gasps echoing in her ears, Alexa watched as Riley's wound 
began to heal. The torn flesh rewove itself even as the bruises faded 
and his heartbeat and breathing steadied. And then Wesley's thready 
voice whispering with stunned awe tilted her world on it's axis.

"My God! She's a *faith* healer!"

The shock and frighteningly harsh certainty of what her own mind kept 
trying to tell her by showing her this scene over and over again 
became too much. She wanted to forget, to disappear inside her own 
head like before, but even *that* comfort was torn from her. She kept 
seeing Spike murder the Slayer's boyfriend only for her to 
resurrection him again with her bare hands. 

It was far too much strain to carry alone. If she couldn't escape 
what she had done... what she *was*, then she needed her friend, her 
protector, her *lover* by her side. She needed Spike. With a shudder 
of absolute regret and horror she flung her consciousness back out of 
her head and into the real world. She found herself being cradled in 
Spike's arms as everyone argued around her. 

She threw back her head and screamed out her rage and denial.


Everyone shut up instantly. The silence was almost deafening as all 
eyes snapped to her. But she didn't care, she didn't even notice. All 
she saw was a future of pain and fear, of responsibility and endless 
giving of herself to those that would shun her. Turning her large 
haunted dark eyes to face Spike she shivered in fear and she *begged* 
him for answers to things he could not possibly know.

"Why?! Spike *why* did she *do* this to me? Why! Wasn't turning me 
into a woman *enough* pain for me to deal with? Why did she have to 
make me this... this... *freak* as well? My God! What did I *do* that 
made him come back to life? I don't *want* to raise zombies! The only 
corpse I want in my life is *you*!"

She knew that she was being hysterical and that she was heading 
straight for a full blown panic attack that would leave her a 
shattered wreck, but she didn't care. She couldn't stop even if she 
*did* care. Her heart rate soared to dangerous levels and her 
breathing became quick and shallow. She felt as if she were drowning 
and she had the horrible notion that she needed to escape, but from 
what, she had no clue. 

It was finally Cordelia who pulled her out of histrionics with a neat 
slap to the face. She sobered up instantly and the only thing that 
prevented Spike from gutting *her* as well was the fact that Alexa 
was literally *wrapped* around him. But then, with throwing little 
more than a dangerous growl and a frightening glare at her, he turned 
his attention fully on Alexa.

"Shhh... Pet. The stupid git's *not* a bloody *zombie*, I *promise* 
you. He's perfectly *alive* and *mortal*. You're not a freak at all. 
You *healed* him pet, you didn't make him the evil undead or anything 
like that. He's *fine* and so are *you*."

She shook her head, trying to deny it, but he wouldn't let her.

"No Pet. You're *perfect* and don't let anything make you think 
differently. You did a *good* thing. You were right. The Slayer 
*would* have been most brassed off if you had allowed the bloody 
wanker to die. I shouldn't have tried to eviscerate him. And I won't 
do it again as long as he doesn't attack me first. Promise."

Alexa felt as if her head was reeling. This was too much information 
to process all at once. She wasn't sure *how* to deal with all of 
this. She felt as if she wanted to sleep for a year because her body 
and mind were so very tired and worn out. Yet she was angry and 
frightened as well. 

She was still hoping to wrap her mind around the fact that Riley was 
going to be okay and that *she* had been the one to mentally stitch 
up his wounds when Angel did the one thing that she had been *far* to 
frightened to do. No matter *how* much she *needed* to know. Raising 
his face to the ceiling, the dark vampire screamed out a one word 



It had been two weeks since Alexa had discovered her ability to heal 
others and Angel's subsequent summoning of the Vengeance Demon. Even 
now, huddled in the warmth of her bed with Spike spooned up behind 
her, she felt chills as she recalled that reunion with her ex-
girlfriend. She *still* had a bit of trouble understanding everything 
that had happened and she could only blame what she had done on the 
shock and stress. Although, so far it was turning out to be a *good* 

Anya had appeared to everyone in her full blown demon visage in a 
flash of light and a puff of sulfuric smoke. Alexa had paused only a 
brief moment before she had slid off of Spike's lap and hurled 
herself at the demon. Throwing her arms around her ex-girlfriend, 
Alexa had broken down into tears once again while babbling 
incoherently about cooking classes, menstruation and healing sucking 
chest wounds with her bare hands. Anya had merely stiffened in shock 
for a brief moment and then hugged her tightly.

"Xan... Xan... calm down. It's no use to be all weepy about it. 
What's done is done and I *know* you're strong enough to handle this. 
It's just... weird for you right now. Believe me, I truly understand. 
When I first became human I thought that I would *never* figure stuff 
out, but you were there for me and you helped me through it all. Just 
like Spike is here for you. And... once you get past this one last 
thing, you'll be fine. Honest."

Alexa hadn't been aware of Spike getting up and following her over to 
Anya, but he was suddenly there, one hand on her shoulder as he 
leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on Anya's wrinkled gameface.

"Long time no see luv. How's the Vengeance Business?"

Anya had given a gleeful chuckle that rumbled against Alexa's check 
where it was pressed against her ex-girlfriend's throat.

"Lot's of fun and very busy. Of course, being busy is why it's lot's 
of fun. How's anti-chip hunting with you?"

"Smashing pet, absolutely smashing. Can't thank you enough for 
removing the buggery thing. But... ah, I'm not quite sure what to do 
to help Alexa here. She was doing just fine until this whole Riley 
thing. Now, as you can see, she's a bit upset. Wasn't really my fault 
though. I've been a good vamp, I have. Haven't even shagged the 
virginity out of her, or nothing."

Anya had snorted and waved her hand in dismissal.

"What? Why not? I'm not worried about that, although her healing 
abilities will make her... um, *fertile* so safe sex is a big thing, 
but as for the rest... it'll just take time to get used to it."

That was when Angel cut in. He was in full-blown over-protective 
mode, which seemed odd to Alexa. She had seen the dark vampire do 
that with Spike, Cordy, Wes and even Gunn, but never *her*. She 
thought that it was perhaps a big step in their relationship, but at 
the time it had been such a small detail lost in a lot of 
overwhelming issues. So, the next real clear memory she had of that 
night was Anya offering to answer Angel's question of *why* Anya had 
done what she did if they could just go sit down.

Once she was firmly ensconced on the couch between the two demons, 
one Vengeance and one Vampire, Alexa had everything laid out before 
her to *finally* understand. She could clearly remember the words 
that Anya used to describe it.

"I'm a *demon*, so by my very nature I *can't* grant blessings, only 
curses. A demon's gift is a double edged blade. One side will defend 
and cut your enemies while the other side attacks and cuts you. So... 
I cursed you. With *healing* abilities. The only way for *that* to be 
possible was to turn you into a female. Females have the power of 
life and creation within their very blood and DNA. They give life, 
created out of blood and bone and pain and hurt. If I were an 
Archangel, I could have blessed you and then the changes would have 
come to you easily and without any torment. But I'm *not*. I'm an 
Arch*demon* and my gifts carry a stern price. You will never age nor 
grow sick. You'll be able to heal others with the power of your mind, 
but you'll *always* struggle to accept that with any sort of ease and 
you will have to swim at the edge of madness. It's undertow can... 
and has dragged you out into it, but you found your way back to shore 
and with Spike's help you'll *stay* there. I'm sorry for that, but... 
it's *necessary*. As for Buffy and her little gang of I'm-so-good-and-
pure-so-do-as-I-say-or-else, well... I didn't mean for the curse on 
them to be permanent. They can be *healed*... It's up to you Xan."

And then Anya had made as if to leave and Alexa's head had flown up 
only to see Wesley sitting in a chair with Angel standing behind him 
looking all broody and stoic. Alexa *still* didn't know where the 
idea came from or why she even voiced it. She figured that she was 
still feeling a tad on the crazy side and all she wanted to do was 
thrust her own situation *out* of her head and so she had latched 
onto someone else's problems as a diversion. She remembered Wesley's 
little speech about Angel's curse and it's deadly loophole. She 
recalled all of the time's she had watched her friend suffer in 
silence because of his undeniable love for her lover's Sire. And so, 
in her usual fashion, she leapt into the abyss on instinct without 
stopping to consider the consequences.

"Anya? I... I would like to make a wish."

Stunned horrified silence descended upon the room. Alexa could see 
that everyone had the strong urge to *run* even as they felt 
compelled to stay and witness what could undo all of their lives in a 
heartbeat. All, that is, except Anya herself.

"Yes Xan, what is it you wish for?"

Taking a deep breath for courage, Alexa had then taken one soul and 
the entire world's lives and held them in her hands.

"I wish... I wish that Angel's curse would be modified so that he can 
*never* lose his soul again. Angelus *hurt* me and countless others. 
I *never* want him to have control of Angel's mind and body again."

Shocked gasps echoed in the high ceilinged room. Anya just smiled and 
snapped her fingers. Angel was enveloped in a wash of bright green 
energy that hummed with power. After a brief surge of brightness, the 
green sank into his skin and he shuddered, gasped and collapsed to 
the floor. 

"It's done."

Then, with another flash of light and a puff of sulfuric smoke, Anya 
was gone.

Now... now Alexa was left trying to sort it all out in her mind. 
Everything still felt out of place slightly, as if she just needed 
the whole planet to shift slightly to the left. But, from what she 
understood of what Anya told her, she would *always* feel this way. 
She was cursed and her soul would always feel that burden. No matter 
how many acts of good that she did, or how many people she helped, 
just like Angel, she was forever cursed. Darkness lived inside of 
her, strengthening her, marking her apart from the rest of humanity.

And she had *so* many things to deal with. One, she was a woman. Two, 
she was for all intents and purposes, immortal. Three, she was a 
faith healer with the power of Hell behind her. She could heal 
mortals and demons alike... as long as they had a touch of darkness 
within them, she could heal them. And four, she was... fertile. She 
could get pregnant. That still wasn't really an issue, since she was 
still a virgin, but even then, her lover was technically dead, so... 
But it was still an oogy thought.

That was another thing altogether. Anya had practically given Spike 
permission to fuck her. She wasn't sure if she was ready for that 
step. She had worked up the courage to give him oral sex and she had 
to admit that it was *lots* of fun and she loved to do it. But, now 
that the niggling little fear that Anya would come back and seek 
vengeance on him if he *did* have sex with her was gone, Spike 
*really* wanted to shag, as he put it. She could still hear his 
attempts to convince her.

"Hell Pet. Even that mincing pouf of a souled up Sire of mine is 
bumping uglies with that bloody wanker of an ex-Watcher. Let's shag 
luv. It'll be *lots* of fun, promise."

Alexa couldn't help grin at the thought of Angel and Wesley though. 
At first, when Angel didn't seem to be effected in anyway by Anya's 
spell, the dark haired vampire had not wanted to test it out. He'd 
been afraid that it hadn't worked and that Angelus would get free. 
Wesley had finally gotten tired of the broody wistful sighs and long 
lingering looks and simply tied the vampire to his own bed while he 
was sleeping. Then, holding a stake firmly in one hand in case it 
turned out to be needed, he climbed on top of a startled Angel and 
rode him into the first real moment of happiness he'd had in far too 
many years. They'd been sharing a bed ever since and Angel walked 
around with this silly dazed smile on his face while Wesley 
alternated blushing himself out of the room or smirking smugly. 

And now that Angel didn't fear his soul would disappear like smoke on 
the wind, he was opening up more and more. His true personality was 
beginning to shine through and he routinely laughed, loudly and with 
great joy. The other edge of the curse, the one Anya warned about, 
was that Angel had less control over the parts of his mind that were 
fueled by Angelus's passions and desires. The dark vampire may be 
more friendly and happy, but his temper was now easy to invoke and 
his violent tendencies were rising. Angel and Angelus seemed to be 
more merged now than ever before. It made a weird sort of sense 
though. Wesley was convinced that Anya anchored Angel's soul *to* the 
demon Angelus... thus making it permanent. And Spike was *thrilled* 
with the changes in his Sire. 

But, to be honest, it was all overwhelming her, no matter how much 
she might enjoy any one single aspect of it. Thrown together, she 
felt just as mixed up and turned around as she did when she had first 
been transformed. A part of her wanted to slip back into the hollow 
depths of madness and *forget*, but she knew she couldn't take that 
way out again. She had to face up to this, no matter how hard it was.

However, she still couldn't go anywhere or do anything without Spike 
at her side. Just like before, she needed him to be there every 
second. She would fly into a panic when ever he was gone from her 
presence for too long. She stayed aware, mostly, but she *needed* his 
strength and his fierce personality to act as a buffer between her 
and the world. Even Cordelia wasn't enough, although if Spike *had* 
to leave her, he *always* made sure that Alexa was with Cordy and 
then he returned as soon as he could.

He was with her right now, snuggled up behind her, his body a 
physical shield between her and the world as he held her tightly to 
his chest while he slept the sleep of the undead. Somehow, she knew 
that this wasn't the end of everything, but she hoped that whatever 
it was she could feel hovering around the edges of her mind would go 
easy on her. 

Settling back against her lover, Alexa tried to drift off to sleep 
once more... in the hopes that *this* time, her dreams would be 
gentle ones...

Part Three  

Alexa stood at the kitchen counter slicing honeydew melon. She 
watched silently as one pale long fingered hand reached out and 
grabbed a slice of the juicy fresh fruit. This was followed by soft 
chewing and slurping noises and a quietly hummed 'yum-yum'. Instead 
of admonishing the blonde vampire for his insolent fruit thievery, 
she merely scooped up the remaining slices and put them in their 
designated spot on the tray. Then she reached for the oranges, but 
before she started slicing up the first citrusy treat, she paused and 
glanced up at her grinning lover.

"Spike?... What's it like to live forever?"

She watched those bright blue eyes she adored so much go wide and she 
could almost see the wheels in his head turning. But thankfully, he 
didn't laugh at her or make fun of her question. Scathing comments 
and bitter sarcasm were all well and good when joking around, but 
this was a subject that had been literally keeping her awake at 
nights and he was taking her worry seriously.

"I don't rightly know Pet. I haven't lived forever yet, only a little 
under two centuries. Even still, I think that you and I would 
experience time differently. I mean... you got a soul and I got a 
demon. Maybe you should sit down and talk to Peaches about how *his* 
soul deals with the concept."

Alexa frowned in confusion. Laying the knife down on the counter, she 
turned to fully face the bleached blonde vampire.

"Why? I mean, why would that make a difference in how we see time? 
Time is time... it doesn't change."

Spike shrugged his shoulder's slightly and made a vague gesture that 
could take in the kitchen, the city or the entire planet.

"I don't miss things when they're gone Pet. Sure, there *are* one or 
two exceptions to that, but... I mean, in general. I don't get 
homesick for any city or town or place, no matter *how* much time I 
spent there before I leave again. Souled beings tend to get attached 
to places. A quick look at history and all those lovely little wars 
started over a patch of grass and rock could tell you that. Demons 
can be territorial, but that's more about the prey they hunt than the 
location. If their prey leaves to a new place, the demon will follow. 
Like following a nomadic herd."

Alexa could feel her head shaking, but she wasn't sure what it was 
she was disagreeing about. Finally, a thought occurred to her.

"But, but... you're English. You go on and on about England and how 
the English are better than everyone else."

Spike grinned wickedly at her and nodded.

"Too true Pet, too true. Annoys the bloody hell out of people too, 
don't it? If I was so fond of the place, I'd go home. Granted, there 
*are* things about England that are far superior than anywhere else, 
but that's true of *all* places. They all have at least *one* thing 
to set them apart. I go on about being an English bred Demon all the 
time for a simple reason really. It brasses off the two Watcher's and 
my Mick of a Sire. All three of 'em got souls and they tend to be 
rather attached to their homelands."

Spike offered her up a smirk and a nod of his head.

"Mark my words Pet, *one* of these days I'm going to trick that 
mincing pounce Angel into admitting that he has a thing for English 

Alexa watched with a slight grin as his smirk turned thoughtful.

"I think it's the accent. After all, we English *invented* the 
language, so of *course* we speak it best."

Alexa felt herself begin to cheer up slightly. Spike had this way of 
making things that were out of control and out of hand seem 
manageable in his own demented way. It was that freaky ability he had 
to cut through the bullshit that Alexa seemed to lack. She had a 
feeling that her troubles in the emotional agility department was an 
aftereffect of the curse. Anya *had* said that she would *always* 
feel a touch 'off' and Alexa figured that *this* was one of those 

"So... I'll probably find myself growing attached to a specific town 
or city or something. I'll either want to stay there for long periods 
of time or keep coming back for visits? That's... not so bad. I mean, 
there are worse things than thinking of L.A. as home, right?"

Spike nodded and his grin faded away. His eyes grew serious again, 
the blue deepening in response to his mood shift. 

"Well... you'll probably end up thinking of *Sunnydale* as home, with 
L.A. as an acceptable adjunct. But... that's not what I think you 
should talk to Peaches about. I can't really help you when the 
mortals around us start getting old and dying off. I'll be honest and 
tell you that even though I'm close to hitting my two hundredth year, 
that's not something that I've had to face before. I never *had* 
mortal friends before. I've never spent any real amounts of time with 
them, just the usual 'Hi there. Tastes great. Oh look, you're dead.' 
So, I'm sort of in the same boat as you with that."

Alexa tried real hard not to think about everyone she cared about 
dying, even if a good percentage of them were already dead. Instead, 
she latched onto what Spike had said about himself. Seeing things 
from *his* position might give her a clue as to how to begin dealing 
with this whole situation.

"I don't understand, Spike. You've seen *hundreds* of mortals die. 
Why is now different?"

Spike sighed and shoved his hands into his jean's pockets as he 
slummed against the edge of the kitchen counter. He looked past her 
and his bright blue eyes unfocused as he considered the reasons that 
things had changed for him.

"It started with the chip actually. At first I couldn't *stand* being 
forced to spend *any* amounts of time around humans. I didn't have 
any choice though, so... Anyway, after a while, I guess that I just, 
I don't know,... got used to you all. Names and faces became... 
*familiar*. But not like they had been before. I mean, up until then, 
you were all just *the enemy* and you each had a little nick-name or 
title in my head that I referred to you by, but that's it. Suddenly, 
I learned much more than I *ever* wanted to learn."

Alexa grinned softly. They had never spoken about what it was like 
for Spike to adjust to having the Scooby Gang in his face 24-7 all of 
the sudden. Oh, she *knew* that the vampire hadn't liked it, but he'd 
never opened up on his *real* thoughts about that time period.

"I'll be honest pet, it was frustrating to find out that all of my 
excellently laid out plans had been foiled by you guys. I was not 
exactly impressed by you lot. However, that was when I first 
discovered that humans could amuse me in ways other than killin' 
them. You and Anya were a walking talking soft porn show and the 
Slayer was delightfully stupid and self-absorbed. It was a riot to 
watch her bumble from one thing to the next while everyone scrambled 
to keep her life from falling apart at the seams. Giles was stuffy 
and easy to provoke and Willow... well she was the first one to try 
and make nice."

Alexa watched as a slightly pained expression blurred across her 
lovers eyes. It was there and gone in an instant and if she hadn't 
been starring, she'd have missed it entirely. As it was, she figured 
that only she or Angel would be able to recognize it for the sorrow 
and disappointment that it really was. Silently, Alexa reached out 
and gently slipped one of her hands into his.

"I'd never had anyone try and be nice to me before. Not while I had 
been alive and certainly not since the great pouf turned me. But 
Willow was real nice. It confused me and first, but then I just 
accepted that she was so sweet and innocent that she could put aside 
my past and like me for *me*. That changed my whole outlook on unlife 
right then and there. Of course, that's when I overheard her and Tara 
talking about me. Tara asked her *why* she was so nice to me. Know 
what the witch said Pet?"

Silently, Alexa shook her head no and squeezed his hand in unspoken 

"She told the blonde witch that she was nice to me because she *knew* 
that someday I'd get my chip out and she hoped that maybe I'd pass up 
the opportunity to kill her because she'd been friendly and helpful 
to me during my time of need. Or if I *did* kill her, I'd be merciful 
and make it quick and painless."

Dark blue eyes turned and caught her own dark ones and her heart 
*ached* for her lover.

"That hurt Pet. That hurt a *lot*. Needless to say, I wasn't too 
quick to try and be friendly with the rest of you after that. I 
didn't start to open up again until Anya and I started talking one 
day. We were both missing our 'demon powers' so to speak and we sort 
of bonded in our pain and misery."

A bitterly amused smile flickered across Spike's face only to fade 
into a smirk.

"You know, she's an odd duck, that Anya is. Some things she just 
doesn't get at all and I doubt that she ever will, yet other 
things... she sees right to the heart of the matter. She started 
making general observations about you and the rest of the 
Slayerettes. Once she did, things just started to snap into place for 
me. It was like an eye opener as I began to see for my own self what 
she had said. I also started noticing things on my own."

Spike squeezed her hand gently and she smiled softly at him.

"That's around the time that you and I started to become friends. I 
guess you could say that I began to see you through Anya's eyes. 
Things that hadn't meant anything to me before except as random fact 
suddenly took on meaning and significance. Once I started paying 
attention, I'd found that we had a lot more in common than I'd ever 
expected and I started to actually *like* you pet."

Now... Wes and Gunn aren't *too* bad as far as human's go I guess, 
but I really *do* like Cordy. She treats me fair and she doesn't back 
down from me and cringe even though I could kill her easily enough. 
And she treats you like a *real* friend should, not like those idiots 
back in Sunnydale. One day, she'll be gone and as much as I hate to 
admit it, I'll miss her."

Spike looked at her with a deadly serious expression on his face.

"I've *never* known a human that I'd miss if they up and died before. 
I'm not real sure how to handle that... And if some bloody dumb-fuck 
is actually *stupid* enough to murder *her*, then I'll hold the fool 
down myself while Angel rips his still beating heart out of his 

Alexa pulled Spike to her in a fierce hug and glanced up only to see 
Angel standing silently in the open doorway. She nodded slightly to 
acknowledge his presence and then turned her full attention back on 
her lover.

"I love her too Spike. She's my best friend. There are only two other 
beings in the whole world that I love more and that's you and Anya."

Spike's arms tightened around her briefly and he buried his face in 
her long midnight curls.

"You too my Pet, you too."

Part Four  

The sun hadn't even set when a slight knocking on their bedroom door 
pulled her up out of sleep. She stiffened slightly against Spike's 
chest until she heard his sleep roughened voice rasp out into the 

"Bloody Hell. What do *you* want Peaches? We're *sleeping* here."

With a murmured protest over being woken up, Alexa relaxed again and 
cuddled closer to the firmly muscled body laying half under her and 
rested her head back on Spike's shoulder. Automatically, and probably 
without thought, Spike's hand raised up and traced a light feathery 
trail up and down her spine in a soothing and sleepy rhythm. She had 
almost drifted back into a light slumber when Angel dropped his 
bombshell, totally shattering any remnants of calm and contentment 
she had been feeling.

"I, uh... I just got off of the phone with Giles."


Twenty minutes later, the entire gang, with the exception of Gunn who 
had been paged, was gathered in one of the more down scaled and cozy 
sitting rooms in the hotel. Alexa still felt the bizarre mixture of 
stunned shock and imminent panic. After Angel had made his startling 
announcement, she had gone into immediate hysterics. Spike had chased 
him from their rooms and then had spent the next fifteen minutes 
calming her to this point. Then they had dressed and headed down to 
meet with the others.

Now, here they were and everyone was tense and upset. Cordelia and 
Spike expected the worse, she knew, but Wesley just seemed... 
depressed. She figured that it was because he didn't like anything 
that brought Buffy into Angel's mind, but she was too carried away 
with her own inner demons to truly figure out his.

Alexa was pulled from her morose and dejected thoughts by Angel 
clearing his throat. He slowly gazed around the room, meeting every 
eye before resting his intense stare on her. His visage softened 
slightly in sympathy for the pain this was giving her, and he finally 
spoke with a low voice tempered with sadness and worry.

"Um... I've only had limited contact with the gang in Sunnydale since 
this whole episode with Anya began, so I was left out of the loop on 
several important things. But, something major happened, and Giles 
felt that I should be made aware of it."

Angel shifted uncomfortably for a swift moment and then looked off 
into the distance before continuing.

"Um... When Anya took Willow's ability to speak, apparently she got 
together with her girlfriend and they worked a spell that gave Willow 
telepathy. She's been using it ever since then and according to 
Giles's, she has gotten *very* good at it. Too good perhaps. See... 
when Riley got back to Sunnydale, he never said anything about what 
happened during his visit here, but he was obviously upset. According 
to Giles, he began to avoid them all and he would literally *cringe* 
whenever anyone mentioned Spike's name in his presence."

Angel, Wes and Cordy spared a quick moment to glare accusingly at 
Spike, but the blonde was painfully unrepentant. He was *glad* he had 
traumatized the ex-commando that had caused him so much grief in the 

"So... Buffy talked Willow into stealing the memories out of his 
head. When she did, Willow found out about Spike nearly killing him 
and Alexa healing him up as good as new. Then she found out about 
Anya's visit. We all thought Riley was still unconscious while she 
was here, but he woke up half-way through the whole confrontation. 
He... didn't want Buffy to know about the change to my curse *or* 
face Spike for fear he'd kill her like he almost did to *him*."

It was at this point that Cordelia interrupted. Her voice was angry, 
her body language was defensive and her eyes held fear. An angry and 
vengeful Slayer was nothing to be taken lightly.

"So... Buffy and Willow are on their way here? Do we need to fight 
them? What did Giles say they were planning?"

Angel finally held up one hand to stop the flow of her panicked 
babbling and winced slightly.

"No... Um, Buffy and Willow aren't on their way here. At least... not 
yet that I know of. As of right now, Buffy doesn't know anything. 
When Willow finally was able to get inside of Riley's head, Buffy was 
at a special class the college offer's for the hearing impaired. 
So... Willow went straight to Giles and simply... transferred all of 
the knowledge she'd gained from Riley directly into Giles head. Giles 
said it was almost like *living* the events from Riley's point of 
view. Well... he convinced Willow *not* to tell Buffy until he'd had 
a chance to confront *me* about what transpired."

Angel grew silent and took a deep unneeded breath. A pensive and 
apologetic look crossed his face and it seemed he was going to bite 
back the words on the tip of his tongue. However, after squirming a 
moment, he sighed and then turned back to face Alexa. He looked her 
right in the eye, holding her sad and frightened gaze with his own 
regretful and pain filled one.

"Alexa. Giles wants you to try and... heal them of the injuries that 
Anya laid on them. He's not sure if it will work since it's really a 
curse and not actual physical injuries, but he wants you to try. He 
said that, while they would *still* be angry at Anya and Spike, they 
would forgive *you*. Even if it didn't work."

Everyone gasped in shock and Alexa felt her heart skip a beat as a 
huge wave of emotional anguish threatened to drown her soul. She felt 
like a fruit left to wither on the vine, dry and rotting through her 
core. Spike however, was beyond anger and headed straight into 
unthinking fury. He's shifted into full blown gameface almost 
instantly and leapt to his feet with a roar.

"What the BLOODY FUCK!!! She didn't *do* anything wrong to be 
forgiven *for*!!! My Pet was *ten times* the victim in this mess as 
any one of those self-centered idiots!"

Spike began to pace the room in overwhelmed agitation. His booted 
feet stomped on the tiled floor and he waved his arms with dramatic 
gestures through the air while everyone just watched in amazed fear-
laced shock as the vampire known and feared the world over as William 
the Bloody threw a first class temper tantrum.

"Of all the *arrogant* *vicious* *mean* and down right *inane* things 
to suggest! How *dare* they even *consider* waving such a thing in 
her face?"

Spike stopped his pacing long enough to kick a wooden chair into 
splinters. Cordelia made a gesture as if to make Angel intervene, but 
the dark haired vampire shushed her quickly. Spike was *way* too 
dangerous right now and he *wasn't* thinking clearly at all. His 
anger was far too raw just yet.

"I should bloody well *kill* them all. *Rip* out their innards and 
dangle their slippery slimy parts from the brightest light pole I can 
bloody well find."

The raging blonde vampire snatched a ceramic vase with light blue 
flowers painted on it's glazed surface off of an end table. With a 
heave, he launched the hapless thing at the wall. It shattered into a 
hundred clay fragments and fine powdered dust.

"They *deserve* to suffer. All of them. They didn't even *care* that 
my Pet was suffering. Not *once* did they bother to find out if she 
was okay. They just *whined* and *whimpered* about their own 
miserable lives... like *always* and it's all so *stupid*!"

Spike stormed over to the fire-place and grabbed up the wrought-iron 
fire poker and hefted it's weight in his hands quickly. Then he swung 
it back over his head in preparation to swing it with blunt force at 
a glass framed picture hanging on the wall. That's when Alexa opened 
her mouth and spoke up in a soft and sorrowful voice.

"I'll do it."

Her words startled everyone, including Spike, and as such, his aim 
was horribly off. The metal fire poker went flying threw the air 
towards the door just as Gunn stepped into the room. Only his battle 
honed reflexes allowed him to duck in time to prevent being brained 
by the tool turned projectile weapon. However, Spike didn't even 
spare the glaring and sputtering Demon Hunter a glance. Instead he 
dashed across the room to drop to his knees in front of her and he 
gently cupped her face in his hands.

"Luv... Alexa. You *don't* have to do this. You don't *need* to be 
forgiven. You've done *nothing* wrong!"

Alexa gave him a watery tear filled smile that wavered just a bit.

"I know. I don't even *want* their forgiveness. But I don't want them 
to suffer either. The work they do is too important and the world 
*needs* them. So... I'll try. If not for them, then for the innocent 
people that they can save."


Two nights later found her, her lover and her lover's Sire pulling 
into Sunnydale. Wesley, Cordelia and Gunn and been wary about letting 
them head off to visit an angry Slayer, but neither Spike nor Angel 
wanted Alexa to face them alone. 

As they drove slowly through town, Alexa found herself gazing about, 
amazed at how different everything seemed to her now. Part of it was 
because she was female now and had started to look for certain things 
that she'd been oblivious to until Cordy had pointed them out to her. 
She noticed shops and restaurants and social activities that had 
never been important to the old Xander. 

She also noticed other things. Things that had never felt odd before 
since she had been born and raised on the Hellmouth, so she'd had 
nothing to compare it to. For one, Sunnydale was *small*. L.A. was 
*so* much larger and dirtier and... complex. Secondly, the population 
here was... disproportionate. Yes, she *knew* the college kept the 
number of younger people high, but still, it was out of balance. 

What's more... she wasn't afraid of the demonic population. At all. 
Yes, she'd spent *years* as a Slayerette and had faced more mean and 
ugly then most townies ever did, but it was still... different. Maybe 
it was because she was sitting in a car with the two strongest demons 
on the entire Hellmouth. Or maybe it was because Anya's curse made it 
so she couldn't die. Not even Buffy could kill her. The Slayer still 
had the power to destroy her emotionally, yes... but physically, she 
would simply... heal.

In fact, her only *real* fear was that Buffy would either attack 
Spike on sight, or that she'd manage to piss him off enough that he'd 
attack *her*. While she didn't want to see Buffy dead, there was *no 
way in hell* that she'd let the Slayer dust Spike. If Buffy died, 
another Slayer would be called to take her place... there was *no 
one* who could *ever* replace her lover.

But there was something else as well. Something that wasn't explained 
in the physical, or even the emotional. It was all of these things 
and yet *so* much more all at once. It was... *spiritual*. It had 
started as a faint hum in the back of her skull when they first 
crossed the borders of town, and it had grown steadily the further 
into the heart of Sunnydale they traveled. It was something 
intangible and yet achingly familiar to her. 

Letting her eyes drift shut and her mind spiral open to catch hold of 
the euphoric wisps and threads, she felt the faint hum crest into a 
pulse, like an extra heartbeat. One that vibrated through her, not 
physically, but spiritually. With mild curiosity and childlike 
wonderment, she searched her mind for what this sensation could be. 
It was something she *knew*, yet she was sensing it in a whole new 
way. Then, in a flash of illumination, she understood *what* it was 
she could sense so clearly.

The Hellmouth.

She had spend countless hours literally sitting on top of it. Her 
whole life had revolved around it in one way or another and in it's 
own mindless way, it knew and recognized her as well. And now, with 
her curse and hell-spawned abilities, she could *feel* the power it 
radiated. She was becoming more intimately attuned to it with each 
passing second.

She smiled softly. She had come home... not to the Scooby Gang, but 
to the Hellmouth.


Alexa found her mind bathed in an eery calm as Angel pulled his car 
up in front of Giles's home. She stayed silent as the trio got out of 
the car and walked up to the front door. At one time, before Anya's 
curse, she would have been welcome to just walk in. Now, however, she 
knocked on the door and waited.

Part Five

After a brief wait, the door swung open to reveal Willow. The petite 
red-headed witch looked up at her, a puzzled expression on her face. 
Then, her bright green eyes swept past her to take in the sight of 
Spike and Angel standing behind her and recognition flickered in her 
eyes. Alexa watched, acutely uncomfortable, as Willow's eyes snapped 
back to her. Her once best friend, stared at her with an intensity 
and curiosity that was unnerving even as her open face revealed the 
extreme level of shock she was feeling. Alexa shifted slightly under 
that gaze and then took a deep steadying breath.

"Invite us *all* in, or have everyone meet us somewhere neutral. I 
*won't* come in alone."

The word 'unguarded' hung between them unspoken although everyone 
knew that was what Alexa meant. A slight frown appeared on Willow's 
face and then her eyes unfocused slightly. She could hear movement 
coming from deeper inside Giles's apartment and then suddenly, Buffy 
appeared leading her blinded Watcher gently by the arm. It was 
obvious that the blonde girl was furious by the heated glare she 
leveled at the three standing outside the door and her voice was a 
hissed snarl.

"So Xander... ran straight to your demon friends, I see. Well... we 
don't want them here, so tell them to leave before I decide to dust 

Alexa tried so very hard to keep her face a blank and uncaring mask, 
but she was sure that her eyes flashed with anger at Buffy's words. 
As calm and unaffected as she tried to appear, her words still came 
out clipped, almost as if she had bitten them off.

"Fine. Goodbye."

With that, she turned around and started to head back down the 
stairs, the two master vampires following her. Buffy's shrill 
demanding tones halted her in her tracks however.

"Wait a minute. You can't leave. You have to *fix* us! It's only 
*them* I want out of here."

Alexa turned around to face the people who had once meant everything 
to her and ground her teeth in angry frustration. She balled her 
hands into fists and trembled for a minute until she could let the 
tension drain out of her enough to speak.

"I was asked to try and remove Anya's curse and I'm willing to 
attempt it. However, I will *not* be separated from Spike and Angel. 
If you don't want to invite us in, then we can go somewhere *else*. 
And if either of them gets dusted, I will devote the remainder of my 
life to inflicting *unspeakable* torture and agony upon all three of 
you as well as all of your blood decedents until the very end of 

Alexa made sure to catch both Buffy and Willow's eyes. She wanted 
them to know that she was *very* serious about her threat.


Willow's eyes went unfocused again and Alexa was sure that the witch 
had all three of them in some bizarre telepathic communication. For 
long moments, everyone was still and the night of eerily quiet. It 
was finally Giles's soft melodious voice that broke the silence.

"Do all three of you *swear* not to become violent if I let you in?"

Immediately, Buffy began to argue, both out loud, and Alexa was 
sure... telepathically. Her Watcher would have none of that, however, 
and he gestured her to silence.



Alexa had known that Angel would agree. Everyone's head turned to 
Spike. The blonde vampire was glaring distrustfully at the Slayer.

"I won't *start* anything, but if Buffy, or anyone else for that 
matter, come's at *any* of us then all bets are off and I start 
eating people."

Buffy opened her mouth, most likely to object, but once again, Giles 
cut her off.

"Deal! Please, do come in."

Buffy snorted in anger and stomped off into the living room. Giles 
sighed softly and Willow took his arm and carefully led him back to 
where the Slayer was waiting. After a heartbeat of hesitation, Alexa 
and her vampire escorts followed.

It didn't take them long to all get seated in Giles's comfortably 
overstuffed living room. The three from L.A. ended up sitting close 
together and the three from Sunnydale also huddled in a group. An 
empty space filled with animosity and distrust lay between them. 
Riley Finn was conspicuous by his absence.

Feeling uncomfortable and distinctly unwanted there, Alexa had a 
growing urge to complete her task and return to L.A. She wasn't sure 
when Angel Investigations had become a necessary part of her life, 
but she found that she missed it... and the humans they'd left behind 
there. Especially Cordelia. Alexa suddenly longed for the brash and 
blunt, yet completely supportive woman who had become the second most 
important being in her life. She wanted this whole confrontation to 
just be *over* with so she could head back to her friends, her *real* 
friends. With that thought in mind, Alexa was about to ask who wanted 
to attempt it first when Angel suddenly whipped his head around to 
stare at Willow and grimaced.

"Willow... you should *really* get out of my head. There are things 
in my mind that you *don't* want to find."

Alexa felt a bolt of shock and dismay that her one time best friend 
would attempt to leach into Angel's head and try to steal his 
memories and thoughts. She found the whole idea to be disturbing 
and... evil. She knew that the witch had... changed, but she didn't 
realize *how much* until just now. At least Willow had the grace to 
look chastised, but Buffy leapt on this as another excuse to offer up 
threats and taunts.

"Why? What are you hiding inside your head that Willow shouldn't see? 
Are you planning on secretly attacking us? Maybe we *shouldn't* have 
trusted your word after all."

Angel blanched and that was a difficult thing for a vampire to do. 
Buffy's words had cut deeply and Alexa found herself clenching her 
hands into fists again. But as obviously upset as he was, Angel still 
managed to answer her accusations with a measure of calm.

"Actually, I was *trying* to *protect* her. She would *not* like it 
if she delved into Angelus's memories. God knows *I* don't."

Willow paled at that thought and even Buffy drew back slightly, but 
Spike smirked. Evilly. Making a broad sweeping gesture with one hand, 
he invited the red-head to try it on him.

"I don't know. Sounds like a bloody *lovely* idea to *me*. Go ahead 
Red, sink your mental claws into *my* mind. From what I understand, 
it's as if you actually *experience* what the memories are about, 
right? Well... what would you like me to concentrate on, huh? What it 
*feels* like to be turned? First the painful death from severe blood 
loss followed by the blood-demon being born inside your body while 
your soul is torn away. Or perhaps you'd like to delve into my 
memories of torturing and slaughtering humans... I could even dredge 
up the memory of how their hot living blood *tasted* as it slid down 
my throat. Or *maybe* you would rather me remember the time I was 
presented to the Master's Court as a young fledge and they passed me 
around like a bitable screaming clawing fuck-toy? Your call ducks, 
tell me what part of being a bloodthirsty demon you want to 
experience and then dive right into me brain."

Alexa watched as Willow sank back further and further into the couch 
cushions, her horror clearly etched onto her face. She could 
almost... *almost* feel pity for the witch, but not quite. She just 
hoped that Willow got the point. She wouldn't *like* or *enjoy* what 
she found in *any* of their minds. And if she dipped in without 
asking and got caught, she'd find herself treated to the worst memory 
they could dredge up as punishment.

Still, Alexa didn't want to draw this out any further. She knew she 
had to act quickly, or someone else was going to say something or do 
something and things would continue to deteriorate around her. In the 
hopes that it would work, she cleared her throat loudly. All eyes 
tracked to her.

"Um... okay. Before we go for round two, could we just get started 
here? I'm nervous enough about this as it is, and this snipping and 
snarling at one another is not helping. I'm not sure how long this 
will take or if it will even *work*. I'm willing to try, but I won't 
be able to concentrate if you all are arguing. Now. Who's first?"


Alexa was exhausted. Wearily, she leaned up against Spike in the back 
seat of Angel's car as they headed towards LA. All she wanted to do 
was sleep. Or possibly eat. Maybe both? In either case, she didn't 
think she would manage to stay awake long enough to get somewhere 
that offered food. Between her mental, emotional and physical energy 
being drained to extremely low levels and the smooth lulling motion 
of the big car and Spike's warm and tender embrace, she knew that she 
would soon be fast asleep.

The task she had set herself of healing the Slayer, the Watcher and 
the Witch had been both stunningly simply and horrifyingly difficult 
all at once. In each case, she only had to make minor changes and 
adjustments wherein with Riley, she had literally yanked him out of 
the maw of death. 

Buffy's ear canals had merely grown a fleshy plug that blocked all 
sound from reaching the eardrum. The fact that she could hear her 
heartbeat was because the plugs each had an artery running through 
them. *That* was the only sound that made it's way into her innermost 
ear. All that Alexa had done was coax the growth to shrink back to 
it's normal size and shape. Instant perfect ears and hearing.

Giles's eyes were much the same. Anya's spell had forced milky white 
cataracts to cover his still perfectly functioning eyes. Once Alexa 
healed the cataracts, his vision was the same as it had been before. 
Feeling generous, she'd gone one step further and corrected the 
stigmatism that forced him to even wear glasses. The Watcher could 
now see better than he ever had before.

Willow was a bit more difficult. Her larynx had been altered to the 
point where her vocal cords were immobile. It had taken more effort 
to remove the obstruction and to cause those long tendon like cords 
to become elastic once again. After several trials and errors, 
however, she had hit upon the correct sequence of necessary steps, 
and now Willow was able to babble once more.

Admittedly, it didn't *sound* like a lot when compared to the 
extensive and life threatening injuries that Riley has sustained. But 
there was one major difference that Alexa hadn't really considered 
until now. Riley had been an emergency and she had acted on instinct 
to use abilities she hadn't even been aware existed. Fear and 
adrenaline had fueled her actions and she didn't even think about it. 
She just... *did* it. 

*This* time, she had to stop and *actively* will her abilities into 
play and she used her *mind* and not her instincts to guide her. On 
top of that, overwhelming emotion hadn't been the power source that 
gave her the energy and strength to *use* her power. All of the 
energy had come directly from inside of her own body, even as she 
pulled in more power and strength from the Hellmouth itself. She had 
fed her healing gifts with her own lifeforce and her lifeforce was 
sustained by demonic energy. It was akin to straining weak spiritual 
muscles that had only barely been flexed before and now she was 
experiencing a sort of psychic backlash.

She couldn't even drum up the energy to be mad at Buffy for her 
unthinking callousness and arrogant self-indulgence. After she'd 
finally finished with Willow, she'd lurched to her feet and staggered 
towards Spike. Her lover had leapt forward and caught her before she 
crumbled to her knees from the exertion. He had pulled her into his 
arms and carefully carried her over to his Sire. In a breathy and 
shaky voice she had pleaded with the two vampires to just take her 
home so she could fall into bed and sleep. Neither had argued. 
Instead, they had helped her put her coat back on and then began to 
lead her back to the front door. That's when Buffy called out to her 
in confusion and disapproval.

"Xander... er... Alexa or whatever you want to be called. Look. You 
don't *have* to leave with... *them*. We forgive you now. You can 
stay. I mean, this *is* your home and we *forgive* you."

All three of them stiffened up in anger at her words. Alexa felt as 
if she had taken a punch to the stomach and all of the air whooshed 
out of her lungs. From the corner of her eye, she could see Spike's 
eyes flash deep gold as he tried to control himself. Angel's tortured 
whisper asking himself *how* he could have loved her once was spoken 
so softly that Alexa knew only she and Spike could have heard it. In 
the end, it was she who answered the Slayer, and all without turning 
around to look at her. With her back still turned and only a step 
from the door, she spoke in a tired and sorrowful voice.

"Yes... but *I* have not forgiven *you*. And the Scooby Gang was 
*never* my home... The Hellmouth itself is *my* home. You merely 
*tolerated* me, but I was not *wanted*. Goodbye Slayer."

And with her tattered dignity wrapped around her like a cloak, she 
and her lover and her lover's Sire walked out and into the night.