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G'nite Luv 
by Scorpio 


Darkness descends and fills the small bedroom. 

*shuffle* *shuffle* *flop* *squeak* 

"G'nite Luv." 

"Night Spike. Um...blood soaked dreams and all." 

*squeak* *roll* *twist* *shift* 

*kiss* *kiss* 

*nibble* *lick* *suck* 

*kiss* *kiss* *kiss* 

"You say the sweetest things pet." 

"Uh...yeah. But only _you_ think so Spike...only you." 

*kiss* *kiss* 

"Right. Well...go to sleep." 






*shiver* *shiver* 

One dark eye s l o w l y peels open in the darkness. 

*shiver* *shiver* 

*reach* *snag* 


*spiiiinnnn* *flop* 

"BLOODY HELL HARRIS! What the fuck you do _that_ for?" 

Dark haired one tries to wipe smirk off of face and replace it with a look of 
pure innocence. He _knows_ his love muffin can see in this darkness. 

"What? Me? Do what?" 


*roll* *stand* *hands on hips* 


"You _know_ what! You _yanked_ the bloody blanket away from me when I was 
_wrapped up_ in the soddin' thing! You _wanker_!" 

*barely stifled giggle* 

"Didn't _mean_ to flip you out of the bed and onto the floor." 

*fluttering eyelashes* 



*shuffle* *shuffle* *flop* 

*shift* *shift* *squeak* *shift* 



*reach* *snag* 



"Hey! That was my _pillow_!" 

"_Was_ being the operative word there pet. Sorta like my sodding blanket, 

*grumble* *grumble* 

"What's that luv?" 


"Night Spike." 

"G'nite Pet." 








*shift* reach* *grab* 

"OW! OW! OW! Bloody Hell! I wasn't _really_ gonna rip his nose off for 
snoring so effin' loud! _Soddin' chip_!" 

*snort* *roll* *roll* *squirm* *shift* 


"Serves you right you bonehead. Trying to hurt me in my sleep. I hope your 
eyes explode out of your skull from the pain. That'll teach you." 


"Now don't try and sweet talk me here pet. I can't _sleep_ if you're soundin' 
like a bleedin' lumber mill, can I?" 


"And I should care, why?" 


"I'm a bloody great shag, luv. _That's_ why you should care." 


*blink* *blink* 

Blonde demon wonders if he's just been insulted. After a brief pause, he 
dismisses the idea as absurd. He's _way_ too lovable to have been insulted. 

"G'nite Luv." 

"Go to sleep Spike." 








"God dammit, what now?" 



*blink* *blink* 



" one named Stacey here." 


"What? Beverly either." 


"No. I don't no any Michelle..." 

*blink* *glare* 

"...or Linda." 


"Look buddy. It's....four a.m. in the middle of the damn night. There is _no_ 
female here at all, just two gay men, so if you're _not_ gonna talk dirty to 
me, I'm hanging the hell up." 


" that way then...didn't want to talk to _you_ either." 

*shift* *shift* *squeak* *shift* 

"Z'at da phone?" 


"Go back to sleep Spike. It was just a wrong number." 

"Oh. Kay." 



*shift* *wiggle* *shift* 








*shift* *shift* *wiggle* 


Dreaming and horny blonde demon latches onto warm body of dark eyed boy-toy 
in his sleep. Boy-toy peels open one dark eye in mild confusion. 


*wiggle* *wiggle* *THRUST* 

Boy-toy's other eye pops open, confusion reigns supreme in his sleep 
befuddled mind. 



*nibble* *nibble* *lick* 


Dark eyed boy-toy foggily realizes that blonde demon in humping his 
leg...again. Third time this week. 


*shove* *flop* 



"c'mmm baaaack." 

Warm fuzzies spread through sleepy dark eyed boy-toy at the pleading sounds 
his insane lover is making over the fact that they are no longer physically 
touching. Takes pity on blonde idiot and climbs on top. 

*shift* *shift* *wiggle* 

*big shit eating grin* 

Boy-toy takes half a second to line up his now hard cock with the hard cock 
of the sleeping blonde bonehead under him. 


Shivers of pleasure race along boy-toy's skin. Decides that this was a _good_ 
idea. Plans on playing for a bit. 

*thrust* *thrust* 

*thrust* *thrust* 

*thrust* *thrust* 

*pant* *pant* *pant* 

"Faster pet...faster." 

Boy-toy's dark eyes lock onto glittery golden eyes of demented lover. Two 
grins flash in the darkness. Only one of the grins comes with a set of fangs. 

*thrust-thrust* *thrust-thrust* 

*thrust-thrust* *thrust-thrust* 





*pant* *pant* *pant* 

*kiss* kiss* *nibble* *kiss* 

*pant* *pant* 

"Bloody hell pet. Why'd you do that?...not that I minded, I'm all 


"Go to sleep Spike." 








BEEP BE*slam* 


"Yeah luv?" 

"Did you just throw the alarm clock against the wall again?" 

"Um...will you be mad if I say yes?" 


*roll* *roll* *shift* *shift* 


"Spike. _Why_ do you throw the alarm clock? That's the fourth one in two 
weeks that you've killed. I just...I just want to know _why_." 

*shift* *wiggle* *wiggle* *shift* 

"Well...cause you always seem so tired in the mornings. S'not fair that you 
have to get up so bloody early when you're still all sleepy and stuff. Should 
be allowed to sleep me. I mean...why else would you be so tired 
after a good nights sleep? It _must_ be the effin' alarm clock doin' it."