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Just Another Morning
by Scorpio



//...magic only two can tell
In the dark night
Ultra Violet is a wicked spell
The stars and planets tak...//

A large tan callused hand slid out from under the thick green blanket and reached out blindly towards the radio alarm clock. The hand fumbled around a bit, knocked a small dish that held a money clip and a double handful of loose change onto the floor and then finally found the snooze bar. One quick firm tap later and the music stopped, instantly filling the dark bedroom with blessed silence once more.

Xander pulled his hand back under the blanket and hoped almost desperately that he could slip back into his dream with the three free pizzas, the talking fish with the bright red bow-tie and his lover doing talk-show host impersonations while standing naked on the kitchen table. After all, Spike was really good at those impersonations and he and the fish were having a blast scoring his performances. Plus, the fish didn't insist he share the free pizza. The dream was definitely a winner. Besides, if he actually woke up, it'd be time to get ready for work and he wasn't ready for that yet.

Knowing that there was a hole in his sleepy logic, Xander wasn't awake enough to really care and figure it out. He *wanted* to be asleep. However, his mind kept nagging at him that something was off. Not quite right. And if he were just a *teeny tiny* bit more awake, he'd figure it out.

With a resentful sigh, Xander's mind slowly began to focus a smidge more. Just enough to recognize what it was that was off. The snooze button hadn't felt normal. Oh, it was still flat, rectangular, hard and cold, but it was also...sticky? Grumbling about the fact that his alarm clock was sticky, and no doubt so were his fingers from touching it, he was also struck with a pinch of curiosity. Because, let's face it...*why* was the alarm clock sticky? That's not a normal feature for an alarm clock to have.

Carefully peeling open one blurry brown eye, Xander glared at the offensive clock. And sighed in annoyed resignation. Someone with bleached blonde hair and bright blue eyes that Xander wasn't gonna name had left the damn cap off of the damn Astro-Glide and then tipped the damn bottle over. Now there was damn lube all over his damn alarm clock. 


This was the third time this had happened this week alone. Xander knew that he'd have to do *something* to break his boneheaded lover out of the habit of leaving the cap off of the lube, but 6:30 am was *way* to early in the morning to contemplate it. Besides, Spike wasn't even home from work yet. No point in wasting a good lecture on someone who wasn't around to be spanked. Or something like that.

In either case, Xander ignored his sticky hand and his sticky clock and closed his one open eye again. Hoping that the dream fish didn't eat all the dream pizza and that dream Spike hadn't found his clothes or a way off of the kitchen table, Xander slid back to sleep.


//...felt needed.
If love was red then she was color blind.
All her friends they've been tried for treason
And crimes that were never defined...//


Xander jerked slightly in shock, much more alert this time around. Blinking rapidly and yawning hugely, he stretched out his still sticky hand and flicked the equally sticky switch on the sticky alarm clock into the OFF position. Then he grimaced.


Mumbling incoherently under his breath about bleached blonde brats, Xander tried to throw off the blankets with his one non-sticky hand so that he could climb out of bed. Unfortunately, the sheets didn't want to let go of him. They had wrapped themselves around his legs and he couldn't seem to get free. Grumbling and frowning, he tugged and twisted and finally cursed at it. Apparently, the phrase, "fuck it all to hell" was just rude enough to frighten the sheets into submission because Xander's legs were suddenly released from the death grip they had on them.

Slightly appeased by his mastery of the bed linens, Xander swung his legs over the edge of the bed, stood up and indulged in a spine popping stretch. Relief from stiff tendons and cramped muscles pulsed down his back in a pleasurable wave and his frown slowly melted into a sleepy grin. Just as he was coming out of his stretch, he was hit with another yawn and an irresistible urge to scratch his belly. 

Mouth open wide, eyes squinted shut and fingertips digging through his treasure trail, Xander took a single step and tripped over the boxers that Spike had unceremoniously yanked off of him last night before their ritual "shag like mad before Spike goes to work and Xander passes out" sexcapades. With a startled yelp and in a mad swirl of vertigo, Xander belly flopped onto the bedroom floor and knocked the wind out of himself.


He lay there gasping and confused, wondering what in the hell just happened for a long moment. When he was actually able to breathe again, he twisted his head around and down to see the pair of, now ripped, boxers that had ambushed him. He groaned in exasperation.

Pushing himself up off of the floor with his hands, Xander did his best Spike impersonation and *growled* at the offending boxers. Bending down, he snatched them up off of the floor and took a perverse delight in throwing them into the trash basket with *way* more force than was strictly necessary. Just for effect, he snarled at the trash basket for a moment, then feeling vindicated, he nodded his head once with a loud "humph" and stalked off to the kitchen.

Hitting the wall switch to turn on the light by rote, Xander's feet walked him directly to the coffee pot. Force of habit took over and he reached up to open the cabinet above it, take out a clean coffee mug, pull out the glass carafe and start to pour before he even noticed that there was no steamy brown caffeine goodness in the damn thing. He frowned at it and blinked. No coffee appeared by magic, so he tried it again. Yep, still empty.

Ironically enough, the instantaneous and totally irrational thought that someone had stolen his coffee was enough to "panic" him awake. Once his higher thought processes had been rudely jump-started by a wash of adrenaline, he realized that last night when he had been programing the coffee he had been attacked by his lover and carried off to the bedroom to abuse the sheets and mattress springs. He must have forgotten to set the pre-timer correctly to brew in time. With a sigh, Xander checked to make sure there was a filter, some fresh coffee grounds and water in the coffee maker, then he hit the button to turn the machine on. 

Grumbling again, Xander turned and pulled a loaf of Wonderbread out of the bread-bin and took out two slices. He popped them into the toaster and went to the fridge to grab the raspberry jelly he loved so much. Then, he leaned up against the counter scowling while he waited. He couldn't even enjoy the morning paper because it wouldn't be delivered for another hour and a half. 

"I hate mornings."

Xander wasn't too sure who he was talking to, but he felt better having stated that fact out loud. Suddenly, the coffee started to drip and he performed that quick change maneuver between his coffee mug and the glass carafe that the manufacturer strictly prohibited and watched in satisfaction as the fresh brewed coffee dripped directly into his mug. Finally it was full and he switched the mug and the carafe back. 

He took a deep sip, burnt his tongue and let out a string of expletives that proved once and for all that Spike was, in fact, a bad influence on him. His "devotions" were interrupted by the toast popping and a key turning in the front door lock simultaneously. Reaching for his toast, he couldn't help the grin that erupted on his face.

"Hey lover, I'm in the kitchen."

He smeared raspberry jelly over his toast as Spike walked into the kitchen and placed a sealed styrofoam container into the refrigerator. He glanced over and saw that Spike had on his ever-present leather duster, but that under that, his t-shirt was liberally coated in splashes of dried blood. Then his blonde lover sauntered over and kissed him. His tastebuds were assaulted with the familiar taste of cigarettes, blood and that undefinable something that was pure Spike. When Spike pulled away breaking the kiss, Xander was smiling widely.

"You look like you bathed in it."

A quick gesture with his jelly knife indicated Spike's shirt. The vampire glanced down at it and smirked. 

"Yeah. It was a messy night at the ole slaughterhouse, but I had me a blast. I may not get to actually *kill* them cows, but I love to skin 'em and chop 'em all up for delivery to the butchers. Gives me happy dreams, it does."

Xander chuckled and shoved a corner of his toast into his mouth. He'd never say it out loud because Spike would be embarrassed and deny it, but Xander was glad that he'd finally talked his lover into applying for that job. The extra money was great, and Spike loved it. Plus, the blonde vampire seemed much healthier and stronger now that he was never lacking for access to warm fresh from the vein blood. Granted, it wasn't *human* blood, but it also wasn't three day old and starting to coagulate either.

Xander followed Spike back out of the kitchen and into the living room, toast in one hand, coffee in the other. Munching and sipping away, he silently watched as his lover took off his duster and hung it in the coat closet. Then Spike kicked off his Doc Martins and kicked them into the closet without really looking. Watching those boots land on top of his own construction work boots, Xander was once again glad that the slaughterhouse provided it's workers with boots that they left there in their lockers. The thought of trying to explain why he was going onto the site with blood splashed all over his boots gave him the wiggins.

Then Spike turned around and *leered* at him, those bright blue eyes roaming up and down his body with a greedy hunger. Instantly, Xander became forcibly aware of the fact that he was not wearing a single stitch of clothing. He was standing before his lover bare-ass naked with messy pillow hair while the scent of blood hung heavily in the air. Both of which were *huge* turn-on's for Spike. Xander barely had enough time to put his coffee mug and the remains of his breakfast toast onto the coffee table before he was pounced.

"Whoa! Holy shit!"

"Hang on, pet. It's time to get wet, innit?"

Xander could only watch amused as the living room spun about him as he was lifted and flipped up and over Spike's shoulder so that his head and chest hung down his lover's back and his legs draped over Spike's front. One inhumanly strong arm clamped tightly around his legs to prevent him from falling onto his head and the other cam up and patted him gently on the ass. In public, such a move would require an indignant squeal of protest, but here in their home all Xander did was smirk and wiggle his butt in the hopes of another quick grope.

Xander thoroughly enjoyed the sight of Spike's firm round ass-cheeks flexing with every step until they reached the bathroom and he was unceremoniously swung back up and deposited back on his feet. For a second, he pouted at the loss of the great view, but then Spike started to peel his dirty work clothes off and Xander's smile came back full force.

"Oi! Turn on the water, luv. You know bloody well that if *I* do it you'll just bitch that I didn't get the effin' temperature right. No body heat, me."

For a long moment, Xander was torn. He didn't want to miss the strip show happening right before his eyes, but the knowledge that if he turned on the water would result in not just a *naked* Spike, but a *naked and wet* Spike finally did the trick. After all, soap is our friend. And Xander wanted to get very friendly with Spike's body.

It didn't take him very long to have a cascade of steamy water pouring down in the white ceramic shower stall. Then Spike was gently pushing him in, under the delightful water and two strong arms were wrapped around him from behind, pulling him tight against a wonderfully cut abdomen. Slick smooth skin slid across slick smooth skin and Xander's body nearly vibrated with pleasure. 

Then one of those hands left him for a moment, only to return all slippery with bodywash gel. And the long slim fingers of that hand slid down the crease between his buttocks to tease at the puckered opening. He shivered at the light touch and tried to push back against them, seeking more pressure.

"Ahh, ah, ah, pet. Shhhhh...."

Xander's answer was a whimper that trailed off into a moan of delight when those fingers teased around his entrance again, only to push inside. A light sense of dizziness washed over his mind as all of the blood rushed out of his brain for more horny pastures and Xander reached out with his arms to brace himself against the ceramic shower stall wall.

Gently, Spike's finger began a slow probe of his channel, opening him up and stretching his muscles. Pleasure tingled up his spine and heat began to build up in his gut as his arousal grew by leaps and bounds. He leaned his chest slightly forward and tilted his hips and ass back towards Spike, his legs spreading as wide and the shower would let him. 

"Oh, yeah. That's it, pet. Show me that you like it."

The smooth smokey tones of his lovers voice caressed his ears just as Spike's long fingers pushed in further and the tip crooked at just the right angle to press against his prostate. 

"Yes, fuck yes, Spike! There! Right there!"

Wanton and needy, like a debauched angel, Xander's his jerked and he thrust back on Spike's hand, forcing his lover's fingers deeper into him. A husky chuckle rolled and echoed through the small tiled room and Spike began to thrust his fingers in and out of Xander, fucking with his hand. Steam swirled around them and Xander began to pant and roll his hips back, meet thrust for thrust. 

"...need you, want you, love you, need you, want you, love you..."

Xander wasn't even aware of the litany of devotion and desire that started to fall from his lips in a babbled chant timed to the thrusting of his lover's fingers. But Spike was aware and those softly whispered words made his own cock throb and complain about being neglected. Not being able to wait any longer, Spike pulled his finger out of Xander and reached once more for the bodywash gel.

"Nooooooooo! Don't stop! Pleeeeease, don't stop."

Water and flesh warmed fingers trailed soothingly along Xander's shoulder and back in a direct route to his hip.

"Shhhhhh, pet. It's all right. Spike'll take care of you, no worries about that, luv."

Then those fingers were grasping his hip tightly and Xander felt a solid nudge against his puckered entrance. Wonderful pressure for a brief moment and that the ring of muscles relented and opened up, letting Spike slide in to the hilt. That aching empty hunger and need deep inside him was suddenly stuffed full, stretching his flesh and making him feel oddly vulnerable and somehow more complete all at once.

Spike leaned his chest against Xander's back, and even with his flesh warmed by the streaming water, his lover still felt cool against Xander's heated body. The hand clamped on his hip stayed in place, but the other reached around and began to stroke Xander's chest, fondling his nipples and teasing his abs.

Not being able to stand the pressure, Xander pushed back against Spike. His lover moaned in appreciation and the vibrations traveled from Spike's chest through Xander's back. It was wonderful. Then Spike pulled his hips back slowly, leaving Xander feeling empty and bereft. Then in one quick smooth thrust, Spike slammed his hips forward, his hard cock hitting Xander's prostate with enough force to make lights sparkle before his eyes and his internal muscles spasm in joy.


After that, their lovemaking desolved into a fast slamming of bodies together. Spike humped his cock deep into Xander and Xander's hips were like liquid, rolling and thrusting back, impaling him on his lover's hard shaft. Brilliant pressure built up along the base of Xander's spine and his balls tingled as waves of pleasure washed across his skin like low electric sparks. 

Xander's eyes rolled back in his head and his toes curled as he gripped the slick tile wall as hard and he could. And Spike just kept slam-slam-slamming into him, nailing his prostate like a nail with a hammer and the pleasure built up into a white-hot ecstasy that he couldn't hold back. It rolled up his arms and legs, along his spine and directly into his tightening balls. Throwing his head back, Xander let out a loud echoing yell and came. Hard.

His entire body trembled and his shoulder and arm muscled locked down tightly as his internal channel contracted tightly around his lover's shaft, spasming and quivering with each pulse of semen from his own untouched cock.

"Bloody, mo'fucking *hell*, Xan!"

And then Spike slammed deep inside him one last time, his own cool seed pumping into Xander's body as he clutched onto the trembling human tightly. Xander's harsh panting was loud even over the pounding of the now lukewarm water running over them heads and Spike's subsonic rumbling of pleasure and contentment deep in his chest sent wonderfully delightful vibrations throughout Xander's entire body. 

For a long moment, they both stood there immobile, just clutching at each other and the walls of the shower stall, but then Spike slowly released Xander and pulled back. With a wet sounding squelch of slick flesh, his lover's softening cock slid back out of his body and they were once again two separate people. Xander sighed at the loss.

Standing back up straight, Xander shrugged his shoulders once to push away any residual stiffness caused by holding himself up and then turned around to face his lover. Spike was a beautiful sight all wet and flushed from sex. A smile of pure happiness slid across Xander's face and he reached out to pull his lover into his arms.

"Love you, you bonehead."

"Yeah? I love you too, you bloody nancy boy."

They grinned at each other and then shared a long deep kiss, tongues twining around their mates as taste and affection was given and taken easily and freely. After a long moment they pulled back, breaking the kiss. The next several minutes were spent in a sensual haze of warm water and slippery soapy hands that rubbed and caressed each other's body. They soaped and cleaned the other while delighting in the feel of their lover's hands roaming over their own body.

Finally, they were clean and Xander turned off the water. Spike opened the shower door and they stepped out in a rolling cloud of steam that instantly fogged the bathroom mirror. Ruefully, Xander knew that Spike didn't care about that. A quick teeth cleaning and then the vampire was off to bed. Xander on the other hand still had to shave.

By the time that Xander had finished drying his body and maneuvered his way closer to their one tiny sink, he found that Spike had all ready started brushing his teeth. With Xander's toothbrush. Heaving an overly dramatic sigh of the long suffering, Xander offered up his version of Spike's patented 'annoyed growl' and grabbed his lover's toothbrush instead of his own. Spike just gave him a foamy minty scented smirk at his display of displeasure. Silently, Xander vowed to himself that he *would* one day housebreak his vampire.

After what seemed like forever, Spike finally vacated the bathroom so that Xander could shave. Wiping off the mirror with his towel, Xander opened up the medicine cabinet for his shaving cream. It wasn't there. A slight frown creeping up to steal the place of his smile, Xander stepped back and bent down to check under the sink for more. None there either. His frown deepened. 

A sneaking suspicion creeping up on him, Xander checked the trash bin. There it was. His can of shaving cream. Reaching down, he plucked the can out of the trash and shook it. Empty. His frown deepening into a scowl, Xander exited the bathroom and walked into the bedroom where Spike was putting fresh sheets on the bed and unfolding his 'keep me cuddly and warm all day long' electric blanket that Xander had given him last year for his unbirthday. Clearing his throat to get his lover's attention, Xander held up the empty can of shaving cream as 'Exhibit A'.

"Um...why is my shaving cream empty? I mean, I know that *I* didn't use the last of it and *you* don't need to shave. So, I reiterate, *why* is it empty?"

Spike shot him his most innocent 'how could you *ever* think it was *me* who did that dastardly deed' look, which considering he was a member of the walking evil dead, wasn't very innocent looking at all.

"It wasn't *me* that did it, luv. And if you happen across a hairless long-tailed hissing and angry animal, it isn't the Coleman's cat from down the hall." 

Xander sputtered in shock and indignation for a long moment, but when he couldn't figure out if he was more angry that Spike had shaved the neighbor's cat or that he hadn't replaced the can of shaving cream, he simply turned on his heel and left the bedroom. 

Once in the bathroom again, Xander tossed the empty can back into the trash bin and then stared at his reflection in the mirror. He had two choices here. He could try and shave with soap and risk bleeding to death from a thousand tiny nicks and cuts or he could walk around all day looking like a scruffy bum. Finally Xander decided to go with the scruffy look. After all, not being able to lick Xander's bleeding cheeks clean would be a sort of punishment to Spike for not replacing the shaving cream...or for shaving the neighbor's cat. Which ever Xander eventually decided was the worst crime.

With a sigh, Xander headed back to their bedroom to get dressed for work. Spike was all ready ensconced in a cocoon of fluffy blankets with only the top of his blonde head peeking out. He looked adorable and Xander had to sternly remind himself that Spike had done a 'bad thing' with his precious shaving cream. Of course, the delightful 'I've-just-been-very-well-fucked' throbbing in his ass made it hard to stay angry, but Xander figured that he only had to wait until he walked out the front door before he could let the huge face splitting smile that wanted to emerge come out.

Glancing at the clock, Xander realized that they had spent more time in the shower than he had originally thought and hurriedly pulled on a clean pair of boxers and his jeans. He grabbed a plain white t-shirt and threw a blue and brown plaid flannel shirt over it. Experience had taught him that layers were the key to dressing for construction work. The day started at an ungodly early hour, so it was usually quite chilly. But then by noon he was roasting, so he would take off his flannel and just wear the t-shirt.

Grabbing a pair of clean socks out of the drawer, Xander turned around and peeled back the very edge of the pile of blankets to expose his lover's face. One sleepy blue eye peeled open and gazed up at him.

"I'm getting ready to go now. I'll see you this afternoon. Try not to abuse and frighten any more of the neighbor's pets, will ya?"

Spike's answer was a cheeky grin.

"That's what I thought."

Xander tried to frown his best 'I-am-not-amused' frown, but it came out as a soft and loving smile. Giving it up as lost and silently acknowledging to himself that he was very neatly wrapped around Spike's little pinky, Xander leaned down and pressed one last kiss on his lover's lush lips. He lingered for a moment, enjoying the feel and taste of Spike's mouth, the he pulled away with a slightly regretful sigh.

"Gotta go, bonehead. Sexy dreams, man."

"Yeah. Don't go cutting off any important bits, pet. I'll be taking inventory later."

Xander chuckled and turned to go. On his way out the bedroom door, he flicked off the light and walked to the living room to put on his socks and boots. Then, he grabbed his tool belt and was out the door.


Big Tony, one of the men on Xander's crew sauntered up to him, a steaming hot cup of Circle K coffee in one hand and smirked.

"So...Xan? How was *you* morning today?"

Xander chuckled ruefully and grinned at his friend and coworker.

"Well...let's see. Last night Spike apparently spilled the lube all over the alarm clock. I didn't know about it until this morning when I turned the damn thing off. That was... eewwww."

There was a couple snickers and a couple agreements that finding old sticky lube on *anything* was 'eewwww'.

"Then I tripped over a mess and knocked the wind out of myself. Oh and the coffee machine hadn't been programmed right, so I had no coffee first thing in the morning."

There was a round of clucking and tisking sympathy at the thought of a morning sans coffee. Many of the crew were convinced it was unhealthy to drink anything but coffee all day at work and beer all night at home. Those guys were aghast at the idea of a coffeeless morning.

To top it all off, Spike used up the last of my shaving cream yesterday afternoon while shaving the neighbor's cat. Needless to say, he *didn't* replace it which is why I look like a bum."

This revelation got a loud round of snickers and chuckles. Xander's crew *loved* his 'guess-what-Spike-did-this-time' stories. Xander had a feeling that with a few more details, the cat-shaving episode could be turned into another crew legend.

"Oh! And I got laid in the shower. I *love* mornings. Don't you?"