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Harris Twins
by Scorpio
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve Part Thirteen Part Fourteen

Part One  

"I told you it wouldn't work."

Xander turned and offered up a half apologetic shrug to himself. His other, and messier half, frowned slightly and gave a little soft whimper of fear. He reached out and squeezed his twin's shoulder in comfort before turning to look at the flustered and confused witch.

"Ah... what went wrong? Why are we still a *we*?"

Willow began to nibble on her bottom lip and her eyes got big and sad.

"I... I don't know. It *should* have worked. I mean, this is a standard and basic thing. One of the first things you learn. You have to know how to pull a spell apart in case something goes wrong when casting. I've... We've... ya know, *learned* that the hard way, so... it should have *worked*."

Giles took his glasses off and began to fiddle with them and absently polished them while he paced the length of the room. His soft voiced muttering carried to them all, but they didn't interrupt. Giles usually could think through any problem if you gave him enough time.

"Well... let's see. This ritual is Wicca based and as such it is dependant on the phases of the moon. Perhaps if we reworded it to fit in with the fact that it's currently in it's waxing cycle and not the waning? No... no, now that I think about it, that might not help at all. What we really need is to find out what *type* of magic Toth used. Wicca can counter or be used in adjunct with most of the demon magics as well as the lesser forms of sorcery, but it won't stand against the higher magics or blood magic. Even some forms of chaos magic can't be stopped with Wicca if the spell is set with a stable base such as a precious gem or a quality metal. And that rod he carried *was* metal... Hmmm..."

When Giles turned back to face the rest of the room, it was to find that all eyes were staring at him in expectation. He blinked and replaced his glasses on his face.

"Well, I think I should study Toth's... weapon a bit more closely. If... if we can discover *how* he enchanted the thing then maybe we can figure out how to unravel this... spell."

Everyone in the room seemed to be disappointed. Well... everyone but Anya, that is. Willow seemed deflated and depressed and Buffy and Riley were both looking a bit startled. But it was his twin's reaction that he noticed the most. The poor guy had *not* had a good day. He had wandered around thinking there was a robot-demon walking about with his face while hypnotizing his friends and what's more, he had gotten banged up and rained on in the process. Now, he just seemed frightened and tired. Xander could *definitely* relate.

He pulled his twin closer and slung an arm around his slumped shoulders and offered him a confident smile.

"Look. Don't worry about it. You *know* that the G-man will do everything he can to figure this out, and once he does, Willow will fix us. Until then we just have to figure out what to do with ourselves to help out."

His other half turned a wobbly smile at him and nodded.

"Yeah. We... uh, we can do this. Right."

Buffy nodded her head and pasted a forced smile on her face in an obvious attempt to cheer up her friend.

"Don't worry. We'll... fix this... somehow. Until then we just have to find a way to, ya know, tell you two apart. I mean, it'll get confusing if I say "Hey Xander" and you both say "What". Um... how are we going to do this?"

The two Xander's grinned. Leave it to Buffy to break the tension with something... trivial. She seemed to have a talent for making even the biggest problems seem workable. But maybe she had a point. Once you take that first scary step, the rest seemed easier.

He considered her question briefly and gave a quick squeeze to the broad shoulders of his other half.

"Um... how about we keep calling *him* Xander. He can come back to the shop here tomorrow and help Giles research the weapon thing-a-ma-bob. We'll call me... um, Alex and I'll go to work so we don't get fired. I'll stop shaving as well. A moustache and goatee will make us look different enough that you'll all be able to tell us apart."

Everyone nodded in agreement. It sounded doable.

"Oh, and another thing. Neither one of us is going back to the basement. Xander will stay with me in the apartment. Our parents can go hang if they want, but we are *so* out of there."

His twin, Xander, turned to stare at him with big dark eyes that were uncertain and sad.

"Are you sure? I mean, I want out of that hellhole as much as you, but won't that be... um, confusing?"

Alex grinned wickedly.

"Not to me."

At that, Anya wiggled her way in between the two Harris's and offered each of them an arm.

Great. Now that that's all taken care of, let's go home and have sex."

Alex smirked. Xander blushed. And the rest of the Scooby Gang refused to meet their eyes as the three turned and walked out.


Alex had directed them to his parents house so that they could grab a few essentials for the two of them that could last until the weekend when they would move the big heavy stuff. Mostly clothes and shower stuff that they could stuff into a bag quickly. Once they had what they needed, Alex led them back across town to his new apartment.

Along the walk, Alex noticed that Xander flinched at any unexpected noise and it brought to mind all of the beatings he had suffered over the years, at the hands of his father, other schoolmates and a wide variety of assorted demons. After the totally hellmouth inspired day they had just had, he could truly understand that jumpiness and he felt himself feeling decidedly protective of his other half. The guy was going to worry them both into a heart attack.

By the time they reached the apartment, Alex was still feeling overprotective, but he'd added another observation to his last one. His twin, Xander, was completely whipped. Anya had him wrapped around her little finger and Xander was delighted to be there. He himself loved Anya and he wanted her happy, but his twin almost seemed to worship her. He was literally tripping over his own feet to do things for her. She, of course, ate up the attention like it was candy. Alex found himself wondering if this need to please that his other half had was only for Anya, or if it would manifest itself with anyone.

Pushing that thought aside for later contemplation, Alex shooed Xander off into the shower muttering about garbage dumps and rain squalls. Once he heard the water running and off-key singing he turned back to the living room area. Wincing at the vivid scorch mark and the demon blood stain on his carpet, he scooped up the remains of his indoor picnic and carried it over to the kitchen counter.

"Anya? If you're hungry there's still some food here that wasn't ruined in the fight. Some grapes and strawberries. There's even a few cheese cubes and crackers left. Help yourself. I'm just going to go throw some sheets and blankets on the bed while we wait for Xander to finish up in the shower. Okay?"

He was rewarded with a deep kiss full of soft warm lips and gentle fingers running through his hair.

"And don't forget to set your alarm. You have work tomorrow. Gotta pay for all this luxury."

Pulling back, Alex tossed her a big smile before he turned to wander into the bedroom. She was right after all, he *did* have to work to pay for all this. He had an new apartment, a high maintenance girlfriend and a twin brother to support. It was a good thing he'd gotten that promotion and the pay raise that went with it.

From temp worker to permanent crew leader, from only child to twin brother. It had been one hell of a day. He knew his other half was really upset by the turn of events, but he couldn't help but feel that life was finally going his way. He'd just have to convince Xander that this was a *good* thing. Especially since it was very well possible that they'd be stuck like this forever.

Part 2

Alex bit his bottom lip to keep from screaming when Anya literally swallowed his erection down into her tight hot throat. He clutched at the edge of the blanket she had just disappeared under and lifted it up to peer down at her. He trembled at the sight of her lovely mouth stretched around his shaft. It was only through *massive* effort that he didn't thrust into her as hard as he could.

Suddenly, the bedroom door was thrown open and his twin's happy and bubbly voice echoed loudly in the room.

"Oh man! I gotta tell you, that shower was the *best* ever. We are talking *total* wonderfulness. Hot hot water, not almost warm water. Real water pressure, not a measly trickle and sprinkle. And clean! Not all mildewy and dank. I almost didn't get out. You have to..."

Alex watched Xander trail off in shock as Anya let go of his own cock with a wet sounding pop and pulled the blankets aside to reveal them both lying naked on the bed. The shock turned to dismay and then to embarrassment. Blushing bright red, Xander began to stammer and back out.

"Oh.. Um... I'm sorry... I didn't... that is I... um... I'll go now and..."

Anya looked at him as if he'd gone nuts.

"Xander. Shut up. Just... lose the towel and get over here and into this bed. Now."

Proving Alex's theory on being whipped, Xander dropped his towel onto the floor and sat down on the edge of the bed instantly. He then blinked in confusion as if wondering how he had gotten there, but neither he nor Anya was about to give him time to talk himself out of the room and there by ruining everyone's night.

Reaching out with one arm, Alex pulled Xander down so that he was lying next to him on his back. He nudged Anya off of his own lap and over onto Xander's. Once she had straddled his hips, he turned to lay on his side facing his twin. He rested one hand on his bare chest.

"Look Xander, it's okay. I'm you and you're me. And we are with our girlfriend. There's nothing to be sorry about. Honest."

"Yeah, but..."

Alex placed a finger over his other half's lips to silence him.

"No buts Xander. Anya wants this, I want this, and I'm sure you do too."

Xander blushed lightly.

"Well yeah. But what would Buffy and Willow and Giles think? I mean, this is wrong."

Alex snorted in amusement and Anya frowned.

"Xander, you are my boyfriend and so is Alex. And I want sex. Now. So... could you *please* forget about everyone else? They aren't invited to play. Now, stop arguing and start paying attention to what's important here. Orgasms. Lots of them."

Alex couldn't help but chuckle at the expression on his other half's face. It was a mixture of overwhelming lust and scandalized embarrassment. That look however, changed to one of bliss when Anya started to rock her hips slightly back and forth. Alex *knew* how good it felt to have her hot wet sex slide along his length, teasing and promising so much more. He shivered in pleasure at the very thought.

Not wanting to be left out of the play, Alex ran his hand along his twin's chest. He knew all of the right spots to hit and just how to hit them. He trailed a light feathery touch along the ridge of his collarbone and then raked his fingernails along the solid plain of his pectoral. From there he tweaked first one nipple and then the other with a light pinch with a twist to it. Xander shuddered slightly and gasped.

Alex trailed his hand down over his twin's stomach and dipped a fingertip inside of his belly-button just as Anya shifted up until the swollen crown of Xander's cock nestled against her wet opening. He watched entranced as her body slid down over the thick shaft. His other half and his girlfriend both quivered in unison.

Sliding his hand lower, he reached out and ran his fingers along Anya's sex until he came to her clit. He squeezed it once and she threw her head back and gasped in delight. Pressing against it with his forefinger, he rubbed in a circular motion, following her body as she bounced up and down on Xander's shaft. Tilting his head slightly until it could rest on Xander's shoulder, Alex looked up at her with a bright smile on his face.

"She's *so* beautiful, isn't she?"

"Yes... she is. And she's all ours."

At that whispered pronouncement, Anya let out a low throaty cry and her whole body trembled. She thrust herself onto Xander twice more as she was overwhelmed with her orgasm. Alex's hand became soaked with the flood of her juices and he smiled.

"Time for round two."

With those cryptic words, he pushed himself up on his knees and crawled to the end of the bed. He gently nudged Xander's legs wider apart and coated his own throbbing shaft with the wetness from his fingers. Then, he reached out and slowly and gently pushed one finger inside of Anya's ass. Anya moaned appreciatively and Xander gasped.

"What? What is *that*? I... I can *feel* that!"

Alex smirked.

"*That*, my brother, is my finger inside of Anya. And if you think you can feel that now, just wait until I replace it with my cock. The only thing that will be separating us will be a thin membrane of flesh inside of her."

They both groaned out loud at *that* lovely thought. What he didn't say to them, but he couldn't help thinking, was that it'd be like fucking them both at the same time in his own mind. And that thought turned him on. The more he thought about it like that, the more he wanted to work Xander up to doing this without Anya between them. Alex was certain he'd make an excellent bottom and he *knew* that the idea appealed to them both. It was only worrying about what his family and friends would say that had stopped him from experimenting in that direction before. Now... who cared. It was only... himself.

Anya began to wiggle and push back against his finger and he gently pulled it out. She whimpered at the loss, but he quickly grabbed his straining erection and lined it up with her loosened ring of muscle.

"Okay An... take a deep breath and then let it out slowly."

She did as he asked and as she let her breath out, he slowly slid into her amazing tightness. When she started to tense up, he forced himself to stop, but he *so* wanted to thrust the rest of the way in. Panting, he waited for her to begin to open up again and then he slid in the rest of the way. He clamped his eyes shut to try and back himself away from the edge. She was so tight and hot and he could feel the length of Xander's cock pressing against his own through the thin layers of her body.

"Oh. My. God."

Wrenching his eyes open to peer over her shoulder at his other half, he saw Xander's eyes opened wide in amazed shock. He grinned.

"Do it... do it *again*."

Agreeing with Xander one hundred percent, Alex slowly and gently shifted back out and then slid back in again. Anya moaned in exquisite pleasure and arched her back deeply. The two men trembled with the need to thrust.

It didn't take them too long to work out the perfect rhythm of one thrusting in while the other pulled out. They worked in perfect harmony like two halves of the whole that they literally were. Anya writhed between them muttering an incomprehensible litany of begging and lust filled obscenities. Sweat poured down their bodies and the air was filled with the musk of sex. His heartbeat pounded in his ears and Alex could feel that wonderful pressure building up in his balls.

Suddenly, Anya let out a loud husky scream of completion and her whole body spasmed. The muscles in her ass clamped down tightly around his cock and if the expression on his twin's face was any indication, she'd done the same thing to him. With one last deep thrust into her that was perfectly matched by Xander, he came. Even though his own body trembled and Anya's throbbed around him, he could *still* feel the muted pulses of his twin's shaft as he pumped his seed deep inside of her.

With one last trembling gasp, Alex pulled out of Anya's body and collapsed to the side next to Xander. She in turn, pulled off of him and tumbled in a boneless heap on his twin's other side. With Xander firmly ensconced between him and Anya, Alex allowed himself to drift off to sleep, a huge smile on his face.


It had been a long day at work. He'd been handed a new project to work on and he had also spent a good portion of the afternoon going over some of what his new responsibilities would be. He hadn't been too worried about the name issue since almost everyone there called him Harris, but he wasn't too sure that someone might not comment on him acting different. However, no one did. Either they didn't notice or they attributed it to him being busy with all of the extra work he was now expected to shoulder. In either case, that was okay by him.

However, now he was showered, changed and carrying Chinese takeout on his way to meet up with Xander and Giles at the Magic Shop. He was feeling good and clean and just a tad guilty for hoping that they hadn't found a solution. Shaking his head to clear out those not particularly good thoughts, he pulled open the door and walked in, only to be brought up short by a very thickly sweet and almost earthy scent. Silently, he wrinkled his nose.

The multi-toned bells jingled merrily above his head and two sets of eyes turned away from big dusty tomes to gaze at him. One set were hazel and hidden behind highly polished lenses and the other were as familiar to him as his own. Because they *were* his. That surge of protectiveness rose up in him again, this time accompanied by overtones of possessiveness as well. He smiled at the two and tried to banish those thoughts and ideas to deal with later.

"Hey you two. I come bearing Lo Mein and Wanton. And Xan... no hogging the Sweet and Sour Chicken. We share that even-steven. Deal?"

Xander smiled cheerfully and Giles offered a wry grin. The two of them quickly moved the books away from the small table to make room for the food so nothing dripped or splattered. After a few quick moments, a space had been cleared and Alex set the food down. He noticed that Xander seemed to be in a much better mood today then yesterday. He wondered if it was from the exciting evening Anya had treated them to or if it was due to something he and Giles learned today. Eyeing the two grinning men curiously, he began to pass out the food.

"So... what's up with you two? Find any useful information?"

"While the... solution is not at hand... I dare say we had a fruitful and prosperous day, none the less."

Alex waved a plastic spork full of Sweet and Sour Chicken in a vague all encompassing gesture.

"And that means... what exactly?"

"Well. For one thing, we've narrowed down the lists of magics that the spell is *not*. We also think that the spell is possibly being maintained by the blessing and or curse of either a God, a Goddess or even a Demon Lord, which would explain why Willow's spell didn't effect it. We also did a little bit of exploring about the... split between you, itself."

Alex frowned slightly in thought.

"So... what you're saying is that some big-time muckity-muck all powerful oogity-boogity could be acting like the Energizer Bunny and this spell will just keep going and going and going?"

Giles blinked at him in momentary confusion until he managed to mentally translate all of the Sunnydale slang and obscure pop-culture reference.

"Um... yes. That's... ah, exactly what I'm saying."

Alex shared a quick cheeky grin with Xander at Giles's expense and the older man rolled his eyes in mild exasperation.

"Okay. Now, what's the big to-do about the split. I thought we talked that all over yesterday?"

This time it was Xander who leaped in to tell him what they had discovered. Alex found himself grinning at his other half's obvious excitement and he was very glad that he had seemed to shake yesterday's depression and bad vibes.

"Well... the way we figure it is that the split wasn't identical. I mean, physically we are, but mentally, we aren't."

Alex frowned again and paused with a spork full of food half-way to his mouth.

"Okay, take last night for instance. While walking home, I tripped several times and I even walked into a tree. The tree didn't jump out in front of me or any hellmouthy thing like that. I just... am klutzy. More than normal and you... well, you're *not*."

Alex nodded. He had noticed the same thing the other night, but he didn't mention it because he didn't want to upset his other half when it was obvious that the poor guy's nerves were already pretty much shot to hell.

"Well, today while I was helping Giles out here, I realized that a lot of this stuff makes *sense* now. Before it was... there, but almost... I don't know, fuzzy. Like, I could grasp the edges of an idea, but the total picture was just out of focus. Today, however, it all just... clicked."

Giles nodded thoughtfully and gestured with his own plastic spork.

"Quite. Took me by a bit of a surprise actually. Xander here has shown real aptitude for demonology today. More so than ever before. It was a pleasant day actually... well, if you don't count the spilled container of incense."

The two of them rolled their eyes in unison and Alex grinned again. He was so glad his twin had found a niche just as he had. It did make a weird sort of sense. The brains and the brawn. However, he *had* to know what his, self-admitted klutz of a brother did to the incense container to illicit such a response.

"Okay... so, tell me about the incense. Is *that* what I've been smelling since I walked through the door?"


They were walking back to their apartment together when they ran into Spike.

Xander had been practically bouncing along beside him babbling about how he would like for Giles to give him an actual real job at the Magic Shop once it opened and he had been smiling at the energetic exuberance. It made him feel happy to see his other half feeling cheerful.

They turned the corner from Maple Avenue onto Crescent Drive when Xander literally walked into the bleached blonde vampire, bounced off of his leather clad chest and fell to a heap on the ground. Alex didn't even think about it, he just physically stepped between Spike and his sprawled twin, his protectiveness rushing to the forefront of his mind. Xander quickly scrambled to his feet and cowered behind him trembling slightly as he peered over Alex's shoulder. In unison they addressed the vampire.

"Spike! What are *you* doing here?"

The blonde ignored their question and gaped in astonishment.

"Bloody Hell! I've gone loopy as Dru! I *swear* there's two of you whelps. Oh no! I bet that damn chip is malfunctioning and it's drivin' me mad."

Spike's face grew thoughtful for a minute.

"If me chip's broke, I wonder if I can bite again?"

With that, the vampire morphed into full game-face and lunged. Alex thrust Xander to the side as hard as he could and kicked out with a foot to trip the blonde who was already clutching his head and whimpering at the pain.

"Spike, don't do that again. If your chip doesn't take you out, then *I* will. Got that?"

Declaration of intent made, Alex turned from the swiftly recovering vampire and walked over to Xander. He bent down and turned his dazed face up to his own.

"You okay?"

Xander nodded his head shakily.

"Yeah... Um, it just... startled me is all."

Offering up a soft grin, Alex helped his other half back up to his feet and gently dusted him off. Once he was sure that Xander really *was* okay and that he wasn't just saying that, he turned back to see that Spike was still standing there staring at them. He raised up one dark eyebrow in question at the blonde menace.

"Look. Just... tell me what in the name of the Hellmouth happened to make *two* of you. I mean, it wasn't as if just *one* of you wasn't bad enough."

Alex was all prepared to tell Spike to go stake himself when Xander surprised him by answering the question. His voice was shaky and he sounded half terrified, but Alex was sort of proud of him for facing his fears.

"Um... it was that Toth Demon guy from the other night. Remember how he zapped me with that thingy? Well, it split us in two. Now I'm not a me, but a we."

Spike grunted in mild confusion and looked over at them again. After a moment, his expression turned into an amused and cocky smirk. Confused by the attitude change, Alex glanced over his shoulder to where his twin was once again huddled. And blinked in shock. Xander was wearing an expression that screamed a mixture of fear and outright lust. Alex sighed softly. *Yes* Spike was absolutely hot and *yes* he'd wanted to have sex with the vampire since forever, but that was *no* reason to let the blonde twit know that. He'd definitely have to talk to Xander about wearing his emotions on his sleeve like that. Then Spike chuckled and Alex turned back to face him again.

"So... it's Xander and Xander now, is it?"

Alex shook his head.

"Too confusing. Alex and Xander. And if you snap those pointy teeth at my twin again, I'll stake you where you stand and present your ashes to him in a pretty little urn. Got that?"

Spike merely smirked again.

"Well... you two may look alike, but you sure do act differently. Can't wait to see which one of you is more fun to play with. I'll be sure to see you later... both of you."

And with that, the blonde vampire turned and stalked off around the corner in the direction he'd been heading. Xander shivered against him and with one last glare at the now empty street, Alex turned and led him home.

Part 4

Alex put the key in the lock and twisted. Turning the knob, he gently pushed open the door and led the way into their apartment. He watched as Xander shuffled inside, his hands buried deeply in his pockets. Most people would have looked over at his other half and just seen a bubbly energetic, if slightly nervous youth. Alex *knew* better. He was well versed in *all* of their various techniques to create the illusion that everything was just A-Okay. And Xander was everything but.

The bouncy walk was to hide the slight tremors of fear and the need to expend massive amounts of energy that could be summed up as the primal 'fight or flight' syndrome. The crooked smile was designed to prevent people seeing the shadows hiding in the too wide eyes. The hands shoved in pants pockets kept fingers from twisting together in nervous agitation.

Alex knew all of the signs and he watched with a slight frown of concern as Xander displayed them all.

This was Spike's fault.

Before they had literally run into the bleached blonde vampire, Xander had been in a *real* bubbly and lighthearted mood. His enthusiasm and cheer had been natural, not this false and forced happiness. Alex felt a slow burning anger build up in his gut and he had a strong urge to go hunt down Spike and punish him for freaking his other half out so badly. It was almost a *need* to assert his dominance over Spike and to claim Xander as *his* and not some toy the vampire could use up, break and then discard to the wayside. Somewhere in the back of his mind plans and ideas began to unfurl and all of them involved the blonde. But right now, he had a more pressing and immediate concern.

His twin.

He shut the front door and locked it up tightly. Turning back, he watched silently as Xander just wandered aimlessly about the mostly bare room, absently touching an object and then moving on. He had to help Xander get past this. To help him put it into it's proper perspective. It didn't seem like a very beg deal to *him*, but if what Xander and Giles had told him at the Magic Shop was true, then his twin had not only gotten the majority of the intellect, he had also gotten most of the emotions as well. Of the two, Xander had more compassion and understanding, but he was also more vulnerable to fear.

It was an interesting trade-off. Alex didn't know if he was jealous or if he pitied his brother. Xander could love deeper than he could, but he was also subject to greater heights of terror than he was. He sighed. A pinch of good and a touch of bad. For both of them.

Still, Alex could tell that Xander wanted to shake off his funk. He just needed a little push and a lot of comforting. Alex was more than willing to provide both of those. He may not be able to feel as deeply as Xander could, but he did *have* emotions. He liked and respected Giles, Willow and Buffy. He loved Anya. He desired and wanted to dominate Spike. And Xander? He loved and adored his other half. It was *he* who brought his deepest and most heartfelt emotions to the fore. Desire, compassion, love, a need to protect and keep safe. It was all for Xander.

With a slight smile tugging at the corner of his lips, Alex walked over to the kitchen and pulled the only thing in the refrigerator out. A chilled bottle of YooHoo Chocolate Drink. He twisted off the cap and took a swallow. Walking back into the living room, he handed it to his twin. Xander grinned at him and took a drink.

"Ya know Xan... We've got a lot to do tomorrow."

Xander raised up one dark eyebrow and handed the bottle back. He took it and gestured to the front door with the chocolatey drink.

"For one, we have to go to the hardware store and get a set of keys made for you so you can get into the place when it's locked."

He was rewarded with a broad smile and an arm slung over his shoulders. He leaned into the gentle touch.

"Hey that would be great. It would be like I really lived here."

Alex turned and shot a confused look at him.

"Xander, you *do* live here. We *don't* separate. You're *not* going back to the basement and I *mean* it. That's another thing we have to do. We have to move all of our stuff and get it back here. I ran into Riley earlier today while I was out getting the Chinese food and he said that he and Buffy could help us pack and stuff."

Xander's face lit up in a grin. A *real* one. Alex took a quick sip of the YooHoo and handed the bottle back. Then he led his twin over to the soft grey couch that the apartment came with. He sat down in the corner and then pulled Xander down next to him. It took a bit of squirming, but pretty soon he had his warm cuddly twin situated between his thighs and leaning up against his chest. Xander's head rested lightly on his shoulder and he let out a little sigh of contentment. It just felt so... *good* when they were touching. Probably because they were actually meant to be the same person, but whatever the reason, Alex just felt better when Xander was close.

Suddenly, Xander pointed to an empty spot on the wall.

"Right there would be perfect."

Alex blinked in confusion.

"Um... what would be..."

And then he got it. The T.V. He grinned.

"Yeah, you're right. We could sit here and watch the X-Files together. That would be soooo cool. Still don't know who I'd rather see Fox hook up with though..."

After a mere heartbeat, they both spoke in unison.

"...Scully or Skinner?"

Xander turned his head and they shared a conspiratorial glance and then they broke into identical giggles. Alex wrapped his arms tighter around his twin and gave a quick squeeze. Then a thought hit him.

"And food."

Xander blinked at the non-sequitur.

"Food is of the good. What about it?"

Alex grinned slightly and leaned his cheek against the top of Xander's head.

"We don't have any. Tomorrow after we move our stuff here, one of us should go and get some from the grocery store."

"Ahhh... well, I'll do it. If you put all of our stuff into place while I'm gone. Then we'll be done both chores twice as fast. That's one of the perks of being a we instead of a me."

Alex chuckled. There were other perks that he could think of, but he would save that until a bit later. For now, it was enough that Xander had finally shaken off the last of his nervousness since their run-in with the sexy blonde demon that they both wanted to have sex with almost as badly as they wanted to see turn into a billowing puff of dust.

Thinking that it was time to get on to the other portion of the evening that he had been daydreaming about since he first woke up, Alex gave Xander a tiny gentle push.

"Come on. We have a busy day tomorrow. Let's start getting ready for bed. You hit the shower first and I'll straighten up in the bedroom."

Xander nodded his head against his shoulder and then stood up. He took one last sip from the YooHoo and handed the near empty bottle to him and then went off to shower. His grin slowly turning into a leer, Alex watched his other half's firm ass walk away.


Alex opened the bedroom door only to find that it was dark. He had turned out the lights in the bathroom and the living room already and Xander had the bedroom light off as well. The only light to see by was the pale silvery glow from the moon. After a few seconds, his eyes adjusted and he could see that his other half was already lying in bed.

Xander's dark hair was a shocking contrast against the crisp white pillowcase. He was lying on his stomach and the blankets were pooled down around his waist. A silken expanse of smooth tan skin covering broad muscular shoulders filled Alex's vision and he paused a moment to drink in the lovely sight.

His cock hardened beneath the towel he had slung across his waist and he simply enjoyed the beauty before him. A small voice in the back of his head told him that this was the same picture that *he* would paint if it had been him lying in the bed and he allowed a brief surge of vanity and self ego-stroking to be done.

Shaking off his bemusement, Alex dropped the towel in the now official, dirty clothes place, and then slid into the bed beside Xander. His brother shifted slightly and murmured softly on the edge of both sleeping and awareness. Alex felt all of his desire and love and need and that sense of protective possessiveness rise up in him again. He needed Xander, his brother, his other half. He wanted to claim him and possess him and try to be as close as possible to him. Physically, emotionally, mentally.

He reached out and touched the soft skin of Xander's back with one fingertip. A tingle of desire sparked his nerve endings. He smiled. Trailing his finger along Xander's skin, he traced the curves of his shoulder and then the long bumpy line of his spine. His twin shifted again and arched slightly into his touch. Encouraged, Alex laid the flat of his hand against the warm skin before him and rubbed Xander's flesh in a manner that was designed to arouse, not push him further into sleep. When Xander wiggled a bit, Alex leaned forward and pressed his naked form against his boxer clad twin and brushed a soft gentle kiss against his shoulder.


Alex smiled again and ran a finger along the length of Xander's arm. He was rewarded with a shiver that pressed against him erotically.


He leaned further against Xander and ran the tip of his tongue around the rim of his twin's ear.

"Yes Xander?"

"Um... what are you doing?"

Alex let out a soft throaty chuckle and shifted his hips so that Xander could feel the erection pressed against his lower back.

"Me? Oh... I'm seducing you. Is it working as planned? Or should I do something more?"

Part 5

Without waiting for an answer, Alex's hand left Xander's arm and shifted to his chest where it teased the nearest nipple into peaked hardness. Xander shivered in his arms again and Alex decided that he adored that sensation and that he needed to feel it again and again and again. The very thought of Xander giving himself over to Alex and submitting to his desires was thrilling. Even this little tiny example of how it could be made his cock ache in need.

Xander however, stiffened up slightly. His once lax and open form became tight with tension.

"But... but... Alex we *can't* do this. It's... it's... *wrong*. It's like incest or something. I mean, what would Buffy say if she found out?"

Alex rolled his eyes, but he had expected this reaction. It was the same as last night with Anya. Xander *wanted* this, but he needed a little push. He would give in, but only after he had been allowed to be 'talked into it'. That was fine with Alex. He was willing to be the bad guy once again.

"Xander... don't be silly. First off, there is *nothing* wrong with this. It's not incest because we're really the same person. I'm you and you're me. So... it's more like... um, masturbation. And you *know* we've jerked off plenty of times before. And secondly, we've *never* talked to Buffy about our sex life. Why would we start now?"

Alex could feel the tenseness in Xander's body begin to melt away.

"Yeah... but..."

Alex cut him off before he could get started.

"Look. I want this. I want *you*. I mean, think about it. You *are* me and you know me better than anyone else on this planet. I can... well, be myself around you and there isn't anyone else that I'd trust with most things. But with you, it's not even an issue. I *love* you Xander. You're my other half. Giles might *never* find a way to undo this spell, but that will never stop me from wanting to be with you, to be a part of you, to become one with you. Do you understand what I ean?"

Xander wiggled a bit and Alex loosened his hold and leaned back. In an instant, Xander flipped himself over onto his back and reached out to pull Alex back in close again. He looked up and his face was serious and his dark eyes were open and slightly sad.

"Yeah Alex. I *do* understand. I mean, I love Anya and I got a major case of the hots for S... Sp... um, and anyway... But it's not the same as it is with you for me either. It's as if I'm not truly complete until you're by my side. It's as if there is an empty hollow spot inside of me and it aches... for *you*."

Alex blinked. That was exactly it. A slow smile spread across his face. Once again, Xander proved that he was the one who had gotten the lion's share of the smarts. He had managed to explain exactly how Alex felt. Incomplete. Except with Xander.

"I love you Xander."

A bright happy smile flashed up at him.

"I love you too Alex. I honestly don't think I could *not* love you. I mean, you're... *you*."

Alex's smile changed slightly as he focused his thoughts onto the warm body that he held tightly in his arms. He became hyper aware of the sensation of skin against skin and his cock began to harden up once more. He watched, enthralled, as Xander's dark eyes grew even darker and his pupils dilated with desire. Moving slowly so as not to startle his twin, Alex leaned his head down and brushed his lips along Xander's.

A tingle of lust rippled along his spine and Xander gasped under him. Taking the tightening of the arms around his waist as consent, Alex deepened the kiss. Soft warm lips pressed against his with passion and trust. As if that single kiss had opened up a floodgate within them both, all insecurities and doubts were washed away. Need and desire rushed in to fill up the space left behind and Alex moaned deep in his throat.

Not being able to refuse once the idea hit him, Alex stuck the tip of his tongue out and ran it along Xander's lips. He wanted, no *needed* to taste him. To have that taste in his mouth and on his tongue. With a shiver that sent delightful waves of sensation across Alex's skin, Xander opened his mouth to the silent invader. Alex delved inside the warm wet cavern and his sense's exploded with pleasure.

Alex's tongue battled with Xander's for dominance as Alex pressed his body tightly against his twin's. His erection throbbed with need and he rubbed it along his other half's thigh, writhing with desire and need. And still they kissed deeply. Finally Xander's body went lax as he surrendered himself over to Alex. A thrill raced along his spine and somewhere deep inside of his mind he howled in pleasure at his dominance over his twin.

With a gasp, Alex broke off the kiss. They stared deeply into each other's eyes while panting for breath. Silently, they communicated wants and needs, desires and consent.

"I love you Xan..."

Alex didn't even wait for an answer or reply, he just tipped his head down and ran the flat of his tongue along the edge of Xander's jaw line. His twin's body shivered beneath him and he groaned at the heady sensation of knowing that it was *him* that had caused that reaction.

He trailed a line of soft kisses, gentle nips and long licks under his twin's chin and along the length of his neck. His hands and fingers traced erotic patterns along his muscled chest and stomach. Little shivers and tremors raced along the soft warm skin in his wake and a fine sheen of sweat beaded up on both of their brows. Alex's mouth soon followed his exploring hands and he dragged his tongue in a line along Xander's collarbone. He blew a puff of warm air over the wet skin and Xander's hand raised up to clutch at his hair.

"Alex... *please*..."

His cock jumped at that breathy plea and a shiver raced up his spine. Swooping down, he captured one peaked nipple in his mouth and sucked on it hard. Xander arched his back and pressed Alex's face against his skin as a series of breathless moans and whimpers escaped his lush mouth. Alex nipped the puckered nub of flesh gently before letting it go. Without giving Xander a chance to complain, he latched onto the other one and repeated the process.

"A... Alex... oooo..."

He allowed himself a small grin of triumph and then he went back to his task. He left a long wet trail of kisses and licks down the center of his twin's chest and stomach. When he reached the waistband of the boxers, he grabbed ahold of them and paused. He looked up at his twin, a question in his dark eyes.

"Yes... please yes... hurry Alex, hurry..."

Alex grinned wickedly and pulled the boxers down and off quickly. He tossed them over his shoulder towards the pile of dirty clothes and then leaned back on his heels. The vision laid out before him was exquisite. His twin, his other half, his Xander was lying naked in a wanton sprawl of desire in front of him. His thighs were slightly spread and his hands were clutching the pillow behind his head. And his beautiful cock stood up tall and proud. The head was a dark angry purple and the tip glistened in the moonlight from the pre-cum that was leaking out. Alex trailed his eyes along this banquet of delightful flesh until his dark eyes met and captured Xander's.


Xander returned his look, identical expressions of desire, love and possession.

"Yes. Your's... just as you are also mine."

Alex grinned. Then in a quick move, he bent down and ran his tongue along the crown of his twin's throbbing erection. Xander let out a strangled scream of pleasure. Inwardly smirking at the response, Alex took the hot length of his other half into his mouth. He tried to remember and duplicate everything that he'd ever had done to him by various girlfriends that he had enjoyed. He had never done this before and he was sure his technique needed some work, but that was okay. He'd get to practice on his brother turned lover a lot, he was sure, but that wasn't the real issue. The big thing of it was that this was *Xander* in his mouth. His twin, his other half. His soul.

He tasted like a slice of heaven and the noises and wiggles were like chocolate sprinkles on top of your favorite desert. They just made it better. And even beyond that, it just felt *right* to have Xander inside of him. As if they were One again.

Alex sucked hard on Xander's swollen cockhead and he reached up with one hand and began to fondle his balls just the way he knew that Xander liked it. The way that he himself liked it. Xander's hands clutched at his hair and his thighs began to tremble.

"Alex... I... I..."

Alex felt Xander's balls tighten up and watched his stomach muscles give one strong flex and then Xander was coming. Hot liquid hit his tongue and his own cock nearly exploded at the erotic taste. He almost swallowed it all down his throat and he *wanted* to so badly, but he needed it for something else.

Sitting up between Xander's wide flung knees, Alex reached up one hand and spit out Xander's seed into his cupped palm. A shiver racing along his spine, he reached down and coated his own throbbing erection with the hot fluid. Gasping and panting from his orgasm, Xander just nodded and tried to lift his still trembling legs. Alex lifted one up and across his lap and the other he flung over his shoulder. Then, trying to be careful and gentle, Alex reached down with his still wet fingers and began to prepare Xander's tight virgin opening. Sliding his finger in slowly, Alex's mind was slammed with two facts instantly.

Tight! Hot!

His throbbing erection began to drool more pre-come at the very *thought* of being inside that oven hot channel of strong muscle. Gently and carefully, just as he had with Anya the first time they had done this act, Alex loosened the tight ring of muscles. Pressing in a little deeper, his finger bumped into a small little knot of nerve endings. Xander's whole body shuddered and he gasped in shock. Alex stilled, afraid that he had hurt his twin, but Xander would have no part of that idea. He thrust himself further onto Alex's finger and *writhed* in pleasure.

"Oooo Alex! *Again!* Do it again! *Now*."

A bit confused, but really liking that reaction, Alex brushed at the nub of flesh inside of Xander again. Once more his twin nearly crawled out of his skin at the intense feeling and Alex grinned at the returned erection Xander was now sporting.

"Liked that, huh?"

Xander nodded his head almost frantically.

"In me... now! *please*!"

Not being able to resist that request, Alex pulled his finger out and lined his aching shaft up to the opening in his twin's body.

"Deep breath Xan..."

Xander took a deep breath and let it out slowly. As he exhaled, Alex slowly slid inside. *Tight* *Hot* *Xander!* Only half-way in, Alex had to stop for fear of spilling his load right then. Waves of intense sensation rolled over him and he squeezed his eyes tightly closed. If he looked at the sight of his cock inside of his twin, he'd come. Desperately, he tried to think of something to pull him away from the edge.

Willow's spells going wrong. Buffy pouting about Riley. Staking evil vamps. Bending Spike over a tombstone. His cock twitched. Okay, that last one didn't really help...

Taking a few deep breaths, Alex finally felt like he could continue. He looked at Xander and his twin nodded his head. Slowly, his slid the rest of the way in. They were both panting hard and sweat coated their skin. Alex shifted Xander's legs so that they were wrapped tightly around his waist and then he leaned forward, a hand on either side of Xander's head. Leaning down to place a soft kiss on those full upturned lips, he whispered in his other half's ear.

"Ready love?"

"Yes Alex. Hurry, I *need* you."

Alex grinned and then pulled back slowly. He could feel Xander's muscles clenching around him, trying to keep him from leaving. When just the tip of his erection was left inside, he slid back in while making sure to aim for that special spot that set his twin off so much. Pleasure washed over him in a rolling wave and his vision grew blurry. As soon as he hit that certain spot, his twin's body spasmed around him and it created a backlash of erotic pleasure.

He pulled out and thrust in again, this time a bit faster and harder. Xander gasped and pushed his ass tightly against his hips and his heart began to pound in his chest. Again and again he pulled out and thrust back in. He moved faster and faster. Xander's hips were like liquid as he met each thrust, slamming himself on Alex's cock.

It was the most intensely wonderful thing that he'd ever felt and his whole body and mind became this... this... *machine* who's entire purpose was to pleasure Xander. They moved in unison with grace and heat and need. The pressure built up inside of him and he felt whole and alive and at _one_ with himself and they were no longer a _we_ but once again a _me_ and Alex knew love and understanding and desire and heat and the whole universe made sense because everything was Xander and that was okay. His heart raced and he was sure that everyone could hear it and the scent and taste of himself was in his own mouth and he was sex and heat and ....

With a shudder and a strangled scream echoing in his ear Alex felt Xander's muscles slam *tight* around him and then scorching hot come splashed his chest and the world *melted* as he thrust deeply one last time and then he came and came and came...

Part Six 

The morning sun streaked through the bedroom window and brushed a warm tingling finger of brightness along Alex's cheek. A low husky moan in his ear let him know that his other half was also being disturbed by the sunbeam. Squeezing his eyes just a tad tighter, Alex squirmed further down in the covers and tightened his arms around Xander, pulling his twin in closer to his bare chest. His brother happily wiggled against him and soon a dark haired head was tucked firmly under his chin and a long leg was tucked in between his knees. He grinned to himself.

"Mornin' my heart."

The two arms wrapped around his chest squeezed tighter for a moment and soft warm lips pressed up against his throat in a kiss.

"Mmmm... love."

Feeling warm and safe and loved was not something that Alex was familiar with, and as such, it was unusual for Xander as well. They had known each of those things, but rarely all at once. Yet here they were, warm in bed in their new apartment and safe from all evil, including their parents. What's more, they both loved the other and they could easily share and admit to that love. It was a sensation that Alex wanted to experience again and again and it was one that he would do anything to protect.

As the sleepy hazy mugginess drifted out of his head to be replaced with clearer and more concrete awareness, he raised his one hand to slowly stroke the soft warm skin of his other half's back. He was rewarded by Xander cuddling down even closer against him. He turned his face towards his twin and pressed a gentle kiss into the mass of midnight curls at the top of his head.

"We've got to get up and get moving, my soul."

"No. Sleep. Cuddles are of the good. Don't wanna move."

Alex felt his grin stretch into a wide smile at the sleepy mumbles coming from the vicinity of his neck.

"Well... we *do* have a busy day planned. I have to get you a key made and Buffy, Riley and Anya are supposed to meet us at the Basement to help us pack up our stuff. Riley said he'd bring his car to use. We also need food. You said you'd get it, but maybe you could get Anya to help, because you are also going to have to get stuff to cook the food in as well. We need pots and pans and... other stuff. Whatever, I'll leave it up to you two."

Xander lifted his head from it's comfy resting spot and blinked at him with big brown eyes. Alex felt his heart skip a beat and his insides melted a tiny bit from the tender feelings his twin's sleepy expression created in him.

"Kay... Um. Now?"

Alex chuckled.

"Well. *First* I'd say we should shower. We're a bit sticky and I'm sure more than a little fragrant. We had a... fun night together. After we're clean, I'll go get you a key and you meet the gang at the Basement. Sound good?"

Xander gave him a soft smile and nodded his head. Then, he dropped said head back onto Alex's shoulder and he cuddled down in order to drift back to sleep. Alex grinned at this display of non-morning persona and a sly look came into his dark eyes. Moving slowly, so as not to give his plan away, Alex let the hand that was still stroking his other half's back drift down to his naked buttocks and then he gave Xander a quick sharp pinch.


Xander's head shot back up in surprise and then melted into a heartbreakingly appealing pout.

"Hey! That wasn't playing fair..."

Alex leaned up and gave a nibbling kiss to that delectable full lower lip. Xander moaned softly and the kiss deepened into a soft wet possessive expression of love and desire. Alex broke off the kiss with a small gasp for air when he felt his cock begin to take too much of an interest in things.

"Come on. *All's* fair in love and war."

Xander grinned happily at him and quirked one eyebrow up at him.

"Oh, I see. That's okay then... but, if *I'm* the love part of that statement, then who is the *war* part?"

Immediately, a vision of pale skin and bleached white hair and bright blue eyes danced behind Alex's eyes and his cock twitched violently. He held his tongue however. Alex wasn't sure that his twin wouldn't go off into another funk like he had last night when they had run into Spike and he didn't want to risk it. So instead he just offered up a sexy and mysterious smile and shrugged as if he didn't have anyone in mind.

Surprisingly, or maybe not, Xander's lips twisted into an amused smirk and he whispered huskily as if speaking too loudly would conjure the person he was naming.

"William the Bloody... we declare war on thee... no holds barred, anything goes, war..."

A bolt of lust surged through Alex's body and he had the bizarre notion that he'd just been granted permission to carry out the depraved idea's that had been forming in the back of his mind last night as he comforted and then made love to his twin. His dark eyes sparkling with the tiniest hint of darkness, Alex returned his other half's smirk.

"Come on beautiful. Let's go jump in the shower and get clean."

Xander's smirk deepened and he threw the covers off of them. He then crawled down the length of Alex's body leaving a trail of nips and kisses. When he got to Alex's semi-hard cock, he stuck out his tongue and ran it along the length, wetting it. Once Xander reached the tip, he gently took it into his mouth and gave a soft teasing suck. Alex gasped and his hips gave an involuntary thrust upwards into the delectable heat and wetness. Just as suddenly as his twin took him into his mouth, he let his, now hard and throbbing, erection go with a wet sounding pop.

Alex groaned at the loss and Xander chuckled. He opened his eyes to glare at his twin and was faced with a sexy little grin of triumph. Then, Xander stood up and reached out to grasp Alex's cock and he gave a gentle little tug.

"Come on sexy. Let's go take that shower... *together*."

Alex's glare melted into what he was sure was a silly smile, but he couldn't help it. He carefully slid off the bed and up onto his feet. His twin didn't let go of his hard cock, he merely shifted his hold on it and then Xander turned and led the way to the bathroom. Alex followed happily. He took a darkly ironic delight in being led around the apartment by his throbbing cock. It was sort of like a living metaphor for his love life... but with it being *Xander* who was doing the leading it made the whole idea a thousand times more appealing.

Once in the bathroom, Xander let go so that he could turn on the water and adjust it to the temperature that they both preferred. Since they were already naked, it was just a matter of seconds until they were standing in each other's arms under a deluge of hot steamy water.

Alex reached up with one hand and snagged the vanilla scented shampoo off of the rack and flipped open the top. He poured out a dollop onto his own hand and then he leaned around and poured a bit out onto Xander's as well. Flipping the cap closed, he slid it back into it's spot on the rack.

Turning back to face his twin, Alex rubbed his hands together to work up a lather with the shampoo. Then stepping in close, he reached out and ran his soapy fingers through his other half's dark wet hair. He rubbed his fingers in tiny little circles, gently massaging his beloved's scalp and working the thick creamy bubbles through those soft thick curls of midnight silk. Xander's body relaxed visibly and with a little whimper of unadulterated pleasure he arched into the touch like a big happy cat.

Alex grinned at his brother's response to having his hair washed for him. Then he felt long strong fingers weave through his own wet hair and tiny tingles of sensual pleasure swept over his scalp and down his spine directly to his groin. A throaty groan of happiness escaped his lips and he had to close his eyes against the pleasure that swept over him as those loving fingers worked themselves through his hair.

He swept his fingers along Xander's scalp and then trailed them down the back of his neck, rubbing and teasing the warm wet skin. Not being able to resist the siren's song of intimacy and pleasure, he pulled his twin in closer and their wet chests brushed together and their twin hardnesses slid along each other. A shiver of intense sensation raced across his tingling nerve endings and he heard his brother's gasp over the sound of the shower. Not one to miss an opportunity, Alex took advantage of Xander's open mouth to capture those lush lips in a deep and passionate kiss. Xander melted against him and their warm wet skin slid along each other's bodies, sending twin waves of sexual energy crashing over them both.

Blindly, with need and desire urging him on, Alex reached out and fumbled with the plastic bottles sitting on the rack hanging from the shower-head. Searching amongst them with his questing hand, he finally identified the tall slim flatish container of the moisturizing body wash. He grabbed it and flipped open the top one-handed. Quickly, he poured a large amount out onto his hand and then he dumped some more into the hand that Xander extended. His desire building out of control, Alex flipped the top shut and then just dropped it to the tile floor with a loud thump.

Ignoring the discarded plastic bottle, Alex quickly rubbed his hands together to slick them both up. Then, he began to run his soapy hands all over Xander's soft pale skin. Wet muscular flesh slid past under his fingers as he delighted to the feeling of warm sudsy hands trailing along his back and across his hips.

Leaning back into those sinfully decadent hands, Alex took the opportunity to spread the white bubbly soap along Xander's chest and stomach. His fingers traced wet glistening trails along his lover's collarbones and then down to his thick pectorals. When he twisted his other half's nipples into hard straining points of arousal he was rewarded with a gasp, a shiver and two hands clutching at his ass. A sexy smile of happiness stealing over his face, he dragged the flat of his lathery hands down over Xander's stomach and he traced the slight ridges in the muscles there.

Then, not being able to resist any longer, he allowed his questing fingers to slid down even lower. He gently caressed the stiff flesh of his twin's erection, his soapy fingers tracing along the line that delineated between the shaft and the swollen crown. Xander gasped and shivered. Just as Alex reached out with one hand to cup Xander's heavy balls into his wet hand, he felt gentle fingers rub along his own erection.

With a husky moan of pleasure, Alex thrust into the hot wet fist that gripped him. Sizzling pleasure raced from his cock into his groin and then up his spine only to explode into bright spots dancing before his quickly shut eyes. His balls tingled with sexual tension and need even as his heart swelled with tender love and desire. For just a second, he feared that this wet steamy adventure would be over before he wanted it to end. But he gritted his teeth and forcibly pushed himself back away from the edge of completion.

With a twist of his wrists, he pushed Xander's hands away from his cock even as his own hands trailed around his twin's hips to grip the firm globes of his ass. With a slight tug, he pulled his brother's body in tight against his own. Their slick and soapy bodies crashed together in a shock of pleasure.

Nipple to nipple, belly-button to belly-button, erection to erection, lips to lips they stood under the wash of hot water that streamed over them. His lips brushing against Xander's, Alex whispered the words in his heart.

"I love you Xan... You and only you. Forever."

Then he captured his other half's mouth in a deep wet possessive kiss that spoke of endless passion and undying devotion. Xander opened up to him and surrendered to his dominance and desire with a shudder of pleasure. Alex grinded his throbbing hardness up against the twin hardness of Xander. Both of them moaned at the sensation that swept up and over them at the movement. Their slick skin reduced the friction even as their body hair left sparkling trails of electric tingles.

Slowly, gently, Alex pulled apart the cheeks of Xander's ass. To his delight, he found that his twin was mimicking and mirroring every action he took. Breaking the kiss with a gasp, Alex dropped his head to suckle along the side of his lover's neck.

"Want you... need you..."

And with that, he carefully dragged the tip of one finger into the crevasse of Xander's cheeks. When he felt one of Xander's fingers begin to explore that, until now, untouched area on his own body he shuddered at the sparks of sexual pleasure that erupted in him. Wary of any tenderness that his beloved might be feeling from their love making the night before, Alex gently inserted the tip of his finger inside of Xander's tight opening up to the first knuckle.

His twin shivered and gasped before pushing back against the invader. This caused Alex's finger to sink even deeper and it dragged his erection delightfully along Alex's own. He could feel Xander's own finger trace the edge of his own opening in small teasing circles and the desire and need built up in him to dangerous levels. He pushed his own ass back towards that tempting finger.

"Xan... *please*!"

His twin rubbed a stubbled cheek along his own and a husky sexy voice in his ear sent shivers along his spine.

"I *love* how well you beg my beautiful Alex."

And then that finger plunged deep inside of his body and sparks of pleasure blossomed behind his eyes and his breath caught in his throat. He felt full and impaled and conquered and possessed and... *cherished*. He fell head over heels in love with Xander all over again.

Biting down gently on the flesh of Xander's shoulder to keep from crying out at the pleasurable sensations racking his body, he pushed his finger inside of his brother even deeper and then carefully crooked it slightly until he found the right...

"Ahhh! Alex! *yes* *there*!" to make his lover scream. Delighted with his brother's reaction, Alex rubbed at the magic place again, teasingly circling it first once or twice. Then, he ran his finger across it again and again. Xander gasped and clutched him tighter even as a shudder raced down his body. Then, to Alex's eternal joy and delight, Xander returned the favor of rubbing at that place inside of his *own* body and an intense wave of overwhelming pleasure washed over him, nearly drowning him in the sensation. It was only by clamping his blunt white teeth on his own bottom lip hard enough to draw blood that he didn't spill his seed right then and there.

Once again, working in tandem, it didn't take them very long to develop a mutually pleasing rhythm of grinding their twin erections along one another and then pushing back onto the fingers plunging into their bodies. Deep wet kisses were given and accepted as pleasure sizzled along electrified nerve endings. Steam swirled around them and the noise of pounding water combined to make this seem surreal and it allowed them to forget about the outside world as they became the center of each other's universe. Time lost all meaning, there was only need and desire and joy and pleasure and love.

They rubbed and thrust and Alex was lost in Xander. Erection to swollen blood filled erection. Chest pressed against it's twin as nipples kissed and danced along the wet soapy plains of tingling skin. Muscles flexed and blood pounded through thrumming veins and Alex felt his heart racing behind his ribs and his balls grew heavy and tight as the pressure built up and then Xander shuddered deeply and bit down on his sore and swollen lip and it caused bright sparks to flash in his mind.

A cresting wave of pleasure swept over him and his entire body tensed and his muscles clamped down and he thrust against his lover one last time and then everything turned inside out and life and love and happiness *exploded* from him in trembling pulses of white cum and his whole being *throbbed* through his orgasm as twin cocks erupted between their chests.

Alex panted for breath and he gripped his slippery wet twin tightly as they leaned on each other trembling in the other's arms. Xander's head dropped down to rest on his shoulder and he could feel his other half's chest rise and fall as he gasped deeply. Finally, their shudders slowed and they both began to come back down from their sexual high. Alex felt the hot breath on his neck as Xander spoke.

"Love you too Alex."

Part 7

Alex juggled the cardboard breakfast tray in his hands until he had one free. As soon as he could, he brought up his suddenly empty hand to scratch at his chin and sighed in relief. He was beginning to wish that he hadn't been the one to volunteer to grow the mustache and goatee. It itched like a bitch.

This morning when they had climbed out of the shower, they had both jockeyed for space in front of the mirror and sink, until they had finally been forced to flip a coin to see who would use it first. Xander won. His twin had quickly brushed his teeth and then shaved his face.

When it got to be his turn, he had brushed his own teeth and then had shaved his cheeks and neck, however, unlike Xander, he'd left the stubble along his chin and above his upper lip. In a day or two he knew that he'd have a thick dark and completely respectable moustache and goatee, but until then it would be a major pain in the ass.

Itch satisfied, Alex readjusted his burden and smiled as he rounded the corner of the street that his parents lived on. He could see Riley's car from here and he watched as Buffy carried a box up from the stairs. With a smile of happiness and good cheer, Alex hurried his steps and soon caught the blonde girl's attention.

"Hey Buffster! How goes the moving project?"

His friend smiled and gestured to the quickly filling trunk of the car.

"It goes good actually. So... what took you so long to get here? Xander is down stairs with Riley and Anya already."

She rolled her beautiful eyes playfully.

"He's being pretty picky about what gets packed and what doesn't. I didn't realize that you guys weren't going to bring everything, but I guess it's easier to just leave the things you don't want instead of having to throw them away later, huh?"

Alex chuckled and then raised his box to show it to Buffy.

"Well... I'm not too sure what he has termed unneeded, but I trust him with that, so it's okay. As for why I'm running late, I stopped and had a key to the apartment made for Xan and then I bought coffee and a danish for everyone as a way of saying 'Thanks for lifting big heavy boxes all morning for no pay.' Why don't we go on in and you can help me hand out sugar and caffeine goodness."

Buffy grinned at him and made a big show of peering into the box where breakfast rested in Alex's hands.

"Did you get a cherry danish?"

Alex offered up a fake offended look.

"Of *course* I got a cherry danish! What kind of kook do you take me for?"

Buffy giggled and then linked her arm through one of his and together they walked to the steps leading down into the basement.

"I think you're the wonderful 'give the cherry danish to the blonde Buffy person type of kook' so don't worry, kay?"

Alex chuckled with happiness. Buffy never failed to make him smile.

"You got it Slayer-Lady. It would be my pleasure to defend your right to hog all the cherry danishes you want."

His friend laughed at him and slapped him lightly on the arm as they walked down the steps together. When they got to the bottom, Alex saw that they had made a pretty good dent in getting stuff in boxes and bags. Glancing around the room, he saw Anya sitting over next to the tool bench so he made his way over to her. Setting the box of breakfast down next to her, he leaned over and captured her lips in a gentle kiss.

"Hey sweetheart. You look absolutely lovely this fine morning."

She beamed up at him and he allowed his eyes to sweep over her lithe form as a hungry smile grew on his face.

"Oooo, no sling? Does that mean our sex can get more... um, aerobic again?"

She giggled and nodded her head.

"Yep! Doctor says that I'm all better, so that means we get to play and play hard. It was lots of work doing all that healing. Xander said that later on tonight I'm going to be rewarded for it with many orgasms."

Alex chuckled and ran one finger along her jaw, tilting her face up for another quick kiss.

"Well, I've found that Xander is one smart cookie, so I'll have to agree with him on that. You definitely deserve to have lots of lovely orgasms. I'd be more than happy to help him with that project too."

Anya graced him with a look that quite clearly shouted, 'Duh!' and the fore-mentioned twin coughed in embarrassment. When Alex turned his head it was to be faced with a furiously blushing and fidgeting Xander who was trying desperately not to notice the way that Riley and Buffy were studiously ignoring the conversation about the twin's sex life with Anya. Alex smirked.

"Um... So... ahhh... What's in the box? I mean, I thought this party was to *remove* stuff, not bring more in."

Alex raised his eyebrow at the tactless subject change, but went with it anyway. Gesturing for Xander to come on over, he began removing styrofoam cups of coffee and plastic wrapped danishes.

"Coffee and danish. I got 'em down at the Circle K. Buffy called dibs on the cherry and I got raspberry for Anya 'cause it's her favorite. I also got a cream-cheese one, a blueberry and a lemon one. You and Riley decide which one's you want and I'll take whatever's left."

Riley and Buffy descended on the three of them and the goodies laid out on the counter. Buffy grabbed a coffee and her cherry danish. Riley took a cup and the cream-cheese one with a smile and a 'thanks man' and Xander grabbed the blueberry one and tore into it with a smile.

"Hungry. We need to get food or I'll wither away to nothing. I'm a growing boy after all."

Everyone chuckled at Xander and they quickly munched through their snack break. Everyone was enjoying themselves, the food and the cheerful company. Just as empty wrappers and coffee cups began to get collected back into the box, a deep angry voice yelled down the stairs and shattered the happy mood and good feelings.

"Dammit Alexander! What the hell is going on down there? Why is all of your useless crap being piled up in that beat-up piece of shit car out front? You planning to skip out without paying the last of the rent boy?"

Xander flinched and went pale as he began to tremble. Buffy and Riley scowled up the stairs and then they both turned questioning looks at him. Alex sighed and lifted Anya's hand up to his lips for a quick kiss and then dropped it into her lap. He walked over and slung an arm around Xander, purposely leading him away from the stairs and over to the other side of the room.

"Look Xan... you get everyone organized and get this stuff out of here as fast as you guys can. I... I'll go upstairs and... deal with the old man."

Xander clutched at his shirt and shook his head, panic beginning to well up in his big round eyes. Alex gently untangled his twin's long fingers from his t-shirt and gave him a light shove towards Buffy.

"It's okay. Go. Get this place emptied out. I'll be fine, don't worry."

Alex shared a quick look with Buffy and he saw his friend give a slight nod of her head. She'd keep Xander out of the line of fire for him. He returned her nod briskly and then whirled around and stomped up the stairs to face down the father that had spent the last eighteen years in a drunken haze of abuse and neglect.

As he walked up the steps towards his nemesis, he noticed something unusual. Normally, he would feel icy fingers of fear walk across his scalp and down his spine. He would often be overcome with the urge to run and hide from the man who had caused such unspeakable amounts of pain during his life. But not this time. All he felt was a burning ball of rage in the pit of his guts and almost nauseating disgust at the... smelly horrible excuse for a man that had sent his beloved twin into a near panic.

*No one* would *ever* hurt his Xander again. Alex *refused* to sit back and allow that to happen to his other half, his heart, his *soul*. He'd eat a bullet first.

White hot rage swirling in his brain and an overwhelming *need* to punish and inflict pain throbbing in his veins, Alex pushed himself through the open doorway at the top of the steps and sneered at the drunken man in the unwashed bowling shirt. He stalked over to his father, his breath huffing through his flaring nostrils and *shoved* him backwards.

"You. Don't. Get. Any. More. Money. From. Me. Ever. Again. Do you got that old man?!"

In a move that he'd seen Buffy use hundred's of times, Alex brought his right fist up in a roundhouse punch that sent the larger man stumbling back to land in a crashing sprawl across the floor. Moving quickly before Frank Harris could pull his wits together or himself up off of the floor, Alex charged over to his father and kicked him in the ribcage using a move that man had often used on him.

"How does it feel, *dad*?"

His voice was an enraged snarl and his vision grew dim and hazy as a red wash of rage descended upon him brain. Stepping over his prone body, Alex sat down on his father's chest, effectively trapping the man's arms at his sides with his strong muscular thighs. With an evil smirk and his dark eyes glittering with revenge, Alex began to rain down blow after blow with his fists upon Frank's unprotected face.

"Hate you! You will *never* hurt me again! You *suck* as a father! I *hate* you! How does it feel to be the one curled up in pain on the floor? Do you like it? *I* never did, but that never stopped you from beating the shit out of me did it? Huh? What, nothing to say old man? Well, I'll say it for you! I. Hate. You."

And Alex kept repeating those words over and over again. I. Hate. You. Each word was punctuated with a fist slamming into the now unconscious man's face. Time lost meaning and Alex's whole world narrowed down to just his white hot anger and his father's bloody face. He wasn't sure how long it would have lasted if he hadn't been stopped. He figured that he would have eventually beat the man to death, but it didn't come to that.

Suddenly, out of nowhere it seemed, two thick strong and heavily muscled arms came around his body, pinning his own arms under them. He struggled and yelled as he tried to get free, but then the deep low and completely understanding voice speaking calmly in his ear began to seep in under the rage and awareness came back to him in a rush.

With a bizarre sense of horror, Alex looked down at the bleeding and pulpy face of his father and gasped in shock. He flinched backwards and pressed himself tightly into the warm comforting arms of Riley. One thought echoed around and around in his mind. What had he done and who had he become in doing so? With the dreadful fear that he was too much like his hated father filling his gut with iron cold pain, Alex turned his head and buried his face against Riley warm shoulder as he began to sob uncontrollably.

With a rough sort of gentleness, Riley pulled him up off of his father and turned him around in his arms and just held him tight as he worked through his tumulus emotions.

"Oh God! I hate him and he just always *hurt* me and he never *talked* he just always *hit* and *kicked* and I just... *couldn't* stop myself and now I'm *just* like him because I *liked* it and I *wanted* to hurt him and maybe I'm just loosing my mind and and... oh my God *please* tell me he's still alive and that I didn't *kill* him or something."

Riley's arms squeezed tighter around him and Alex took the comfort of being pressed against his friend's hard muscular chest. It was a safe feeling, as if Riley could protect him from all evil, even the darkness that was inside his own mind.

"Shhh... No, he's not dead Alex. I can see him breathing and just because you enjoyed beating him up does *not* make you like him. It's... normal actually. You took *years* of abuse and shit from him and it just had to be released *somehow* and now... it's *over*. You are leaving and you don't *ever* have to come back here."

Alex let those comforting words seep into him and he prayed that they were true. That he *wasn't* like his father and that neither he nor Xander would ever have to step foot in this house again. He took a deep shuddering breath and tried to let Riley's calm acceptance just wash over him and he let his anger and fear slide off of him.

With one last squeeze of thanks, Alex pushed himself away from the ex-commando and stepped back. He went to wipe his hand through his hair and saw that his knuckles were bloody and a small shiver worked it's way along his spine. Still shaking slightly, Alex walked over to the kitchen sink and turned on the water. He rinsed his hands off thoroughly and then splashed a double handful of the cool water over his face. He felt a warm hand rest comfortingly on his shoulder.

"Come on. Let's go. The car is packed and it's time to go."

Alex nodded his head, turned off the water. He walked over to the kitchen table and removed the keys to the house and the basement from his key ring. The two pieces of metal made tiny tinkling noises as he dropped the keys on the scuffed surface of the wooden table. He shoved the remaining keys back into his jean's pocket and then, ignoring the battered body of his father lying on the scuffed floor, he turned and walked out of his parents house for the last time.

Part 8

Alex hung up the last pair of chino's and shut the closet door. With a last glance around, he realized that the bedroom was finished. All of their clothes were put away in the closet or in the dresser. Their collection of comic books were neatly organized inside of milk-crates on the floor of the closet and their action-figures were safely in boxes up on the closet shelf. Anya had even hung up the braided wall anging on the wall over the bed.

With a few vague thoughts that he should ask Xander to bring some candles home from the Magic Shop tomorrow night so that they could make love to each other in the flickering golden light, Alex stepped out of the bedroom. Empty boxes and trash-bags littered the floor along the far wall and Anya was digging through one of the few left to be unpacked. She looked up at him when he entered the room and flashed him a happy smile. He grinned back at her and then noticed his twin chatting softly on the phone in the kitchen.

"Who's Xander talking to?"

Anya pulled out a double handful of video tapes and offered them up to him. Alex took them from her and she reached in and grabbed another double handful. Then, standing up and walking towards the small entertainment center, she shrugged slightly.

"Giles. I told Xander that it would be best if we had some sort of vehicle. For the shopping, I mean. Since this is the first time stocking up on groceries and you two have literally *nothing* as far as food and stuff goes, you'll need a lot more than you normally would. So, a car is needed to carry it all home."

Alex blinked. That made sense, but...

"Um, not to appear *too* stupid, but why do you need to get extra? What's so special about a 'first' shopping trip?"

Anya graced him with a quick look that inferred he was being very male and thus incredibly thick-witted again, but he ignored it. Instead, when she kneeled down to stack the videos on the shelf under his VCR, he knelt down next to her and began to shelve the ones he was holding as well.

"Well *duh* Alex. Think about it. You guys have *no* spice's, no condiments, no... um, *ingredients* of any kind. If you brought home take-out, you couldn't even *salt* it. You have *no* cooking utensils and very little in the way of silverware or dishes. No dish detergent, no cleaning supplies, no..."

"Okay, okay. I get it."

Alex didn't like cutting off people in mid-speech, but sometimes it was necessary with Anya. He loved her and the sex was great, but somehow, Anya-babble wasn't half as fun to listen to as Xander-babble. Her personality seemed... flat when compared to his twin's. It was funny how he'd never noticed that about her before today...

Suddenly, Xander hung up the phone and walked over to them. He was a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Energy just seemed to bubble up out of him as he bounced on the balls of his feet and then clapped his hands together once to get their attention. Both he and Anya looked up at him from their spot on the floor.

"Good news. The G-Man says that, while he isn't in the mood to follow us around the store, he *will* let us borrow his car... as long as we promise to take *good* care of it. Various threats followed this demand. So, all we have to do is go over Giles' to get his car and the keys and then it's off to the famed Food Barn, where we can bask in the florescent lights reflecting off of pre-packaged goodies. Um, oh... and *real* food for Alex."

Alex couldn't help smiling up at the unabashed joy and excitement shinning from his beloved twin's face. It helped to banish some of the shadows inside his mind and to dim the fear and anger that still fizzled and rolled through his stomach.

Anya popped up from her seat on the floor and began to chatter away about some two-for-one special she'd read about in the paper, her own excitement feeding off of Xander's. Alex watched them for a quick moment and then looked around the living room.

It was, by no means, clean. However, most of their things *had* been put away and once the empty boxes and bags were removed, it wouldn't seem so messy. A quick glance out the windows showed that the three of them had been working for several hours. The sun was going down, leaving the sky a deep turquoise and the clouds a burnt tangerine. It would be dark blue, hedging towards black, by the time the two of them reached Giles' condo.

Alex considered this fact for only the briefest of moments before coming to a decision. He *didn't* want his girlfriend wandering around in the dark, no matter *how* much she had grated his nerves today. And he *refused* to allow his other half to get any where *near* danger. So... he would walk them to Giles' place. And afterwards, maybe he'd head over to the Bronze for a bit. Try and dance off some of the dark energy and fight back the insipid depression that his confrontation with their father had produced. And if he ran into a vampire or two? No one would mind if he dusted a minion or a fledgling along the way, right?

Standing, Alex stalked over to the front closet and pulled out three jackets. He handed Anya her's and tossed the windbreaker to Xander. Then, he slid on the brown leather one. Bending down, he pulled out a stake and two crosses from their weapons bag.

"Okay. Each of you grab a cross and a bunch of boxes. We'll take the trash to the dumpster out back and then I'll walk you two over to Giles' place."

He turned back to be met with two startled and confused looks, but he didn't want to get into it right then and there. He'd talk to Xander about it later... when they were alone. Tossing them each one of the blessed crosses, Alex tucked the stake down into the back of the waistband of his jeans and then walked over to the nearest stack of boxes. Stuffing a double handful of empty trash-bags inside, he picked them all up.

"Well... come on guys. The sun is setting, even as we speak."


Alex squatted down and rested his folded arms on the edge of the convertible's driver side door window frame and handed over a small billfold of cash to his grinning twin. He grinned back.

"Now... don't break me. Just get... um, whatever. Just make sure I'll be getting breakfast tomorrow before I head off to work."

Xander frowned in confusion.


Alex grinned even harder when he felt Giles's hand squeeze gently at his shoulder.

"Yes... um, well I asked Alex to help with the construction of a few additional bookcases and such. Next week is the Grande Opening, after all. I need to be ready. And yes, before you ask, I'm getting a shipment of inventory coming in on Tuesday and I expect *you* to be there to help me shelve it on the case you're... uh, er... brother is building."

Xander's confusion melted away into a happy smile.

"You got it, o fearless capitalist-merchant-Watcher-man, Sir."

Alex chuckled and Giles sighed in mild exasperation. Anya however, was itching to get going and she let everyone know it in her own blunt way.

"Look. This is all fuzzy and sweet, but... we have to go spend money now. So... just, lean over and give me a kiss. It's traditional to kiss your lover goodbye before any separation. No matter how short. I know these things."

Alex's grin turned rueful and then mischievous.

"So it is. How... remiss of me. Let me make that up to you right now."

Standing, he leaned over his twin and placed a deep wet kiss on Anya's mouth. Then, standing up and shifting back some, he leaned over again and this time, he kissed Xander. It was a sweet kiss at first, but then it melted into something so much more. Something primal and hot and needy. It was finally Anya's strident and complaining tones that broke the moment and made them both remember that they weren't alone.

"Hey! Not fair! Xander is getting more tongue than I did!"

With a faintly regretful grin and a naughty wink, Alex broke off the kiss and stood back up. Giles muttered faintly at his side.

"Oh my, I did *not* need to see that, nor did I need the commentary that came with it. On *that* unfortunate note, I'm going back inside now."

With as much dignity as he could muster, which being Giles was a whole lot, the older man turned and walked back up the steps into his condo and shut the door behind him. Xander sputtered and floundered in embarrassment for a moment, but Alex just chucked again.

"Not to worry, brother mine. The G-Man will go have a snoot full of brandy and then wipe it from his mind. You two just go off and have a good time spending my money. I'll meet you guys back at the apartment later."

Xander looked as if he was about to argue, but then Anya took it out of his hands and he backed down.

"Right. Bye Alex. Let's go Xander. You can start the car now."

Xander rolled his dark eyes with good humor at her, but he started the car without protest and then with one last wave, they pulled away, leaving Alex standing alone on the sidewalk.

With a last sigh, Alex headed off in the general direction of the Bronze, but suddenly, he didn't feel very much like going there. Yes, the pounding music and the dark smoky air would suit his mood nicely, but he didn't want to get trapped in a corner chatting inanely with some dizzy high-school girl, or even run into those college students whom he was friends with. He wanted the adrenaline rush and the pulsing throbbing music to get lost in, but he just wasn't feeling very... sociable.

The past few days had been highly stressful and emotionally draining. He'd been, literally, torn in half. He had moved out of his parents asement and into an apartment. He'd been promoted at work, which was of the good money wise, but which also meant more responsibility and crap to deal with at work. He had *finally* worked up the nerve to take the plunge into the socially taboo side of his sexuality. Years of repressing his homosexual urges had finally given way to exploring that side of his nature with *his twin*. And what's more, today, after years of abuse and neglect, he confronted his father in a violent and brutal fight.

His head was swimming and he felt as if he were drowning in his own thoughts. Broken down, it didn't seem like a lot, but all together equaled one, or rather *two*, messed up Alexander Harris's. He knew that he'd have to have a serious talk with his twin about everything that was happening in their lives, but he had to figure out *how* he felt about everything first. Right now, it was all a confused blur.

First of all, work and money. With the promotion, that would really help, but all of his savings had been eaten up with the first, last and deposit that the landlord required. Not only that, they also needed stuff. Dishes, pots and pans, cleaning stuff, just to name a few off of the top of his head. Not only that, they now had *two* bodies sharing what had been the stuff of only one guy. That meant, sooner or later, they would need extra towels and double the shampoo and food they went through. And clothes. If Xander and Giles didn't find a solution soon, Xander would have to get a job. It was as simple as that. Alex would have loved to have been able to support them both, but he couldn't. A second income would eventually become a necessity.

Secondly, there was the way he felt about everyone now. Right in the beginning, he hadn't really noticed too much of a change, but now he did. And it was getting more obvious everyday. Anya now seemed to be coming across as annoying whereas before, her bluntness and cluelessness had been cute and endearing. Tonight she had seemed coarse and cold.

And Riley came across differently now. He had always felt a strange sort of half admiration, half jealousy towards the ex-soldier. Today, however, he hadn't felt any sort of jealousy at all. Instead, he'd experienced an odd companionship with the older man. He sensed a shared ruthlessness buried deep within as well as a fierce need to protect those around him. What's more, Riley had been very understanding and sympathetic about the whole deal with his dad. Idly, he wondered when the big guy had come across abuse before. Was it simply from all the psychology the guy studied, or was there some dark part of his past that no one knew about?

As for Buffy and Willow, that was different too. He still loved both of them and he figured that he always would. Nothing could change that. He had always had this 'my sisters' thing going on with them both that was underscored by a tide of sexual undercurrents. He could feel the sisterly love just as strong as before, but all sexual tension had vanished. It wasn't that he didn't find them beautiful, because he did, but it wasn't a beauty that spoke to his cock so much as one that spoke to his heart. Even Anya didn't seem as sexually inviting as she had before.

His twin on the other hand, was *intensely* attractive to him. Alex suspected that a big part of his non-interest in the females around him was due to the fact that he had honestly enjoyed sex with a male much more than he ever had with *any* female. Having sex with *Xander* was just the icing on the cake. There wasn't anything about his other half that he *didn't* like, it was *himself* that bothered him.

Xander brought out the protective instinct in him, which was a good thing. But earlier today, he had discovered a darker facet to that equation. He could be brutal. Harshly brutal.

That was all well and good when patrolling or diverting an apocalypse, but it wouldn't be a good thing in any other situation. Getting upset and beating the snot out of random jerks wasn't of the good. It was bad. Very bad. And it might even lead him down the road into that realm of unthinking cruelty that his father had spent so many years of his life in.

In the end, the only thing that really mattered, however, was Xander. He was Alex's be all and end all. His alpha and omega. When he closed his eyes and thought of home, it was *his* softly smiling face that came to mind. When he thought of love and acceptance and hope, it was *his* warm and welcoming arms that held him tightly. Xander was the most important part of his life and he would gladly do whatever it took to keep him safe and happy.

That meant that Alex would have to find a way to burn all of this anger and dark rolling emotions out of himself before he went home tonight. He didn't want to take out his frustration and inner pain on his sensitive twin. Xander had enough to deal with as it was, a freaked out and semi-violent brother wouldn't help matters any. So... he needed to just... blow off massive amounts of steam.

And if this inner darkness built up again? He'd just have to find some way to channel it into some... useful and acceptable outlet. Find a way to burn it out before he was the one who ended up getting burnt.


Part Nine 

A sudden ringing shout followed by a loud *thump-crunch* yanked Alex out of his morbid and depressed thoughts. Looking around with a startled expression on his face, he had found to his chagrin that he had unconsciously wandered into the very heart of one of Sunnydale's many cemeteries. Silently, he berated himself seven kinds of fool for blithely taking a stroll at night without watching where he was going.

Studying his surroundings more closely, he realized that he was in what he had come to think of as "Spike's Cemetery" and wondered briefly what it was like to *not* be so familiar with all of the town's bone-yards that it only took a half minute of waking up in one to know exactly where you were. That fact that he *could* would probably excite some psychiatrist somewhere.

The sounds of fighting drew closer and Xander reached into the back waistband of his jeans and pulled out his stake. Moving as slowly and as quietly as he could, he began to edge his way around a big thick bush. Suddenly, he heard Spike's sharply accented voice call out a taunting insult. "What kind of demon do you call yourself anyway? Bit of a bloody wanker, if you ask me." That was shortly followed by a billowing cloud of ash.

Icy cold dread washed down Alex's spine and a flare of white hot panic flashed in his head as his imagination supplied him with the image of Spike being staked through the heart. With an anguished cry of rage and denial, Alex leaped out from the bush to see a tall thin demon coated in horribly bright green slime that had the added bonus of a terrible stench. He had three vampires with him and they were in a ring around... *Spike*!

All of the bad nasties had turned to look his way at his shout, but that was okay with him. Spike wasn't ash. He was still standing there in all his annoying and British glory, looking at him as if he'd gone mad. Then, with an unconcerned shrug, Spike jumped on top of the big slimy demon and began ripping and clawing for all he was worth.

One of the vampires went to go and try to pull Spike off of it's slimy master, but the other two began to flank Alex. He felt his heart rate speed up and, oddly enough, his panic levels drop. Apparently, the two minions were expecting him to give a frightened yell and then try and run off, because they just paused to goggle at him when all he did was grin wickedly and gesture at them to bring it on.

"Come to Alex, you stupid little blood-sucking fiends. Alex makes *everyone* go poof."

Impatient with their bewilderment, Alex darted forward, fainting to the left, then at the last moment, he dodged right and spun, the hand gripping the stake shooting out towards an unguarded chest. Slam! Poof! One vampire turned into a cloud of dust on the wind with two left to go.

"Okay, Who's next?"

The vampire not fighting with Spike and the slime demon was angered at the destruction of another of it's fellows. He leapt up and grabbed Alex from behind before tossing him high into the air. Alex came down with a painful jolt to his left shoulder against a granite tombstone. The breath whooshed out of his lungs, even as he rolled with the jarring landing. Popping back up onto his feet three feet away, Alex held his injured arm tightly to his side and offered up a truly evil smile to the remaining vampire.

Pain throbbed through him and danger surrounded him. His blood was slamming through his veins and the very air crackled with violence and bloodlust. Alex drank it all in like nectar. Red hot fuzziness descended upon his higher brain functions and he was lost in a swirling haze of pure mindless slaughter. Death was not something he feared and pain was only fuel on the fire. He could now see with cruel clarity just what it was that had been bothering him earlier, but now, it was no longer a concern.

With an enraged cry, Alex leapt back into the fray. Thrusting his good arm out to the side to act as a counter-weight, he kicked out with his foot. He felt the jarring impact against the vampire attacking Spike from behind down the entire length of his leg. The minion went flying through the air. Twisting around on the balls of his feet, he was just in time to see the vampire that had thrown him charge back into him. They both went down in a tumble, and when Alex found himself pinned to the ground, he thrust up with his stake in a move he had virtually perfected over the years. Slam! Poof! Ash and dust rained down on his face and into his hair.

"Bye-bye Mr. Pointy Teeth. Hope you enjoy your stay in Hell."

Pushing himself to his feet again, Alex wobbled for a minute as he attempted to draw in a deep breath of clean clear vampire-dust free air. Turning, he saw the vampire he had kicked away charging back towards him.

"Oh shit. This is sooo not of the good."

Quickly, he tried to brace himself for the blow, but he didn't have time. In a blur of glowing yellow eyes and snapping teeth, two inhumanly strong hands gripped him by the shoulders, yanked him up off of his feet and plowed him backwards five feet into the solid trunk of an old oak tree.

The breath whooshed out of his lungs once more with a loud 'Oomph' and his stake fell from nerveless fingers. Little black spots danced in front of his eyes for a moment and then he had half a second to realize that the big ugly vampire was getting ready to feast on him. A sizzle of adrenaline laced fear shot up his spine and he reacted on blind instinct alone. Not stopping to consider the pain, Alex slammed his forehead against the ridged brow of the vampire.

Sparkling lights flashed in his head, but that was okay because, he heard a loud satisfying *crunch* and then a splash of luke-warm blood sprinkled his face even as the rough hands holding his shoulders let go. Sliding down onto the grass, Alex fumbled for his stake blindly.

"You little shit! You *broke* my *nose*! I'll kill you for that!"

The vampire lunged down to him just as his fingers closed around the familiar piece of wood. Slam! Poof!

"Wrong answer. Nice try though, thanks for playing. Please feel free to enjoy our lovely parting gift."

Standing up slowly while brushing the latest layer of ash from his shirt, Alex looked around for Spike and the icky slime demon. He didn't see them, but he could hear them. Snarling, growling and Spike's own special brand of British wittiness came from behind a large grey stone mausoleum. Totally ignoring his many bruises and scrapes as well as the fact that he now sported a slight limp, Alex gripped his stake tighter and made his way over to where he could here the two demons fighting.

He peered around the edge of the cold stone crypt just in time to see Spike toss the icky slime demon over a row of headstones and into the defaced statue of what had once been a winged angel. Then, yelling what sounded like 'bloody death to all slimy wankers', the bleached blonde vampire leapt over the nearest grave marker and ran over to his opponent. As the demon scrambled up onto his hands and knees, Spike kicked him in the ribs.

Alex couldn't help but smirk evilly at the sight. Spike may very well be the biggest jerk on the Hellmouth, but *damn* was he an amazing street fighter.

Spike stepped behind the slime demon even as Alex walked out of the shadows. The blonde grabbed the disgusting creature by the back of his head with one hand and around his neck with the other. With one inhumanly strong *heave*, he pulled the demon up onto his knees, his back flush against Spike's chest. Not one to miss an opportunity, Alex dashed forward, stake at the ready.

Slam! *goosh* *ooze*

Alex's stake was firmly implanted into the creature's chest, right where it's heart should be. Unlike a vampire, which explodes into a shower of dust, this... *thing* bled a dark green icor. A *smelly* dark green icor that was currently dripping down the stake and all over Alex's hand. Curling his lip up in an expression of grossed out horror, he yanked the weapon back out with a wet sucking sound.

"Ahhhh! *Eeeewwww*! So nasty, so nasty, oh way way *way* too nasty for words!"

Ignoring the sharp sounding *crunch* as Spike snapped the slime demon's neck, Alex dropped to the ground and began to franticly try and wipe the green goo off of his hand in the grass. It wasn't until Spike had tossed the carcass away and began to spout his own brand of eloquence that Alex finally gave up his efforts.

"Oh Bloody Hell! That's just effin' *great*! Look at me! I've been bloody *slimed* by a big ugly snot monster!"

Alex looked over at his companion to see that, indeed, Spike had been slimed. His rough contact with the slime demon had left smears and trails of the clinging gooey stuff all over his leather duster, his t-shirt and his jeans. It wasn't *quite* as gross as the thing's blood, but it was bad enough. With a sneer of disgust, Spike tore off his jacket and flung it to the ground. Alex smirked.

"What's so bloody funny? Do you realize how much dosh it takes to get that jacket cleaned? Do you? It's bloody expensive."

The blonde then gestured to the slime coating his t-shirt with minor horror.

"And this? Do you see this? Ruined my favorite shirt, it did!"

With a snarl, Spike peeled the black t-shirt up and over his head. Turning, he pitched it towards the dead demon's body.

"I'm *glad* you're effin' dead! Stupid snot factory on legs."

With his bloodstream liberally laced with adrenaline and the excitement of the fight still making his heart race in his chest and the blood pound through his veins, Alex tuned out Spike's words and just stared hungrily at his suddenly bare back. Ivory skin laid over tight muscles that moved with liquid grace dazzled his eyes and he could feel his body begin to channel all of his built up energy down towards his groin. The blonde vampire turned around again, still in gameface, and the harsh moonlight made the rippling muscles in his chest seem to glow. Alex's mouth went dry and lust surged through him.

The dark corner of his mind that had been making plans of what he could do to the chipped vampire while he had been making love to his twin began throwing image upon image at him. Entwined limbs. Violent kisses. Brutal thrusts. Painful tightness. Alex felt his cock fill with blood as it grew and lengthened. A sudden hand gripping his shoulder and giving him a rough shake pulled him out of his thoughts. He sneered up and saw a smirking Spike gazing at him with golden eyes.

"What? The nasty demon knocked you daft, did it?"

With a smirk of his own, Alex brushed off the hand and launched himself at Spike. Grabbing the vampire's shoulder in a crushing grip, he spun him around and flung him towards the row of headstones over to their right.

"Hey now! No staking the helpless chipped vampire, right? S'not like *I* can bite you or anything."

A dark husky chuckle escaped Alex's lips before they twisted up into a cruel version of his normally open smile. With a huge lunge, he latched onto Spike again and shoved him forward so that he was half-bent over a tall tombstone. Gripping him tightly at the back of his neck with one hand, Alex dragged the fingernails of the other down the blonde's back, leaving four bright red scratches in his wake. Then, with a quick move, he wrapped the arm around Spike's waist and grabbed a handful of Spike's crotch and squeezed gently.

"Oh... I'm gonna 'stake' you all right. But I promise... you're gonna *like* it bleach-boy."

"Bloody Pillocks!"

Alex chuckled again. Gripping a bit tighter on the vampire's neck, he began working at undoing his belt with one hand. It was a little difficult, but it didn't take him too long. Then, he attacked the button and zipper. He yanked Spike's jeans down and then went to work on his own.

Freeing his hot and heavy cock, Alex fisted the shaft once and then paused as a thought hit him. He nearly groaned.

"Fuck! *Lube!* I don't have any damn lube, and I'll take you *dry* before I even *think* of using any of that gross *slime*!"

A slight shiver worked it's way down Spike's spine accompanied by what *might* have been a soft breathy whimper. Instead of using Alex's distraction to try and get away however, the blonde brought his own arm up to his face and bit down. *Hard*. Then, he twisted slightly so that Alex could easily reach the now injured arm.

"Here. Use this."

Alex looked and saw that Spike had literally bitten himself hard enough to make himself bleed. He *did* groan then, but it was a deep dark sound of lust and need and things best left unspoken. Without arguing or even hesitating, the dark haired mortal reached up and wiped up the dripping vampire blood into the palm of his hand. Reaching down, he liberally coated his straining erection with the cool sticky substance.

Alex used the remainder of the blood to coat Spike's opening. He thrust one finger in and began to quickly loosen and open the strong muscles. Unlike with Xander, with whom he had been gentle and careful, Alex was now rough and he didn't so much coax the muscles into giving way and he *forced* them to.

Finally, pushed beyond his capacity to wait, he pulled out his fingers and lined his cock up to Spike's opening. He gripped the slim hips tightly and then he *thrust* inside. One smooth powerful lunge and he was buried balls deep into the tight cool *wonderful* sheath of Spike's body. The inhumanly strong muscles lining the walls of Spike's insides quivered and spasmed around him and Alex tipped back his head and gasped for desperately needed air.

"Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh... *Spike* how can sum'thin' *so* evil feel so *good*?"

A harsh breathy chuckle was his only answer as Spike shifted slightly and then pushed back onto his erection, shoving him in just a fraction more. They both groaned at the sensation.

Blinding white pleasure raced from his balls, up his spine and into his over-taxed mind. His hands *squeezed* down on Spike's hips in a bruising crush even as he trembled with dark eyes clenched tight. Spike was *so* very very tight and wonderful and oddly *cool* which was erotic and sexy even as it made his skin crawl. It was *wrong* on so many levels but it was also so exquisite and wild and suddenly the expression 'Dancing on thin ice' came into his mind and he realized that was what he was doing. He was courting death and it was turning him on fiercely.

A surge of raw greedy lust washed over him and there was no gentle tenderness, no sweet passion or desire for softness. Just this aching *need* and roaring *hunger* that would not be denied any longer and so he pulled back ever so slowly and then he *slammed* deep into Spike. The blonde vampire arched into his violent thrust and a low husky moan escaped his lips and it was like fuel on the flame of Alex's lust.

He pulled back slowly and he thrust back in *slam* again *slam* and again *slam* and again. The tight muscles of Spike's body quivered around him as the vampire clawed at the headstone he leaned on, crumbling it's sharp edges and cracking it's polished surface with his strength.

And Alex didn't *care* that he was fucking a demon, riding it raw and violently in public beneath the stars and the moon and God above. Only *his* pleasure and *his* domination mattered to him. Pleasure he *took* from Spike. Because Spike couldn't fight him off or stop him. It didn't matter that Spike *enjoyed* it, that he was also getting pleasure from this, because the chipped vampire didn't really have any *choice* about it. Only *Alex* did and that made him feel a wash of power and strength and control that he had rarely enjoyed in his life. And he *liked* that feeling. Even more so than the sensation of cool flesh rippling around his thrusting and straining cock.

And he suddenly realized that he was whispering a word over and over and over again. Just one word hissed into the pale shell of ear beneath bleached blonde hair. "Mine." A mantra completely timed to his thrusting erection.

*slam* "Mine."

*slam* "Mine."

*slam* "Mine."

As soon as he was aware of what he was saying and who he was saying it to, his pleasure spiraled out of control and his orgasm was suddenly *here*. His vision blurred as he leaned down, growled out a low voiced "*MINE*" one last time and then *bit* Spike on the back of his shoulder hard enough to draw bright red spicy blood into his hot mouth. As soon as his teeth split open that pale flesh, Spike threw back his head with a ear-ringing *howl* and came all over the cracked surface of the headstone.

Part 10

Alex jerked awake when he heard the front door slam. A deep pain filled groan was torn from him as sore and battered muscles flinched and tensed up into tight knots. Then, he heard Xander's and Anya's voices as they chattered back and forth. He sighed and tried to relax his muscles. No go, he ached.


With a sigh of resignation, he shoved the blankets aside and pushed himself into a sitting position. And winced. His ribs throbbed painfully and he was sure a few were cracked. His left hip and knee burned, most likely a pulled muscle and possibly a ligament too. His forehead had a big lump on it from when he'd broken the one vamp's nose by headbutting him and he was afraid that he'd strained his shoulder from getting tossed against a headstone. At least it wasn't dislocated.

The energetic and rough sex he'd had with Spike after the fight and then the long walk home had only irritated his injuries, however, Alex wouldn't have traded that hot fucking of Spike's tight ass for all the aspirin in the world. He grinned through his pain at the memory.

The voices in the kitchen got a bit louder and served to pull him back into the present. He shifted towards the edge of the bed and gasped. He tried to stretch lightly, to ease back some of the tight tension in his sore muscles. It didn't work. He felt as if he had gone a few rounds with some preternaturally strong demons, which was appropriate, since he had.

Moving slowly and stiffly, he was able to swing his legs over the side of the bed. Biting down on his bottom lip to hold back a whimper of pain, Alex pulled himself up into a standing position. He couldn't prevent the self-depreciating smirk that crossed his face. He felt as if he was moving like an 85 year old man. Leaning heavily on the edge of the chest of drawers, Alex carefully made his way across their bedroom and towards the door to the living room. He was especially careful not to take deep breaths. His ribs couldn't handle it.

As soon as he opened the bedroom door, bright light and cheerful happy voices washed over him above the rustling and crinkling noise of stuff being pulled out of plastic bags. His rueful smirk melted into a truly delighted grin, despite his discomfort. His twin was laughing at something their girlfriend had said. His home was filled with the sounds of love and light and life. There was no angry bitter drunks stomping over their head's like an evil cloud of gloom and doom. Briefly, Alex wondered if this wonderful feeling of peace and safety would stop feeling odd, if he would eventually come to take it for granted and no longer appreciate it. He hoped not.

Leaning against the wall for support, Alex hobbled and limped towards the bright light coming from the kitchen. When he reached the counter that separated the cook area from the living room, he leaned on it silently and watched with a grin as Anya and Xander tried to find the best place for the cereal and the canned goods.

Then Anya turned around, saw him, and dropped a can of chicken noodle soup in shock.

"Oh my God! Alex! What in the name of the Hellmouth happened to you?!?"


Xander had turned around and stopped, stunned, his mouth dropping open in shock. Then, with an audible click, he snapped his jaws shut and put the box of cereal on the counter. Walking over swiftly, he pulled out one of the kitchen chairs and then took Alex gently by the elbow. Offering support, he helped Alex to lower himself onto the chair.

"Alex... my soul. What happened? What can I do to help?"

Alex reached up slowly with his good arm and brushed his fingertips along Xander's cheek.

"Tell you two what. Anya can put the stuff away. You can wrap up my ribs, I think some might be cracked. Oh, and my shoulder too. And I'll tell you both what happened."


Alex sat at the kitchen counter in his boxers feeling sleepy, sore and rumpled as he watched his twin bustling around trying to fix them both a hot filling breakfast. Xander was unusually silent and a thoughtful look was etched onto his handsome face. Alex just sat there, enchanted by the calm and domesticated feeling of such a simple and normal thing. Yet, it was something that had not been a part of his life until now. Breakfast at his parents house had been hastily eaten cold pop-tarts while trying to figure out the fastest way *out*. Alex felt as if he could sit here and watch Xander forever and never tire of it.

Xander stirred the scrambled eggs a bit and then went to go get the toast as it popped up. Bacon sizzled in the one fry pan that had been bought yesterday. Orange juice was poured into two glasses. And still Xander stayed quiet.

Finally, everything was done and on plates and Xander was coming over to the small table with them. Alex waited until his twin had placed both plates and both glasses on the table and then sat down before he broke into Xander's introspection.


Xander glanced up, his mouth full of eggs and stopped chewing. His dark eyes were wide in startlement for a moment and then they darkened even more and he glanced away, swallowing hastily.

"Xan? What? Come on... it's *me*. Spill."

Xander nodded once and then turned to look at Alex. His eyes were faintly hurt and worried.

"Um. Last night. When I taped up your ribs and you told us about the fight and all. Well, you whispered something about telling me the rest when Anya wasn't around and then you didn't say anything this morning and I just thought that maybe you changed your mind and didn't want to tell me anymore, which is fine, but I... Um. I was just wondering if it was because you were upset or if it was something, you know, really bad or..."

"Xan! Woah, slow down."

Alex held up his good arm palm out to try and halt the nervous babbling. Xander nodded once and then looked down at his runny eggs. With a soft sigh, Alex reached out across the table and entwined his fingers with his twin's, squeezing gently. He waited until his lover looked up into his eyes.

"Xan. I'm *not* upset. Not with you. Never with you. I honestly didn't even think about it. I was too busy watching you fix us breakfast and thinking happy thoughts about us living here in our own apartment and not being stuck in the basement of *that house* anymore."

The last part came out with a bit more scorn than he meant, so Alex took a deep breath and tried again. Smiling gently at his twin, he continued.

"The thing I left out had nothing to do with *you* hearing it. I just didn't think *Anya* would understand."

He waited until Xander nodded. Then, taking a deep breath, he continued.

"See... after the fight and the demons were all dead, I was all... hyped up. You know, all adrenaline and energy and "Yea, I'm alive" vibes. The works. So... I sort of... threw Spike over a headstone and then I..."

Xander lifted one dark eyebrow up at him and gestured for him to continue. The slightly naughtily grin gracing his soft full lips and the twinkle in his chocolate eyes let Alex know that Xander had figured out where Alex was going with this.

"Well, to be a bit on the blunt side, I ripped his pants down and rode his ass hard and deep."

Alex's cock twitched at the memory of that amazingly tight and cool channel. Xander looked like his wanted to goggle at him, giggle at him and demand more details all at once. Xander's eyes went almost black and his cheeks flushed a light pink even as he shifted in his chair. Alex smirked. He *knew* the signs of a sudden erection when he saw one.


Xander's voice croaked and he had to clear it and try again.

"Was it good? I mean, what was it like? Did he just *let* you, or..."

Alex chuckled and squeezed Xander's fingers once lightly before letting go and grabbing up his fork. He speared a piece of egg.

"Good? No, it was... *great*. *So* tight... and cool. *You* are this burning hot sweaty powerhouse in bed, but Spike's... not *cold*, but definitely not human. I mean, I know that he can *look* sorta human, but he doesn't *feel* human, so that's a little strange... but wild too. All that strength and power just *writhing* under you. *Amazing*."

Alex paused a moment as he looked over his twin's flushed and aroused face. Then, quirking one eyebrow up, he shoved the piece of egg into his mouth and spoke around it.

"You should try it sometime. You'd love it."

Alex only had a seconds warning and then Xander choked and sprayed orange juice all over him and his breakfast.


Giles had fussed over Alex even as he admonished him about going off into the cemetery at night without Buffy. Alex gracefully admitted that he had been wrong and promised to be more careful in the future. Giles had praised Xander on how he had treated the injuries and then distracted himself by going off on a tangent of everyone in the Scooby Gang learning first aid techniques.

Riley and Buffy had come in at that point and Alex endured another round of being told not to risk himself like that. In the end though, Riley had sided with Giles about the benefits of First Aid and learning the techniques for field dressing wounds, so that was added to the agenda for the next official Scooby Meeting.

Then, with him being sore and stiff and limited in movement, Xander had taken charge of building the set of shelves for Giles, with Alex and Riley helping in a limited fashion. It was a fun and entertaining way to spend the afternoon, even if he ached and winced when he moved too fast. Buffy was excited about school and the shop, Riley was supportive and just *there* for him without being pushy about the incident with his father the day before and, of course, any time spent near Xander was wonderful. And just as he had suspected, Giles didn't even *mention* the deep wet kiss with tongue he had planted on Xander's lips the night before.

With the exception of his bumps and bruises, this day was turning out to be damn near perfect. Cynically, he hoped it would last, but he wasn't counting on it. He still had to find a way to broach the subject of his dark moods with his beloved twin. And the reason he suspected for him suffering them.

Part 11

The sun was setting and it was turning the sky a deep azure even as the white clouds became stained a dark blood red. The five of them were sitting back, relaxing in the comforting warmth of good food and good friendship. Empty pizza boxes and soda cans were scattered about the Magic Box amongst Alex's various tools. The new display cases were only partially filled, but that was okay, Giles had a shipment coming in on Tuesday and that would cram full the remaining free space.

Riley was sitting on the floor and leaning up against the glass counter that held the cash register. His thick thighs were spread wide and Buffy was sitting between them, her back pressed to his chest and her head tilted slightly to rest upon his broad shoulder. Giles was perched on an upturned crate, his long legs stretched out in front of him and crossed at the ankles. He was leaning his back against the bookshelves and his eyes roamed over the store with a twinkle of pride in them. Xander was sitting on the floor across from Riley and Buffy, his back against a display case. Alex was laying flat on his back on the floor and he was using his twin's lap as a pillow. Everyone was contented and smiling.

"I know that work's gonna be not fun because of my ribs and knee aching, but did I tell you guys about my promotion?"

Buffy shook her head and Riley snorted slightly and was forced to drag a handful of her blonde locks out of his mouth since he had been about to speak when she moved. Everyone chuckled at the two of them.

"Ahhh... I'll take that as a no?"

Flashing an indulgent grin at his Slayer, Giles then turned to the twins.

"Well, you told us that you had been given one, but you didn't tell us whether you started the job or not, nor what you thought of it."

Alex frowned slightly and considered all of the new responsibilities and duties that rested on his shoulders. He also realized that he had a lot to learn yet as he was still in a sort of training stage as far as that went. His boss had only shown him a small part of the requirements for being a crew leader so far, once he had mastered them, he'd be shown even more.

"Well, it's a big change. When I started this job it was as a temporary worker, you know? Just a warm body that was strong enough to handle manual labor. Then little by little I was shown how to do more and more of the difficult things. And I was *good* at it. Working the machines and using the tools. Plus I really enjoy it. It's nice to see all your hard work produce something solid and useful, you know? But this is something even more. It's a responsibility that I've never had before. Suddenly, I'm not just in charge of *myself* and making sure that *I* do a good job, but I'm in charge of *other* people and the quality of *their* work. Sorta scary, but I like it."

"I know what you mean."

Alex turned his head and gazed at Riley is mild surprise.

"You do?"

The older man just grinned slightly and nodded.

"Yeah. It was like when I was in the Army. As a private in boot camp I didn't have to worry about anything but not pissing off the Drill Sergeant, you know? Then, once I graduated out of boot camp I suddenly found myself as one of the Patrol Leaders in my Platoon. It was... frightening to have these men under my command, but it was a great feeling at the same time."

Alex's surprise melted into a grin as he thought about it a bit.

"Yeah. That's it exactly."

Giles chuckled and Alex wondered what the expression on his face meant. It was part regretful, part proud, part wistful and part enthusiastic. It made him seem at once young and strong as well as older and wiser. Not for the first time, Alex found himself silently cursing the fates that Giles hadn't been his father instead of Frank Harris.

"It's also sort of like this shop, at least for me. It's a lot of added responsibility that's been giving me a good mix of worry and excitement. However, I think that what's most important is that it has provided me with a... a focus. A direction in which to strive. And I think that is part of what you feel as well. This past year, well... your work experience has been... uh, sketchy at best. However, I think that it wasn't through any fault of your own, it was more that you just needed to find that one thing that was able to bring your talent and your mind into focus and allow you to... feel as if you had found the place where you belonged."

Alex let that idea roll around in his head a bit. He hadn't really thought of it that way, to be honest. Some small part of him was lurking in the back of his mind just waiting for him to fuck up and lose this job as well, but he hadn't. Instead, he'd been promoted and that was something that had never happened before. So, maybe it was as Giles believed. He wasn't a fuck up at all, he had just needed to find his... niche. His place in life. And now... he had.

"Yeah. I like that G-man. It's a good thought and it... feels right. We both just sort of stumbled onto our correct path, huh?"

Giles chuckled and raised up his can of soda again even as he nodded his head. Then he took a sip of his sugary-sweet drink and made a face at it. The others all giggled at him and he sighed a martyred sort of sigh. They giggled harder.

As the laughter died down Buffy cleared her throat. All eyes swung towards her and she flashed a big happy Buffy smile. Alex couldn't help but smile back at her. She had really been here for both him and Xander during this... weirdness and when she was happy it made him feel so much better.

"I went down to the University the other day and signed up for my classes. I was able to get all of the ones I wanted except for one that was all ready filled, but that's okay. I'll try to get that one next semester. Anyway, I know it seems silly, but I'm excited about it. I know that it'll mean a lot of work and all, but... I can't help it. I just think how I'm the first Slayer *ever* to get an education and I can't help but feel that makes it special, you know?"

Riley wrapped his arms around her and squeezed tight. Buffy put her arms over his and cuddled back against him, her smile getting even bigger.

"Buffy, it *is* a big deal. It's a wonderful opportunity for you and I'm *very* glad you've got this chance. I don't think any of us would ever deny you the chance to finish your education. It's extremely important and you're *allowed* be happy about it. Don't ever feel as if you have to apologize for that."

"G-man is right, Buff. You deserve this. If Alex and I had the money, we would have gone on to college too. I mean, yeah, we aren't as smart as you are, but there are a few classes that you and Willow have talked about that sounded like lots of fun. Okay, lots of work too... but fun."

Everyone looked up at Xander in astonishment, including Alex who had to turn his head in his brother's lap in order to do so.


Xander blushed and squirmed under everyone's stares.

"Well... um, Xan, not to sound *rude* or anything, but you've *never* liked school. You have been heard to claim *hating* learning."

Alex flinched a tiny bit at that, but Buffy's observation was... well, true. He had never liked school and to be honest, he didn't really have any desire to go back. But apparently, Xander felt differently. He watched his beloved twin flounder slightly.

"Oh. Well... um, it's not *exactly* like that. Okay, so it is... or was. Or... It's different now, I guess. I mean, Giles and I have been researching and... I sorta, well... I had, you know... um, fun."

Everyone was silent as they absorbed this bit of information. True to form, Giles was the first to recover enough to quiz Xander further.

"Do you mean since you and Alex have been split in half by Toth's spell? Is that when you began to feel differently about... well, about studying and learning?"

Blushing, Xander nodded his head.

"Um, yeah. I guess it's a bit... easier to learn now. You know, without certain... ahhh, thoughts inside of my head."

Confused, Buffy broke in with a question of her own.

"What thoughts?"

Blushing even further, Xander quirked an embarrassed grin and glanced down at Alex's smirking face.

"Uh... Alex's thoughts."

Everyone was painfully quiet for a long moment as they considered that concept. It started with a Buffy snicker. That was quickly stifled, but then the silence was broken once again by a Riley snort. Then a Giles chuckle and a Xander giggle. Another strained and brief silence while Alex glared indignantly at everyone. Then the damns burst and everyone began to laugh with a free mirth and joy of life that made Alex smile warmly and relax back into the loving arms of his twin.


It had been a wonderful day filled with love and laughter at the Magic Box and Alex had taken a special sort of joy in being with Xander. He was proud of his bubbly and excitable twin, not only for the great job he had done on Giles' display case, but also for being willing to go against their reputation as being "not very smart" and admitting that he *was* interested in learning. That had taken guts and Alex was glad that Xander wasn't afraid to express himself, not just with him, but with their friends as well.

He had also felt that odd camaraderie with Riley again. It wasn't as if he hadn't liked the guy before, but it *had* felt like they had no common ground on which to connect. That wasn't the case anymore. In fact, Riley had made a point of asking him if he might want to get together and share a few beers sometime.

In one of those flashes of insight he was prone to, Alex realized that Riley most likely felt... adrift now that he was no longer with the Initiative. Not just because he was no longer on a specific mission with rigid parameters and goals, but also because he was no longer surrounded by a group of like minded men that he could bond with. At least, not until now.

That had made Alex feel good, that *he* wasn't the only one who had felt that... spark of friendship. He no longer saw Riley as just "Buffy's boyfriend", but as a man in his own right. Alex suspected that it was the same for Riley. He was no longer "Buffy's friend", but an individual person that Riley could respect and like for his *own* reasons. And that was just fine with Alex.

However how great the day had been though, now that he was home in their apartment with Xander, all he felt was tired and sore. He had gone out of his way not to do very much so that his ribs and knee could rest and even with Riley driving them across town he still couldn't help but groan softly at each stiff and unyielding movement his body made.

Grateful for his calming and gentle presence, Alex mindlessly followed Xander's lead and let his sweet beloved brother guide him over to the big overstuffed couch in the living room. Bracing himself with one hand on the back of the couch and one hand on Xander's shoulder, Alex slowly lowered himself to the cushions.

"Just... just relax for a moment. I'm gonna run you a nice hot bubble bath. That should make you feel better. After that, we can go to bed. You have work tomorrow and you need to get as much sleep as possible, okay?"

Alex grinned tiredly up into the wide dark eyes of his other half. Concern and love were shinning out of those big innocent eyes.

"Okay love. That sounds like a wonderful idea."

Xander beamed at him and Alex basked in the blinding warmth of that priceless smile. Long strong fingers caressed his cheek briefly and then with a shy wink, Xander turned and walked off towards the bathroom. Alex grinned as he watched his twin's bottom flex and shift as he walked, then when Xander disappeared into the bathroom, he shut his eyes and leaned his head back against the couch.

He could hear his brother shifting things around in the other room for a long moment and then he heard the water begin to run and fill up the white porcelain tub. Frowning slightly, Alex knew that now was the time to confess everything to his beloved twin. He was calm, they were alone and barring the apocalypse, they wouldn't be interrupted. He needed to tell him. He had put it off all day long and he knew that if he continued to do so that they would never talk about it until it was too late. Alex didn't want that.

A soft touch to his hair pulled him out of his thoughts and he opened his eyes to see Xander squatting down in front of him, his dark eyes filled with a soft gentle love. Alex smiled at him.

"Hey love. Ready for your bath?"

Alex's smile grew.

"Yeah. Help me up?"

"Of course."

Xander stood up and leaned down so that he could grab hold of Alex's good arm. Bracing himself, he began to pull gently and Alex leaned heavily on his twin's body, confident in his strength. Together they levered him up off of the couch. Once he was standing, he began to slowly limp towards the bathroom, but Xander didn't let go of him, instead holding onto his arm to help steady him and give him support.

A warm flood of love and desire for his brother washed over Alex and he realized how lucky he was to have him there. Guiltily, Alex once again silently hoped that Giles and Willow never found a way to undo Toth's spell. He didn't think he could stand to lose Xander, which was so odd considering that they were, in fact, the same person. It didn't make sense and it was ugly and brutal in a way, but there it was.

Alex mentally slapped himself. Narcissism much? Very.

His internal thoughts were cut off when they entered the bathroom. A musky vanilla scent rose from the steaming bubbles in the tub and Alex grinned. Slowly and carefully, with Xander's help, Alex pulled his clothing off piece by piece. Then, quickly and without thought, Xander tore his own clothing off and tossed it the floor. Alex paused a moment to allow a long leering look over his twin's tight tanned form. Xander blushed, but didn't try to cover himself, he just returned the look only with a shy blushing hunger that made Alex's cock twitch.

Once more moving slowly and carefully, Xander helped Alex into the tub so that they were standing with Xander behind him. Then, with Xander taking all of his own weight and most of Alex's, they lowered themselves into the hot scented water.

The wet heat burned against his skin at first, but then that warmth sunk into his muscles and he felt knots of tension and stress slowly begin to unravel and loosen themselves. Sighing with relief, Alex melted back against Xander, physically mimicking the position Buffy had taken with Riley earlier in the night. Then, as if everything wasn't all ready perfect, Xander took up a soapy bubble filled washcloth and began to gently scrub Alex's arms and chest. He practically purred.

"Um... Alex?"

"Yeah Xan my heart?"

There was a slight pause in the hand rubbing along the skin of his arm and then it continued.

"Were you upset by what I said? I mean earlier, when I said that I felt differently about, you know, school and all."

Alex felt his heart skip a beat, however he didn't know if it was from Xander even *thinking* that Alex could *ever* be mad at him or because this was it. The opening he'd been waiting for. Confession time.

"No lover. I'm not mad at you. In fact I'm proud of you for admitting it. That took guts. I mean, I know that Buffy and Giles are good friends. The best even. But let's face facts, neither of them thinks we are very bright. Besides... I'm been seeing things... and people... differently too. It's not just you."


"Yeah. Like you said at the Magic Box the other day. We didn't spilt evenly. I mean, yeah... we look alike, but we really *are* different, personality wise."

Xander was quiet for a long moment and Alex just filled his senses with his beloved brother. The feel of his chest and groin pressed tightly to his back. The sensation of him gently washing his skin and the way his long muscular legs wrapped loosely around his waist. It was a good place to be.

"You're right. And my feelings about school aren't the only things that changed. I feel like I get scared faster. I guess that I was always afraid of dad, but it was *so* different yesterday. I mean, he didn't even come downstairs and I... I panicked. We never did that before."

Alex thought of it and realized Xander was right.

"No, we didn't. On the other hand, *I* wasn't afraid of him at all. I was mad, angry to the point of rage, but not afraid."

Alex paused and swallowed hard.

"Xan... Riley had to pull me off of the old man. I almost beat him to death."

For a brief second, Alex was worried about how Xander would react to that admission. Not the lack of fear, but the fact that he had lost control so badly. Xander's answer was a bit of a shock, though.

"Yeah, I know. Buffy told me. She said that Riley told her and explained what had happened. I'm just... I'm just glad that you told me."

Alex decided to just bite the bullet and get it over with. Xander seemed to be taking this better than he thought he would.

"There's more. At least... more to my story about how I got all banged up."

He paused for a moment to gather his thoughts and Xander leaned forward slightly and pressed a soft kiss against his neck.

"Go on... I'm listening."

Nodding his head, Alex began.

"I was angry still. Depressed and afraid, I guess. I just couldn't stop thinking that I was turning into dad and that thought upset me more than anything else ever has. I don't want to be like him, all rage and hate and no control. You know? But I could feel this... this... I don't know, this *darkness* inside of me. Scary, huh?"

Silently Xander nodded his head and continued to bathe Alex, being gentle with his physical injuries as he unloaded his emotional ones.

"*That's* when I ran into the fight in Spike's cemetery. I... I thought that Spike had been staked and instead of feeling *happy* about it, it was like someone had just stolen something of mine that was treasured and cherished. Weird, but... there it is. So, I jumped into the fight only to find out Spike was still undead and kicking ass. Instant happy, you know?"

Alex could feel Xander's smile against the back of his neck.

"It was when we were all embroiled in the fight that it hit me. I realized what it is that is so different now. Why *we* are so different from each other. When you said that the split was uneven, it wasn't just our physical skills or our intelligence that was divided unevenly... it was also our soul."

Xander gasped and stiffened up slightly, but Alex cut him off before he could begin spouting the panicked babbling that he knew was just under the surface.

"One soul, two bodies. That doesn't even include the hyena and the soldier. You know as well as I do that the hyena was never *banished*. Instead, it was *caged* by the spell that Giles did, and the memories of the soldier never went away... they just faded a bit. I think that's why we are so different."

"You think that you got stuck with the hyena and the soldier while I got our..."

Xander's voice trailed off and Alex finished for him.

"...soul. Yes. Sorta. I mean, I have *your* memories and the soldier's... which are crystal clear to me again... so that provides me with lots of discipline that we didn't have when the hyena first possessed us, but... yeah. I think I got the hyena. I think *that's* the darkness that I was feeling... and still feel. Deep inside."

Xander was silent for a long long time and when he spoke, his voice was not filled with fear or scorn like Alex thought it would be. Instead it was filled with concern and fascination.

"That actually explains a lot of what I feel too. I mean, why I've been so frightened by things that never bothered me. Dad, sudden noises, the dark... I don't have the hyena inside me to... filter that stuff through anymore."

The relief that Alex felt at not being rejected by the person that meant more to him than his very life was so intense that he practically melted into a puddle of goo and he chuckled out loud.

"Yeah, well... you ever need anyone pounded into a pulp, I'm your man, okay? I'll get all animalistic on their ass."

Then Xander was laughing with him and the tension levels dropped dramatically. The two of them cuddled a while in the slowly cooling water as Xander finished up washing Alex's body. With a soft sigh, Alex had to admit that this bath was a great idea, he felt *so* much better that it was hard to believe the difference. All his muscles were loose and relaxed and he knew that he would sleep much better tonight than he did last night. He had just one more subject to bring up with his twin.


"Yes, my heart?"

"Um... these things? That are different, I mean? It's like that... with Anya too."

Alex could hear the frown in Xander's voice.

"What do you mean?"

Alex sighed. He'd been thinking about this and he felt guilty about it, but he couldn't help it.

"Don't get me wrong... I *still* love her. I *do*. Just... not the same as before. I mean, she's still beautiful, charming, funny, smart and sexy. I love her. But... "

He didn't even have to finish, Xander did it for him.

"...but you love Spike more?"

Alex paused for a long moment.


Xander chuckled softly.

"I sorta figured that. I mean, I *still* think that Spike is hot. Real hot. Majorly sexy and all that, but... he scares me silly now. He didn't before, well... okay, not as bad as he does now. And Anya?... I think I love her even more than before, so I guess we split unevenly on that score as well."

Alex considered that for a moment.

"Okay. So... we're both still bisexual, but instead of being stuck somewhere in the middle of the scale between men and women, you are on the more hetro end of it and I'm on the more gay end of it?"

Xander nodded.

"Makes sense to me. I mean, if I stop and think about it, then yeah... I *do* like the girls more than the guys. Not that I don't like guys... I just like girls more. You?"

"Exact opposite. I like girls, but would *much* rather get naked with a guy."

They both paused to let this sink in for a moment. Then, as one, they turned their heads so that they were staring into each other's eyes.

"But I love *you* best of all."

"You're my *first* choice, no matter what."

They spoke at the same time and then just stared into each other's eyes as they realized what that meant. No matter what their placement on the sliding bisexual orientation scale, or who else might hold a spot in their hearts, it was the other that held the *most* important spot in the other's life. Then, they both grinned a silly and sappy grin at the other.

"I love you Xander."

"I love you Alex."

Part Twelve





Frustrated annoyance surging up in his sleep drenched mind, Alex unthinking reached out and slammed his hand down on the offending alarm clock. Then gasped in desperately needed air as a wave of uncensored pain rose up from his shoulder to nearly drown him. He whimpered and trembled at the onslaught of agony that throbbed in his slowly healing ribs and shoulder that his sudden movement caused.

"Hummm?... whaaa?..."

Unshed tears gathered in his eyes and his brother's sleep softened face was blurry and watery as he poked up from beneath the thick covers. Alex didn't move his arm from it's extended position at the alarm clock as he blinked away the tears of pain before they could fall. Irrationally, he was afraid that if he brought his arm back in that it would hurt even more, however, he knew that he couldn't spend all day with his arm stuck out to the side... even if he refused to climb out of bed ever again.

Silently he watched as Xander shifted a bit and blinked some of the sleep out of his eyes. His beloved twin was lovely all sleep tosselled and half awake, but the pain from his shoulder was preventing him from truly appreciating the vision before him.

"Mornin' all ready?"

Alex flashed him a wobbly grin.

"Yeah. It's morning sleepy head."

Xander offered up one of his own shy smiles and reached up with one hand to rub at his big dark eyes and yawn. Then he blinked a bit blurrily and gazed around in confusion. Then his soft smile slid down into a slight frown.

"Um... why are you holding onto the alarm clock? I'm sure if you let go it will promise to stay right where it is. After all, it's never run away from home before."

"Ha-ha. Very funny, Xan."

When his twin merely raised up one eyebrow waiting for an answer, Alex sighed and sheepishly admitted what happened.

"When the alarm woke me up I sort of forgot about my shoulder. So... I reached out and whacked it a good one and now my shoulder feels like someone jabbed it with one of Buffy's stakes."

A look of concern slid onto Xander's face and he instantly bolted into action. Hopping up off of the end of the bed, he walked around to the side where Alex was laying and gently reached down and took hold of his hand.

"Okay, my love, this is going to hurt a bit, but don't fight me or it'll only be worse. Don't worry, I'll fix you up afterwards. I promise."

Alex took in a deep breath, then another and nodded at Xander. Taking that as his cue, Xander carefully swung Alex's arm down and around so that it was laying in a natural position. Pain shimmied down Alex's arm and along his spinal column and he gritted his teeth against the need to snarl and curse, but as soon as the limb was back at his side the pressure began to ease away. Relief began to swim through his body and he sighed.


Alex let his eyes drift shut as he wallowed in the lovely sensation of the pain and pressure receding away from him. A large smile slowly formed on his face.

"Yes, my soul... *much* better. Thank you."

A low chuckling sound filled the room as Alex let his thoughts drift aimlessly, but then something captured his attention. Focusing in on it, he realized that he could hear Xander shuffling through the contents of the nightstand drawer while muttering under his breath.

"Wha'cha looking for?"

"Anya's massage oil. I figured that a quick rubdown before I wrapped up your shoulder and your ribs would feel good. And it might also help to get you through the work day easier if your muscles aren't all stiff from sleeping."

Alex's smile grew even wider at that thought. A massage *would* feel divine right about now and he knew from experience that his other half had *amazing* hands. But then another thought ambushed him and his smile melted into a frown as he opened his eyes to look up at his still searching twin.

"Um... yeah, you're right, but... Anya's oil is... well, fruity smelling. Some type of berry, right? The guys at work are gonna *love* that. Especially Shmitty, you know how he is."

Xander chuckled and then stood up with a triumphant cry as he held out the slim bottle in one hand.

"Yeah, I know, but that's okay. Anyone says anything about you smelling like...", Xander glanced at the bottle and read the label, "...Passion Fruit just turn your head and sniff at your shoulder and say 'Massage oil', smirk evilly, and ask them how *thier* morning was. Just be sure you walk away before they have a chance to answer. That'll tie them all up in knots and make 'em gnaw on their own liver with jealousy."

Alex blinked up at his normally shy and innocent seeming twin with something close to awe.

"You're *evil*. I love it."

They shared a brief chuckle together as they both imagined Everett Shmitt's facial expression in response to that comment. The man was one of the best workers the company had, he was the captain of his bowling league team and he was a walking encyclopedia of sports trivia. He also had all the charm of a slug. If the man had ever even come into contact with massage oil in his life it was most likely from knocking over a display rack of it at the bath and bedroom store or something.

Then Xander was there, helping him to roll over onto his stomach and adjusting the sheets and pillows for him. The covers were pulled back and down out of the way. For a heartbeat, Alex imagined what he must look like laying there with his naked back and ass facing up. He knew that his form was identical to Xander's and he could pull that image up from his memory, but he could also feel the bruises that decorated his skin and a little dark voice in his head whispered that he probably looked so sexy and desirable all bruised and battered. Then Xander's hands touched him and all thought vanished.

His senses were flooded with wonderful sensations, taking him on a kaleidoscopical ride of intense pleasure and slight pain. The fresh and fruity scent of the oil blended into the dark musky smell of him and his brother that rose from the warm sheets and pillows. The oil was slightly warmed by Xander's hands, hands that slid wetly and smoothly along his skin, rubbing and pushing against his tender flesh. Working calmly and methodically to seek out and destroy the hidden knots of tension and tightness, loosening his muscles and letting a relaxed tingling sensation in to take it's place.

Pulling in a deep breath of Xander and passion fruit scented air, Alex let it out slowly as he melted down further into the mattress. His twin's hands worked his neck and his shoulder and his arm. Tension and pain slid away from him and the easing back of tight muscles flooded his mind and body with relief. Xander was extra gentle around his ribs, careful not to press any weight on them, just ghosting his slick fingertips over his sides so that his brain only registered pleasure and not pain.

Then those delightful hands moved down further still and his buttocks were grasped and rubbed, the slick flesh trying to meld to the slick fingers that held them. Pleasure zinged up his spinal column and he moaned and pushed back at those wonderful hands. A low wicked chuckle filled the air and for a long moment Alex thought those hands would work even lower to his suddenly tingling balls, but instead they slid to the side and rubbed and soothed his aching hip.

Shivery ribbons of pleasure and pain danced down the length of his leg as Xander's strong hands wrapped around his hipbone and gently worked it loose and limber once more. Alex imagined that he could hear his ligaments creak and groan as they stretched and flexed under his other half's patient ministrations. Then those talented hands slid lower and his thigh muscle trembled as the strain of carrying his injury and holding his hip and knee joints stiff washed away. A low moan escaped his lips and he melted even further into the soft warm Xander scented pillow.

Down, down those wonderful beacons of pleasure and relief moved and the back of his knee was treated to soft feathery touches and pets. Shivers raced along his spine and his balls tingled once more. Alex's soft smile twisted slightly into a half-smirk at the thought that Xander had inadvertently found another erogenous zone on his body and then those devilish fingers were traveling down to his calf and rubbing hard at the tight balled muscle just under his skin. Slowly that muscle unknoted itself and pleasure spiraled up his leg and into the base of his spine. Alex's smirk melted away as if it had never been.

A bolt of pleasure so intense that his entire body trembled slightly and his lungs sucked in a gasp of air had Xander chuckling lightly at him. Alex was in no condition to answer coherently so he just moaned and shifted a bit to rub his erection against the bed.

"Hey now... none of that."

His twin stopped rubbing his foot and lightly smacked him on the ass. For a second Alex didn't know if he should complain about his foot not being rubbed or ask for a second spanking, but then Xander's hands were both there rubbing and massaging his ass again and he forgot what he'd been thinking about.

Slowly, methodically, Xander repeated the actions on his uninjured hip and leg. Which, was a good thing in Alex's opinion, since that leg had been taking the brunt of his weight ever since the fight. And as such, the muscles in that leg were strained and sore, rife with knots of tension and stress from being overworked. But his twin's strong slick hands worked and rubbed at his flesh until the last bit of pain and stiffness evaporated and he was a big happy puddle of contentment laying in the middle of their bed.

Gently, Xander helped him roll over onto his back. With no body modesty to speak of where his beloved brother was concerned, Alex sighed and shifted against the soft sheets, his bright red and leaking erection pointing directly up at the ceiling. He was sure that he had the biggest silly smile of pleasure on his face, but he didn't care and truthfully, he didn't think he could do anything about it even if he wanted to.

Once he was settled, Xander kneeled down between his legs and placed a hand on each of Alex's ankles. This time he worked his way upward instead of down Alex's body. And instead of both hands on each leg, he massaged both at the same time, his right hand mimicking the movements of the left in perfect synchronization.

Slowly, those wonderful hands worked up his calves and to his knees. From there they traveled to his thighs. Unconsciously, Alex spread his legs wider for his brother, letting him have access to any part of his body that Xander wanted. Soft slick fingertips teased maddeningly along the tender skin of his inner thighs and his body trembled and his cock twitched.

Then Xander's hands moved up again, but to Alex's disappointment, they skirted around his swollen and angry cock and headed towards his hips. While what they were doing to his hips felt amazing and wonderful, he was about to complain that he didn't get a handjob out of this. He *really* wanted a handjob. However, just as he opened his mouth to voice his opinion, a warm wet mouth closed around the very tip of his cock.


Xander chuckled at his cry without taking Alex's length out of his mouth and the vibrations traveled down the shaft and directly into his balls. Alex's dark eyes dilated even more and then rolled back into his skull.

Xander's tongue laved the crown, dipping briefly into the slit at the very tip and then swirled around the swollen ridge twice before flickering at the very spot where their circumcision scar was located. Alex trembled and twitched in delight, incoherent babbling noises pouring from his lips.

Somewhere in the back on his mind, Alex was aware of the fact that his twin's hands had moved from his hips, but the overwhelming waves of pleasure flooding his brain on a direct route from his cock made figuring it out impossible. At least, until he suddenly registered the twin bolts of pleasure-pain that assaulted his senses from Xander's fingers pinching down on his nipples hard.

He gurgled and a flood of pre-cum erupted from his cock.


Xander chuckled again and the vibrations tingling along his length made him tremble harder. Then those hands were gone from his nipples and he cried out at the loss. But they returned to his body, one hand at his balls, gently rolling them across slick fingers and the other was sliding between his ass cheeks and Alex spread his legs further and tilted his hips slightly. Then Xander's tongue did that swirling thing just as he sucked down hard on the tip of his cock and one finger on the other hand slid passed the puckered muscles of his anus and thrust deep inside of him to lightly graze against his prostate.

Bright white light burst behind Alex's eyes as his system was flooded with sizzling sparkles of electric pleasure in a wave so powerful that he happily drowned himself in it. His entire body clenched itself up tightly and then he exploded into a million glittering shards of diamond and ruby gems and all he knew was this erotic release of pleasure and happiness and joy and love.

Floating hazily in a fog of sensual satiation, a murmuring low husky voice slowly seeped into his overloaded and blown away mind.

" beautiful... you... beautiful..."

Peeling his eyes open he was treated to the incomparable vision of his beloved brother braced up on his knees between his own thighs, dark eyes wide open and simply devouring him with hunger and want as his one oil slicked hand played with his balls even as the other worked his straining shaft. Grinning, Alex wished he was videotaping Xander kneeling over him and jerking off. It was so erotic.

And then another idea hit him and he quickly pushed himself into a sitting position in front of his other half. Flashing dark smoldering eyes of lust up at his brother, Alex leaned forward and took the very tip of Xander's swollen cock into his own mouth and moaned at the wonderful musky taste. His twin kept pumping his shaft, literally jerking off into Alex's mouth and his spent cock tried desperately to rouse at the very kinkiness of the idea.


And then Alex's mouth and throat were flooded with the rich thick essence of Xander as his twin twitched and spasmed above him. Alex gently suckled and licked at him, cleaning him off and swallowing down every drop until finally, with a low cry, Xander pulled away and collapsed into his arms.

Their lips met in a brief kiss, a mere brushing of skin, and then another one, deeper and wetter. Possessive and filled with love and joy and the promise of home and happiness. Finally, Xander broke the kiss and gasped for air as they trembled in each other's arms. Then Xander smiled.

"Come on. Morning's wasting. You go on into the bathroom and get ready for work. I'll go make you some breakfast and then afterwards I'll wrap up your shoulder and ribs. Okay?"

With that, Xander pulled out of his grasp and fumbled around on the floor searching for a pair of boxers. Confused, Alex could only gape at him. How could anyone expect him to go to work when he only had enough brain cells left to just lay here being a human puddle of sweaty goo?


It had been a long tiring day at work, but a good one nonetheless. Xander had, as usually, been right. The massage... and the blowjob, had certainly relaxed him and put him into a great mood. He didn't have half the aches that morning as he had the day before. He was also right about Shmitty. The man had made a snarky remark about Alex smelling as if he had rolled around in a flower garden and Alex had reacted exactly the way his lover had suggested. Shmitty had goggled at him for a long moment and then grumped away mumbling to himself. It had been beautiful.

Still, by the end of the day he was worn out and sore again. All he really wanted was a nice long nap with a snugly Xander, but they both had too many things to do. So, he settled for an extra-hot and steamy shower to try and loosen up and relax his shoulder, which had begun to throb again.

Once he was clean and changed, he had called over to the Magic Box and told Giles for him and Xander not to worry, that he would be over later and that he had something to do first. The older man didn't press for details the way that Xander would have and for once, Alex was glad. He wanted this to be a surprise.

Even though he was walking slow to favor his sore knee, Alex made good time across town to the University. Winking at the young woman behind the Resident Advisor Desk in the lobby of Swenson Hall, Alex quickly made his way up to the third floor and walked down the corridor until he reached Willow and Tara's new dorm room.

He only had to wait a brief moment after knocking before Willow opened the door. When they caught sight of each other, they both gasped in shock. Willow hastily backed up and away from the door, waving him in.

"C.come on in, Xander. It's... I'm... Wow. I didn't think you'd want to see me and all... but hey, I'm... um, I'm glad that you're here and all. I didn't want you to think, you know, that I've given up trying to find the solution to the... um, problem with Toth's spell. Cause I haven't. Given up I mean."

"Breathe Willow."

She flashed him a shaky smile, but her watery green eyes didn't quite meet his and she gulped in a huge breath of air. Hands fluttering wildly, she gestured for him to sit down on the only chair in the room and she walked over and sat down on the very edge of her and Tara's bed, her hands twisting together in her lap.

To Alex, the red headed witch looked tired. There were deep dark circles under her eyes and she was acting as if she was wired for sound from too much caffeine. Books and papers lay scattered about the room and several empty cans of soda littered the far end of the dresser.

A wave of tenderness and concern washed over him for her. This was classic Willow guilt and he knew that it was her inability to break the spell separating him from his brother that was at the root of it. He had to disabuse her of that idea.


Her head jerked up and she looked at him, but then her eyes skittered away.

"Willow, look at me. It's okay. I'm *not* angry or upset with you. You've done *nothing* wrong."

"But Xander! I couldn't *fix* you!"

"It's Alex."

Confusion fluttered over her exquisite face.


He smiled gently at her.

"Alex. *I'm* Alex and my... twin is *Xander*. It's... easier on everyone that way."

Unconsciously he reached up and rubbed at the goatee which was slowly getting thicker. It was the only physical difference in their looks. Otherwise, they were identical down to every mole and scar.


He stood up and walked over to her. Sitting next to her Alex gently folded her into a hug.

"Look, I know that you want to help and that's great. But please don't feel guilty about anything here Wills. You didn't do this to us and you weren't trying to kill Buffy with the spell. That was Toth, not you."

Willow gave a tiny shrug of her shoulders and wrapped one arm around his waist.

"I... I know that. It's just that... what good is magic if it can't help? I mean, I just hate feeling so... so useless and helpless, you know? And I want you to know that just because the first attempt didn't work, that doesn't mean that I've given up on you guys. I... I'm gonna keep on searching until we have the problem solved."

Alex sighed and gently turned her face up and around until she was forced to look into his dark eyes.

"That's where you *are* wrong. It's not... Wills, it's *not* a problem. Really. I... I know it sounds strange, but... I'm *happier* now than I was before. I feel more focused, more self-aware and more alive than I did before. And I think Xander feels the same way."

Willow's expression was dubious and disbelieving.

"I mean, last night we were at the shop with Buffy and Riley trying to help Giles get everything ready for the shipment of stock tomorrow and do you know what Xander said?"

She shook her head no and Alex grinned.

"Oh Wills, you would have been *so* proud of him. He said that he *likes* learning new things and that he wants to go on to college."

Willow's jaw dropped and she gaped at him in shock.

"He *said* that?"

Alex chuckled and nodded his head.

"Yeah. Apparently it has been *me* and *my thoughts* that have been holding him back all these years. We've been talking a lot these past few days and we've realized that we didn't... um, split evenly. He got the brains out of the two of us... and well, I think that really makes him feel good, you know?"

Willow swallowed hard and leaned back a little bit, shifting her body so that she faced him, her expression one of curious fascination.

"No, please tell me, though."

Alex shifted around so that he was also facing her as well. Reaching out, he grasped one of her hands in his and he knew that his had a goofy smile on his face, but he couldn't help it, he was so proud of Xander.

"Well, you know how he's been working with Giles to research the weapon thing that Toth used?"

Willow nodded.

"He was so excited about it because he says that he *finally* understands. I mean, all these years we've been helping out with the research and so many concepts and theories just blew past us. Yeah, we could grasp the basic idea and sometimes the fuzzy edges of the real details and meanings of stuff, but it never came together as a... a cohesive whole. It was just random facts and ideas and things bouncing around. But Xander *gets* it now. He *understands* all of those things that still just slip past me."

"You have *never* been stupid and you know I don't like it when you suggest differently."

Alex grinned at her, nonplused at her ire.

"Not stupid, no, but definitely not as smart as you or Buffy. I mean, I can get the simple things. Kill this monster with this weapon in this particular way. Great and no problem. But... but things like magic and prophecies and astrology and stuff? Let's face it Wills, when you and Tara and the G-man start babbling on about those kinds of things I get... lost. *Xander* doesn't. Not anymore. He finally gets it."

Willow was still and silent for a long moment as she absorbed all of that, but when she did speak, it was softly and with an odd note of hopeful longing.

"And you? What about you? Are you happy?"

Alex just shrugged and grinned.

"Yeah, I am. It's like I said earlier, I feel focused. I'm happy at work, I'm enjoying patrol more and I feel free. To be honest... I... I don't really want the spell to end. I... I *like* being split."

A wave of shock washed over Willow's face for a moment making her green eyes sparkle, but then they darkened once again with doubt and disbelief.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better, aren't you?"

The smile melted off of Alex's face and when he spoke he was deadly serious.

"No Willow, I'm not."

She took in a deep shaky breath and Alex could just tell that a babbling lecture was headed his way and to be honest, he wasn't in the mood to listen to it. He let go of her hand and stood up, speaking before she could even get started.

"Look, Wills. I actually have a favor to ask. It's... well, it's for Xander really. I was hoping that you could use your hacking skills to somehow come up with some extra ID's for us. So that we are legally twins? I mean, I have to work and eventually, so will Xander. Plus, I'd like to see if I can't get him into college like he wants. Even if it's only a class or two a semester. I can't really afford much more than that... so..."

Willow bounced up from the bed, excitement suddenly pouring off of her. As he'd hoped, she had latched onto this opportunity to actually help. It would appease a bit of her guilt and it *would* make their lives a *lot* easier in the long run.

"Oh sure! I can do that. No problem at all really. I just need a little bit of time to get everything together for you. That's all. Um... how should I do it, I mean, what names do you want me to use and all?"

Alex considered it for a brief second.

"Alex L. Harris and Xander V. Harris. Give us our real birthday, so we don't have to worry about trying to remember a new one. Okay?"

"No problem at all."

Willow was all ready up and turning on her computer. With a soft smile and a light gentle kiss pressed to the top of her shimmering red hair, Alex let himself out of her dorm room.

Part 13

After leaving Willow to do her hacking computer thing, Alex realized that he was tired. And sore. He *really* didn't feel up to dealing with everyone tonight and he didn't want to patrol either.

The darkness that hovered just beneath the surface of his mind was calm and quiet. Sated, perhaps? The confrontation with their dad, the fight and subsequent claiming of Spike in the cemetery and then the whispered confession to his beloved twin had taken more out of him then he had first thought.

Which was understandable. These past few days had been incredibly intense. Both physically and mentally. Plus he was healing and that always wore him out quick. He figured that a nice quiet evening would put him 'right as rain' for tomorrow.

Taking the shortest and easiest route back to his apartment, he called the Magic Box once again. This time he spoke to his brother.


"Yeah? Where are you Alex? I thought you were going to swing by the shop and help get everything set for tomorrow's shipment?"

Alex grunted. He had, truthfully, forgotten all about that. He didn't want to be a complete heel, but...he *really* didn't feel up for anything strenuous.

"Uh...yeah, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I had a few things to do, which I did, but I am *totaly* wiped out. Work was... exhausting and my ribs ache. I was thinking that I would just stay, maybe throw together a light dinner or something for when you're done over there. I was kinda hoping that we could stay in tonight."

Feeling slightly childish, but not being able to help himself, Alex crossed his fingers that Xander wouldn't be too upset. Alex *knew* his twin was excited about the magic shop opening up, but the thought of going out and walking around town was *not* a happy one. Alex was just hoping that the offer of him fixing dinner would be a suitable substitute.

"Um... er, okay. Uh... oh hey! I know. Look, we probably won't be done here until around sixish anyway, so why don't you lay down for an hour or two. I'll call before we leave here so that you can get up and maybe throw a couple of sandwiches together. I'll just ask Anya if she wouldn't mind staying in tonight because of your ribs hurting and all. I'm sure she'll understand."

"Oh... about that..."

But Xander cut him off, obviously yelling to someone in the shop itself.

"what? oh...okay, sure, no problem."

Suddenly, his twin's voice was loud and crystal clear once more.

"Hey, Alex? I gotta go now. The Xand-man is in demand. Well...okay, they need another tall person, but hey! Whatever works, right?"

"Oh, um...okay."

"Great. I'll call and let you know when we're leaving."

And then he was gone, the dial tone buzzing in Alex's ear. With a shake of his head and a wry grin stealing over his face, Alex enjoyed the warm melting sensation in his chest at the very thought of his hyper and enthusiastic brother bouncing around the shop getting in everyone's way in the name of "helping out".

Hanging up the telephone receiver, Alex turned and went to go lay down on the couch. A nap didn't sound like a bad idea.


Alex looked down at the remains of his sandwich and grimaced. The soup had been hot and filling, not too spicy but no where near bland. The sandwich had been perfect. Made just the way he liked it. Yet, he could feel his stomach churn slightly with indigestion and knew that he'd be popping antacid tablets all night long.

It wasn't the food, which both Anya and Xander had also gobbled up fast, but the conversation that he knew he was going to have to start. It was ten times worse than the one he'd had with his brother. At least then, he'd had the comfort of knowing that in essence they were the same person, so that somewhere down deep, Xander would understand. But this?

With a sigh, he got up from his chair and helped to clean up. The paper plates that had held the sandwiches were tossed into the trash and the soup bowls and the soup pot were washed and put away. He didn't join in with Xander and Anya when they began to flick water at each other from their fingertips and he didn't get involved with the towel snapping contest. He just smiled quietly at them both and offered up a silent prayer to whom ever might be listening that he didn't break either of their hearts.

Finally, everything was finished and he knew he couldn't stall any longer. With a big sigh he ushered them both into the living room and sat them both down. He briefly wondered if he should cross his fingers for luck, but then dismissed the notion as being too obvious. Taking a deep breath, he braced himself and began.

"Ahn? You *do* know that Xan and I...well, we didn't split evenly? Right?"

Xander suddenly fell silent, his face falling into an oddly serious expression with faintly worried undertones. Anya just looked confused.

"Yeah. Giles was explaining it to me. He said that you are physically identical. Like a a photocopy. But just the body and the memories. He said that your mental traits and personality traits were...divided instead of photocopied exactly. Like dealing out the cards in a poker deck. A total random shuffle."

Alex raised up one eyebrow. That was an...interesting interpretation, but hey, if it worked for Anya, he wasn't going to complain.

"Right. Anyway. We both got duplicate "basics" like memories and learned skills and stuff, but the rest... split *un*evenly. So... for example, Xander is smarter than me. I'm more aggressive."

Anya nodded slowly, her face still confused, but she was trying to put it all together.

"Okay. I get that part. You don't have to worry about me mixing the two of you up. You know that, right?"

Alex smiled slightly and nodded.

"Yeah, Ahn. I know. you remember way back when Willow first told everyone that she and Tara were a couple? Girlfriend and girlfriend? And we had that long talk about bisexuality and I told you that..."

He faltered at that point. He knew where this was going and he wished he didn't have to do this because he knew that she would be hurt, but it wasn't fair to either one of them to keep on pretending.


Anya frowned for a second and then her face suddenly grew excited as she remembered the conversation.

"Oh! I remember. Yeah. We were in your parent's basement and we were talking about sex and homosexuality and unfulfilled fantasies."

Then her face grew confused again.

"Why? What does that have to do with what's happening now?"

Alex sighed, silently wishing that for just this once Anya would be able to figure it out on her own and not need him to draw her a picture.

"It's relevant because that's when I told you that *I* was bisexual. I just never slept with a guy because I always seemed to be dating a girl and then there was the whole denial, fear and angry drunken father issues, but anyway...the whole point is that this...*bisexual issue* was split unevenly between Xander and I, as well."

Anya frowned as she tried to absorb this information.

"What? One of you is no longer bisexual?"

Alex sighed slightly and shook his head no.

"Not exactly. The split was more complete than that. One of us is straight and one of us is gay."

"Oh. Okay. That makes sense, I guess."

A heartbeat later, Anya's eyes got very wide as understanding rushed into her mind and her mouth formed a perfect little O shape. Hurt began to swim behind her eyes.

"So. Which one of you is... gay now?"

Silently, Alex raised his hand up and waved it at her. Her breath hitched in her throat slightly and she nodded her head as she tried desperately to process the information.

"Are you...are you breaking up with me?"

"Ahn, I think you are wonderful, caring, loving, strong, beautiful and I love you. But...I am no longer *in* love with you. I'm...I'm sorry. I really truly am."

Unconsciously, she flinched back and pain flickered across her face. She shifted in her seat and crossed her arms over her chest, almost as if she were hugging herself for comfort.

" you like some guy? I mean, is it...will you..."

She floundered to a stop and looked up at him helplessly. His heart broke for her, but he knew that in the long run, this was for the best. He couldn't keep her happy and she would eventually drive him away from her anyhow. Best to do it now...calmly.

"Um, yeah. I...I kind of have a thing for...for Spike."

Her eyes opened up wide in surprise and she silently mouthed the name "Spike" to herself as if trying to fit that idea into her head. Finally she just shook her head and stood up.

"I...I understand. I do. Really. I just...I just need some time. To think. And process this...development."

Then she turned her head sharply and looked at Xander. She tried to appear strong and in control, but worry and hurt shone from her every movement and expression.

"Are you dumping me too, Xander?"

Xander shook his head.

"No, Anya. I love you even more than...before. The split, I mean."

A wobbly smile crossed her lips and Alex felt a bit better, thankful that at least one of them wouldn't be hurting her tonight. Then, she nodded her head and grabbed up her purse.

"I still need to go and think. I'll...I'll talk to you later. I...I'm just gonna go now."

And then she was gone.

Part 14

For a long moment after Anya left, Alex just stared blindly into space. A part of him felt relief that the tense and highly charged emotional scene was over, but a part of him wished that he had never had to do what he had just done. He'd broken her heart and a tiny part of him hated himself for that. And yet, it was for the best. If he had let this go on, it would become this giant *thing* between them, tearing them apart from the inside out and his beloved Xander would be caught in the middle, taking shrapnel wounds from both sides.

Breaking up with her *was* the right thing to do. Even if he never saw Spike again.

Not that he wanted to avoid the bleached blonde vampire, but more because it was two separate issues. His desire for Spike had nothing to do with his lack of desire for Anya. And now, if he *did* happen to hook up with the evil undead with the sinfully tight jeans, then he didn't have to worry about any stray flickers of guilt for cheating on Anya.

A warm hand on his shoulder pulled Alex out of his spiraling thoughts. He turned his head to look up into the understanding dark eyes of his twin. He could see echoes of compassion, hope and just a touch of sadness. Xander squeezed his shoulder gently and then let go only to shoo him up further on the couch.

"Move forward a bit so I can slip behind you."

A half grin twisted one corner of his lips upwards even as his shifted his body away from the back of the couch and more towards the center. Gracelessly, Xander swung one long leg up and around him and then plopped his butt down on the cushions heavily. The entire couch sagged and the springs groaned in protest. Alex's grin grew into a smile.

The couch continued to bounce and squeak as Xander shifted and wiggled until his back was pressed up into the corner with one long leg resting all along the back and the other long leg hanging off over the edge of a cushion. Then, to Alex's delight, one muscled arm wrapped around his shoulders gently and pulled him back to rest against his brother's strong broad chest.

Alex sighed in content as he leaned into the warm embrace of his other half, the tension and strain of the day draining off of him almost instantly. He felt...wilted. Like a leaf of lettuce that had been left all day in the hot sun. Xander chuckled at him and the rumbling vibrations in his twin's chest transmitted directly through his shirt and skin to tingle deep within his own chest. It was almost a tickling sensation and it made him want to laugh, but he knew that laughter would make his ribs scream in protest so Alex just settled for letting his smile stretch even wider.

Then, with a flick of his wrist and the press of a button, Xander turned on the television with the remote control. Unbidden, he could hear Spike's thick accent roll around his head as the lean sexy vampire bitched about his broken "telly" and Alex's smile slid into a smirk.

"This show always reminds me of when we were young, before life got all weird and dangerous and filled with things that go bite in the night."

Alex shifted his gaze to the television and saw that it was set for the Cartoon Network. Ed, Edd and Eddie was on. He chuckled softly because he new *exactly* what Xander meant. He'd shared the same thoughts before their split.

"Yeah. I know. It's us. Us, Willow and Jessie. Right?"

Xander's arms came around him in a gentle hug. Mutual comfort sought and given at the very mention of Jessie's name. Alex snuggled back against Xander. He could feel more than see his twin nod his head in agreement.

"Yep. We were Ed. Willow was *definately* Double D and Jessie would have been a perfect Eddie. Well...not the whole no hair thing, but the coming up with wild schemes for money is pretty much on target."

Alex grinned, a wash of longing and loss for his early childhood friend sweeping over him.

"He was *just* like that, only we didn't do it for money to buy jawbreakers. We were always trying to get money for..."

Xander joined in and they spoke the words as one.

"...chocolate bars and comic books."

The both chuckled at the stereo surround-sound effect of their words. Then they both drifted off into a comfortable silence as they were hit with various memories of their youth, identical soft dreamy smiles on their faces.

"Hey. Do you remember the first time we were on a rollercoaster? Jessie wanted to go on that silly thing *so* bad and Willow was afraid of it. Then, when Jessie got upset at her, we babbled at her until she finally gave in and went with us."

Alex snorted lightly, mindful of his tender ribs.

"Yeah, I remember. Jessie got sick from the ride and threw up everywhere while Willow ended up wanting to go on it again!"

They both shared a long chuckle over that memory and then Alex remembered something else that had happened to them. He turned his head slightly to peer up over his shoulder at his twin.

"Remember the seventh grade Spring Dance and Brenda Pendelson?"

Xander groaned and Alex smirked.

"Thought so."

"Alex! That was *so* embarrassing. I mean, *now* it wouldn't bother me 'cause I know that it happens and that unless their weird, most girls take that as a compliment, but we were *mortified* at the time."

Alex chuckled.

"I know. I was there, remember? There we were, trembling with nerves over our very first slow dance with a girl and we popped a boner in the middle of the school gym with everyone in the world that we knew standing around or dancing."

Xander's voice was filled with chagrined amusement.

"And the expression on her face when she realized what was happening in our pants? Priceless. I don't know who was more embarrassed. Us or her."

They both chuckled again for a long moment and then trailed off once more into comfortable silence. The warmth of Xander's body sank into Alex and his sore and tired muscles relaxed even more. For the first time all day he felt good. Happy.


His heart clenched in his chest as he breathed in deeply the familiar musky scent of his beloved other half. The world was a harsh place filled with hard surfaces and sharp edges, but when it was just him and his twin, everything seemed softer, sweeter and just plain... better. Xander's fingertips touched against the bare skin of his arm, instantly sensitizing it. Those callused pads traced an invisible pattern along his flesh, leaving tingling nerve endings in their wake.

"My *favorite* first? It was a kiss."

Alex's thoughts wanted to scatter at the delicate touch of his brother's hand, but he tried to force his mind to focus.


This was news to Alex. As far as he knew, they had always considered their favorite "first" to be the first time they had driven a car after getting their driver's license. It was a cherished memory of a bright sunny day and nothing urgent or dangerous to do. They often took that particular memory out and polished it when they were feeling blue.

"Yep. Really."

Alex frowned, wondering which kiss had managed to take precedence over their indoctrination into freedom on wheels.

"Since when?"

"Since the first time that I kissed *you*."

Alex's heart melted like a pat of butter in the sun. He felt a wide smile spread across his face and he was sure he had a goofy dreamy expression on face that would rival the witches when they were staring in each other's eyes. Shifting slightly, Alex leaned to the side and twisted around until he was facing his other half. His soul.


Xander's smile was soft and loving.


The warm squishy feeling in Alex's chest traveled down in tingles to evolve into a tight heat uncoiling in his belly. A flare of lust shot up his spine and then back down again to settle into his balls. He could feel the goofy smile of happiness on his face melt into an expression of hunger and need even as his cock twitched and began to harden in his jeans.

He watched, noting all of the signs and signals of arousal as they emerged on Xander's face and in his body. The flush of his skin. The heavy weight of his eyelids as the pupils dilated. The thickening scent of his musk. The slick pink tongue that darted out to lick his lips. The fluttering pulse along the side of his neck.

He wanted his brother and his brother wanted him back.

Careful of how he moved because of his ribs and his knee, Alex shifted forward until only a fraction of an inch of space separated their lips. Deep brown lust-filled eyes stared into deep brown lust-filled eyes.

"I love you Xan."

And then he closed the space, their lips touching softly, gently. A mere brushing of flesh against flesh. He moaned his need and hunger out loud and then deepened the kiss, possessing his beloved twin's mouth as his tongue slipped between full lips, seeking it's mate.

Instantly, Xander opened up to him and surrendered control of the kiss. Submitting and relaxing into it. Alex's cock hardened even further at this tiny display of his dominance and he wanted to be naked with his other half. To feel his twin's skin pressed tightly against his own. With a gasp, he broke the kiss and pulled back just enough to breath out his words.

"Naked. Bed. Now!"

Alex could feel Xander's smile against his own lips even as a large hot hand suddenly cupped his throbbing erection in it's prison of denim.

"Mmmm... Sounds like a plan."

Growling softly in his throat, Alex pushed up away from the couch and stood up. Reaching out with one hand, he grabbed a hold of Xander and gave a light tug. Without a seconds hesitation, Xander slid off of the couch and up into his arms. His twin leaned in and pressed a flurry of soft kisses along his jaw until he was nibbling slightly on Alex's ear.

"Lead the way, my heart."