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Grrr… Xander the Bloody?
By Scorpio

Xander sat tucked back in the corner of the couch and 
tried not to *appear* as if he was sulking. He worked to 
keep his face bland and absentmindedly nodded or 
"Uh-hummm"ed when everyone else did. But he wasn't 
really paying too much attention to what was being 
discussed. Other, more personal things were swirling 
through his mind. And it was not pleasant.

Anya had left him.

He hadn't told anyone yet. He was still in shock over it, 
to be honest. And right now, things were too intense in 
a "hellmouthy" sort of way to even attempt to get his 
friends to help straighten out his head. Besides, he 
wasn't sure if they *would* help him through this.

It *was* his own fault after all…

He had never encouraged Anya to seek out a 
relationship with him. He hadn't even realized that she 
even *liked* him in that way. But she had, and she had 
pursued him and seduced him. At first, it had been 
purely sexual. He could lose himself and his pain in her 
soft curves and blatant lust without remorse or 
commitment. And that was just fine.

He had a lot of issues to deal with that were very 
painful. His questioning of his sexuality brought on by 
erotic dreams of the male-male variety, his alcoholic 
and abusive parents, his desire to go to college with 
was thwarted due to financial reasons and his 
seemingly directionless fumbling through life when 
everyone around him was focused with a sense of 
purpose. Then came Anya.

Suddenly, he was needed, wanted, desired and he 
had something that no one else did. She made him feel 
smart and brave and loveable. She *needed* him.

And so, he turned all of his energy towards her with 
selfless devotion. She was so lost and lonely in her 
confusion and helplessness. She was ancient and wise 
and her knowledge of the supernatural was immense. 
And she had absolutely *no* idea how to be a mortal 
human. So Xander taught her. 

Fashion. Music. Humor. Compassion. Bravery. Sports. 
Food. Dancing. Sex. Pleasure.

He had so much to show her and teach her and help 
her to understand. The world had seemed so different 
when looking through her eyes. She would be cynical 
and jaded one minute and then flushed with a childlike 
wonder the next. And over time, Xander had come to 
love her in his own way.

With Anya at his side, it had never mattered what his 
parents did to him in their cruel anger, nor did his lack 
of funds seem important. His world revolved around 
making Anya happy and helping out Buffy with the 
slayage whenever he could.

But now… Anya was gone.

She felt she was ready to tackle the mortal world away 
from the Hellmouth and demons. She wanted to be 
"normal" and be far from any reminders of what and 
who she used to be. So, she had thanked Xander for his 
time and trouble and packed her things and left.

Now all he had was the slaying.

And the more he sat and thought about it, he realized, 
that wasn't a lot. Oh, he *wanted* to help… to make 
the world a safer and better place. He *wanted* to be 
needed, but as he looked around, Xander realized 
something. He really wasn't *needed* here. His 
presence was a force of habit, nothing more.

He didn't have any real skill or ability that make him 
special, unless you counted the lack of survival instinct 
that continuously sent him headlong into danger 
against creatures *way* stronger than he was. He 
wasn't a slayer, a witch, a vamp, a commando or even 
an ex-watcher type of warlock. He was just some over 
grown kid playing at hero. He was, in a word, pathetic.

Suppressing a sigh, Xander turned his attention back to 
the room, trying to pull himself out of his depression. The 
conversation of esoteric and obscure and he had no 
clue what was going on. He cursed himself for being 
stupid and let his mind wander again.

This time, however, he considered the subtle power 
play going on in the room. With a mental start, he 
realized that it centered around the bleached blonde 
vamp. He had never noticed that before and a small 
portion of his brain informed him that it was because 
this was the first time in a long time that he was actively 
focusing on someone besides Anya, but he pushed 
that thought aside. Instead, he watched the others and 
saw a pattern begin to immerge.

Spike was rude, obnoxious and honest to the point of 
cruelty. He also dealt with each person differently. It 
was as if he altered himself to fit each individual so that 
he met them on their own playing field without making 
himself unrecognizable as Spike. He wondered *why* 
the vamp would go to that trouble when he 
remembered Spike telling him that he like to "play with 
his food", so Xander figured that this is what he had 
been referring to. And he'd never seen it, *really seen* 
it, until now. It was if a veil had been pulled from his 

Spike flirted with Willow and Tara, both obviously and 
very very subtly. The obvious leer followed by a subtle 
ego boast and then followed by a raunchy comment 
kept both of the girls off center. They responded with 
shy flirtations and willingness to defend his… cruder 
personality traits as being "just Spike". It was… 
interesting. He wondered if the witches knew they were 
being played.

And Giles? Xander almost grinned. Spike toyed with 
him just as subtly. The difference was the battleground. 
Knowledge. Xander had a vision of them sitting across 
from each other over a chessboard, except that the 
pieces they used were demons and humans. Ancient 
animosity tempered with grudging respect. Xander 
wondered how Spike would hold out in this verbal 
sparring if Giles let Ripper out to play and then though 
that he wouldn't want that at all. They just might align 
themselves together and that was just to frightening a 

Spike and Riley's relationship was weird. Weirder than 
most. Polar opposites in everyway, they often came 
close to blows over the littlest things, yet they both had 
a strange protectiveness for the other. It was as if they 
didn't want anyone else to harm the other, as if only 
*they* had the right to tear each other from limb to 
limb. At first, Xander thought that it was the "we're both 
warriors" thing… but then he realized something that no 
one had ever actually talked about out loud. At least, 
not around him. Spike and Riley had something in 
common that no one else did. They had *both* been 
implanted with behavior modification chips by the 
Initiative against their will. No one else knew what they 
had gone through, and in Spike's case, what he still 
suffered, except the other.

And Buffy? Another strange situation. They hated each 
other. Their words and actions made that abundantly 
clear. Yet… Spike's eyes would soften at her when he 
thought no one was watching. It was a combination of 
confusion and wistful regret. Xander wondered if Spike 
wished that Willow's spell that had caused them to fall 
in love were still in place. After all, even if he did hate 
her now, he must *remember* what it was like to love 
her. And Xander knew that Buffy was not the sort of 
woman that you could easily walk away from, no 
matter *how* you felt about her.

Xander was just about to start contemplating his own 
relationship with the blonde vamp when everyone 
stood up and began gathering weapons. He stood up 
too and looked around in confusion. He had totally 
missed the whole conversation and was woefully lost. 
His expression must have conveyed his inner thoughts, 
because suddenly, Spike was standing in front of him 
shoving his favorite axe into his numb hands.

"Here pet. Take this. If something mean and ugly jumps 
out at you, swing the big sharp metal thingy at its head. 
Think you can handle that?"

Xander glared at the smirking blonde.

"Fuck off Spike."


Xander was watching his most recent demonic victim 
fall to the ground headless with a morbid sense of 
fascination. Green ichor poured from the severed neck 
and his shell-shocked brain was too stunned to note 
anything except for the startling conclusion that Spike's 
advice had worked. A mean ugly thing had popped 
up in front of him and he had swung the big sharp 
metal thingy at it and "poof" instant headless dead 
thing on the ground.

He was so shocked at his success that he failed to note 
the *other* mean ugly thing sneaking up behind him. 
And it was *pissed* at the now headless state of being 
it's mate was in. Weaponless, the demon raised it's 
hand into a large fist and slammed it down on Xander 
from behind.

Bright white agony flared inside Xander's head like a 
nuclear warhead, stealing his breath and causing his 
entire body to crumple under the onslaught of pain. 
Vaguely, he wondered if this was what Spike felt when 
he tried to bite humans and then a sickening wave of 
acid like pain raced down his spine. With a shuttering 
gasp, Xanders world spun dizzily for a brief moment 
before everything was washed in sweet senseless black 


"Wake up! *Please* wake up. Oh, you just gotta be 

A soft warm hand brushed along his cheek gently and 
he leaned into the touch. It felt very nice.

"Come one Xander. That's it. Wake up."

//Xander? What's wrong with the whelp?//

Frowning slightly, he opened his eyes only to see Willow 
leaning down over him, a curious mix of worry and relief 
etched onto her face. //Interesting.//

"Cheers Red."

He lifted his head and peered down the front of her top 
where it draped down from the angle she was leaning 
over at.

"Smashing view you've got there. Although I don't think 
your blonde witch will much appreciate you showing it 
off to me. Not that I don't appreciate the wonderful 
welcome an' all."

Willow blushed a deep red and clutched her top 
against her skin as she backed away quickly. He 
smirked at her in amusement. 

"Xander! What's wrong with you?"

He turned to face Buffy and was shocked to find her 
looking at him with such a bizarre expression on her 

"What happened to the whelp *this* time?"

The slayer and the two witches just gaped at him 

"What? I mean, come on slayer, you're not seriously 
thinking of staking me just 'cause I peaked down the 
hacker's top are you? After all, we had a deal, and no 
one said I couldn't sneak peaks at the witches."

"That's true mate. No one ever said no voyeurism 
allowed. Go ahead and peak all you want."

He spun around at the sound of the clipped British 
accent and came face to face with… *himself*!

"Bloody Hell! You look just like me!"

Then he leered as he eyeballed the blonde wanna-be 
in front of him.

"I'm down right delicious and irresistible, arn't I?"

The blonde raised up one dark eyebrow and grinned.

"And just who *are* you mate?"

He snorted and glanced over his shoulder at the slayer 
as if he was sharing a private joke. Then he turned back 
and gave the interloper a thoroughly superior look.

"I'm Spike you daft fool. Who're you?"

But instead of being intimidated, the blonde just started 
laughing. Hard. Meanwhile Riley and the girls gasped in 
shock. He glared and growled deep in his throat. What 
was *wrong* with these wankers? If it weren't for that 
bloody chip in his head, he'd eat them all.

Finally, it was Willow who stepped forward. She seemed 
upset and nervous. He grinned at her.

"Um… Uh… Spike? I… I think we should, um, maybe go 
see Giles now. Oh and… Uh… *William*… maybe you 
should come along… too."