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By Scorpio 

Xander watched in amusement as Willow finished setting up the last of the 
connections on her old computer, which was now Xander's new computer. Being 
true to form, Sheila and Ira didn't actually *visit* their daughter on her 
birthday, they just sent an expensive gift instead. A new computer with all 
the latest bells and whistles. So, Willow had spent several days copying her 
files to her new computer, then she cleaned up her old one and presented it 
to Xander, her only computerless friend. Excluding Giles who *still* referred 
to computers as "those infernal machines". 

To be honest, Xander was more excited about the opportunity this gave him to 
spend with Willow then he was about getting his very own computer. He didn't 

have much use for them. Yes, he *had* used them before, usually this very 
same one, whenever he *did* have a need or want that involved a computer. But 
that wasn't very often. Still, Willow was a great best friend to think of him 
like this. And it was so much fun to watch her get all excited as she hooked 
everything up and went into babble-lecture mode to explain it all to him. 

With a grin, Xander knew that she'd soon head into full blown 
explain-every-detail-mode and he'd end up with a virtual tour of his new 
computer's systems. And that was okay too. More time to spend with his best 
friend was never a bad thing. 


Xander sat in front of his computer and stared at the screen. It was telling 
him to choose a 'name' that would act as his Virtual Reality identity as well 
as his e-mail address. 

Xander shifted nervously and tried to find inspiration within. Nothing... 
Then, he looked over the printed list of e-mail addresses Willow had given 

him with the strict order to *write* to everyone on the list as soon as he 
got his own e-mail address. It wasn't *too* long a list, but... Maybe it 
would give him some idea of what meant by a 'name'. 

Willow - </cgi-bin/compose?curmbox=F000000001&a=69bfd16d6887e0111a32722914d56113&mailto=1&>, </cgi-bin/compose?curmbox=F000000001&a=69bfd16d6887e0111a32722914d56113&mailto=1&> 
Tara - </cgi-bin/compose?curmbox=F000000001&a=69bfd16d6887e0111a32722914d56113&mailto=1&> 
Buffy - </cgi-bin/compose?curmbox=F000000001&a=69bfd16d6887e0111a32722914d56113&mailto=1&> 
Cordelia - </cgi-bin/compose?curmbox=F000000001&a=69bfd16d6887e0111a32722914d56113&mailto=1&> 
Wesley WP - </cgi-bin/compose?curmbox=F000000001&a=69bfd16d6887e0111a32722914d56113&mailto=1&> 
Riley - </cgi-bin/compose?curmbox=F000000001&a=69bfd16d6887e0111a32722914d56113&mailto=1&> 
Angel - </cgi-bin/compose?curmbox=F000000001&a=69bfd16d6887e0111a32722914d56113&mailto=1&> 

Xander read through the list. Then he read through it once more. With a 
slight grin and a shrug, he figured that someday next century, Angel would 
get the hang of a false identity online... That guy never did modern 
technology too well, but at least he was trying. Right? 

Looking back up to where the cursor was flashing on the screen, Xander 
figured that he could type something in, see how it looked and then always 
change his mind and try something new. Once he found something he liked, he'd 
give it a shot. No harm, no foul. Using the ever popular hunt-and-peck method 
of typing, Xander looked up at his first idea. </cgi-bin/compose?curmbox=F000000001&a=69bfd16d6887e0111a32722914d56113&mailto=1&> 

No. That was *way* too close to the truth to even be funny. He searched for 
and found the [backspace] key, erasing it completely. Once it was gone, he 
tried again. </cgi-bin/compose?curmbox=F000000001&a=69bfd16d6887e0111a32722914d56113&mailto=1&> 

Xander looked at it and considered. Nope... Too many bad memories there, even 
if it *did* sound cooler and tougher than Doughnut_Boy did. He began to 
[backspace] once more. 

Then, like a morbid flashback, a memory ran through his mind and he typed 
some more. </cgi-bin/compose?curmbox=F000000001&a=69bfd16d6887e0111a32722914d56113&mailto=1&> 

He looked at it and blinked. Man-bitch. That's how he had described himself 
to Buffy, Riley and Giles in reference to Dracula. A Freudian slip of the 
tongue if there ever was one. And one he was glad no one took the time to 
look at too closely. 

Everyone had been far more interested in Giles and his little adventure with 
the three vampire sisters to wonder *why* Xander had called himself Dracula's 
Bitch. No one had questioned what had happened between the time Dracula had 
put him under his thrall and when he had showed up the next day for the 
Scooby meeting. After all, Buffy's bite mark had been visible, in a prominent 
area of display... Xander's three bite marks were well hidden. And his 
virginity was a thing of the past. 

Nope. That name *had* to go. It was too painful a memory for him. In the 
sense that he had betrayed Buffy and everything he'd ever believed in as well 
as the fact that he would do it all again. In a heartbeat. 

Groaning, Xander reached up to get rid of the name, but somehow, instead of 
hitting the [backspace] button, his subconscious hit the [enter] key instead. 


Well great. His new Virtual Reality name was officially 'manbitch'. Just what 
he needed. A constant reminder of what he wanted and could never have. What 
was worse, with Dracula not being in town for so long, his specific hold on 
Xander's mind had been fading away. The compulsion to serve him was almost 
gone, but the *memory* was just as sharp and clear as if it had happened 

The feel of cool strong hands on his hot feverish flesh. The sensation of 
inhumanly strong muscles under soft pale skin, positioning him, moving him, 
possessing him. The hunger/terror of sharp sharp teeth sinking into his 
flesh, feasting on him, drinking his soul even as a long thick cock impaled 
him, making him moan and beg with pleasure. 

He saw it every time he closed his eyes. Relived it constantly in his mind. 
But, with the compulsion to serve Dracula fading away, Xander found that his 
mental vampire lover was slowly shifting. Changing. Morphing into another. 
Long dark hair became short and blonde. Long lanky limbs became shorter and 
whipcord lean. Soft Romany accent blurred into a harsh Cockney accent. And he 
went from being called 'boy' to being called 'pet' and 'whelp'. 

It was hard enough to have these things in his head and his dreams. Now he 
had it on the *internet*! Sometimes, it sucked to be the Zeppo... 


Xander watched the rain pouring down, washing the streets of Sunnydale clean. 
He curled up on his couch a little tighter and sighed. That was one of the 
nice things about working construction. Instant day off for bad weather. 
So... Here he was, all relaxed after enjoying the rare chance to sleep in. 
Anya was at work with Giles and Buffy, Willow and Tara were in class. 

He wondered what to do. He *could* go to the Magic Box and visit with Giles 
and Anya, but he had a feeling if he did, he'd end up playing Stock-boy or 
Inventory-boy or something else equally non-fun. So, what to do? 

Glancing around, he spotted the computer sitting over in the corner all quiet 
and dark. Hmmm... He'd heard recently that there was a new Star Wars movie 
being made. Maybe he could find something out about that on the internet. 

Nodding to himself, Xander got up and turned on the computer. While it was 
booting itself up, he wandered into the kitchen and fixed himself a sandwich 
and grabbed a beer. With his lunch in hand, he went over and sat down at the 
small desk and connected to the internet. 

Willow and Tara had showed him how to use search engines after giggling and 
teasing him over his VR name. But all teasing aside, they had taught him how 
to use woohoo_search as well as a few other simple internet navigation tips. 

He typed in: Star Wars. Lots of sites popped up on the list. A majority of 
them were fan sites for The Phantom Menace, but a lot of them were also about 
the first trilogy. There was nothing about the possible making of the sequel 
to TPM, as he'd learned that the internet community called The Phantom Menace. 

However, way down at the bottom of the list was a site that caught his 
attention. It was listed as: 

This site is the archive of slash fan fiction stories of movies, television 
shows, books, and original characters in the horror-scifi genre. We host TPM, 
ST [TOS, TNG, DS-9, VOY], VC, and PtL. This is an adult archive, under 18 not 

Xander read through the description and then read through it again. He wasn't 
sure what they meant by 'slash' but he *did* get the point that this was a 
library of sorts with stories written by fans about the characters of 
different movies and shows. And they were stories rated for adults only. He 

Following the link, Xander soon found himself at a web site that was black 
with bright red lettering. Reading through it, he found it to be a fairly 
detailed account of what he would find inside the site. 


Beyond this point, you will find fan fiction stories written about the 
characters of popular horror/scfi movies, tv shows and books, as well as 
original characters. All of the stories and graphics within are produced by 
the fans of these various universes and are of an adult nature. This is SLASH 
folks. And for those of you who don't know, slash stories are all about same 
gender romances. That's right, boys who do boys and girls who love girls. So, 
if you are a minor or if you are offended by m/m or f/f sex, go away now. If 
you are an adult and this trips your trigger, come on in. 

Link - Take me to the scary smut. 
Link - Help, get me out of here. 

Xander blinked. He had never heard of such a thing before. His first reaction 
was to click the link that would take him far away from here, but then his 
mind showed him a flash of imagery. Willow and Tara doing naked spells 
together. He smirked. Wouldn't it be fun to read about Captain Janeway and 
Seven of Nine on Star Trek Voyager doing naked things together as well? 

Xander had to agree with his inner pervert. Following the link to the scary 
smut, Xander found that he had more choices than he'd have thought possible. 

The Fan Fiction Archive for the Horror Slash Mailing List. Inside these 
links, you'll find the stories and graphics done by our List-Sibs. Enjoy. 

Choose a Fandom: || Star Wars || Star Trek || Vampire Chronicles || Xena 
Warrior Princess || Lost in Space || Dungeons and Dragons || Poltergeist the 
Legacy || Comicbooks || Original || Poetry || 

Choose a Category: || Screen caps || Manipulated pics || Drawings/Sketches || 
Scanned Images || 

Reading through his choices, Xander *meant* click the link to Star Trek to 
read a little Janeway/7of9 smut, but found instead that his subconscious had 
followed the link to Vampire Chronicles. He snorted in disgust at himself. 
Either he was too well trained by the G-man, or somewhere deep down in his 
twisted head, he was *hopeing* to find some Dracula stories... 

However, to his vast relief and bitter regret, there were no Dracula stories 
listed here. Most of them seemed to involve a pairing of L/Lo or L/A and 
sometimes Lo/A. Xander wasn't sure what that meant. Slowly, he scrolled past 
a few titles and brief summaries. 

Title: Quicken the Dead 
Author: </cgi-bin/compose?curmbox=F000000001&a=69bfd16d6887e0111a32722914d56113&mailto=1&> 
Pairing: Lo/A 
Rating: NC-17 
Summary: After Claudia's death, Louis travels with Armand as he learns to 
live with the destruction of his daughter. 

Title: Blood Rituals 
Author: </cgi-bin/compose?curmbox=F000000001&a=69bfd16d6887e0111a32722914d56113&mailto=1&> 
Pairing: M/Ma 
Rating: NC-17 
Summary: Marius and Maul enact an ancient ritual for the Winter Solstice. 

Title: Haunting New Orleans 
Author: </cgi-bin/compose?curmbox=F000000001&a=69bfd16d6887e0111a32722914d56113&mailto=1&> 
Pairing: L/Lo, C 
Rating: R 
Summary: Lestat, Louis & Claudia's life as told by an investigator who thinks 
they are ghosts - not vampires. 

Title: He who made us 
Author: </cgi-bin/compose?curmbox=F000000001&a=69bfd16d6887e0111a32722914d56113&mailto=1&> 
Pairing: L/Lo, L/D 
Rating: NC-17 
Summary: When Louis comes to visit, he and David get in a jealous rivalry 
over Lestat. 

Before Xander knew what had hit him, he had read four stories about vampires. 
Homosexual vampires at that. Now, he was left sitting in his living room in 
front of his computer, painfully aroused with a rock hard dick pressing 
against the inside of his jeans and with the vision of a bleached blonde blue 
eyed demon dancing through his head. And no... It wasn't *really* Lestat he 
was thinking of. 

With a sigh and a slight tremor that could have been excitement or regret or 
even revulsion, Xander disconnected from the internet and stood up. 
Painfully, he shuffled over to his couch and unzipped his jeans. Sliding them 
down his hips slightly, he sighed in relief as the rough pressure on his 
aching cock was removed. Sitting down with his knees slightly splayed, Xander 
leaned back into the cushions and wrapped his hand around his throbbing shaft. 

As he began to slowly stroke himself, he allowed the mental images of those 
fictional vampires from the stories to flow into his mind. Armand, Marius, 
Maul, Louis, Lestat... He imagined their cool hands teasing his skin and 
their soft lips nibbling on him gently. He began to leak precome and his hand 
moved faster with the lubrication. 

Slowly, those mental vampire's morphed into Dracula and fantasy was replaced 
with memory. Once again, he could feel the ancient Master Vampire press him 
into the woolen blankets on his own bed and then pull his legs up and apart. 
He relived the moment of when that pale demon first breached his body with 
one long thin finger and his cock twitched in his hand. Pain and pleasure had 
bent and twisted until they became one in the same. Xander had laid there 
panting and moaning and *begging* for more. 

His hand began to move faster along his heated length as the memories played 
out in his mind. He recalled how Dracula had oh so *slowly* pushed his own 
thick length *deep* inside of Xander. He remembered how he had felt *so* full 
and stretched and possessed and desired and and and *sexy*! He had wanted to 
*never* leave that bed or his master's arms. 

Pleasure and longing sizzled across the surface of his skin and deep down in 
his bones. The images in his head shifted faster and faster to match the pace 
of his hand along shaft. 

Memories assaulted him some more. How Dracula had thrust into him again and 
again and just when Xander thought he would *die* from the pleasure, the 
vampire had pulled out and he was left *wailing* in denial at the loss. Only 
to find seconds later that he had been flipped over onto his stomach and 
pulled up on his hands and knees. Then, without any warning, the Master 
Vampire had *slammed* back into his body, leaving him to scream out as he 
quivered helplessly around that cool hard flesh that impaled him. 

His hand literally flew up and down on his leaking and throbbing shaft. He 
could feel the pressure building up inside of him and his control was 
dissolving fast. Maybe that's why his brain decided to throw him such a wild 
curve, but what ever the reason, it effected Xander like a ball of fire in a 
field of dry grass. 

He imagined that as Dracula thrust back into him from behind that the long 
dark hair fell away to revel short clipped white blonde. Long talons gave way 
to trimmed nails decorated with glossy black polish and quick impersonal 
thrusts turned into long deep possessive claims of lust and ownership. In his 
mind he heard a husky British accent snarl at him, "You're *mine* now whelp!" 
And then he imagined the feel of razor sharp fangs sinking into his neck, 
piercing him, marking him, drinking his very essence and he *came* and *came* 
and *came*. His entire body spasmed and twitched as his muscled locked and 
released repeatedly in a torrent of pleasure and desire. 

Shaky and breathing in deep gasps of air into his tortured lungs, Xander felt 
stunned. He had just had the most intense orgasm of his life by fantasizing 
that Spike, *William the Bloody*, the big-not-so-bad but highly annoying 
chip-boy had fucked him and then bit him, claiming him as a mate. 

What was his twisted mind *thinking*?